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PVP-Hypericin (PVP: polyvinylpyrrolidone) is a potent anti-cancer photosensitizer for photodynamic diagnosis (PDD) and therapy (PDT). However, cellular targets and mechanisms involved in the cancer-selectivity of the photosensitizer are not yet fully understood. This paper gives new insights into the differential transport and localization of PVP-Hypericin in cancer and normal cells which are essential to unravel the mechanisms of action and cancer-selectivity. Temporal (TICS) and spatiotemporal (STICS) image correlation spectroscopy are used for the assessment of PVP-Hypericin diffusion and/or velocity in the case of concerted flow in human cervical epithelial HeLa and human lung carcinoma A549 cells, as well as in human primary dendritic cells (DC) and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Spatiotemporal image cross-correlation spectroscopy (STICCS) based on organelle specific fluorescent labeling is employed to study the accumulation of the photosensitizer in nucleus, mitochondria, early-endosomes and lysosomes of the cells and to assess the dynamics of co-migrating molecules. Whereas STICS and TICS did not show a remarkable difference between the dynamics of PVP-Hypericin in HeLa, A549 and DC cells, a significantly different diffusion rate of the photosensitizer was measured in PBMC. STICCS detected a stationary accumulation of PVP-Hypericin within the nucleus, mitochondria, early endosomes and lysosomes of HeLa and A549 cells. However, significant flow due to the directed motion of the organelles was detected. In contrast, no accumulation in the nucleus and mitochondria of DC and PBMC could be monitored.  相似文献   

目的:谱分析是信号处理的常用方法,其中的统计相关分析、傅里叶变换、小波变换和数字滤波等手段已逐渐应用到DNA序列的分析中,这些应用包括DNA序列的周期性分析、基因识别和同源性分析等方面。本文对谱分析方法在DNA序列分析中的应用情况进行简单的综述。  相似文献   

Fourier ptychographic microscopy (FPM) is a promising super-resolution computational imaging technology. It stitches a series of low-resolution (LR) images in the Fourier domain by an iterative method. Thus, it obtains a large field of view and high-resolution quantitative phase images. Owing to its capability to perform high-spatial bandwidth product imaging, FPM is widely used in the reconstruction of conventional static samples. However, the influence of the FPM imaging mechanism limits its application in high-speed dynamic imaging. To solve this problem, an adaptive-illumination FPM scheme using regional energy estimation is proposed. Starting with several captured real LR images, the energy distribution of all LR images is estimated, and select the measurement images with large information to perform FPM reconstruction. Simulation and experimental results show that the method produces efficient imaging performance and reduces the required volume of data to more than 65% while ensuring the quality of FPM reconstruction.  相似文献   

In intestinal smooth muscle, peristaltic activity emerges from a depolarization wave generated by Cajal's interstitial cells that travels longitudinally and transversally towards adjacent smooth muscle. The electrophysiological diversity of cell populations involved in the generation and transmission of excitation between nerve and muscle cells, as well as the specialization in the excitation-contraction coupling of smooth muscle cells, makes it difficult to extrapolate individual cell responses to overall peristaltic activity. It is conceivable intestinal contractile activity as the macroscopic output from a multicellular system in time and frequency domains. Given that contractile signals are usually linear and stationary, application of frequency analyses using the discrete Fourier transform allows the accurate definition of amplitudes and phases of harmonic components in the frequency spectrum of contractile activity records, as well as the power spectrum of the signal. In addition, by using the short-time Fourier transform it is also possible to obtain the spectrogram of contractile signals, which allows the identification of non-stationary events. Often, the combined usage of these types of analyses together with specific pharmacological and molecular biology tools is sufficient to unveil the cellular and molecular locus of action of modulators of peristaltism, including hormones and different natural and synthetic compounds.  相似文献   

