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We have previously reported (Samelson, L.E., Patel, M.D., Weissman, A.M., Harford, J.B., and Klausner, R.D. (1986) Cell 46, 1083-1090) that T cell activation by antigen is associated with activation of two biochemical pathways. In this scheme two protein kinases are activated by stimulation of the T cell antigen receptor (TCR). These kinases phosphorylate two different chains of the TCR complex. Protein kinase C is responsible for the phosphorylation of the gamma, and, to a lesser extent, the epsilon chains of the receptor on serine residues while the activation of an unidentified tyrosine kinase leads to phosphorylation of the p21 subunit of the receptor on tyrosine residues. In addition to activation by specific antigens, T cells can be functionally activated in vitro by the addition of antibodies that bind either the antigen receptor or the Thy-1 molecule, an entity independent of the receptor. We have used antibodies directed against these molecules and show that they result in the same dual kinase activation observed with antigen stimulation. In addition we have compared the three ligands, antigen, and antibodies directed against the epsilon chain of the TCR or against Thy-1, in terms of how they couple to the two kinase pathways. Activation of phosphatidylinositol breakdown and TCR phosphorylation on serine by all three stimuli are sensitive to cAMP inhibition. In contrast, only antigen-stimulated tyrosine kinase activation is sensitive to cAMP while the two antibody reagents activate the tyrosine kinase in a manner that is entirely insensitive to cAMP inhibition.  相似文献   

Kinetics and mechanics of cell adhesion   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Cell adhesion is mediated by specific interaction between receptors and ligands. Such interaction provides not only physical linkage but also communication between the cell and its environment. The kinetics and mechanics of cell adhesion are coupled, because force can influence the formation and dissociation of receptor-ligand bonds. The kinetic rates and their force dependence determine how likely, how rapidly and how strongly cells bind as well as how long they remain bound. Since adhesion molecules are linked to apposing cellular membranes, their interaction is governed by two-dimensional (2D) kinetics. This is in contrast to the three-dimensional (3D) binding of soluble ligands to cell surface receptors. Unlike the 3D case in which many methods are available for measuring kinetic rates, not until recently have the 2D kinetic rates become experimentally measurable. In this review, I will discuss the recent progress in the experimental methods that enable quantification of the relevant kinetic and mechanical parameters, the fundamental concepts that underlie the physics of the biological phenomena, and the mathematical models that relate functions to the intrinsic properties of the adhesion molecules.  相似文献   

细胞因子与膜受体的相互作用是生命活动中的重要环节。癌症、自身免疫疾病、代谢紊乱等疾病的发生都和细胞因子失调有着密切的关系,研究细胞因子和受体的相互作用成为治疗上述疾病的基石。本文综述了现今常用的研究方法,包括从最经典的同位素标记直接检测受体与配体的结合,到生化通路下游信号检测,再到生物物理高通量检测方法。  相似文献   

Antigen-presenting cells (APC) can express surface ligands with both T cell activating and inhibitory capacities, prompting the question of how responding T cells integrate opposing trans signals concurrently delivered by APC. To address this question in a quantitative fashion, we turned to protein transfer as a unique experimental approach that is well-suited for addressing such questions from a quantitative standpoint. Costimulatory (either B7-1*Fc(gamma1) or Fc(gamma1)*4-1BBL) and pro-apoptotic (Fc(gamma1)*FasL) Fc fusion proteins were quantitatively "painted" in varying ratios onto surrogate APC pre-coated with palmitated-protein A, the latter serving as a surface anchor. Evaluating the signaling potential of these various painted cells in a standard in vitro T cell proliferation assay, we demonstrated that at a given level of TCR triggering, the quantitative balance between costimulator (B7-1 or 4-1BBL) and FasL dictates the magnitude of the proliferative T cell response. Furthermore, when the costimulator density is kept constant, there is also a quantitative balance between TCR-directed and FasL signals. Interesting species-specific nai;ve versus memory T cell subset differences emerged with regard to susceptibility to Fas-mediated apoptosis and costimulator:FasL opposition. Taken together, these data demonstrate for the first time a quantitative interplay between activating and pro-apoptotic trans signals that dictates the magnitude of T cell responses.  相似文献   

