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Insect (epi)cuticular lipids characterize sex and species and often play an important role in mating behavior. We previously revealed that two black-colored swallowtail butterflies, Papilio polytes and Papilio protenor, show sexual dimorphism and species specificity in cuticular lipid composition and that P. polytes males use specific monoene components for mate discrimination. These findings suggest that their closely related species may have different profiles of cuticular lipids. We examined the cuticular lipid compositions of five Papilio species (P. bianor, P. maackii, P. helenus, P. macilentus, and P. memnon), closely related and sympatric to P. polytes and P. protenor, and discussed whether it is possible to discriminate between sexes, and between species based on their chemical profiles. The cuticular lipids consist mainly of C23–C31 aliphatic hydrocarbons, in which n-tricosane, n-heptacosane, and n-nonacosane are predominant. Several aliphatic ketones, aliphatic acids, and oxygenated terpenoids were also identified as major components shared by several species. There were no components exclusive to a particular species. Conspecific males and females shared most of the components but were mostly distinguishable based on their composition. Moreover, P. helenus males, P. polytes females, and P. protenor females had two different phenotypes of lipid composition. Although unrelated to the genetic lineage, the seven species were classified into four clusters based on their lipid profiles. The first cluster was composed of only P. memnon. The other six species were broadly classified into three clusters consisting of subclusters for each species: 1) P. polytes, P. helenus, P. macilentus, and several P. protenor females; 2) P. bianor and P. protenor; and 3) P. maackii and several P. helenus males. These results indicate that cuticular lipid profiles characterize the species and sex of the Papilio species and may be responsible for mate discrimination among them.  相似文献   

Agonistic behaviour and lipid state were examined in tarantula Brachypelma albopilosa females during the foraging period. Modulation of the agonistic behaviour of females was not connected to their body size. Results show that the agonistic pattern of females differed significantly from the predation pattern at the behavioural and lipid levels. Aggressive-foraging females had low predation behaviour. Quantitative lipid changes were observed in relation to agonistic behaviour and predation. The total lipid index was studied by colorimetric methods, and lipid compounds were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in cuticle and hemolymph of females. The lipid components were free fatty acids, methyl esters, cholesterol, and long-chain aliphatic hydrocarbons. Methyl esters were much more abundant in cuticular lipids; unsaturated free fatty acids (linoleic and oleic acids) and methyl esters (methyl linoleate and methyl stearate) predominated in the hemolymph. Spider aggression was positively correlated with lipid concentration (cholesterol, fatty acids, methyl esters and hydrocarbons) in the hemolymph and the levels of cuticular fatty acids. Lipid levels are hypothesized to have evolved as a regulatory factor of predation and agonistic behaviours in tarantula females.  相似文献   

The lipid lamellae present in the outermost layer of the skin, the stratum corneum (SC), form the main barrier for diffusion of molecules across the skin. The main lipid classes in SC are cholesterol (CHOL), free fatty acids (FFA) and at least nine classes of ceramides (CER), referred to as CER1 to CER9. In the present study the phase behaviour of four synthetic CER, either single or mixed with CHOL or CHOL and FFA, has been studied using small and wide angle X-ray diffraction. The lipid mixtures showed complex phase behaviour with coexistence of several phases. The results further revealed that the presence of synthetic CER1 as well as a proper composition of the other CER in the mixture were crucial for the formation of a phase with a long periodicity, characteristic for SC lipid phase behaviour. Only a mixture containing synthetic CER1 and CER3, CHOL and FFA showed similar phase behaviour to that of SC.  相似文献   

Social insect cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) mixtures are among the most complex chemical cues known and are important in nest-mate, caste and species recognition. Despite our growing knowledge of the nature of these cues, we have very little insight into how social insects actually perceive and discriminate among these chemicals. In this study, we use the newly developed technique of differential olfactory conditioning to pure, custom-designed synthetic colony odours to analyse signal discrimination in Argentine ants, Linepithema humile. Our results show that tri-methyl alkanes are more easily learned than single-methyl or straight-chain alkanes. In addition, we reveal that Argentine ants can discriminate between hydrocarbons with different branching patterns and the same chain length, but not always between hydrocarbons with the same branching patterns but different chain length. Our data thus show that biochemical characteristics influence those compounds that ants can discriminate between, and which thus potentially play a role in chemical signalling and nest-mate recognition.  相似文献   

