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Models for the evolution of plasticity predict that individuals having phenotypes induced by exposure to enemies should experience relatively low fitness when enemies are absent. However, costs of induced phenotypes have been difficult to find in both plants and animals, perhaps because costs are expressed at later stages in the life cycle. We searched for delayed costs of an induced defense in larvae of the water frog Rana ridibunda, which exhibits strong phenotypic responses to predators. Tadpoles grew to metamorphosis in outdoor artificial ponds, in either the presence or absence of Aeshna dragonfly larvae confined within cages. We collected metamorphs at forelimb emergence, estimated their development rate until tail resorption was complete, and measured their body and leg shape and hopping performance. Development rate through metamorphosis reflects the duration of a transitional period during which metamorphs are especially vulnerable to predators, and hopping performance may reflect ability to escape predators. Froglets from the dragonfly treatment lost mass through metamorphosis significantly faster than those from predator-free ponds, but they resorbed their tails at about the same rate, despite the fact that their tails were relatively large to begin with. Froglets developing from predator-induced tadpoles had shorter, more muscular legs, and hopped 5% longer distances (difference not significant). Therefore, producing an induced defense against insect predators during the tadpole stage did not exact a cost during or immediately after metamorphosis; if anything, tadpoles with the predator-induced phenotype gave rise to more vigorous froglets. These results focus attention on other costs of the induced phenotype, as well as alternative explanations for plasticity that do not rely on direct fitness trade-offs.  相似文献   

Organisms vary their rates of growth and development in response to environmental inputs. Such developmental plasticity may be adaptive and positively correlate with environmental heterogeneity. However, the evolution of developmental plasticity among closely related taxa is not well understood. To determine the evolutionary pattern of plasticity, we compared plasticity in time to and size at metamorphosis in response to water desiccation in tadpoles among spadefoot species that differ in breeding pond and larval period durations. Like most tadpoles, spadefoot tadpoles possess the remarkable ability to accelerate development in response to pond drying to avoid desiccation. Here, we hypothesize that desert spadefoot tadpoles have evolved reduced plasticity to avoid desiccation in ephemeral desert pools compared to their nondesert relatives that breed in long-duration ponds. We recorded time to and size at metamorphosis following experimental manipulation of water levels and found that desert-adapted species had much less plasticity in larval period and size at metamorphosis than nondesert species, which retain the hypothetical ancestral state of plasticity. Furthermore, we observed a correlation between degree of plasticity and fat body content that may provide mechanistic insights into the evolution of developmental plasticity in amphibians.  相似文献   

The performance of three genotypes (LL, LR, RR) of tadpoles resulting from the hybrid mating system of Rana lessonae (phenotype L, genotype LL) and Rana esculenta (phenotype E, genotype LR) was determined in artificial ponds. The effects of interspecific competition and pond drying on growth, development, and survival of tadpoles were used to measure the performance of genotypes and the relative fitness of offspring. Among the three genotypes, tadpoles from the homogametic mating RR had the lowest survival, growth, and development under all environmental conditions. Body size of the LL and LR genotype tadpoles at metamorphosis was reduced by competition and pond drying. Days to metamorphosis were also higher for the LL and LR genotype tadpoles in competition ponds. The proportion of individuals metamorphosing of each genotype was differentially lowered by competition and pond drying. The LL genotype produced more metamorphs than the LR genotype in the constant water level ponds, but the LR genotype produced more in drying ponds. In competition ponds, the LR genotype produced more metamorphs than the LL genotype, but the LL genotype produced more metamorphs in ponds without competition. The RR genotype produced no metamorphs in any of the experimental environments. Increased performance of LR offspring from the heterogametic mating, in harsh conditions, and reduced performance of RR offspring from the homogametic mating, even under favorable conditions, relative to the parental genotype (LL) suggests that the population dynamics of this hybridogenetic system is strongly dependent on mate choice in mixed populations and the subsequent pond environment females select for oviposition and larval development.  相似文献   

