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This work presents an accurate method to measure gleno-humeral translations in a controlled pseudo-kinematic environment. Low-dose biplanar X-rays were acquired from nine healthy subjects at three elevations of the arm in the scapular plane. On each set of images, shoulder bony landmarks were manually located in 3D using a dedicated software. Intra-observer and inter-observer repeatability of landmark identification, as well as humeral head center (GH) translations, were studied. Repeatability for the identification of GH in the global coordinate system (CS) was good with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) ranging from 0.57 to 2.25 mm. Scapular landmark CIs ranged from 0.80 to 12 mm. Gleno-humeral translations of small amplitude ( < 6 mm) were detected in seven out of nine subjects. The results obtained here confirm that calibrated low-dose stereo-radiography is a promising tool for the functional analysis of the shoulder.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine the repeatability of gait parameters measured by a force plate gait analysis system (Leonardo Mechanograph® GW) in healthy children. Nineteen healthy children and adolescents (age range: 7–17 years) walked at a self-selected speed on an 11-m-long walkway. Vertical ground reaction forces were measured in the central 6 m of the walkway. Each participant performed three blocks of three trials while walking barefoot and three blocks of three trials while wearing shoes. There were no differences between trials within each condition. All force and spatiotemporal parameters had intraclass correlation coefficients above 0.87 and coefficients of variation in the order of 1–6%. In this group of healthy children and adolescents, gait analysis with a force plate system produced repeatable intra-day results.  相似文献   

Current clinical methods for evaluating platelet function are artful tests which study the effects of various stimuli on platelets, whereas the clinician is much more interested in methods evaluating the activation of circulating platelets. The hallmark of activation of platelets is their shape change, i.e. the transformation of the platelets from smooth disks into spiny spheres; the aggregation begins when 30% of platelets are activated. In 1138 subjects (384 healthy individuals and 854 patients with various pathological conditions with high thrombotic risk) we have investigated circulating platelet activation and circulating platelet aggregates by fixation of blood cells in a glutaraldehyde mixture and by evaluation of platelet shape change and aggregates on a phase-contrast microscope. The method is precise, accurate and suitable for clinical purposes.  相似文献   

A novel technique of “anterior offsetting” of the humeral head component to address posterior instability in total shoulder arthroplasty has been proposed, and its biomechanical benefits have been previously demonstrated experimentally. The present study sought to characterize the changes in joint mechanics associated with anterior offsetting with various amounts of glenoid retroversion using cadaver specimen-specific 3-dimensional finite element models. Specimen-specific computational finite element models were developed through importing digitized locations of six musculotendinous units of the rotator cuff and deltoid muscles based off three cadaveric shoulder specimens implanted with total shoulder arthroplasty in either anatomic or anterior humeral head offset. Additional glenoid retroversion angles (0°, 10°, 20°, and 30°) other than each specimen׳s actual retroversion were modeled. Contact area, contact force, peak pressure, center of pressure, and humeral head displacement were calculated at each offset and retroversion for statistical analysis. Anterior offsetting was associated with significant anterior shift of center of pressure and humeral head displacement upon muscle loading (p<0.05). Although statistically insignificant, anterior offsetting was associated with increased contact area and decreased peak pressure (p > 0.05). All study variables showed significant differences when compared between the 4 different glenoid retroversion angles (p < 0.05) except for total force (p < 0.05). The study finding suggests that the anterior offsetting technique may contribute to joint stability in posteriorly unstable shoulder arthroplasty and may reduce eccentric loading on glenoid components although the long term clinical results are yet to be investigated in future.  相似文献   

Abstract Resources are usually considered to be limited in caves and underground habitats. Therefore, lower metabolic rates of ectotherms in these environments should be advantageous. The standard metabolic rate (SMR) of the common harvestman Pachylus paessleri Roewer, 1913 (Arachnida, Opiliones) is determined at two ambient temperatures. Repeatability of SMR is estimated by two methods: (i) product–moment correlation on residuals of body mass and (ii) variance components. Estimations of the thermal sensitivity of metabolic rate (individual Q10). SMR of P. paessleri at 20 °C show a mean of 19.01 ± 6.04 and 14.99 ± 3.64 μL CO2 h?1 for males and females, respectively. Thermal sensitivity of SMR is 2.11 ± 0.23 with a substantial coefficient of variation of 26.7%. In males, residuals of CO2 release are significantly repeatable (rp = 0.61) between measurements realized 5 months apart, which reflects the consistency of this trait over time. As typical soil inhabitants, the harvestman P. paessleri present a lower metabolic rate in comparison with arthropods of similar body mass (e.g. arachnids). Although the coefficient of thermal sensitivity is within of the range reported for arthropods inhabiting Mediterranean zones, it is lower than expected for an organism with such a low SMR. This appears to be the first report of repeatability of metabolic rate in a harvestman species.  相似文献   

