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Epple  G. 《Chemical senses》1979,4(1):15-20
Spontaneous responses to the scent marks of male Saguinus fuscicolliswere tested in experiments where the subjects received a choicebetween scent of intact males and castrated males. Male tamarinsdiscriminated between the odors of intact and castrated males,both on the basis of fresh individual scent marks and on thebasis of marks from several donors pooled in methanol. Theirdiscriminatory response to pooled odors was more pronouncedthan that to individual odors. Females discriminated betweenintact and castrated male scents only on the basis of pooledsamples. This result shows that castration causes changes inthe odor of males. The difference in the response of the tamarinsto individual scent marks as compared to pooled samples is discussedin terms of quantitative changes caused by extraction and ofindividual recognition.  相似文献   

The scent-marking behaviour of a group of six saddle-back tamarins, Saguinus fuscicollis nigrifrons , was studied in the Amazon rain forest of north-eastern Peru. Three types of scent marking were recognized: anogenital marking, suprapubic marking and sternal marking. Anogenital marking was the most frequent type. Two or more scent-marking acts of the same or different type were generally combined into sequences. Most scent-marking was performed on branches and lianas; trunks were infrequently used. The tamarins mainly marked on horizontal or inclined substrata with diameters between 3 and 10 cm and a height between I and 10 m. The temporal distribution of scent-marking exhibited a maximum in the early morning between 06:00 and 07:00h and a minimum between 16:00 and 17:00h. The majority of scent-marking occurred in the peripheral areas of the home-range. The spatial distribution of scent-marking was correlated with the intensity of home-range use. No elevated frequencies of scent-marking were observed during intergroup encounters. The results of this field study are compared with findings from laboratory studies, and hypotheses concerning the function of scent-marking are discussed.  相似文献   

The sleeping habits of moustached tamarins, Saguinus mystax , and saddle-back tamarins, Saguinus fuscicollis , were studied in northeastern Peru. Five types of sleeping sites were distinguished: 1) Jessenia bataua palms; 2) tree hollows; 3) dense tangles of vegetation; 4) crotches; 5) open horizontal branches. Both tamarin species used Jesseniu-palms most frequently. Tree hollows ranked second in the saddle-back tamarins, but were never used by moustached tamarins. Sleeping sites of moustached tamarins were located significantly higher than those of saddle-back tamarins. Jessenia -palms used by moustached tamarins were significantly higher than palms from a random transect sample, but this was not the case for Jessenia -palms used by saddle-back tamarins. For both species, concealment seems to be more important than height above ground. The maximum number of subsequent nights spent in the same sleeping site was two in moustached tamarins and six in saddle-back tamarins. The two tamarin species did not compete for sleeping sites. While the general pattern of sleeping site selection conforms to hypotheses predicting safety from predators as a major factor, differences between the two tamarin species reflect general niche differences between them. Most sleeping sites are located in exclusively used parts of the home range. Moustached tamarins generally use sleeping sites that are close to the last feeding site of the afternoon. The distance between simultaneously used sleeping sites of moustached and saddle-back tamarins are generally close together, which helps to minimize time spent out of interspecific association.  相似文献   

The two described subspecies of the emperor tamarin,Saguinus imperator imperator Goeldi andSaguinus imperator subgrisescens Lönnberg are defined and compared, the geographic range of each plotted.  相似文献   

The aim of this histological study was to investigate the postnatal ontogeny of the ovaries in Saguinus fuscicollis to provide a detailed knowledge of the ovarian morphology for further endocrinological studies. Gonads from 43 animals between one day and 18 years of age were investigated. Based on the available material the ovarian development is characterized by seven distinct stages. 1. Neonatal stage : Folliculogenesis is still in progress. The ovarian medulla is filled with an intraovarian rete system, which forms open connections between the rete tubules and the cords containing oocytes. 2. Infantile stage : One month after birth the ovarian cortex is mainly composed of primordial follicles and a few primary follicles at the corticomedullary border, which are separated from each other by connective tissue. At two months, folliculogenesis is nearly completed. The first secondary follicles are present. 3. Juvenile stage : In six-month-old females weighing 184±9.5 g, folliculogenesis has reached the stage of secondary follicles with up to six layers of granulosa cells. In females of the same age weighing 251.5±37 g, antral follicles attain a maximum diameter of 925 μm m. 4. Pubertal stage : At the age of 8–10 months, corpora lutea accessoria (CLA) begin to form from atretic antral follicles. 5. Adult stage : The ovaries of all females older than 1.2 years are filled with large patches of interstitial gland tissue (IGT). In breeding females up to 58.4%of the antral follicles are intact. In non-breeding daughters living in the family group only 1.8%are intact, the rest are in various stages of atresia and form CLA. 6. Climacterial stage : With increasing age (8–13 years), the number of intact follicles decreases dramatically and IGT fills nearly the whole ovary. 7. Senile stage : In females older than 14 years, nearly all remaining follicles show signs of atresia.  相似文献   

