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Stoichiometries of photosystem I (PSI) and photosystem II (PSII)reaction centers in a cultivar of rice, Norin No. 8, and threechlorophyll b-deficient mutants derived from the cultivar wereinvestigated. Quantitation of PSI by photooxidation of P-700and chromatographic assay of vitamin K1 showed that, on thebasis of chlorophyll, the mutants have higher concentrationsof PSI than the wildtype rice. Greater increases were observedin the PSII contents measured by photoreduction of QA, bindingof a radioactive herbicide and atomic absorption spectroscopyof Mn. Consequently, the PSII to PSI ratio increased from 1.1–1.3in the wild-type rice to 1.8 in chlorina 2, which contains noChl b, and to 2.0–3.3 in chlorina 11 and chlorina 14,which have chlorophyll a/b ratios of 9 and 13, respectively.Measurement of oxygen evolution with saturating single-turnoverflashes revealed that, whereas at most 20% of PSII centers areinactive in oxygen evolution in the wildtype rice, the non-functionalPSII centers amount to about 50% in the three mutant strains.The fluorescence induction kinetics was also analyzed to estimateproportions of the inactive PSII in the mutants. The data obtainedsuggest that plants have an ability to adjust the stoichiometryof the two photosystems and the functional organization of PSIIin response to the genetically induced deficiency of chlorophyllb. (Received July 29, 1994; Accepted February 7, 1996)  相似文献   

在 83K 和 160K 两个温度下,通过激发波长对荧光发射谱的影响研究了光系统II中核心复合物的荧光光谱特性。用不同波长的光激发,核心复合物的发射谱的最大发射峰值不变,用 480、489、495 和 507nm 的光分别激发核心复合物,其光谱最大峰值处的荧光强度随不同激发波长下β-胡萝卜素分子的吸收强度的增大而降低,在长波长区域光谱的变化依赖于首先被激发的色素分子。所以,激发波长的不同影响着核心复合物中能量传递的途径。通过高斯解析,分析出核心复合物中至少存在有 7组叶绿素a组分,它们是Chla660,Chla670,Chla680,Chla682,Chla684,Chla687和Chla690。  相似文献   

Cahen D  Malkin S 《Plant physiology》1977,60(6):845-849
In a previous work the development of photosystem II activity during the greening process of the y-1 mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardi was studied (Cahen, Malkin, Shochat, Ohad. Plant Physiol 58: 257-267). Measurements of quantum yield, maximal rate of electron transfer, flash yield, and fluorescence induction indicated that photosystem II development consists of two partially overlapping phases: (a) reorganization and integration of preexisting units; and (b) addition of newly formed units to the growing membranes.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll-protein complexes of the wild type and 16 strainsof chlorina mutants of rice were investigated by gel electrophoresis.An antenna chlorophyll a/b-protein of photosystem II (LHC-II)was present in reduced amounts in Type II chlorina mutants whichhave the chlorophyll a/b ratios of 10–15, and was totallyabsent from Type I chlorina mutants which lack chlorophyll b.Another antenna chlorophyll-protein of photosystem I (LHC-I)containing two polypeptides of 20 and 21 kDa was also presentin the Type II mutants but not in the Type I mutants. The polypeptideprofiles of the thylakoid membranes indicate that Type I mutantslack both the 20 and 21 kDa polypeptides, whereas the abundanceof the two polypeptides relative to the CPI apoprotein in theType II mutants is comparable with that in the wild type. Itis concluded that the 20 and 21 kDa polypeptides are both relatedto LHC-I and are normally synthesized and accumulated in theType II mutants. (Received June 6, 1985; Accepted August 6, 1985)  相似文献   

