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The TicS5 (Translocon at the inner envelope membrane of chloroplasts, 55 kDa) protein was identified in pea as a putative regulator, possibly linking chloroplast protein import to the redox state of the photosynthetic machinery. Two Tic55 homologs have been proposed to exist in Arabidopsis: atTic55-11 and AtPTC52 (Protochlorophyllide-dependent Trans- Iocon Component, 52 kDa; has also been called atTic55-1V). Our phylogenetic analysis shows that attic55-11 is an ortholog of psTic55 from pea (Pisum sativurn), and that AtPTC52 is a more distant homolog of the two. AtPTC52 was included in this study to rule out possible functional links between the proteins in Arabidopsis. No detectable mutant phenotypes were found in two independent T-DNA knockout mutant plant lines for each Arabidopsis protein, when compared with wild- type: visible appearance, chlorophyll content, photosynthetic performance, and chloroplast protein import, for example, were all normal. Both wild-type and tic55-11 mutant chloroplasts exhibited deficient protein import when treated with diethylpyrocarbonate, indicating that Tic55 is not the sole target of this reagent in relation to protein import. Furthermore, ptc52 mutant chloroplasts were not defective with respect to pPORA import, which was previously reported to involve PTC52 in barley. Thus, we conclude that atTic55-11 and AtPTC52 are not strictly required for functional protein import in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Two components of the chloroplast envelope, Tic20 and Tic22, were previously identified as candidates for components of the general protein import machinery by their ability to covalently cross-link to nuclear-encoded preproteins trapped at an intermediate stage in import across the envelope (Kouranov, A., and D.J. Schnell. 1997. J. Cell Biol. 139:1677–1685). We have determined the primary structures of Tic20 and Tic22 and investigated their localization and association within the chloroplast envelope. Tic20 is a 20-kD integral membrane component of the inner envelope membrane. In contrast, Tic22 is a 22-kD protein that is located in the intermembrane space between the outer and inner envelope membranes and is peripherally associated with the outer face of the inner membrane. Tic20, Tic22, and a third inner membrane import component, Tic110, associate with import components of the outer envelope membrane. Preprotein import intermediates quantitatively associate with this outer/inner membrane supercomplex, providing evidence that the complex corresponds to envelope contact sites that mediate direct transport of preproteins from the cytoplasm to the stromal compartment. On the basis of these results, we propose that Tic20 and Tic22 are core components of the protein translocon of the inner envelope membrane of chloroplasts.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic chloroplast is the hallmark organelle of green plants. During the endosymbiotic evolution of chloroplasts, the vast majority of genes from the original cyanobacterial endosymbiont were transferred to the host cell nucleus. Chloroplast biogenesis therefore requires the import of nucleus-encoded proteins from their site of synthesis in the cytosol. The majority of proteins are imported by the activity of Toc and Tic complexes located within the chloroplast envelope. In addition to chloroplasts, plants have evolved additional, non-photosynthetic plastid types that are essential components of all cells. Recent studies indicate that the biogenesis of various plastid types relies on distinct but homologous Toc-Tic import pathways that have specialized in the import of specific classes of substrates. These different import pathways appear to be necessary to balance the essential physiological role of plastids in cellular metabolism with the demands of cellular differentiation and plant development.  相似文献   

During protein import into chloroplasts, one of the Hsp70 proteins in pea (Hsp70-IAP), previously reported to localize in the intermembrane space of chloroplasts, was found to interact with the translocating precursor protein but the gene for Hsp70-IAP has not been identified yet. In an attempt to identify the Arabidopsis homolog of Hsp70-IAP, we employed an in vitro protein import assay to determine the localization of three Arabidopsis Hsp70 homologs (AtHsp70-6 through 8), predicted for chloroplast targeting. AtHsp70-6 and AtHsp70-7 were imported into chloroplasts and processed into similar-sized mature forms. In addition, a smaller-sized processed form of AtHsp70-6 was observed. All the processed forms of both AtHsp70 proteins were localized in the stroma. Organelle-free processing assays revealed that the larger processed forms of both AtHsp70-6 and AtHsp70-7 were cleaved by stromal processing peptidase, whereas the smaller processed form of AtHsp70-6 was produced by an unspecified peptidase.  相似文献   

