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We have assayed the ability of segments of the simian virus 40 (SV40) 72-base-pair (bp) repeat enhancer region to activate gene expression under the control of the SV40 early promoter and to compete for trans-acting enhancer-binding factors of limited availability in vivo in monkey CV-1 or human HeLa cells. The bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase and the herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase genes were used as reporters in these assays. A 94-bp sequence located between SV40 nucleotides 179 and 272, including one copy of the 72-bp repeat, has been termed the minimal enhancer in previous studies. In the present study, we found that the 20-bp origin-proximal region located between nucleotides 179 and 198 was dispensable, since its removal caused only a slight reduction in enhancer activity. However, the deletion of another 4 bp up to nucleotide 202 abolished the enhancer activity. We propose that the minimal enhancer is a 74-bp sequence located between nucleotides 199 and 272, including 52 bp of one copy of the 72-bp repeat and a 22-bp adjacent sequence up to the PvuII site at 272. The nonamer 5'-AAGT/CATGCA-3', which we term the K core, occurred as a tandem duplication around the SphI site at nucleotide 200, and we found that this duplication was essential for enhancement and factor-binding activities. A heterologous core element (which we term the C core), 5'-GTGGA/TA/TA/TG-3', identified earlier (G. Khoury and P. Gruss, Cell 33:313-314, 1983; Weiher et al., Science 219:626-631, 1983) also occurred in duplicate, with one of the copies located within the 22-bp sequence near nucleotide 272 present outside the 72-bp repeat. We provide direct evidence that this 22-bp sequence augments enhancer activity considerably. We also found that in addition to the heterologous interaction occurring normally between the K and C cores within the minimal enhancer, certain homologous interactions were also permitted provided there was proper spacing between the elements.  相似文献   

Simian Virus 40 (SV40) has been shown to enter host cells by caveolar endocytosis followed by transport via caveosomes to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Using a caveolin-1 (cav-1)-deficient cell line (human hepatoma 7) and embryonic fibroblasts from a cav-1 knockout mouse, we found that in the absence of caveolae, but also in wild-type embryonic fibroblasts, the virus exploits an alternative, cav-1-independent pathway. Internalization was rapid (t1/2 = 20 min) and cholesterol and tyrosine kinase dependent but independent of clathrin, dynamin II, and ARF6. The viruses were internalized in small, tight-fitting vesicles and transported to membrane-bounded, pH-neutral organelles similar to caveosomes but devoid of cav-1 and -2. The viruses were next transferred by microtubule-dependent vesicular transport to the ER, a step that was required for infectivity. Our results revealed the existence of a virus-activated endocytic pathway from the plasma membrane to the ER that involves neither clathrin nor caveolae and that can be activated also in the presence of cav-1.  相似文献   

We previously reported that human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection induces endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, resulting in activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR). Although some normal consequences of UPR activation (e.g., translation attenuation) are detrimental to viral infection, we have previously shown that HCMV infection adapts the UPR to benefit the viral infection (14). For example, UPR-induced translation attenuation is inhibited by viral infection, while potentially beneficial aspects of the UPR are maintained. In the present work, we tested the ability of HCMV to overcome a robust induction of the UPR by the drugs thapsigargin and clotrimazole (CLT), which disrupt ER calcium homeostasis. A 24-h treatment with these drugs beginning at 48, 72, or 96 h postinfection (hpi) completely inhibited further production of infectious virions. HCMV could not overcome the inhibition of global translation by CLT; however, between 48 and 72 hpi, HCMV overcame translational inhibition caused by thapsigargin. Despite the restoration of translation in thapsigargin, the accumulation of immediate-early and early gene products was modestly retarded (50% or less), whereas the accumulation of an early-late and late gene product was significantly retarded. Electron microscopic analysis shows that the drugs severely disrupt the maturation of HCMV virions. This can be accounted for by both the retarded accumulation of late gene products and the drug-induced depletion of ER calcium, which disrupts critical cellular functions needed for maturation.  相似文献   

Wild-type and J domain mutant simian virus 40 large T antigens alter the cell cycle and bud morphology of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In contrast, yeast cells expressing mutant T antigen lacking the carboxy-terminal 150 aa exhibit normal morphology, indicating that this region of T antigen is required for cell cycle disruption.  相似文献   

