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The extracellular haemoglobin of the polychaete Tylorrhynchus heterochaetus was studied in solution by small-angle X-ray scattering. The following molecular parameters were determined: radius of gyration 10.8±0.2 nm and a maximum intraparticular distance of 29.5±0.5 nm. Models which fit well the experimental data and reflect also the biochemical structure especially the known number of polypeptide chains are presented.  相似文献   

Defining the shape, conformation, or assembly state of an RNA in solution often requires multiple investigative tools ranging from nucleotide analog interference mapping to X-ray crystallography. A key addition to this toolbox is small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). SAXS provides direct structural information regarding the size, shape, and flexibility of the particle in solution and has proven powerful for analyses of RNA structures with minimal requirements for sample concentration and volumes. In principle, SAXS can provide reliable data on small and large RNA molecules. In practice, SAXS investigations of RNA samples can show inconsistencies that suggest limitations in the SAXS experimental analyses or problems with the samples. Here, we show through investigations on the SAM-I riboswitch, the Group I intron P4-P6 domain, 30S ribosomal subunit from Sulfolobus solfataricus (30S), brome mosaic virus tRNA-like structure (BMV TLS), Thermotoga maritima asd lysine riboswitch, the recombinant tRNAval, and yeast tRNAphe that many problems with SAXS experiments on RNA samples derive from heterogeneity of the folded RNA. Furthermore, we propose and test a general approach to reducing these sample limitations for accurate SAXS analyses of RNA. Together our method and results show that SAXS with synchrotron radiation has great potential to provide accurate RNA shapes, conformations, and assembly states in solution that inform RNA biological functions in fundamental ways.  相似文献   

Varying chemically the structure of phospholipids in the region between hydrophobic and hydrophilic segments is expected to have a strong influence on the interaction with water and the phase behavior. This is studied in this work with the motivation to investigate these lipids as potential inhibitors of phospholipase A2. Thus the amide phospholipids L-ether-amide-PC (1-O-hexadecyl-2-N-palmitoyl-2-amino-2-deoxy-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine), L-ester-amide-PC (1-palmitoyl-2-N-palmitoyl-2-amino-2-deoxy-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) and L-ether-amide-PE (1-O-hexadecyl-2-N-palmitoyl-2-deoxy-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine) have been synthesized and characterized. The phase behavior and thermal transitions in buffer dispersions are examined by a combination of high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments between 10 and 80 degrees C at pH 8.9. The onset temperatures determined from DSC measurements agree well with the starting temperatures of changes in the repeat distance obtained by SAXS measurements. The phases observed are lamellar both below and above the main phase transition. The phase transition temperatures and enthalpies depend strongly on the substitutions in sn-1 position and head group structure. The lamellar repeat distance in gel and liquid-crystalline phases increases with increasing temperature for L-ester-amide-PC and L-ether-amide-PC, whereas the temperature dependence is opposite for the L-ether-amide-PE. The observed behavior is discussed and compared with that of DPPC and DPPE, indicating the strong dependence of hydration and phase behavior on head group structure.  相似文献   

The effect of solvent phase transitions on catalytic activity and structure of the active site of laccase produced by the Basidiomycetes Coriolus hirsutus 072 was studied. As shown by small-angle X-ray scattering, laccase exists in solution as a mixture of monomeric and aggregated particles in the percent ratio 85: 15. This ratio did not change on phase transitions. A complex nature of laccase activity dynamics during thawing and further heating to 20°C was shown. Spontaneous oxidation of T1 copper center in the temperature range 12–20°C was not observed. According to spectral data, the structure of laccase active sites including all copper centers of types T1, T2, and T3 changes during the phase transition.  相似文献   

