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Using the tight-seal voltage-clamp method, the ionic currents in the enzymatically dispersed single smooth muscle cells of the guinea pig taenia coli have been studied. In a physiological medium containing 3 mM Ca2+, the cells are gently tapering spindles, averaging 201 (length) x 8 microns (largest diameter in center of cell), with a volume of 5 pl. The average cell capacitance is 50 pF, and the specific membrane capacitance 1.15 microF/cm2. The input impedance of the resting cell is 1-2 G omega. Spatially uniform voltage-control prevails after the first 400 microseconds. There is much overlap of the inward and outward currents, but the inward current can be isolated by applying Cs+ internally to block all potassium currents. The inward current is carried by Ca2+. Activation begins at approximately -30 mV, maximum ICa occurs at +10-+20 mV, and the reversal potential is approximately +75 mV. The Ca2+ channel is permeable to Sr2+ and Ba2+, and to Cs+ moving outwards, but not to Na+ moving inwards. Activation and deactivation are very rapid at approximately 33 degrees C, with time-constants of less than 1 ms. Inactivation has a complex time course, resolvable into three exponential components, with average time constants (at 0 mV) of 7, 45, and 400 ms, which are affected differently by voltage. Steady-state inactivation is half-maximal at -30 mV for all components combined, but -36 mV for the fast component and -26 and -23 mV for the other two components. The presence of multiple forms of Ca2+ channel is inferred from the inactivation characteristics, not from activation properties. Recovery of the fast channel occurs with a time-constant of 72 ms (at +10 mV). Ca2+ influx during an action potential can transfer approximately 9 pC of charge, which could elevate intracellular Ca2+ concentration adequately for various physiological functions.  相似文献   

In single myocytes of the guinea pig taenia coli, dispersed by enzymatic digestion, the late outward current is carried by K+. It has both a Ca2+-activated component and a voltage-dependent component which is resistant to external Co2+. The reversal potential is -84 mV, and the channel(s) for it are highly selective to K+. At 33 degrees C, the activation follows n2 kinetics, with a voltage-dependent time constant of 10.6 ms at 0 mV, which shortens to 1.7 ms at +70 mV. Deactivation follows a single-exponential time course, with a voltage-dependent time constant of 11 ms at -50 mV, which lengthens to 33 ms at -20 mV. During a 4.5-s maintained depolarization, IK inactivates, most of it into two exponential components, but there is a small noninactivating residue. It is surmised that during an action potential under physiological conditions, there is sufficient IK to cause repolarization.  相似文献   

A single submaximal intramural application of rectangular stimuli (duration 0.2–0.5 msec) to an atropine-treated taenia coli muscle band evoked inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSP) and a marked relaxation of the muscle band in the vast majority of muscle cells. The latency period of the IPSP was 122±16 msec; the times for a rise and fall of amplitude were 96±8 and 370±60 msec, respectively. The mean latency period of muscle relaxation was 800 msec. The latency period, and especially the amplitude of the IPSP depended on the intensity of the intramural stimulation. This indicates that one muscle cell is inhibited by several nerve fibers. IPSP evoked by threshold stimuli displayed a tendency toward summation, while the amplitude of the second and of subsequent IPSP evoked by low-frequency maximal stimuli was always less than that of the first IPSP. After periodic stimulation (frequency 10–60 impulses/min) was discontinued, a posttetanic decrease in IPSP amplitude was observed. Anodic polarization of the muscle band with a direct current raised the effectiveness of synaptic transmission, as was evidenced by the considerable increase in IPSP amplitude. When the muscle membrane was hyperpolarized with noradrenaline, IPSP inhibition was reversible. This is evidence that the unknown mediator and noradrenaline have a common ionic inhibitory mechanism.A. A. Bogomol'ts Institute of Physiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 544–551, September–October, 1970.  相似文献   

