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The mandibular arch (BA1) is critical for craniofacial development. The distal region of BA1, which gives rise to most of the mandible, is dependent upon an optimal level of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling. BMP activity is modulated in the extracellular space by BMP-binding proteins such as Twisted gastrulation (TWSG1). Twsg1−/− mice have a spectrum of craniofacial phenotypes, including mandibular defects that range from micrognathia to agnathia. At E9.5, the distal region of the mutant BA1 was prematurely and variably fused with loss of distal markers eHand and Msx1. Expression of proximal markers Fgf8 and Barx1 was expanded across the fused BA1. The expression of Bmp4 and Msx2 was preserved in the distal region, but shifted ventrally. While wild type embryos showed a gradient of BMP signaling with higher activity in the distal region of BA1, this gradient was disrupted and shifted ventrally in the mutants. Thus, loss of TWSG1 results in disruption of the BMP4 gradient at the level of signaling activity as well as mRNA expression. Altered distribution of BMP signaling leads to a shift in gene expression and increase in apoptosis. The extent of apoptosis may account for the variable degree of mandibular defects in Twsg1 mutants.  相似文献   

In the developing vertebrate embryo, proper dorsal-ventral patterning relies on BMP antagonists secreted by the organizer during gastrulation. The BMP antagonist chordin has a complex interaction with BMPs that is governed in part by its interaction with the secreted protein twisted gastrulation (tsg). In different contexts, tsg has activity as either a BMP agonist or as a BMP antagonist. Using morpholino oligonucleotides in Xenopus tropicalis, we show that reducing tsg gene product results in a ventralized embryo, and that tsg morphants specifically lack a forebrain. We provide new evidence that tsg acts as a BMP antagonist during X. tropicalis gastrulation since the tsg depletion phenotype can be rescued in two ways: by chordin overexpression and by BMP depletion. We conclude that tsg acts as a BMP antagonist in the context of the frog gastrula, and that it acts cooperatively with chordin to establish dorsal structures and particularly forebrain tissue during development.  相似文献   

Esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal fistula (EA/TEF) is a serious human birth defect, in which the esophagus ends before reaching the stomach, and is aberrantly connected with the trachea. Several mouse models of EA/TEF have recently demonstrated that proper dorsal/ventral (D/V) patterning of the primitive anterior foregut endoderm is essential for correct compartmentalization of the trachea and esophagus. Here we elucidate the pathogenic mechanisms underlying the EA/TEF that occurs in mice lacking the BMP antagonist Noggin, which display correct dorsal/ventral patterning. To clarify the mechanism of this malformation, we use spatiotemporal manipulation of Noggin and BMP receptor 1A conditional alleles during foregut development. Surprisingly, we find that the expression of Noggin in the compartmentalizing endoderm is not required to generate distinct tracheal and esophageal tubes. Instead, we show that Noggin and BMP signaling attenuation are required in the early notochord to correctly resolve notochord cells from the dorsal foregut endoderm, which in turn, appears to be a prerequisite for foregut compartmentalization. Collectively, our findings support an emerging model for a mechanism underlying EA/TEF in which impaired notochord resolution from the early endoderm causes the foregut to be hypo-cellular just prior to the critical period of compartmentalization. Our further characterizations suggest that Noggin may regulate a cell rearrangement process that involves reciprocal E-cadherin and Zeb1 expression in the resolving notochord cells.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) have been shown to regulate both osteoblasts and osteoclasts. We previously reported that BMP2 could directly enhance RANKL-mediated osteoclast differentiation by increasing the size and number of osteoclasts. Similarly, genetic deletion of the BMP antagonist Twisted gastrulation (TWSG1) in mice, resulted in an enhancement of osteoclast formation, activity and osteopenia. This was accompanied by increased levels of phosphorylated Smad (pSmad) 1/5/8 in Twsg1(-/-) osteoclasts in vitro. The purpose of this study was to develop an adenoviral vector overexpressing Twsg1 as a means of inhibiting osteoclast activity. We demonstrate that overexpressing TWSG1 in primary osteoclasts decreased the size and number of multinuclear TRAP-positive osteoclasts, expression of osteoclast genes, and resorption ability. Overexpression of TWSG1 did not affect osteoclast proliferation or apoptosis. However, overexpression of TWSG1 decreased the levels of pSmad 1/5/8 in osteoclasts. Addition of exogenous BMP2 to osteoclasts overexpressing TWSG1 rescued the size and levels of pSmad 1/5/8 compared to cultures infected with a control virus. Finally, TWSG1 overexpression in osteoclasts isolated from the Twsg1(-/-) mice rescued size of the osteoclasts while further addition of exogenous BMP2 reversed the effect of TWSG1 overexpression and increased the size of the osteoclasts similar to control virus infected cells. Taken together, we demonstrate that overexpressing TWSG1 in osteoclasts via an adenoviral vector results in inhibition of osteoclastogenesis and may provide a potential therapy for inhibiting osteoclast activity in a localized manner.  相似文献   