Synchrotron radiation X-ray scattering experiments were performed on unmyelinated pike olfactory nerves. The difference between the meridional and the equatorial traces of the 2-D spectra yielded the 1-D equatorial intensity of the macromolecular components oriented with respect to the nerve: axonal membranes, microtubules and other cytoskeletal filaments. These 1-D spectra display a diffuse band typical of bilayer membranes and, at small s, a few sharper bands reminiscent of microtubules. All the spectra merge at large s. The intensity of the axonal membrane was determined via a noise analysis of the nerve-dependent spectra, involving also the notion that the thickness of the membrane is finite. The shape of the intensity function indicated that the electron density profile is not centrosymmetric. The knowledge of intensity and thickness paved the way to the electron density profile via an ab initio solution of the phase problem. An iterative procedure was adopted: (i) choose the lattice D of a 1-D pseudo crystal, interpolate the intensity at the points sh = h/D, adopt an arbitrary set of initial phases and compute the profile; (ii) determine the phases corresponding to this profile truncated by the thickness D/2; (iii) repeat the operation with the updated phases until a stable result is obtained. This iterative procedure was carried out for different D-values, starting in each case from randomly generated phases: stable results were obtained in less than 10,000 iterations. Most importantly, for D in the vicinity of 200 A, the overwhelming majority of the profiles were congruent with each other. These profiles were strongly asymmetric and otherwise typical of biological membranes.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma pneumoniae forms an attachment organelle at one cell pole, binds to the host cell surface, and glides via a unique mechanism. A 170-kDa protein, P1 adhesin, present on the organelle surface plays a critical role in the binding and gliding process. In this study, we obtained a recombinant P1 adhesin comprising 1476 amino acid residues, excluding the C-terminal domain of 109 amino acids that carried the transmembrane segment, that were fused to additional 17 amino acid residues carrying a hexa-histidine (6?×?His) tag using an Escherichia coli expression system. The recombinant protein showed solubility, and chirality in circular dichroism (CD). The results of analytical gel filtration, ultracentrifugation, negative-staining electron microscopy, and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) showed that the recombinant protein exists in a monomeric form with a uniformly folded structure. SAXS analysis suggested the presence of a compact and ellipsoidal structure rather than random or molten globule-like conformation. Structure model based on SAXS results fitted well with the corresponding structure obtained with cryo-electron tomography from a closely related species, M. genitalium. This recombinant protein may be useful for structural and functional studies as well as for the preparation of antibodies for medical applications.  相似文献   

Small-angle X-ray scattering experiments were carried out to investigate the structural changes of cardiac thin filaments induced by the cardiomyopathy-causing E244D mutation in troponin T (TnT). We examined native thin filaments (NTF) from a bovine heart, reconstituted thin filaments containing human cardiac wild-type Tn (WTF), and filaments containing the E244D mutant of Tn (DTF), in the absence and presence of Ca2+. Analysis by model calculation showed that upon Ca2+-activation, tropomyosin (Tm) and Tn in the WTF and NTF moved together in a direction to expose myosin-binding sites on actin. On the other hand, Tm and Tn of the DTF moved in the opposite directions to each other upon Ca2+-activation. These movements caused Tm to expose more myosin-binding sites on actin than the WTF, suggesting that the affinity of myosin for actin is higher for the DTF. Thus, the mutation-induced structural changes in thin filaments would increase the number of myosin molecules bound to actin compared with the WTF, resulting in the force enhancement observed for the E244D mutation.  相似文献   

SARS-CoV-2 is the coronavirus causing the ongoing pandemic with > 460 millions of infections and > 6 millions of deaths. SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid (N) is the only structural protein which plays essential roles in almost all key steps of the viral life cycle with its diverse functions depending on liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS) driven by interacting with various nucleic acids. The 419-residue N protein is highly conserved in all variants including delta and omicron, and composed of both folded N-/C-terminal domains (NTD/CTD) as well as three long intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs). Recent results have suggested that its CTD and IDRs are also cryptic nucleic acid–binding domains. In this context, any small molecules capable of interfering in its interaction with nucleic acids are anticipated to modulate its LLPS and associated functions. Indeed, ATP, the energy currency existing at very high concentrations (2–12 mM) in all living cells but absent in viruses, modulates LLPS of N protein, and consequently appears to be evolutionarily hijacked by SARS-CoV-2 to promote its life cycle. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) has been also shown to specifically bind NTD and CTD to inhibit their interactions with nucleic acids, as well as to disrupt LLPS. Particularly, the unique structure of the HCQ-CTD complex offers a promising strategy for further design of anti-SARS-CoV-2 drugs with better affinity and specificity. The finding may indicate that LLPS is indeed druggable by small molecules, thus opening up a promising direction for drug discovery/design by targeting LLPS in general.  相似文献   

