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T-DNA flanking sequences were isolated from 112 Arabidopsis thaliana single-copy T-DNA lines and sequence mapped to the chromosomes. Even though two T-DNA insertions mapped to a heterochromatic domain located in the pericentromeric region of chromosome I, expression of reporter genes was detected in these transgenic lines. T-DNA insertion did not seem to be biased toward any of Arabidopsis' five chromosomes. The observed distribution of T-DNA copies in intergenic sequence versus gene sequence (i.e. 5-upstream regions, coding sequences and 3-downstream regions) appeared randomly. An evaluation of T-DNA insertion frequencies within gene sequence revealed that integration into 5-upstream regions occurred more frequently than expected, whereas insertions in coding sequences (exons and introns) were found less frequently than expected based on random distribution predictions. In the majority of cases, single-copy T-DNA insertions were associated with small or large rearrangements such as deletions and/or duplications of target site sequences, deletions and/or duplications of T-DNA sequences, and gross chromosomal rearrangements such as translocations. The accuracy of integration was similarly high for both left- and right-border sequences. These results may be called upon when making detailed molecular analyses of transgenic plants or T-DNA induced mutants.  相似文献   

Transgenic Arabidopsis and tobacco plants (125) derived from seven Agrobacterium-mediated transformation experiments were screened by polymerase chain reaction and DNA gel blot analysis for the presence of vector `backbone' sequences. The percentage of plants with vector DNA not belonging to the T-DNA varied between 20% and 50%. Neither the plant species, the explant type used for transformation, the replicon type nor the selection seem to have a major influence on the frequency of vector transfer. Only the border repeat sequence context could have an effect because T-DNA vector junctions were found in more than 50% of the plants of three different transformation series in which T-DNAs with octopine borders without inner border regions were used. Strikingly, many transgenic plants contain vector backbone sequences linked to the left T-DNA border as well as vector junctions with the right T-DNA border. DNA gel blots indicate that in most of these plants the complete vector sequence is integrated. We assume that integration into the plant genome of complete vector backbone sequences could be the result of a conjugative transfer initiated at the right border and subsequent continued copying at the left and right borders, called read-through. This model would imply that the left border is not frequently recognized as an initiation site for DNA transfer and that the right border is not efficiently recognized as a termination site for DNA transfer.  相似文献   

Plant transformation, viaAgrobacterium tumefaciens, is usually performed with binary vectors. Most of the available binary vectors contain within the T-DNA (which is transferred to the plant genome) components not required for the intended modification. These additional sequences may cause potential risks during field testing of the transgenic plants or even more in the case of commercialization. The aim of this study was to produce a plant transformation vector which only contains a selectable and screenable marker gene and a multiple cloning site for insertion of promoter::foreign gene::terminator cassettes from other plasmids.  相似文献   

Five new binary vectors have been constructed which have the following features: (1) different plant selectable markers including neomycin phosphotransferase (nptII), hygromycin phosphotransferase (hpt), dihydrofolate reductase (dhfr), phosphinothricin acetyl transferase (bar), and bleomycin resistance (ble); (2) selectable markers are located near the T-DNA left border and; (3) selectable marker and -glucuronidase (uidA) reporter genes are divergently organized for efficient expression, and can easily be removed or replaced as needed.  相似文献   

A minimal T-DNA binary vector was used for Agrobacterium-mediated transfer of a chimeric T4 lysozyme gene located next to the left border, and transgenic potato plants which expressed T4 lysozyme protein were identified and further analysed. Frequent rearrangements of T4 lysozyme transgenes were detected. A vector derivative containing two matrix associated regions (MARs) flanking its multiple cloning site was constructed. In transgenic potato plants, reduced variability in gene expression due to position effects was detected. When either the donor vector contained MAR sequences, or when vector pPCV701 which contains a pBR322 fragment next to the left border were used, only relatively few rearrangements were observed. However, when the T4 lysozyme gene was driven by a CaMV 35S promoter modified by multiplied enhancer region carrying either 2 or 4 elements, frequent rearrangements were again obtained.  相似文献   

We analyzed 29 T-DNA inserts in transgenicArabidopsis thaliana plants for the junction of the right border sequences and the flanking plant DNA. DNA sequencing showed that in most lines the right border sequences transferred had been preserved during integration, corroborating literature data. Surprisingly, in four independent transgenic lines a complete right border repeat was present followed by binary vector sequences. Cloning of two of these T-DNA inserts by plasmid rescue showed that in these lines the transferred DNA consisted of the complete binary vector sequences in addition to the T-region. On the basis of the structure of the transferred DNA we propose that in these lines T-DNA transfer started at the left-border repeat, continued through the vector part, passed the right border repeat, and ended only after reaching again this left-border repeat.  相似文献   

