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Lowland and mid-elevational rainforests of Sri Lanka harbor a relict, endemic-rich flora which is also rich in timber and non-timber forest resources. These forests supply nearly half the total wood requirements of the country and are dwindling rapidly; management of the forests to conserve the biological richness and maintain environmental services is therefore a difficult proposition. This predicament is further compounded by the dependency of rural people on a range of non-timber forest resources for their subsistence and income. A forestry master plan recently prepared for Sri Lanka has not given adequate recognition to the important role played by non-timber forest resources in rural livelihood. This oversight is primarily due to the lack of quantitative information to justify the role of non-timber forest resources in forestry sector development. Forestry policies that ignore these resources often anger local people, leading the villagers to vent their disapproval through destructive actions such as burning timber plantations. Long-term interdisciplinary research in ecology, reproductive and soil biology, ethnobiology, silviculture, rural sociology and resource economics in progress at Sinharaja attempts to address these questions of sustainable development of forest resources in an integrated mode. While research oriented toward conservation investigates both short- and long-term ecosystem dynamics in natural and modified forest stands, utilization-oriented research probes the impact of increased human disturbance, particularly the impact of rural communities on dwindling forest resources, as well as the effect of forest conservation on rural livelihood. These studies continue to seek alternative methods of forest management which are socially acceptable, economically viable, and ecologically sustainable for multiple uses. These methods will assist in the refinement of current forest policies, forestry planning, and the implementation of new policies and plans in Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

Forestry management worldwide has become increasingly effective at obtaining high timber yields from productive forests. In New Zealand, a focus on improving an increasingly successful and largely Pinus radiata plantation forestry model over the last 150 years has resulted in some of the most productive timber forests in the temperate zone. In contrast to this success, the full range of forested landscapes across New Zealand, including native forests, are impacted by an array of pressures from introduced pests, diseases, and a changing climate, presenting a collective risk of losses in biological, social and economic value. As the national government policies incentivise reforestation and afforestation, the social acceptability of some forms of newly planted forests is also being challenged. Here, we review relevant literature in the area of integrated forest landscape management to optimise forests as nature-based solutions, presenting ‘transitional forestry’ as a model design and management paradigm appropriate to a range of forest types, where forest purpose is placed at the heart of decision making. We use New Zealand as a case study region, describing how this purpose-led transitional forestry model can benefit a cross section of forest types, from industrialised forest plantations to dedicated conservation forests and a range of multiple-purpose forests in between. Transitional forestry is an ongoing multi-decade process of change from current ‘business-as-usual’ forest management to future systems of forest management, embedded across a continuum of forest types. This holistic framework incorporates elements to enhance efficiencies of timber production, improve overall forest landscape resilience, and reduce some potential negative environmental impacts of commercial plantation forestry, while allowing the ecosystem functioning of commercial and non-commercial forests to be maximised, with increased public and biodiversity conservation value. Implementation of transitional forestry addresses tensions that arise between meeting climate mitigation targets and improving biodiversity criteria through afforestation, alongside increasing demand for forest biomass feedstocks to meet the demands of near-term bioenergy and bioeconomy goals. As ambitious government international targets are set for reforestation and afforestation using both native and exotic species, there is an increasing opportunity to make such transitions via integrated thinking that optimises forest values across a continuum of forest types, while embracing the diversity of ways in which such targets can be reached.  相似文献   