Kaytydids and related insects are an important component in the diets of moustached ( Saguinus mystax mystax ) and saddle-back tamarins ( Saguinus fuscicollis nigrifrons ). Based on preliminary data of captured prey, trends suggest that partitioning occurs regarding orthopterans as a limited food resource. Of species caputre as prey, only three were shared by both tamarin species. Saddle-back tamarins appeared to specialize more on understorey species (0-4 m), concentrating on pseudophylline katydids. Moustached tamarins incorporated a greater percentage of phaneropterine katydids from the lower to middle canopy into their diet of insects. Although most prey species were exposed to view during the diurnal feeding period of the tamarins, only the saddle-back tamarin fed on katydids that spend the day concealed from view within dead curled leaves. Differentiation of the prey spectrum may represent a critical pattern of niche differentiation in these two sympatric tamarin species, which show a high overlap in their plant food resources.  相似文献   

In the South American primate, Saguinus fuscicollis, complexscent marks consisting mainly of the secretions of specializedcircumgenital skin glands and some urine communicate the identityof the species, subspecies and individual, its gender, hormonalcondition and social status. The volatile constituents of thesemarks are squalene and a series of butyric acids, comprising96% (by weight) of the mark, and also a large number of as yetunidentified highly volatile compounds. Monitoring of the relativeconcentrations of squalene and the butyrate esters in the scentmarks of male Saguinus f. fuscicollis and Saguinus f. illigeridemonstrates that the two subspecies show consistent differencesin their concentration profiles. The profiles of individualpurebred males closely resemble those of the appropriate subspecieswhile those of hybrids do not. Moreover, the concentration profilesof individual purebred males and hybrids are remarkably constantover long periods of time. Behavioral studies suggest that specificratios of these compounds may be involved in encoding subspeciesspecificity. However, synergists from the highly volatile compoundsappear to be necessary for complete encoding of the message.  相似文献   

We report here the first documentation that proteins contributeto the scent communication system in a primate. Data presentedhere indicate that high molecular weight compounds which arenot airborne are required for perception of the full attractivenessof the scent. Scent marks from the saddle-back tamarin, a SouthAmerican primate, contain a number of water-soluble proteins.Gel electrophoresis documents that the major protein (66 kD)is found in urine, and a second protein (18 kD) comes from thegland secretions. The 18 kD protein produces two distinct bands(14 kD and 4 kD) under reducing conditions. Concurrent behavioralstudies demonstrate that removal of proteins by enzymatic degradationdoes not alter the ability of the tamarins to discriminate betweenscents from different donor types. However, subtle changes insensory quality occur when the proteins have been degraded.In particular, tamarins do discriminate material in which theproteins have been digested from material in which the proteinsare intact. This observation suggests that proteins are a componentof what constitutes the scent image. In addition, they may serveas carriers and/or reservoirs for more volatile ligands thatencode some of the communicatory messages contained in the material.  相似文献   

Metaphases of Saguinas fuscicollis fuscicollis and Saguinas mystax were subjected to restriction enzyme banding (Alu I, Hae III, Hin fI, Rsa I, Dde I, Mbo I and Msp I) and sequenced C-banding, together with fluorochrome staining (CMA3 and DAPI). Both species showed large C-bands in the pericentromeric regions. S. f. fuscicollis also manifested distal C-bands in both arms of pair 5 and in the short arms of pairs 8-15. In each species the heterochromatin revealed different reactions to the restriction enzymes and fluorochromes. This was related to its location in the genome (centromeric, pericentromeric, distal), making possible the identification of distinct categories of constitutive heterochromatin. In S. f. fuscicollis there were at least five types, namely centromeric in bi-armed chromosomes, centromeric in acrocentrics, pericentromeric, distal, and cryptic bands, detected only with the Alu I. There were three types in S. mystax, viz centromeric in bi-armed chromosomes, centromeric in acrocentric, and pericentromeric chromosomes. Several aspects of their constitution and origin are discussed.  相似文献   

Saguinus fuscicollisproduces scent marks which consist mainly of a mixture of urine and the secretions of circumgenital scent glands. The present study investigates the ability of saddle-back tamarins to discriminate between scent material from conspecifics and corresponding material from other species and to differentiate material from two subspecies of Saguinus fuscicollis.When choices between urine samples from conspecifics and from guinea pigs and choices between urine samples from conspecifics and from common marmosets were offered, the tamarins investigated samples from conspecifics more frequently. Similar responses were obtained when choices between scent marks from saddle-back tamarins and from common marmosets and between scent marks from saddle-back and red-chested moustached tamarins were offered. The tamarins also discriminated between scent marks and between extracts of scent marks from Saguinus f. fuscicollisand Saguinus f. illigeri.In these choice tests, subjects of both subspecies tended preferentially to investigate material from Saguinus f. fuscicollis.The results of these studies show that urine and scent marks contain chemical cues on which recognition of conspecifics can be based. Moreover, the scent marks of closely related subspecies also offer cues which could enable the tamarins to discriminate between them.  相似文献   

