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Sequence specificity in the dimerization of transmembrane alpha-helices.   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
While several reports have suggested a role for helix-helix interactions in membrane protein oligomerization, there are few direct biochemical data bearing on this subject. Here, using mutational analysis, we show that dimerization of the transmembrane alpha-helix of glycophorin A in a detergent environment is spontaneous and highly specific. Very subtle changes in the side-chain structure at certain sensitive positions disrupt the helix-helix association. These sensitive positions occur at approximately every 3.9 residues along the helix, consistent with their comprising the interface of a closely fit transmembranous supercoil of alpha-helices. By contrast with other reported cases of interactions between transmembrane helices, the set of interfacial residues in this case contains no highly polar groups. Amino acids with aliphatic side chains define much of the interface, indicating that precise packing interactions between the helices may provide much of the energy for association. These data highlight the potential general importance of specific interactions between the hydrophobic anchors of integral membrane proteins.  相似文献   

To quantify the relationship between sequence and transmembrane dimer stability, a systematic mutagenesis and thermodynamic study of the protein-protein interaction residues in the glycophorin A transmembrane helix-helix dimer was carried out. The results demonstrate that the glycophorin A transmembrane sequence dimerizes when its GxxxG motif is abolished by mutation to large aliphatic residues, suggesting that the sequence encodes an intrinsic propensity to self-associate independent of a GxxxG motif. In the presence of an intact GxxxG motif, the glycophorin A dimer stability can be modulated over a span of -0.5 kcal mol(-1) to +3.2 kcal mol(-1) by mutating the surrounding sequence context. Thus, these flanking residues play an active role in determining the transmembrane dimer stability. To assess the structural consequences of the thermodynamic effects of mutations, molecular models of mutant transmembrane domains were constructed, and a structure-based parameterization of the free energy change due to mutation was carried out. The changes in association free energy for glycophorin A mutants can be explained primarily by changes in packing interactions at the protein-protein interface. The energy cost of removing favorable van der Waals interactions was found to be 0.039 kcal mol(-1) per A2 of favorable occluded surface area. The value corresponds well with estimates for mutations in bacteriorhodopsin as well as for those mutations in the interiors of soluble proteins that create packing defects.  相似文献   

Here we present evidence that domains in soluble proteins containing either the GXXXG or GXXXA motif are stabilized by the interaction of a beta-strand with the following alpha-helix. As an example, we characterized a beta-strand-helix interaction from the FAD or NAD(P)-binding Rossmann fold. The Rossmann fold is one of the three most highly represented folds in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). A subset of the proteins that adopt the Rossmann fold also bind to nucleotide cofactors such as FAD and NAD(P) and function as oxidoreductases. These Rossmann folds can often be identified by the short amino acid sequence motif, GX(1-2)GXXG. Here, we present evidence that in addition to this sequence motif, Rossmann folds that bind FAD and NAD(P) also typically contain either GXXXG or GXXXA motifs, where the first glycyl residue of these motifs and the third glycyl residue of the GX(1-2)GXXG motif are the same residue. These two motifs appear to stabilize the Rossmann fold: the first glycyl residue of either the GXXXG or GXXXA motif contacts the carbonyl oxygen atom from the first glycyl residue of the GX(1-2)GXXG motif consistent with the formation of a C(alpha)-H cdots, three dots, centered O hydrogen bond. In addition, both the glycyl and alanyl residues of the GXXXG or GXXXA motifs form van der Waals interactions with either a valine or isoleucine residue located either seven or eight residues further back along the polypeptide chain from the first glycine of the GXXXG or GXXXA motifs. Therefore, we combine both the GX(1-2)GXXG and GXXXG/A motifs into an extended motif, V/IXGX(1-2)GXXGXXXG/A, that is more strongly indicative than previously described motifs of Rossmann folds that bind FAD or NAD(P). The V/IXGX(1-2)GXXGXXXG/A motif can be used to search genomic sequence data and to annotate the function of proteins containing the motif as oxidoreductases, including proteins of previously unknown function.  相似文献   