The Tic20 protein was identified in pea (Pisum sativum) as a component of the chloroplast protein import apparatus. In Arabidopsis, there are four Tic20 homologues, termed atTic20‐I, atTic20‐IV, atTic20‐II and atTic20‐V, all with predicted topological similarity to the pea protein (psTic20). Analysis of Tic20 sequences from many species indicated that they are phylogenetically unrelated to mitochondrial Tim17‐22‐23 proteins, and that they form two evolutionarily conserved subgroups [characterized by psTic20/atTic20‐I/IV (Group 1) and atTic20‐II/V (Group 2)]. Like psTic20, all four Arabidopsis proteins have a predicted transit peptide consistent with targeting to the inner envelope. Envelope localization of each one was confirmed by analysis of YFP fusions. RT‐PCR and microarray data revealed that the four genes are expressed throughout development. To assess the functional significance of the genes, T‐DNA mutants were identified. Homozygous tic20‐I plants had an albino phenotype that correlated with abnormal chloroplast development and reduced levels of chloroplast proteins. However, knockouts for the other three genes were indistinguishable from the wild type. To test for redundancy, double and triple mutants were studied; apart from those involving tic20‐I, none was distinguishable from the wild type. The tic20‐I tic20‐II and tic20‐I tic20‐V double mutants were albino, like the corresponding tic20‐I parent. In contrast, tic20‐I tic20‐IV double homozygotes could not be identified, due to gametophytic and embryonic lethality. Redundancy between atTic20‐I and atTic20‐IV was confirmed by complementation analysis. Thus, atTic20‐I and atTic20‐IV are the major functional Tic20 isoforms in Arabidopsis, with partially overlapping roles. While the Group 2 proteins have been conserved over approximately 1.2 billion (1.2 × 109) years, they are not essential for normal development.  相似文献   

The NADPH-dependent protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) oxidoreductase (POR) is a photoenzyme that requires light for its catalytic activity and uses Pchlide itself as a photoreceptor. In Arabidopsis there are three PORs denoted PORA, PORB and PORC. The PORA and PORB genes are strongly expressed early in seedling development. In contrast to PORB the import of PORA into plastids of cotyledons is substrate-dependent and organ-specific. These differences in the import reactions between PORA and PORB most likely are due to different import mechanisms that are responsible for the uptake of these proteins. The two major core constituents of the translocon of the outer plastid envelope, Toc159 and Toc34, have been implicated in the binding and recognition of precursors of nuclear-encoded plastid proteins. Their involvement in conferring substrate dependency and organ specificity of PORA import was analyzed in intact Arabidopsis seedlings of wild type and the three mutants ppi3, ppi1 and ppi2 that are deficient in atToc34, atToc33, a closely related isoform of atToc34, and atToc159. Whereas none of these three Toc constituents is required for maintaining the organ specificity and substrate dependency of PORA import, atToc33 is indispensable for the import of PORB in cotyledons and true leaves suggesting that in these parts of the plant translocation of PORA and PORB occurs via two distinct import pathways. The analysis of PORA and PORB import into plastids of intact seedlings revealed an unexpected multiplicity of import routes that differed by their substrate, cell, tissue and organ specificities. This versatility of pathways for protein targeting to plastids suggests that in intact seedlings not only the constituents of the core complex of import channels but also other factors are involved in mediating the import of nuclear-encoded plastid proteins.  相似文献   

利用反向遗传学研究方法对1个预测的拟南芥叶绿体未知功能基因At3g61870编码蛋白进行了亚细胞定位研究.通过克隆At3g61870基因5′端长229 bp的DNA片段,与绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)基因构建重组表达载体pMON530-CP-TP-GFP,经农杆菌介导转化拟南芥.转基因植株的叶肉细胞经激光共聚焦显微镜观察,叶绿素自发荧光与GFP荧光共定位于叶绿体中.结果表明,未知功能基因At3g61870编码的蛋白质为叶绿体蛋白质.  相似文献   