With the murine retinoblastoma (RB) cDNA, a series of RB mutants were expressed in COS-1 cells and the pRB products were assessed for their ability (i) to bind to large T antigen (large T), (ii) to become modified by phosphorylation, and (iii) to localize in the nucleus. All point mutations and deletions introduced into regions previously defined as contributing to binding to large T abolished pRB-large T complex formation and prevented hyperphosphorylation of the RB protein. In contrast, a series of deletions 5' to these sites did not interfere with binding to large T. While some of the 5' deletion mutants were clearly phosphorylated in a cell cycle-dependent manner, one, delta Pvu, failed to be phosphorylated depsite binding to large T. pRB with mutations created at three putative p34cdc2 phosphorylation sites in the N-terminal region behaved similarly to wild-type pRB, whereas the construct delta P5-6-7-8, mutated at four serine residues C terminal to the large T-binding site, failed to become hyperphosphorylated despite retaining the ability to bind large T. All of the mutants described were also found to localize in the nucleus. These results demonstrate that the domains in pRB responsible for binding to large T are distinct from those recognized by the relevant pRB-specific kinase(s) and/or those which contain cell cycle-dependent phosphorylation sites. Furthermore, these data are consistent with a model in which cell cycle-dependent phosphorylation of pRB requires complex formation with other cellular proteins.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 cRNA was transcribed in vitro from the early viral DNA strand. The RNA was injected through glass capillaries into the nuclei of monkey cells. After a 2-h incubation, the RNAs were extracted and hybridized to single-stranded simian virus 40 DNA sequences contained in a bacteriophage M13 vector. Electron microscopy revealed processed cRNAs with splice loops in the region of the intron of large T antigen.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 infection of the CV-1 line of green monkey kidney cells results in the release of mitochondrial malic dehydrogenase as early as 24 h. Released malic dehydrogenase is detected in the cytoplasm prior to its appearance in the overlay medium. Infected cells lose the ability to consume oxygen between 48 and 56 h, and damage to the elctron transport system is indicated. Nevertheless, cellular ATP levels remain high as late as 72 h. Infection leads to a stimulation of membrane phospholipid synthesis, which reaches a peak at about 32 h. This is followed by a severe decline in new membrane synthesis, which correlates in time with the release of cytoplasmic lactic dehydrogenase into the overlay media. Lactic dehydrogenase release precedes the accumulation of trypan blue-stainable cells by about 6 h. Infection had no effect on the turnover of prelabeled membrane phospholipids. An early simian virus 40 mutant, tsA58, and a late mutant, tsB11, are both less effective than wild-type virus at causing reduced levels of phospholipid synthesis, enzyme release, and the accumulation of trypan blue-stainable cells. Another late mutant, tsB8, is similar to wild-type virus in these respects. At 64 h, there is no detectable cell-associated lactic dehydrogenase and nearly all the cells are trypan blue stainable. Nevertheless, at concentrations of deoxyglucose in the medium below the transport Km, deoxyglucose uptake was similar in infected and control cultures. With higher concentrations of deoxyglucose in the medium, uptake by the infected cultures exceeded that by the control cultures.  相似文献   

An oligoribonucleotide, corresponding to the Tat-interactive top half of the HIV-1 TAR RNA stem-loop, was synthesized in both the natural D- and the enantiomeric L-configurations. The affinity of Tat for the two RNAs, assessed by competition binding experiments, was found to be identical and is reduced 10-fold for both, upon replacement of the critical bulge residue U23 with cytidine. It is suggested that this interaction of the flexible Tat protein depends strongly upon the tertiary structure of a binding pocket within TAR, but not upon its handedness, and may be described by a 'hand-in-mitten' model.  相似文献   