We have studied the interaction of the A:T specific minor-groove binding ligand 4′, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) with synthetic DNA oligomers containing specific binding sites in order to investigate possible long-range interactions between bound ligands. We find that DAPI binds cooperatively to the oligomers. The degree of cooperativity increases with increasing number of binding sites and decreases with the separation between them. This dependence is paralleled by changes in the induced circular dichroism spectrum of DAPI, which decreases in intensity at 335 nm and increases at 365 nm. These results are consistent with an allosteric interaction of DAPI with DNA, where bound ligands cooperatively alter the structure of the DNA molecule. This structural change seems possible to induce under various conditions, including physiological. One consequence of allosteric binding is that ligands bound at a distance from each other sense each other's presence and influence each other's properties. If some regulatory proteins the same conformational change as DAPI, novel mechanisms for controlling gene expression can be anticipated.  相似文献   

Upon antigenic stimulation with OVA-pulsed syngeneic macrophages, the mouse T cell hybridoma 231F1 produced glycosylation inhibiting factor (GIF) having affinity for OVA and IgE-suppressive factors, whereas another T cell hybridoma, 12H5, cells produced OVA-binding glycosylation enhancing factor (GEF) and IgE-potentiating factor. The OVA-binding GIF from the 231F1 cells is an Ag-specific Ts cell factor, whereas OVA-binding GEF from the 12H5 cells is an Ag-specific augmenting factor. Both hybridomas express CD3 complex and functional TCR-alpha beta. Cross-linking of TCR-alpha beta or CD3 molecules on the hybridomas by anti-TCR-alpha beta mAb or anti-CD3 mAb and protein A resulted in the formation of the same factors as those obtained by the stimulation of the cells with OVA-pulsed syngeneic macrophages. It was also found that both the 231F1 cells and 12H5 cells formed IgE-binding factors upon incubation with H-2d and H-2b APC, respectively, with a synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 307-317 in the OVA molecules (P307-317). Six other synthetic peptides, including those containing the major immunogenic epitope, i.e., P323-339, failed to stimulate the hybridomas in the presence of APC. Indeed, all of the 10 T cell hybridoma clones, which could produce either OVA-binding GIF or OVA-binding GEF, responded to P307-317 and APC for the formation of IgE-binding factors. In contrast, GIF/GEF derived from six other hybridoma clones, whose TCR recognized P323-339 in the context of a MHC product, failed to bind to OVA-coupled Sepharose. The results indicate the correlation between the fine specificity of TCR and the affinity of GIF/GEF to the nominal Ag. The amino acid sequence of P307-317 suggested that TCR on the cell sources of Ag-binding factors are specific for an external structure of the Ag molecules.  相似文献   

A systematic series of 89 single residue substitution analogs of the Mycobacterium leprae 65-kDa protein-derived peptide LQAAPALDKL were tested for stimulation of two HLA-DR2 restricted 65 kDa-reactive T cell clones from a tuberculoid leprosy patient. Some analogs with substitutions outside a "core" region showed enhanced stimulation of the T cell clones. This core region of seven or eight residues was essential for recognition, whereas substitution of amino acids outside this region did not affect T cell recognition although these residues could not be omitted. Thus these core residues interact directly with the presenting HLA-DR2 molecule and/or the TCR. Except for analogs of position 419 for clone 2B6, the majority of the nonstimulatory substitution analogs did not inhibit the presentation of LQAAPALDKL and thus probably failed to bind to the HLA-DR2 molecule. Unless all of the core residues are physically involved in binding to DR2, substitution at a position not directly involved in binding appears to have an influence on other residues that do bind to the DR2 molecule. Active peptide analogs with two or more internal prolines suggest that not all analogs need be helical for activity with clone 2F10.  相似文献   

