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Although tropical wet forests play an important role in the global carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles, little is known about the origin, composition, and fate of dissolved organic C (DOC) and N (DON) in these ecosystems. We quantified and characterized fluxes of DOC, DON, and dissolved inorganic N (DIN) in throughfall, litter leachate, and soil solution of an old-growth tropical wet forest to assess their contribution to C stabilization (DOC) and to N export (DON and DIN) from this ecosystem. We found that the forest canopy was a major source of DOC (232 kg C ha–1 y–1). Dissolved organic C fluxes decreased with soil depth from 277 kg C ha–1 y–1 below the litter layer to around 50 kg C kg C ha–1 y–1 between 0.75 and 3.5m depth. Laboratory experiments to quantify biodegradable DOC and DON and to estimate the DOC sorption capacity of the soil, combined with chemical analyses of DOC, revealed that sorption was the dominant process controlling the observed DOC profiles in the soil. This sorption of DOC by the soil matrix has probably led to large soil organic C stores, especially below the rooting zone. Dissolved N fluxes in all strata were dominated by mineral N (mainly NO3). The dominance of NO3 relative to the total amount nitrate of N leaching from the soil shows that NO3 is dominant not only in forest ecosystems receiving large anthropogenic nitrogen inputs but also in this old-growth forest ecosystem, which is not N-limited.  相似文献   

We used sugar maple litter double-labeled with 13C and 15N to quantify fluxes of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) between litter and soil in a northern hardwood forest and the retention of litter C and N in soil. Two cohorts of litter were compared, one in which the label was preferentially incorporated into non-structural tissue and the other structural tissue. Loss of 13C from this litter generally followed dry mass and total C loss whereas loss of 15N (20–30% in 1 year) was accompanied by large increases of total N content of this decaying litter (26–32%). Enrichment of 13C and 15N was detected in soil down to 10–15 cm depth. After 6 months of decay (November–May) 36–43% of the 13C released from the litter was recovered in the soil, with no differences between the structural and non-structural labeled litter. By October the percentage recovery of litter 13C in soil was much lower (16%). The C released from litter and remaining in soil organic matter (SOM) after 1 year represented over 30 g C m−2 y−1 of SOM accumulation. Recovery of litter 15N in soil was much higher than for C (over 90%) and in May 15N was mostly in organic horizons whereas by October it was mostly in 0–10 cm mineral soil. A small proportion of this N was recovered as inorganic N (2–6%). Recovery of 15N in microbial biomass was higher in May (13–15%) than in October (about 5%). The C:N ratio of the SOM and microbial biomass derived from the labeled litter was much higher for the structural than the non-structural litter and for the forest floor than mineral SOM, illustrating the interactive role of substrates and microbial activity in regulating the C:N stoichiometry of forest SOM formation. These results for a forest ecosystem long exposed to chronically high atmospheric N deposition (ca. 10 kg N ha−1 y−1) suggest possible mechanisms of N retention in soil: increased organic N leaching from fresh litter and reduced fungal transport of N from soil to decaying litter may promote N stabilization in mineral SOM even at a relatively low C:N ratio.  相似文献   

The high biodiversity of tropical forest streams depends on the strong input of organic matter, yet the leaf litter decomposition dynamics in these streams are not well understood. We assessed how seasonal litterfall affects leaf litter breakdown, density and biomass of aquatic invertebrates, and the microbial biomass and sporulation of aquatic hyphomycetes in a South American grassland ‘vereda’ landscape. Although litter production in the riparian area was low, leaf litter breakdown was high compared with other South American systems, with maximum values coinciding with the rainy season. Fungal biomass in decomposing leaves was high, but spore densities in water and sporulation rates were very low. Invertebrates were not abundant in litter bags, suggesting they play a minor role in leaf litter decomposition. Chironomids accounted for ~70 percent of all invertebrates; only 10 percent of non‐Chironomidae invertebrates were shredders. Therefore, fungi appear to be the drivers of leaf litter decomposition. Our results show that despite low productivity and relatively fast litter decomposition, organic matter accumulated in the stream and riparian area. This pattern was attributed to the wet/dry cycles in which leaves falling in the flat riparian zone remain undecomposed (during the dry period) and are massively transported to the riverbed (rainy season).  相似文献   

红树林有机碎屑在河口生态系统中的作用   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
生长在热带、亚热带潮间带的红树林,由于其独特的生境和生物学特征,吸引了人们的好奇心,也引起人们对其科学价值的研究。人们首先注意到的是红树植物的形态适应特征(如胎生现象、支柱根和呼吸根等)和耐盐性。过去,人们对于红树林价值的认识是从直接用途开始的,如保护堤岸、提取丹宁、作为建筑材料和薪炭材等。早期的研究只注重于生物学  相似文献   