Global warming may induce significant changes in species life history traits particularly in amphibians, which are characterized by complex and plastic life cycles. Because both warming and predators are often suggested to reduce size at metamorphosis in amphibians, we hypothesized that the size at metamorphosis was further reduced by experimental warming in the presence of predators. We conducted a factorial-designed experiment involving two factors and two levels (warmed vs. ambient, lethal predator absence vs. presence, resulting in four treatments) using Rana kukunoris tadpoles in the eastern Tibetan Plateau, and we examined its behavioral, growth, and developmental responses to warming in the presence and absence of predatory beetles (Agabus sp.) for 13 weeks. During the course of the experiment, a similar level of tadpole mortality due to the diving beetles was found between ambient and warmed treatments, but the warming effect on size at metamorphosis depended on whether the predators were present or absent. In the absence of predators, warming did not significantly increase tadpole growth but advanced the timing of metamorphosis, such that size at metamorphosis of forelimb emergence and tail resorption was much reduced in terms of body fresh weight. In the presence of predators, warming increased tadpole growth rate much more than the development rate (as reflected by duration of the tadpole stage), and therefore the size at metamorphosis was significantly increased. The significant effect of the interaction between predator and warming on the size at metamorphosis could be attributed to the tadpole response in the frequencies of feeding, resting, and swimming to the predator activity level, which was in turn increased by warming. We suggest that warming-induced changes in life history traits should be studied in relation to species interaction so as to accurately predict ecological response of amphibians to the future warmed world.  相似文献   

Vonesh JR 《Oecologia》2005,143(2):280-290
While theoretical studies of the timing of key switch points in complex life cycles such as hatching and metamorphosis have stressed the importance of considering multiple stages, most empirical work has focused on a single life stage. However, the relationship between the fitness components of different life stages may be complex. Ontogenetic switch points such as hatching and metamorphosis do not represent new beginnings—carryover effects across stages can arise when environmental effects on the density and/or traits of early ontogenetic stages subsequently alter mortality or growth in later stages. In this study, I examine the effects of egg- and larval-stage predators on larval performance, size at metamorphosis, and post-metamorphic predation in the African tree frog Hyperolius spinigularis. I monitored the density and survival of arboreal H. spinigularis clutches in the field to estimate how much egg-stage predation reduced the input of tadpoles into the pond. I then conducted experiments to determine: (1) how reductions in initial larval density due to egg predators affect larval survival and mass and age at metamorphosis in the presence and absence of aquatic larval predators, dragonfly larvae, and (2) how differences in mass or age at metamorphosis arising from predation in the embryonic and larval environments affect encounters with post-metamorphic predators, fishing spiders. Reduction in larval densities due to egg predation tended to increase per capita larval survival, decrease larval duration and increase mass at metamorphosis. Larval predators decreased larval survival and had density-dependent effects on larval duration and mass at metamorphosis. The combined effects of embryonic and larval-stage predators increased mass at metamorphosis of survivors by 91%. Larger mass at metamorphosis may have immediate fitness benefits, as larger metamorphs had higher survival in encounters with fishing spiders. Thus, the effects of predators early in ontogeny can alter predation risk even two life stages later.  相似文献   

Crossland MR  Alford RA  Shine R 《Oecologia》2009,158(4):625-632
Invasive species are widely viewed as unmitigated ecological catastrophes, but the reality is more complex. Theoretically, invasive species could have negligible or even positive effects if they sufficiently reduce the intensity of processes regulating native populations. Understanding such mechanisms is crucial to predicting ultimate ecological impacts. We used a mesocosm experiment to quantify the impact of eggs and larvae of the introduced cane toad (Bufo marinus) on fitness-related traits (number, size and time of emergence of metamorphs) of a native Australian frog species (Opisthodon ornatus). The results depended upon the timing of oviposition of the two taxa, and hence the life-history stages that came into contact. Growth and survival of O. ornatus tadpoles were enhanced when they preceded B. marinus tadpoles into ponds, and reduced when they followed B. marinus tadpoles into ponds, relative to when tadpoles of both species were added to ponds simultaneously. The dominant tadpole-tadpole interaction is competition, and the results are consistent with competitive priority effects. However, these priority effects were reduced or reversed when O. ornatus tadpoles encountered B. marinus eggs. Predation on toxic toad eggs reduced the survival of O. ornatus and B. marinus. The consequent reduction in tadpole densities allowed the remaining O. ornatus tadpoles to grow more rapidly and to metamorphose at larger body sizes (>60% disparity in mean mass). Thus, exposure to B. marinus eggs reduced the number of O. ornatus metamorphs, but increased their body sizes. If the increased size at metamorphosis more than compensates for the reduced survival, the effective reproductive output of native anurans may be increased rather than decreased by the invasive toad. Minor interspecific differences in the seasonal timing of oviposition thus have the potential to massively alter the impact of invasive cane toads on native anurans.  相似文献   