Craniofacial and cardiac development relies on the proper patterning of the neural crest-derived ectomesenchyme of the pharyngeal arches, from which many craniofacial and great vessel structures arise. One of the intercellular signaling molecules that is involved in this process, endothelin-1 (ET-1), is expressed in the arch epithelium and influences arch development by binding to its cognate receptor, the endothelin A (ET(A)) receptor, found on ectomesenchymal cells. We have previously shown that absence of ET(A) signaling in ET(A)(-/-) mouse embryos disrupts neural crest cell development, resulting in craniofacial and cardiovascular defects similar in many aspects to those in mouse models of DiGeorge syndrome. These changes may reflect a cell-autonomous requirement for ET(A) signaling during crest cell development because the ET(A) receptor is an intracellular signaling molecule. However, it is also possible that some of the observed defects in ET(A)(-/-) embryos could arise from the absence of downstream signaling that act in a non-cell-autonomous manner. To address this question, we performed chimera analysis using ET(A)(-/-) embryonic stem cells. We observe that, in almost all early ET(A)(-/-) --> (+/+) chimeric embryos, ET(A)(-/-) cells are excluded from the caudoventral aspects of the pharyngeal arches, suggesting a cell-autonomous role for ET(A) signaling in crest cell migration and/or colonization. Interestingly, in the few embryos in which mutant cells do reach the ventral arch, structures derived from this area are either composed solely of wild type cells or are missing, suggesting a second cell-autonomous role for ET(A) signaling in postmigratory crest cell differentiation. In the cardiac outflow tract and great vessels, ET(A)(-/-) cells are excluded from the walls of the developing pharyngeal arch arteries, indicating that ET(A) signaling also acts cell-autonomously during cardiac neural crest cell development.  相似文献   

BMPRIA is a receptor for bone morphogenetic proteins with high affinity for BMP2 and BMP4. Mouse embryos lacking Bmpr1a fail to gastrulate, complicating studies on the requirements for BMP signaling in germ layer development. Recent work shows that BMP4 produced in extraembryonic tissues initiates gastrulation. Here we use a conditional allele of Bmpr1a to remove BMPRIA only in the epiblast, which gives rise to all embryonic tissues. Resulting embryos are mosaics composed primarily of cells homozygous null for Bmpr1a, interspersed with heterozygous cells. Although mesoderm and endoderm do not form in Bmpr1a null embryos, these tissues are present in the mosaics and are populated with mutant cells. Thus, BMPRIA signaling in the epiblast does not restrict cells to or from any of the germ layers. Cells lacking Bmpr1a also contribute to surface ectoderm; however, from the hindbrain forward, little surface ectoderm forms and the forebrain is enlarged and convoluted. Prechordal plate, early definitive endoderm, and anterior visceral endoderm appear to be expanded, likely due to defective morphogenesis. These data suggest that the enlarged forebrain is caused in part by increased exposure of the ectoderm to signaling sources that promote anterior neural fate. Our results reveal critical roles for BMP signaling in endodermal morphogenesis and ectodermal patterning.  相似文献   

