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Protection of telomeres by the Ku protein in fission yeast   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells survive loss of telomeres by a unique pathway of chromosome circularization. Factors potentially involved in this survival mechanism include the heterodimeric Ku protein and ligase IV, both of which are involved in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks in mammalian cells. Furthermore, Ku plays a role in telomere maintenance as well as in DNA double-strand break repair in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have identified Ku and ligase IV homologues in S. pombe and analyzed their functions during normal growth and in cells undergoing senescence. In the absence of either a Ku subunit (pku70(+)) or ligase IV (lig4(+)), nonhomologous DNA end-joining was severely reduced. Lack of functional Ku led to shorter but stable telomeres and caused striking rearrangements of telomere-associated sequences, indicating a function for Ku in inhibiting recombinational activities near chromosome ends. In contrast to S. cerevisiae, concurrent deletion of pku70(+) and the gene for the catalytic subunit of telomerase (trt1(+)) was not lethal, allowing for the first time the dissection of the roles of Ku during senescence. Our results support a model in which Ku protects chromosome termini from nucleolytic and recombinational activities but is not involved in the formation of chromosome end fusions during senescence. The conclusion that nonhomologous end-joining is not required for chromosome circularization was further supported by analysis of survivors in strains lacking the genes for both trt1(+) and lig4(+).  相似文献   

To maintain genomic integrity, telomeres must undergo switches from a protected state to an accessible state that allows telomerase recruitment. To better understand how telomere accessibility is regulated in fission yeast, we analysed cell cycle‐dependent recruitment of telomere‐specific proteins (telomerase Trt1, Taz1, Rap1, Pot1 and Stn1), DNA replication proteins (DNA polymerases, MCM, RPA), checkpoint protein Rad26 and DNA repair protein Nbs1 to telomeres. Quantitative chromatin immunoprecipitation studies revealed that MCM, Nbs1 and Stn1 could be recruited to telomeres in the absence of telomere replication in S‐phase. In contrast, Trt1, Pot1, RPA and Rad26 failed to efficiently associate with telomeres unless telomeres are actively replicated. Unexpectedly, the leading strand DNA polymerase ε (Polε) arrived at telomeres earlier than the lagging strand DNA polymerases α (Polα) and δ (Polδ). Recruitment of RPA and Rad26 to telomeres matched arrival of DNA Polε, whereas S‐phase specific recruitment of Trt1, Pot1 and Stn1 matched arrival of DNA Polα. Thus, the conversion of telomere states involves an unanticipated intermediate step where lagging strand synthesis is delayed until telomerase is recruited.  相似文献   

Yeast telomeres consist of ~300 nt of degenerate repeats with the consensus sequence G2–3(TG)1–6. We developed a method for the amplification of a genetically marked telomere by PCR, allowing precise length and sequence determination of the G-rich strand including the 3′ terminus. We examined wild-type cells, telomerase RNA deficient cells and a strain deleted for YKU70, which encodes for a protein involved in telomere maintenance and DNA double strand break repair. The 3′ end of the G-rich strand was found to be at a variable position within the telomeric repeat. No preference for either thymine or guanine as the 3′ base was detected. Comparison of telomere sequences from clonal populations revealed that telomeres consist of a centromere-proximal region of stable sequence and a distal region with differing degenerate repeats. In wild-type as well as yku70-Δ cells, variation in the degenerate telomeric repeats was detected starting 40–100 nt from the 3′ end. Sequence divergence was abolished after deletion of the telomerase RNA gene. Thus, this region defines the domain where telomere shortening and telomerase-mediated extension occurs. Since this domain is much larger than the number of nucleo­tides lost per generation in the absence of telomerase, we propose that telomerase does not extend a given telomere in every cell cycle.  相似文献   

Telomeres at chromosome ends are nucleoprotein structures consisting of tandem TTAGGG repeats and a complex of proteins termed shelterin. DNA damage and repair at telomeres is uniquely influenced by the ability of telomeric DNA to form alternate structures including loops and G-quadruplexes, coupled with the ability of shelterin proteins to interact with and regulate enzymes in every known DNA repair pathway. The role of shelterin proteins in preventing telomeric ends from being falsely recognized and processed as DNA double strand breaks is well established. Here we focus instead on recent developments in understanding the roles of shelterin proteins and telomeric DNA sequence and structure in processing genuine damage at telomeres induced by endogenous and exogenous DNA damage agents. We will highlight advances in double strand break repair, base excision repair and nucleotide excision repair at telomeres, and will discuss important questions remaining in the field.  相似文献   

