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This paper presents a finite element (FE) model to identify parameters that affect the performance of an improved cancellous bone screw fixation technique, and hence potentially improve fracture treatment. In cancellous bone of low apparent density, it can be difficult to achieve adequate screw fixation and hence provide stable fracture fixation that enables bone healing. Data from predictive FE models indicate that cements can have a significant potential to improve screw holding power in cancellous bone. These FE models are used to demonstrate the key parameters that determine pull-out strength in a variety of screw, bone and cement set-ups, and to compare the effectiveness of different configurations. The paper concludes that significant advantages, up to an order of magnitude, in screw pull-out strength in cancellous bone might be gained by the appropriate use of a currently approved calcium phosphate cement.  相似文献   

Angled screw insertion has been advocated to enhance fixation strength during posterior spine fixation. Stresses on a pedicle screw and surrounding vertebral bone with different screw angles were studied by finite element analysis during simulated multidirectional loading. Correlations between screw-specific vertebral geometric parameters and stresses were studied. Angulations in both the sagittal and axial planes affected stresses on the cortical and cancellous bones and the screw. Pedicle screws pointing laterally (vs. straight or medially) in the axial plane during superior screw angulation may be advantageous in terms of reducing the risk of both screw loosening and screw breakage.  相似文献   

In this study, two micro finite element models of trabecular bone–cement interface developed from high resolution computed tomography (CT) images were loaded under compression and validated using the in situ experimental data. The models were then used under tension and shear to examine the load transfer between the bone and cement and the micro damage development at the bone–cement interface. In addition, one models was further modified to investigate the effect of cement penetration on the bone–cement interfacial behaviour. The simulated results show that the load transfer at the bone–cement interface occurred mainly in the bone cement partially interdigitated region, while the fully interdigitated region seemed to contribute little to the mechanical response. Consequently, cement penetration beyond a certain value would seem to be ineffective in improving the mechanical strength of trabecular bone–cement interface. Under tension and shear loading conditions, more cement failures were found in denser bones, while the cement damage is generally low under compression.  相似文献   

When treating thoracolumbar burst fractures (BF), short-segment posterior fixation (SSPF) represents a less invasive alternative to the traditional long-segment posterior fixation (LSPF) approach. However, hardware failure and loss of sagittal alignment have been reported in patients treated with SSPF. Including pedicle screws at the fracture level in SSPF constructs has been proposed to improve stiffness and reliability of the construct. Accordingly, the biomechanical performance of the proposed construct was compared to LSPF via a computational analysis. Pedicle screws at fracture level improved the performance of the short-segment construct. However, LSPF still represent a biomechanically superior option for treating thoracolumbar BF.  相似文献   


Posterior pedicle fixation technique is a common method for treating thoracolumbar burst fractures, but the effect of different fixation techniques on the postoperative spinal mechanical properties has not been clearly defined, especially on adjacent segments. A finite element model of T10-L2 with moderate T12 vertebra burst fracture was constructed to investigate biomechanical behavior of three posterior pedicle screw fixation techniques. Compared with traditional short-segment 4 pedicle screw fixation (TS-4) and intermediate long-segment 6 pedicle screw fixation (IL-6), mono-segment 4 pedicle screw fixation (MS-4) provides a safer surgical selection to prevent the secondary degeneration of adjacent segments in the long-term.  相似文献   

Anchorage of pedicle screw instrumentation in the elderly spine with poor bone quality remains challenging. In this study, micro finite element (µFE) models were used to assess the specific influence of screw design and the relative contribution of local bone density to fixation mechanics. These were created from micro computer tomography (µCT) scans of vertebras implanted with two types of pedicle screws, including a full region-or-interest of 10 mm radius around each screw, as well as submodels for the pedicle and inner trabecular bone of the vertebral body. The local bone volume fraction (BV/TV) calculated from the µCT scans around different regions of the screw (pedicle, inner trabecular region of the vertebral body) were then related to the predicted stiffness in simulated pull-out tests as well as to the experimental pull-out and torsional fixation properties mechanically measured on the corresponding specimens. Results show that predicted stiffness correlated excellently with experimental pull-out strength (R2 > 0.92, p < .043), better than regional BV/TV alone (R2 = 0.79, p = .003). They also show that correlations between fixation properties and BV/TV were increased when accounting only for the pedicle zone (R2 = 0.66–0.94, p ≤ .032), but with weaker correlations for torsional loads (R2 < 0.10). Our analyses highlight the role of local density in the pedicle zone on the fixation stiffness and strength of pedicle screws when pull-out loads are involved, but that local apparent bone density alone may not be sufficient to explain resistance in torsion.  相似文献   