Xoom has been identified as a novel gene that plays an important role in gastrulation of Xenopus laevis embryo. Although Xoom is actively transcribed during oogenesis, distribution and function of its translation product have not yet been clarified. In the present study, the polyclonal antibody raised against Xoom was generated to investigate a behavior of Xoom protein. Anti-Xoom antibodies revealed that there are two forms of Xoom protein in Xenopus embryos: (i) a 45 kDa soluble cytoplasmic form; and (ii) a 44 kDa membrane-associated form. Two forms of Xoom protein were ubiquitously detected from unfertilized egg to tadpole stage, with a qualitative peak during blastula and gastrula stages. Immunohistochemical examination showed that Xoom protein is maternally stored in the animal subcortical layer and divided into presumptive ectodermal cells during cleavage stages. Enzymatic digestion of membrane protein and immunologic detection of Xoom showed that Xoom exists as a membrane-associated protein. To examine a function of Xoom protein, anti-Xoom antibodies were injected into blastocoele of stage 7 blastula embryo. Anti-Xoom antibodies caused gastrulation defect in a dose- dependent manner. These results suggest that maternally prepared Xoom protein is involved in gastrulation movement on ectodermal cells.  相似文献   

The tetraspanin family of four-pass transmembrane proteins has been implicated in fundamental biological processes, including cell adhesion, migration, and proliferation. Tetraspanins interact with various transmembrane proteins, establishing a network of large multimolecular complexes that allows specific lateral secondary interactions. Here we report the identification and functional characterization of Xenopus Tetraspanin-1 (xTspan-1). At gastrula and neurula, xTspan-1 is expressed in the dorsal ectoderm and neural plate, respectively, and in the hatching gland, cement gland, and posterior neural tube at tailbud stages. The expression of xTspan-1 in the early embryo is negatively regulated by bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) and stimulated by Notch signals. Microinjection of xTspan-1 mRNA interfered with gastrulation movements and reduced ectodermal cell adhesion in a cadherin-dependent manner. Morpholino knock-down of endogenous xTspan-1 protein revealed a requirement of xTspan-1 for gastrulation movements and primary neurogenesis. Our data suggest that xTspan-1 could act as a molecular link between BMP signalling and the regulation of cellular interactions that are required for gastrulation movements and neural differentiation in the early Xenopus embryo.  相似文献   

《Cell Stem Cell》2023,30(6):851-866.e7
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A critical question in mammalian development is how the forebrain is established. In amphibians, bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) antagonism emanating from the gastrula organizer is key. Roles of BMP antagonism and the organizer in mammals remain unclear. Anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) promotes early mouse head development, but its function is controversial. Here, we explore the timing and regulation of forebrain establishment in the mouse. Forebrain specification requires tissue interaction through the late streak stage of gastrulation. Foxa2(-/-) embryos lack both the organizer and its BMP antagonists, yet about 25% show weak forebrain gene expression. A similar percentage shows ectopic AVE gene expression distally. The distal VE may thus be a source of forebrain promoting signals in these embryos. In wild-type ectoderm explants, AVE promoted forebrain specification, while anterior mesendoderm provided maintenance signals. Embryological and molecular data suggest that the AVE is a source of active BMP antagonism in vivo. In prespecification ectoderm explants, exogenous BMP antagonists triggered forebrain gene expression and inhibited posterior gene expression. Conversely, BMP inhibited forebrain gene expression, an effect that could be antagonized by anterior mesendoderm, and promoted expression of some posterior genes. These results lead to a model in which BMP antagonism supplied by exogenous tissues promotes forebrain establishment and maintenance in the murine ectoderm.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2023,58(16):1477-1488.e5
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BMP signaling is one of the key pathways regulating craniofacial development. It is involved in the early patterning of the head, the development of cranial neural crest cells, and facial patterning. It regulates development of its mineralized structures, such as cranial bones, maxilla, mandible, palate, and teeth. Targeted mutations in the mouse have been instrumental to delineate the functional involvement of this signaling network in different aspects of craniofacial development. Gene polymorphisms and mutations in BMP pathway genes have been associated with various non-syndromic and syndromic human craniofacial malformations. The identification of intricate cellular interactions and underlying molecular pathways illustrate the importance of local fine-regulation of Bmp signaling to control proliferation, apoptosis, epithelial-mesenchymal interactions, and stem/progenitor differentiation during craniofacial development. Thus, BMP signaling contributes both to shape and functionality of our facial features. BMP signaling also regulates postnatal craniofacial growth and is associated with dental structures life-long. A more detailed understanding of BMP function in growth, homeostasis, and repair of postnatal craniofacial tissues will contribute to our ability to rationally manipulate this signaling network in the context of tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Cranial neural crest cells (NCCs) play an intimate role in craniofacial development. Multiple signaling cascades participate in patterning cranial NCCs, some of which are regulated by endothelin-A receptor (Ednra) signaling. Ednra−/− embryos die at birth from severe craniofacial defects resulting from disruption of neural crest cell patterning and differentiation. These defects include homeotic transformation of lower jaw structures into upper jaw-like structures, suggesting that some cephalic NCCs alter their “identity” in the absence of Ednra signaling. To elucidate the temporal necessity for Ednra signaling in vivo, we undertook two strategies. We first used a conditional knockout strategy in which mice containing a conditionally targeted Ednra allele (Ednrafl) were bred with mice from the Hand2-Cre and Wnt1-Cre transgenic mouse strains, two strains in which Cre expression occurs at different time periods within cranial NCCs. In our second approach, we used an Ednra-specific antagonist to treat wild type pregnant mice between embryonic days E8.0 and E10.0, a time frame encompassing the early migration and proliferation of cranial NCCs. The combined results suggest that Ednra function is crucial for NCC development between E8.25 and E9.0, a time period encompassing the arrival of NCCs in the arches and/or early post-migratory patterning. After this time period, Ednra signaling is dispensable. Interestingly, middle ear structures are enlarged and malformed in a majority of Ednrafl/fl;Wnt1-Cre embryos, instead resembling structures found in extinct predecessors of mammals. These observations suggest that the advent of Ednra signaling in cranial NCCs may have been a crucial event in the evolution of the mammalian middle ear ossicles.  相似文献   