Li P  Selvaraj P  Zhu C 《Biophysical journal》1999,77(6):3394-3406
Binding of the Fc portion of IgG coated on targets to Fcgamma receptors (e.g., CD16) expressed on leukocytes (i.e., 2D binding) is an initiating step for immune responses such as phagocytosis or antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity. In vivo, circulating leukocytes are exposed to plasma IgG. The competition from soluble IgG (i.e., 3D binding) may affect the 2D binding. Many cell surface receptors, CD16 included, have soluble counterparts. While their physiological significance is not clear, receptor-based competitive inhibition therapy, in which soluble receptors, ligands, and their analogs are employed to compete with surface-bound receptors and ligands to prevent unwanted adhesion, is widely used to treat various diseases. To provide a quantitative basis for design of these therapeutic approaches, we developed a mathematical model for 2D and 3D competition binding. The model relates cell-surface adhesion (in the presence and absence of dislodging forces) to the concentration of the soluble competitor, the densities of the surface-bound receptors and ligands, as well as the binding affinities of the 2D and 3D interactions. Binding of CD16-expressing cells to an IgG-coated surface in the presence of a soluble competitor (IgG or anti-CD16 antibody) was quantified by a centrifugation assay. The agreement between experiment and theory supports the validity of the model, which could be useful in predicting the efficacy of the competitor.  相似文献   

McPartland JM  Norris RW  Kilpatrick CW 《Gene》2007,397(1-2):126-135
Genes for receptors and ligands must coevolve to maintain coordinated gene expression and binding affinities. Researchers have debated whether anandamide or 2-arachidonyl glycerol (2-AG) is a more "intrinsic" ligand of cannabinoid receptors. We addressed this debate with a coevolutionary analysis, by examining genes for CB1, CB2, and ten genes that encode ligand metabolic enzymes: abhydrolase domain containing 4 protein, cyclooxygenase 2, diacylglycerol lipase paralogs (DAGLalpha, DAGLbeta), fatty acid amide hydrolase paralogs (FAAH1, FAAH2), monoglyceride lipase, N-acylethanolamine acid amidase, NAPE-selective phospholipase D, and protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 22. Gene trees (cladograms) of CB1, CB2, and ligand enzymes were obtained by searching for orthologs (tBLASTn) in the genomes of nine phylogenetically diverse species, aligning ortholog sequences with ClustalX, and applying Bayesian analysis (MrBayes). Mirrored cladograms provided evidence of coevolution (i.e., parallel cladogenesis). Next we constructed phylograms of CB1, CB2, and the ten enzymes. Phylogram branch lengths were proportional to three sets of maximum likelihood metrics: all-nucleotide-substitutions and NS/SS ratios (using PAUP()), and Ka/Ks ratios (using FUGE). Spurious correlations in all-nucleotide-substitutions trees (due to phylogenetic bias) and in Ka/Ks ratio trees (due to simplistic modeling) were parsed. Branch lengths from equivalent branches in paired trees were correlated by linear regression. Regression analyses, mirrored cladograms, and phylogenetic profiles produced the same results: close associations between cannabinoid receptors and DAGL enzymes. Therefore we propose that cannabinoid receptors initially coevolved with a fatty acid ester ligand (akin to 2-AG) in ancestral metazoans, and affinity for fatty acid ethanolamide ligands (e.g., AEA) evolved thereafter.  相似文献   