The effects of prepubertal ovariectomy on scent gland development, scent marking behavior, and on social interactions with strange adult conspecifics were studied in adult females cohabiting with intact males. Eight females were ovariectomized and eight underwent control surgery at 6 months of age. All were returned to their families after surgery and allowed to reach sexual maturity. At 18 months of age, each female was permanently paired with an adult, intact male. When the subjects were 21 months old, the social interactions of all pairs with strange adults were tested in a situation analogous to a territorial encounter. The scent marking activities of the subjects and their mates were studied during “territorial encounters,” in trial-free control situations, and in the presence of novel objects. Ovariectomy prior to puberty retarded the development of the scent gland but did not inhibit it completely. Social interactions with strange conspecifics were also affected. Ovariectomized females showed fewer threat displays than did control females, but there was no significant difference in the amount of injurious aggression both female groups directed at the strangers. Under all testing conditions, ovariectomized females tended to scent mark less frequently with the circumgenital-suprapubic gland than did controls. This difference was statistically significant only under some of the testing conditions. Intact females scent marked more frequently than their males but ovariectomized females did so only under trial-free testing conditions. The sternal scent gland was used very infrequently by all subjects and there was no difference in marking activity between males and females or between ovariectomized and control females.  相似文献   

Two captive-born Saddleback tamarins (Saguinus fuscicollis) died unexpectedly in the primate colony at the Peruvian Primatological Project. At necropsy, a firm, mobile, oblong, obscure mass was discovered in the stomach of each. They were removed and determined to be trichobezoars.  相似文献   

This study is part of a long-term ecological study of habitat and dietary requirements of the pied bare-face tamarin (Saguinus bicolor bicolor). One group was studied for 11 months in an area of secondary forest in a suburb of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. Three main vegetation types occurred inside the group's home range (12 ha): capoeira, older secondary forest and campinarana (white sand forest). The tamarins ate fruits (21 species), flowers (1 species), exudates (4 species), and arthropods (insects and spiders). They spent 14.3% of total activity time seeking and eating animal prey, and 9.9% feeding on plant material, mostly fruits. In general, fruits consumed were ripe, small and succulent. Trees used for feeding were low and had small crown diameters. Three plant species (Protium aracouchinni, Myrcia cf. fallax, and Couma utilis) were used intensively during the three seasons covered by the study period. The concentrated use of 3 fruit species, each for an extended period (one fruiting species per season), provided the tamarins with a regular food supply. Tamarins consumed exudates from holes in the bark of trees of the families Anacardiaceae and Vochysiaceae, as well as gum exuded from seed pods of Mimosaceae. Exudates were exploited during the dry season and at the beginning of the wet season. Group travel was primarily based on routes connecting the fruiting trees exploited, with foraging for animal prey occurring during travel. Tamarins searched for arthropods on trunks, branches and leaves and in trunk holes. The foraging and feeding tactics displayed by S. b. bicolor are closely linked to morphological characteristics (small size and weight, claw-like nails) that allowed access to energy-rich resources (arthropods and plant exudates) in different strata of the vegetation.  相似文献   

M Brack 《Laboratory animals》1988,22(2):144-147
Two colonic mucoid adenocarcinomas in tamarins from the German Primate Centre are reported. A mucinous mucoid adenocarcinoma occurred in the ascending and the transversal colon of a Saguinus oedipus male more than 8 years old, with metastases in the regional lymph nodes and the pancreas. The tumour corresponded to colon cancer in cotton-topped tamarins of other colonies. The second tumour, a well differentiated tubular mucoid adenocarcinoma, developed at the ileocaecal valve of a 14 1/2 year old Saguinus fusciollis male with metastases to the local lymphatic system.  相似文献   

Congenital anomalies were seen at necropsy of two neonatal tamarins. The defects included achondroplastic-like dwarfism, polydactyly and syndactyly in a Saguinus oedipus, and scoliosis and uterus didelphys in a S. fuscicollis. Both infants were the offspring of incestuous matings between twin siblings.  相似文献   

Lion tamarins are among the World's most critically endangered primates. Many studies have been produced under guidance of the International Management Committees for the preservation and management of these tamarins. Primates present morphological sexual differences in a wide range of characteristics, including cranial morphology. Studies of sexual dimorphism in the cranial morphology of theLeontopithecus are few in number and contradictory in their results. In order to check for the existence of sexual dimorphism in lion tamarins the present study analyzed 17 craniometric distances on 56 crania of three species of lion tamarins (Leontopithecus): 20L. rosalia (14 females and 6 males); 13L. chrysomelas (6 females and 7 males); and 23L. chrysopygus (8 females and 15 males). All crania are housed in the CPRJ-FEEMA collection (Primatological Center of Rio de Janeiro) and came from animals born in captivity.L. chrysopygus was more sexually dimorphic (10/17 measurements, 59%) thanL. chrysomelas (9/17 measurements, 53%) orL. rosalia (7/17 measurements, 41%). In all three species, male values are greater than the female ones, except for orbital breadth (m7) inL. rosalia. However, this distance is not sexually dimorphic in this species. This study reveals that some cranial distances, especially in the facial region, are sexually dimorphic in lion tamarins.  相似文献   

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