Light-harvesting capacities of photosystem I (PSI) and photosystemII (PSII) in a wild-type and three chlorophyll b-deficient mutantstrains of rice were determined by measuring the initial slopeof light-response curve of PSI and PSII electron transport andkinetics of light-induced redox changes of P-700 and QA, respectively.The light-harvesting capacity of PSI determined by the two methodswas only moderately reduced by chlorophyll b-deficiency. Analysisof the fluorescence induction that monitors time course of QAphotoreduction showed that both relative abundance and antennasize of PSIIa decrease with increasing deficiency of chlorophyllb and there is only PSII in chlorina 2 which totallylacks chlorophyll b. The numbers of antenna chlorophyll moleculesassociated with the mutant PSII centers were, therefore, threeto five times smaller than that of PSIIa in the wild type rice.Rates of PSII electron transport determined on the basis ofPSII centers in the three mutants were 60–70% of thatin the normal plant at all photon flux densities examined, indicatingthat substantial portions of the mutant PSII centers are inactivein electron transport. The initial slopes of light-responsecurves of PSII electron transport revealed that the functionalantenna sizes of the active populations of PSII centers in themutants correspond to about half that of PSII in the wild typerice. Thus, the numbers of chlorophyll molecules that serveas antenna of the oxygen-evolving PSII centers in the mutantsare significantly larger than those that are actually associatedwith each PSII center. It is proposed that the inactive PSIIserves as an antenna of the active PSII in the three chlorophyllb-deficient mutants of rice. In spite of the reduced antennasize of PSII, therefore, the total light-harvesting capacityof PSII approximately matches that of PSI in the mutants. (Received July 29, 1994; Accepted February 7, 1996)  相似文献   

Photosystem II particles of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii contain three extrinsic polypeptides of 29, 20, and 16 kilodaltons, whose functions are incompletely defined. We prepared a monospecific polyclonal antibody against the 29 kilodalton protein and determined that it also specifically recognizes a protein of approximately 33 kilodaltons in thylakoid membrane fractions of several vascular plants, eukaryotic algae, and a cyanobacterium. The cross-reacting 33 kilodalton protein of pea was removed from inverted thylakoid vesicles by CaCl2 washes demonstrating the structural relationship between the Chlamydomonas polypeptide and the largest subunit of the water oxidation complex of vascular plants. Functional identity of the Chlamydomonas polypeptide was confirmed by antibody inhibition of O2 evolution in inverted pea vesicles. In contrast to wild-type cells, only low levels of the 29 kilodalton polypeptide are recovered with purified thylakoid membranes of the mutants examined. However, we show that the mature form of the 29 kilodalton polypeptide accumulates to wild-type levels in whole cell extracts of photosystem II deficient mutants and a water oxidation mutant of Chlamydomonas. Impaired membrane assembly has no effect on the maturation or stability of this component of the multi-subunit water oxidation complex.  相似文献   

We propose an exciton model for the Photosystem II reaction center (RC) based on a quantitative simultaneous fit of the absorption, linear dichroism, circular dichroism, steady-state fluorescence, triplet-minus-singlet, and Stark spectra together with the spectra of pheophytin-modified RCs, and so-called RC5 complexes that lack one of the peripheral chlorophylls. In this model, the excited state manifold includes a primary charge-transfer (CT) state that is supposed to be strongly mixed with the pure exciton states. We generalize the exciton theory of Stark spectra by 1), taking into account the coupling to a CT state (whose static dipole cannot be treated as a small parameter in contrast to usual excited states); and 2), expressing the line shape functions in terms of the modified Redfield approach (the same as used for modeling of the linear responses). This allows a consistent modeling of the whole set of experimental data using a unified physical picture. We show that the fluorescence and Stark spectra are extremely sensitive to the assignment of the primary CT state, its energy, and coupling to the excited states. The best fit of the data is obtained supposing that the initial charge separation occurs within the special-pair PD1PD2. Additionally, the scheme with primary electron transfer from the accessory chlorophyll to pheophytin gave a reasonable quantitative fit. We show that the effectiveness of these two pathways is strongly dependent on the realization of the energetic disorder. Supposing a mixed scheme of primary charge separation with a disorder-controlled competition of the two channels, we can explain the coexistence of fast sub-ps and slow ps components of the Phe-anion formation as revealed by different ultrafast spectroscopic techniques.  相似文献   