Although the intrinsic low solubility of membrane proteins presents challenges to their high-resolution structure determination, insight into the amino acid sequence features and forces that stabilize their folds has been provided through study of sequence-dependent helix-helix interactions between single transmembrane (TM) helices. While the stability of helix-helix partnerships mediated by the Gly-xxx-Gly (GG4) motif is known to be generally modulated by distal interfacial residues, it has not been established whether the position of this motif, with respect to the ends of a given TM segment, affects dimer affinity. Here we examine the relationship between motif position and affinity in the homodimers of 2 single-spanning membrane protein TM sequences: glycophorin A (GpA) and bacteriophage M13 coat protein (MCP). Using the TOXCAT assay for dimer affinity on a series of GpA and MCP TM segments that have been modified with either 4 Leu residues at each end or with 8 Leu residues at the N-terminal end, we show that in each protein, centrally located GG4 motifs are capable of stronger helix-helix interactions than those proximal to TM helix ends, even when surrounding interfacial residues are maintained. The relative importance of GG4 motifs in stabilizing helix-helix interactions therefore must be considered not only in its specific residue context but also in terms of the location of the interactive surface relative to the N and C termini of alpha-helical TM segments.  相似文献   

Sequence motifs are responsible for ensuring the proper assembly of transmembrane (TM) helices in the lipid bilayer. To understand the mechanism by which the affinity of a common TM-TM interactive motif is controlled at the sequence level, we compared two well characterized GXXXG motif-containing homodimers, those formed by human erythrocyte protein glycophorin A (GpA, high-affinity dimer) and those formed by bacteriophage M13 major coat protein (MCP, low affinity dimer). In both constructs, the GXXXG motif is necessary for TM-TM association. Although the remaining interfacial residues (underlined) in GpA (LIXXGVXXGVXXT) differ from those in MCP (VVXXGAXXGIXXF), molecular modeling performed here indicated that GpA and MCP dimers possess the same overall fold. Thus, we could introduce GpA interfacial residues, alone and in combination, into the MCP sequence to help decrypt the determinants of dimer affinity. Using both in vivo TOXCAT assays and SDS-PAGE gel migration rates of synthetic peptides derived from TM regions of the proteins, we found that the most distal interfacial sites, 12 residues apart (and approximately 18 A in structural space), work in concert to control TM-TM affinity synergistically.  相似文献   

Both experimental and statistical searches for specific motifs that mediate transmembrane helix-helix interactions showed that two glycine residues separated by three intervening residues (GxxxG) provide a framework for specific interactions. Further work suggested that other motifs of small residues can mediate the interaction of transmembrane domains, so that the AxxxA-motif could also drive strong interactions of alpha-helices in soluble proteins. Thus, all these data indicate that a motif of two small residues in a distance of four might be enough to provide a framework for transmembrane helix-helix interaction. To test whether GxxxG is equivalent to (small)xxx(small), we investigated the effect of a substitution of either of the two Gly residues in the glycophorin A GxxxG-motif by Ala or Ser using the recently developed GALLEX system. The results of this mutational study demonstrate that, while a replacement of either of the two Gly by Ala strongly disrupts GpA homo-dimerization, the mutation to Ser partly stabilizes a dimeric structure. We suggest that the Ser residue can form a hydrogen bond with a backbone carbonyl group of the adjacent helix stabilizing a preformed homo-dimer. While (small)xxx(small) serves as a useful clue, the context of adjacent side-chains is essential for stable helix interaction, so each case must be tested.  相似文献   

To explore the residue interactions in the glycophorin A dimerization motif, an alanine scan double mutant analysis at the helix-helix interface was carried out. These data reveal a combination of additive and coupled effects. The majority of the double mutants are found to be equally or slightly more stable than would be predicted by the sum of the energetic cost of the single-point mutants. The proximity of the mutated sites is not related to the presence of coupling between those sites. Previous studies reveal that a single face of the glycophorin A monomer contains a specific glycine-containing motif (GxxxG) that is thought to be a driving force for the association of transmembrane helices. Double mutant cycles suggest that the relationship of the GxxxG motif to the remainder of the helix-helix interface is complex. Sequences containing mutations that abolish the GxxxG motif retain an ability to dimerize, while a sequence containing a GxxxG motif appears unable to form dimers. The energetic effects of weakly coupled and additive double mutants can be explained by changes in van der Waals interactions at the dimer interface. These results emphasize the fact that the sequence context of the dimer interface modulates the strength of the glycophorin A GxxxG-mediated transmembrane dimerization reaction.  相似文献   

