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Based on analyses with cryo‐scanning and transmission electron microscopy, the present study reports on the morphology and ultrastructure of the attachment structures of the green stinkbug Nezara viridula L. (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), a cosmopolitan pest of different crops in most areas of the world. In addition, the presence and distribution of large proportions of the elastic protein resilin in these structures was revealed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. The attachment structures of each leg comprise two sclerotised claws, a pair of smooth flexible pulvilli and a hairy adhesive pad located at the ventral side of the basitarsus. No sexual dimorphism is evident. Contact areas of resting individuals on a smooth surface show that N. viridula creates contact to the substrate with the ventral surface of (a) the distal portions of the pulvilli, (b) the setae of the hairy adhesive pad, (c) the two paraempodia representing mechanosensory setae, and (d) the tips of the claws. Each pulvillus is a sac‐like structure formed by complex cuticular layers that vary in their structure and resilin content. The dorsal side consists of sclerotised chitinous material, while the ventral cuticle consists mainly of resilin and shows a very thin epicuticle and a thick exocuticle. The setae of the hairy adhesive pad are pointed and socketed. They exhibit a pronounced longitudinal gradient in the material composition, with large proportions of resilin being present in the setal tips. In most of these setae, especially in those of the distal‐most part of the pad, also a transverse gradient in the material composition is visible.  相似文献   

The antibiotic streptomycin added to the drinking water at a concentration of 125 mg/ l during nymphal development of Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)accelerated the development in ca. 2 days, increased survivorship, and doubled adult longevity; nymph survivorship and adult body weight were not affected when compared to control insects. Streptomycin has potential in rearing N. viridula, especially in improving quality of field-collected adults, by mitigating the introduction of pathogenic bacteria, and improving the quality of the population.  相似文献   

Nezara viridula (L.) is a cosmopolitan and polymorphic pentatomid. Several genetically determined types have been described due to body color variation in adults. A survey covering 13 Brazilian states was conducted during 2001 and 2002 to determine the geographical distribution of the main types. Type G (smaragdula--body entirely green), the most common, showed a wide distribution, from south to north (latitude 2 degrees 49' N to 31 degrees 46' S), except in the Central-West Region. Type O (torquata--body green with lateral and median lobes of the head and anterior margin of the pronotum yellow), less abundant than the former, was more frequent at latitudes > 23 degrees 18' S and mean annual temperatures < 20.8 degrees C (Southern Region). Type Y (aurantiaca--body entirely gold or orange), which is rare, was collected only in the Southern Region. N. viridula (smaragdula) was captured in only one place in the Northern Region (Boa Vista, RR, latitude 2 degree 49' N). The abundance of the two most common types, smaragdula and torquata, was not correlated with altitude.  相似文献   

Susceptibility of the southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), and its endoparasitoid Trichopoda pennipes (F.) (Diptera: Tachinidae) to acetamiprid, cyfluthrin, dicrotophos, indoxacarb, oxamyl, and thiamethoxam was compared in residual and oral toxicity tests. In the residual toxicity test, cyfluthrin, dicrotophos, and oxamyl were highly toxic to N. viridula. Thiamethoxam was moderately toxic to these insects. Each of the four insecticides was highly toxic to T. pennipes after prolonged tarsal contact with dried residues of these chemicals. In the oral toxicity test, where N. viridula fed on food covered with insecticide residues, none of the insecticides were toxic to adults of this stink bug, but acetamiprid, dicrotophos, and thiamethoxam were moderately toxic to the nymphs. In the oral toxicity test, where N. viridula fed on a gel-food containing insecticides, cyfluthrin, dicrotophos, oxamyl, and thiamethoxam were highly toxic to this stink bug. In an oral toxicity test using contaminated sugar water, all of the insecticides were highly toxic to T. pennipes. Because insecticides were as toxic, or more toxic, to T. pennipes than to N. viridula, it is extremely important to conserve this parasitoid by applying these insecticides for control of southern green stink bugs only when the pest reaches economic threshold.  相似文献   