Carpenter ants (genus Camponotus) have mutualistic, endosymbiotic bacteria of the genus Blochmannia whose main contribution to their hosts is alimentary. It was also recently demonstrated that they play a role in improving immune function as well. In this study, we show that treatment with an antibiotic produces a physiological response inducing an increase in both the quantity of cuticular hydrocarbons and in the melanization of the cuticle probably due to a nutritive and immunological deficit. We suggest that this is because it enhances the protection the cuticle provides from desiccation and also from invasions by pathogens and parasites. Nevertheless, the cuticular hydrocarbon profile is not modified by the antibiotic treatment, which indicates that nestmate recognition is not modified.  相似文献   

Solid state NMR techniques have been used to investigate the effect that two serotonin receptor 1a agonists (quipazine and LY-165,163) have on the phase behavior of, and interactions within, cholesterol/phosphocholine lipid bilayers. The presence of agonist, and particularly LY-165,163, appears to widen the phase transitions, an effect that is much more pronounced in the presence of cholesterol. It was found that both agonists locate close to the cholesterol, and their interactions with the lipids are modulated by the lipid phases. As the membrane condenses into mixed liquid-ordered/disordered phases, quipazine is pushed up toward the surface of the bilayer, whereas LY-165,163 moves deeper into the lipid chain region. In light of our results, we discuss the role of lipid/drug interactions on drug efficacy.  相似文献   

Cuticular analysis of Ephestia kuehniella females by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry revealed the presence of four groups of chemical compounds including alkane, alcohol, aldehyde and fatty acid. The cuticular n-alkanes ranged from 12 to 18, 20, 23, 24 and 29 carbon atoms in the chain. The most abundant n-alkanes detected in the cuticular extracts were C14 (14.98%) and C18 (8.15%). Cuticular fatty acids included hexadecenoic acid, 9-octadecenoic acid and 9,12-octadecenoic acid. Two types of alcohol including, 2-methyl-Z,Z-3,13-octadecadienol and 9-methyl-Z-10-tetradecen-1-ol acetate, were found in the cuticular lipids of the females. Two aldehyde components, (E)-11-hexadecenal and 9,17-octadecadienal, were identified in the cuticular extract of E. kuehniella. Antibacterial activity of the cuticular compounds was tested against Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus thuringiensis and Escherichia coli. These compounds from the moths inhibited the growth of Gram-positive bacteria. The functional characteristics of the cuticular compounds operating as pheromones, species-associated compounds and host-resistant compounds to bacterial infection are discussed.  相似文献   

Natural and sexual selection are classically thought to oppose one another, and although there is evidence for this, direct experimental demonstrations of this antagonism are largely lacking. Here, we assessed the effects of sexual and natural selection on the evolution of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs), a character subject to both modes of selection, in Drosophila simulans. Natural selection and sexual selection were manipulated in a fully factorial design, and after 27 generations of experimental evolution, the responses of male and female CHCs were assessed. The effects of natural and sexual selection differed greatly across the sexes. The responses of female CHCs were generally small, but CHCs evolved predominantly in the direction of natural selection. For males, profiles evolved via sexual and natural selection, as well as through the interaction between the two, with some male CHC components only evolving in the direction of natural selection when sexual selection was relaxed. These results indicate sex‐specific responses to selection, and that sexual and natural selection act antagonistically for at least some combinations of CHCs.  相似文献   

The distribution of surface tension within a lipid bilayer, also referred to as the lateral pressure profile, has been the subject of theoretical scrutiny recently due to its potential to radically alter the function of biomedically important membrane proteins. Experimental measurements of the pressure profile are still hard to come by, leaving first-principles all-atom calculations of the profile as an important investigative tool. We describe and validate an efficient implementation of pressure profile calculations in the molecular dynamics package NAMD, capable of distinguishing between internal, bonded and nonbonded contributions as well as those of selected atom groups. The new implementation can also be used in conjunction with Ewald summation for long-range electrostatics, improving the accuracy and reproducibility of the calculated profiles. We then describe results of the calculation of a pressure profile for a simple protein–lipid system consisting of melittin embedded in a DMPC bilayer. While the lateral pressure in the protein–lipid system is nearly the same as that of the bilayer alone, partitioning of the lateral pressure by atom type revealed substantial perturbation of the pressure profile and surface tension in an asymmetric manner.  相似文献   

