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The Drosophila dorsal vessel is a segmentally repeated linear organ, in which seven-up (svp) is expressed in two pairs of cardioblasts and two pairs of pericardial cells in each segment. Under the control of hedgehog (hh) signaling from the dorsal ectoderm, svp participates in diversifying cardioblast identities within each segment. In this experiment, the homozygous embryos of svp mutants exhibited an increase in cell size of Eve positive pericardial cells (EPCs) and a disarranged expression pattern, while the cardioblasts pattern of svp-lacZ expression was normal. In the meantime, the DA1 muscle founders were absent in some segments in svp mutant embryos, and the dorsal somatic muscle patterning was also severely damaged in the late stage mutant embryos, suggesting that svp is required for the differentiation of Eve-positive pericardial cells and DA1 muscle founders and may have a role in EPC cell growth.  相似文献   

A series of adenosine deaminase (ADA) retroviral vectors were designed and constructed with the goal of improved performance over the PA317/LASN vector currently used in clinical trials. First, the bacterial selectable-marker neomycin phosphotransferase (neo) gene was removed to create a “simplified” vector. Second, the Moloney murine leukemia virus long terminal repeat (LTR) promoter used for ADA expression was replaced with either the myeloproliferative sarcoma virus (MPSV) or SL3-3 LTR. Supernatant from each ADA vector was used to transduce ADA-deficient (ADA) B- and T-cell lines as well as primary peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from an ADA severe combined immunodeficiency patient. Total ADA enzyme activity and ADA activity per integrant in the transduced cells demonstrated that the MPSV LTR splicing vector design provided the highest level of ADA expression per cell. This ADA(MPSV) vector was then tested in packaging cell lines containing either the gibbon ape leukemia virus envelope (PG13 cells), the murine amphotropic envelope (FLYA13 cells), or the feline endogenous virus RD114 envelope (FLYRD18 cells). The results indicate that FLYRD18/ADA(MPSV), a simplified ADA retroviral vector with the MPSV LTR, provides a 17-fold-higher level of ADA expression in human lymphohematopoietic cells than the PA317/LASN vector currently in use.Retroviral vectors have been the most common gene transfer vehicles in clinical gene therapy trials (15). These vectors can integrate into the host genome to provide permanent transgene expression in the targeted cells (20). The first generation of retroviral vectors have been useful in demonstrating the feasibility of gene therapy approaches, but vectors capable of higher levels of gene transfer and transgene expression would be beneficial. For example, gene transfer levels achieved by first-generation retroviral vectors in large mammals (28) and in human gene therapy trials (7, 13) have been disappointing. There are at least two avenues for improving retroviral vectors. First, molecular changes can be made in the retroviral vector sequence. Second, different packaging cell lines could be tested to modify the host range, increase transduction in a given cell type, and/or render the virions resistant to inactivation by human complement.A clinically useful model for improving retroviral vector design is the vector LASN packaged in the amphotropic line PA317. PA317/LASN was the first therapeutic vector used in a gene therapy clinical trial (1). This vector has yielded gene transfer levels of generally less than 10% in peripheral blood T cells of adenosine deaminase-deficient (ADA) severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) patients. Two possibilities to improve this vector include eliminating the dominant selectable marker gene and changing the long terminal repeat (LTR) promoter to optimize expression. LASN, like many of the retroviral vectors used in clinical trials to date, contains two genes: the therapeutic gene (the ADA gene) and a dominant selectable marker gene (the bacterial neomycin phosphotransferase II gene; neo). Dominant selectable marker genes have historically been included to facilitate the generation, isolation, and titration of retroviral producer cell clones and to permit the evaluation and selection of successfully targeted cells. neo is the most commonly used selectable marker gene, although other genes have been used, including a mutant dihydrofolate reductase gene (dhfr) (19), the multidrug resistance gene (mdr) (10), and genes for cell surface markers such as cd24 (24) and the human nerve growth factor receptor (2). Vectors carrying dominant selectable marker genes, particularly those of nonhuman origin, have two theoretical disadvantages. First, careful analysis of some patients has revealed an immune response directed against the dominant selectable marker protein expressed from the retroviral integrant (20a, 25). Second, the more complex retroviral genomes required to express two separate genes may result in lower titers or suboptimal expression of the therapeutic gene product due to promoter interference (8, 29). On the other hand, cloning and determining the titers of useful retroviral vectors without selectable markers have been laborious. Using a recently developed rapid-screening procedure, we have been able to identify a number of “simple” ADA retroviral vectors which lack dominant selectable markers (23).Different packaging cell lines may also improve gene transfer of retroviral vectors into specific target cells. Retroviral vectors are limited by the host range specified by the envelope protein on the surface of the retrovirus. Most gene therapy trials have used retroviruses with a murine amphotropic (4070A) host range. However, packaging cell lines with the gibbon ape leukemia virus (GALV) envelope (PG13 cells) (18) and the cat endogenous virus RD114 envelope (FLYRD18 cells) (5) have become available; these may improve transduction frequencies into various target cell populations. For example, there is evidence that GALV-pseudotyped retroviral vectors may facilitate gene transfer into human peripheral blood T cells with greater efficiency than vectors with an amphotropic envelope (3). Packaging cell lines derived from murine cells have the additional disadvantage that they produce retroviruses which are inactivated by complement in human sera. Packaging cell lines of human origin (FLYA13 and FLYRD18) (5) produce vectors which are complement resistant. Testing both new simple retroviral vector designs and new packaging cells may therefore improve retrovirus-mediated gene transfer.We report the construction and characterization of three simplified ADA vectors by using either the Moloney murine leukemia virus (MLV) LTR, the myeloproliferative sarcoma virus (MPSV) LTR, or the SL3-3 LTR. We tested these vectors to determine which LTR provided the highest level of ADA expression in our target cells of interest: human ADA lymphohematopoietic cells. The ADA retroviral vector with the highest level of transduction/expression was then evaluated in different packaging cell lines including PG13, FLYA13, and FLYRD18.  相似文献   

