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Summary Givetian to early Carboniferous sediments of South China are characterized by carbonates. Middle and Late Devonian strata are best developed in the Guilin area. Reefs and organic shoals are recorded by various lithofacies types indicating the existence of an extended carbonate platform and a change of the composition of reef communities in time. Starting in the late Devonian, stromatoporoids and corals were replaced by algae that subsequently played an important role together with stromatoporoids, receptaculitids and fasciculate rugose corals in reef communities. In Houshan, 5 km west of Guilin, a coral-bafflestone reef occurs in the Frasnian strata, situated near an offshore algal-stromatoporoid reef. The coral reef was formed in a back-reef area adjacent to the inner platform margin. The coral-bafflestone reef is unique among the late Devonian reefs of South China with regard to the biotic composition. The reef is composed of fasciculate colonies ofSmithiphyllum guilinense n. sp. embedded within in packstones and wackestones. The height of colonies reaches 1 m. The community is low-diverse. The species ofSmithiphyllum occurring in the Frasnian reef complexes of Guilin exhibit a distinct facies control:Smithiphyllum guilinense occurs in or near to margin facies and formed bafflestone, constituting a coral reef whereasSmithiphyllum occidentale Sorauf, 1972 andSmithiphyllum sp.—characterized by small colonies with thin corallites—are restricted to the back-reef and marginal slope facies. The bush-like coral colonies baffled sediments. Algae and stromatoporoids (mainlyStachyodes) are other reef biota. Reef-dwelling organisms are dominated by brachiopods. The reefs are composed from base to top of five lithofacies types: 1) cryptalgal micrite, 2) peloidal packstone, 3) stromatactis limestone, 4) coral-bafflestone, and 5) pseudopeloidal packstone. The reef complex can be subdivided into back-reef subfacies, reef flat and marginal subfacies, and marginal fore-slope subfacies. The Houshan coral-bafflestone reef is not a barrier reef but a coral patch reef located near the inner margin of a carbonate platform.  相似文献   

A succession of Frasnian mounds on the southern border of the Dinant Synclinorium (Belgium) was investigated for their facies architecture, sedimentary dynamics and palaeogeographic evolution. Seven mound facies were defined from the Arche (A) and Lion (L) members, each characterized by a specific range of textures and association of organisms (A2/L2: red or pink limestone with stromatactis, corals and crinoids; A3/L3: grey, pink or green limestone with stromatactis, corals and stromatoporoids; A4/L4: grey limestone with corals, peloids and dasycladaceens; A5/L5: grey microbial limestone; A6/L6: grey limestone with dendroid stromatoporoids; A7/L7: grey laminated limestone with fenestrae; and A8/L8: grey bioturbated limestone). Laterally equivalent sediments include substantial reworked material from the buildups and background sedimentation. Textures and fossils suggest that A2/L2 and A3/L3 facies developed close to storm wave base, in a subphotic environment. Facies A4/L4, occurring near fair weather wave base in the euphotic zone, includes lenses of A5/L5 with stromatolitic coatings and thrombolithes. A6/L6 corresponds to a slightly restricted environment and shows a progressive transition to fenestral limestone of A7/L7. This facies was deposited in a moderately restricted intertidal area. A8/L8 developed in a quiet lagoonal subtidal environment. The mounds started with A2/L2 or A3/L3 in which microbial lenses and algal facies A4/L4 became progressively more abundant upwards. Following 20 m of laterally undifferentiated facies, more restricted facies occur in the central part of the buildups. This geometry suggests the initiation of restricted sedimentation, sheltered by bindstone or floatstone facies. The facies interpretation shows that after construction of the lower part of the mounds during a transgression and a sea-level highstand, a lowstand forced reef growth to the margin of the buildups, initiating the development of atoll-like crowns during the subsequent transgressive stage. The persistence of restricted facies results from the balance between sea-level rise and reef growth.  相似文献   