The influence of Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase (TLL) on the phase behaviour of liquid-crystalline phases of aqueous phytantriol as well as conformational changes of TLL entrapped in the cubic Q230 phase have been studied by small angle X-ray diffraction (SAXD), FT-Raman, and FT-IR techniques. It was found that the lipidic Q230 phase is able to accommodate up to 10 wt.% of TLL, and the temperature of phase transition to the inverted hexagonal phase H(II) increases indicating stabilizing effect of the protein. FT-Raman analysis of Trp amino acid marker band W3 revealed that the average rotation angle around the C3-Cbeta bond of four Trp residues of TLL in the Q230 phase increases. Reasoning from available TLL crystallographic data, this result is explained by structural transition of entrapped protein to so-called "open" and more related to the enzymatically-active conformation. TLL secondary structure analysis by amide I and amide III vibrational bands showed that content of alpha-helixes does not change, while a part of beta-sheet structures transforms to less ordered elements upon incorporation of protein into the Q230 phase of aqueous phytantriol.  相似文献   

In the present communication we report a spectral analysis of the blue-green fluorescence related to changes in NAD(P) redox state in chloroplasts and leaves. To assess the contribution of reabsorption and the inner filter effect, we compared transmission and fluorescence at different chloroplast concentrations, and showed that reabsorption by the photosynthetic pigments (chlorophylls and carotenoids) was at the origin of the two peaks in the emission spectrum in vivo. The absence of potential green-emitting fluorophores in chloroplasts was determined by measuring variable and time-resolved fluorescence at different wavelengths. We defined the conditions which optimize the UV-excited blue-green fluorescence signal dependent on NAD(P)H, and we present an example of monitoring of NAD(P)H fluorescence in intact leaves.  相似文献   

The synthesis, X-ray structures and electrochemical properties of stable five-coordinate, trigonal-bipyramidal CuI complexes of dafone (4,5-diaza-fluoren-9-one) [Cu(dafone)2X] with X=Br (1) or I (2) as ancillary ligands are discussed. The thiocyanate-bridged polymeric CuI complex of dafone, [Cu(dafone)(SCN)]n (3), forms two-dimensional sheets in the crystal, held together by weak interactions involving the dafone ketone group, while the phenanthroline complex, [Cu(phen)(SCN)]n (4), a zigzag arrangement of the phen ligands leads to interchain π-stacking within the lattice. The electrochemical studies reveal that dafone stabilizes the CuI oxidation state more efficiently than phen due to its better π-acceptor ability as indicated by more positive redox potentials for the CuI/CuII couple.  相似文献   

The structure of a histidine kinase (ThkA) complexed with a response regulator (TrrA) in the two-component regulatory system from hyperthermophile Thermotoga maritima was determined by a combination of X-ray crystallography at a resolution of 4.2 A and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The boundary of the three component domains (PAS-sensor, dimerization and catalytic domains) of ThkA and the bound TrrA molecule were unambiguously assigned in the electron density map at 4.2 A resolution. ThkA forms a dimer with crystallographic 2-fold symmetry and two monomeric TrrAs bind to the ThkA dimer. SAXS experiments also confirmed this association state in solution and specific binding between ThkA and TrrA (Kd=8.2x10(-11) M(-2)). The association interface between ThkA and TrrA contains the phosphotransfer His residue in the ThkA, indicative of an efficient receipt of the phosphoryl group. One Per-Arnt-Sim (PAS) domain does not interact with the other PAS domain, but with the catalytic domain of the same polypeptide chain and with one TrrA molecule. Observed inter-domain and inter-molecular interactions reveal a definite pathway of signal transduction in the kinase/regulator complex. In addition, we propose a responsible role of TrrA for the feedback regulation of sensing and/or kinase activities of ThkA.  相似文献   

Virus-like particles (VLPs) are empty particles consisting of virus capsid proteins that closely resemble native virus but are devoid of the native viral nucleic acids and therefore have attracted significant attention as noninfectious vaccines. A recombinant baculovirus, vIBD-7, which encodes the structural proteins (VP2, VP3, and VP4) of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV), produces native IBD VLPs in infected Spodoptera frugiperda insect cells. Another baculovirus, vEDLH-22, encodes VP2 that is fused with a histidine affinity-tag (VP2H) at the C-terminus. By co-infection with these two baculoviruses, hybrid VLPs with histidine tags were formed and purified by immobilized metal affinity chromatography (Hu et al., 1999). Also, we demonstrated that varying the MOI ratio of these infecting viruses altered the extent of VP2H incorporated into the particles. A dynamic mathematical model that described baculovirus infection and VLP synthesis (Hu and Bentley, 2000) was adapted here for co-infection and validated by immunofluorescence labeling. It was shown to predict the VLP composition as a dynamic function of MOI. A constraint in the VP2H content incorporated into the particles was predicted and shown by experiments. Also, the MOI ratio of both infecting viruses was shown to be the major factor influencing the composition of the hybrid particles and an important factor in determining the overall yield. ELISA results confirmed that VP2H was exhibited to a varied extent on the outer surface of the particles. This model provides insight on the use of virus co-infection in virus-mediated recombinant protein expression systems and aids in the optimization of chimeric VLP synthesis.  相似文献   