Blood cadmium concentrations were studied in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and non-demented subjects. The 29 individuals were randomized from the ongoing population survey on ageing and dementia in Stockholm, the Kungsholmen Project. Smokers had, as expected, higher cadmium levels than non-smokers. Cadmium concentrations in blood were related to diastolic blood pressure in non-smoking, non-demented individuals. In contrast to previous reports no differences in blood cadmium levels were found between AD sufferers and non-demented subjects. Furthermore, there were no correlations between cadmium levels in blood and age or cognitive functions. The importance of quality assurance in sample collection and analysis of cadmium as well as scrutinizing smoking habits is emphasized.  相似文献   

Repeatability of parental care, let alone heritability of care, has been rarely measured, although there has been much research linking sexual selection to male parental care and also examining biparental care in relation to game theory models. We investigated within- and between-year repeatabilities of incubation and nestling provisioning and how these two types of parental care were related in a sexually dimorphic species, the house sparrow, Passer domesticus. We found that between- and within-year repeatabilities of feeding rate were high in males and low to moderate in females, but that between- and within-year repeatabilities of incubation time were low to moderate in both sexes. Interestingly, the amount of time during which neither sex incubated significantly predicted the subsequent male feeding rate but not the female feeding rate. Our results suggest a need for a new theoretical framework that encompasses variation in the predictability and plasticity of parental investment by individuals.  相似文献   

Intraspecific phylogeographic methods provide a means of examining the history of genetic exchange among populations. As part of a study of the history of Helix aspersa in the Western Mediterranean, we performed a phylogenetic analysis based on partial sequences of the mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit (16S) gene. Our samples include 31 H. a. aspersa populations from North Africa previously investigated for anatomical and biochemical characters. To clarify subspecific relationships, three individuals of the subspecies H. a. maxima were also studied. The molecular phylogeny inferred agrees largely with previous results, in splitting H. a. aspersa haplotypes into an eastern and a western group. H. a. maxima haplotypes form a third lineage arising before the H. a. aspersa groups. Divergence times estimated between the lineages suggest that dispersal during Pleistocene glaciation and vicariance events due to Pliocene geological changes in the western Mediterranean may both have played a significant part in the establishment of the present range of H. aspersa.  相似文献   

Accelerometry-based gait analysis is widely recognised as a promising tool in healthcare and clinical settings since it is unobtrusive, inexpensive and capable of providing insightful information on human gait characteristics. In order to expand the application of this technology in daily environments, it is desirable to develop reliable gait measures and their extraction methods from the acceleration signal that can differentiate between normal and atypical gait. Important examples of such measures are gait cycle and gait-induced acceleration magnitude, which are known to be closely related to each other depending on each individual's physical condition. In this study, we derive a model equation with two parameters which captures the essential relationships between gait cycle and gait acceleration based on experiments and physical modelling. We also introduce as a new gait parameter a set of indexes to evaluate the synchronisation behaviour of gait timing. The function and utility of the proposed parameters are examined in 11 healthy subjects during walking under various selected conditions.  相似文献   

The shoulder joint-related dynamic control ratio (DCR) is derived by dividing the peak eccentric moment of the external rotators (ER) by the peak concentric moment of the internal rotators (IR). However, given the inherent limitation associated with a single value DCR, an alternative approach is to calculate it at fixed angular intervals. This preliminary study aimed at exploring the variation in the DCR at a resolution of 1° and under fatiguing external and internal rotation exertions. Eighteen young men, 10 experienced and 8 without experience in overhead sporting activities completed two separate series of 45 ER eccentric and 45 IR concentric isokinetic repetitions at 120°/s. The analysis focused on repetitions 1–3 (TR1), 21–23 (TR2) and 41–43 (TR3). The relative fatigue values for both muscle groups and for both E and NE participants were 25–40% with significantly higher fatigue resistance in eccentric compared with concentric exertions. The DCR traces varied substantially linearly for most of the internal rotation range of motion while significant differences (p < 0.001) were found in their values within group between TR1, TR2 and TR3 and between experienced and non-experienced participants. An antagonistic moment equilibrium (DCR = 1) was reached in all instances and for both groups only during TR3 with a significant progressive reduction in this moment as fatigue increased. Thus, considering the DCR as an angle-based variable rather than a single value isokinetic parameter, may add new insight regarding the interplay between the rotatory muscles of the shoulder joint.  相似文献   



Complaints of unrefreshing sleep are a prominent component of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS); yet, polysomnographic studies have not consistently documented sleep abnormalities in CFS patients. We conducted this study to determine whether alterations in objective sleep characteristics are associated with subjective measures of poor sleep quality in persons with CFS.  相似文献   

Sleep and Biological Rhythms - Next-day residual effects are a common problem with current hypnotics. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the residual effects of eszopiclone on the...  相似文献   