Patch reefs occur near the top of the transgressive sequence of Ordovician Trenton Group limestones in the Chicoutimi area of Quebec, eastern Canada. Despite their small sue, these reefs comprise diverse assemblages dominated by bryozoans, corals, stromatoporoids and receptaculitid algae. Pelmatozoans and gastropods are also conspicuous. The reefs were initiated and grew in a fully marine, open shelf setting. Available substrates varied from loose skeletal lenses to soft, firm or hardened bioturbated wackestones, and the earliest stages of reef growth reflect this heterogeneity. Loose or less firm substrates were colonised by bryozoans and pelmatozoans and/or by receptaculitids, which, together with accessory organisms, stabilised the sediments and provided the basis for further reef development. The resultant firmer, slightly elevated substrates provided sites for attachment of stromatoporoids and colonial corals which spread over earlier reef organisms and sediments and dominated the later stages of reef growth. On hardened areas of sediment, stromatoporoids and corals colonised the surface directly and the early stabilising stage of reef growth is absent. The compositions and developmental stages of these Trenton Group reefs are comparable with those seen in broadly contemporaneous and often larger reefs elsewhere, and are among the earliest in which corals played an important role.  相似文献   

Summary In the castern Anti-Atlas (SE Morocco), a small sedimentary basin (Mader Basin) evolved during the late Palacozoic. The Middle Devonian deposits consist of shales and limestones with a thickness up to 700 m in the depocentre. Sedimentary structures and sole marks of Middle Devonian limestones indicate transport from the northwest and the south towards the basin centre, located in the central Mader area. Lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic, and dynamic stratigraphic approaches were applied to correlate stratigraphic sections. Five correlatable large-scale base-level hemicycles were recognized in the Middle Devonian succession. Thickness trends of Middle Devonian deposits, regional correlations, and facies-trends reveal the geometry of a carbonate ramp. The carbonate ramp was slightly inclined (<1°) to the NE. A sedimentary wedge, consisting of limestones and limestone/marl alternations, was deposited during the Eifelian and marks the transition from the ramp to the adjacent basin. Middle Devonian water depths are estimated as close to and within the storm wave-base at the southern area of the ramp and far below storm wave-base in the northeastern part of the ramp. Shallowest conditions (inner-ramp environment), close or within the fairweather wave-base, existed during the early Givetian as documented by the abundance of recfal fauna (stromatoporoids, corals) and calcimicrobes (lumps, micritic envelopes) in the eastern and southeastern area of the ramp.  相似文献   

A complete Devonian sequence is well exposed in the eastern Taurides, forming more than 1000 m-thick succession of carbonate and siliciclastic sediments. The carbonate succession, stratigraphically ranging from Middle Devonian to early Late Devonian and mostly comprising limestones, dolomitic limestones and reefal limestones, contains abundant and diverse assemblages of foraminifers, corals, stromatoporoids, calcareous algae, bivalves, brachiopods, ostracods, and conodonts. The limestone samples collected from a more closely sampled stratigraphic section have been investigated for their foraminiferal content. The micropalaeontological analyses carried out on these samples have revealed the presence of an early Frasnian foraminiferal assemblage including predominantly unilocular parathuramminid species and multilocular forms of the genera Nanicella, Paratikhinella and Semitextularia? and further indicated the presence of a new genus and a new species Halevikia deveciae n. gen. n. sp. which appears as an important phylogenetic and stratigraphic transitional taxon between the families Baituganellidae n. fam. and Tournayellinidae, the phylogenetic potentiality of which during the Late Devonian is currently probably underestimated.  相似文献   

