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利用聚合酶链式反应-单链构象多态(PCR-SSCP)技术检测中国美利奴羊(Ovis aries var. Merino)心型脂肪酸结合蛋白基因(H-FABP)外显子2的单核苷酸多态性(SNPs)和遗传多态性,分析其与肌内脂肪(IMF)含量、肌纤维直径和肌纤维密度的相互关系,为该品种绵羊的分子标记辅助选择提供理论依据。结果显示,H-FABP基因外显子2有AA、AB和BB 3种基因型,AA型和BB型在778位均发生了C缺失,939位均发生了A→G转换,BB型还在789位发生了T→C转换,该突变导致所编码氨基酸发生了缬氨酸→丙氨酸的替换;BB型为IMF的优势基因型,与AB型相比差异显著(P<0.05),与AA型相比差异极显著(P<0.01);BB型对肌纤维直径存在负相关。结果提示,中国美利奴羊H-FABP基因外显子2具有多态性,该基因可能是中国美利奴羊肉质性状的主效基因,或者与控制肉质性状的主效基因相连锁。  相似文献   

A six-generation Chinese family with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP) was identified and characterized. Genome-wide linkage analysis linked the family to markers D19S601 to D19S605, which span the PRPF31 gene on chromosome 19q13.33-13.43 (RP11) (LOD = 5.03). Direct DNA sequence analysis identified a novel splicing mutation (IVS1+1G>T) in affected family members and carriers, but not in unaffected family members and 200 normal controls. The splicing mutation occurs at the splicing donor of intron 1. Real time PCR with lymphoblastoid RNA samples from family members showed that in comparison to normal family members, the splicing mutation reduced the expression level of the PRPF31 mRNA by 57% in symptomatic patients and by 28% in clinically asymptomatic carriers. Our studies identify a novel splicing mutation in PRPF31 associated with adRP and suggest that the penetrance of RP11 mutations may be correlated with the expression level of the PRPF31 mRNA.  相似文献   

Precise temporal and spatial regulation of gene expression during Drosophila oogenesis is essential for patterning the anterior-posterior and dorsal-ventral body axes. Establishment of the anterior-posterior axis requires posterior localization and translational control of both oskar and nanos mRNAs. Establishment of the dorsal-ventral axis depends on the precise restriction of gurken mRNA and protein to the dorsal-anterior corner of the oocyte. We have previously shown that Glorund, the Drosophila hnRNP F/H homolog, contributes to anterior-posterior axis patterning by regulating translation of nanos mRNA, through a direct interaction with its 3′ untranslated region. To investigate the pleiotropy of the glorund mutant phenotype, which includes dorsal-ventral and nuclear morphology defects, we searched for proteins that interact with Glorund. Here we show that Glorund is part of a complex containing the hnRNP protein Hrp48 and the splicing factor Half-pint and plays a role both in mRNA localization and nurse cell chromosome organization, probably by regulating alternative splicing of ovarian tumor. We propose that Glorund is a component of multiple protein complexes and functions both as a translational repressor and splicing regulator for anterior-posterior and dorsal-ventral patterning.  相似文献   

胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白3(insulin-like growth factor binding protein,IGFBP3)是调节动物生长和代谢的重要基因.本实验查找了建鲤(Cyprinus carpio var.jian)IGFBP3s基因上的SNP位点.使用PCRRFLP检测了其中5个位点(IGFBP3a-I3...  相似文献   

Molecular studies revealed that autoregulatory negative feedback loops consisting of so-called “clock genes” constitute the circadian clock in Drosophila. However, this hypothesis is not fully supported in other insects and is thus to be examined. In the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus, we have previously shown that period (per) plays an essential role in the rhythm generation. In the present study, we cloned cDNA of the clock gene timeless (tim) and investigated its role in the cricket circadian oscillatory mechanism using RNA interference. Molecular structure of the cricket tim has rather high similarity to those of other insect species. Real-time RT-PCR analysis revealed that tim mRNA showed rhythmic expression in both LD and DD similar to that of per, peaking during the (subjective) night. When injected with tim double-stranded RNA (dstim), tim mRNA levels were significantly reduced and its circadian expression rhythm was eliminated. After the dstim treatment, however, adult crickets showed a clear locomotor rhythm in DD, with a free-running period significantly shorter than that of control crickets injected with Discosoma sp. Red2 (DsRed2) dsRNA. These results suggest that in the cricket, tim plays some role in fine-tuning of the free-running period but may not be essential for oscillation of the circadian clock.  相似文献   