Recent studies have indicated that the insulin-signaling pathway controls body and organ size in Drosophila, and most metazoans, by signaling nutritional conditions to the growing organs. The temporal requirements for insulin signaling during development are, however, unknown. Using a temperature-sensitive insulin receptor (Inr) mutation in Drosophila, we show that the developmental requirements for Inr activity are organ specific and vary in time. Early in development, before larvae reach the “critical size” (the size at which they commit to metamorphosis and can complete development without further feeding), Inr activity influences total development time but not final body and organ size. After critical size, Inr activity no longer affects total development time but does influence final body and organ size. Final body size is affected by Inr activity from critical size until pupariation, whereas final organ size is sensitive to Inr activity from critical size until early pupal development. In addition, different organs show different sensitivities to changes in Inr activity for different periods of development, implicating the insulin pathway in the control of organ allometry. The reduction in Inr activity is accompanied by a two-fold increase in free-sugar levels, similar to the effect of reduced insulin signaling in mammals. Finally, we find that varying the magnitude of Inr activity has different effects on cell size and cell number in the fly wing, providing a potential linkage between the mode of action of insulin signaling and the distinct downstream controls of cell size and number. We present a model that incorporates the effects of the insulin-signaling pathway into the Drosophila life cycle. We hypothesize that the insulin-signaling pathway controls such diverse effects as total developmental time, total body size and organ size through its effects on the rate of cell growth, and proliferation in different organs.  相似文献   

Environmental temperature strongly affects physiology of ectotherms. Small ectotherms, like Drosophila, cannot endogenously regulate body temperature so must rely on behavior to maintain body temperature within a physiologically permissive range. Here we review what is known about Drosophila thermal preference. Work on thermal behavior in this group is particularly exciting because it provides the opportunity to connect genes to neuromolecular mechanisms to behavior to fitness in the wild.  相似文献   

The body wall musculature of a Drosophila larva is composed of an intricate pattern of 30 segmentally repeated muscle fibers in each abdominal hemisegment. Each muscle fiber has unique spatial and behavioral characteristics that include its location, orientation, epidermal attachment, size and pattern of innervation. Many, if not all, of these properties are dictated by founder cells, which determine the muscle pattern and seed the fusion process. Myofibers are then derived from fusion between a specific founder cell and several fusion competent myoblasts (FCMs) fusing with as few as 3-5 FCMs in the small muscles on the most ventral side of the embryo and as many as 30 FCMs in the larger muscles on the dorsal side of the embryo. The focus of the present review is the formation of the larval muscles in the developing embryo, summarizing the major issues and players in this process. We have attempted to emphasize experimentally-validated details of the mechanism of myoblast fusion and distinguish these from the theoretically possible details that have not yet been confirmed experimentally. We also direct the interested reader to other recent reviews that discuss myoblast fusion in Drosophila, each with their own perspective on the process [1], [2], [3] and [4]. With apologies, we use gene nomenclature as specified by Flybase (http://flybase.org) but provide Table 1 with alternative names and references.  相似文献   

We have generated a set of novel triple shuttle vectors that facilitate the construction of Drosophila-P-element transformations vectors. These YED-vectors allow the insertion of any kind of sequence at any chosen position due to the presence of a yeast casette which ensures replication and allows for homologous recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. As a proof of principle we generated several reporter constructs and tested them in transgenic flies for expression and correct subcellular localization. YED-vectors can be used for many purposes including promoter analysis or the expression of tagged or truncated proteins. Thus, time-consuming conventional restriction site based multi-step cloning procedures can be circumvented by using the new YED-vectors. The new set of triple shuttle vectors will be highly beneficial for the rapid construction of complex Drosophila transformation plasmids.  相似文献   