Kusakabe M  Nishida E 《The EMBO journal》2004,23(21):4190-4201
Par (partitioning-defective) genes were originally identified in Caenorhabditis elegans as determinants of anterior/posterior polarity. However, neither their function in vertebrate development nor their action mechanism has been fully addressed. Here we show that two members of Par proteins, 14-3-3 (Par-5) and atypical PKC (aPKC), regulate the serine/threonine kinase Par-1 to control Xenopus gastrulation. We find first that Xenopus Par-1 (xPar-1) is essential for gastrulation but not for cell fate specification during early embryonic development. We then find that xPar-1 binds to 14-3-3 in an aPKC-dependent manner. Our analyses identify two aPKC phosphorylation sites in xPar-1, which are essential for 14-3-3 binding and for proper gastrulation movements. The aPKC phosphorylation-dependent binding of xPar-1 to 14-3-3 does not markedly affect the kinase activity of xPar-1, but induces relocation of xPar-1 from the plasma membranes to the cytoplasm. Finally, we show that Xenopus aPKC and its binding partner Xenopus Par-6 are also essential for gastrulation. Thus, our results identify a requirement of Par proteins for Xenopus gastrulation and reveal a novel interrelationship within Par proteins that may provide a general mechanism for spatial control of Par-1.  相似文献   

Telomere biology in mammalian germ cells and during development   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The development of an organism is a strictly regulated program in which controlled gene expression guarantees the establishment of a specific phenotype. The chromosome termini or so-called telomeres preserve the integrity of the genome within developing cells. In the germline, during early development, and in highly proliferative organs, human telomeres are balanced between shortening processes with each cell division and elongation by telomerase, but once terminally differentiated or mature the equilibrium is shifted to gradual shortening by repression of the telomerase enzyme. Telomere length is to a large extent genetically determined and the neonatal telomere length equilibrium is, in fact, a matter of evolution. Gradual telomere shortening in normal human somatic cells during consecutive rounds of replication eventually leads to critically short telomeres that induce replicative senescence in vitro and probably in vivo. Hence, a molecular clock is set during development, which determines the replicative potential of cells during extrauterine life. Telomeres might be directly or indirectly implicated in longevity determination in vivo, and information on telomere length setting in utero and beyond should help elucidate presumed causal connections between early growth and aging disorders later in life. Only limited information exists concerning the mechanisms underlying overall telomere length regulation in the germline and during early development, especially in humans. The intent of this review is to focus on recent advances in our understanding of telomere biology in germline cells as well as during development (pre- and postimplantation periods) in an attempt to summarize our knowledge about telomere length determination and its importance for normal development in utero and the occurrence of the aging and abnormal phenotype later on.  相似文献   

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