Sequences of the partial 293-bp nuclear Z-chromosome-linked chromo-helicase binding protein (CHD-Z) and 729-bp mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) genes were obtained from two species of the same family Pycnonotidae of Pycnonotus sinensis (P. sinensis, Chinese Bulbul) and Pycnonotus taivanus (P. taivanus, Taiwan Bulbul) distributed in Taiwan. A panel of 10 individuals (n = 5 for each) with unknown relationship was used to characterize single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of these genes. We identified 2 and 10 SNPs in CHD-Z and cyt b loci, respectively. Frequency of SNPs was 10 per every 1465- and 729-bp on average. Pairwise nucleotide divergences of CHD-Z and cyt b genes among 10 specimens ranged from 0 to 0.0034 and 0 to 0.0055, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that the P. taivanus group assignment based on the CHD-Z and cyt b sequences is obviously very similar to P. sinensis.  相似文献   

Floral initiation and development of Hedysarum varium, Onobrychis melanotricha and Alhagi persarum was studied using epi-illumination light-microscopy techniques. The studied species belong to the tribe Hedysareae of the inverted repeat loss clade (IRLC clade), which is characterized by missing the large inverted repeat in the chloroplast genome. The main aim of our study was to determine developmental bases for similarities and differences among the three taxa and to verify the position of Alhagi relative to other genera of the IRLC clade. According to our observations, bracteoles are missing in Onobrychis melanotricha, but are present in the other two species. All three species share unidirectional sepal initiation starting with a median abaxial sepal and bidirectional petal initiation. Stamen initiation is unidirectional in all except in the outer stamen whorl of Hedysarum varium, where it is bidirectional. An important ontogenetic feature in O. melanotricha is the existence of five common primordia, which give rise to petal and stamen primordia. Although in H. varium and O. melanotricha common primordia are observed at some stages in floral organ initiations, in Alhagi all organs are initiated separately. Moreover, overlap in time of floral organs initiation occurs in H. varium and O. melanotricha, but not in A. persarum. The carpel initiates concurrently with the petal primordia in all. It might be presumed that Alhagi is primitive in relation to the other studied Hedysareae taxa, due to the presence of bracteoles, the absence of common primordia, and the lack of overlap in time of different organ initiations.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe sequencing of two members of the Royal Kelantan Malay family genomes will provide insights on the Kelantan Malay whole genome sequences. The two Kelantan Malay genomes were analyzed for the SNP markers associated with thalassemia and Helicobacter pylori infection. Helicobacter pylori infection was reported to be low prevalence in the north-east as compared to the west coast of the Peninsular Malaysia and beta-thalassemia was known to be one of the most common inherited and genetic disorder in Malaysia.ResultBy combining SNP information from literatures, GWAS study and NCBI ClinVar, 18 unique SNPs were selected for further analysis. From these 18 SNPs, 10 SNPs came from previous study of Helicobacter pylori infection among Malay patients, 6 SNPs were from NCBI ClinVar and 2 SNPs from GWAS studies. The analysis reveals that both Royal Kelantan Malay genomes shared all the 10 SNPs identified by Maran (Single Nucleotide Polymorphims (SNPs) genotypic profiling of Malay patients with and without Helicobacter pylori infection in Kelantan, 2011) and one SNP from GWAS study. In addition, the analysis also reveals that both Royal Kelantan Malay genomes shared 3 SNP markers; HBG1 (rs1061234), HBB (rs1609812) and BCL11A (rs766432) where all three markers were associated with beta-thalassemia.ConclusionsOur findings suggest that the Royal Kelantan Malays carry the SNPs which are associated with protection to Helicobacter pylori infection. In addition they also carry SNPs which are associated with beta-thalassemia. These findings are in line with the findings by other researchers who conducted studies on thalassemia and Helicobacter pylori infection in the non-royal Malay population.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been growing interest in analyzing the geographical variations between populations of different Phlebotomus spp. by comparing the sequences of various genes. However, little is known about the genetic structure of Phlebotomus ariasi. In this study, we were able to sequence a fragment of the mitochondrial Cyt b gene in 133 sandflies morphologically identified as P. ariasi and proceeding from a wide geographical range covering 35 locations in 11 different regions from five countries. The intra-specific diversity of P. ariasi is high, with 45 haplotypes differing from each other by one to 26 bases and they are distributed in two mitochondrial lineages, one limited geographically to Algeria and the other widely dispersed across Mediterranean countries. The Algerian lineage is characterized by having 13 fixed polymorphisms and is made up of one sole haplotype. The European/Moroccan P. ariasi lineage is characterized by being made up of a great diversity of haplotypes (44) which display some geographical structuring. This could be one of the multiple factors involved in the epidemiological heterogeneity of the foci of leishmaniasis. Phlebotomus chadlii is the sister group of European/Moroccan P. ariasi. The separation of the Algerian haplotype, H45, from the rest of the specimens, European/Moroccan P. ariasi and P. chadlii, is well supported by the bootstrap analysis.  相似文献   