In the locality of Colle (Cantabrian Zone, NW Spain), the upper part of the Valporquero Shale Formation (Emsian, La Vid Group) contains an interval of shales and marlstones (barren, greenish-grey shales and fossiliferous, greenish-grey or reddish shales/marlstones) with beds and packages of homogeneous and cross-bedded skeletal limestones. Metre-scale mud mounds and coral biostromes occur encased in the fossiliferous reddish and greenish-grey shale/marlstones, respectively, with the coral biostromes overlying conspicuous skeletal limestone bodies. These rocks were deposited on a carbonate ramp, ranging from above storm wave base for the cross-bedded skeletal limestones to below the storm wave base for the remaining deposits, organic buildups included. The vertical stacking of these facies and the occurrence of the two types of buildups are interpreted to reflect the interplay among several (possibly 4th and 5th) orders of relative sea-level variations, during a 3rd-order highstand. Coral biostromes occur in early 5th-order transgressive system tracts developed within late 4th-order highstand, and are interpreted to have thrived on a stable granular substrate (skeletal limestones) in non-turbid waters, being later aborted by the onset of muddy sedimentation. Biostrome features suggest that they developed under environmental conditions essentially different from those related to the sedimentation of their granular substrate. Mud mounds occur in 5th-order transgressive and early highstand system tracts tied to early 4th-order sea-level rise. Field relationships suggest that mud mounds grew coevally with muddy sedimentation, with high-frequency variations in carbonate vs. terrigenous mud sedimentation influencing their development.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Summary In the area of Haidach (Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria), coral-rudist mounds, rudist biostromes, and bioclastic limestones and marls constitute an Upper Cretaceous shelf succession approximately 100 meters thick. The succession is part of the mixed siliciclasticcarbonate Gosau Group that was deposited at the northern margin of the Austroalpine microplate. In its lower part, the carbonate succession at Haidach comprises two stratal packages that each consists, from bottom to top, of a coral-rudist mound capped by a rudist biostrome which, in turn, is overlain by bioclastic limestones and, locally, marls. The coral-rudist mounds consist mainly of floatstones. The coral assemblage is dominated by Fungiina, Astreoina, Heterocoeniina andAgathelia asperella (stylinina). From the rudists, elevators (Vaccinites spp., radiolitids) and recumbents (Plagioptychus) are present. Calcareous sponges, sclerosponges, and octocorals are subordinate. The elevator rudists commonly are small; they settled on branched corals, coral heads, on rudists, and on biolastic debris. The rudists, in turn, provided settlement sites for corals. Predominantly plocoid and thamnasteroid coral growth forms indicate soft substrata and high sedimentation rates. The mounds were episodically smothered by carbonate mud. Many corals and rudists are coated by thick and diverse encrustations that indicate high nutrient level and/or turbid waters. The coral-rudist mounds are capped byVaccinites biostromes up to 5 m thick. The establishment of these biostromes may result from unfavourable environmental conditions for corals, coupled with the potential of the elevator rudists for effective substrate colonization. TheVaccinites biostromes are locally topped by a thin radiolitid biostrome. The biostromes, in turn, are overlain by bioclastic limestones; these are arranged in stratal packages that were deposited from carbonate sand bodies. Approximately midsection, an interval of marls with abundantPhelopteria is present. These marls were deposited in a quiet lagoonal area where meadows of sea grass or algae, coupled with an elevated nutrient level, triggered the mass occurrence ofPhelopteria. The upper part of the Haidach section consists of stratal packages that each is composed of a rudist biostrome overlain by bioclastic wackestones to packstones with diverse smaller benthic foraminifera and calcareous green algae. The biostromes are either built by radiolitids,Vaccinites, andPleurocora, or consist exclusively of radiolitids (mainlyRadiolites). Both the biostromes and the bioclastic limestones were deposited in a low-energy lagoonal environment that was punctuated by high-energy events.In situ-rudist fabrics typically have a matrix of mudstone to rudistclastic wackestone; other biogens (incl. smaller benthic foraminifera) are absent or very rare. The matrix of rudist fabrics that indicate episodic destruction by high-energy events contain a fossil assemblage similar to the vertically associated bioclastic limestones. Substrata colonized by rudists thus were unfavourable at least for smaller benthic foraminifera. The described succession was deposited on a gently inclined shelf segment, where coral-rudist mounds and hippuritid biostromes were separated by a belt of bioclastic sand bodies from a lagoon with radiolitid biostromes. The mounds document that corals and Late Cretaceous elevator rudists may co-occur in close association. On the scale of the entire succession, however, mainly as a result of the wide ecologic range of the rudists relative to corals, the coral-dominated mounds and the rudist biostromes are vertically separated.  相似文献   