Body size at metamorphosis is a key trait in species (such as many anurans) with biphasic life-histories. Experimental studies have shown that metamorph size is highly plastic, depending upon larval density and environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, food supply, water quality, chemical cues from conspecifics, predators and competitors). To test the hypothesis that this developmental plasticity is adaptive, or to determine if inducing plasticity can be used to control an invasive species, we need to know whether or not a metamorphosing anuran’s body size influences its subsequent viability. For logistical reasons, there are few data on this topic under field conditions. We studied cane toads (Rhinella marina) within their invasive Australian range. Metamorph body size is highly plastic in this species, and our laboratory studies showed that larger metamorphs had better locomotor performance (both on land and in the water), and were more adept at catching and consuming prey. In mark-recapture trials in outdoor enclosures, larger body size enhanced metamorph survival and growth rate under some seasonal conditions. Larger metamorphs maintained their size advantage over smaller siblings for at least a month. Our data support the critical but rarely-tested assumption that all else being equal, larger body size at metamorphosis is likely to enhance an individual’s long term viability. Thus, manipulations to reduce body size at metamorphosis in cane toads may help to reduce the ecological impact of this invasive species.  相似文献   

Vertebrate animals reproducing without genetic recombination typically are hybrids, which have large ranges, are locally abundant, and live in disturbed or harsh habitats. This holds for the hemiclonal hybridogenetic frog Rana esculenta: it is widespread in Europe and commonly is found in disturbed habitats such as gravel pits. We hypothesize that its widespread occurrence may either be the result of natural selection for a single hemiclone acting as a broadly adapted “general-purpose” genotype, or of interclonal selection, which maintains multiple hemiclones that each are relatively narrowly adapted and perform differently across environments, that is, the Frozen Niche Variation model. We tested these competing hypotheses using 1000-L outdoor artificial ponds to rear tadpoles of the parental species (Rana lessonae [LL] and Rana ridibunda [RR]) alone, and each of three hemiclones of Rana esculenta (GUT1, GUT2, GUT3) alone, and in mixed hemiclonal populations from hatching to metamorphosis. Tadpoles of three coexisting hemiclones from a single natural population (near Gütighausen, Switzerland) were reared in both two- and three-way mixtures in equal total numbers at high and low density. For each species and hemiclone, the proportion of tadpoles metamorphosing decreased as the density of tadpoles increased, with the three hemiclones spanning the range of values exhibited by the two parental species. LL and GUT1 tadpoles produced the highest proportion of metamorphs, whereas tadpoles of RR produced the fewest metamorphs at both densities. GUT1 tadpoles also produced the largest metamorphs at low density, GUT2 and GUT3 tadpoles produced smaller metamorphs than did GUT1 tadpoles at the low density, but the three hemiclones did not differ from each other at high density. The parental species (LL and RR) were intermediate in metamorphic size to the hemiclones at low density, but all genotypes converged on a similar size at high density. Length of the larval period also was affected by density, but its effect was dependent on genotype. GUT1 tadpoles had the shortest larval period at the low density, but larval period was longer and not different between GUT1, GUT3, and LL at high density. RR tadpoles had the longest larval period at both densities. The most dramatic results were that three genotypes (GUT1, GUT2, and RR) maintained rank order and increased days to metamorphosis from low to high density, whereas two genotypes (GUT3 and LL) changed rank order and decreased days to metamorphosis from low to high density. Mixtures of hemiclones in two- and three-way combinations facilitated the proportion of tadpoles metamorphosing for GUT1 and GUT2 at both densities, but only at the low density for GUT3 tadpoles. Results from this experiment are incompatible with the General-Purpose Genotype model as a global explanation of hybrid abundance in these frogs. Alternatively, the Frozen Niche Variation prediction of general performance superiority of clonal mixtures relative to single clone populations is strongly supported. The data confirm that fitness advantages of hemiclones change, depending on the environment, such that in temporally and spatially heterogeneous habitats like ponds, frequency-dependent selection among hemiclones may promote coexistence in hemiclonal assemblages. Yet, differential dispersal or colonization ability and historical factors affecting hemiclone distribution may also be important in shaping patterns of clonal coexistence.  相似文献   