Based on the current model of its structure and function, photosystem II (PSII) seems to have evolved from an ancestor that was homodimeric in terms of its protein core and contained a special pair of chlorophylls as the photo-oxidizable cofactor. It is proposed that the key event in the evolution of PSII was a mutation that resulted in the separation of the two pigments that made up the special chlorophyll pair, making them into two chlorophylls that were neither special nor paired. These ordinary chlorophylls, along with the two adjacent monomeric chlorophylls, were very oxidizing: a property proposed to be intrinsic to monomeric chlorophylls in the environment provided by reaction centre (RC) proteins. It seems likely that other (mainly electrostatic) changes in the environments of the pigments probably tuned their redox potentials further but these changes would have been minor compared with the redox jump imposed by splitting of the special pair. This sudden increase in redox potential allowed the development of oxygen evolution. The highly oxidizing homodimeric RC would probably have been not only inefficient in terms of photochemistry and charge storage but also wasteful in terms of protein or pigments undergoing damage due to the oxidative chemistry. These problems would have constituted selective pressures in favour of the lop-sided, heterodimeric system that exists as PSII today, in which the highly oxidized species are limited to only one side of the heterodimer: the sacrificial, rapidly turned-over D1 protein. It is also suggested that one reason for maintaining an oxidizable tyrosine, TyrD, on the D2 side of the RC, is that the proton associated with its tyrosyl radical, has an electrostatic role in confining P(+) to the expendable D1 side.  相似文献   

Two fully blocked and one partially blocked photosystem II nuclear mutants have been selected in Zea mays. The fully blocked mutants lack photosystem II activity, variable fluorescence, the light-inducible C-550 signal, the high potential form of cytochrome b-559, and most or all of the low potential form of the cytochrome. The block in these mutants may primarily affect the reducing side of photosystem II, inasmuch as chloroplasts isolated from both mutants exhibit an elevated F695 fluorescence emission peak. The partially blocked mutant exhibits partial photosystem II activity and a reduction, but not the total loss of the variable fluorescence yield, the C-550 signal, and the high potential form of cytochrome b-559. Lamellae isolated from the fully blocked mutants are greatly deficient for a major lamellar polypeptide with an apparent molecular weight of 32,000 daltons, whereas lamellae from the partially blocked mutant show the partial loss of this same polypeptide, suggesting that the 32,000 dalton polypeptide is necessary for the proper function of photosystem II.  相似文献   

Prenylquinones were extracted with hexane from lyophilized oxygen-evolvingphotosystem II particles prepared from spinach chloroplasts.Determination by high performance liquid chromatography showedthat two molecules of plastoquinone A remained per reactioncenter after the extraction, in contrast to the presence ofthree to four plastoquinone A molecules before the extraction.Electron transfer from water to phenyl-p-quinone was not inhibitedby the extraction. Measurement of EPR signal II and microsecondchlorophyll fluorescence kinetics showed that hexane did notextract quinones which were acting as the secondary electrondonor (Z) and the primary electron acceptor (QA) in photosystemII. These results, as well as the effect of quinone extractionon oxygen evolution, indicate that two molecules of plastoquinoneA acting as Z and QA are essential for the activity of photosystemII. An artificial donor phenyl-p-quinone probably accepts electronfrom QA at the same site as the intrinsic secondary electronacceptor (QB). QA and Z seem to be surrounded by special microenvironmentswhich differ from that of bulk quinones, and are resistant tohexane treatment. (Received November 27, 1984; Accepted April 30, 1985)  相似文献   