出露于新疆南天山东部的阿尔皮什麦布拉克组属于近岸、富氧、温暖的浅海沉积。该组自上一个世纪三十年代创建以来,有关它的地质时代归属一直存在着争论,作者根据珊瑚(包括四射珊瑚、床板珊瑚和日射珊瑚)、介形类和牙形类等门类化石的综合研究,主张将阿尔皮什麦布拉克组置于下泥盆统下部的洛赫柯夫阶。  相似文献   

云南昭通市东北郊箐门出露了一条比较完整的泥盆纪浅海相地层剖面,下、中、上三个统均有出露,浅海底栖生物化石丰富,研究基础也相对较好,是研究滇东北地区泥盆纪地层的一条理想剖面。由于地层剖面比较长,沉积厚度比较大,此前笔者已经描述了早泥盆世和中泥盆世的四射珊瑚,本文继续描述该剖面的晚泥盆世的地层及其四射珊瑚,讨论它们的地层划分、珊瑚群对比与古生物地理。昭通箐门剖面的上泥盆统主要由白云质灰岩组成,与滇东其它地方的宰格组的岩性基本一致。过去由于宰格组的化石稀少,其地层时代难于确定,因此,昭通箐门宰格组底部珊瑚化石的发现具有重要意义。文中首次描述了箐门放羊冲剖面宰格组底部的四射珊瑚5属7种,包括Disphyllum catenatum,Hexagonaria davidsoni,H.magna,Sinodisphyllum simplex,S.variabile,Temnophyllum poshiense和Truncicarinulum temeniophylloides等,总体显示了晚泥盆世弗拉早期(early Frasnian)的特点。它除了与华南各省的珊瑚群有密切关系外,也与加拿大西部的分子有一定的联系。  相似文献   

Baarli, B. G., Johnson, M. E. & Keilen, H. B. 1992 07 15: Size and shape distribution of level-bottom tabulate corals and stromatoporoids (Silurian).
Size and shape distribution of tabulate coral and stromatoporoid faunas were studied at two Lower Silurian sections in Norway on the Baltic platform and one section in eastern Iowa on the Laurentian platform. All the sections are dominated by storm beds with predominantly shallowing upward features; they differ from one another in clastic content and proximity to land. Most of the fauna lived below normal wave-base, but within the photic zone, on fine grained and firm bottoms. In all three localities, size clearly increases up-section for stromatoporoids, favositids, and heliolitids but it decreases for halysitids in the Oslo region. Sediment influx worked negatively on size but generally not so much as to affect average size. lurbulence in combination with decreasing sediment influx affected the size decrease in heliolitids up section. Nutrients and turbidity were of minor importance as growth controlling factors. Light intensity is the only factor that shows a pattern consistent with increased size up-section. Sediment influx alfected fauna composition and shape: heliolitids had the highest sediment tolerance and stromatoporoids had the lowest. Ragged skeletons were linked to tempestites. Corals and stromatoporoids reveal a population-specific response to environmental change, largely independent of benthic assemblage zones or communities. Tabulate corals, stromaroporaids, bathymetry, size variation. clastic input, benthic assemblages .  相似文献   

Four stromatoporoid species from a stromatoporoid biostrome in the middle Ludlow Hemse Beds, Gotland, Sweden, show intergrowths with syringoporid tabulate and rugose corals, and indicate close relationships between particular coral and stromatoporoid species. The stromatoporoid Clathrodictyon convictum always contains ?Syringopora and this tabulate is rarely found in the other stromatoporoids. C. convictum is also closely associated with Tryplasma flexuosum (rugosa) while Petrozium pelagicum (rugosa) occurs only in the stromatoporoids Plectostroma intermedium and Parallelostroma typicum. The microstructure of ?Syringopora within the stromatoporoids is composed of an inner lamellar layer and an outer radial layer of calcite crystals. Diagenetic alteration has affected the microstructure which differs from recently described Devonian forms having only a radial layer. This shows variability in the structure of the tabulates within stromatoporoids. Information is sparse on the range of such variation and assessment of the relative importance of taxonomic, palaeoenvironmental and diagenetic effects is not possible in the present sample. No evidence is found to prove the precise nature of the relationships; they were not parasitic but may have been mutually symbiotic, or (most probably) commensal. The results suggest that the corals selected the most suitable stromatoporoid species for their requirements. Stromatoporoid morphology may have had an important influence on the association, where corals are more abundantly associated with those stromatoporoid species which adopted a high profile. Overall the associations appear to have allowed the corals to explore higher energy habitats otherwise unavailable to their delicate branching structure.  相似文献   