Chloroplasts were isolated from Arabidopsis plants grown under different conditions, and using different protocols, to determine a method that would yield chloroplasts capable of binding and importing precursor proteins. Chloroplasts isolated from protoplasts and purified on a Percoll gradient were highly import-competent, with little non-specific binding of the precursor, and a high yield of intact chloroplasts (0.1 mg chlorophyll/g FW). Chloroplasts from plants grown on agar plates had a much higher rate of import than those from plants grown on soil. Protein import remained high at all of the ages tested for chloroplasts from plate-grown plants, whereas it declined during the development of soil-grown plants. Arabidopsis chloroplasts imported a range of precursor proteins and had nucleotide requirements for binding and import similar to those reported for pea chloroplasts.  相似文献   

The chloroplast is the site of photosynthesis and many other essential plant metabolic processes, and chloroplast development is an integral part of plant growth and development. Mutants defective in chloroplast development can display various color phenotypes including the intriguing virescence phenotype, which shows yellow/white coloration at the leaf base and greening toward the leaf tip. Through large scale genetic screens, we identified a series of new virescent mutants including virescent3-1 (vir3-1), vir4-1, and vir5-1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. We showed that VIR3 encodes a putative chloroplast metalloprotease by map-based cloning. Through site-directed mutagenesis, we showed that the conserved histidine 235 residue in the zinc binding motif HEAGH of VIR3 is indispensable for VIR3 accumulation in the chloroplast. The chloroplast localization of VIR3 was confirmed by the transient expression of VIR3-GFP in leaf protoplasts. Furthermore, taking advantage of transgenic lines expressing VIR3-FLAG, we demonstrated that VIR3 is an intrinsic thylakoid membrane protein that mainly resides in the stromal lamellae. Moreover, topology analysis using transgenic lines expressing a dual epitope-tagged VIR3 indicated that both the N and C termini of VIR3 are located in the stroma, and the catalytic domain of VIR3 is probably facing the stroma. Blue native gel analysis indicated that VIR3 is likely present as a monomer or part of a small complex in the thylakoid membrane. This work not only implicates VIR3 as a new factor involved in early chloroplast development but also provides more insight into the roles of chloroplast proteases in chloroplast biogenesis.  相似文献   

A large number of plastid localized proteins are post-translationally imported as precursor proteins from the cytosol into the organelle. Recognition and translocation is accomplished by a subset of chloroplast envelope proteins, which were identified by different but complementary methods. The o uter e nvelope p roteins OEP 86, OEP 75, OEP 70 (a heat shock cognate 70 homologue) and OEP 34 are clearly involved in the import event and can be isolated as one functionally active translocation unit. For three of these proteins cDNA clones have been very recently obtained, namely OEP 86, OEP 75 and OEP 34. OEP 86 seems to be a precursor protein receptor which could be regulated by GTP binding and ATP-dependent phosphorylation-dephosphorylation. OEP 75 is part of the translocation pore traversing the membrane in multiple β-sheets. OEP 34 is tightly associated with OEP 75. It represents a new type of GTP-binding protein which possesses endogenous GTPase activity. Multiple GTP binding and hydrolysis cycles as well as protein phosphorylation-dephosphorylation events might, therefore, regulate the interaction of a precursor protein with the translocation machinery of the outer envelope, making it very distinct from the mitochondrial outer membrane system. Further proteins of the inner envelope membrane, namely IEP 97 and IEP 36, have been implied to function in the translocation event. These recent data allow not only identification of the players in the game but also speculation about mechanisms and regulation of translocation.  相似文献   

拟南芥中已有466个PPR蛋白,已有研究证实许多PPR蛋白参与细胞器基因表达的转录后调节,但大部分PPR蛋白分子作用机制尚不清楚.Delayed greening 1(DG1)是定位于叶绿体中的的PPR蛋白,研究结果证实该蛋白是通过与SIG6因子相互作用降低PEP转录活性从而影响叶绿体早期发育.本研究利用拟南芥Dg1基因功能缺陷型突变体研究了DG1蛋白对光系统蛋白复合体组成及其光转化效率的影响.77K荧光发射光谱分析发现dg1突变体幼叶PSII中电子传递速度明显低于野生型,而成熟叶片与野生型基本一致;蓝绿温和胶分析结果表明:相对于野生型在dg1突变体新生叶中PSII、PS玉及其超聚复合物含量均有不同程度降低;进一步温和胶二向电泳及蛋白免疫印迹分析显示,在dg1突变体新生叶中,由叶绿体编码的光系统蛋白复合物组成亚基含量显著降低,而核编码复合物组成亚基含量与野生型相比没有明显区别.上述实验结果进一步确定了DG1蛋白是通过调控叶绿体编码基因的表达进而调节光系统复合物的生物合成与组装,最终影响拟南芥叶绿体早期发育.因此,我们认为DG1蛋白对于叶绿体发育早期光合蛋白的合成是必需的.  相似文献   