For polyomaviruses, calcium ions are known to be essential for virion integrity and for the assembly of capsid structures. To define the role of calcium ions in the life cycle of the virus, we analyzed simian virus 40 (SV40) mutants in which structurally deduced calcium-binding amino acids of Vp1 were mutated singly and in combination. Our study provides evidence that calcium ions mediate not only virion assembly but also the initial infection processes of cell entry and nuclear entry. Mutations at Glu48, Glu157, Glu160, Glu216, and/or Glu330 are correlated with different extents of packaging defects. The low packaging ability of mutant E216R suggests the need to position the Glu216 side chain for proper virion formation. All other mutants selected for further analysis produced virus-like particles (VLPs) but were poorly infectious. The VLPs of mutant E330K could not attach to or enter the cell, and mutant E157A-E160A and E216K VLPs entered the cell but failed to enter the nucleus, apparently as a result of premature VLP dissociation. Our results show that five of the seven acidic side chains at the two calcium-binding sites-Glu48 and Glu330 (site 1), Glu157 and Glu160 (site 2), and Glu216 (both sites)-are important for SV40 infection. We propose that calcium coordination imparts not only stability but also structural flexibility to the virion, allowing the acquisition or loss of the ion at the two sites to control virion formation in the nucleus, as well as virion structural alterations at the cell surface and in the cytoplasm early during infection.  相似文献   

The carboxyl-terminal portion of simian virus 40 large T antigen is essential for productive infection of CV-1 and CV-1p green monkey kidney cells. Mutant dlA2459, lacking 14 base pairs at 0.193 map units, was positive for viral DNA replication, but unable to form plaques in CV-1p cells (J. Tornow and C.N. Cole, J. Virol. 47:487-494, 1983). In this report, the defect of dlA2459 is further defined. Simian virus 40 late mRNAs were transcribed, polyadenylated, spliced, and transported in dlA2459-infected cells, but the level of capsid proteins produced in infected CV-1 green monkey kidney cells was extremely low. dlA2459 large T antigen lacks those residues known to be required for adenovirus helper function, and the block to productive infection by dlA2459 occurs at the same stage of infection as the block to productive adenovirus infection of CV-1 cells. These results suggest that the adenovirus helper function is required for productive infection by simian virus 40. Mutant dlA2459 was able to grow on the Vero and BSC-1 lines of African green monkey kidney cells. Additional mutants affecting the carboxyl-terminal portion of large T were prepared. Mutant inv2408 contains an inversion of the DNA between the BamHI and BclI sites (0.144 to 0.189 map units). This inversion causes transposition of the carboxyl-terminal 26 amino acids of large T antigen and the carboxyl-terminal 18 amino acids of VP1. This mutant was viable, even though the essential information absent from dlA2459 large T antigen has been transferred to the carboxyl terminus of VP1 of inv2408. The VP1 polypeptide carrying this carboxyl-terminal portion of large T could overcome the defect of dlA2459. This indicates that the carboxyl terminus of large T antigen is a separate and separable functional domain.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial porin, or voltage-dependent anion channel, is a pore-forming protein first discovered in the outer mitochondrial membrane. Later investigations have provided indications for its presence also in other cellular membranes, including the plasma membrane, and in caveolae. This extra-mitochondrial localization is debated and no clear-cut conclusion has been reached up to now. In this work, we used biochemical and electrophysiological techniques to detect and characterize porin within isolated caveolae and caveolae-like domains (low density Triton-insoluble fractions). A new procedure was used to isolate porin from plasma membrane. The outer surface of cultured CEM cells was biotinylated by an impermeable reagent. Low density Triton-insoluble fractions were prepared from the labeled cells and used as starting material to purify a biotinylated protein with the same electrophoretic mobility and immunoreactivity of mitochondrial porin. In planar bilayers, the porin from these sources formed slightly anion-selective pores with properties indistinguishable from those of mitochondrial porin. This work thus provides a strong indication of the presence of porin in the plasma membrane, and specifically in caveolae and caveolae-like domains.  相似文献   