Couch's spadefoot toads (Scaphiopus couchii) breed in ephemeral desert ponds that are highly variable in duration. Rapid development is expected to be advantageous in short-duration ponds, but slower development, allowing more time for growth, may be advantageous in ponds of longer duration. Previous experiments have revealed both genetic variation in development time and phenotypic plasticity in response to pond drying. In this paper, I examine the norms of reaction of five sibships of tadpoles to see whether there is genetic variation in the effect of pond duration, i.e., in phenotypic plasticity. Several important results emerged. 1) Differences among sibships in development time that were seen in the lab were also seen in the field. 2) There was no evidence for genetic variation in plasticity of development; all sibships exhibited faster development and decreased larval period in ponds of short duration. Plasticity in development appears to be adaptive, as size at metamorphosis was correlated with duration of larval period. The slowest developing sibship, however, suffered higher mortality compared to other sibships in short duration ponds. 3) Sibships did not differ in growth or size at metamorphosis in short-duration ponds, but the slowest developing sibship metamorphosed at the largest size in long duration ponds, resulting in a significant genotype x environment interaction for size at metamorphosis. Thus, although only one of the five sibships responded differently, there appears to be genetic variation for plasticity in growth, and a genetically determined trade-off between fitness in short-duration ponds (via rapid development) and fitness in long duration ponds (via large size at metamorphosis). This may explain the existence of both phenotypic plasticity and genetic variation in development. A single genotype, although capable of adaptive plasticity, is not sufficiently flexible to have equally high fitness in both long- and short-duration ponds.  相似文献   

Body size at metamorphosis is a critical trait in the life history of amphibians. Despite the wide-spread use of amphibians as experimental model organisms, there is a limited understanding of how multiple abiotic and biotic factors affect the variation in metamorphic traits under natural conditions. The aim of our study was to quantify the effects of abiotic and biotic factors on spatial variation in the body size of tadpoles and size at metamorphosis of the European common toad (Bufo b. spinosus). Our study population was distributed over the riverbed (active tract) and the fringing riparian forest of a natural floodplain. The riverbed had warm ponds with variable hydroperiod and few predators, whereas the forest had ponds with the opposite characteristics. Spatial variation in body size at metamorphosis was governed by the interactive effects of abiotic and biotic factors. The particular form of the interaction between water temperature and intraspecific tadpole density suggests that abiotic factors laid the foundation for biotic factors: intraspecific density decreased growth only at high temperature. Predation and intraspecific density jointly reduced metamorphic size. Interspecific density had a negligible affect on body size at metamorphosis, suggesting weak inter-anuran interactions in the larval stage. Population density at metamorphosis was about one to two orders of magnitudes higher in the riverbed ponds than in the forest ponds, mainly because of lower tadpole mortality. Based on our results, we conclude that ponds in the riverbed appear to play a pivotal role for the population because tadpole growth and survival is best in this habitat.  相似文献   