Ag recognition is achieved through the communication across intercellular contacts between T cells and APCs such as dendritic cells (DC). Despite remarkable progress in delineating detailed molecular components at the intercellular contacts, little is known about the functional roles of physical cross-junctional adhesion between T and DC in shaping T cell responses. In addition, the mechanisms underlying sensitivity and specificity of Ag discrimination by T cells at intercellular contacts remain to be elucidated. In this study, we use single-cell force spectroscopy to probe the mechanical interactions between DC and T cells in response to stimulation with a panel of altered peptide ligands. The results show that intercellular interactions of DC-T cell conjugates exhibited different ranges of interaction forces in peptide-dependent manners that match the ability of the peptides to activate T cells. Elevated calcium mobilization and IL-2 secretion by T cells were only promoted in response to antigenic peptides that induce strong interaction forces, suggesting that mechanically stable DC-T cell contacts are crucial for driving T cell activation. Strong interactions were not solely dependent on cell-surface molecules such as TCRs and the adhesion molecule LFA-1, but were also controlled by cytoskeletal dynamics and the integrity of membrane lipid rafts. These data provide novel mechanical insights into the effect of Ag affinity on intercellular contacts that align with T cell responsiveness.  相似文献   

Culture supernatants from several subclones of a human T hybrid line (24A) stimulated with PMA showed co-stimulatory activity in the proliferation of Con A-stimulated murine thymocytes, but did not show any IL 2 activity. Some subclones did not show co-stimulatory activity even when stimulated with PMA, excluding the possibility of a carry-over effect. The factor found in the culture supernatants increased IL 2 production in normal T cells stimulated with a suboptimal concentration of PHA. The factor also induced IL 2 production in a T hybrid clone, T-394.1, when the latter was stimulated with a suboptimal concentration of mitogens, indicating a direct effect by this T cell-derived factor on mitogen-stimulated T cells inducing IL 2 production. This factor also induced the generation of other lymphokines such as BCDF and IFN-gamma. Northern blot analysis showed that the factor induced an increase in mRNA for IL 2 as well as IL 2 receptor. These results indicated that T cells could secrete a factor with IL 1-like activity. However, Northern blot analysis showed that mRNA from a T hybrid clone does not cross-react with cDNA for IL 1 (beta) derived from human monocytes.  相似文献   

T cell antigen receptor (TCR) engagement by stimulatory antibodies or its major histocompatibility complex-antigen ligand results in its down-modulation from the cell surface, a phenomenon that is thought to play a role in T cell desensitization. However, TCR engagement results in the down-modulation not only of the engaged receptors but also of non-engaged bystander TCRs. We have investigated the mechanisms that mediate the down-modulation of engaged and bystander receptors and show that co-modulation of the bystander TCRs requires protein-tyrosine kinase activity and is mediated by clathrin-coated pits. In contrast, the down-modulation of engaged TCRs is independent of protein-tyrosine kinases and clathrin pits, suggesting that this process is mediated by an alternate mechanism. Indeed, down-modulation of engaged TCRs appears to depend upon lipid rafts, because cholesterol depletion with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin completely blocks this process. Thus, two independent pathways of internalization are involved in TCR down-modulation and act differentially on directly engaged and bystander receptors. Finally, we propose that although both mechanisms coexist, the predominance of one or the other mechanisms will depend on the dose of ligand.  相似文献   

The interaction of apomyoglobin and its mutant forms with phospholipid membranes was studied using tryptophan fluorescence and circular dichroism in the far UV region. It is shown that a negatively charged phospholipid membrane can have a dual effect on the structure of protein molecule upon their interaction. On the one hand, the membrane induces denaturation of the protein native structure to its intermediate state, acting as a moderate denaturing agent. On the other hand, it can stabilize the structure of unfolded protein to the same intermediate state, acting as a moderate structuring agent. The kinetics of interaction between apomyoglobin and its mutant forms and the phospholipid membrane depends on the membrane surface charge. Here the interaction rate depends on the concentration of phospholipids vesicles and stability of protein molecule, which increase with a decrease in the latter. The roles of these factors in the folding of membrane proteins and the choice of the targeted delivery pathways for protein drugs are discussed.  相似文献   