Cyclic stresses applied to bones generate fatigue damage that affects the bone stiffness and its elastic modulus. This paper proposes a finite element model for the prediction of fatigue damage accumulation and failure in cancellous bone at continuum scale. The model is based on continuum damage mechanics and incorporates crack closure effects in compression. The propagation of the cracks is completely simulated throughout the damaged area. In this case, the stiffness of the broken element is reduced by 98% to ensure no stress-carrying capacities of completely damaged elements. Once a crack is initiated, the propagation direction is simulated by the propagation of the broken elements of the mesh. The proposed model suggests that damage evolves over a real physical time variable (cycles). In order to reduce the computation time, the integration of the damage growth rate is based on the cycle blocks approach. In this approach, the real number of cycles is reduced (divided) into equivalent blocks of cycles. Damage accumulation is computed over the cycle blocks and then extrapolated over the corresponding real cycles. The results show a clear difference between local tensile and compressive stresses on damage accumulation. Incorporating stiffness reduction also produces a redistribution of the peak stresses in the damaged region, which results in a delay in damage fracture.  相似文献   

A novel concept for rib fixation is presented that involves the use of a bioresorbable polymer intramedullary telescoping splint. Bone cement is used to anchor each end of the splint inside the medullary canal on each side of the fracture site. In this manner, rib fixation is achieved without fixation device protrusion from the rib, making the splint completely intramedullary. Finite element analysis is used to demonstrate that such a splint/cement composite can preserve rib fixation subjected to cough-intensity force loadings. Computational fluid dynamics and porcine rib experiments were used to study the anchor formation process required to complete the fixation.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate if finite element (FE) analyses of human trabecular bone architecture based on 168 μm images can provide relevant information about the bone mechanical characteristics. Three human trabecular bone samples, one taken from the femoral head, one from the iliac crest, and one from the lumbar spine, were imaged with micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) using a 28 μm resolution. After reconstruction the resolution was coarsened to 168 μm. First, all reconstructions were thresholded and directly converted to FE-models built of hexahedral elements. For the coarser resolutions of two samples, this resulted in a loss of trabecular connections and a subsequent loss of stiffness. To reduce this effect, a tetrahedral element meshing based on the marching cubes algorithm, as well as a modified hexahedron meshing, which thresholds the image such that load carrying bone mass is preserved, were employed. For each sample elastic moduli and tissue Von Mises stresses of the three different 168 μm models were compared to those from the hexahedron 28 μm model. For one sample the hexahedron meshing at 168 μm produced excellent results. For the other two samples the results obtained from the hexahedral models at 168 μm resolution were poor. Considerably better results were attained for these samples when using the mass-compensated or tetrahedron meshing techniques. We conclude that the accuracy of the FE-models at 168 μm strongly depends on the bone morphology, in particular its trabecular thickness. A substantial loss of trabecular connections during the hexahedron meshing process indicates that poor FE results will be obtained. In this case the tetrahedron or mass-compensated hexahedron meshing techniques can reduce the loss of connections and produce better results than the plain hexahedron meshing techniques.  相似文献   

Because changes in the mechanical properties of bone are closely related to trabecular bone remodeling, methods that consider the temporal morphological changes induced by adaptive remodeling of trabecular bone are needed to estimate long-term fracture risk and bone quality in osteoporosis. We simulated bone remodeling using simplified and pig trabecular bone models and estimated the morphology of healthy and osteoporotic cases. We then displayed the fracture risk of the remodeled models based on a cumulative histogram from high stress. The histogram showed more elements had higher stresses in the osteoporosis model, indicating that the osteoporosis model had a greater risk.  相似文献   

Work on the interspecific and intraspecific variation of trabecular bone in the proximal femur of primates demonstrates important architectural variation between animals with different locomotor behaviors. This variation is thought to be related to the processes of bone adaptation whereby bone structure is optimized to the mechanical environment. Micromechanical finite element models were created for the proximal femur of the leaping Galago senegalensis and the climbing and quadrupedal Loris tardigradus by converting bone voxels from high-resolution X-ray computed tomography scans of the femoral head to eight-noded brick elements. The resulting models had approximately 1.8 million elements each. Loading conditions representing takeoff phase of a leap and more generalized load orientations were applied to the models, and the models were solved using the iterative "row-by-row" matrix-vector multiplication algorithm. The principal strain and Von Mises stress results for the leaping model were similar for both species at each load orientation. Similar hip joint reaction forces in the range of 4.9 x to 12 x body weight were calculated for both species under each loading condition, but the hip reaction values estimated for Loris were higher than predicted based on locomotor behavior. These results suggest that functional adaptation to hip joint loading may not fully explain the differences in femoral head trabecular bone structure in Galago and Loris. The finite element method represents a unique and useful tool for analyzing the functional adaptation of trabecular bone in a diversity of animals and for reconstructing locomotor behavior in extinct taxa.  相似文献   