Artificial diets prepared with wheat germ, soybean protein, dextrosol, potato starch, sucrose, cellulose, soybean or sunflower oil, and vitamin solution for rearing Nezara viridula (L.) and Euschistus heros (Fabricius) were tested under controlled temperature (25 +/- 1 degrees C), RH (60 +/- 10%), and photophase (14h). Three diets were tested and compared with the natural diet privet [soybean and peanut seeds and privet Ligustrum lucidum Ait. fruit (Oleaceae)]. All three artificial diets allowed full development. The diet containing sunflower oil was the most suitable for N. viridula while E. heros developed better on a diet composed of soybean oil. Data indicated that the artificial diets were inferior to the natural diet. The artificial diets were more adequate for E. heros.  相似文献   

Polymorphism in adult colour pattern of Nezara viridula is determined on the genetic basis. The basic colour patterns of adult are classified into four types, i. e. G, O, R and F. No appreciable differences between these types were observed in respect to various physiological traits of nymphs and adults, except that type G seems to be superior in reproductive ability but to be inferior in ability of surviving winters at least to types R and F. Inter-generation changes in percentage frequency of G type were examined from 1959 to 1967 covering more than 30 generations. Percentage frequencies of G types prior to the severe winter of 1962–3 fluctuated greatly around a mean of 87.9%, while they did to a lesser extent than before with a mean of 85.0% after the winter. Unexpected high percentages of G type were recorded frequently in summer generations, viz. 1st and 2nd. On the other hand, the relative frequencies of G and O types decreased after hibernation in contrast to the increases in those of F and R. This sort of changes in genetic composition related to the winter of 1962–3 was observed in several populations segregated from each other. This seasonal alternation of selective activity in the environments is considered to be responsible for retention of the polymorphism. Alternative possible causes, i. e. difference in habitat preference, non-random mating and selective predation by predators among polymorphs, may safely be rejected as irrelevant to the mechanism in maintaining polymorphism. The polymorphism of this insect seems to be in a transient state rather than balanced one contributing little to population regulation, but the persistence of N. viridula in the periphery range may be assisted by retention of the polymorphism.  相似文献   

The effect of vibratory disturbance on sexual behaviour and substrate-borne sound communication of the southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula L. was studied. Disturbance signals do not change the time N. viridula males need to locate the source of vibratory signals, but decrease the number of males responding with the calling and courtship song to calling females. Female N. viridula proceed calling during stimulation with disturbance signals but some of them change the song rhythm by skipping one or more signal intervals or emitting the repelling signals. The number of females which change the dominant frequency of the calling song decreases proportionally with increasing differences between the dominant frequency of the disturbance signals and the emitted female calling song. Variation of the song dominant frequency probably serves females to avoid interference by increasing the signal to noise ratio. Signal duration and repetition rate do not change significantly when the female is stimulated with the disturbance signals. This indicates that frequency shift by calling females is the main strategy for reducing interference by competitive signalers in N. viridula vibrational communication.  相似文献   

Ovary development and maturation of Nezara viridula (L.) were evaluated by examining ovariole morphology and the alterations in the biochemical (protein synthesis related to reproduction) composition of the hemolymph. Quantitative and qualitative protein analyses were performed and ovary structural alterations for the pre-reproductive and reproductive stages were recorded. Total concentration of proteins in female hemolymph gradually increased until the end of the pre-mating stage, remaining unaltered thereafter. Proteins linked to reproduction (vitellogenins) appeared in the hemolymph 10 days after adult emergence and indicated the end of the pre-mating stage. After mating, total protein concentration in the hemolymph was lower compared to virgin females; vitellogenin levels were similar during most of the observation period. Oocyte development and maturation were gradual and age dependent. Ten-day-old females had chorionated oocytes ready for fertilization. Mating did not stimulate oocyte development in N. viridula, but the lack of mating activity appeared to have stimulated oocyte resorption in 17-day-old females.  相似文献   