A. G. Nicieza 《Oecologia》2000,123(4):497-505
Age and size at metamorphosis are two important fitness components in species with complex life cycles. In anurans, metamorphic traits show remarkable phenotypic plasticity, especially in response to changes in growth conditions. It is also possible that the perception of risk directly determines changes in larval period and the size of metamorphs. This study examines how the perception of predation risk affects the timing of and size at metamorphosis in common frogs (Rana temporaria). I raised tadpoles at two risk levels (fish-conditioned water or unconditioned water) crossed with the availability or lack of food at night (all tadpoles had food available in the day). Tadpoles reacted to chemical cues from predatory fish by decreasing activity. A novel behavioural result was a predation×food interaction effect on refuge use, which also accounted for most of the predator main effect: predation risk only caused increased refuge use in the night-starved treatment. Despite these behavioural modifications, the perception of predation risk did not affect growth rate and mass at metamorphosis in a simple way: the effects of food regime on growth and size at metamorphosis were dependent on the level of predation risk as revealed by significant predation×food interaction effects. Tadpoles who had food withheld at night metamorphosed at the smallest size, suggesting a negative relationship between size at metamorphosis and refuge use. Tadpoles raised in fish-conditioned water had longer larval periods than those in unconditioned water, but these differences were significant only if food was available at night. These results conflict with the hypotheses that tadpoles should reduce their larval period or growth rates (and hence metamorphose at a smaller size) as the risk of predation increases. In contrast to predation risk, food availability strongly affected the length of the larval period: night-starved tadpoles metamorphosed relatively early with or without fish stimulus. Thus, early metamorphosis resulted from periods of low food availability, but not from a heightened ”perceived risk” of predation. This example counters the hypothesis of acceleration of the developmental rate (which shortens the time to metamorphosis) as a mechanism to escape a risky environment. Received: 18 August 1999 / Accepted: 10 January 2000  相似文献   

Anuran larvae exhibit high levels of phenotypic plasticity in growth and developmental rates in response to variation in temperature and food availability. We tested the hypothesis that alteration of developmental pathways during the aquatic larval stage should affect the postmetamorphic performance of the Iberian painted frog (Discoglossus galganoi). We exposed tadpoles to different temperatures and food types (animal- vs. plant-based diets) to induce variation in the length of the larval period and body size at metamorphosis. In this species, larval period varied with temperature but was unaffected by diet composition. In contrast, size at metamorphosis was shaped by the interaction between food quality and temperature; tadpoles fed on an animal-based diet became bulkier metamorphs than those fed on plant-based food at high (22°C) but not at low (12°C) temperature. Body condition of newly metamorphosed frogs was unrelated to the temperature or food type experienced during the premetamorphic stage. Frogs maintained at high temperature during the larval period showed reduced jumping ability, especially when fed on the plant-based diet. However, when considering size-independent jumping ability, cold-reared individuals exhibited the lowest performance, and herbivores reared at 17°C the highest. Cold-reared (12°C) frogs accumulated larger amounts of energy reserves than individuals raised at 17°C or 22°C. This was still the case after correction for differences in body mass, thus indicating some size-independent effect of developmental temperature. Despite the higher lipid content of the carnivorous diet, the differences in energy reserves between herbivores and carnivores were relatively weak and associated with differences in body size. These results suggest that the consequences of environmental variation in the larval habitat can extend to the terrestrial phase and influence juvenile growth and survival.  相似文献   

Our objective was to determine how green frogs (Rana clamitans) are affected by multiple exposures to a sublethal level of the carbamate insecticide, carbaryl, in outdoor ponds. Tadpoles were added to 1,000-l ponds at a low or high density which were exposed to carbaryl 0, 1, 2, or 3 times. Length of the larval period, mass, developmental stage, tadpole survival, and proportion metamorphosed were used to determine treatment effects. The frequency of dosing affected the proportion of green frogs that reached metamorphosis and the developmental stage of tadpoles. Generally, exposure to carbaryl increased rates of metamorphosis and development. The effect of the frequency of carbaryl exposure on development varied with the density treatment; the majority of metamorphs and the most developed tadpoles came from high-density ponds exposed to carbaryl 3 times. This interaction suggests that exposure to carbaryl later in the larval period stimulated metamorphosis, directly or indirectly, under high-density conditions. Our study indicates that exposure to a contaminant can lead to early initiation of metamorphosis and that natural biotic factors can mediate the effects of a contaminant in the environment.  相似文献   