DNA sequencing was performed on up to 12 chloroplast DNA regions [giving a total of 4288 base pairs (bp) in length] from the allopolyploid Arabidopsis suecica (48 accessions) and its two parental species, A. thaliana (25 accessions) and A. arenosa (seven accessions). Arabidopsis suecica was identical to A. thaliana at all 93 sites where A. thaliana and A. arenosa differed, thus showing that A. thaliana is the maternal parent of A. suecica. Under the assumption that A. thaliana and A. arenosa separated 5 million years ago, we estimated a substitution rate of 2.9 x 10(-9) per site per year in noncoding single copy sequence. Within A. thaliana we found 12 substitution (single bp) and eight insertion/deletion (indel) polymorphisms, separating the 25 accessions into 15 haplotypes. Eight of the A. thaliana accessions from central Sweden formed one cluster, which was separated from a cluster consisting of central European and extreme southern Swedish accessions. This latter cluster also included the A. suecica accessions, which were all identical except for one 5 bp indel. We interpret this low level of variation as a strong indication that A. suecica effectively has a single origin, which we dated at 20 000 years ago or more.  相似文献   

The atToc33 protein is one of several pre‐protein import receptors in the outer envelope of Arabidopsis chloroplasts. It is a GTPase with motifs characteristic of such proteins, and its loss in the plastid protein import 1 (ppi1) mutant interferes with the import of photosynthesis‐related pre‐proteins, causing a chlorotic phenotype in mutant plants. To assess the significance of GTPase cycling by atToc33, we generated several atToc33 point mutants with predicted effects on GTP binding (K49R, S50N and S50N/S51N), GTP hydrolysis (G45R, G45V, Q68A and N101A), both binding and hydrolysis (G45R/K49N/S50R), and dimerization or the functional interaction between dimeric partners (R125A, R130A and R130K). First, a selection of these mutants was assessed in vitro, or in yeast, to confirm that the mutations have the desired effects: in relation to nucleotide binding and dimerization, the mutants behaved as expected. Then, activities of selected mutants were tested in vivo, by assessing for complementation of ppi1 in transgenic plants. Remarkably, all tested mutants mediated high levels of complementation: complemented plants were similar to the wild type in growth rate, chlorophyll accumulation, photosynthetic performance, and chloroplast ultrastructure. Protein import into mutant chloroplasts was also complemented to >50% of the wild‐type level. Overall, the data indicate that neither nucleotide binding nor dimerization at atToc33 is essential for chloroplast import (in plants that continue to express the other TOC receptors in native form), although both processes do increase import efficiency. Absence of atToc33 GTPase activity might somehow be compensated for by that of the Toc159 receptors. However, overexpression of atToc33 (or its close relative, atToc34) in Toc159‐deficient plants did not mediate complementation, indicating that the receptors do not share functional redundancy in the conventional sense.  相似文献   

Two Arabidopsis Toc34 homologues, atToc34 and atToc33, components of the chloroplast protein import machinery located in the outer envelope membrane, were recently isolated. Both proteins insert into the outer envelope, are supposed to bind GTP and to interact with Toc75 as demonstrated by in vitro import assays. We studied the expression of the two genes by RNA gel blot analysis, promoter-GUS plants and in situ hybridisations as well as immunoblot analysis. The atToc34 and atToc33 genes are expressed in green as well as non-green tissues and are developmentally regulated. Despite these similarities, however, the two Arabidopsis Toc34 homologues are differentially expressed in various plant organs. To gain more insight into the in vivo function of both proteins, antisense plants were created. While antisense plants of atToc33 are characterized by a pale yellowish phenotype, antisense plants of atToc34 show a weaker phenotype. Protein interaction studies using an in vitro translated precursor protein and heterologously expressed atToc34 and atToc33 proteins showed a direct GTP-dependent interaction, but demonstrated different affinities of the two atToc proteins towards the precursor protein. Thus, our results indicate a more specialized function for both atToc34 and atToc33, suggesting specificity for certain imported precursor proteins.  相似文献   

