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  • 1.1. Adult Emerita talpoida were subjected to 25 temperature-salinity combinations within the range of 5–35°C and 15–65‰.
  • 2.2. E. talpoida tolerated 15–65‰ salinity at 20°C and below.
  • 3.3. Optimum salinity for survival at stressful temperatures was 40‰.
  • 4.4. Crabs transferred directly from one salinity to another experienced changes in osmoconcentration toward that of the new salinity.
  • 5.5. Temperature modified the rate of change toward the experimental salinity. Q values averaged 1.2.

Using radioimmunoassay (RIA) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), the presence of a complex mixture of free and conjugated ecdysteroids is reported in the embryonated eggs of a mole crab,Emerita asiatica. From an initial low value of 6.5 ng/g egg wet weight in stage I, the total ecdysteroids increased in concentration to 15.2 ng/g egg wet weight in stage III. This was followed by a sharp fall in stage IV, but again increased to 15.0 ng/g egg wet weight in stage VI. After a further decline in stage VII, the total ecdysteroids registered the highest value of 36.2 ng/g egg wet weight in stage VIII. This value, however, declined to a low level in the prehatching stage (IX). The concentration of the free ecdysteroids always predominated over the conjugated ones. The HPLC analysis of free ecdysteroids demonstrated the presence of 20-hydroxyecdysone and ecdysone in the ratio of 2.5. Purified lipovitellin II also contained free and conjugated ecdysteroids. The functional significance of the embryonic ecdysteroids as well as their nature of synthesis and storage within the eggs is discussed in the light of the information available on insect embryogenesis.  相似文献   

A peculiarity in the mating habit of E. asiatica resulting in deposition of spermato-phores on immature females has been described and interpreted as heterosexual raping. Pheromonal attraction of the male is apparently not involved, the copulation being indiscriminate.  相似文献   

In this work, we studied the effects of predation by birds on the intertidal mole crab Emerita analoga fouled by macroalgae in a sandy beach of central Peru (11° S). The epibiosis affected mostly the larger animals, especially adult females. Epibiosis prevalence for the entire intertidal population was relatively low (1–2%), however, within the size range affected by epibiosis in the intertidal zone (18–23 mm in carapace length), 20–38% of the animals were fouled. Focal observations of birds showed that fouled animals are preferred over those non-fouled of the same size class and hence the same sex, being consumed at a higher rate than their proportion in the intertidal (Chesson’s alpha index of prey selection >0.96), and estimations of mortality rates indicated that more than 35% of the intertidal fouled animals are removed everyday by birds. The effect of epibiosis may be mainly attributed to a higher burrowing time or an increased visual attractive effect of the algae, which make fouled animals more conspicuous to predatory birds, or because of fouling enhances profitability of the animals. The results show that epibiosis has negative effects on E. analoga through increasing predation by birds, which in turn restricts the distribution and abundance of fouled E. analoga in the intertidal zone.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The oxygen consumption (Vo2) of laboratory reared Emerita talpoida and Libinia emarginata was measured at 5°C intervals (15–35°C).
  • 2.2. The Vo2 of E. talpoida larvae was twice that of similarly sized L. emarginata larvae.
  • 3.3. The maximum Vo2 for both species was at 25°C. but E. talpoida—older than stage III—had maximum rates at 30°C.
  • 4.4. E. talpoida cultured at 25 or 30°C had a similar Vo2.
  • 5.5. Growth, but not molting, stopped at Stage VI zoea in E. talpoida but the Vo2 diminished after these molts.

The mole crab Emerita talpoida migrates with the tide in the swash zone of sand beaches. A circatidal rhythm in vertical swimming underlies movement, in which mature male crabs show peak swimming activity 1-2 h after the time of high tides at the collection site. In addition, there is a secondary rhythm in activity amplitude, in which crabs are maximally active following low amplitude high tides and minimally active following high amplitude high tides. The present study determined the phase response relationship for entrainment of the circatidal rhythm with mechanical agitation and whether the cycle in activity related to tidal amplitude could be entrained by a cycle in the duration of mechanical agitation at the times of consecutive high tides. After entrainment with mechanical agitation on an orbital shaker, activity of individual crabs was monitored in constant conditions with a video system and quantified as the number of ascents from the sand each 0.5 h. Mechanical agitation at the times of high tide, mid-ebb and low tide reset the timing of the circatidal rhythm according to the timing relationship to high tide. However, mechanical agitation during flood tide had no entrainment effect. In addition, a cycle in duration of mechanical agitation entrained the rhythm in activity amplitude associated with tidal amplitude. Both rhythms and entrainment effectiveness over the tidal cycle may function to reduce the likelihood of stranding above the swash zone.  相似文献   

