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Aspects of pantopod ontogeny have been known for a long time, but specific information is available for only a few species. Our account of the postembryonic development of Pycnogonum litorale is based on laboratory-reared individuals and SEM studies. We documented particularly all early developmental stages, with emphasis on morphogenetic changes of head structures and appendages. In P. litorale the protonymphal limbs, the chelicerae and two more uniramous legs, degenerate already during the larval phase; only the third one, the ovigers, reappears in male juveniles. Other Pantopoda vary in this aspect from retention of all three protonymphal appendages to their complete reduction, as in P. litorale. Accordingly, the two post-cheliceral larval appendages are separate legs in front of the walking legs in the adults, the ‘parapalps’ and the ‘ovigers’, but they do not occur in all pantopods. The scarcity of studies of the ontogeny of Pantopoda prevents us from a more conclusive picture, but our data are promising to state that additional such studies will increase the usability of ontogenetic data for a phylogenetic analysis of Pantopoda, the crown group of the Pycnogonida. We also discuss the phylogenetic implications of our data in the light of new information from Hox genes and developmental-biological data on body segmentation and tagmosis of the Chelicerata. These suggest the homology of chelicerae and antenn(ul)ae of other euarthropods. Accepting this, we conclude that the adult pycnogonid/pantopod head, the cephalosoma, corresponds to the euarthropod head and that the protonymph with three appendage-bearing segments may represent an even shorter, possibly phylogenetically older larval type than the euarthropod ‘head larva’ bearing four pairs of appendages. In further consequence, the fourth walking legs of Pycnogonida/Pantopoda should correspond to the first opisthosomal appendages, the chilaria, of euchelicerates. This implies that within Pycnogonida the post-prosomal region became compacted during evolution to a single leg-bearing segment plus a tubular end piece. Accordingly, neither the anterior nor the posterior functional boundaries of the walking-leg region correspond to the original tagma borders.  相似文献   

Oöcytes of Nauphoeta cinerea begin to grow about 2 days after adult ecdysis. This growth can be totally prevented by surgical ablation of the corpora allata (CA) before day 2 and restored in a dose-related manner by injection of juvenile hormone (JH). Ovarian maturation can also be prevented in some animals by brain extirpation within a day of adult ecdysis but proceeds normally in others, indicating that the brain acts to promote oöcyte lengthening very soon after emergence. Wounding (mouthparts removal) blocks ovarian maturation in a similar percentage of animals, indicating that the ‘wounding effect’ is mediated by the brain. However, those wounded animals which do develop oöcytes do not reach normal values by autopsy on day 7, suggesting a temporary inhibition of the CA. Because the effects of head ligation, which effectively removes the brain as well as the CA, can be reversed by only a little more JH than the effects of allatectomy, we conclude that the primary rôle of the brain is to control the CA. We suggest that both stimulatory neurohumoral material and inhibitory nervous transmission may be utilized for this control.  相似文献   

Regional chronology and climate–growth relationships assessment are known to be sensitive to sampling effort. To disentangle the respective benefits of increasing whether the number of plots or the number of trees per plot when investigating climate–growth relationships under temperate conditions, we propose to simulate samples from a set of 84 plots established in plantations of Corsican pine (Pinus nigra Arnold ssp. laricio Poiret var. Corsicana), within which 10 dominant trees were cored in 1992. The effect of sampling effort was investigated through 20 modalities of sampled plots (from 3 to 84) and 10 modalities of sampled trees per plot (from 1 to 10). Regional chronology was studied using the mean effective correlation and the expressed population signal, while climate–growth relationships were evaluated through correlation functions. The calculation of the correlation functions also allowed testing the effect of sampling effort on various climatic regressors presenting different climate–growth correlation strengths. The accuracy of the dendroecological investigations increased with increasing sample size: estimating climate sensitivity with a regional chronology built from a small sample led to a general under-estimation of the climate–growth correlations. Decreasing sample size also increased the risk of estimating (i) “false” non-significant correlations for the most influencing climatic regressors, and (ii) “false” significant correlations for the less influencing ones. Increasing the number of plots was found of a greater interest than increasing the number of trees per plot to improve the climate–growth relationships assessment. Finally, the analysis revealed that the improvement of the expressed population signal with increasing sampling effort did not linearly mirror the bettering in the climate–growth correlations assessment.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》1996,55(2):139-144
Indications of physiological integration in the clonal plant Thalassia testudinum Banks ex König from the Puerto Morelos reef lagoon, Mexican Caribbean, were deduced from synchronisation in the formation of ‘inactive shoots’, lateral rhizomes and inflorescences. ‘Inactive shoots’ (i.e. bare, pointed shoots with live roots attached) on a rhizome section often had similar numbers of leaf scars. Lateral rhizome sections were generally found in similar positions when a rhizome had more than one shoot bearing a lateral rhizome. Additionally, the position of lateral rhizomes and the number of leaf scars on inactive shoots were often similar when encountered on the same rhizome section. Synchronisation of flowering events was suggested by the similar position of inflorescence scars on different shoots on the same rhizome section. It is suggested that inactive shoots can play a role in density regulation of the clonal population, and that they possibly constitute a ‘dormant meristem bank’ analogous to ‘seed banks’, or ‘dormant bud banks’.  相似文献   