Studies in several plants have shown that Agrobacterium tumefaciens T-DNA can integrate into plant chromosomal DNA by different mechanisms involving single-stranded (ss) or double-stranded (ds) forms. One mechanism requires sequence homology between plant target and ssT-DNA border sequences and another double-strand-break repair in which preexisting chromosomal DSBs “capture” dsT-DNAs. To learn more about T-DNA integration in Solanum lycopersicum we characterised 98 T-DNA/plant DNA junction sequences and show that T-DNA left border (LB) and right border transfer is much more variable than previously reported in Arabidopsis thaliana and Populus tremula. The analysis of seven plant target sequences showed that regions of homology between the T-DNA LB and plant chromosomal DNA plays an important role in T-DNA integration. One T-DNA insertion generated a target sequence duplication that resulted from nucleolytic processing of a LB/plant DNA heteroduplex that generated a DSB in plant chromosomal DNA. One broken end contained a captured T-DNA that served as a template for DNA repair synthesis. We propose that most T-DNA integrations in tomato require sequence homology between the ssT-DNA LB and plant target DNA which results in the generation of DSBs in plant chromosomal DNA.  相似文献   

Summary Transgenic tobacco plants were produced by inoculation of leaf disks withAgrobacterium tumefaciens harboring a disarmed binary vector containing soybean leghemoglobin Lbc3 and glycinin G2 genes. Physical and genetic characterization of these plants indicated that one to six copies of DNA from the vector were transferred and maintained in the plant genome. Approximately 30% of the copies transferred were found to be incomplete or rearranged and in some cases joined as inverted repeats. The transferred DNA was found at multiple genetic loci in five of the six cases examined. In one plant, kanamycin-resistance traits were at four independent chromosomal positions, although two were genetically linked at about 3 centimorgans. Thus,Agrobacterium-mediated DNA transfer to plants has some characteristics in common with “natural” systems in animals, such as retroviral or P-element derived systems, some characteristics in common with “artificial” systems, such as microinjection, electroporation, or calcium phosphate coprecipitation techniques, and some novel characteristics.  相似文献   

The transfer of the long T-DNA (T-DNA and non-T-DNA) of a binary plasmid from Agrobacterium into the rice genome was investigated at both molecular and genetic levels. Out of 226 independent transgenic plants, 33% of the transformants contained non-T-DNA sequences. There was no major difference in the frequency of non-T-DNA transfer among three Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains.Four T1 plants containing a single putative long T-DNA insertion were selected for Southern analysis. Three of them were confirmed to have a long T-DNA insertion with a size of greater-than-unit-length of the binary plasmid. This was further confirmed by rescuing the intact binary plasmid from these plants. Our results suggest that long T-DNA transfer by rolling-circle replication from Agrobacterium to rice occurs frequently, and that the high frequency of non-T-DNA transfer should be considered when producing transgenic rice for commercial production. Received: 22 April 1999 / Accepted: 22 June 1999  相似文献   

For the development of anAgrobacterium-mediated transformation procedure of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.), an intron-containing -glucuronidase (gus) gene was used to monitor the frequency of transformation events soon after infection of leaf explants. The efficiency of gene transfer was dependent on the carnation genotype, explant age and cocultivation time. Leaf explants from the youngest leaves showed the highest number of GUS-positive spots. After selection on a kanamycin-containing medium, transgenic shoots were generated among a relatively high number of untransformed shoots. The selection procedure was modified in such a way that the contact between explant and medium was more intense. This improved the selection and decreased the number of escapes. Kanamycin-resistant and GUS-positive plants were obtained from five cultivars after infection of leaf explants with the supervirulentAgrobacterium strain AGLO. A higher transformation frequency was observed with the binary vector pCGN7001 than with the p35SGUSint vector. Integration of the genes into the carnation genome was demonstrated by Southern blot hybridization. The number of incorporated T-DNA insertions varied between independent transformants from one to eight. Transformants were morphologically identical to untransformed plants. Segregation of the genes occurred in a Mendelian way.  相似文献   