Bangladesh has been a signatory to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) although implementation of the convention has been poor. We independently assessed the extent to which the program of work (POW) of the CBD has been implemented in Bangladesh by carrying out workshops involving local communities, conservation organizations, universities, and government departments involved in forest conservation. Our analyses indicate that there is little or no understanding of the ecosystem approach that is central to the CBD; forestry practices remain primitive and largely ineffective; forest destruction continues at high rates; restoration of degraded forests are minimal; protected areas are small and ineffective; indigenous peoples’ rights are nominal and are outside any legislation; threats to species have been identified, but little is being done to reduce threats; there is no work on pollution and its mitigation; some work has been done to adapt to climate change; the institutional environment does not enable effective implementation of the ecosystem approach; laws and policies are ineffective; institutional capacity is poor; government will is limited or totally lacking; and knowledge base remains poor, although reporting has improved and various strategic plans have been formulated but never implemented. Thus, the implementation of CBD in Bangladesh requires systemic changes in policy at the institutional levels as well as complementary changes in attitudes and avenues of alternate income generation.  相似文献   

In pursuance of economic growth and development, logging has exhausted the natural timber resource in the tropical rainforest of Sabah, Malaysia. Realizing the forest depletion, the Sabah Forestry Department, with technical support from the German Agency for Technical Cooperation, begun developing a management system with the intent of managing all commercial forest reserves in a way that mimics natural processes for sustainable production of low volume, high quality, and high priced timber products in 1989. As dictated by a forest management plan based on forest zoning, about 51,000 ha of the entire area is set aside for log production and 4,000 ha for conservation in Deramakot Forest Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia. This Forest Management Plan has served as the blueprint for operational work and biodiversity conservation in Deramakot to the present. A strict protection area is set aside for biodiversity conservation within the reserve. A reduced-impact logging system is being employed for harvesting with minimal impacts on the physical environment. Deramakot Forest Reserve was certified as “well managed” by an international certification body, the Forest Stewardship Council, in 1997 and is the first natural forest reserve in Southeast Asia managed in accordance with sustainable forestry principles. In addition to providing a "green premium," certification provides easier market access, evidence of legality, multi-stakeholder participation, conservation of biodiversity and best forest management practices, particularly reduced-impact logging techniques. Deramakot Forest Reserve is the flagship of the Sabah Forestry Department and serves as a symbol of what can be achieved with political support and institutional commitment.  相似文献   

巩固提升生态系统碳汇能力是碳达峰十大行动计划之一,是助力碳中和目标实现、应对气候变化的重要举措。森林作为陆地生态系统中最大的碳库,是我国当前碳汇政策的主体。研究梳理了2000年以来我国森林碳汇有关政策的发展演变历程,并从生态政策、经济政策和保障体系建设三个维度分析和评价了政策成效与存在问题,以期为构建适应“双碳”目标的碳汇政策体系提供决策依据。研究结果表明:(1)从生态政策看:天然林保护、退耕还林还草和“三北”防护林三大林业工程增加了我国森林面积和蓄积量,显著提升了森林碳汇增量,但森林可持续经营管理体系尚未健全,需进一步精准提升森林质量,健全成果长效巩固机制,增强森林固碳能力;(2)就经济政策而言:我国已形成多层级林业碳汇交易市场,有效推动林业碳汇项目建设,同时各类金融产品的开发和补贴政策的实施为碳汇项目提供了多元化资金支持体系,但整体融资规模和补贴范围有限,需拓宽融资渠道,强化资金支持;(3)在保障体系建设方面:我国森林碳汇保障体系处于重点建设阶段,需完善森林碳汇有关法律法规、加快各类森林技术研发与标准制定,保障我国森林碳汇政策平稳运行。  相似文献   

露水河林业局森林多目标经营规划设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
改变单一经营目标的传统森林经营方式,进行森林多目标经营,综合发挥森林的生态、社会与经济功能是我国林业发展的一个新阶段。如何从一个生产单位的角度出发,统筹森林利用和保护相关的社会、经济及环境等各方面,进行多目标规划和决策,是林业研究和实践中的重要命题。以长白山区露水河林业局为例,探讨了森林多目标经营的必要性,设计了森林多目标经营的规划设计体系,从群落生境分析、发展类型设计、林分作业设计以及生命周期经营计划设计等方面对露水河林业局森林多目标经营进行了规划设计,以期为我国开展森林多目标经营提供借鉴和手段支撑。  相似文献   

