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1. Hyalella montezuma is endemic to Montezuma Well, Arizona, and is exposed to minimal diel and seasonal temperature fluctuations in the pelagic zone (21 ± 4 °C). Juvenile H . montezuma feed in the pelagic zone during the day and migrate into the littoral vegetation at night, while adults remain primarily in the littoral vegetation.
2. Oxygen consumption ( V O2) of adult and juvenile H . montezuma was measured at 20, 25 and 30 °C. The V O2 of both adult and juvenile H . montezuma increased with temperature. However, the V O2 of juveniles was significantly greater than that of adults at all temperatures, with greatest divergence at 30 °C where mean juvenile V O2 (6.31 μl mg–1 dry weight (DW) h–1) was almost twice that of adults (3.60 μl mg–1 DW h–1).
3. Survivorship of juveniles was significantly lower (54%) at 30 °C than at 27.5 °C (95%) after 4 h, whereas adults showed at least a 93% survivorship at both temperatures.
4. Our data suggest that temperature may have been the proximate cue that elicited the diel horizontal migration of juvenile H . montezuma in Montezuma Well, with the behaviour maintained and enhanced by intensive invertebrate predation in the pelagic and littoral zones.  相似文献   

1. Hyalella montezuma is endemic to Montezuma Well, Arizona, and is exposed to minimal diel and seasonal temperature fluctuations in the pelagic zone (21 ± 4 °C). Juvenile H . montezuma feed in the pelagic zone during the day and migrate into the littoral vegetation at night, while adults remain primarily in the littoral vegetation.
2. Oxygen consumption ( V O2) of adult and juvenile H . montezuma was measured at 20, 25 and 30 °C. The V O2 of both adult and juvenile H . montezuma increased with temperature. However, the V O2 of juveniles was significantly greater than that of adults at all temperatures, with greatest divergence at 30 °C where mean juvenile V O2 (6.31 μl mg–1 dry weight (DW) h–1) was almost twice that of adults (3.60 μl mg–1 DW h–1).
3. Survivorship of juveniles was significantly lower (54%) at 30 °C than at 27.5 °C (95%) after 4 h, whereas adults showed at least a 93% survivorship at both temperatures.
4. Our data suggest that temperature may have been the proximate cue that elicited the diel horizontal migration of juvenile H . montezuma in Montezuma Well, with the behaviour maintained and enhanced by intensive invertebrate predation in the pelagic and littoral zones.  相似文献   

Batzer  Darold P.  Jackson  C. Rhett  Mosner  Melinda 《Hydrobiologia》2000,441(1):123-132
We studied 12 small, seasonally flooded, depressional wetlands on the Atlantic Coastal Plain of Georgia, U.S.A. Each wetland was embedded in stands of managed plantation pine. The pine trees surrounding each wetland had been harvested and replanted beginning in 1997 (2 sites), 1995 (2 sites), 1993 (1 site), 1988 (2 sites), 1984 (2 sites) or 1975 (3 sites). Regressions of various environmental variables with harvest histories indicated that those wetlands surrounded by smaller trees had greater light levels, water temperatures, pH, herbaceous plant cover and biomass, terrestrial invertebrate diversities and numbers, and water flea numbers, and lower water electrical conductivities and aquatic oligochaete numbers than those wetlands surrounded by more mature trees. Detected variations in hydroperiod, water depth, dissolved oxygen levels, sediment inputs, macrophyte diversity, periphyton biomass and densities of most aquatic invertebrates were not clearly correlated with past histories of peripheral tree harvest. This study suggests that harvesting trees around small wetlands initiates physical and ecological changes within the embedded habitats and that changes can persist for up to 15 years.  相似文献   