Most of the mitochondrial and chloroplastic proteins are synthesized in the cytosol as precursor proteins carrying an N-terminal targeting peptide (TP) directing them specifically to a correct organelle. However, there is a group of proteins that are dually targeted to mitochondria and chloroplasts using an ambiguous N-terminal dual targeting peptide (dTP). Here, we have investigated pattern properties of import determinants of organelle-specific TPs and dTPs combining mathematical multivariate data analysis (MVDA) with in vitro organellar import studies. We have used large datasets of mitochondrial and chloroplastic proteins found in organellar proteomes as well as manually selected data sets of experimentally confirmed organelle-specific TPs and dTPs from Arabidopsis thaliana. Two classes of organelle-specific TPs could be distinguished by MVDA and potential patterns or periodicity in the amino acid sequence contributing to the separation were revealed, dTPs were found to have intermediate sequence features between the organelle-specific TPs. Interestingly, introducing positively charged residues to the dTPs showed clustering towards the mitochondrial TPs in silico and resulted in inhibition of chloroplast, but not mitochondrial import in in vitro organellar import studies. These findings suggest that positive charges in the N-terminal region of TPs may function as an 'avoidance signal' for the chloroplast import.  相似文献   

T ranslocon at the o uter envelope membrane of c hloroplasts, 34  kDa (Toc34) is a GTP-binding component of the protein import apparatus within the outer envelope membrane of plastids. The Arabidopsis genome encodes two homologues of Toc34, designated atToc33 and atToc34. In this report, we describe the identification and characterization of two atToc34 knockout mutants, plastid protein import 3-1 ( ppi3-1 ) and ppi3-2 . Aerial tissues of the ppi3 mutants appeared similar to the wild type throughout development, and contained structurally normal chloroplasts that were able to efficiently import the Rubisco small subunit precursor (prSS) in vitro . The absence of an obvious ppi3 phenotype in green tissues presumably reflects the ability of atToc33 to substitute for atToc34 in the mutant, and the relatively high level of expression of the atTOC33 gene in these tissues. In the roots, where atTOC33 is expressed at a much lower level, significant growth defects were observed in both mutants: ppi3 roots were approximately 20–30% shorter than wild-type roots. Attempts to identify a double homozygote lacking atToc34 and atToc33 (by crossing the ppi3 mutants with ppi1 , an atToc33 knockout mutant) were unsuccessful, indicating that the function provided by atToc33/atToc34 is essential during early development. Plants that were homozygous for ppi1 and heterozygous for ppi3 displayed a chlorotic phenotype much more severe than that of the ppi1 single mutant. Furthermore, the siliques of these plants contained approximately 25% aborted seeds, indicating that the double homozygous mutation is embryo lethal. The data demonstrate that atToc33/atToc34 performs a central and essential role during plastid protein import, and indicate that the atToc34 isoform is relatively more important for plastid biogenesis in roots.  相似文献   

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The import of protein into chloroplasts is mediated by translocon components located in the chloroplast outer (the Toc proteins) and inner (the Tic proteins) envelope membranes. To identify intermediate steps during active import, we used sucrose density gradient centrifugation and blue-native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (BN-PAGE) to identify complexes of translocon components associated with precursor proteins under active import conditions instead of arrested binding conditions. Importing precursor proteins in solubilized chloroplast membranes formed a two-peak distribution in the sucrose density gradient. The heavier peak was in a similar position as the previously reported Tic/Toc supercomplex and was too large to be analyzed by BN-PAGE. The BN-PAGE analyses of the lighter peak revealed that precursors accumulated in at least two complexes. The first complex migrated at a position close to the ferritin dimer (approximately 880 kDa) and contained only the Toc components. Kinetic analyses suggested that this Toc complex represented an earlier step in the import process than the Tic/Toc supercomplex. The second complex in the lighter peak migrated at the position of the ferritin trimer (approximately 1320 kDa). It contained, in addition to the Toc components, Tic110, Hsp93, and an hsp70 homolog, but not Tic40. Two different precursor proteins were shown to associate with the same complexes. Processed mature proteins first appeared in the membranes at the same fractions as the Tic/Toc supercomplex, suggesting that processing of transit peptides occurs while precursors are still associated with the supercomplex.  相似文献   

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