Saposin C (Sap C) is a small glycoprotein required by glucosylceramidase (GCase) for hydrolysis of glucosylceramide to ceramide and glucose in lysosomes. The molecular mechanism underlying Sap C stimulation of the enzyme activation is not fully understood. Here, atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been used to study Sap C-membrane interactions under physiological conditions. First, to establish how Sap C-membrane interactions affect membrane structure, lipid bilayers containing zwitterionic and anionic phospholipids were used. It was observed that Sap C induced two types of membrane restructuring effects, i.e., the formation of patch-like domains and membrane destabilization. Bilayers underwent extensive structural reorganization. To validate the biological importance of the membrane restructuring effects, interaction of Sap C with lipid bilayers composed of cholesterol, sphingomyelin, and zwitterionic and anionic phospholipids were studied. Although similar membrane restructuring effects were observed, Sap C-membrane interactions, in this case, were remarkably modulated and their effects were restricted to a limited area. As a result, nanometer-sized domains were formed. The establishment of a model membrane system will allow us to further study the dynamics, structure and mechanism of the Sap C-associated membrane domains and to examine the important role that these domains may play in enzyme activation.  相似文献   

A new approach to insect control—using sodium trichloroacetate (NaTCA) to inhibit synthesis of the hydrophobic cuticular lipids that protect insects from dehydration—was tested on Triatoma infestans. In vivo and in vitro studies of incorporation of radioactive precursors showed diminished cuticular hydrocarbon synthesis after NaTCA treatment. Thin layer chromatography and scanning electron microscopy showed disruption of the cuticular lipid layer of NaTCA-treated insects, which also have increased mortality and altered molting cycles. NaTCA treatment enhanced the penetration and increased the lethality of a contact insecticide. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is presumed to reflect adaptive divergence in response to selection favouring different optimal character states in the two sexes. Here, we analyse patterns of sexual dimorphism in the cuticular hydrocarbons of the Australian field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus using gas chromatography. Ten of the 25 peaks found in our chromatographs, differed in their relative abundance between the sexes. The presence of sexual dimorphism in T. oceanicus is discussed in reference to a review of sexual dimorphism in cuticular hydrocarbons of other insects. We found that this trait has been examined in 103 species across seven different orders. Seventy-six of these species (73%) displayed sex specificity of cuticular hydrocarbons, the presence/absence of which does not appear to be directly linked to phylogeny. The occurrence of sexual dimorphism in cuticular hydrocarbons of some but not other species, and the extent of variation within genera, suggest that this divergence has been driven primarily by sexual selection.  相似文献   

Waxes from the leaves of Fagus sylvatica L. (European beech tree) and Hordeum vulgare L. (barley) have been investigated using NMR, DSC, X-ray diffraction and gas chromatographic methods. The wax from Fagus sylvatica, consisting mainly of n-alkanals, n-alkanes and 1-alkanols, has chain-lengths ranging from 20 to 52 carbon atoms with an average chain-length of 30.5 carbon atoms. The X-ray results show that the wax is to a large extent ( 70%) amorphous. The wax from the leaves of Hordeum vulgare L., consisting mainly of n-alkanols, has chain-lengths ranging from 20 to 50 carbon atoms with an average chain-length of 27.4 carbon atoms. The wax is 52% crystalline. It seems that the structure of this wax differs from those of other plant waxes that have been investigated in that the longer chains bridge the amorphous zone between two adjacent layers of crystalline material, thus linking the two layers. This linking affects the melting point of the wax noticeably. The activation energies for the different molecular motions in these waxes have been extracted from the NMR spin-lattice relaxation time measurement. Correspondence to: E. C. Reynhardt  相似文献   