SP-A, the major protein component of pulmonary surfactant, is absent in exogenous surfactants currently used in clinical practice. However, it is thought that therapeutic properties of natural surfactants improve after enrichment with SP-A. The objective of this study was to determine SP-A effects on physical properties and surface activity of a new synthetic lung surfactant based on a cationic and hydrophobic 21-residue peptide KLLLLKLLLLKLLLLKLLLLK, KL(4). We have analyzed the interaction of SP-A with liposomes consisting of DPPC/POPG/PA (28:9:5.6, w/w/w) with and without 0.57 mol % KL(4) peptide. We found that SP-A had a concentration-dependent effect on the surface activity of KL(4)-DPPC/POPG/PA membranes but not on that of an animal-derived LES. The surface activity of KL(4)-surfactant significantly improved after enrichment with 2.5-5 wt % SP-A. However, it worsened at SP-A concentrations > or =10 wt %. This was due to the fluidizing effect of supraphysiological SP-A concentrations on KL(4)-DPPC/POPG/PA membranes as determined by fluorescence anisotropy measurements, calorimetric studies, and confocal fluorescence microscopy of GUVs. High SP-A concentrations caused disappearance of the solid/fluid phase coexistence of KL(4)-surfactant, suggesting that phase coexistence might be important for the surface adsorption process.  相似文献   

The lipids in the uppermost layer of the skin, the stratum corneum (SC), play an important role in the skin barrier function. The three main subclasses in the SC lipid matrix are ceramides (CER), cholesterol, and free fatty acids. In inflammatory skin diseases, such as atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, the SC lipid composition is modulated compared to the composition in healthy SC. One of the main alterations is the molar ratio between the concentration of CER N-(tetracosanoyl)-sphingosine (CER NS) and CER N-(tetracosanoyl)-phytosphingosine (CER NP), which correlated with an impaired skin barrier function. In the present study, we investigated the impact of varying the CER NS:CER NP ratios on the lipid organization, lipid arrangement, and barrier functionality in SC lipid model systems. The results indicate that a higher CER NS:CER NP ratio as observed in diseased skin did not alter the lipid organization or lipid arrangement in the long periodicity phase encountered in SC. The trans-epidermal water loss, an indication of the barrier functionality, was significantly higher for the CER NS:CER NP 2:1 model (mimicking the ratio in inflammatory skin diseases) compared to the CER NS:CER NP 1:2 ratio (in healthy skin). These findings provide a more detailed insight into the lipid organization in both healthy and diseased skin and suggest that in vivo the molar ratio between CER NS:CER NP contributes to barrier impairment as well but might not be the main factor.  相似文献   

Desulfation of cholesterol sulfate (CholS) to cholesterol (Chol) is an important event in epidermal homeostasis and necessary for stratum corneum (SC) barrier function. The CholS/Chol ratio decreases during SC maturation but remains high in pathological conditions, such as X-linked ichthyosis, characterized by dry and scaly skin. The aim of this study was to characterize the influence of the CholS/Chol molar ratio on the structure, dynamics, and permeability of SC lipid model mixtures. We synthesized deuterated CholS and investigated lipid models with specifically deuterated components using 2H solid-state NMR spectroscopy at temperatures from 25°C to 80°C. Although the rigid acyl chains in ceramides and fatty acids remained essentially rigid upon variation of the CholS/Chol ratio, both sterols were increasingly fluidized in lipid models containing higher CholS concentrations. We also show the X-ray repeat distance of the lipid lamellar phase (105 Å) and the orthorhombic chain packing of the ceramide’s acyl chains and long free fatty acids did not change upon the variation of the CholS content. However, the Chol phase separation visible in models with high Chol concentration disappeared at the 50:50 CholS/Chol ratio. This increased fluidity resulted in higher permeabilities to model markers of these SC models. These results reveal that a high CholS/Chol ratio fluidizes the sterol fraction and increases the permeability of the SC lipid phase while maintaining the lamellar lipid arrangement with an asymmetric sterol distribution.  相似文献   

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