The transfer of endocytosed simian virus 40 (SV40) to the nuclear position was investigated ultrastructurally using cationized ferritin (CF), ferritin labelled concanavalin A (Fer-Con A) and Con A as cell membrane markers. In the cells incubated with these markers and SV40 at 4 degrees C, and then chased for 2 h at 37 degrees C in serum-free medium, ferritin particles representing CF and/or Fer-Con A binding sites were found in vacuoles with SV40. The membrane of some vacuoles seemed to be in contact with the outer nuclear membrane. Several ferritin particles were located in the perinuclear cisterna and within the nucleoplasm, but not within the nuclear pores. In addition, there were vacuoles with ferritin particles and SV40 near the nuclear membrane, which looked like a single diaphragm with heterochromatins inside it. The outer nuclear and vacuole membranes were often obscure in the areas where the vacuole was very close to the diaphragm. In the case of cells incubated with CF, SV40 and Con A at 4 degrees C, chased for 2 h at 37 degrees C, and then reacted with horseradish peroxidase (HRP), HRP activity showing Con A-binding sites was also observed along the nuclear side of the inner nuclear membrane as well as in the perinuclear cisterna along the outer membrane. These results confirm that SV40-induced endocytotic vacuoles fuse with the outer nuclear membrane, and further indicate that some endocytotic vacuoles may well interact directly with the diaphragm, suggesting another path for migration of SV40 into CV-1 cell nuclei besides the path going through the process of fusion of the vacuole membrane with the outer nuclear membrane.  相似文献   

The simian virus 40 large T antigen (T antigen) inactivates tumor suppressor proteins and therefore has been used in numerous studies to probe the mechanisms that control cellular growth and to generate immortalized cell lines. Binding of T antigen to the Rb family of growth-regulatory proteins is necessary but not sufficient to cause transformation. The molecular mechanism underlying T-antigen inactivation of Rb function is poorly understood. In this study we show that T antigen associates with pRb and p130-E2F complexes in a stable manner. T antigen dissociates from a p130-E2F-4-DP-1 complex, coincident with the release of p130 from E2F-4-DP-1. The dissociation of this complex requires Hsc70, ATP, and a functional T-antigen J domain. We also report that the "released" E2F-DP-1 complex is competent to bind DNA containing an E2F consensus binding site. We propose that T antigen disrupts Rb-E2F family complexes through the action of its J domain and Hsc70. These findings indicate how Hsc70 supports T-antigen action and help to explain the cis requirement for a J domain and Rb binding motif in T-antigen-induced transformation. Furthermore, this is the first demonstration linking Hsc70 ATP hydrolysis to the release of E2F bound by Rb family members.  相似文献   

We generated fragments of simian virus 40 large tumor antigen (T antigen) by tryptic digestion and assayed them for helicase activity and helicase substrate (mostly single-stranded DNA)-binding activity in order to map the domain sites on the protein. The N-terminal 130 amino acids were not required for either activity, since a 76-kilodalton (kDa) fragment (amino acids 131 to 708) was just as active as intact T antigen. To map the helicase domain further, smaller tryptic fragments were generated. A 66-kDa fragment (131 to about 616) retained some activity, whereas a slightly smaller 62-kDa fragment (137 or 155 to 616) had none. This suggests that the minimal helicase domain maps from residue 131 to approximately residue 616. To map the helicase substrate-binding domain, we tested various fragments in a substrate-binding assay. The smallest fragment for which we could clearly demonstrate activity was a 46-kDa fragment (131 to 517). To determine the relationship between the helicase substrate domain and the origin-binding domain (131 to 257, minimal core region; 131 to 371, optimal region), we performed binding experiments with competitor DNAs present. We found that origin-containing double-stranded DNA was an excellent competitor of the binding of the helicase substrate to T antigen, suggesting that the two domains overlap. Therefore, full helicase activity requires at least a partial origin-binding domain as well as an active ATPase domain. Additionally, we found that the helicase substrate was a poor competitor of origin-binding activity, indicating that T antigen has a much higher affinity to origin sequences than to the helicase substrate.  相似文献   