Side-to-side associations of transmembrane alpha-helices are integral components of the structure and function of helical membrane proteins. A fundamental unknown in the understanding of the chemical principles driving the lateral interactions between transmembrane alpha-helices is the balance of forces arising from the polypeptide sequence versus the hydrophobic solvent. To begin to address this question, a consideration of basic thermodynamic principles has been applied to assess the experimental free energy change associated with transmembrane helix dimerization in micelles. This analysis demonstrates the ability to partition the apparent free energy of transmembrane helix-helix association into two components. The first component is a statistical energy term, which arises from the fact that there are an unequal number of reactants and products. The second component is a standard state free energy change, which informs on the molecular details of the transmembrane helix self-association reaction. The advantage of separating these two energy terms arises from the fact that extrapolation to the standard state free energy change normalizes the statistical energy term so that it applies equivalently in all experimental systems. Accompanying experimental results for the glycophorin A transmembrane alpha-helix dimer measured in micelles are well described by these theoretical components assuming an ideal-dilute solution.  相似文献   

Polar residues in transmembrane alpha-helices may strongly influence the folding or association of integral membrane proteins. To test whether a motif that promotes helix association in a soluble protein could do the same within a membrane, we designed a model transmembrane helix based on the GCN4 leucine zipper. We found in both detergent micelles and biological membranes that helix association is driven strongly by asparagine, independent of the rest of the hydrophobic leucine and/or valine sequence. Hydrogen bonding between membrane helices gives stronger associations than the packing of surfaces in glycophorin A helices, creating an opportunity to stabilize structures, but also implying a danger that non-specific interactions might occur. Thus, membrane proteins may fold to avoid exposure of strongly hydrogen bonding groups at their lipid exposed surfaces.  相似文献   

To find motifs that mediate helix-helix interactions in membrane proteins, we have analyzed frequently occurring combinations of residues in a database of transmembrane domains. Our analysis was performed with a novel formalism, which we call TMSTAT, for exactly calculating the expectancies of all pairs and triplets of residues in individual sequences, taking into account differential sequence composition and the substantial effect of finite length in short segments. We found that the number of significantly over and under-represented pairs and triplets was much greater than the random expectation. Isoleucine, glycine and valine were the most common residues in these extreme cases. The main theme observed is patterns of small residues (Gly, Ala and Ser) at i and i+4 found in association with large aliphatic residues (Ile, Val and Leu) at neighboring positions (i.e. i+/-1 and i+/-2). The most over-represented pair is formed by two glycine residues at i and i+4 (GxxxG, 31.6 % above expectation, p<1x10(-33)) and it is strongly associated with the neighboring beta-branched residues Ile and Val. In fact, the GxxxG pair has been described as part of the strong interaction motif in the glycophorin A transmembrane dimer, in which the pair is associated with two Val residues (GVxxGV). GxxxG is also the major motif identified using TOXCAT, an in vivo selection system for transmembrane oligomerization motifs. In conjunction with these experimental observations, our results highlight the importance of the GxxxG+beta-branched motif in transmembrane helix-helix interactions. In addition, the special role for the beta-branched residues Ile and Val suggested here is consistent with the hypothesis that residues with constrained rotameric freedom in helical conformation might reduce the entropic cost of folding in transmembrane proteins. Additional material is available at http://engelman.csb.yale. edu/tmstat and http://bioinfo.mbb.yale. edu/tmstat.  相似文献   