According to their traditional classification, the Jinuo's community forests consisted of watershed forest, auspicious forest, sacred forest, shellac forest, village/clan boundary forest, fire protection forest, burial forest and swidden fallow forest. Every type of forest was managed through traditional regulations. The village or clan headman and his assistant were the representatives to implement the traditional management system. Because it was popular with local villagers and there was strict punishment of offenders, the management system was effective. In recent years, the constantly changing forest management policies has not helped either to preserve biodiversity, or to develop forestry. Instead, forest ecosystems have been destroyed. After studying the community forests in the Jinuo community, the authors strongly recommend that the indigenous forest management system be strengthened. Modern forestry policy itself cannot implement sustainable, productive forestry and conserve biodiversity unless it is combined with the indigenous management system of the community.  相似文献   

Biodiversity loss poses a real threat to the livelihoods, food security and health of the poor. In Vietnam, nearly 700 species are threatened with national extinction and over 300 species are threatened with global extinction. Deforestation is the main contributor to these biodiversity losses. This study examines biodiversity conservation attitudes of foresters and proposes policy options to promote biodiversity in planted forests. A household survey of 291 foresters in Yen Bai Province, Vietnam, was conducted to examine attitudes to biodiversity conservation. A range of forest policy tools was investigated to find the most appropriate one to enhance biodiversity, given the specific social-economic conditions of foresters. A forest-level optimisation model was employed to design the optimal level of payment for biodiversity conservation. The results suggest that a large number of foresters would agree to the idea of enhancing biodiversity in planted forests if they were financially supported. It is concluded that policy options for the Government of Vietnam include refinements to the current payment scheme and considering increasing the payment level to foresters to enhance biodiversity. These findings may have some generalisability to the plantation forestry sector in other developing countries in tropical zones, and implications for implementing the REDD+ mechanism in developing countries.  相似文献   

《Ecological Informatics》2012,7(6):371-383
The increasing interest in biodiversity conservation has led to the development of new approaches to facilitate ecologically based conservation policies and management plans. In this context, the development of effective methods for the classification of forest types constitutes a crucial issue as forests represent the most widespread vegetation structure and play a key role in ecosystem functioning. In this study a maximum entropy approach (Maxent) to forest type classification in a complex Mediterranean area, has been investigated. Maxent, a niche-based model of species/habitat distribution, allowed researchers to estimate the potential distribution of four forest types: Holm oak, Mixed oak, Mixed broadleaved and Riparian forests. The Maxent model's internal tests have proved a powerful tool for estimating the model's accuracy and analyzing the effects of the most important variables in the produced models. Moreover the comparison with a spectral response-based fuzzy classification, showed a higher accuracy in the Maxent outputs, demonstrating how the use of environmental variables, combined with spectral information in the classification of natural or semi-natural land cover classes, improves map accuracies. The modeling approach followed by this study, taking into account the uncertainty proper of the natural ecosystems and the use of environmental variables in land cover classification, can represent a useful approach to making more efficient and effective field inventories and to developing effective conservation policies.  相似文献   

分析了生态基础设施概念的由来和发展,国际社会对森林功能和作用的认识过程,森林对我国经济建设和生态安全的重要性,以及当前林业生态建设的形势和所面临的问题,提出应将森林定位为现代社会国民经济和社会发展的基础设施,强调了森林基础设施定位对转变当前林业生态建设方式的重要作用.在综合分析森林生态系统特点的基础上,认为森林基础设施属性具有一定的特殊性,即主体由活体的生物材料构成,权属带有明显的多元性质,所以林业生态建设的模式和管理体制既要遵循基础设施的基本原则,又应考虑到森林的特殊性.提出了当前开展林业生态建设的4点建议:发展以人与自然和谐为核心的现代生态观;建立长期稳定的林业生态建设投资渠道;按照基础设施建设的原则实施林业生态建设工程;按照基础设施管理的原则经营森林.  相似文献   

The agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sector is responsible for approximately 25% of anthropogenic GHG emissions mainly from deforestation and agricultural emissions from livestock, soil and nutrient management. Mitigation from the sector is thus extremely important in meeting emission reduction targets. The sector offers a variety of cost‐competitive mitigation options with most analyses indicating a decline in emissions largely due to decreasing deforestation rates. Sustainability criteria are needed to guide development and implementation of AFOLU mitigation measures with particular focus on multifunctional systems that allow the delivery of multiple services from land. It is striking that almost all of the positive and negative impacts, opportunities and barriers are context specific, precluding generic statements about which AFOLU mitigation measures have the greatest promise at a global scale. This finding underlines the importance of considering each mitigation strategy on a case‐by‐case basis, systemic effects when implementing mitigation options on the national scale, and suggests that policies need to be flexible enough to allow such assessments. National and international agricultural and forest (climate) policies have the potential to alter the opportunity costs of specific land uses in ways that increase opportunities or barriers for attaining climate change mitigation goals. Policies governing practices in agriculture and in forest conservation and management need to account for both effective mitigation and adaptation and can help to orient practices in agriculture and in forestry towards global sharing of innovative technologies for the efficient use of land resources. Different policy instruments, especially economic incentives and regulatory approaches, are currently being applied however, for its successful implementation it is critical to understand how land‐use decisions are made and how new social, political and economic forces in the future will influence this process.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the historical development of nature conservation programs, and discusses the past and current case of national parks in Turkey. The study evaluates biodiversity inventory data, international and national importance of biodiversity, environmental problems threatening natural resources, historical developments in nature conservation, institutional development for conservation programs, participation of Turkey in international agreements, and national conferences and meetings to advocate nature conservation. Finally, the developments and current conditions of conservation programs and national parks are also discussed.  相似文献   

演习林是日本通过农林院校管辖和运行的自然林地与人工林, 兼具科教、生物多样性保护、生态旅游与林木生产等功能。演习林的责、权、利明确, 能够实现长期、稳定的保护与利用, 与自然保护区、国家公园既有区别又相辅相成, 是日本经济协调发展与快速实现生态恢复的一个重要保障。目前, 日本约有30所高等院校拥有演习林, 演习林面积约占日本森林总面积的5‰, 其中东京大学的演习林建立最早、运行与管理机制最为完善。演习林主要有三大功能: 教学实践、科学研究、社会服务。演习林主要负责人是大学教师, 教师既参与科教也参与管理, 实现了教授治校、科教与社会服务的协调发展。当前, 我国正处于生物多样性保护的转型期和国家公园试点建设的关键阶段, 农林类高校或研究所可借鉴日本演习林制度, 主动参与到国家“绿水青山就是金山银山”的绿色发展理念和实践中; 涉及生物学与农林学科的科学工作者应积极承担当地自然保护区、森林公园、国家公园等的建设与管护。政府可以引导和吸纳有着充足研究经费、学术水平较高的农林与生物学类高校(特别是相关学科被列入“世界一流学科”建设行列的高校)在有条件的自然保护区或城市周边开辟高校直辖林地, 实现教学实践、研究与保护、社会服务等共建共存模式, 提升我国高校农林与生物学科研究水平, 促进我国生物多样性的可持续保护和国家公园的高标准建设。  相似文献   