In an effort to more clearly elucidate the role of cellular structures as calcium sinks and sources in smooth muscle cells, the intracellular distribution of radioactive calcium was evaluated by a new method based on freeze-drying. The guinea pig vas deferens was exposed to a physiological salt solution that contained 45Ca. The muscle was then freeze-dried and prepared for electron microscope autoradiography. The grain density over the plasma membrane, mitochondria, and sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) was significantly greater than that of the matrix. These results suggest that the plasma membrane, mitochondria and SR have the capacity to accumulate calcium. Which of these structures serve as a source of calcium for contraction remains to be determined. A stereological comparison between freeze-dried and conventionally prepared smooth muscles revealed several differences. The cross- sectional area of freeze-dried cells was about twice that of conventionally prepared cells. Moreover, mitochondria and sub-surface vesicles occupied a significantly smaller percentage of the cell in the freeze-dried tissue than they did in the conventionally prepared tissue.  相似文献   

Transmembrane ion currents in isolated single smooth muscle cells (SMC) from the guinea pigtaenia coli were investigated using a whole-cell mode of the patch-clamp technique. Currents induced by depolarizing shifts in the membrane potential from its holding level of −60 mV contained an initial inward phase (Ca2+ current), which in 30–40 msec was followed by an outward phase. It was shown that outward current was carried by K ions and consisted at least of three components: one Ca2+-independent K+ current of delayed rectifier (KV) and two Ca2+-dependent K+ currents. The latter can be further divided into the apamin-sensitive (SK) and charybdotoxin-sensitive (BK) currents. It was found that relative contributions of these three components in total outward current at 0 mV were 35–45%, 5–15%, and 45–55% for KV, SK, and BK currents, respectively. A potential-dependent current carried by Ci ions was also found. This Cl current had inward direction within the range of potentials below the chloride equilibrium potential (E Cl) and outward direction above theE Cl. The magnitude of Cl current was significantly lower than the magnitude of total K+ current.  相似文献   

The configuration of the electrotonic potential and the action potential observed by the double sucrose-gap method was similar to that observed with a microelectrode inserted into a cell in the center pool between the gaps. In the taenia and the ureter, the evoked spike was larger in low Na or in Na-free (sucrose substitute) solution than in normal solution. However, the plateau component in the ureter was suppressed in the absence of Na. In Ca-free solution containing Mg (3–5 mM) and Na (137 mM), the membrane potential and membrane resistance were normal, but no spike could be elicited in both the taenia and ureter. Replacement of Ca with Sr did not affect the spike in the taenia, nor the spike component of the ureter but prolonged the plateau component. The prolonged plateau disappeared on removal of Na, while repetitive spikes could still be evoked. It was concluded that the spike activity in the taenia and in the ureter of the guinea pig is due to Ca entry, that the plateau component in the ureter is due to an increase in the Na conductance of the membrane, and that both mechanisms, for the spike and for the plateau, are separately controlled by Ca bound in the membrane.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were taken from the smooth muscle of the guinea pig trachea, and the effects of intrinsic nerve stimulation were examined. Approximately 50% of the cells had stable resting membrane potentials of -50 +/- 1 mV. The remaining cells displayed spontaneous oscillations in membrane potential, which were abolished either by blocking voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels with nifedipine or by depleting intracellular Ca(2+) stores with ryanodine. In quiescent cells, stimulation with a single impulse evoked an excitatory junction potential (EJP). In 30% of these cells, trains of stimuli evoked an EJP that was followed by oscillations in membrane potential. Transmural nerve stimulation caused an increase in the frequency of spontaneous oscillations. All responses were abolished by the muscarinic-receptor antagonist hyoscine (1 microM). In quiescent cells, nifedipine (1 microM) reduced EJPs by 30%, whereas ryanodine (10 microM) reduced EJPs by 93%. These results suggest that both the release of Ca(2+) from intracellular stores and the influx of Ca(2+) through voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels are important determinants of spontaneous and nerve-evoked electrical activity of guinea pig tracheal smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Vagal innervation of guinea pig bronchial smooth muscle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We isolated the guinea pig right bronchus with the vagus nerves intact and evaluated the changes in isometric tension of the smooth muscle in response to nerve stimulation. Brief (10-s) trains of electrical field stimulation or vagus nerve stimulation caused a biphasic contraction: the "first phase" sensitive to atropine and the "second phase" sensitive to capsaicin. The two phases could be dissociated by adjusting the stimulus intensity; greater stimulus intensities (pulse durations or voltage) were required to evoke the capsaicin-sensitive phase. When stimulated at 30-min intervals, the magnitude of both phases of the contractions declined over a 2-h period of repeated stimulation; however, this was prevented by indomethacin. Stimulation of the left vagus nerve resulted in a monophasic contraction of the right bronchus, with little evidence of a capsaicin-sensitive phase. Blocking neurotransmission through the bronchial ganglion, as monitored by intracellular recording techniques, abolished the first-phase contraction but had no effect on the capsaicin-sensitive phase. Selective blockade of muscarinic M1 receptors had no effect on vagus nerve-mediated contractions. The results demonstrate that the left and right vagus nerves carry preganglionic fibers to the right bronchial ganglion. The right but not the left vagus nerve also carries capsaicin-sensitive afferent fibers that, when stimulated, result in a persistent contraction of the right bronchus. Finally, we provide functional and electrophysiological evidence supporting the hypothesis that capsaicin-sensitive afferent neurons communicate with postganglionic motoneurons within the bronchus.  相似文献   