The study of heleoplankton samples collected in an experimental ricefield in the province of Reggio Emilia (Northern Italy) evidenced a successional pattern of cladoceran species, characterized by the dominance of Moinidae in the early phase the rice cultivation (from May to July). In particular a species new for Italy,Monia weismanni Ishikawa, 1896, typical of Far East ricefields, was found; it was probably introduced into Italy with seeds and constitutes a stable element of the heleoplankton biocoenosis. The population co-occurs withMoina brachiata, Moina affinis, andMoina micrura in the ricefield. In this short noteM. weismanni is described, pointing out the morphological differences with other populations of the same species and with similar species; furthermore, life cycles in Moinidae are analysed in comparison with those of the other dominant cladocerans.  相似文献   

Changes in the phytoplankton community of the hypertrophic, sharply stratified Lake Verevi have been studied over eight decades. Due to irregular discharge of urban wastewater, the trophic state of the lake has changed from moderately eutrophic to hypertrophic. We found that the trophic state in summer increased in the 1980s and remained at a hypertrophic level since then. Planktothrix agardhii was recorded first in the 1950s and became the dominant species in the 1980s, forming biomass maxima under the ice and in the metalimnion during the vegetation period. In summer 1989, P. agardhii contributed almost 100% of the phytoplankton biomass. Generally, the highest biomass values occurred in the metalimnion. In spring, when P. agardhii was less numerous, diatoms and cryptophytes prevailed. In springs 2000 and 2001 different diatoms dominated – Synedra acus var. angustissima (18.6 g m−3) and Cyclostephanos dubius (9.2 g m−3), respectively. In recent years, the spring overturn has been absent. In the conditions of strong thermal stratification sharp vertical gradients of light and nutrients caused a large number of vertically narrow niches in the water column. During a typical summer stage, the epilimnion, dominated by small flagellated chrysophytes, is nearly mesotrophic, and water transparency may reach 4 m. The lower part of the water column is hypertrophic with different species of cryptophytes and euglenophytes. A characteristic feature is the higher diversity of Chlorococcales. Often, species could form their peaks of biomass in very narrow layers, e.g. in August 2001 Ceratium hirundinella (18.6 g m−3) was found at a depth of 5 m (the lower part of the metalimnion with hypoxic conditions), Cryptomonas spp. (56 g m−3) at 6 m (with traces of oxygen and a relatively high content of dissolved organic matter) and euglenophytes (0.6 g m−3) at 7 m and deeper (without oxygen and a high content of dissolved organic matter).  相似文献   

Concern about colonization of marshesby plant species such as Phragmites australisand Lythrum salicariahas highlighted the needfor management strategies. However, there is a lack ofinformation in the literature on which to base thesedecisions. This study compares the alpha diversity ofmarshes to assess the impact of invasion by Phragmitesand Lythrum. Species occurrence andstem density were measured in marshes dominated by Phragmites, Lythrum, Typhaspp., or otherherbaceous perennials in the Charles River watershedin eastern Massachusetts, USA, and species richness,Shannon's H, Simpson's reciprocal (1/D), and Pielou'sJ were compared among six community types. The threediversity indices had significantly higher values forTypha-Lythrummarshes than for any of the othermarsh types (Tukey test, p< 0.05), with mean values(± s.d.) of H = 2.00 ± 0.74, 1/D = 3.51± 1.68 and J = 0.69 ± 0.1. Marshes dominatedby Phragmiteshad the lowest diversity, with H= 0 and D = 1, i.e. they were monospecific. Typhadominated marshes had the second lowest values,with H = 0.17 ± 0.05, 1/D = 1.05 ± 0.01, andJ = 0.11 ± 0.03. These results support the ideathat a reduction in diversity can be expected inmarshes colonized by Phragmites. However, thehigh diversity found in the Typha-Lythrummarshes contradicts the expectation of lower diversityafter invasion by Lythrum. This information mayalter marsh management decisions.  相似文献   