Fires in humid tropical forests are increasingly frequent due to severe dry seasons, forest degradation and agricultural expansion. One agent implicated in current discourse surrounding tropical forest fires is the small-scale farming peasantry who rely on fire in swidden (shifting cultivation, slash-and-burn) agriculture. The environmental degradation associated with fire has led to government responses at multiple scales (international, national, state, regional) via policies aimed mainly at managing ignition sources. However, continued increase in forest fires suggests that these policies may be having limited impact and a fresh evaluation of current policy approaches to fire management is needed. We review fire policy measures with insights of caboclo farming practices and perspectives from Eastern Amazonia and examine the congruence between policy and practice. We demonstrate a significant disparity between policy requirements such as firebreaks and actual fire management practices, in which measures rarely meet requirements outlined in legislation. We explore the origins and the impacts of these disparities, focussing on smallholder farm-level management measures and local capacity. Incomplete knowledge coupled with marginal awareness of legal requirements served to propagate widespread erroneous beliefs in what these are. This analysis at multiple scales (international, national, state, regional) will contribute to developing greater congruence between fire policies and smallholder farming practices.  相似文献   

The Kingdom of Nepal extends 800 km east to west along the southern slopes of the Himalayas. Because of its biogeographical position, Nepal contains biological elements of both the Indo-Malayan and Palaearctic realms. Beside the trees in forest ecosystems, a large number of tree species are maintained on farms as part of subsistence farming systems. The role of these trees in ensuring the sustainability of agricultural production and the importance of traditional farming systems for the conservation of crop diversity have been well documented. However, the status of farm trees and their role in biodiversity conservation are poorly documented. This paper presents a case study of two villages in the western middle hills of Nepal. It highlights the role of traditional agroforestry practices for the conservation of tree diversity and argues that farms can be considered biodiversity reservoirs. Farm trees help to reduce pressure on community and government forests and create a favorable environment for many plant and animal species. Farm trees also provide social functions in that households with many farm trees no longer exercise their communal rights to extract grass products from community forests, which in turn benefits poor and disadvantaged households. The paper discusses possibilities to improve the role of farm trees in biodiversity conservation. It argues for the development of mechanisms such as tax exemptions and conservation credits that provide benefits to rural communities as compensation for their local and global environmental services including biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Forest loss and degradation are the greatest threats to biodiversity worldwide. Rising global wood demand threatens further damage to remaining native forests. Contrasting solutions across a continuum of options have been proposed, yet which of these offers most promise remains unresolved. Expansion of high-yielding tree plantations could free up forest land for conservation provided this is implemented in tandem with stronger policies for conserving native forests. Because plantations and other intensively managed forests often support far less biodiversity than native forests, a second approach argues for widespread adoption of extensive management, or ‘ecological forestry’, which better simulates natural forest structure and disturbance regimes – albeit with compromised wood yields and hence a need to harvest over a larger area. A third, hybrid suggestion involves ‘Triad’ zoning where the landscape is divided into three sorts of management (reserve, ecological/extensive management, and intensive plantation). Progress towards resolving which of these approaches holds the most promise has been hampered by the absence of a conceptual framework and of sufficient empirical data formally to identify the most appropriate landscape-scale proportions of reserves, extensive, and intensive management to minimize biodiversity impacts while meeting a given level of demand for wood. In this review, we argue that this central challenge for sustainable forestry is analogous to that facing food-production systems, and that the land sharing–sparing framework devised to establish which approach to farming could meet food demand at least cost to wild species can be readily adapted to assess contrasting forest management regimes. We develop this argument in four ways: (i) we set out the relevance of the sharing–sparing framework for forestry and explore the degree to which concepts from agriculture can translate to a forest management context; (ii) we make design recommendations for empirical research on sustainable forestry to enable application of the sharing–sparing framework; (iii) we present overarching hypotheses which such studies could test; and (iv) we discuss potential pitfalls and opportunities in conceptualizing landscape management through a sharing–sparing lens. The framework we propose will enable forest managers worldwide to assess trade-offs directly between conservation and wood production and to determine the mix of management approaches that best balances these (and other) competing objectives. The results will inform ecologically sustainable forest policy and management, reduce risks of local and global extinctions from forestry, and potentially improve a valuable sector's social license to operate.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper focuses on the management potential of natural forests in the tropical dry zones of Central America, particularly Nicaragua. Distribution and status of dry forest formations are reviewed. Two case studies from the Pacific coast of Nicaragua are presented to illustrate the disturbance created by traditional utilization, and to show the relatively high potential for natural forest management, with many of the tree species having economic value. Natural forest management, together with conservation and reforestation, is viewed as the main management option for the tropical dry forest areas. In spite of its importance, this option has received little attention or promotion from the governmental forestry sector. Four complementary options which can be devised for silvicultural work in production forests are: encouragement of advanced growth of desirable tree species, inducement of natural regeneration, coppice management, and compensatory planting. These options form different strategies for rehabilitation of the production and conservation functions of the forest and may well be combined in the same area. Research applied to better utilization of the forest resources should form an intrinsic part of rural development programs. Research work in tropical dry forest areas should focus on ecological, as well as socio-cultural and economical aspects related to the management options. Experimental sites are important enabling and securing long-term basic and applied biological research. They may also serve as units for demonstration, training and extension.  相似文献   