Background and ObjectiveAs is known, point clouds representing the objects are frequently used in object registration. Although the objects can be registered by using all the points in the corresponding point clouds of the objects, the registration process can also be achieved with a smaller number of the landmark points selected from the entire point clouds of the objects. This paper introduces a research study focusing on the fast and accurate rigid registration of the bilateral proximal femurs in bilateral hip joint images by using the random sub-sample points. For this purpose, Random Point Sub-sampling (RPS) was analyzed and the reduced point sets were used for an accurate registration of the bilateral proximal femurs in coronal hip joint magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) slices.MethodsIn registration, bilateral proximal femurs in MRI slices were registered rigidly by performing a process consisting of three main phases named as MR image preprocessing, proximal femur registration over the random sub-sample points and MR image postprocessing. In the stage of the MR image preprocessing, segmentation maps of the bilateral proximal femurs are obtained as region of interest (RoI) images from the entire MRI slices and then, the edge maps of the segmented proximal femurs are extracted. In the registration phase, the edge maps describing the proximal femur surfaces are represented as point clouds initially. Thereafter, the RPS is performed on the proximal femur point clouds and the number of points representing the proximal femurs is reduced at different ratios. For the registration of the point clouds, the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm is performed on the reduced sets of points. Finally, the registration procedures are completed by performing MR image postprocessing on the registered proximal femur images.ResultsIn performance evaluation tests performed on healthy and pathological proximal femurs in 13 bilateral coronal hip joint MRI slices of 13 Legg-Calve-Perthes disease (LCPD) patients, bilateral proximal femurs were successfully registered with very small error rates by using the reduced set of points obtained via the RPS and promising results were achieved. The minimum error rate was observed at RPS rate of 30% as the value of 0.41 (±0.31)% on all over the bilateral proximal femurs evaluated. When the range of RPS rate of 20-30% is considered as the reference, the elapsed time in registration can be reduced by almost 30-40% compared to the case where all the proximal femur points were included in registration. Additionally, it was observed that the RPS rate should be selected as at least 25% to achieve a successful registration with an error rate below 1%.ConclusionIt was concluded from the observed results that a more successful and faster registration can be accomplished by selecting fewer points randomly from the point sets of proximal femurs instead of using all the points describing the proximal femurs. Not only an accurate registration with low error rates was performed, but also a faster registration process was performed by means of the limited number of points that are sub-sampled randomly from the whole point sets.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a novel dynamic deformable thorax phantom for deformable image registration (DIR) quality assurance (QA) and to verify as a tool for commissioning and DIR QA.The phantom consists of a base phantom, an inner phantom, and a motor-derived piston. The base phantom is an acrylic cylinder phantom with a diameter of 180 mm. The inner phantom consists of deformable, 20 mm thick disk-shaped sponges. To evaluate the physical characteristics of the phantom, we evaluated its image quality and deformation. DIR accuracies were evaluated using the three types of commercially DIR software (MIM, RayStation, and Velocity AI) to test the feasibility of this phantom. We used different DIR parameters to test the impact of parameters on DIR accuracy in various phantom settings. To evaluate DIR accuracy, a target registration error (TRE) was calculated using the anatomical landmark points.The three locations (i.e., distal, middle, and proximal positions) had different displacement amounts. This result indicated that the inner phantom was not moved but deformed. In cases with different phantom settings and marker settings, the ranges of the average TRE were 0.63–15.60 mm (MIM). In cases with different DIR parameters settings, the ranges of the average TRE were as follows: 0.73–7.10 mm (MIM), 8.25–8.66 mm (RayStation), and 8.26–8.43 mm (Velocity). These results suggest that our phantom could evaluate the detailed DIR behaviors with TRE. Therefore, this is indicative of the potential usefulness of our phantom in DIR commissioning and QA.  相似文献   