Decapod crustaceans have rhythmic larval release patterns. Inthe case of Rhithropanopeus harrisii substances associated withhatching eggs induce ovigerous crabs to exhibit stereotypiclarval release behavior involving vigorous abdomen pumping.In this study, the pumping response of ovigerous crabs was usedto investigate the chemistry of the substances (pumping factor)that evoke larval release behavior. Pumping was induced by polarsubstances released into sea water upon egg hatching. Pumpingfactor was concentrated and desalted by adsorption chromatographywith Amberlite XAD-7 resin. Size fractionation by cascade pressuredialysis indicated that most of the active material had a mol.wt. <500 daltons. Biological activity was destroyed by incubationof pumping factor with a non-specific protease. Amino acid analysisof hydrolyzed factor indicated that arginine comprised –50%of the amino acids. Pumping responses were elicited experimentallyby abnormally high concentrations of mixtures of the two majoramino acids (arginine and glycine) in the hydrolysate. Theseresults suggest that pumping factor is a heterogeneous groupof small peptides each containing arginine.  相似文献   

Demographic and life‐history attributes of the mole crab Emerita brasiliensis were analysed along 2700 km of the Atlantic coast of South America, including sandy beaches at the southernmost limit (Uruguay) and at the core of its geographical range (Brazil). Population features varied markedly within this range and exhibited systematic geographical patterns of variation. Abundance significantly increased from temperate to subtropical beaches, and the same held true for the asymptotic weight of males. Conversely, length at maturity and asymptotic weight of females increased from subtropical to temperate beaches, being inversely related to sea water temperature. Macroecological patterns in abundance and body weight showed the first large‐scale evidence of scaling of population density to body size for a sandy beach population. Mortality rates (both sexes) followed a nonlinear increase from low‐density temperate beaches to high‐density subtropical beaches. The effect of habitat quality and availability could explain discontinuities in the species distribution within its range, and also differential responses in life‐history attributes at a local scale. Asymmetries and converse latitudinal trends between sexes suggest that there is not a single general factor determining large‐scale patterns in life‐history traits of this species. Our results reinforce the view that density‐dependent and environmental factors operating together regulate sandy beach populations. The need to develop macroecological studies in sandy beach ecology is highlighted, as knowledge acquired from local to large spatial scales throws light on population structure and regulation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Diane M. Perry 《Oecologia》1980,45(3):379-384
Summary Aggregation patterns in Emerita analoga (in southern California) are delineated with respect to their spatial, daily, and seasonal components. Both abiotic and biotic factors are found to be associated with patterns of aggregation. Spatially, E. analoga aggregates from March through September to a significantly greater degree in the upper one-third area of the wash zone where exposure to wave shock and fish predation are probably decreased. Sand crabs are more aggregated on a daily basis during low tides than at high tides. This may be due to differential rates of migration caused by a decrease in the beach slope angle. Two seasonal peak periods of aggregation are present, one in the early spring, and one in the late summer. These periods occur during the times of highest reproductive female abundance. High seasonal intensities of aggregation probably function to facilitate mating through the maintenance of close proximity between males and females. Visual methods and/or quantitative sampling based on visual observations do not adequately reflect patterns of aggregation in E. analoga.  相似文献   

Populations of the sand crab, Emerita analoga, are well establishedon the California coast. However, populations in Oregon occursporadically and appear to be restocked by larvae drifting northfrom California. Due to increased northward transport in winterduring El Niño events, we would expect that larval recruitmentto northern populations should be higher during these periods.This hypothesis was tested by comparing larval abundances betweennon-El Niño and El Niño years, 1997 and 1998,respectively. In 1997, larval abundances and seasonality weresimilar to historical data from 1969–71. First zoeal (Z1)stage larvae were present during these summers, but in low numbers,indicating that E.analoga spawned off the coast of Oregon. In1998, strong larval recruitment from the south occurred, demonstratedby a large number of fifth zoeal stage (Z5) larvae collectedoff Oregon in April and May. The large numbers of Z1 found insummer 1998 indicate that the Z5, which arrived from Californiaearlier that spring, successfully recruited to adulthood andreproduced. These data indicate that Oregon E.analoga populationsare probably dependent on larvae travelling from Californiain the Davidson Current. It follows that this species couldbe used as an indicator of coastal current fluctuations suchas those seen during El Niño events.  相似文献   

Parasites with indirect life cycles require trophic transmission from intermediate hosts to definitive (vertebrate) hosts. Transmission may be facilitated if parasite infection alters the behavior of intermediate hosts such that they are more vulnerable to predation. Vulnerability to predation may also be influenced by abiotic factors; however, rarely are the effects of parasites and abiotic factors examined simultaneously. The swash zone of sandy beaches is a particularly harsh environment. Sand crabs (Emerita analoga) burrow rapidly in the swash zone to avoid predators and dislodgment. We examined prevalence and abundance of the acanthocephalan parasite Profilicollis altmani in sand crabs, and investigated the synergistic effects of sand grain size (an important abiotic factor), parasite infection, body size and reproductive condition on burrowing speed in females, from three California sites. More heavily parasitized crabs burrowed more slowly, making them potentially more vulnerable to predation by marine bird definitive hosts. Ovigerous females harbored more parasites than non-ovigerous females, but burrowed more quickly. All crabs burrowed slowest in the coarsest sand, and burrowing times increased with repeated testing, suggesting that it is energetically costly. Abiotic and biotic factors influence burrowing, and behavioral variation across sites may reflect the response to natural variation in these factors.  相似文献   