 In the high Hawaiian Islands, significant accretion due to coral reef growth is limited by wave exposure and sea level. Holocene coral growth and reef accretion was measured at four stations off Oahu, Hawaii, chosen along a gradient in wave energy from minimum to maximum exposures. The results show that coral growth of living colonies (linear extension) at optimal depths is comparable at all stations (7.7–10.1 mm/y), but significant reef accretion occurs only at wave sheltered stations. At wave sheltered stations in Hanauma Bay and Kaneohe Bay, rates of long term reef accretion are about 2.0 mm/y. At wave exposed stations, off Mamala Bay and Sunset Beach, reef accretion rates are virtually zero in both shallow (1 m) and deeper (optimal) depths (12 m). At wave sheltered stations, such as Kaneohe Bay and Hanauma Bay, Holocene reef accretion is on the order of 10–15 m thick. At wave exposed stations, Holocene accretion is represented by only a thin veneer of living corals resting on antecedent Pleistocene limestone foundations. Modern coral communities in wave exposed environments undergo constant turnover associated with mortality and recruitment or re-growth of fragmented colonies and are rarely thicker than a single living colony. Breakage, scour, and abrasion of living corals during high wave events appears to be the major source of mortality and ultimately limits accretion to wave sheltered environments. Depth is particularly important as a modulator of wave energy. The lack of coral reef accretion along shallow open ocean coastlines may explain the absence of mature barrier reefs in the high Hawaiian Islands. Accepted: 14 May 1998  相似文献   

Summary Analysis of the taxonomic composition, diversity and guild structure of five “typical” reef and mud mound communities ranging in age from Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous indicates that each of these aspects of community organization changed dramatically in relation to three extinction events. These events include a major or mass extinction at the end of the Frasnian; reef communities were also effected by less drastic end-Givetian and mid-late Famennian extinctions of reef-building higher taxa. Peak Paleozoic generic diversities for reef-building stromatoporoids and rugose corals occurred in the Eifelian-Givetian; reef-building calcareous algal taxa were longranging with peak diversity in the Devonian. These three higher taxa dominated all reef-building guilds (Constructor, Binder, Baffler) in the Frasnian and formed fossil reef communities with balanced guild structures. The extinction of nearly all reef-building stromatoporoids and rugose corals at the end of the Frasnian and the survival of nearly all calcareous algac produced mid-late Famennian reef communities dominated by the Binder Guild. Despite the survival of most calcareous algae and tabulate corals, the mid-late Famennian extinction of all remaining Paleozoic stromatoporoids and nearly all shelf-dwelling Rugosa brought the already diminished Devonian reef-building to a halt. These Devonian extinctions differ from mass extinctions by the absence of a statistically significant drop in taxonomic diversity and by their successional and cumulative effects on reef communities. Tournaisian mud mounds contain communities markedly different from the frame-building communities in Late Devonian and Visean reefs. Mound-building biotas consist of an unusual association dominated by erect, weakly skeletonized members of the Baffler Guild (chiefly fenestrate Bryozoa; Pelmatozoa) and laterally expanded, mud-binding algae/stromatolites and reptant Bryozoa. The initial recovery to reefs with skeletal frameworks in the Visean was largely due to the re-appearance of new species of abundant colonial rugose corals (Constructor Guild) and fenestrate Bryozoa. This Frasnian-Visean evolution in the taxonomic composition and structure of the reef-building guilds is also expressed by abrupt changes in biofacies and petrology of the reef limestones they produced. Thus, “typical” Frasnian reef limestones with balanced guild structures are framestones-boundstones-bafflestones, Famennian reefs are predominantly boundstones, Tournaisian mud mounds are bafflestones and Visean reefs are bafflestones-framestones.  相似文献   

