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Cytoskeletons of erythrocytes from the toad Bufo marinus are composed of a surface-associated cytoskeleton that encapsulates the annular bundle of microtubules known as the marginal band (MB) and the centrally located nucleus. As seen by phase-contrast microscopy, the microtubules (MTs) of the MB remain tightly bundled after cell lysis without the need for added stabilizing factors. The integrity of this structure suggested that in addition to MTs other components were present in the MB and were responsible for its stability. Thin (less than 18 nm) platinum-carbon (Pt-C) replicas of freeze-dried cytoskeletons prepared by using a modified Balzers 300 system provided a novel method of sample preparation for a high-resolution study of the ultrastructure of the MB. Electron micrographs of replicas revealed that, the MTs of the MB displayed numerous filamentous projections which, when viewed in stereo, appear as side-arm connections between adjacent MTs. Immunofluorescence data show that monospecific antibodies to tubulin and to MT-associated protein 2 (MAP2) from brain each detect cross-reactive material in the MB. The combination of immunogold cytochemistry with Pt-C replication provided the increased resolution required to identify the individual structures recognized by antibodies to tubulin and MAP2. As expected, antitubulin labeled the MTs of the MB. However, anti-MAP2 antibodies were localized specifically to the cross-bridging filaments between adjacent MTs. Thus, a MAP2-like protein was identified in situ as the crossbridging filament that bundles MTs to form a stable MB.  相似文献   

Hemin-mediated dissociation of erythrocyte membrane skeletal proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Spectrin tetramers and oligomers in normal erythrocytes are cross-linked by actin and protein 4.1 to form a two-dimensional membrane skeletal network. In the present study, we find that hemin, a breakdown product of hemoglobin, progressively (a) alters the conformation of spectrin as revealed by electron microscope studies and by the decreased resistance of spectrin to proteolytic degradation, (b) alters the conformation of protein 4.1 as revealed by the increased mobility of protein 4.1 on nondenaturing gel electrophoresis, (c) weakens spectrin dimer alpha beta-dimer alpha beta, spectrin alpha-spectrin beta, as well as spectrin-protein 4.1 associations as analyzed by nondenaturing gel electrophoresis, and (d) diminishes the structural stability of erythrocyte membrane skeletons (i.e. Triton-insoluble ghost residues) subjected to mechanical shearing. Since hemin may be liberated from oxidized or unstable mutant hemoglobin under pathological conditions, these hemin-induced effects on spectrin, protein 4.1, and membrane skeletal stability may play a role in the membrane lesion of these erythrocytes.  相似文献   

The disruption of erythyrocyte membrane cytoskeletons brought about by treatment with p-mercuribenzene sulphonate (PMBS) has been followed by measurements of turbidity and the binding of 203Hg-labelled PMBS. After pretreatment with N-ethylmaleimide to block readily reactive sulphydryl groups, incubation with [203Hg]PMBS showed incorporation of approximately 4 moles radiolabel per mole of spectrin and one per mole of actin. The incorporation of radiolabel paralleled the decrease in turbidity, and the labelling of spectrin paralleled that of actin. The kinetics were pseudo first order, and the pH dependence of the observed rate constant indicated a normal pKa value for the sulphydryl group involved. The calculated second-order rate constant for the reaction of the sulphydryl anion with PMBS, however, was several orders of magnitude less than expected from model compound studies. The results suggest that association between spectrin and actin may result in the steric hindrance of reactivity of a limited number of sulphydryl groups in each protein. Disruption of the spectrin-actin association may then be linked to the modification of the sulphydryl groups.  相似文献   

Neuronal and glial cytoskeletons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Long-awaited evidence for in vivo functions of the major neuronal microtubule associated proteins indicates that they are directly involved in neurite extension. Companion evidence reveals an intrinsic role for glial intermediate filaments in glial cell extension along neurites and for neurofilaments in establishing axonal caliber. New fluorescence and photoactivation experiments require a re-thinking of models of slow axonal transport and of the part the cytoskeleton plays in axonal guidance.  相似文献   

Force transduction by Triton cytoskeletons   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
Force-initiated signal transduction can occur either via membrane-based ionic mechanisms or through changes in cytoskeletal-matrix linkages. We report here the stretch-dependent binding of cytoplasmic proteins to Triton X-100 cytoskeletons of L-929 cells grown on collagen-coated silicone. Triton X-100-insoluble cytoskeletons were stretched by 10% and incubated with biotinylated cytoplasmic proteins. Analysis with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed stretch-dependent binding of more than 10 cytoplasmic protein spots. Bound cytoplasmic proteins were purified by a photocleavable biotin tag and stretch-dependent binding of paxillin, focal adhesion kinase, and p130Cas was found, whereas the binding of vinculin was unchanged and actin binding decreased with stretch. Paxillin binding upon stretch was morphologically and biochemically similar in vitro and in vivo, that is, enhanced in the periphery and inhibited by the tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor, phenylarsine oxide. Thus, we suggest that transduction of matrix forces occurs through force-dependent conformation changes in the integrated cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