In lower-montane ecosystems of Ecuador, Setaria sphacelata (foxtail grass), the predominant introduced pasture species, forms a tussock grassland that reduces soil nitrogen and resists recolonization of forest vegetation. We compared the influence of individual trees or small clusters of nitrogen-fixing ( Inga sp., Fabaceae) and non-nitrogen-fixing trees ( Psidium guajava L., guava) on the soil and abiotic conditions that affect further regeneration of forest vegetation within pastures. Pasture trees ameliorated air temperature and light intensity to levels similar to those in adjacent intact forest. Beneath Inga , soil NO3 -N was four times higher than in open pasture. Nitrification was five times higher under Inga canopies than in open pastures for both field and laboratory incubations. This suggests that the increased soil N transformations under Inga are derived mainly from improved soil rather than microenvironmental conditions. Psidium canopies slightly increased field nitrification but had no effect under laboratory conditions. We also compared the natural abundance 13C signature and the carbon and nitrogen content of subcanopy soil with adjacent open pasture soil. Inga increased the C and N content of the upper 5 cm of soil and increased by 7% the fraction of soil organic matter derived from C3 plants. The improved soil and abiotic conditions beneath the canopies of N-fixing pasture trees favor the establishment and growth of woody montane species, suggesting that these trees could be used to accelerate forest regeneration within abandoned pastures.  相似文献   

Rapid Cycling of Organic Nitrogen in Taiga Forest Ecosystems   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
ABSTRACT We examined the dynamics of organic nitrogen (N) turnover in situ across a primary successional sequence in interior Alaska, USA, in an attempt to understand the magnitude of these fluxes in cold, seasonally frozen soils. Through a combination of soil extraction procedures and measurements of 13C-enriched CO2 efflux from soils amended in the field with 13C-labeled amino acids, we were able to trace the fate of this N form. Amino acid turnover in situ at soil temperatures of 10°C or below show that amino acids represent a highly dynamic soil N pool with turnover times of approximately 3–6 h. The rapid turnover of free amino acids is associated with high soil proteolytic activity, which in turn is tightly correlated with soil protein concentration. Moreover, these estimates of soil amino acid turnover in the field correspond well with measurements of amino acid turnover under equivalent temperatures in the laboratory. The gross flux of amino acid-N over the growing season greatly exceeded the annual vegetation N requirement, suggesting that microbial biomass represent a significant sink for this organic N. Depending on the strength of this sink, N flow via free soil amino acids can potentially account for the entire N demand of vegetation in the absence of net N mineralization. These relationships underscore the important biogeochemical role of labile DON fractions in high-latitude forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

We examined chemical changes from leaf tissue to soil organic matter (SOM) to determine the persistence of plant chemistry into soil aggregate fractions. We characterized a slow (Dicranopteris linearis) and fast-decomposing species (Cheirodendron trigynum) and surface (O), and subsurface (A-horizon) SOM beneath each species using pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (py-GC/MS), with and without derivatization. The live tissues of Dicranopteris had greater lignin content whereas Cheirodendron had a greater lipid, N-bearing, and polysaccharide component. Despite this difference in leaf chemistry, SOM chemistry was similar between soil aggregate fractions, but different between horizons. The O-horizon contained primarily lignin and polysaccharide biomarkers whereas the A-horizon contained polysaccharide, aromatic, and N-derived compounds, indicating considerable microbial processing of plant litter. The soils beneath Cheirodendron inherited a greater lipid signal composed of cutin and suberin biomarkers whereas the soils beneath Dicranopteris contained greater aromatic biomarker content, possibly derived from plant lignins. The soils beneath both species were more similar to root polysaccharides, lipids, and lignins than aboveground tissue. This study indicates that although plant-derived OM is processed vigorously, species-specific biomarkers and compound class differences persist into these soils and that differences in plant chemical properties may influence soil development even after considerable reworking of plant litter by microorganisms.  相似文献   