Fusion between cell and virus membranes mediated by gp41 initiates the life cycle of human immunodeficiency virus type 1. In contrast to the many studies that have elucidated the structure-function relationship of the ectodomain, the study of the membrane-spanning domain (MSD) has been rather limited. In particular, the role that the MSD's specific amino acid sequences may have in membrane fusion as well as other gp41 functions is not well understood. The MSD of gp41 contains well-conserved glycine residues that form the GXXXG motif (G, glycine; X, other amino acid residues), a motif often found at the helix-helix interface of membrane spanning alpha-helices. Here we examined the role that the specific amino acid sequence of the gp41 MSD has in gp41 function, particularly in membrane fusion, by making two types of MSD mutants: (i) glycine substitution mutants in which glycine residues of the MSD were mutated to alanine or leucine residues, and (ii) replacement mutants in which the entire MSD was replaced with one derived from glycophorin A or from vesicular stomatitis virus G. The substitution of glycines did not affect gp41 function. MSD-replacement mutants, however, showed severely impaired fusion activity. The assay using the Env expression vector revealed defects in membrane fusion after CD4 binding steps in the MSD-replacement mutants. In addition, the change in Env processing was noted for MSD-replacement mutants. These results suggest that the MSD of gp41 has a relatively wide but not unlimited tolerance for mutations and plays a critical role in membrane fusion as well as in other steps of Env biogenesis.  相似文献   

Hydrophobic organization: Determination of the structure of the bacterial photosynthetic reaction center, bacterial porins, and bacteriorhodopsin allows a comparison of the basic structural features of integral membrane proteins. Structure parameters of membrane- and water-soluble proteins are surprisingly similar, given the different dielectric environments, except for the polarity of residues on the protein surface. Hydrophobic and electrostatic forces: 1) Intramembrane helix-helix interactions that are sensitive to small structure changes can dictate assembly of membrane proteins, as indicated by reconstitution of bacteriorhodopsin from proteolytic fragments and specific dimer formation of the human erythrocyte sialoglycoprotein glycophorin A. 2) Electrostatic interactions have an important role in determining the trans-membrane orientation of integral membrane proteins of the bacterial inner membrane, as expressed by the "positive-inside" rule for the distribution of basic residues on the cis relative to the trans side of the membrane-spanning alpha-helices. The use of this charge asymmetry rule, in conjunction with a hydrophobicity algorithm for prediction of membrane-spanning domains, allows accurate prediction of the folding patterns of such polypeptides across the membrane. A role of electrostatic interactions in assembly and maintenance of the structure of oligomeric integral membrane protein complexes is also implied by the separation and extrusion from the membrane, at high pH, of the major hydrophobic subunits of the cytochrome b6f complex from the chloroplast thylakoid membrane. It is inferred that the hydrophobic helix-helix interactions between the subunits of this complex, whose function is electron transfer and proton translocation, are relatively weak compared to those in bacteriorhodopsin.  相似文献   

Cuthbertson JM  Bond PJ  Sansom MS 《Biochemistry》2006,45(48):14298-14310
The glycophorin helix dimer is a paradigm for the exploration of helix-helix interactions in integral membrane proteins. Two NMR structures of the dimer are known, one in a detergent micelle and one in a lipid bilayer. Multiple (4 x 50 ns) molecular dynamics simulations starting from each of the two NMR structures, with each structure in either a dodecyl phosphocholine (DPC) micelle or a dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) bilayer, have been used to explore the conformational dynamics of the helix dimer. Analysis of the helix-helix interaction, mediated by the GxxxG sequence motif, suggests convergence of the simulations to a common model. This is closer to the NMR structure determined in a bilayer than to micelle structure. The stable dimer interface in the final simulation model is characterized by (i) Gly/Gly packing and (ii) Thr/Thr interhelix H-bonds. These results demonstrate the ability of extended molecular dynamics simulations in a lipid bilayer environment to refine membrane protein structures or models derived from experimental data obtained in protein/detergent micelles.  相似文献   