The dynamic ordering of neuronal cytoskeletons   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

Two familial cases in which the saliva Lea levels were seen to dissociate with the donors' red blood cell (RBC) Lewis types are reported. In case 1, the saliva from a donor with an RBC type of Le(a+b-) contained a low level of Lea antigen. A low Lea level was also observed in the saliva from this proband's father who has an RBC type of Le(a+b-). In case 2, the saliva from a donor with an RBC type of Le(a-b+) contained a high level of Lea antigen. High Lea levels were also present in the saliva of this proband's father and brothers with an RBC type of Le(a-b+).  相似文献   

Histones were completely dissociated from their native complex with DNA in 2.0m-sodium chloride. Histone fractions IIb, V and I were dissociated in 1.2m-sodium chloride, fractions V and I in 0.7m-sodium chloride and fraction I in 0.45m-sodium chloride. Repeated extraction of partial dRNP (deoxyribonucleoprotein) preparations with sodium chloride of the same concentration as that from which they were prepared resulted in release of histones that previously had remained associated with the DNA of the complex. Gradual removal of histones from dRNP was paralleled by an improvement in solubility, a decrease in wavelength of the u.v.-absorption minimum, and a fall in sedimentation coefficient of the remaining partial dRNP. X-ray diffraction patterns of partial dRNP preparations showed that removal of histone fractions I and V from dRNP did not destroy the super-coil structure of the dRNP, but further removal of histones did. Infrared spectra of partial dRNP preparations showed that in native dRNP histone fraction I was present in the form of extended, isolated polypeptide chains, and that the other histone fractions probably contain a helical component that lies roughly parallel to the polynucleotide chains in the double helix and an extended polypeptide component that is more nearly parallel to the DNA helix axis. An analysis of the sedimentation of partial dRNP preparations on sucrose gradients showed that native dRNP consists of DNA molecules each complexed with histone fractions of all types.  相似文献   

The structure and motility of the Mollicutes (Spiroplasma, Mycoplasma, and Acholeplasma) are briefly reviewed. The data are presented from the perspective of prokaryotic and eukaryotic motors, cytoskeletons, and cell motility. The Mollicutes are eubacteria derived from Clostridia by regressive evolution and genome reduction to produce the smallest and simplest free-living and self-replicating cells. Structurally, the Mollicutes are characterized by a complete lack of a cell wall and the presence of an internal cytoskeleton. Spiroplasma, which are helical cells with a flat, ribbon-like cytoskeleton, are amenable to structural and geometrical analysis. Motility and shape changes can be explained and modeled by the cytoskeleton acting as a linear motor.  相似文献   

Myosin filaments in cytoskeletons of Dictyostelium amoebae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cytoskeletons were prepared from vegetative amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum by extraction with Triton X-100. The cytoskeletons were suspended in buffers known to induce the assembly or disassembly of myosin filaments. The samples were fixed, and thin sections were examined by transmission electron microscopy. In both types of buffers, myosin-containing cytoskeletons exhibited a ring of densely staining proteinaceous material within the cortical filament matrix; this ring was not observed in myosin-free cytoskeletons. When myosin-containing cytoskeletons were placed in buffers that induced myosin polymerization, the ring appeared as an array of rodlike filaments approximately 13 nm wide and up to 0.5 micron in length--dimensions appropriate for myosin thick filaments. If ATP was added to cytoskeletons containing such filaments, the cytoskeletons contracted and the ring of filaments disappeared. ATP-induced contraction of cytoskeletons was also visualized by indirect immunofluorescence by using monoclonal antibodies to Dictyostelium myosin. All data were consistent with the identification of the protein ring seen by electron microscopy as cortical myosin. Its location and organization were appropriate for the production of cortical contraction through a sliding filament mechanism.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that ubiquitinated red blood cell (RBC) spectrin dissociates more rapidly from the spectrin-adducin-actin ternary complex, than non-ubiquitinated spectrin. Homozygous (SS) sickle cell spectrin has substantially diminished ubiquitination of alpha-spectrin resulting in slower dissociation from the spectrin-adducin-actin ternary complex, than normal (AA) cell spectrin. These results supply a partial explanation of the slow dissociation of the irreversible sickle cell (ISC) membrane skeleton, which leads to the inability of the ISC to change shape.  相似文献   