In the mesohaline zone of the Westerschelde estuaryEurytemora affinis is the dominant copepod, demonstrating large biomass values nearly throughout the year. In the meso-polyhaline Lake VeereAcartia tonsa is abundant, mainly during summer. In spring a small population ofEurytemora americana is found. The tidal estuary harboured far denser copepod populations throughout the year than the stagnant brackish lake water. The average yearly copepodid+adult biomass in the Westerschelde estuary was approx. 850 mg/m3 (wet weight), in Lake Veere approx. 130 mg/m3. Temporarily low oxygen values did not influence negatively the copepod populations in the Westerschelde estuary. The seasonal distribution of the dominant copepods in both areas is explained in the light of recent litterature data. PerennialEurytemora affinis abundance in the Westerschelde estuary must be mainly caused by large concentrations of nannodetritus particles, bacteria included, throughout the year.Acartia tonsa in Lake Veere has to thrive mainly on nannophytoplankton. Communication no. 141 of the Delta Institute for Hydrobiological Research, Yerseke, The Netherland.  相似文献   

Total above-ground production isusually estimated by a combination of allometry andlitter collection. However, in coastal sites that aretidally influenced, or in juvenile or dwarf forestswhere the crown bases of dominant individuals maybegin within a few decimeters of ground level,estimates of community leaf production that depend onlitter collection may not be feasible. Thus, in thispaper, we present 1) allometric equations that allowaccurate estimation of total above-ground biomass ofthree mangrove species (Rhizophora mangle, Laguncularia racemosa, and Avicennia germinans)in very small to medium size classes, and 2) analternative method of estimating total above-groundproduction that overcomes the limitations of littercollection. The method we employ to estimate mangroveproductivity is an adaptation for woody plantcommunities of a procedure introduced by Dai andWeigert (1996) for grasslands. It incorporates adetailed census of all individuals within fixedsampling plots, along with periodic observations ofmarked leaf cohorts. The method allows the comparisonof biomass allocation patterns among forests thatdiffer widely in physiognomy and physiographicsetting.The method was applied to a South Florida fringemangrove forest in the early stages of recovery fromHurricane Andrew (August 1992), and an adjacent dwarfforest which was not substantially damaged by thestorm. Total above-ground production in the fringeforest from July 1996 through June 1997 was about 3times higher than dwarf forest production,26.1 Mg·ha-1·yr-1 vs.8.1 Mg·ha-1·yr-1, respectively. Furthermore, when compared to the dwarf forest, fringeproduction rates were approximately eight, six, six,and two times as high as dwarf forest rates forproproots, branches, stems, and leaves, respectively. Calculations of leaf production were based on mean redmangrove leaf longevities that ranged from about 189days to 281 days, depending on cohort and site.Repeated measures analysis of variance indicated thatleaf life spans did not differ significantly betweendwarf and fringe forests, but did differ among leafcohorts.Based on reported values for similar mangrove forests,the method provided reasonable estimates ofabove-ground biomass and production, while furnishingrelevant auxiliary information on spatial and temporalvariation in leaf demographic patterns. Furthermore,the partitioning of annual production between woodytissues and leaves followed the reported trend in mostforest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Saline meadows in Goshen Bay, Utah County, Utah, USA, occur interspersed among large areas of salt playa. Springs irrigate these meadows which show concentric vegetational zones surrounding each spring. Each vegetational zone demonstrates its own unique dominant vascular plant species. The central zone is dominated primarily by Scirpus americanus, the middle zone by Eleocharis palustris and the outer zone by Juncus balticus, Distichlis spicata and Muhlenbergia asperifolia. As distance increases from the springs, pH and soluble salt concentration increase, while percent organic matter, percent moisture and phosphorus decrease. With the increase in salt levels and decrease in water levels, halophytic plant species generally increase with distance from the springs.  相似文献   