This paper examines the claims of the Gestalt psychologists that there was a crisis in experimental psychology ca. 1900, which arose because the prevailing sensory atomism excluded meaning from among psychological phenomena. The Gestaltists claim that a primary motivation of their movement was to show, against the speculative psychologists and philosophers and Verstehen historians, that natural scientific psychology can handle meaning. Purportedly, they revealed this motivation in their initial German-language presentations but in English emphasized their scientific accomplishments for an American audience. The paper finds that: there was a recognized crisis in the new experimental psychology ca. 1900 pertaining especially to sensory atomism; that the Gestaltists responded to the crisis with new experimental findings and theoretical concepts (Gestalten) that challenged atomism; in both languages, they raised problems of meaning and discussed the contest with speculative psychology and philosophy only after presenting their scientific case; that they introduced phenomenological observations on meaning and perceptual organization into their psychology but did not develop a theory of meaning or solve philosophical problems; that they argued "philosophically," that is, using abstract, conceptual arguments; and that this aspect of their cognitive style was not received well by some prominent members of their American audience.  相似文献   

The pig is useful as a model for human physiology and pathophysiology and could be an important supplement to the many available rodent models of diabetes mellitus. Due to their small size, G?ttingen minipigs are especially suitable for long-term studies. The aim of the study reported here was to establish reference values for a range of glucose and lipid homeostasis parameters of interest that could be used to identify possible diabetes-prone male G?ttingen minipig individuals, families, or age groups. Plasma samples from nonfed animals were analyzed for glucose, leptin, fructosamine, insulin, C-peptide, triglyceride, free fatty acids, and total cholesterol values. Breeding family had significant effects only on plasma triglyceride concentrations (P < 0.001). Plasma concentrations of glucose (P = 0.012), fructosamine (P < 0.001) and triglycerides (P < 0.001) increased significantly with age, whereas total cholesterol concentration decreased significantly (P = 0.001) with age. Age did not influence other parameters. In conclusion, glycemia and insulinemia increased with age and body weight, possibly indicating a small deterioration in insulin sensitivity with age. It is, therefore, hypothesized that older, compared to younger animals may be more useful in the development of a model of type-2 diabetes mellitus. Furthermore, on the basis of decrease in cholesterol concentration with age, animals fed ad libitum with possibly a high calorie diet might be even more useful in the development of a type-2 diabetes mellitus model.  相似文献   