Cooling of isolated guinea pig tracheal smooth muscle from 38 to 28 degrees C over 2.25 min produced a transient contraction followed by sustained relaxation. The cooling-induced contraction was blocked either by pretreatment with ouabain at concentrations of 10(-5) M or greater or by substitution of normal physiological salt solution with K-free solution. In contrast, the contractile response to cooling was not inhibited by pretreatment with phentolamine (10(-5) M), atropine (10(-5) M), tetrodotoxin (3 X 10(-7) M), diphenhydramine (10(-5) M), cromolyn sodium (10(-3) M), indomethacin (3 X 10(-7) M), nifedipine (10(-7) M), or verapamil (3 X 10(-6) M). Addition of NaHCO3 to the bath during cooling, preventing a change in pH of the physiological salt solution, did not affect the cooling-induced contraction. It is concluded that cooling of isolated guinea pig trachea produces a transient ouabain-sensitive contraction, and that the data suggest the contraction is mediated by inhibition of Na-K-ATPase in the smooth muscle rather than through neuronal stimulation or chemical mediator release.  相似文献   

In concentrations of 10(-9)-10(-7) g/ml acetylcholine increased the tone of the smooth muscles of the longitudinal band of the large intestine of a guinea pig, increasing the permeability of the cellular membranes for the entering flux of 45Ca2+. In concentrations of 10(-6) g/ml and over acetylcholine caused a release of the membranous calcium and in the concentrations of 10(-5)-10(-3) g/ml markedly increased the permeability of the membranes of the smooth muscle cells for the 22Na+ ions causing depolarization and an increase in the frequency of the action potentials. It is supposed that the coupling of the cholinergic stimulus with the end effect (muscle contraction) included 3 components: intensification of the entrance of Ca2+ into the smooth muscle cells, release of the membrane calcium and adhesion mechanism.  相似文献   

Effects of the non-hydrolyzable nucleotide analogue magnesium pyrophosphate (MgPPi) on cross-bridge properties were investigated in skinned smooth muscle of the guinea pig Taenia coli. A "high" rigor state was obtained by removing MgATP at the plateau of an active contraction. Rigor force decayed slowly towards an apparent plateau of approximately 25-35% of maximal active force. MgPPi markedly increased the rate of force decay. The initial rate of the force decay depended on [MgPPi] and could be described by the Michaelis-Menten equation with a dissociation constant of 1.6 mM. The decay was irreversible amounting to approximately 50% of the rigor force. Stiffness decreased by 20%, suggesting that the major part of the cross-bridges were still attached. The results can be interpreted as "slippage" of PPi-cross-bridges to positions of lower strain. The initial rate of MgPPi-induced force decay decreased with decreasing ionic strength in the range 45-150 mM and was approximately 25% lower in thiophosphorylated fibers. MgADP inhibited the MgPPi-induced force decay with an apparent Ki of 2 microM. The apparent Km of MgATP for the maximal shortening velocity in thiophosphorylated fibers was 32 microM. This low Km of MgATP suggests that steps other than MgATP-induced detachment are responsible for the low shortening velocity in smooth muscle. No effects were observed of 4 mM MgPPi on the force-velocity relation, suggesting that cross-bridges with bound MgPPi do not constitute an internal load or that binding of MgPPi is weaker in negatively strained cross-bridges during shortening.  相似文献   