Understanding how plant functional traits shape nutrient limitation and cycling on land is a major challenge in ecology. This is especially true for lowland forest ecosystems of the tropics which can be taxonomically and functionally diverse and rich in bioavailable nitrogen (N). In many tropical regions, however, diverse forests occur side-by-side with monodominant forest (one species >60% of canopy); the long-term biogeochemical consequences of tree monodominance are unclear. Particularly uncertain is whether the monodominant plant-soil system modifies nutrient balance at the ecosystem level. Here, we use chemical and stable isotope techniques to examine N cycling in old-growth Mora excelsa and diverse watershed rainforests on the island of Trinidad. Across 26 small watershed forests and 4 years, we show that Mora monodominance reduces bioavailable nitrate in the plant-soil system to exceedingly low levels which, in turn, results in small hydrologic and gaseous N losses at the watershed-level relative to adjacent N-rich diverse forests. Bioavailable N in soils and streams remained low and remarkably stable through time in Mora forests; N levels in diverse forests, on the other hand, showed high sensitivity to seasonal and inter-annual rainfall variation. Total mineral N losses from diverse forests exceeded inputs from atmospheric deposition, consistent with N saturation, while losses from Mora forests did not, suggesting N limitation. Our measures suggest that this difference cannot be explained by environmental factors but instead by low internal production and efficient retention of bioavailable N in the Mora plant-soil system. These results demonstrate ecosystem-level consequences of a tree species on the N cycle opposite to cases where trees enhance ecosystem N supply via N2 fixation and suggest that, over time, Mora monodominance may generate progressive N draw-down in the plant-soil system.  相似文献   

Nutrient availability in the arctic is expected to increase in the next century due to accelerated decomposition associated with warming and, to a lesser extent, increased nitrogen deposition. To explore how changes in nutrient availability affect ecosystem carbon (C) cycling, we used radiocarbon to quantify changes in belowground C dynamics associated with long-term fertilization of graminoid-dominated tussock tundra at Toolik Lake, Alaska. Since 1981, yearly fertilization with nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) has resulted in a shift to shrub-dominated vegetation. These combined changes have altered the quantity and quality of litter inputs, the vertical distribution and dynamics of fine roots, and the decomposition rate of soil organic C. The loss of C from the deep organic and mineral soil has more than offset the C accumulation in the litter and upper organic soil horizons. In the litter and upper organic horizons, radiocarbon measurements show that increased inputs resulted in overall C accumulation, despite being offset by increased decomposition in some soil pools. To reconcile radiocarbon observations in the deeper organic and mineral soil layers, where most of the ecosystem C loss occurred, both a decrease in input of new root material and a dramatic increase of decomposition rates in centuries-old soil C pools were required. Therefore, with future increases in nutrient availability, we may expect substantial losses of C which took centuries to accumulate.  相似文献   

Soluble Organic Nitrogen Pools in Forest soils of Subtropical Australia   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Soil soluble organic N (SON) plays an important role in N biogeochemical cycling. In this study, 22 surface forest soils (0–10 cm) were collected from southeast Queensland, Australia, to investigate the size of SON pools extracted by water and salt solutions. Approximately 5–45 mg SON kg−1, 2–42 mg SON kg−1 and 1–24 SON mg kg−1 were extracted by 2 M KCl, 0.5 M K2SO4 and water, on average, corresponding to about 21.1, 13.5 and 7.0 kg SON ha−1 at the 0–10 cm forest soils, respectively. These SON pools, on average, accounted for 39% (KCl extracts), 42% (K2SO4 extracts) and 43% (water extracts) of total soluble N (TSN), and 2.3% (KCl extracts), 1.3% (K2SO4 extracts) and 0.7% (water extracts) of soil total N, respectively. Large variation in SON pools observed across the sites in the present study may be attributed to a combination of factors including soil types, tree species, management practices and environmental conditions. Significant relationships were observed among the SON pools extracted by water, KCl and K2SO4 and microbial biomass N (MBN). In general, KCl and K2SO4 extracted more SON than water from the forest soils, while KCl extracted more SON than K2SO4. The SON and soluble organic C (SOC) in KCl, K2SO4 and water extracts were all positively related to soil organic C, total N and clay contents. This indicates that clay and soil organic matter play a key role in the retention of SON in soil.  相似文献   

As nitrogen is known to be a limiting factor for plant growth, we were interested in the relationship between soil microbial activity and the nitrogen assimilation of 5 different halophytes from 4 saline sites near the lake “Neusiedlersee”, Austria. The following were studied between May and October 1985: nitrogen fixation (15N2 and acetylene reduction): N-mineralization; several soil characteristics and in vivo nitrate reductase activity of roots and shoots of these plants. NO?3, org. N- and carboxylate contents of both roots and shoots, as well as the effect of NO?3-fertilization on the amounts of these substances, were determined on plants growing in the field during a 3-day period in September 1985. Fertilization led to a decrease in acetylene reduction activity at most sites, and an increase in the nitrate reductase activity of the shoots of all plants. Overall, carboxylate and organic nitrogen contents of these halophytes did not change in response to fertilization. Only in the roots of Aster tripolium and Atriplex hastata was there a marked increase in the nitrate reductase activity in response to fertilization. Species growing at the same site, such as Plantago maritima and Lepidium crassifolium showed contrasting levels of assimilatory activity. Apparent low rates of ammonification and nitrification were detected in soils from the 4 sites. The results are discussed in relation to the nitrogen and carbon economies of the microorganisms and plants.  相似文献   