In vitro cultures of Nephrolepis exaltata and Cordyline fruticosa were stored at 5°, 9° or 13°C, at a low irradiance (3–5 mol m–2 s–1) or in darkness. Prior to storage the cultures were subjected to 18°, 21°, 24° or 27°C and 15, 30 or 45 mol m–2 s–1 in a factorial combination.The optimal storage conditions for Nephrolepis were 9°C in complete darkness. These cultures were still transferable to a peat/perlite mixture at the end of the experimental period of 36 months.The optimal storage conditions for Cordyline were 13°C and a low light level (±3–5 mol m-2 s-1). When the pre-storage conditions were normal growth room conditions (24°C and 30 mol m-2 s-1), in vitro cultures could be stored for 18 months. With the most favourable pre-storage treatment (18°C and 15 mol m-2 s-1) some cultures still had green shoots after 36 months of storage, but did not survive transfer to peat/perlite.Pre-conditioning before storage was most favourable for Nephrolepis, and not that important, but still favourable, for Cordyline. There was an interaction between pre-storage temperature and pre-storage irradiance. For both species a high irradiance level was less favourable than a low irradiance level when combined with high growth room temperatures.Abbreviations BA 6-benzyladenine - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - NOA 2-naphthoxyacetic acid  相似文献   

1 Populations of Ips pini (Say) in northern Arizona and western Montana, U.S.A., were studied to determine regional pheromone response and to evaluate seasonal shifts in that response. A range of enantiomeric blends of the attractant ipsdienol, alone and in the presence of the synergist lanierone, were tested during spring and summer seasons over several years.
2 Both populations were most attracted to high levels of ( R )-(–)-ipsdienol, and lanierone was highly synergistic.
3 A significant seasonal shift in pheromone response between spring and summer seasons was found in both regions in both years. Shifts resulted in a more specific preference for the pheromone treatment of 97% ( R )-(–)-ipsdienol with lanierone.
4 Several coleopteran insect associates of I. pini also displayed responses to the ipsdienol and lanierone treatments. Temnochila chlorodia (Mannerheim) (Trogositidae), Enoclerus sphegeus (F.) (Cleridae) and, to a limited extent, Lasconotus laqueatus (LeConte) (Colydiidae) were attracted to higher proportions of ( R )-(–)-ipsdienol with no apparent reaction to the presence of lanierone. Orthotomicus latidens (LeConte) (Curculionidae: Scolytinae) was strongly attracted to ( S )-(+)-ipsdienol with Enoclerus lecontei (Wolcott) (Cleridae), Pityogenes carinulatus (LeConte) (Curculionidae: Scolytinae) and Hylurgops porosus (LeConte) (Curculionidae: Scolytinae) demonstrating some preferences for the ( S )-(+)-enantiomer. However, lanierone was synergistic for E. lecontei and P. carinulatus , inhibitory for O. latidens , and produced no significant reaction for H. porosus . Elacatis sp. (Salpingidae, previously Othniidae) was attracted to the presence of ipsdienol but displayed no preference to the enantiomeric ratios of ipsdienol or the presence of lanierone.  相似文献   

May  Linda  Bailey-Watts  A.E.  Kirika  A. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,(1):29-34
Loch Leven is a shallow, eutrophic lake in the Scottish lowlands that is famous for its brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) fishery. Studies of planktonic rotifer populations began here in January 1977. Since then, samples have been collected and analysed at more or less weekly intervals. Additional information on the composition and abundance of phytoplankton and crustacean zooplankton species, and on a variety of physical and chemical determinants, has been recorded on each sampling occasion.Long-term datasets, such as that described above, are invaluable for identifying interactions between components of the plankton that only appear for short periods each year, as these interactions would probably be overlooked in data spanning a shorter period of time. This study uses the long-term data from Loch Leven to examine the food and temperature requirements of the summer rotifer species Trichocerca pusilla (Lauterborn). The results suggest that T. pusilla prefers water temperatures above 12 °C and that it feeds, primarily, on the filamentous diatom Aulacoseira spp. During the summer months, its abundance was closely related to the availability of this diatom. When filaments of Aulacoseira spp. were abundant, rotifer densities reached 1000–3000 ind. l–1 and when they were scarce (e.g. 1980, 1997 and 1998) T. pusilla densities also remained low (i.e. less than 100 ind. l–1). The reason for the success or failure of Aulacoseira during the summer months each year is unclear but, in general, its abundance was related to the availability of dissolved silica in the water.  相似文献   