The Lower Eifelian Meinerzhagener Korallenkalk (= upper Cultrijugatus Beds) at Kierspe, Sauerland, contains a rich reefal fauna. Eight bryozoan species are described, two of them are new: the cystoporate Fistuliporella kierspensis n. sp. and the trepostome Leptotrypella sophiae n. sp. The bryozoans from the Meinerzhagener Korallenkalk shows distinct similarities to the Lower–Middle Devonian of Spain (Santa Lucía Formation, Emsian–Eifelian), and to the Middle Devonian (Eifelian) of Transcaucasia. The coral fauna comprises five tabulate corals and one rugose coral that document a paleobiogeographic relationship between Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The associated fauna is represented by brachiopods, ostracods, and echinoderms. The studied limestones also commonly contain calcimicrobes represented by three species. The faunal and microfacial characteristics indicate a shallow marine depositional environment just above the storm wave base, with a supposed depth of 20 m, within the photic zone. The nutrient regime was at least a mesotrophic. The upper boundary of the Cultrijugatus Beds coincides with the Chote?-Event that strongly affected brachiopods, whereas corals and bryozoans were insensitive to this event.  相似文献   

Fossiliferous mounds of carbonate mud are a distinctive facies in the middle Chazy Group (Crown Point Formation) at Isle La Motte, Lake Champlain. The mounds are surrounded by bedded calcarenite of spar-cemented pelmatozoan debris. Channels which cut into the mounds during mound growth are filled with the same calcarenite. The mud-free intermound rocks and the mound biota suggest agitated, normal marine shallow-water environments. The principal lime-secreting organisms within the mounds are stromatoporoids, calcareous algae, tabulate corals, sponges, and bryozoans. Each mound is dominated in terms of biomass by one of three groups: stromatoporoids, calcareous algae, and bryozoans. Most of the mound biota first appear at the base of the Crown Point Formation. In the lower Crown Point Formation the organisms increase in number and species. Both changes in the biota are related to periods of shallowing of the Chazy sea which are also reflected in the character of the carbonate sands.  相似文献   

Molinges was located on an Upper Jurassic ramp system of low-energy regime that developed at the southern margin of the French Jura platform. The sedimentary succession is characterized by the transition from a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate to a carbonate depositional setting that occurred during a long-term shallowing-upward trend. The disappearance of siliciclastics is explained by a climatic change, from humid and cold to drier and warmer conditions, previously identified in Late Oxfordian adjacent basins. The base of the section shows marl-limestone alternations of outer ramp. In its middle part, the section displays oncolitic marls, coral-microbialite beds and oncolitic limestones that deposited in a mid ramp position. Finally, the upper section part is made of oolitic limestones of inner ramp. In outer- to mid-ramp settings submitted to terrigenous inputs, the stacking pattern of deposits and facies evolution allow the identification of elementary, small-, medium-, and large-scale sequences. Small amplitudes of sea-level variations probably controlled rapid shifts of facies belts and reef window occurrences. In small-scale sequences, the coral beds developed during periods of sea-level rise. The decreasing rate of sea-level rise is marked by the downramp shift of the oncolitic limestone belt that led to the demise of coral-microbialite beds. These bioconstructions are mainly represented by thin biostromes in which corals never reach great sizes. The coral assemblages mainly include the genera Enallhelia, Dimorpharaea, Thamnasteria, and some solitary forms (Montlivaltia and Epistreptophyllum). They suggest relatively low-mesotrophic conditions in marine waters during the edification of the primary framework. Relatively cold water temperatures and periods of more elevated nutrient contents are probably responsible of the reduced coral development and the formation of a large amount of microbialites.  相似文献   