Kobus FJ  Fleming KG 《Biochemistry》2005,44(5):1464-1470
The recently cloned colon carcinoma kinase 4 (CCK4) oncogene contains an evolutionarily conserved GxxxG motif in its single transmembrane domain (TMD). It has previously been suggested that this pairwise glycine motif may provide a strong driving force for transmembrane helix-helix interactions. Since CCK4 is thought to represent a new member of the receptor tyrosine kinase family, interactions between the TMDs may be important in receptor self-association and activation of signal transduction pathways. To determine whether this conserved CCK4 TMD can drive protein-protein interactions, we have carried out a thermodynamic study using the TMD expressed as a Staphylococcal nuclease (SN) fusion protein. Similar SN-TMD fusion proteins have been used to determine the sequence specificity and thermodynamics of transmembrane helix-helix interactions in a number of membrane proteins, including glycophorin A. Using sedimentation equilibrium in C14 betaine micelles, we discovered that the CCK4 TMD is unable to drive strong protein-protein interactions. At high protein/detergent ratios, the SN-CCK4 fusion protein will dimerize, but a stochastic model for protein association in micelles can explain the observed dimer population. For low-affinity interactions such as the one studied here, an understanding of this discrete stochastic distribution of membrane proteins in micelles is important for distinguishing between preferential and random self-interactions, which can both influence the oligomeric population. The lack of a thermodynamically meaningful self-association propensity for the CCK4 TMDs demonstrates that a GxxxG motif is not sufficient to drive transmembrane helix-helix interactions.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) can form dimeric or oligomeric complexes in vivo. However, the functions and mechanisms of oligomerization remain poorly understood for most GPCRs, including the alpha-factor receptor (STE2 gene product) of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we provide evidence indicating that alpha-factor receptor oligomerization involves a GXXXG motif in the first transmembrane domain (TM1), similar to the transmembrane dimerization domain of glycophorin A. Results of fluorescence resonance energy transfer, fluorescence microscopy, endocytosis assays of receptor oligomerization in living cells, and agonist binding assays indicated that amino acid substitutions affecting the glycine residues of the GXXXG motif impaired alpha-factor receptor oligomerization and biogenesis in vivo but did not significantly impair agonist binding affinity. Mutant receptors exhibited signaling defects that were not due to impaired cell surface expression, indicating that oligomerization promotes alpha-factor receptor signal transduction. Structure-function studies suggested that the GXXXG motif in TM1 of the alpha-factor receptor promotes oligomerization by a mechanism similar to that used by the GXXXG dimerization motif of glycophorin A. In many mammalian GPCRs, motifs related to the GXXXG sequence are present in TM1 or other TM domains, suggesting that similar mechanisms are used by many GPCRs to form dimers or oligomeric arrays.  相似文献   

The F(1)F(0)-ATP synthase enzyme is located in the inner mitochondrial membrane, where it forms dimeric complexes. Dimerization of the ATP synthase involves the physical association of the neighboring membrane-embedded F(0)-sectors. In yeast, the F(0)-sector subunits g and e (Su g and Su e, respectively) play a key role in supporting the formation of ATP synthase dimers. In this study we have focused on Su g to gain a better understanding of the function and the molecular organization of this subunit within the ATP synthase complex. Su g proteins contain a GXXXG motif (G is glycine, and X is any amino acid) in their single transmembrane segment. GXXXG can be a dimerization motif that supports helix-helix interactions between neighboring transmembrane segments. We demonstrate here that the GXXXG motif is important for the function and in particular for the stability of Su g within the ATP synthase. Using site-directed mutagenesis and cross-linking approaches, we demonstrate that Su g and Su e interact, and our findings emphasize the importance of the membrane anchor regions of these proteins for their interaction. Su e also contains a conserved GXXXG motif in its membrane anchor. However, data presented here would suggest that an intact GXXXG motif in Su g is not essential for the Su g-Su e interaction. We suggest that the GXXXG motif may not be the sole basis for a Su g-Su e interaction, and possibly these dimerization motifs may enable both Su g and Su e to interact with another mitochondrial protein.  相似文献   