Dung beetles serve as the intermediate host for Streptopharagus pigmentatus, a nematode parasite that infects an old world primate, the Japanese Macaque (Macaca fuscata). This study compares the behaviors of infected and uninfected beetles in both transmission dynamics and the ecological role of the parasite. The results suggest that parasitism does not alter the beetle’s use of shelter or choice of substrate on Yakushima Island, Japan. However, infected beetles consume significantly less feces. Dung beetles remove the majority of fecal material in this forest ecosystem, eliminating breeding grounds for many insect pests and burying nutrients that are essential for plant health. Thus, the nematode parasite S. pigmentatus, by altering its host’s behavior, changes the availability of fecal resources to both plant and animal communities and should therefore be classified as an ecosystem engineer.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - Conceptual models of nutrient retention in ecosystems suggest that mature forests receiving chronically elevated atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition should experience increased nitrate...  相似文献   

Nitrogen Relations in a Douglas-fir Plantation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
TURNER  J.; OLSON  P. R. 《Annals of botany》1976,40(6):1185-1193
A 42-year-old Western Washington Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziessii(Mirb.) Franco] plantation which was N-deficient was studiedin relation to the application of N applied as urea to the forestfloor, and carbohydrate applied to the forest floor to widenthe C/N ratio and thus intensify the existing N deficiency.After 1 year, needle size was measured and needles were alsoanalyzed for pigment content N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and Mn. As a resultof N fertilization needle size and weight had increased. Needleretention (years) was increased in the N treatments and reducedin the carbohydrates treatments. This effect was reflected inthe quantities of leaf litter-fall. Nitrogen concentrationswere increased in treatments where N was applied as were pigmentcontents but other nutrients decreased in concentration probablyas a result of growth dilution. While there was no significantdecrease in needle N concentration where carbohydrate was applied,the N uptake was reduced because of needlesize and retentiontimechanges. The results are discussed in relation to nutrientdiagnostic work.  相似文献   

森林凋落物淋溶中的溶解有机物与紫外-可见光谱特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对格氏栲(Castanopsis kawakamii)和杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolat)人工林新近凋落物、半分解层(F层)和分解层(H层)凋落物进行室内模拟淋洗实验,研究了凋落物淋溶过程中溶解有机碳(DOC)浓度变化及紫外-可见(UV-Vis.)光谱特征.结果表明,格氏栲和杉木人工林新近凋落物淋出液的DOC浓度较低,F层淋出液的DOC浓度较高;格氏栲凋落物淋出液的DOC浓度基本上随淋溶次数的增加而降低,杉木的则先升后降.淋出液中溶解有机物(DOM)的紫外吸收值均随波长的增加而减小,且UV-Vis.吸收曲线均在200nm附近出现吸收峰,不同来源DOM的E240/E420存在显著差异;同一样品各次淋出液的DOC浓度与E200有很好的线性关系(P2>0.90),据此,可用E200值估算DOC浓度.  相似文献   

茶园冬季乔木落叶的分解和矿质元素释放   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国南方存在着一种传统植茶方式——茶林复合生态系统,近年来人们已逐步认识到它在维持土壤肥力,抗御自然灾害和保证茶叶内质特性等方面的作用,然而对冬季乔木落叶分解和矿质元素释放的作用尚无报道。本文是对安徽省黄山市休宁县茶树-乌桕复合园和茶树-板栗复合园的冬季乔木落叶分解的研究,为全面认识茶林复合生态系统的性质提供依据。  相似文献   