This study presents a comprehensive analysis ofnitrogen (N) cycling in a second-order forestedstream in southern Michigan that has moderatelyhigh concentrations of ammonium (mean,16 g N/L) and nitrate (17 g N/L). Awhole-stream 15NH4 + addition wasperformed for 6 weeks in June and July, and thetracer 15N was measured downstream inammonium, nitrate, and detrital and livingbiomass. Ancillary measurements includedbiomass of organic matter, algae, bacteria andfungi, nutrient concentrations, hydrauliccharacteristics, whole-stream metabolism, andnutrient limitation assays. The resultsprovide insights into the heterotrophic natureof woodland streams and reveal the rates atwhich biological processes alter nitrogentransport through stream systems.Ammonium uptake lengths were 766–1349 m anduptake rates were 41–60 g N m–2min–1. Nitrate uptake could not bedetected. Nitrification rates were estimatedfrom the downstream increase in15N-enriched nitrate using a simulationmodel. The ammonium was removed bynitrification (57% of total uptake),heterotrophic bacteria and fungi associatedwith detritus (29%), and epilithic algae(14%). Growth of algae was likely limited bylight rather than nutrients, and dissolvedO2 revealed that the stream metabolism washeterotrophic overall (P:R = 0.2). Incubationsof detritus in darkened chambers showed thatuptake of 15N was mostly heterotrophic.Microbial N in detritus and algal N inepilithon appeared to reach isotopic steadystate with the dissolved ammonium, but theisotopic enrichment of the bulk detritus andepilithon did not approach that of ammonium,probably due to a large fraction of organic Nin the bulk samples that was not turning over. The actively cycling fraction of total N inorganic compartments was estimated from theisotopic enrichment, assuming uptake ofammonium but not nitrate, to be 23% forepilithon, 1% for fine benthic organic matter,5% for small woody debris, and 7% for leaves. These percentages agree with independentestimates of epilithic algal biomass, whichwere based on carbon:chlorophyll ratios in bulksamples and in algal fractions separated bydensity-gradient centrifugation in colloidalsilica, and of microbial N in the detritus,which were based on N released by chloroformfumigations.  相似文献   

Noel H. Holmgren 《Brittonia》1998,50(2):159-164
Two Nevada species are described here for the first time: Penstemon tiehmii N. H. Holmgren, which is endemic to Mount Lewis of the Shoshone Range in Lander County; and Penstemon rhizomatosus N. H. Holmgren, which is endemic to the central Schell Creek Range in White Pine County. They both belong to section Saccanthera and are closely related to P. kingii S. Watson, a Great Basin endemic of valley sagebrush habitats. Both new species are talus plants of higher elevations and differ from P. kingii principally in their rhizomatous habit, petiolate leaves, and pubescence of shorter hairs.  相似文献   

Many desert playas are covered with water in the early spring. As theweather becomes warmer and drier, water evaporates, increasing saltcontent of the soil from 7,000 to almost 16,000 mmol NaCl Kg-1. Changes in respiratory metabolism during the growing season of fourhalophytes characteristic of cold desert playas was followed usingcalorimetry. In order of decreasing salt tolerance, the species examinedwere: the forbs Salicornia rubra, S. utahensis; the grass Distichlisspicata; and the shrub Allenrolfea occidentalis. Tissue collected in thefield from sites of low and high salinity in a single playa during May, June,and August of 1997 was put in isothermal calorimeters and the metabolicheat rate (q) and respiration rate (RCO2) measured. Efficiency ofsubstrate carbon conversion (q/RCO2) and predicted specific growthrate (HBRSG) were calculated. These species are allwell-adapted to the environment in which they are found. Highestmetabolism, respiration, efficiency and growth are found during May andJune and are lowest during the hot, dry month of August. Differencesbetween the species are also noted.  相似文献   