Abstract The sequences of 16S rDNA, cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and cytochrome b (Cyt b) genes from nine field collections (seven provinces in China: Guangxi, Hubei, Guangdong, Guizhou, Zhejiang, Hunan, Jiangxi, and also southern and northern part of Iran), plus the sequences of Africa, Europe, Americas and Japan obtained form GenBank were used to re-analyse the genetic variation in the southern green stink bug Nezara viridula (Linnaeus). The phylogeographic re-analysis by using four algorithms (NJ, MP, ML and Bayesian) showed three main lineages. The Iranian haplotypes fell into lineage II formed from Europe and America, rather than in lineage III from Asia; the Chinese haplotypes fell into the Asian clade. Our results suggested that African and non-African gene pools have been isolated since the Miocene era with the molecular clock calibrations for Heteroptera mtDNA, and not since the Pliocene as mentioned previously. The corresponding age of the separation of the eastern and western Asia clades is estimated to be 4.0–1.6 million years ago, coinciding with the Pliocene–Pleistocene epoch and with acute rising events in the Tibet Plateau locates in the western China, which may have formed the barriers observed today.  相似文献   

From March 2002 to January 2004, a colony of southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula (L.), was kept in the laboratory, and its oviposition behavior was observed. During oviposition, soon after the egg is expelled, the female touches the egg mass with the dorsal surface of the last tarsomere; this movement of one leg of the hind pair occurred once. This small component of the oviposition behavior of this pentatomid is little known and not yet fully understood; it may help to position and glue the newly deposited egg to the others.  相似文献   

  • 1 The use of trap crops to reduce green vegetable bug (GVB) Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) damage to process sweet corn Zea mays (L.) was investigated in three field experiments.
  • 2 In the first season, small plots (2.7 m by 10 m) of white mustard Sinapis alba (L.) with pea Pisum sativum (L.) were sown along a crop border and compared with sweet corn alone.
  • 3 In the second season, black mustard Brassica nigra (L.) was sown at two sowing dates (14 days apart) and compared with a sweet corn control, to examine how the maturity of the trap crop affected numbers of GVB trapped.
  • 4 A field scale experiment was also conducted to determine the effectiveness of black mustard as a trap crop to protect larger areas of sweet corn from GVB.
  • 5 In all three experiments, GVB populations were much higher on the trap crops compared with the sweet corn.
  • 6 In both small plot experiments, GVB were contained largely within the trap crop for 2 weeks until the sweet corn was harvested.
  • 7 The field scale experiment demonstrated the efficacy of the trap cropping technique to protect larger areas of crop from GVB.
  • 8 Percentages of damaged sweet corn cobs in the outside row of fields protected by a trap crop were 0% and 1%, respectively, compared with 11% and 22% in control fields.
  • 9 Trap cropping is recommended as an effective strategy to manage this insect. Options for cultivating or spraying the trap crops to reduce bug survival are discussed.