Molecular interactions between neurotrophin receptors   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Neurotrophins signal via a dual-receptor system comprising receptor tyrosine kinases, the Trks, and a tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor like molecule, p75. Interest in these receptors was spurred on by the finding that they are employed by their neurotrophin ligands to activate opposing cellular mechanisms. Signalling via Trk receptors promotes the survival of embryonic neurons, whereas activation of p75 can trigger apoptosis. However, this antagonistic view is an oversimplification. It is more accurate to refer to this system as a signalling network in which ligands, receptors and their intracellular target proteins are linked by balanced biochemical interactions. This article reviews recent advances in our understanding of these molecular mechanisms which critically determine many cell-type-specific responses to neurotrophins. Emphasis is given to the formation of receptor complexes, the generation of receptor diversity by alternative splicing and the influence exerted by the local membrane environment on neurotrophin signalling.  相似文献   

DNA is a molecular target for many anticancer and antiviral drugs. Therefore, a clear understanding of the interaction of small molecules with DNA is important in the rational design of ligands that can bind to DNA with high affinity and selectivity. There are several methods to investigate interactions between drug and DNA. Some of them measures changing into DNA structures, such as lengthening and untwisting of helix of DNA. Other techniques measure changing in drug environment. With the increasing availability of sensitive microcalorimeters, particular interest has arisen in the thermodynamics of drug-DNA interaction. Using such methods permit direct determination of enthalpy changes associated with reactions. One experiment permits to obtain also binding constant, hence an almost complete thermodynamic profile can be established. This profile offers key insights into the molecular forces that drive complex formation and permit to estimate which kind of interaction are responsible of forming these complexes.  相似文献   

tT cells migrate to lymphoid organs to become activated through specific contacts with antigen-presenting cells bearing foreign antigens. During migration and activation, T lymphocytes are exposed not only to diverse biochemical inputs, but also to different mechanical conditions. Passage from the blood or lymph to solid tissues involves lymphocyte rolling, firm arrest and diapedesis through endothelial monolayers. Throughout this process, cells are subjected to diverse fluid flow regimes. After extravasation, T lymphocytes crawl through viscoelastic media of different biochemical and mechanical properties and geometries. In lymph nodes, T cell contact with antigen-presenting cells is guided by rigidity cues and ligand-receptor interactions. T lymphocyte adaptation to diverse mechanical regimes involves multiple signaling and morphological modifications, many of which enable the conversion of mechanical forces into biochemical signals and vice-versa. These components enable T lymphocyte survival, homing and activation. Here, we review the mechanisms that enable T lymphocytes to survive and thrive under the different mechanical conditions they encounter during their life cycle. These processes require the integration of diverse signaling networks that convert extracellular mechano-chemical cues into force, movement and activation.  相似文献   

Using a combination of branching processes and kinetic equations a solution is provided to the problem of describing the size of aggregates formed on cell surfaces when multivalent ligands bind and cross-link multivalent receptors. A criterion is given for the onset of gelation in infinite 2-dimensional systems, which may be relevant to the phenomenon of ligand-induced receptor patching.  相似文献   

We have extended our "coupling clamp" technique, in which we couple a real cell to a real-time simulation of a model cell, to now incorporate a real cardiac cell as the central element of a two-dimensional sheet of model cells, in which the coupling conductances may be different in the x and y directions and a specific region of lack of coupling conductance may serve as a resistive barrier. We stimulated the real cell in the central location and determined the critical size of the real cell for successful activation of the entire sheet. We found that this critical size was decreased when anisotropy was present compared with the isotropic case and was further decreased when the central site of stimulation was close to the resistive barrier. The heart normally has some degree of anisotropy, and it has been shown that the remodeling that occurs in peri-infarction zones produces a particular loss of lateral connections compared with end-to-end connections among heart cells. We propose that the normal existence of anisotropy and enhancement of the degree of anisotropy both by loss of lateral gap junctions and the development of resistive barriers may play a facilitating role in the development of ectopic foci that may lead to cardiac arrhythmias.  相似文献   

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