Membrane vesicles were prepared from mouse fibroblasts transformed by SV40 virus (SV3T3). Following disruption of the cells by nitrogen cavitation, the membrane vesicles were obtained by differential centrifugation. As measured by enzyme markers, they consist mainly of membrane from the plasma membrane and smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum. The vesicles transport Pi by two separate, mediated systems: one is independent of Na+, and the other is secondary active transport driven by a Na+ gradient. Electrical and chemical energy can be provided by a Na+ gradient to drive the concentrative uptake of Pi by the vesicles, one or both forces being used to energize transport. Evidence is provided that both the electrical and chemical potentials produced by the asymmetric distribution of Na+ across the membrane of SV3T3 membrane vesicles are utilized to concentrate phosphate in the vesicles. Phosphate transport by the vesicles cannot be accounted for by a small contamination of this fraction with mitochondria (1 to 4%). The Pi transport properties of the membrane vesicles differ from those of the fraction enriched in mitochondria in the following respects: their kinetic properties, and their responses to a Na+ gradient, N-ethylmaleimide, mersalyl, and succinate/acetate. However, the membrane vesicles share some properties of Pi transport with mitochondria. Cyanide, azide, oligomycin, 2,4-dinitrophenol, and carbonyl cyanide m-cholophenylhydrazone, inhibitors of Pi transport by mitochondria, also inhibit membrane vesicle, Pi transport. The vesicles retain all the features of Pi transport by SV3T3 cells that have been examined. They provide a simplified system for a determination of the details of the mechanism of Pi transport under conditions where transport is dissociated from intracellular reactions and in the presence of a defined electrochemical driving force.  相似文献   

Normal fibroblasts display two distinct growth controls which can be assayed as requirements for serum or for anchorage. Interaction of mouse 3T3 fibroblasts with simian virus 40 (SV40) thus generates four classes of transformed cells. We have examined viral gene expression in these four classes of cell lines. Immunoprecipitation of [35S]methionine-labeled cell extracts with an antiserum obtained from tumor-bearing hamsters detected the SV40 large T and small t proteins (94,000 molecular weight [94K], 17K) and the nonviral host 54K protein in all cell lines tested. A tumor antigen with an apparent molecular weight of 100,000 was also found in some, but not all, lines. Similar "super T" molecules have been found by others in many rodent transformed lines. We carried out an analysis of the relation of phenotype to relative amounts of these proteins in cell lines of the four classes, using the Spearman rank correlation test. The amount of the 100K T antigen relative to the 94K T antigen or to total viral protein was well correlated with the ability to form colonies in semisolid medium. No significant correlation was found between quantities of labeled 94K T antigen, 54K host antigen, or 17K t antigen and either serum or anchorage independence. Mouse cells transformed with the small t SV40 deletion mutant 884 synthesized a 100K T antigen, suggesting that small t is not required for the production of this protein. The 100K T antigen migrated more slowly than lytic T. Since mixtures of extracts from cells expressing and lacking the 100K T antigen yielded the expected amount of this protein, it is unlikely that the 100K T derives from the 94K protein by a posttranslational modification.  相似文献   

The uptake of simian virus 40 (SV40) by polarized epithelial cells was investigated by growth of cells on permeable supports and inoculation on either the apical or the basolateral surface. Binding of radiolabeled SV40 occurred on the apical but not the basolateral surfaces of permissive polarized Vero C1008 cells and nonpermissive polarized MDCK cells. When similar experiments were performed on nonpolarized Vero or CV-1 cells, virus binding occurred regardless of the direction of virus input. Electron micrographs of Vero C1008 cells infected at high multiplicities revealed virions lining the surfaces of apically infected cells, while the surfaces of basolaterally infected cells were devoid of virus particles. Analysis of the binding data revealed a single class of virus receptors (9 x 10(4) per cell) with a high affinity for SV40 (Kd = 3.76 pM) on the apical surfaces of Vero C 1008 cells. Indirect immunofluorescence studies revealed that synthesis of viral capsid proteins in Vero C1008 cells occurred only when input virions had access to the apical surface. Virus yields from apically infected Vero C1008 cells were 10(5) PFU per cell, while yields obtained from basolaterally infected cells were less than one PFU per cell. These results indicate that a specific receptor for SV40 is expressed exclusively on the apical surfaces of polarized Vero C1008 cells.  相似文献   

K B Tan 《Cytobios》1977,20(79-80):143-149
The uptake of simian virus 40 (SV40) by cells that are both non-permissive for virus replication and resistant to virus infection could be enhanced markedly by infecting the cells in presence of DEAE-dextran. Virus uptake by semi-permissive and permissive cells was also enhanced by DEAE-dextran. Optimum enhancement of virus uptake occurred at 100 microgram of DEAE-dextran per ml and under the conditions employed, the polycation was not toxic to cells. The increased cellular uptake of virus may result from the uptake of virus aggregates formed in the presence of DEAE-dextran.  相似文献   

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