Summary The Java Sea, one of the few modern tropical epeiric seas, is used as an analogue to examine oceanography, stratigraphy, and reefs of Devonian strata in the Appalachian and Michigan Basins. Nearshore patch reefs and offshore “pinnacle” reefs occur in both the Java Sea and the Emsian-Eifelian Onondaga Formation in the Appalachian Basin. Nearshore patch reefs also occur in the Eifelian Formosa Reef Limestone in the Michigan Basin. The Java Sea is characterized by quasi-estuarine circulation, in which runoff and rainfall exceed evaporation. Nutrient and organic matter influx from land and from estuarine upwelling contribute to organic rich facies during transgressions and sea level highstands. Similarly, we propose that high runoff from the Appalachian Mountains and from the Laurentian craton contributed to slightly reduced salinity in the Appalachian basin, including possible density stratification during Middle Devonian highstands. By contrast, the Michigan Basin was characterized by antiestuarine circulation, in which evaporation exceeded combined runoff and rainfall. Contemporaneous Emsian-Eifelian strata in the Michigan Basin are dolomite and dolomitic limestone, rather than cherty and muddy limestone typical of the Appalachian basin. Reef composition generally reflects oceanographic circulation regime within the epicontinental seas we examine. Nearshore reefs of the modern Java Sea and the Onondaga Formation (Appalachian Basin) are dominated by multilobate submassive, dendroid, and phaceloid corals, and virtually no platy corals or tabular stromatoporoids. Multilobate and phaceloid corals are better able to accommodate muddy sedimentation. By contrast, offshore pinnacle reefs of the Java Sea and nearshore reefs of the Formosa Reef Limestone are dominated by platyAcropora (modern) or tabular and laminar stromatoporoids (Devonian). The scarcity of tabular stromatoporoids, and the dominance of phaceloid corals and dendritic branching corals, in the Onondaga Formation (Appalachian Basin) are herein explained by localized high productivity conditions driven by quasi-estuarine circulation, rather than cool water. Quasi-estuarine circulation or localized topographic upwelling leading to highly productive coastal environments may be responsible for other Paleozoic examples of apparent cool-water carbonate deposition within the tropics, including the Ordovician of Eastern Canada.  相似文献   

青海柴达木盆地西南缘祁曼塔格山一带的上石炭统分下部缔敖苏组和上部四角羊沟组,该组的珊瑚化石自下而上可分两组合:1)Bradyphyllum stereomarginatum-Cystophorastraea molli-Skolekophyllum bullitabulatum组合,2)Amygdalophylloides mangnaiense-Neokoninckophyllum petilu  相似文献   

塔里木板块塔中井区上奥陶统凯迪阶良里塔格组灰岩中底栖固着型的钙质微生物、钙藻以及动物苔藓虫、珊瑚、层孔虫,可通过障积、盖覆和粘结等方式形成多种类型的生物绑结岩。对15口井部分岩芯以常用的绑结岩分类方案作岩石学微相分析,并描记底栖固着型生物颗粒的形成特征。菌藻类可在内碎屑表面以包结方式形成粘结岩;钙藻,特别是分枝状钙藻可形成障积岩;层孔虫可被隐藻层纹包结,也可单独形成小型盖覆岩;床板珊瑚格架岩可大量障积生屑和灰泥基质;苔藓虫在动物格架岩比例上占优,可与菌藻类粘结岩互相包结生长,也可独立形成局部小型障积岩。对比巴楚露头区同期藻丘中的绑结岩特征,显示塔中良里塔格组代表晚奥陶世由高生物多样性形成的礁滩复合体生态群落。  相似文献   