Summary A shooty tumor induced by a shooter mutant of an octopine strain of Agrobacterium tumefaciens was cloned. One clone obtained (TS038) behaved aberrantly in that it grew as a shooty tumor tissue on phytohormone free medium, but did not contain octopine synthase activity. In line TS038 the genes for octopine synthase and for the enzymes involved in agropine and mannopine synthesis were present, but were not transcribed. However, the above genes became active in TS038 tumor shoots after grafting as well as after treatment with the hypomethylating agent 5-azacytidine. After an unusually long incubation period in the growth cabinet shoot cultures appeared to have developed small shoots from the top of the leaves. This unusual form of differentiation was found to be accompanied by the induction of octopine synthase activity.  相似文献   

Summary A high frequency shoot regeneration (80%) was developed from callus of leaf discs and stem internodes of Moricandia arvensis. Leaf discs were shown to be a preferable starting material for transformation experiments. Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain GV3101/pMP90 used in this study contained a binary vector with genes for kanamycin resistance, hygromycin resistance and -glucuronidase (GUS). Maximum transformation efficiency (10.3%) was achieved by using kanamycin at the rate of 200 mg/l as a selection agent. Presence of tobacco suspension culture during co-cultivation and a pre-selection period of seven days after co-cultivation was essential for successful transformation. Transgenic plants grew to maturity and exhibited flowering in a glasshouse. GUS activity was evident in all parts of leaf and the presence of GUS gene in plant gemone was confirmed by PCR analysis.Abbreviations GUS -glucuronidase  相似文献   

Transgenic loci obtained after Agrobacterium tumefaciens -mediated transformation can be simple, but fairly often they contain multiple T-DNA copies integrated into the plant genome. To understand the origin of complex T-DNA loci, floral-dip and root transformation experiments were carried out in Arabidopsis thaliana with mixtures of A. tumefaciens strains, each harboring one or two different T-DNA vectors. Upon floral-dip transformation, 6–30% of the transformants were co-transformed by multiple T-DNAs originating from different bacteria and 20–36% by different T-DNAs from one strain. However, these co-transformation frequencies were too low to explain the presence of on average 4–6 T-DNA copies in these transformants, suggesting that, upon floral-dip transformation, T-DNA replication frequently occurs before or during integration after the transfer of single T-DNA copies. Upon root transformation, the co-transformation frequencies of T-DNAs originating from different bacteria were similar or slightly higher (between 10 and 60%) than those obtained after floral-dip transformation, whereas the co-transformation frequencies of different T-DNAs from one strain were comparable (24–31%). Root transformants generally harbor only one to three T-DNA copies, and thus co-transformation of different T-DNAs can explain the T-DNA copy number in many transformants, but T-DNA replication is postulated to occur in most multicopy root transformants. In conclusion, the comparable co-transformation frequencies and differences in complexity of the T-DNA loci after floral-dip and root transformations indicate that the T-DNA copy number is highly determined by the transformation-competent target cells.  相似文献   

Summary We established tobacco tumour cell lines from crown galls induced by Agrobacterium. Restriction fragments containing T-DNA/plant DNA junctions were cloned from one of the cell lines, which has a single copy of the T-DNA in a unique region of its genome. We also isolated a DNA fragment that contained the integration target site from nontransformed tobacco cells. Nucleotide sequence analyses showed that the right and left breakpoints of the T-DNA mapped ca. 7.3 kb internal to the right 25 by border and ca. 350 by internal to the left border respectively. When the nucleotide sequences around these breakpoints were compared with the sequence of the target, significant homology was seen between the region adjacent to the integration target site and both external regions of the T-DNA breakpoints. In addition, a short stretch of plant DNA in the vicinity of the integration site was deleted. This deletion seems to have been promoted by homologous recombination between short repeated sequences that were present on both sides of the deleted stretch. Minor rearrangements, which included base substitutions, insertions and deletions, also took place around the integration site in the plant DNA. These results, together with previously reported results showing that in some cases sequences homologous to those in T-DNA are present in plant DNA regions adjacent to left recombinational junctions, indicate that sequence homology between the incoming T-DNA and the plant chromosomal DNA has an important function in T-DNA integration. The homology may promote close association of both termini of a T-DNA molecule on a target sequence; then TDNA may in some cases be integrated by a mechanism at least in part analogous to homologous recombination.Shogo Matsumoto is on leave from Biochemical Research Institute, Nippon Menard Cosmetic Co., Ltd, Ogaki, Gifu-ken 503, Japan  相似文献   