Age and growth estimates for the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, derived from vertebral centra of 258 specimens (118 males, 140 females), ranging in size from 64 to 340 cm fork length (FL) were compared with data from 22 tag–recaptured individuals (74–193 cm FL) and length–frequency data from 1822 individuals (1035 males, 787 females; 65–215 cm FL). Annual band-pair deposition, confirmed by a concurrent bomb radiocarbon validation study, was used as the basis for band interpretation. Validation was further confirmed with a tetracycline-injected male shortfin mako recaptured after being at liberty off South Africa for 1 year and aged at 18 years. Growth rates from tag–recapture analysis (GROTAG) were higher than those derived from vertebral annuli and were only available from sharks up to 193 cm FL at recapture. Modal length–frequency data were used to verify the first four age classes. Growth curves were fit using both von Bertalanffy and Gompertz models. The 3-parameter version of the von Bertalanffy growth function produced the most biologically reasonable values for males, based on observed data (L  = 253 cm FL, K = 0.125 year?1 (estimated longevity = 21 year), and L 0 = 72 cm). The 3-parameter version of the Gompertz growth function produced the most biologically reasonable estimates, for females (L  = 366 cm FL, K = 0.087 year?1 (estimated longevity = 38 year) and L 0 = 88 cm. Males and females were aged to 29 (260 cm FL) and 32 years (335 cm FL), respectively. Both sexes grew similarly to age 11 (207 cm FL, 212 cm FL for males and females, respectively) when the curve leveled in males and continued to rise in females. Age at 50% maturity was estimated at 8 years for males (185 cm FL) and 18 years for females (275 cm FL). The species grows slower, matures later and has a longer life span than previously reported in North Atlantic waters.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The carotenoids of S. dröbachiensis ovaries and eggs were echinenone, β-carotene, zeaxanthin, isocryptoxanthin, and small amounts of a fucoxanthin isomer. The major carotenoids of the gut wall and gut contents were fucoxanthin, mainly isomerized, β-carotene and zeaxanthin. Echinenone was detectable but isocryptoxanthin was not.
  • 2.2. Seasonal variation in ovarian carotenoids was studied. Echinenone constituted between 79 and 85% of the total, except in spawned out ovaries where it fell to 50%, reflecting preferential incorporation of echinenone into eggs.
  • 3.3. Evidence is presented for the synthesis of echinenone from β-carotene via isocryptoxanthin in the ovary rather than in the gut wall.
  • 4.4. The possible significance of the degree of oxidation of animal carotenoids is discussed briefly.

Summary Kalancho? uniflora was grown in the glasshouse with and without shading. Chlorophyll content, area/FW ratio and specific leaf area were higher in leaves of shaded as compared to unshaded plants. Light saturation curves and continuous gas exchange measurements showed that the apparent quantum yield and the light-saturated photosynthetic rate were higher in shaded plants. Shaded plants had lower “mesophyll resistances” than unshaded plants, indicating that the different photosynthetic capacities reflected different contents of ribulose biphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase. Highlight treatment of plants grown in the shade resulted in a decreased photosynthetic efficiency, showing that these plants were sensitive to photoinhibition. However, dry matter production was higher in unshaded than in shaded plants. Obviously the difference in irradiance between the two growth regimes did more than offset the differences in photosynthetic efficiency. Applying additional nutrients did not alter the effects of high PFDs. The results are discussed in respect to photosynthetic performence and plant distribution in the epiphytic habitat.  相似文献   

The capacity to induce crassulacean acid metabolism developmentally (constitutive CAM) and to up-regulate CAM expression in response to drought stress (facultative CAM) was studied in whole shoots of seven species by measuring net CO(2) gas exchange for up to 120 day-night cycles during early growth. In Clusia rosea, CAM was largely induced developmentally. Well-watered seedlings began their life cycle as C(3) plants and developed net dark CO(2) fixation indicative of CAM after the initiation of the fourth leaf pair following the cotyledons. Thereafter, CAM activity increased progressively and drought stress led to only small additional, reversible increases in dark CO(2) fixation. In contrast, CAM expression was overwhelmingly under environmental control in seedlings and mature plants of Clusia pratensis. C(3)-type CO(2) exchange was maintained under well-watered conditions, but upon drought stress, CO(2) exchange shifted, in a fully reversible manner, to a CAM-type pattern. Clusia minor showed CO(2) exchange reponses intermediate to those of C. rosea and C. pratensis. Clusia cretosa operated in the C(3) mode at all times. Notably, reversible stress-induced increases of dark CO(2) fixation were also observed during the developmental progression to pronounced CAM in young Kalancho? daigremontiana and Kalancho? pinnata, two species considered constitutive CAM species. Drought-induced up-regulation of CAM was even detected in young cladodes of a cactus, Opuntia ficus-indica, an archetypal constitutive CAM species. Evidently, the defining characteristics of constitutive and facultative CAM are shared, to variable degrees, by all CAM species.  相似文献   