In streams, coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) acts as a substrate for microbial activity, which promotes nutrient retention. However, in urban areas, increased peak flows within streams lead to decreased retention of CPOM. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the reintroduction of CPOM, in the form of leaf litter, into a degraded urban stream would increase biofilm activity and phosphorus retention, two ecosystem functions that reflect the integrity of the ecosystem. Stream metabolism and nutrient retention were assessed in treated (T) and control (C) channels of the Torrens River Catchment, South Australia, before and after CPOM addition. Gross primary production and community respiration (CR) were measured as oxygen production and consumption within benthic chambers. Phosphorus retention was measured through a series of short-term filterable reactive phosphorus (FRP) addition experiments. Before CPOM addition, there were no differences in CR, but C retained 6.8% more FRP than T. After CPOM addition, CR was greater in T than in C (572 and 276 mg O2·m−2·day−1, respectively), and T retained 7.7% more FRP than C. The increase in FRP retention in T compared to C was attributed to phosphorus limitation of the CPOM and increased demand for phosphorus of the attached microbial heterotrophic community. The reintroduction of CPOM into degraded streams will be an important step in the restoration of stream metabolism and nutrient retention. Maintenance of CPOM may be achieved through restoration of riparian vegetation, a reduction in the increased peak flows, and rehabilitation of stream morphology.  相似文献   

The rhizosphere is a hot-spot for biogeochemical cycles, including production of greenhouse gases, as microbial activity is stimulated by rhizodeposits released by roots and mycorrhizae. The biogeochemical cycle of nitrogen (N) in soil is complex, consisting of many simultaneously occurring processes. In situ studies investigating the effects of roots and mycorrhizae on gross N turnover rates are scarce. We conducted a 15N tracer study under field conditions in a spruce forest on organic soil, which was subjected to exclusion of roots and roots plus ectomycorrhizae (ECM) for 6 years by trenching. The forest soil had, over the 6-year period, an average emission of nitrous oxide (N2O) of 5.9 ± 2.1 kg N2O ha?1 year?1. Exclusion of roots + ECM nearly tripled N2O emissions over all years, whereas root exclusion stimulated N2O emission only in the latest years and to a smaller extent. Gross mineralization–ammonium (NH4 +) immobilization turnover was enhanced by the presence of roots, probably due to high inputs of labile carbon, stimulating microbial activity. We found contrasting effects of roots and ECM on N2O emission and mineralization, as the former was decreased but the latter was stimulated by roots and ECM. The N2O emission was positively related to the ratio of gross NH4 + oxidation (that is, autotrophic nitrification) to NH4 + immobilization. Ammonium oxidation was only stimulated by the presence of ECM, but not by the presence of roots. Overall, we conclude that plants and their mycorrhizal symbionts actively control soil N cycling, thereby also affecting N2O emissions from forest soils. Consequently, adapted forest management with permanent tree cover avoiding clearcutting could be a means to reduce N2O emissions and potential N leaching; despite higher mineralization in the presence of roots and ECM, N2O emissions are decreased as the relative importance of NH4 + oxidation is decreased, mainly due to a stimulated microbial NH4 + immobilization in the mycorrhizosphere.  相似文献   

The N, P, and S cycles in pristine forests are assumed to differ from those of anthropogenically impacted areas, but there are only a few studies to support this. Our objective was therefore to assess the controls of N, P, and S release, immobilization, and transport in a remote tropical montane forest. The study forest is located on steep slopes of the northern Andes in Ecuador. We determined the concentrations of NO3-N, NH4-N, dissolved organic N (DON), PO4-P, dissolved organic P (DOP), SO4-S, dissolved organic S (DOS), and dissolved organic C (DOC) in rainfall, throughfall, stemflow, lateral flow (in the organic layer), litter leachate, mineral soil solution, and stream water of three 8–13 ha catchments (1900–2200 m a.s.l.). The organic forms of N, P, and S contributed, on average, 55, 66, and 63% to the total N, P, and S concentrations in all ecosystem fluxes, respectively. The organic layer was the largest source of all N, P, and S species except for inorganic P and S. Most PO4 was released in the canopy by leaching and most SO4 in the mineral soil by weathering. The mineral soil was a sink for all studied compounds except for SO4. Consequently, concentrations of dissolved inorganic and organic N and P were as low in stream water (TDN: 0.34–0.39 mg N l−1, P not detectable) as in rainfall (TDN: 0.39–0.48 mg N l−1, P not detectable), whereas total S concentrations were elevated (stream water: 0.04–0.15, rainfall: 0.01–0.07 mg S l−1). Dissolved N, P, and S forms were positively correlated with pH at the scale of soil peda except inorganic S. Soil drying and rewetting promoted the release of dissolved inorganic N. High discharge levels following heavy rainstorms were associated with increased DOC, DON, NO3-N and partly also NH4-N concentrations in stream water. Nitrate-N concentrations in the stream water were positively correlated with stream discharge during the wetter period of the year. Our results demonstrate that the sources and sinks of N, P, and S were element-specific. More than half of the cycling N, P, and S was organic. Soil pH and moisture were important controls of N, P, and S solubility at the scale of individual soil peda whereas the flow regime influenced the export with stream water.  相似文献   

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