Incubation of spinach chloroplast membranes for 90 minutes in the presence of 50 mm KCN and 100 mum HgCl(2) produces an inhibition of photosystem I activity which is stable to washing and to storage of the chloroplasts at -70 C. Subsequent exposure of these preparations to NH(2)OH and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid destroys O(2) evolution and flow of electrons from water to oxidized p-phenylenediamine, but two types of phosphorylating cyclic electron flow can still be observed. In the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1'-dimethylurea, phenazinemethosulfate catalyzes ATP synthesis at a rate 60% that observed in uninhibited chloroplasts. C-Substituted p-phenylenediamines will also support low rates of photosystem I-catalyzed cyclic photophosphorylation, but p-phenylenediamine is completely inactive. When photosystem II is not inhibited, p-phenylenediamine will catalyze ATP synthesis at rates up to 90 mumol/hr.mg chlorophyll. This reaction is unaffected by anaerobiosis, and an action spectrum for ATP synthesis shows a peak at 640 nm. These results are interpreted as evidence for the existence of photosystem II-dependent cyclic photophosphorylation in these chloroplast preparations.  相似文献   

Oxygen evolving photosystem II (PSII-OEC) complexes and PSII core complexes were isolated from spinach and the thermophilic cyanobacteriumSynechococcussp. OD24 and characterized by gel electrophoresis, immunoblotting, and absorbance spectroscopy. The mass of the core complexes was determined by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and found to be 281 ± 65 kDa for spinach and 313 ± 52 kDa forSynechococcussp. OD24. The mass of the spinach PSII-OEC complex was 327 ± 64 kDa. Digital images of negatively stained PSII-OEC and PSII core complexes were recorded by STEM and analyzed by single particle averaging. All monomeric complexes showed similar morphologies and were of comparable length (14 nm) and width (10 nm). The averages revealed a pseudo-twofold symmetry axis, which is a prominent structural element of the monomeric form. Difference maps between the averaged projections of the oxygen evolving complexes and the core complexes from both species indicated where the 33-kDa extrinsic manganese stabilizing protein is bound. A symmetric organization of the PSII complex, with the PsbA and the PsbD proteins in the center and symmetrically arranged PsbB and PsbC proteins at the periphery of the monomeric complex, is proposed.  相似文献   

W.L. Butler  M. Kitajima 《BBA》1975,396(1):72-85
A model for the photochemical apparatus of photosynthesis is presented which accounts for the fluorescence properties of Photosystem II and Photosystem I as well as energy transfer between the two photosystems. The model was tested by measuring at ?196 °C fluorescence induction curves at 690 and 730 nm in the absence and presence of 5 mM MgCl2 which presumably changes the distribution of excitation energy between the two photosystems. The equations describing the fluorescence properties involve terms for the distribution of absorbed quanta, α, being the fraction distributed to Photosystem I, and β, the fraction to Photosystem II, and a term for the rate constant for energy transfer from Photosystem II to Photosystem I,kT(II→I). The data, analyzed within the context of the model, permit a direct comparison of α andkT(II→I) in the absence (?) and presence (+) of Mg2+:α/?α+= 1.2andk/?T(II→I)k+T(II→I)= 1.9. If the criterion thatα + β = 1 is applied absolute values can be calculated: in the presence of Mg2+,a+ = 0.27 and the yield of energy transfer,φ+T(II→I) varied from 0.065 when the Photosystem II reaction centers were all open to 0.23 when they were closed. In the absence of Mg2+? = 0.32 andφT(II→I) varied from 0.12 to 0.28.The data were also analyzed assuming that two types of energy transfer could be distinguished; a transfer from the light-harvseting chlorophyll of Photosystem II to Photosystem I,kT(II→I), and a transfer from the reaction centers of Photosystem II to Photosystem I,kt(II→I). In that caseα/?α+= 1.3,k/?T(II→I)k+T(II→I)= 1.3 andk/?t(II→I)k+(tII→I)= 3.0. It was concluded, however, that both of these types of energy transfer are different manifestations of a single energy transfer process.  相似文献   