加强森林经营,实现森林保护与木材供应双赢   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国森林目前面临木材自给和生态安全的严重挑战.我国用1.2×108 hm2耕地养活了13亿人口,能否用2×108 hm2森林提供13亿人的用材,实现木材基本自给和森林保护的"双赢"?本文在分析我国林业的基本形势和实现木材自给必要性的基础上,从生产潜力和技术方面论证了实现木材自给和生态服务双赢的可能性.认为只要坚持以"森林经营"为核心,以培育稳定健康的森林生态系统为目标,以模拟森林的自然过程为手段重建森林生态系统,科学编制和执行森林经营规划,并加强林区基础建设和完善相应的林业政策,中国完全有可能实现生态保护与木材自给的"双赢".  相似文献   

In a Mapuche community situated in the sub-antarctic forest of the northwest of Argentine Patagonia, analysis was carried out on forest environmental perception and its relation to the resilience of the body of traditional botanical knowledge regarding medicinal plants. Data was obtained on the ethno-classification and differential use of the forest gathering environment with respect to its practical and cultural value. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 30 randomly chosen inhabitants, and the data were analysed using qualitative methods and non-parametric statistics. Most citations (64.5%) were of species gathered in Nothofagus antarctica forest, 26.2% were of species from N. pumilio forest, and 20.3% referred to species from a mixed forest, with N. dombeyi. The forests studied have low values for similarity in terms of medicinal species richness, indicating a unique offer of therapeutic resources in each one. The use of the different forest types seems to be associated with the search for therapeutic resources for specific ailments. However, the redundancy of functions of species in each forest type can offer alternative remedies, which provides plant conservation, security and the possibility of reorganisation of their traditional medicinal knowledge. This case study showed the importance of considering folk systems and the role that this knowledge has played in plant resource management and forest protection. Different forests are used and valued differentially, not only with regard to usefulness but also in symbolic-religious terms, and together they fulfil a cushioning function, protecting holistically traditional botanical knowledge, people’s health and forests. It is of great importance, therefore, that conservation policies favouring environmental heterogeneity are implemented, and that local inhabitants participate in the development of management plans.  相似文献   

Common property regimes may contribute to environmental conservationand offer a complementary institutional model to state-run protected areas. The potential conservation value of common property management is of particular significance in Mexico, where a large majority of forests are held communally. Systems of common property management often exist in a context of close institutional overlap with state institutions. This project assessed the function of a common property regime nested within Lagunas de Montebello National Park (PNLM) in Chiapas, Mexico. We documented forest status and analyzed common property forest management institutions following severe fires that threatened forest conservation. Forests managed by the common property regime are less intact than federal forests, yet still moderately conserved, and many attributes necessary for common property management are functional, despite the recent fire crisis. Yet external authorities contest common property management by local institutions, resulting in limited joint management by the national park and the community. Formalization and expansion of de facto cooperation between the federal and community institutions may enhance forest conservation within PNLM.  相似文献   

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