Organ size typically increases dramatically during juvenile growth. This growth presents a fundamental tension, as organs need resiliency to resist stresses while still maintaining plasticity to accommodate growth. The extracellular matrix (ECM) is central to providing resiliency, but how ECM is remodeled to accommodate growth is poorly understood. We investigated remodeling of Drosophila respiratory tubes (tracheae) that elongate continually during larval growth, despite being lined with a rigid cuticular ECM. Cuticle is initially deposited with a characteristic pattern of repeating ridges and valleys known as taenidia. We find that for tubes to elongate, the extracellular protease Mmp1 is required for expansion of ECM between the taenidial ridges during each intermolt period. Mmp1 protein localizes in periodically spaced puncta that are in register with the taenidial spacing. Mmp1 also degrades old cuticle at molts, promotes apical membrane expansion in larval tracheae, and promotes tube elongation in embryonic tracheae. Whereas work in other developmental systems has demonstrated that MMPs are required for axial elongation occurring in localized growth zones, this study demonstrates that MMPs can also mediate interstitial matrix remodeling during growth of an organ system.  相似文献   

Mutation of the gene drop-dead (drd) causes adult Drosophila to die within 2 weeks of eclosion and is associated with reduced rates of defecation and increased volumes of crop contents. In the current study, we demonstrate that flies carrying the strong allele drdlwf display a reduction in the transfer of ingested food from the crop to the midgut, as measured both as a change in the steady-state distribution of food within the gut and also in the rates of crop emptying and midgut filling following a single meal. Mutant flies have abnormal triglyceride (TG) and glycogen stores over the first 4 days post-eclosion, consistent with their inability to move food into the midgut for digestion and nutrient absorption. However, the lifespan of mutants was dependent upon food presence and quality, suggesting that at least some individual flies were able to digest some food. Finally, spontaneous motility of the crop was abnormal in drdlwf flies, with the crops of mutant flies contracting significantly more rapidly than those of heterozygous controls. We therefore hypothesize that mutation of drd causes a structural or regulatory defect that inhibits the entry of food into the midgut.  相似文献   

Yu-Yun Chang 《FEBS letters》2010,584(7):1342-1349
Drosophila has been shown to be a powerful model to study autophagy, whose regulation involves a core machinery consisting of Atg proteins and upstream signaling regulators similar to those in yeast and mammals. The conserved role in degrading proteins and organelles gives autophagy an important function in coordinating several cellular processes as well as in a number of pathological conditions. This review summarizes key studies in Drosophila autophagy research and discusses potential questions that may lead to better understanding of the roles and regulation of autophagy in higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Drosophila photoreceptors are sensory neurons whose primary function is the transduction of photons into an electrical signal for forward transmission to the brain. Photoreceptors are polarized cells whose apical domain is organized into finger like projections of plasma membrane, microvilli that contain the molecular machinery required for sensory transduction. The development of this apical domain requires intense polarized membrane transport during development and it is maintained by post developmental membrane turnover. Sensory transduction in these cells involves a high rate of G-protein coupled phosphatidylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate [PI(4,5)P2] hydrolysis ending with the activation of ion channels that are members of the TRP superfamily. Defects in this lipid-signaling cascade often result in retinal degeneration, which is a consequence of the loss of apical membrane homeostasis. In this review we discuss the various membrane transport challenges of photoreceptors and their regulation by ongoing lipid signaling cascades in these cells. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Lipids and Vesicular Transport.  相似文献   

Reinforcement refers to the evolution of increased mating discrimination against heterospecific individuals in zones of geographic overlap and can be considered a final stage in the speciation process. One the factors that may affect reinforcement is the degree to which hybrid matings result in the permanent loss of genes from a species' gene pool. Matings between females of Drosophila subquinaria and males of D. recens result in high levels of offspring mortality, due to interspecific cytoplasmic incompatibility caused by Wolbachia infection of D. recens. Such hybrid inviability is not manifested in matings between D. recens females and D. subquinaria males. Here we ask whether the asymmetrical hybrid inviability is associated with a corresponding asymmetry in the level of reinforcement. The geographic ranges of D. recens and D. subquinaria were found to overlap across a broad belt of boreal forest in central Canada. Females of D. subquinaria from the zone of sympatry exhibit much stronger levels of discrimination against males of D. recens than do females from allopatric populations. In contrast, such reproductive character displacement is not evident in D. recens, consistent with the expected effects of unidirectional cytoplasmic incompatibility. Furthermore, there is substantial behavioral isolation within D. subquinaria, because females from populations sympatric with D. recens discriminate against allopatric conspecific males, whereas females from populations allopatric with D. recens show no discrimination against any conspecific males. Patterns of general genetic differentiation among populations are not consistent with patterns of behavioral discrimination, which suggests that the behavioral isolation within D. subquinaria results from selection against mating with Wolbachia-infected D. recens. Interspecific cytoplasmic incompatibility may contribute not only to post-mating isolation, an effect already widely recognized, but also to reinforcement, particularly in the uninfected species. The resulting reproductive character displacement not only increases behavioral isolation from the Wolbachia-infected species, but may also lead to behavioral isolation between populations of the uninfected species. Given the widespread occurrence of Wolbachia among insects, it thus appears that there are multiple ways by which these endosymbionts may directly and indirectly contribute to reproductive isolation and speciation.  相似文献   

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