Male Nezara viridula produce sex pheromones from many independent single cells, each with a duct that opens onto the ventral abdominal surface. Despite the presence of a long duct and an associated end complex (in the form of a cupule and microvillus saccule), the structural organization of the cells that comprise the gland conform to Class 1 epidermal gland cell classification : a single cell surrounds the entire secretory complex. Each cuticular cupule contains a central bed of filaments and opens into a narrow tubular ductule that leads from the base of the cupule through the epidermis to the cuticle to open externally as a pore. The cuticle of the cupule is continuous with that of the ductule and has the appearance of three layers, although the inner (middle) layer may be a gap formed during construction of the complex. In young adult males, just molted, the ultrastructure of the cells and their inclusions indicate that they are not active. The region of the cell that is distal to the abdominal cuticle is reduced and the proximal region, surrounding the duct, is enlarged when compared with sexually mature (3-4 weeks old) adult males. At maturity the pheromone cells are enlarged distally around the cupule, but are reduced to a narrow sleeve proximally, around the ductule. Two characteristic cell profiles are evident, based on the shape of the cupule and the organelle content. Type A shows a broad opening to the cupule, an abundance of mitochondria, and few vesicular bodies. Type B has an elongated, narrow, vase-like opening to the cupule, few mitochondria, and numerous vesicular bodies. Type B cells are smaller and more abundant than Type A. Distribution within the epidermal layer also differs. It is likely that the different types represent cells producing different secretion profiles. However, the secretions retained by the standard fixation protocol within mature cells of both types look similar and appear to collect as crystalline bodies within the lumen. This may represent a common storage mechanism.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The potential of azadirachtin as an insect growth regulator was evaluated in Nezara viridula L. by applying different doses to fifth instar nymphs. At doses of 200–500 ng per insect almost all the individuals died during moulting to adults and the survivors showed a great number of nymphal characteristics, and also died very soon after. At lower doses, from 2 to 50 ng per insect, approximately 50% of the adults seemed normal. No effect was observed during the last nymphal instar, even at the highest dose applied. The fertility and fecundity of adults, males and females, developing from nymphs treated with different low doses of azadirachtin were also studied. When azadirachtin was applied at 20 ng per insect on fifth instar nymphs, females developing from these nymphs showed a conspicuous reduction of fecundity. This same effect was evident when untreated females mated with males obtained from treated nymphs. Finally, azadirachtin applied at 1  μ g/cm2 to the oviposition surface showed a remarkable oviposition repellency.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of the stink bug species Nezara viridula (L.), Nezara antennata Scott, Piezodorus hybneri (Gmelin), and Riptortus pedestris (F.) to insecticides was tested, establishing their 50% lethal dose (LD50) values as baseline data. Third instars and adults of the four species were treated by topical application with seven insecticides: fenitrothion, fenthion, etofenprox, silafluofen, dinotefuran, clothianidin, and ethiprole. The weight of the stink bug and weight of the insecticide applied to each bug were used as explanatory variables in the probit regression analysis. The effect of the body weight on the dose-response relationship, the proportional model, was not uniform among the tested insecticide-stink bug combinations. However, the basic model fit all combinations and could estimate LD50 values successfully. Therefore, LD50 values at the medium (average) weight estimated by the basic model were selected to describe the susceptibility of the stink bugs. The LD50 value of silafluofen for N. viridula adults, and that of silafluofen and etofenprox for N. antennata adults, was at least 2,338 ng greater than the other species exposed to each insecticide. Almost all of the LD50 values for adults were over 10 times greater than those of the same species' nymphs treated with the same insecticide. Thus monitoring of occurring species and their developmental stages is important for controlling effectively the stink bug pest complex by insecticides, especially by silafluofen or etofenprox. The estimated LD50 values can be used as baseline data to compare the susceptibility of the species collected in another year or location.  相似文献   

The southern green stink bug Nezara viridula L. (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) is highly polyphagous, preferring apically situated seeds and fruits on more than 150 plant species belonging to over 30 plant families all over the world. This forces them to move over highly variable terrains, including plant stems, leaves, pods and buds, which requires efficient attachment. Stink bugs have long slender legs and feet (tarsi) equipped with paired curved claws, paired soft adhesive pads (pulvilli), and flattened lanceolate hairs (setae), which arise ventrally on the first and second foot segments (tarsomeres). To characterize their attachment abilities on well‐defined test substrates, here we comparatively measured and analyzed the traction forces of bugs walking horizontally and vertically on hydrophilic (water attractive) and hydrophobic (water repellent) glass plates and rods. The latter correspond to the geometry of preferred feeding sites of stink bugs in the field. The results show a clear contribution of tarsal flattened lanceolate hairs to the stink bug's attachment. Higher traction forces are generated on a glass rod than on a glass plate, corresponding to up to individual maximum of 43 times the stink bug's body weight. Substrate hydrophobicity promotes the attachment, while the measured forces are up to eight times lower when tarsal hairs are disabled. The combination of smooth and hairy tarsal pads results in a remarkable attachment ability, which enables N. viridula to climb unstable apical plant parts, and supports their invasive behavior and global dispersion.  相似文献   

Neurosecretory cells of only one type (A, sub type A2) are seen in adult Melanoplus. Two groups of about 400 cells each are located dorsally in the pars intercerebralis medialis; four cells are located deep within the protocerebrum. We found no neurosecretory cells in other parts of the central or sympathetic nervous systems. In about 10% of the specimens, there was marked asymmetry in the location of the dorsal cell groups, with both of these groups and their axons located in one lobe of the protocerebrum. The nervi corporis cardiaci 1 cross-over in the corpus cardiacum, with the result that material produced by neurosecretory cells on one side of the brain is transported along axons that undergo two chiasmata to the corpus cardiacum of the same side. Stainable secretory material could be traced clearly from the cerebral cells to the corpus cardiacum, and even into the oesophageal nerves from the hypocerebral ganglion. However, stainable neurosecretory material is never present in the corpus allatum or along any of the nerves to this gland.  相似文献   

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