Brain development shows high plasticity in response to environmental heterogeneity. However, it is unknown how environmental variation during development may affect brain architecture across life history switch points in species with complex life cycles. Previously, we showed that predation and competition affect brain development in common frog (Rana temporaria) tadpoles. Here, we studied whether larval environment had carry-over effects in brains of metamorphs. Tadpoles grown at high density had large optic tecta at metamorphosis, whereas tadpoles grown under predation risk had small diencephala. We found that larval density had a carry-over effect on froglet optic tectum size, whereas the effect of larval predation risk had vanished by metamorphosis. We discuss the possibility that the observed changes may be adaptive, reflecting the needs of an organism in given environmental and developmental contexts.  相似文献   

The cane toad (Rhinella marina) is one of the most successful invasive species worldwide, and has caused significant negative impacts on Australian fauna. Experimental work in the laboratory and in mesocosms has shown that tadpoles of native frogs can affect survival, size at metamorphosis and duration of larval period of cane toad tadpoles. To test if these effects occur in nature, we conducted a field experiment using two temporary ponds where we set up enclosures with tadpoles of native green tree frogs (Litoria caerulea) and cane toads in treatments with a range of densities and combinations. The presence of green tree frog tadpoles significantly decreased the growth rate of toad tadpoles and increased the duration of their larval period in both ponds; in one pond, frog tadpoles also significantly reduced the body length and mass of metamorph toads. Toad tadpoles did not have any significant negative effects on green tree frog tadpoles, but there was strong intraspecific competition within the latter species: increased frog tadpole density resulted in increased larval period and reduced survival, growth rate and size at metamorphosis for frogs at one or both ponds. Our results are encouraging for the possibility of using native frogs as one component of an integrated approach to the biological control of cane toads.  相似文献   

The red-eyed treefrog, Agalychnis callidryas , lays eggs on leaves overhanging ponds. Tadpoles hatch and enter the water at different ages, and late-hatched tadpoles survive aquatic predators better than do early-hatched tadpoles. Here I assess developmental consequences of hatching age through: (1) a morphological study of embryos and tadpoles through the plastic hatching period; (2) a behavioural assay for an effect of hatching age on feeding; and (3) a field experiment testing the effect of hatching age on growth to metamorphosis. Substantial development of feeding, digestive, respiratory and locomotor structures occurs in embryos over the plastic hatching period. Hatchling morphology thus varies with age, with consequences for behaviour and predation risk. Hatched tadpoles develop faster than embryos, and early-hatched tadpoles feed before late-hatched tadpoles. After all tadpoles have hatched, the effect of hatching age on size decreases. I found no evidence for an effect of hatching age on size at metamorphosis and only weak evidence for an effect on larval period. Hatching age affects the sequence of developmental change: early-hatched tadpoles lose external gills while otherwise more developed embryos maintain them. Plasticity in external gill resorption may be adaptive given differences in the respiratory environments of embryos and tadpoles. Early-hatched tadpoles also diverge from embryos in shape, growing relatively smaller tails. The study of functional morphology and developmental plasticity will contribute to understanding hatching as an ontogenetic niche shift.  相似文献   

This study investigates factors of importance for tadpoles survival and metamorph production in the common frog Rana temporaria. It also assess the importance of this for the population dynamics of the species. Eighteen ponds were studied for up to 8 years. Data collected each year included: number of spawn clumps deposited, tadpole number and metamorph number. The permanency of the ponds was also recorded each year. Measures were taken of predator density. There was no suggestion of density dependence in the survival of tadpoles. In contrast, the number of spawn clumps deposited per pond area was highest for ponds with high survival. Density of predators (sticklebacks, newts and invertebrates) was negatively correlated to tadpole and metamorph survival. This was true both within (among years) and among ponds. Several of the study ponds dried completely before metamorphosis in some years. However, those ponds also were those with the smallest number of predators and in years with successful metamorphosis, these ponds produced more metamorphs than more permanent ponds. An analysis of the year to year dynamics showed that population size (number of deposited spawn clumps) was correlated to that in the previous year, suggesting a fairly high adult survival, but also on the number of metamorphs emerging two or three years before (corresponding to the age of sexual maturity of the species). It is concluded that the aquatic stage is not strongly limiting in these ponds but conservation efforts should be focused on the terrestrial habitat. Also, the study stresses the value of temporary ponds, despite the fact that recruitment often fails totally in these.  相似文献   