Summary The genomic distribution and genetic behavior of DNA sequences introduced into the tomato genome by Agrobacterium tumefaciens were investigated in the backcross progeny of 10 transformed Lycopersicon esculentum x L. pennellii hybrids. All transformants were found to represent single locus insertions based on the co-segregation of restriction fragments corresponding to the T-DNA left and right border sequences in the backcross progeny. Isozyme and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers were used to test linkage relationships of the insertion in each backcross family. The T-DNA inserts in 9 of the 10 transformants were mapped in relation to one or more of these markers, and each mapped to a different chromosomal location. Because only one insertion did not show linkage with the markers employed, it must be located somewhere other than the genomic regions covered by the markers assayed. We conclude that Agrobacterium-mediated insertion in the Lycopersicon genome appears to be random at the chromosomal level. No discrepancies were found between the T-DNA genotype and the nopaline phenotype in the 322 backcross progeny of the nopaline positive transformants. Backcross progeny of two nopaline negative transformants showed incomplete correspondence between the T-DNA genotype and the kanamycin resistance phenotype. No alteration of T-DNA was observed in progeny showing a discrepancy between T-DNA and kanamycin resistance. However, two kanamycin resistant progeny plants of one of these two transformants possessed altered T-DNA restriction patterns, indicating genetic instability of the T-DNA in this transformant.Journal article no. 1223 of the New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

A chimaeric gene has been constructed that expresses -D-glucuronidase (GUS) in transformed plant tissues, but not in bacterial cells. This gene has proved extremely useful for monitoring transformation during the period immediately following gene transfer from Agrobacterium tumefaciens. GUS expression was detectable 2 days after inoculation, peaked at 3–4 days and then declined; if selection was imposed expression increased again after 10–14 days. The extent of transient expression after 4 days correlated well with stable integration as measured by kanamycin resistance, hormone independence, and gall formation. Histochemical staining of inoculated leaf discs confirmed the transient peak of GUS expression 3–4 days after inoculation. The most surprising result was that the blue staining was concentrated in localized zones on the circumference of the disc; within these zones, essentially all the cells appeared to be expressing GUS. We suggest that the frequency of gene transfer from Agrobacterium is extremely high within localized regions of leaf explants, but that the frequency of stable integration is several orders of magnitude lower.  相似文献   

Summary Transformed clones from a shooty tobacco crown gall tumor, induced byAgrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA1501, having the auxin locus of the TL-region inactivated by a Tn1831 insertion, were investigated for their T-DNA structure and expression. It has been described previously (28) that in addition to clones with an expected phenotype (phytohormone independent growth in tissue culture (Aut+), shoot regeneration (Reg+) and octopine synthesis (Ocs+)), clones were obtained with an aberrant phenotype. One of these clones, TSO38, is Aut+Reg+ but shows little or no octopine synthesis activity (Ocs-). Subclones of TSO38, however, are either Ocs- or Ocs+. Ocs- shoots become Ocs+ under certain states of differentiation, indicating that the octopine synthase gene is present. The fact that in the Ocs- subclones the octopine synthase gene is not expressed, is probably due to DNA methylation (29). The present paper describes that shoots derived from both an Ocs+ and an Ocs- subclone of TSO38, which were negative for the presence of mannopine (Mas-) and agropine (Ags-), became Mas+Ags+ after culturing on medium containing the hypomethylating agent 5-azacytidine. This means that both in the Ocs- line and in the Ocs+ line expression of TR-DNA opine genes most likely was hampered by DNA methylation. The T-DNA structures of an Ocs- and an Ocs+ TSO38 subclone proved to be identical and surprisingly complex. No intact copy of Tn1831 was present. TL-DNA and TR-DNA segments, present in high copy numbers, were truncated; several T-DNA segments existed in tandem arrangements. When DNA from an Ocs+ and an Ocs- subclone of TSO38 were compared for cleavability by the methylation sensitive restriction enzymes HpaII and MspII, differences were detected, but it became also clear that both lines contained methylated T-DNA segments. This indicates that the Ocs- and the Ocs+ TSO38 subclones differ only quantitatively in respect to degree of T-DNA methylation.  相似文献   

Transfer DNA (T-DNA) of Agrobacterium tumefaciens integration in the plant genome may lead to rearrangements of host plant chromosomal fragments,including inversions.However,there is very little information concerning the inversion.The present study reports a transgenic rice line selected from a T-DNA tagged population,which displays a semi-dwarf phenotype.Molecular analysis of this mutant indicated an insertion of two tandem copies of T-DNA into a locus on the rice genome in a head to tail mode.This insertion of T-DNA resulted in the inversion of a 4.9 Mb chromosomal segment.Results of sequence analysis suggest that the chromosomal inversion resulted from the insertion of T-DNA with the help of sequence microhomology between insertion region of T-DNA and target sequence of the host plant.  相似文献   

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