Telomeres are essential for genome integrity. scRap1 (S. cerevisiae Rap1) directly binds to telomeric DNA and regulates telomere length and telomere position effect (TPE) by recruiting two different groups of proteins to its RCT (Rap1 C-terminal) domain. The first group, Rif1 and Rif2, regulates telomere length. The second group, Sir3 and Sir4, is involved in heterochromatin formation. On the other hand, human TRF1 and TRF2, as well as their fission yeast homolog, Taz1, directly bind to telomeric DNA and negatively regulate telomere length. Taz1 also plays important roles in TPE and meiosis. Human Rap1, the ortholog of scRap1, negatively regulates telomere length and appears to be recruited to telomeres by interacting with TRF2. Here, we describe two novel fission yeast proteins, spRap1 (S. pombe Rap1) and spRif1 (S. pombe Rif1), which are orthologous to scRap1 and scRif1, respectively. spRap1 and spRif1 are independently recruited to telomeres by interacting with Taz1. The rap1 mutant is severely defective in telomere length control, TPE, and telomere clustering toward the spindle pole body (SPB) at the premeiotic horsetail stage, indicating that spRap1 has critical roles in these telomere functions. The rif1 mutant also shows some defects in telomere length control and meiosis. Our results indicate that Taz1 provides binding sites for telomere regulators, spRap1 and spRif1, which perform the essential telomere functions. This study establishes the similarity of telomere organization in fission yeast and humans.  相似文献   

DNA ligase I (Lig I) has key roles in chromosomal DNA replication and repair in the eukaryotic cell nucleus. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae the Lig I enzyme Cdc9p is also required for mitochondrial DNA replication and repair. In this report, dual nuclear–mitochondrial localization is demonstrated to be a property of the essential Lig I enzyme Cdc17 from the distantly related fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Expression of nuclear and mitochondrial forms of Cdc17 from separate genes shows that, whereas expression of either protein alone is insufficient to restore viability to cells lacking endogenous Cdc17, co-expression restores full viability. In the nucleus, Lig I interacts with the sliding clamp proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) via a conserved PCNA interacting sequence motif known as a PIP box. Deletion of the PIP motif from the N-terminus of the nuclear form of Cdc17 fails to abolish Cdc17 function, indicating that PCNA binding by Cdc17 is not an absolute requirement for completion of S-phase.  相似文献   

Shao Z  Davis AJ  Fattah KR  So S  Sun J  Lee KJ  Harrison L  Yang J  Chen DJ 《DNA Repair》2012,11(3):310-316
DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) are repaired by non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) or homologous recombination (HR). The DNA cell cycle stage and resection of the DSB ends are two key mechanisms which are believed to push DSB repair to the HR pathway. Here, we show that the NHEJ factor Ku80 associates with DSBs in S phase, when HR is thought to be the preferred repair pathway, and its dynamics/kinetics at DSBs is similar to those observed for Ku80 in non-S phase in mammalian cells. A Ku homolog from Mycobacterium tuberculosis binds to and is retained at DSBs in S phase and was used as a tool to determine if blocking DNA ends affects end resection and HR in mammalian cells. A decrease in DNA end resection, as marked by IR-induced RPA, BrdU, and Rad51 focus formation, and HR are observed when Ku deficient rodent cells are complemented with Mt-Ku. Together, this data suggests that Ku70/80 binds to DSBs in all cell cycle stages and is likely actively displaced from DSB ends to free the DNA ends for DNA end resection and thus HR to occur.  相似文献   

Organization of DNA sequences and replication origins at yeast telomeres   总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50  
C S Chan  B K Tye 《Cell》1983,33(2):563-573
We have shown that the DNA sequences adjacent to the telomeres of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosomes are highly conserved and contain a high density of replication origins. The salient features of these telomeres can be summarized as follows. There are three moderately repetitive elements present at the telomeres: the 131 sequence (1 to 1.5 kb), the highly conserved Y sequence (5.2 kb), and the less conserved X sequence (0.3 to 3.75 kb). There is a high density of replication origins spaced about 6.7 kb apart at the telomeres. These replication origins are part of the X or the Y sequences. Some of the 131-Y repetitive units are tandemly arranged. The terminal sequence T (about 0.33 to 0.6 kb) is different from the 131, X, or Y sequences and is heterogeneous in length. The order of these sequences from the telomeric end towards the centromere is T-(Y-131)n-X-, where n ranges from 1 to no more than 4. Although these telomeric sequences are conserved among S. cerevisiae strains, they show striking divergence in certain closely related yeast species.  相似文献   