Summary  Biohermal and biostromal buildups were investigated in late Early and Middle Devonian carbonate complexes of the Tamworth Belt. The buildup types and subtypes were studied in three regions (Yarramanbully, Sulcor and, Wyaralong') to clarify their paleo-environmental position. Two stages of development are recognized: Incipient bioherms and bioherms. Incipient bioherms are carbonate buildups with organisms which commonly form true bioherms. They dominate the sediment with small growth forms but are not prolific enough to build large bio-frameworks. Small nodular and globular stromatoporoids characterize the incipient bioherms and are interpreted as stunted growth forms. In one location (‘Wyaralong’) the coarse stromatoporoid calcarenite represents a fore-reef facies, at Sulcor a shallow subtidal setting with moderate water energy can be deduced. The bioherms can be sub-divided into stromatoporoid-, stromatoporoid-Stachyodes-, and stromatoporoid-rugose coral bioherms. Their variable composition probably reflects growth and deposition in different zones of a reef complex and/or different proximity to areas of denundation indicated by high siliciclastic input. In the Tamworth region true bioherms occur only in the Moore Creek Limestone Member (Middle Devonian), and not in older carbonate successions. Biostromes are sub-divided into (1) incipient biostromes with stromatoporoid-heliolitid biostromes and alveolitid biostromes; (2) aggregate biostromes withAmphipora andStachyodes biostromes; (3) stratified biostromes; (4) mixed aggregate/stratified biostromes. The different types of biostromes are not limited to specific time-intervals, but rather to environmental conditions.
(1)  Incipient biostromes are characterized by laminar stromatoporoids and tabulate corals. Their forms are interpreted as initial layers of skeletons which were hampered by adverse conditions in growth. The stromatoporoid-heliolitid incipient biostrome (Eifelian Moore Creek Ls. Mbr., Yarramanbully) is characterized by abundance of dislodged laminar, ragged and tabular colonies associated with small globular and nodular heliolitids. An unstable substrate may have caused the growth disruptions. Decreasing grain-size of skeletal debris and increasing mud-content suggests deposition on a bathymetric gradient with deepening to the south. The alveolitid incipient biostrome (Eifelian Moore Creek Ls. Mbr., ‘Wyaralong’) is composed of nodular limestone with laminar alveolitids, stromatoporoids andSphaerocodium. It grades eastwards into dark nodular limestone with siliceous sponges and westwards it interdigitates with mudrich calcarenite. Deepening from west to east is implied. The incipient biostromes are interpreted as foreslope facies deposited at depths ranging from shallow subtidal (coarse-grained calcarenite) to deeper subtidal (fine-grained mud-rich calcarenite).
(2)  The term ?aggregate biostromes? is chosen to characterize large mono-or oligo-generic aggregations of sessile colonial animals with calcareous skeletons with ramose growth habit examplified byAmphipora- andStachyodes biostromes. Both genera of ramose stromatoporoids lived in quiet shallow subtidal environments, withAmphipora apparently enduring higher mud contents and possibly hypersalinity and/or oxygen deficiency.
(3)  Stratified biostromes are built mainly by tabular and laminar stromatoporoids and tabulate corals. Only one example from the Sulcor Limestone Member can be recognized in the Tamworth region. These deep and quiet water buildups formed when sedimentation rate was low. Possibly they indicate drowning of the carbonate platform.
(4)  Mixed stratified/aggregate biostromes are also deep water carbonate buildups. They exhibit an alternation of growth forms (ramose and stratified) at different levels. The mixed biostromes at yarramanbully (Emsian) show alternating growth habits varying in 50 m to 60 m-intervals from stratified growth form-dominated to aggregate growth form-dominated to mixed buildup facies. Sea level changes due to tectonism or orbital changes may be the cause. Small scale cyclic alternations of growth forms occur in irregular (decimeter) intervals in the Yarramanbully biostromes and in more regular intervals in Eifelian mixed stratified/aggregate biostromes. Possible control factors include sea-level or climatic changes and faunal interactions.
Bioherms and aggregate biostromes with ramose stromatoporoids are interpreted as-shallow water deposits, whereas the biostromes formed in deeper water. This differentation is crucial for reconstruction of the depositional history of the basin. Association of biohermal limestone with aggregate biostromes (i.e.Amphipora- andStachyodes limestone) reflects differentiation of a carbonate platform into reef and quiet water off-reef depositional centres. The sporadic development of deep-water buildups signals deposition over an increasing relief possibly caused by tectonism.  相似文献   

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