The disruption of erythyrocyte membrane cytoskeletons brought about by treatment with p-mercuribenzene sulphonate (PMBS) has been followed by measurements of turbidity and the binding of 203Hg-labelled PMBS. After pretreatment with N-ethylmaleimide to block readily reactive sulphydryl groups, incubation with [203Hg]PMBS showed incorporation of approximately 4 moles radiolabel per mole of spectrin and one per mole of actin. The incorporation of radiolabel paralleled the decrease in turbidity, and the labelling of spectrin paralleled that of actin. The kinetics were pseudo first order, and the pH dependence of the observed rate constant indicated a normal pKa value for the sulphydryl group involved. The calculated second-order rate constant for the reaction of the sulphydryl anion with PMBS, however, was several orders of magnitude less than expected from model compound studies. The results suggest that association between spectrin and actin may result in the steric hindrance of reactivity of a limited number of sulphydryl groups in each protein. Disruption of the spectrin-actin association may then be linked to the modification of the sulphydryl groups.  相似文献   

This work examines the extent to which alterations in the composition of the phospholipid bilayer of the erythrocyte membrane influences the stability of the association of the ‘cytoskeletal network’ to the rest of the membrane. Rates of spectrin-actin dissociation at low ionic strength were used as a measure of the stability, and composition of the phospholipid bilayer was altered by the action of the enzyme phospholipase A2. Hydrolysis of all the phosphatidylcholine of the outer leaflet of the bilayer had no effect on dissociation rates, whether or not the hydrolysis products were extracted with albumin. Hydrolysis of inner leaflet phospholipids increased the rates by up to 2-fold if the hydrolysis products were not extracted; for ?50% hydrolysis, the rates were unaffected if the hydrolysis products were extracted. The moderate magnitudes of the increases in dissociation rates indicate that interactions between the ‘cytoskeletal network’ and the phospholipid bilayer are not a decisive factor in maintaining the stability of the membrane, at least under low ionic strength conditions.  相似文献   

Cytochalasin B (CB) quickly distorts the gross morphology of sea urchin petaloid coelomocytes at low (0.1 μg/ml) concentrations and inhibits the cell's ability to morphologically transform to the filopodial form. Neither the ultrastructure nor the biochemical components of these cells are altered during these initial effects. At 10 μg/ml of CB, however, there is evidence of microfilament aggregation into foci after prolonged (30 min) exposure to CB but this is not correlated with a change in cytoskeletal composition or cell morphology.  相似文献   

1. Posttranslational modifications of tubulin by acetylation and detyrosination have been correlated previously with microtubule stability in numerous cell types. 2. In this study, posttranslational modifications of tubulin and their regional distribution within teleost photoreceptor cones and rods are demonstrated immunohistochemically using antibodies specific for acetylated, detyrosinated, or tyrosinated tubulin. 3. Immunolocalization was carried out on isolated whole cones and mechanically detached rod and cone inner/outer segments. 4. Acetylated tubulin within rods and cones is found only in microtubules of the ciliary axoneme of the outer segment. Detyrosinated tubulin is also enriched in axonemes of both rod and cone outer segments. 5. Distributions of tyrosinated and detyrosinated cytoplasmic microtubules differ within cones and rods. In cones, detyrosinated and tyrosinated tubulins are both abundant throughout the cell body. In rods, the ellipsoid and myoid contain much more tyrosinated tubulin than detyrosinated tubulin. Comparisons between whole cones and cone fragments suggest that detyrosinated microtubules are more stable than tyrosinated microtubules in teleost photoreceptors. 6. Our findings provide further evidence that microtubules of teleost cones differ from rod microtubules in their stabilities and rapidity of turnover within the photoreceptor inner segment.  相似文献   

F. W. Spiegel  J. Feldman 《Protoplasma》1991,163(2-3):189-198
Summary The trophic cells of the protostelids,Ceratiomyxella tahitiensis, Cavostelium apophysatum, Planoprotostelium aurantium, andClastostelium recurvatum, and the reduced myxomycete,Echinostelium bisporum, were examined with indirect immunofluorescence to determine the overall structure of the microtubular cytoskeletons of each type of cell. All five species have a distinct flagellar apparatus in the amoeboflagellate state, but they vary with respect to the presence of body microtubules, those microtubules which do not focus on the flagellar apparatus. The obligate amoebae ofC. tahitiensis, C. apophysatum andC. recurvatum all have extensive microtubular cytoskeletons, but each is unique to its respective species. The obligate amoeba ofC. tahitiensis has scattered microtubules which often describe curved paths. The microtubules never appear to focus on MTOCs. The microtubular cytoskeleton ofC. apophysatum consists of relatively straight, rigid appearing microtubules. Small subpopulations of these microtubules radiate from MTOCs near the nucleus. The obligate amoeba ofC. recurvatum has a cytoskeleton consisting of numerous microtubules which radiate from a perinuclear MTOC and fill the body of the cell. These results correlate well with earlier ultrastructural observations which suggest that the amoeboflagellate state is homologous in these mycetozoans and that the obligate amoebae, when present, are unique to the various lineages in which they appear.  相似文献   

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