Telomeres protect the natural ends of chromosomes from being repaired as deleterious DNA breaks. In fission yeast, absence of Taz1 (homologue of human TRF1 and TRF2) renders telomeres vulnerable to DNA repair. During the G1 phase, when non‐homologous end joining (NHEJ) is upregulated, taz1Δ cells undergo telomere fusions with consequent loss of viability. Here, we show that disruption of the fission yeast MRN (Rad23MRE11‐Rad50‐Nbs1) complex prevents NHEJ at telomeres and, as a result, rescues taz1Δ lethality in G1. Neither Tel1ATM activation nor 5′‐end resection was required for telomere fusion. Nuclease activity of Rad32MRE11 was also dispensable for NHEJ. Mutants unable to coordinate metal ions required for nuclease activity were proficient in NHEJ repair. In contrast, Rad32MRE11 mutations that affect binding and/or positioning of DNA ends leaving the nuclease function largely unaffected also impaired NHEJ at telomeres and restored the viability of taz1Δ in G1. Consistently, MRN structural integrity but not nuclease function is also required for NHEJ of independent DNA ends in a novel split‐molecule plasmid assay. Thus, MRN acts to tether unlinked DNA ends, allowing for efficient NHEJ.  相似文献   

The conserved Rap1 protein is part of the shelterin complex that plays critical roles in chromosome end protection and telomere length regulation. Previous studies have addressed how fission yeast Rap1 contributes to telomere length maintenance, but the mechanism by which the protein inhibits end fusions has remained elusive. Here, we use a mutagenesis screen in combination with high‐throughput sequencing to identify several amino acid positions in Rap1 that have key roles in end protection. Interestingly, mutations at these sites render cells susceptible to genome instability in a conditional manner, whereby longer telomeres are prone to undergoing end fusions, while telomeres within the normal length range are sufficiently protected. The protection of long telomeres is in part dependent on their nuclear envelope attachment mediated by the Rap1–Bqt4 interaction. Our data demonstrate that long telomeres represent a challenge for the maintenance of genome integrity, thereby providing an explanation for species‐specific upper limits on telomere length.  相似文献   

We report that recombination rates specifically increase by up to 10(3) near shortened telomeres in K. lactis cells. This occurs in cells lacking telomerase that undergo growth senescence as well as in cells with stably shortened telomeres that cause little effect on cell growth. The high rates of gene conversion allowed a subtelomeric marker, initially present at a single telomere, to efficiently spread to most or all other telomeres in the cell. We propose that short telomeres in K. lactis are not fully competent at capping chromosome ends and hence are occasionally processed by proteins that normally act to repair broken DNA ends through recombination. This helps explain how recombination can be frequent enough to permit maintenance of telomeres in yeast cells lacking telomerase.  相似文献   

Ku70-Ku80 heterodimers promote the non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) of DNA breaks and, as shown here, the fusion of dysfunctional telomeres. Paradoxically, this heterodimer is also located at functional mammalian telomeres and interacts with components of shelterin, the protein complex that protects telomeres. To determine whether Ku contributes to telomere protection, we analysed Ku70(-/-) mouse cells. Telomeres of Ku70(-/-) cells had a normal DNA structure and did not activate a DNA damage signal. However, Ku70 repressed exchanges between sister telomeres - a form of homologous recombination implicated in the alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) pathway. Sister telomere exchanges occurred at approximately 15% of the chromosome ends when Ku70 and the telomeric protein TRF2 were absent. Combined deficiency of TRF2 and another NHEJ factor, DNA ligase IV, did not elicit this phenotype. Sister telomere exchanges were not elevated at telomeres with functional TRF2, indicating that TRF2 and Ku70 act in parallel to repress recombination. We conclude that mammalian chromosome ends are highly susceptible to homologous recombination, which can endanger cell viability if an unequal exchange generates a critically shortened telomere. Therefore, Ku- and TRF2-mediated repression of homologous recombination is an important aspect of telomere protection.  相似文献   

Here we report functional characterization of the essential fission yeast Skp1 homologue. We have created a conditional allele of skp1 (skp1-3f) mimicking the mutation in the budding yeast skp1-3 allele. Although budding yeast skp1-3 arrests at the G(1)/S transition, skp1-3f cells progress through S phase and instead display two distinct phenotypes. A fraction of the skp1-3f cells arrest in mitosis with high Cdc2 activity. Other skp1-3f cells as well as the skp1-deleted cells accumulate abnormal thick septa leading to defects in cell separation. Subsequent identification of 16 fission yeast F-box proteins led to identification of the product of pof6 (for pombe F-box) as a Skp1-associated protein. Interestingly, cells deleted for the essential pof6 gene display a similar cell separation defect noted in skp1 mutants, and Pof6 localizes to septa and cell tips. Purification of Pof6 demonstrates association of Skp1, whereas the Pcu1 cullin was absent from the complex. These findings reveal an essential non-Skp1-Cdc53/Cullin-F-box protein function for the fission yeast Skp1 homologue and the F-box protein Pof6 in cell separation.  相似文献   