Acinetobacter baumannii is an emerging pathogen that causes serious infections with high mortality rates in immunocompromised individuals. Genetic manipulations in this medically-relevant pathogen are limited by the paucity of molecular tools. In this study, we show the application of the mini-Tn7-based single copy insertion system in A. baumannii. Mini-Tn7 elements are known to integrate at a naturally evolved, therefore presumably neutral location (intergenic region) downstream of the glmS gene (glucosamine-fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase) in Gram-negative bacteria. We identified the site of insertion of mini-Tn7 in A. baumannii and demonstrated application of this useful cloning tool by inserting the gfp gene into the chromosome. Our work shows that mini-Tn7 elements are useful tools for genetic studies in this important pathogen.  相似文献   

We isolated 33 nodule bacteria from the legume Alhagi sparsifolia growing in the desert of northwest China. They fell into three groups by restriction analysis of their rrs (small subunit ribosomal RNA) genes, and these, together with dnaK and dnaJ genes, were sequenced from representative isolates to assess their taxonomic position by phylogenetic analysis. The bacteria in each group belonged to different lineages that might represent three different new Mesorhizobium species, two of which form a novel clade very distinct from other species in the genus. Most A. sparsifolia symbionts harboured closely related nodA and nodC genes forming new lineages. The presence of these closely related symbiosis genes in various genomic backgrounds and the incongruence observed between the different gene phylogenies indicate a history of horizontal gene transfer of symbiosis genes between the A. sparsifolia symbionts.  相似文献   

Allele frequency differences of functional CYP2C9 polymorphisms are responsible for some of the variation in drug response observed in human populations. The most relevant CYP2C9 functional variants are CYP2C9*2 (rs1799853) and CYP2C9*3 (rs1057910). These polymorphisms show variation in allele frequencies among different population groups. The present study aimed to analyze these polymorphisms in 947 Mexican-Mestizo from Mexico City and 483 individuals from five indigenous Mexican populations: Nahua, Teenek, Tarahumara, Purepecha and Huichol. The CYP2C9*2 allele frequencies in the Mestizo, Nahua and Teenek populations were 0.051, 0.007 and 0.005, respectively. As for CYP2C9*3, the allelic frequencies in the Mestizo, Nahua and Teenek populations were 0.04, 0.005 and 0.005, respectively. The CYP2C9*2 and CYP2C9*3 alleles were not observed in the Tarahumara, Purepecha and Huichol populations. These findings are in agreement with previous studies reporting very low allele frequencies for these polymorphisms in American Indigenous populations.  相似文献   

Promastigotes of Leishmania (Viannia) panamensis were successfully transfected with p6.5-egfp to express green fluorescent protein. The transfectants remained infective to macrophages, providing an in vitro model for screening antileishmanial drugs. This was demonstrated by flow cytometry of macrophage-associated GFP after exposure of infected cultures to known antileishmanial drugs, i.e. amphotericin B and glucantime®. Fluorescence of GFP diminished progressively from infected cells with increasing drug concentrations used in both cases. The availability of this fluorescent assay for infection of macrophages by L. (V.) panamensis facilitates drug discovery program for the Viannia species, which differ significantly from those of the Leishmania subgenus.  相似文献   

Amongst host genetic factors, cytokine gene polymorphism can be anticipated to be an important factor as qualitative, quantitative and time of secretion play an important role in disease outcome. We have investigated association of cytokine promoter SNPs with risk of Plasmodium falciparum malaria and disease severity in a case control study in malaria endemic Karbi Anglong district of Assam, India.Frequency of IL-8-251T/A (p = 0.03 and p = 0.01) and TGF-β1-509C/T (p = 0.02 and p = 0.03) was higher in malaria in comparison to control participants and non-malarial fever controls. Interestingly, a higher frequency of mutant allele of IL-10-819T/C was observed in non-malarial fever controls compared to malaria thus suggesting its role as a distinguishing marker of the two disease groups. Higher IL-8 expression and increased frequency of IL-8-251T/A in complicated malaria (p = 0.002) was reported indicating its role in susceptibility to complicated malaria.In conclusion, our study suggests the role of mutant genotype of IL-8-251T/A as a marker of complicated malaria in our population. Surprisingly, decreased expression of TGF-β1 in uncomplicated malaria even in presence of high expressing mutant genotype was observed and needs to be investigated in context of the pool of activated cells producing the cytokine.  相似文献   

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