Needles, annual rings from basal stem discs and bark of three dominant and three suppressed Pinus pinaster from a 12-year-old pine stand (naturally regenerated after a wildfire) were analysed to study the effects of climate, tree age, dominance, and growth on tree δ15N. Foliar-N concentration in dominant pines (0.780–1.474% N) suggested that soil N availability was sufficient, a circumstance that allowed isotopic discrimination by plants and (greater) differences in δ15N among trees. The δ15N decreases in the order wood (−0.20 to +6.12‰), bark (−1.84 to +1.85‰) and needles (−2.13 to +0.77‰). In all trees, before dominance establishment (years 1–8), the N stored in each ring displayed a decreasing δ15N tendency as the tree grows, which is mainly due to a more “closed” N cycle or an increasing importance of N sources with lower δ15N. After dominance establishment (years 9–12), wood δ15N values were higher in suppressed than in dominant trees (2.62 and 1.46‰, respectively; P < 0.01) while the reverse was true for needles and bark; simultaneously, the absolute amount of N stored by suppressed pines in successive rings decreased, suggesting a lower soil N assimilation. These results could be explained by lignification acting as major N source for needles in suppressed pines because products released and reallocated during lignification are 15N-depleted compared with the source. According to principal component analysis, wood δ15N appears associated with wood N concentration and precipitation during the growing season, but clearly opposed to age, basal area increment and mean temperature in spring and summer.  相似文献   

Estimates of age and growth of flounder Paralichthys orbignyanus (Jenyns,1842) were made by analysing fish from commercial catches in Bahía Blanca estuary (39° LS). A total of 823 fish caught by fishing fleets operating in the estuary were collected between February 1997 and January 1998. Age was determined via scale reading and growth estimation parameters using von Bertalanffys equation. Annulus formation occurred in August. The age for the total population, which ranged from 7.7 to 87.5 cm TL was 0–7. Age ranged from 0 to 6 years (21.5–71.9 cm TL) in males and from 0 to 7 years (24.9–87.5 cm TL) in females. Length–weight relationships were W(g)=0.0093 L(cm) exp. 3.03 for the total population, W(g)=0.0147 L(cm) exp. 2.91 for females, and W(g)=0.0168 L(cm) exp. 2.87 for males, respectively. As from age three, females were longer and heavier than males. The growth parameters estimated for the total population, for females and for males were L=83.29, 79.66, and 46.11 cm, respectively; k values were 0.18, 0.23, and 0.92, respectively, and t0 values were –1.87; –1.54, and –0.62, respectively. Similarly to other flounders,P. orbignyanus is a typical inhabitant of estuaries and coastal regions. Adults stay in the study area mainly during spring and summer, they go outside or offshore during the spawning period and then they return to the estuary for feeding and recovering.  相似文献   

Summary Transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-) is a polypeptide related to epidermal growth factor (EGF). Both bind to EGF-receptor (EGF-R) to carry out their function in a variety of tissues and cell lines. Several studies have shown their presence in mammalian kidney, however, nothing has to date been stated concerning their existence in avian kidney. Expression of TGF- and EGF-R is reported here for the first time during the development of the chicken kidney. Using immunohistochemical techniques, we identified a TGF- (but not EGF) in mesonephric distal tubule cells from day 8 to day 20 of embryonic development and in metanephric distal tubule cells from day 14 of embryonic development to the adult. The histochemical characteristics of these cells and their histological localization suggest that they may be the principal cells of the distal tubules. Similarly, EGF-R was found in mesonephric proximal tubule cells from day 7 to day 18 of embryonic development and in metanephric proximal tubule cells from day 13 of embryonic development up to adult stages. The coexistence of both TGF- and EGF-R from the onset of development of mesonephros and metanephros supports their possible role in mechanisms of proliferation and differentiation of the cells of these organs.  相似文献   

Wilson KE  Huner NP 《Planta》2000,212(1):93-102
The long-term photoacclimation of Chlorella vulgaris Beijer (UTEX 265) to growth irradiance and growth temperature under ambient CO2 conditions was examined. While cultures grew at a faster rate at 27 than at 5 °C, growth rates appeared to be independent of irradiance. Decreases in light-harvesting polypeptide accumulation, increases in xanthophyll pool size and changes in the epoxidation state of the xanthophyll cycle pigments were correlated linearly with increases in the relative reduction state of QA, the primary quinone receptor of photosystem II, when estimated as 1−qP under steady-state growth conditions. However, we show that there is also a specific temperature-dependent component, in addition to the redox-state of the QA, involved in regulating the content and composition of light-harvesting complex II of C. vulgaris. In contrast, modulation of the epoxidation state of the xanthophyll pool in response to increased 1−qP in cells grown at 5 °C was indistinguishable from that of cells grown at 27 °C, indicating that light and temperature interact in a similar way to regulate xanthophyll cycle activity in C. vulgaris. Because C. vulgaris exhibited a low-light phenotype in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU), but a high-light phenotype upon addition of 2,5-dibromo-6-isopropyl-3-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone, we conclude that the plastoquinone pool acts as a sensor regulating the accumulation of light-harvesting polypeptides in C. vulgaris. However, concomitant measurements of non-photochemical fluorescence quenching (qN) and the epoxidation state of the xanthophyll pool appear to indicate that, in addition to the redox-state of the plastoquinone pool, the trans-thylakoid ΔpH may also contribute to sensing changes in irradiance and temperature that would lead to over-excitation of the photosynthetic apparatus. We suggest that sink capacity as reflected in photosynthate utilization and cell growth ultimately regulate photoacclimation in C. vulgaris. Received: 17 April 2000 / Accepted: 23 May 2000  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungD 3. Teil I (Ludwig): Z. vergl. Physiol. 24, 319–342 (1937).Herrn Prof. Dr. W. Ludwig, der mir die Anregung zu dieser Arbeit gab und mir auch weiterhin viele Ratschläge zuteil werden ließ, möchte ich an dieser Stelle meinen herzlichsten Dank aussprechen.Ausgeführt mit Unterstützung durch Mittel der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (Prof. Dr. W. Ludwig).  相似文献   