Decottignies A 《Genetics》2005,171(4):1535-1548
Proper repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) is necessary for the maintenance of genomic integrity. Here, a new simple assay was used to study extrachromosomal DSB repair in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Strikingly, DSB repair was associated with the capture of fission yeast mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) at high frequency. Capture of mtDNA fragments required the Lig4p/Pku70p nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) machinery and its frequency was highly increased in fission yeast cells grown to stationary phase. The fission yeast Mre11 complex Rad32p/Rad50p/Nbs1p was also required for efficient capture of mtDNA at DSBs, supporting a role for the complex in promoting intermolecular ligation. Competition assays further revealed that microsatellite DNA from higher eukaryotes was preferentially captured at yeast DSBs. Finally, cotransformation experiments indicated that, in NHEJ-deficient cells, capture of extranuclear DNA at DSBs was observed if homologies--as short as 8 bp--were present between DNA substrate and DSB ends. Hence, whether driven by NHEJ, microhomology-mediated end-joining, or homologous recombination, DNA capture associated with DSB repair is a mutagenic process threatening genomic stability.  相似文献   

Abnormal centrosomal structures similar to those occurring in human cancers are induced in fission yeast by overexpression of the pericentrin homolog Pcp1p. Analysis of abnormal Pcp1p-containing structures with quantitative mass spectrometry and isotope-coded affinity tags identified a coiled-coil, structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) domain protein. This protein, termed Ccq1p (coiled-coil protein quantitatively enriched), localizes with Taz1p to telomeres in normal vegetative cells. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements indicate that Ccq1p also interacts with centrosomal Pcp1p in mating pheromone-stimulated cells containing centrosomally clustered telomeres. We provide evidence that the Ccq1p-Pcp1p interaction, while essential for meiosis, is deleterious when forced to occur during vegetative growth. Cells lacking one ccq1 allele exhibit a loss-of-function phenotype including abnormally long cell length, chromosome segregation failure, telomeric shortening, and defective telomeric clustering during meiotic prophase. Our data indicate a mechanism underlying meiotic chromosomal bouquet formation and suggest a recruitment model for supernumerary centrosome toxicity.  相似文献   

We have constructed a linear plasmid in yeast containing the entire bovine papillomavirus genome and tested its physical stability following microinjection into stage VI oocytes of Xenopus laevis. Our results show that unmodified telomeres, in contrast to the yeast-passaged telomeres, drastically affect the stability of the injected linear plasmid. Plasmids carrying unmodified Tetrahymena thermophila telomeric sequences are rapidly degraded in oocytes. When these plasmids are passed through yeast, the telomere ends become modified by the addition of yeast telomeric sequences. These plasmids are stably maintained in X. laevis oocytes, demonstrating that yeast-modified telomeres are sufficient to prevent linear DNA degradation.  相似文献   

Nakamura TM  Moser BA  Russell P 《Genetics》2002,161(4):1437-1452
Telomeres, the ends of linear chromosomes, are DNA double-strand ends that do not trigger a cell cycle arrest and yet require checkpoint and DNA repair proteins for maintenance. Genetic and biochemical studies in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe were undertaken to understand how checkpoint and DNA repair proteins contribute to telomere maintenance. On the basis of telomere lengths of mutant combinations of various checkpoint-related proteins (Rad1, Rad3, Rad9, Rad17, Rad26, Hus1, Crb2, Chk1, Cds1), Tel1, a telomere-binding protein (Taz1), and DNA repair proteins (Ku70, Rad32), we conclude that Rad3/Rad26 and Tel1/Rad32 represent two pathways required to maintain telomeres and prevent chromosome circularization. Rad1/Rad9/Hus1/Rad17 and Ku70 are two additional epistasis groups, which act in the Rad3/Rad26 pathway. However, Rad3/Rad26 must have additional target(s), as cells lacking Tel1/Rad32, Rad1/Rad9/Hus1/Rad17, and Ku70 groups did not circularize chromosomes. Cells lacking Rad3/Rad26 and Tel1/Rad32 senesced faster than a telomerase trt1Delta mutant, suggesting that these pathways may contribute to telomere protection. Deletion of taz1 did not suppress chromosome circularization in cells lacking Rad3/Rad26 and Tel1/Rad32, also suggesting that two pathways protect telomeres. Chromatin immunoprecipitation analyses found that Rad3, Rad1, Rad9, Hus1, Rad17, Rad32, and Ku70 associate with telomeres. Thus, checkpoint sensor and DNA repair proteins contribute to telomere maintenance and protection through their association with telomeres.  相似文献   

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