Starting from the glycophorin A dimer structure determined by NMR, we performed simulations of both dimer and monomer forms in explicit lipid bilayers with constant normal pressure, lateral area, and temperature using the CHARMM potential. Analysis of the trajectories in four different lipids reveals how lipid chain length and saturation modulate the structural and energetic properties of transmembrane helices. Helix tilt, helix-helix crossing angle, and helix accessible volume depend on lipid type in a manner consistent with hydrophobic matching concepts: the most relevant lipid property appears to be the bilayer thickness. Although the net helix-helix interaction enthalpy is strongly attractive, analysis of residue-residue interactions reveals significant unfavorable electrostatic repulsion between interfacial glycine residues previously shown to be critical for dimerization. Peptide volume is nearly conserved upon dimerization in all lipid types, indicating that the monomeric helices pack equally well with lipid as dimer helices do with one another. Enthalpy calculations indicate that the helix-environment interaction energy is lower in the dimer than in the monomer form, when solvated by unsaturated lipids. In all lipid environments there is a marked preference for lipids to interact with peptide predominantly through one rather than both acyl chains. Although our trajectories are not long enough to allow a full thermodynamic treatment, these results demonstrate that molecular dynamics simulations are a powerful method for investigating the protein-protein, protein-lipid, and lipid-lipid interactions that determine the structure, stability and dynamics of transmembrane alpha-helices in membranes.  相似文献   

We investigated the possible role of residues at the Ccap position in an alpha-helix on protein stability. A set of 431 protein alpha-helices containing a C'-Gly from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) was analyzed, and the normalized frequencies for finding particular residues at the Ccap position, the average fraction of buried surface area, and the hydrogen bonding patterns of the Ccap residue side-chain were calculated. We found that on average the Ccap position is 70% buried and noted a significant correlation (R=0.8) between the relative burial of this residue and its hydrophobicity as defined by the Gibbs energy of transfer from octanol or cyclohexane to water. Ccap residues with polar side-chains are commonly involved in hydrogen bonding. The hydrogen bonding pattern is such that, the longer side-chains of Glu, Gln, Arg, Lys, His form hydrogen bonds with residues distal (>+/-4) in sequence, while the shorter side-chains of Asp, Asn, Ser, Thr exhibit hydrogen bonds with residues close in sequence (<+/-4), mainly involving backbone atoms. Experimentally we determined the thermodynamic propensities of residues at the Ccap position using the protein ubiquitin as a model system. We observed a large variation in the stability of the ubiquitin variants depending on the nature of the Ccap residue. Furthermore, the measured changes in stability of the ubiquitin variants correlate with the hydrophobicity of the Ccap residue. The experimental results, together with the statistical analysis of protein structures from the PDB, indicate that the key hydrophobic capping interactions between a helical residue (C3 or C4) and a residue outside the helix (C", C3' or C4') are frequently enhanced by the hydrophobic interactions with Ccap residues.  相似文献   

One hundred twenty globular proteins and forty five "leucine zippers" representing all types of packing of long alpha-helices were studied in terms of revealing and comparing their interhelical hydrogen and salt bonds. Many previous studies of "leucine zippers" and their analogs showed that interhelical interactions between polar groups could impart specificity to packing of an alpha-helix. The current comparison demonstrated that basically, globular proteins and "leucine zippers" had similar interhelical polar interactions with presumably a similar structural role. However, depending on packing of alpha-helices, the networks of interhelical polar bonds were shown to be distinct and determined both by physicochemical properties of involved amino acid residues and by the relative positions of hydrophobic and hydrophilic residues on the surface of alpha-helices. The revealed distinction is probably crucial for selecting the unique packing of an alpha-helix.  相似文献   

In order to identify strong transmembrane helix packing motifs, we have selected transmembrane domains exhibiting high-affinity homo-oligomerization from a randomized sequence library based on the right-handed dimerization motif of glycophorin A. Sequences were isolated using the TOXCAT system, which measures transmembrane helix-helix association in the Escherichia coli inner membrane. Strong selection was applied to a large range of sequences ( approximately 10(7) possibilities) and resulted in the identification of sequence patterns that mediate high-affinity helix-helix association. The most frequent motif isolated, GxxxG, occurs in over 80% of the isolates. Additional correlations suggest that flanking residues act in concert with the GxxxG motif, and that size complementarity is maintained at the interface, consistent with the idea that the identified sequence patterns represent packing motifs. The convergent identification of similar sequence patterns from an analysis of the transmembrane domains in the SwissProt sequence database suggests that these packing motifs are frequently utilized in naturally occurring helical membrane proteins.  相似文献   

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