The Group of 77 favors the establishment of a strong International Sea‐Bed Authority with powers to regulate and control all the activities of exploration and exploitation of the “common heritage of mankind,”; referred to in the draft articles as “the Area.”; The Authority itself is to be composed of an Assembly as the supreme policy‐making organ in which the Contracting Parties are to be represented on the basis of sovereign equality; a Council as the executive organ implementing the policies emanating from the Assembly, to be composed of at least 36 states elected to ensure representation of clearly defined special interests and the principle of equitable geographical distribution, and to eschew any form of veto mechanism in its decision‐making process; the Enterprise as the operational organ through which the Authority is to undertake direct exploitation of the Area along with the other entities given access to the Area; and a Secretariat as well as certain subsidiary bodies of the Council.

The Group of 77 takes the position that the Convention itself and the Basic Conditions governing the entire process of exploration and exploitation of the Area must leave the Authority an appreciable margin of discretion in managing the Area for the benefit of mankind as a whole. Thus, a limited category of judicially reviewable decisions of the Authority is envisaged so long as such review does not challenge the legislative powers and resource policy decisions of the Authority. A Sea‐Bed Tribunal is no longer necessary as an organ of the Authority, since the work of such a Tribunal could be done by the special Sea‐Bed Disputes Chamber of the Proposed Law of the Sea Tribunal dealing with disputes arising under the Convention as a whole.  相似文献   

Summary The present study is a reinvestigation of the peculiar integumental differentiations described for the first time by Kölliker in 1844. These transitory organs of microscopic size are composed of two parts; one arises from the ectoderm and forms a sac adhering to the epidermis and enclosing a bundle of chitinous setae that are secreted by the microvilli of a specialized basal cell; the other, arising from the mesoderm, is a muscular apparatus that allows evagination and spreading of the bundle. This functioning was observed in fresh skin preparations of newly-hatched Eledone moschata. The Kölliker organs are present in the young of all ineirrate octopods known so far, except for two species of Octopus (O. briareus, O. maya).
Abréviations C chromatophore - CB cellule basale - CG cellule glandulaire - CM cellule murale - CS cloison sous-cutanée - D dictyosome - E épiderme - F faisceau de soies - FC fibres conjonctives - FP fibre profonde - G golgi - I interdigitations - K organe de Kölliker - M muscle - MB membrane basale - MV microvillus - N noyau - NU nucléole - R réticulum endoplasmique - S soies du faisceau - VS vaisseau sanguin  相似文献   

A 4-week feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary β-glucan, mannan oligosaccharide (MOS) and their combinations on growth performance, immunity and disease resistance of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus. Sea cucumbers (1215 individuals with initial weight of 3.8?±?0.2?g) were fed nine practical diets according to a 3?×?3 factorial design: the basal diet as the control supplemented with three levels of β-glucan (0, 0.075, 0.15%?w/w), crossed with 0, 0.1% (w/w) or 0.2% (w/w) MOS. Immune indices including total coelomocytes count (TCC), phagocytosis, superoxide anion production, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and total nitric oxide synthase activity (T-NOS) were measured at days 7, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25 and 29. At the end of the feeding trial, all the sea cucumbers left were weighted to monitor growth, and then were challenged by Vibrio splendidus. The results showed that dietary β-glucan, MOS and their combinations significantly increased TCC, phagocytosis, superoxide anion production and SOD activity of sea cucumbers (P?相似文献   

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