Cymopterus constancei is described as new from mostly western portions of Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico and from eastern Utah and Arizona. It has been confused withC. bulbosus A. Nelson but differs in several features of its bractlets, phenology, and habitat. The novelty is among the earliest of the native flora to bloom and is quite uniform morphologically. The number of collections encountered exceeds 200, a fourfold increase, in the past 22 years.  相似文献   

Comparison of generation times ofBiddulphia aurita (Lyngb.) Brebisson and Godey with other diatoms indicated that the species can reach its best competitive position by growth from –1.5°C to about 6°C. The diatom demonstrates its optimum temperature at about 12°C. Yet, flowerings will occur at the lower temperatures only. Its presence in the early spring plankton is facilitated by its non-adhrence behaviour, that proved to be temperature dependent. At 0°C almost no adherence occurred, whereas at high temperaturesB. aurita adhered completely to the bottom of the glas vessels or pipettes. The importance ofB. aurita in the benthic community is discussed. The mutual differences in growth ofB. aurita, Chaetoceros debilis andThalassiosira nordenskioeldii resulted in a succession comparable with that found in nature.  相似文献   

Periphyton nutrient limitation was assessed in Lake Okeechobee, a large, shallow, eutrophic lake in the southeastern U.S.A. Nutrient assays were performed to determine if the same nutrients that limit phytoplankton also limit periphyton growth in the lake. Nutrient diffusing clay substrates containing agar spiked with nitrogen, phosphorus, or both, along with nutrient-free controls, were incubated at four sites in the lake. Three sites were located in a pelagic–littoral interface (ecotone) and one site was located in the interior littoral region. Incubations lasted for 20–26 days, and were repeated on a quarterly basis between 1996 and 1997, to incorporate seasonal variability into the experimental design. The physical and chemical conditions at each site also were measured. Periphyton biomass (chlorophyll a and ash-free dry mass) was highest at the littoral and northern ecotone sites. At the littoral site, nitrogen limited biomass in four of five incubations, although the largest biomass differences between the treatments and controls (3 g cm–2 as chl) were probably not ecologically significant. Periphyton biomass at the western and southern ecotone sites was low compared to the other two sites. Increases in water column depth and associated declines in light penetration strongly correlated with periphyton growth and suggested that they may have limited growth most often at all three ecotone sites. Nitrogen also was found to limit periphyton growth approximately 20% of the time at the ecotone sites and phosphorus was found to limit growth once at the west site.  相似文献   

Cylindrocladium angustatum is described as a new species fromTillandsia introduced with plant material into the U.S.A. from Central America. Koch's postulates are established to prove its pathogenicity to this host. The species is compared with and distinguished fromC. heptaseptatum andC. rumohrae based on morphology, cultural characteristics and phylogenetic analysis of sequence data of the beta-tubulin gene.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton community in Lake Khurpatal (Kumaun Himalya), India, was analyzed in relation to physico-chemical variables. Phytoplankton biomass ranged from 2.7 to 20.0 g m−3 in the euphotic zone of the lake. Dinoflagellates monopolized the algal community with a mean annual contribution of 94.5 % to the total phytoplankton biomass. The community coefficient used to quantify the seasonal changes in algal population reflected the fact that successional episodes were not very significant, the percentage similarity among the consecutive algal samples ranging from 47.8 to 89.9 %. The phytoplankton community was characterized by low species richness, low equitability and species diversity. Various ecological characteristics of the community are discussed and the phytoplankton biomass is also compared with that of some tropical and temperate lakes.  相似文献   

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