Lipovitellin II (Lv II), the major yolk protein of the anomuran crab Emerita asiatica, was purified using heparin-sepharose affinity column chromatography. The purified Lv II was a glycoprotein as it was stainable with periodic acid-Schiff's reagent. Quantitative analysis of sugars showed the presence of fucose, mannose, galactosamine, N-linked oligosaccharides, as well as O-linked oligosaccharides containing N-acetyl hexosamine as the terminal residue. The amount of N-linked oligosaccharides is higher than that of the O-linked oligosaccharides. Biogel P-4 column chromatographic separation of the radiolabeled oligosaccharides of Lv II showed the presence of five different O-linked oligosaccharides and four different N-linked oligosaccharide species. HPTLC separation of the neoglycolipids prepared from the O-linked oligosaccharides also showed the presence of five different O-linked oligosaccharide species. N-linked oligosaccharides contain significant quantities of mannose. Unisil column chromatographic purification in conjunction with HPTLC separation revealed three neutral glycolipid species such as monoglycosylceramide, diglycosylceramide, and triglycosylceramide in the Lv II. The functional significance of these carbohydrate components of the major yolk protein during embryogenesis of the sand crab is discussed.  相似文献   

Ovigerous hermit crabs, Clibanarius vittatus (Bosc), were examined in the laboratory to (1) determine if the time of larval release is a synchronous event, (2) determine the influence of a damaged gastropod shell during the egg hatching process, and (3) describe larval release behaviors. Ovigerous hermit crabs from natural light:dark (LD) and tidal cycles were moved to constant conditions 2-3 days prior to the predicted time of larval release. Larval release was synchronous, occurring near the time of expected sunset. Females with early-stage embryos placed under constant conditions displayed a free-running circadian rhythm, suggesting that the rhythm is under endogenous control. Hermit crabs with early-stage embryos that were placed under a shifted LD cycle (advanced 12 h relative to the ambient photoperiod) before being placed under constant conditions advanced their larval release rhythm by 12 h, indicating the rhythm can be entrained by the LD cycle. Hermit crabs with an intact shell released larvae in bursts at sunset over several consecutive nights (period = 24.2 h). In contrast, hermit crabs with damaged shells released larvae at different times over the course of a single day. Ovigerous females with intact shells exhibit several stereotypical hatching behaviors. The female stands on her walking legs and thrusts her abdomen, moving the shell in an oscillating motion. This movement may assist in breaking the outer membrane of the egg case. The female generates a water current inside the shell with her scaphognathite and mouthparts, which transports the newly hatched larvae out of the shell. Females in damaged shells did not display these behaviors; instead, larval release was a prolonged event with little movement of the female, and often the newly hatched larvae were not viable. These results indicate that an intact shell plays an important role in the hatching process for this hermit crab.  相似文献   

This study investigated the entrainment of a larval release rhythm by determining whether a tidal cycle in hydrostatic pressure could entrain the circatidal rhythm in larval release by the crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould). Ovigerous females were collected from a non-tidal estuary. The time of larval release by individual crabs was monitored under constant conditions with a time-lapse video system. Crabs with mature embryos at the time of collection had a pronounced circadian rhythm in larval release with a free running period of 25.1 h. Crabs with immature embryos that were maintained under constant conditions from the time of collection until larval release retained a weak circadian rhythm. Other crabs with immature embryos were exposed to a tidal cycle in step changes in hydrostatic pressure equivalent to 1 m of water. This cycle entrained a circatidal rhythm in larval release. The free-running period was 12.1 h and larvae were released at the time of the transition from low to high pressure. Although past studies demonstrated that a tidal cycle in hydrostatic pressure could entrain activity rhythms in crustaceans, this is the first study to show that pressure can entrain a larval release rhythm.  相似文献   

Marine and estuarine crabs brood attached eggs, which hatch synchronously releasing larvae at precise times relative to environmental cycles. The subtidal crab Dyspanopeus sayi has a circadian rhythm, in which larvae are released within the 4-h interval after the time of ambient sunset. Previous studies demonstrated that the rhythm can be entrained by the light:dark cycle. Since subtidal crabs are also exposed to temperature fluctuations, an unstudied question was whether the circadian rhythm could be entrained by the diel temperature cycle. To answer this question, ovigerous D. sayi were entrained in darkness to 2.5, 5, and 10 °C temperature cycles that were reverse in phase from the ambient temperature cycle. After entrainment, larval release times were monitored in constant conditions of temperature and darkness with a time-lapse video system. The effectiveness of a temperature cycle to shift the timing of larval release increased as the magnitude of the temperature cycle increased and as crabs were exposed to increasing numbers of entrainment cycles. However, entrainment to a 10 °C cycle only lasted 2 days in constant conditions. When crabs were entrained to a light:dark vs. a 10 °C temperature cycle, the light:dark cycle was dominant for entrainment. Nevertheless, ovigerous crabs do sense temperature cycles and in areas where daylight is too low for entrainment, temperature cycles can be used to regulate the time of larval release.  相似文献   

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