S S Yen  W Kreutner 《Life sciences》1979,25(6):507-514
The presence and function of histamine H2-receptors in guinea pig lung was studied using lung strips as an in vitro model of peripheral airway smooth muscle. The lung strips were incubated in Krebs-Henseleit solution in the absence or presence of specific antagonists for 20 min prior to the addition of either histamine or dimaprit added in a half-log cumulative fashion. Changes in isometric tension were recorded. Histamine at low concentrations (10?7?10?6M) caused a slight relaxation which was potentiated by the histamine H1-antagonist chlorpheniramine (10?7 or 10?6M) and abolished by the histamine H2-antagonist metiamide (10?4M). Higher concentrations of histamine produced a dose-related contraction which was antagonized competitively by chlorpheniramine or potentiated by metiamide. Dimaprit, a histamine H2-agonist, produced only a relaxant response over the concentration range of 10?7 ? 10?3M. This relaxation was reduced by metiamide but not by the beta adrenergic antagonist propranolol. These results indicate the presence of both histamine H2 and H1-receptors in guinea pig peripheral airway smooth muscle which mediate the relaxant and contractile effects of histamine respectively.  相似文献   

A mathematical model, which describes kinetics of transmembrane calcium transport in a smooth muscular cell, has been elaborated and investigated taking into account that the change of calcium cations concentration within a cell is determined by two mutually opposite processes: an increase of a carrying capacity of calcium channels of plasma membrane under signal substance action and calcium removal from the intracellular space by Mg2+, ATP-dependent calcium pump localized on the plasma membrane. The fundamental difference of the proposed model against the models analyzed in literature before is that the cellular system returns to the initial stationary state after enzyme-catalysed transformation of the signal substance. The results of calculations showed that this model really described the experimental kinetics of the transmembrane calcium transport. In this paper the influence of different parameters (Michaelis constant and ultimate rate of calcium pump, initial concentrations of signal substance and enzyme decomposing it, rate constants) on kinetics of calcium transport through the plasma membrane has been investigated in detail.  相似文献   

Airway levels of the endogenous bronchodilator S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) are low in children with near-fatal asthma. We hypothesized that GSNO could be broken down in the lung and that this catabolism could inhibit airway smooth muscle relaxation. In our experiments, GSNO was broken down by guinea pig lung homogenates, particularly after ovalbumin sensitization (OS). Two lung protein fractions had catabolic activity. One was NADPH dependent and was more active after OS. The other was NADPH independent and was partially inhibited by aurothioglucose. Guinea pig lung tissue protein fractions with GSNO catabolic activity inhibited GSNO-mediated guinea pig tracheal ring relaxation. The relaxant effect of GSNO was partially restored by aurothioglucose. These observations suggest that catabolism of GSNO in the guinea pig 1) is mediated by lung proteins, 2) is partially upregulated after OS, and 3) may contribute to increased airway smooth muscle tone. We speculate that enzymatic breakdown of GSNO in the lung could contribute to asthma pathophysiology by inhibiting the beneficial effects of GSNO, including its effect on airway smooth muscle tone.  相似文献   

V Bauer  S Zakhari 《Life sciences》1977,21(5):683-694
The action of new beta-blockers of VUFB series (VUFB 6502, VUFB 8102, VUFB 8227, and trimepranol) (Fig. 1) was analyzed in smooth msucle of guinea pig taenia coli by the double sucrose-gap method. All the studied beta-blockers increased the spontaneous spike activity without changes in membrane potential. The amino-analogues (VUFB 8101, VUFB 8102, VUFB 8227) as well as practolol were found to be 50 to 100 times less active than the oxy-derivatives (VUFB 6502 and Trimepranol) for the inhibition of spike activity, muscle relaxation and membrane hyperpolarization evoked by isoprenaline. None of the studied compounds had a pronounced alpha-blocking activity. The structure-activity relationship of the studied compounds was discussed.  相似文献   

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