In ecological models, the timing of amphibian metamorphosis is dependent upon rate of larval growth, e.g., tadpoles that experience a decrease in growth rate can initiate metamorphosis early. Recent authors have suggested that this plasticity may be lost at some point during the larval period. We tested this hypothesis by exposing groups of tadpoles of the gray treefrog, Hyla versicolor, to different growth schedules. In endocrine models, metamorphosis is dependent on thyroxine levels and thyroxine is antagonized by prolactin (amphibian larval growth hormone), consistent with the idea that a rapidly growing tadpole can delay metamorphosis. Thus, we also manipulated the rate of development by supplementing or maintaining natural thyroxine levels for half of the tadpoles in each growth treatment. All tadpoles that received thyroxine supplements metamorphosed at the same time regardless of growth history. They also metamorphosed earlier than tadpoles not treated with thyroxine. Tadpoles not given thyroxine supplements metamorphosed at different times: those growing rapidly during day 15-34 metamorphosed earlier than tadpoles growing slowly. Growth rate before day 15 and after day 34 had no effect on metamorphic timing. The difference in larval period between these rapidly growing tadpoles and their sisters given thyroxine treatments was less than the same comparison for tadpoles that grew slowly during the same period. This apparent prolactin/thyroxine antagonism did not exist after day 34. These results are consistent with the hypothesis of a loss of plasticity in metamorphic timing.  相似文献   

Many amphibian species exploit temporary or even ephemeral aquatic habitats for reproduction by maximising larval growth under benign conditions but accelerating development to rapidly undergo metamorphosis when at risk of desiccation from pond drying. Here we determine mechanisms enabling developmental acceleration in response to decreased water levels in western spadefoot toad tadpoles (Pelobates cultripes), a species with long larval periods and large size at metamorphosis but with a high degree of developmental plasticity. We found that P. cultripes tadpoles can shorten their larval period by an average of 30% in response to reduced water levels. We show that such developmental acceleration was achieved via increased endogenous levels of corticosterone and thyroid hormone, which act synergistically to achieve metamorphosis, and also by increased expression of the thyroid hormone receptor TRΒ, which increases tissue sensitivity and responsivity to thyroid hormone. However, developmental acceleration had morphological and physiological consequences. In addition to resulting in smaller juveniles with proportionately shorter limbs, tadpoles exposed to decreased water levels incurred oxidative stress, indicated by increased activity of the antioxidant enzymes catalase, superoxide dismutase, and gluthatione peroxidase. Such increases were apparently sufficient to neutralise the oxidative damage caused by presumed increased metabolic activity. Thus, developmental acceleration allows spadefoot toad tadpoles to evade drying ponds, but it comes at the expense of reduced size at metamorphosis and increased oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Recent experiments suggest that timing of metamorphosis is fixed during development in some anurans, insects, and freshwater invertebrates. Yet, these experiments do not exclude a growth rate optimization model for the timing of metamorphosis. I manipulated food resources available to larvae of squirrel treefrogs (Hyla squirella) to determine if there is a loss of plasticity in duration of larval period during development and to critically test growth rate models for the timing of metamorphosis. Size-specific resource levels for individual tadpoles were switched from low to high or high to low at three developmental stages spaced throughout larval development. The effects of changes in resource availability on larval period and mass at metamorphosis were measured. Switching food levels after late limb bud development did not significantly affect larval period in comparison to constant food level treatments. Therefore, developmental rate in H. squirella is better described by a fixed developmental rate model, rather than a growth rate optimization model. The timing of fixation of developmental rate in H. squirella is similar to that found in other anuran species, suggesting a taxonomically widespread developmental constraint on the plasticity of larval period duration. Mass at metamorphosis was not significantly affected by the timing of changes in food levels; the amount of food available later in development determined the size at metamorphosis. Larval period and mass at metamorphosis were negatively correlated in only one of two experiments, which contrasts with the common assumption of a phenotypic trade-off between decreased larval period and increased mass at metamorphosis. Received: 19 August 1996 / Accepted: 20 June 1997  相似文献   

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