Despite the importance of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHs) in insect chemical communication, direct proof that they are detected and recognized by insects by contact or by olfactory receptors are rare. In Periplaneta americana, CHs induce aggregation. The aim of our study was to investigate how CHs are detected by P. americana antennae. Using solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography, the three main CHs of the species profile were identified in the volatiles emitted by these insects. Gas chromatography coupled to electroantennography recordings demonstrated that the antennae responded to these three CHs. Furthermore, CHs had an attraction effect in Y-olfactometer bioassays when presented at high concentrations. As CHs can be perceived by P. americana, at least from a short distance, they could play a role in attracting conspecifics during aggregation processes, in addition to inducing aggregation when direct contact is possible.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of slave-making Polyergus rufescens ants reared alone or with their Formica rufibarbis slaves. Chemical analyses showed that due to the close contacts occurring when the Formica were tending the Polyergus, the synthesis of the cuticular hydrocarbons carried by the slaves was enhanced in the slave-makers. The postpharyngeal hydrocarbon levels increased during the first 15 days of life, whether or not the Polyergus were exposed to Formica. Our findings suggest that Polyergus is able to secrete all components of their cuticular hydrocarbon blend and that none are acquired through contact with Formica. In addition to presenting our experimental evidence, several hypotheses are proposed to explain the synthesis and regulation of hydrocarbon blends borne when these two species cohabitate within a single colony.  相似文献   

Sugars play an important role in the desiccation tolerance of most anhydrobiotic organisms and disaccharides have been extensively investigated for their ability to stabilize model membranes in the dry state. Much less is known about the ability of oligosaccharides to protect dry membranes. However, it has been shown that different structural families of oligosaccharides have different efficacies to interact with and protect membranes during drying. Here, we have compared three families of linear oligosaccharides (fructans, malto-oligosaccharides, manno-oligosaccharides) for their chain-length dependent lyoprotective effect on egg phosphatidylcholine liposomes. We found increased protection with chain length for the fructans, a moderate decrease in protection with chain length for malto-oligosaccharides, and a strong decrease for manno-oligosaccharides. Using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry, we show that the degree of lyoprotection of the different sugars is closely related to their influence on the gel to liquid-crystalline phase behavior of the dry membranes and to the extent of H-bonding to different groups (CO, PO, choline) in the lipids. Possible structural characteristics of the different oligosaccharides that may determine the extent to which they are able to interact with and protect membranes are discussed.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) spectroscopy were used to study the melting behavior of individual lipid components in two-component membranes made of DMPC and DSPC. We employed Monte Carlo simulations based on parameters obtained from DSC profiles to simulate the melting of the different lipids as a function of temperature. The simulations show good agreement with the FTIR data recorded for deuterated and non-deuterated lipids, which demonstrates that the information on the differential melting of the individual components is already contained in the calorimetric profiles. In mixtures, both lipids melt over a wide temperature range. As expected, the lipid melting events of the lipid with the lower melting temperature occur on average at lower temperatures. The simulations also yield information on the lateral distribution of the lipids that is neither directly contained in the DSC nor in the FTIR data. In the phase coexistence region, liquid disordered domains are typically richer in the lower-melting-temperature lipid species.  相似文献   

Lipid transfer proteins (LTP) and puroindolines are abundant lipid binding proteins of plant seeds. While LTP are ubiquitous plant proteins, puroindolines are only found in the seeds of plants from the Triticae and Avenae tribes. These proteins display a similar overall folding pattern but different lipid binding properties. The unique and diverse biological and technological functions of LTPs and puroindolines are closely related to their structural and lipid binding properties. These proteins are attractive to improve the agronomic performances and food quality of crops. Heterologous expression and genetic engineering should allow industrial production and enlarge applications of these lipid binding proteins.  相似文献   

Understanding the functional roles of all the molecules in cells is an ultimate goal of modern biology. An important facet is to understand the functional contributions from intermolecular interactions, both within a class of molecules (e.g. protein–protein) or between classes (e.g. protein‐DNA). While the technologies for analyzing protein–protein and protein–DNA interactions are well established, the field of protein–lipid interactions is still relatively nascent. Here, we review the current status of the experimental and computational approaches for detecting and analyzing protein–lipid interactions. Experimental technologies fall into two principal categories, namely solution‐based and array‐based methods. Computational methods include large–scale data‐driven analyses and predictions/dynamic simulations based on prior knowledge of experimentally identified interactions. Advances in the experimental technologies have led to improved computational analyses and vice versa, thereby furthering our understanding of protein–lipid interactions and their importance in biological systems.  相似文献   

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