Subject-specific finite element models are an extensively used tool for the numerical analysis of the biomechanical behaviour of human bones. However, bone modelling is not an easy task due to the complex behaviour of bone tissue, involving non-homogeneous and anisotropic mechanical properties. Moreover, bone is a living tissue and therefore its microstructure and mechanical properties evolve with time in a known process called bone remodelling. This phenomenon has been widely studied, many being the numerical models that have been formulated to predict density distribution and its evolution in several bones. The aim of the present study is to assess the capability of a bone remodelling model to predict the bone density distribution of different types of human bone (femur, tibia and mandible) comparing the obtained results with the bone density estimated by means of computerised tomography. Good accuracy was observed for the bone remodelling predictions including the thickness of the cortical layer.  相似文献   

Characterising the mechanisms causing viscoelastic mechanical properties of human cortical bone, as well as understanding sources of variation, is important in predicting response of the bone to creep and fatigue loads. Any better understanding, when incorporated into simulations including finite element analysis, would assist bioengineers, clinicians and biomedical scientists. In this study, we used an empirically verified model of creep strain accumulation, in a simulation of 10 non-homogeneous samples, which were created from micro-CT scans of human cortical bone of the femur midshaft obtained from a 74-year-old female cadaver. These non-homogeneous samples incorporate the presence of Haversian canals and resorption cavities. The influence of inhomogeneity on the response and variation in the samples in both creep and stress relaxation tests are examined. The relationship between steady-state creep rate, applied loads (stress relaxation and creep tests) and microstructure, that is bone apparent porosity, is obtained. These relations may provide insight into damage accumulation of whole human bones and be relevant to studies on osteoporosis.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the stress distribution generated in a veneer restoration of an upper central incisor compared to intact teeth using the finite element analysis after applying a lingual buccal loading at the incisal edge. Methods: Two models were developed: one model contained enamel, dentine, cementum, periodontal ligament, cortical and trabecullar bones, and the other model was a veneer restoration; both models were developed using MSC/Nastran software (MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation, Los Angeles, CA, USA) as the pre- and post-processor. A 10-N load was applied at the incisal edge from the lingual to the buccal side to simulate oral conditions in this area (protrusion). Results: Von Mises stresses were then analysed for three different regions: A-B (enamel elements under the veneer or second enamel layer), A′-B′ (buccal enamel and/or veneer element layer) and C-D (lingual enamel elements layer). A higher stress mode was observed for both models at the lingual cervical region. Conclusions: The presence of a veneer restoration on the incisors is a good alternative to mimic the behaviour of enamel under protrusion loading conditions. The use of veneers to replace enamel during rehabilitations is recommended.  相似文献   

This work presents a biomechanical study of myringosclerosis (MS), an abnormal condition of the ear that produces calcification of the lamina propria of the eardrum. The study researched the transfer of sound to the stapes depending on the localization, dimension and calcification degree of the MS plaques. Results were obtained using a validated finite element model of the ear. The mechanical properties of the lamina propria were modified, in order to model MS plaques, using the rule of mixtures for particle composites considering that the plaques are made of hydroxyapatite particles in a matrix of connective tissue. Results show that the localization and dimension of the plaques are a factor of higher importance than calcification for loss of hearing through MS. The mobility of the stapes decreased with the presence of larger plaques and also when the tympanic annulus and the area of the handle of the malleus were involved.  相似文献   

The mechanism underling bone mineral density (BMD) loss that occurs in the femur after total hip arthroplasty (THA) remains unknown. We compared the equivalent stress and strain energy density (SED) to BMD in the femur after THA using subject-specific finite element analyses. Twenty-four patients who had undergone primary cementless THA were analysed. BMD was measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) at 1 week and 3, 6 and 12 months after THA. Seven regions of interest (ROIs) were defined in accordance with Gruen's system (ROIs 1–7). Computed tomography images of the femurs were acquired pre- and postoperatively, and the images were converted into three-dimensional finite element (FE) models. Equivalent stress and SED were analysed and compared with DEXA data. BMD was maintained 1 year after THA in ROIs 3, 4, 5 and 6, whereas BMD decreased in ROIs 1, 2 and 7. FE analysis revealed that equivalent stress in ROIs 3, 4, 5 and 6 was much higher than that in ROIs 1, 2 and 7. A significant correlation was observed between the rate of changes in BMD and equivalent stress. Reduction of equivalent stress may contribute to decrease in BMD in the femur after THA.  相似文献   

The effects of femoral prosthetic heads of diameters 22 and 28 mm were investigated on the stability of reconstructed hemi-pelves with cement mantles of thicknesses 1–4 mm and different bone qualities. Materialise medical imaging package and I-Deas finite element (FE) software were used to create accurate geometry of a hemi-pelvis from CT-scan images. Our FE results show an increase in cement mantle stresses associated with the larger femoral head. When a 22 mm femoral head is used on acetabulae of diameters 56 mm and above, the probability of survivorship can be increased by creating a cement mantle of at least 1 mm thick. However, when a 28 mm femoral head is used, a cement mantle thickness of at least 4 mm is needed. Poor bone quality resulted in an average 45% increase in the tensile stresses of the cement mantles, indicating resulting poor survivorship rate.  相似文献   

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