Data from the EXPAH project on PAH exposure and intermediary biomarkers were analyzed with respect to individual genotypes at seven metabolic gene loci. The GSTM1 null allele was associated with significantly higher levels of two biomarkers, malondialdehyde-2′-deoxyguanosine and benzo[a]pyrene DNA adducts in the total population from three Central and Eastern European countries. The CYP1B1 Leu/Val variant demonstrated effects on both markers of oxidative DNA damage in opposite directions, producing a higher level of M1dG with a trend from wild type (Leu/Leu) to heterozygotes to homozygous (Val/Val) variants, whereas the effects of these variants were reversed for 8-oxodG. Cluster Analysis was used to group composite genotypes in order to determine if combined genotypes of multiple loci could explain some of the variation seen with the biomarkers, expressed per unit of exposure, referred to as a sensitivity index. This analysis revealed two closely related genotypes each involving four of the loci (GSTM1*0/*0, CYP1A1*1*1, CYP1B1*1/*2, GSTP1*1/*1 and GSTT1*0/*0, CYP1A1*1*1, CYP1B1*1/*2, GSTP1*1/*1.) that conferred significant resistance to the DNA damaging effects of benzo[a]pyrene, measured as the level of a benzo[a]pyrene-like adduct per unit of benzo[a]pyrene exposed.  相似文献   

Few data exist on the ranging behaviour of forest elephants. A feasibility study on the use of GPS telemetry as a tool to study ranging, seasonal movements and distribution was implemented in the Dzanga‐Sangha and Nouabalé‐Ndoki National Parks Complex of Central African Republic and Congo. The study consisted of two parts – a thorough hand‐held testing of an elephant GPS telemetry collar under tropical forest conditions and the deployment of collars on two elephants. During the feasibility study the system performance was satisfactory; GPS fix acquisition success rate, VHF and UHF collar–researcher communications were adequate. Two elephants, a mature bull and an adult female, were immobilized and fitted with GPS collars in October 1998. After deployment, the female's GPS collar performed well initially, but in less than a month the GPS within the collar stopped acquiring fixes. She was subsequently located using VHF tracking. The male was never relocated strongly suggesting complete failure of the collar. Despite these setbacks, the small amount of data retrieved provide an important first insight into forest elephant ranging and daily activity patterns, with significant conservation implications. When technical difficulties of reliability are overcome, GPS telemetry will provide an exceptionally useful tool in forest elephant research and management.  相似文献   



The aim of the study was to investigate how the expression of adhesion molecules changes as neutrophils migrate from the circulation to the lung and if these changes differ between non-smoking subjects and smokers with and without COPD.


Non-smoking healthy subjects (n=22), smokers without (n=21) and with COPD (n=18) were included. Neutrophils from peripheral blood, sputum and bronchial biopsies were analysed for cell surface expression of adhesion molecules (CD11b, CD62L, CD162). Serum, sputum supernatant and BAL-fluid were analysed for soluble adhesion molecules (ICAM-1, -3, E-selectin, P-selectin, VCAM-1, PECAM-1).


Expression of CD11b was increased on circulating neutrophils from smokers with COPD. It was also increased on sputum neutrophils in both smokers groups, but not in non-smokers, as compared to circulating neutrophils.Serum ICAM-1 was higher in the COPD group compared to the other two groups (p<0.05) and PECAM-1 was lower in smokers without COPD than in non-smoking controls and the COPD group (p<0.05). In BAL-fluid ICAM-1 was lower in the COPD group than in the other groups (p<0.05).


Thus, our data strongly support the involvement of a systemic component in COPD and demonstrate that in smokers neutrophils are activated to a greater extent at the point of transition from the circulation into the lungs than in non-smokers.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography (2DSTE) offers valuable information in the echocardiographic assessment of ventricular myocardial function. It enables the quantification and timing of systolic ventricular myocardial deformation. In addition, 2DSTE can be used to identify mechanical dyssynchrony, which is an important parameter in predicting the response to cardiac resynchronization therapy for heart failure. Detailed knowledge of normal timing of systolic deformation and its degree of synchronicity in children is lacking. We aimed to establish the normal timing of left ventricular myocardial systolic deformation using 2DSTE in a large cohort of healthy children and young adults. Transthoracic echocardiograms were acquired in 195 healthy subjects (139 children and 56 young adult <40 yr of age) and were retrospectively analyzed. Time to peak systolic longitudinal, circumferential, and radial strain was determined by means of speckle tracking. Strong, statistically significant relations between age as well as various anthropometric variables (e.g., heart rate) and timing of systolic deformation (P < 0.0001) were present. The extent of dyssynchronous deformation increased with age. This is the first report that establishes reference values per cardiac segment for time to peak systolic myocardial strain values in all three directions assessed with 2DSTE in a large pediatric and young adult cohort. We emphasize the need for using age-specific reference values as well as heart rate correction for the adequate interpretation of 2DSTE measurements.  相似文献   

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