The electron transfer resulting from illumination and dark storage of PS II has been studied using EPR signals from several electron carriers. The recombination of D+ (Signal II) and QA formed by illumination occurred during dark storage at 77 K and was used to deplete reaction centres of D+. The donor D was then shown to be oxidized in the dark by the S2 state of the oxygen-evolving complex. A slow change which occurred during dark storage of PS II samples was detected using the power saturation characteristics of D. We interpret this effect on D to be an indirect result of a rearrangement of the manganese complex during long-term dark adaptation. A role for D in the stability, protection and perhaps initial manganese binding of the oxygen-evolving complex is suggested.  相似文献   

S Krawczyk  W Maksymiec 《FEBS letters》1991,286(1-2):110-112
Quadratic Stark effect in CP1 pigment-protein complex was examined at low temperatures in the red spectral region. The Stark spectra of samples containing P700 in reduced form exhibit a strong negative band at 704 nm, which disappears on chemical oxidation of P700. The change in permanent dipole moment, delta mu, of P700 on electronic excitation estimated from these spectra was found to be between 4.7 and 7.7 Debye units. It is suggested to reflect the charge-transfer contribution to the excited state of P700. For antenna chlorophyll, delta mu approximately equal to 1 D was obtained in accordance with the data for monomeric chlorophyll.  相似文献   

It is well known that two photosystems, I and II, are needed to transfer electrons from H2O to NADP+ in oxygenic photosynthesis. Each photosystem consists of several components: (a) the light-harvesting antenna (L-HA) system, (b) the reaction center (RC) complex, and (c) the polypeptides and other co-factors involved in electron and proton transport. First, we present a mini review on the heterogeneity which has been identified with the electron acceptor side of Photosystem II (PS II) including (a) L-HA system: the PS II and PS II units, (b) RC complex containing electron acceptor Q1 or Q2; and (c) electron acceptor complex: QA (having two different redox potentials QL and QH) and QB (QB-type; Q'B type; and non-QB type); additional components such as iron (Q-400), U (Em,7=–450 mV) and Q-318 (or Aq) are also mentioned. Furthermore, we summarize the current ideas on the so-called inactive (those that transfer electrons to the plastoquinone pool rather slowly) and active reaction centers. Second, we discuss the bearing of the first section on the ratio of the PS II reaction center (RC-II) and the PS I reaction center (RC-I). Third, we review recent results that relate the inactive and active RC-II, obtained by the use of quinones DMQ and DCBQ, with the fluorescence transient at room temperature and in heated spinach and soybean thylakoids. These data show that inactive RC-II can be easily monitored by the OID phase of fluorescence transient and that heating converts active into inactive centers.Abbreviations DCBQ 2,5 or 2,6 dichloro-p-benzoquinone - DMQ dimethylquinone - QA primary plastoquinone electron acceptor of photosystem II - QB secondary plastoquinone electron acceptor of photosystem II - IODP successive fluorescence levels during time course of chlorophyll a fluorescence: O for origin, I for inflection, D for dip or plateau, and P for peak  相似文献   

Photosystem II (PS II) is a multisubunit membrane protein complex, which uses light energy to oxidize water and reduce plastoquinone. High-resolution electron cryomicroscopy and X-ray crystallography are revealing the structure of this important molecular machine. Both approaches have contributed to our understanding of the organization of the transmembrane helices of higher plant and cyanobacterial PS II and both indicate that PS II normally functions as a dimer. However the high-resolution electron density maps derived from X-ray crystallography currently at 3.7/3.8 A, have allowed assignments to be made to the redox active cofactors involved in the light-driven water-plastoquinone oxidoreductase activity and to the chlorophyll molecules that absorb and transfer energy to the reaction centre. In particular the X-ray work has identified density that can accommodate the four manganese atoms which catalyse the water-oxidation process. The Mn cluster is located at the lumenal surface of the DI protein and approximately 7 A from the redox active tyrosine residue (YZ) which acts an electron/proton transfer link to the primary oxidant P680.+. The lower resolution electron microscopy studies, however, are providing structural models of larger PS II supercomplexes that are ideal frameworks in which to incorporate the X-ray derived structures.  相似文献   

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