For registering data on the in situexpression of segmentation genes, a method of image registration was developed basing on the spline approximation. The reference points for the registration were the coordinates of extrema in one-dimensional patterns of gene expression. This registration method is characterized by a very high accuracy. A method of creating a generalized pattern of gene expression in single cells is proposed. Such patterns were constructed for nine segmentation genes belonging to the gap and pair-rule classes of genes.  相似文献   

In recent years one of the areas of interest in radiotherapy has been adaptive radiation therapy (ART), with the most efficient way of performing ART being the use of deformable image registration (DIR). In this paper we use the distances between points of interest (POIs) in the computed tomography (CT) and the cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) acquisition images and the inverse consistence (IC) property to validate the RayStation treatment planning system (TPS) DIR algorithm. This study was divided into two parts: Firstly the distance-accuracy of the TPS DIR algorithm was ascertained by placing POIs on anatomical features in the CT and CBCT images from five head and neck cancer patients. Secondly, a method was developed for studying the implication of these distances on the dose by using the IC. This method compared the dose received by the structures in the CT, and the structures that were quadruply-deformed. The accuracy of the TPS was 1.7 ± 0.8 mm, and the distance obtained with the quadruply-deformed IC method was 1.7 ± 0.9 mm, i.e. the difference between the IC method multiplied by two, and that of the TPS validation method, was negligible. Moreover, the IC method shows very little variation in the dose-volume histograms when comparing the original and quadruply-deformed structures. This indicates that this algorithm is useful for planning adaptive radiation treatments using CBCT in head and neck cancer patients, although these variations must be taken into account when making a clinical decision to adapt a treatment plan.  相似文献   

IntroductionDeformable image registration (DIR) can play an important role in the context of adaptive radiotherapy. The AAPM Task Group 132 (TG-132) has described several quantitative measures for DIR error assessment but they can only be accurately defined when there is a ground-truth present in high-contrast regions. This work aims to set out a framework to obtain optimal results for CT-CT lung DIR in clinical setting for a commercially available system by quantifying the DIR performance in both low- and high-contrast regions.MethodsFive publicly available thorax datasets were used to assess the DIR quality. A “Ghost fiducial” method was implemented by windowing the contrast in a new feature provided by Varian Velocity v4.1. Target registration error (TRE) of the landmarks and Dice-similarity coefficient of the tumour were calculated at three different contrast settings to assess the algorithm in high- and low-contrast scenarios.ResultsFor the original unedited dataset, higher resolution DIR methods showed best performance acceptable within the recommended limit according to TG-132, when actual displacements were less than 10 mm. The relation of the actual displacement of the landmarks and TRE shows the limited capacity of the algorithm to deal with movements larger than 10 mm.ConclusionThis work found the performance of DIR methods and settings available in Varian Velocity v4.1 to be a function of contrast level as well as extent of motion. This highlights the need for multiple metrics to assess different aspects of DIR performance for various applications related to low-contrast and/or high-contrast regions.  相似文献   

Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) is a widely used technique in biophysics and has helped address many questions in the life sciences. It provides important advantages compared to other fluorescence and biophysical methods. Its single molecule sensitivity allows measuring proteins within biological samples at physiological concentrations without the need of overexpression. It provides quantitative data on concentrations, diffusion coefficients, molecular transport and interactions even in live organisms. And its reliance on simple fluorescence intensity and its fluctuations makes it widely applicable. In this review we focus on applications of FCS in live samples, with an emphasis on work in the last 5 years, in the hope to provide an overview of the present capabilities of FCS to address biologically relevant questions.  相似文献   

The transmission rate of many acute infectious diseases varies significantly in time, but the underlying mechanisms are usually uncertain. They may include seasonal changes in the environment, contact rate, immune system response, etc. The transmission rate has been thought difficult to measure directly. We present a new algorithm to compute the time-dependent transmission rate directly from prevalence data, which makes no assumptions about the number of susceptible or vital rates. The algorithm follows our complete and explicit solution of a mathematical inverse problem for SIR-type transmission models. We prove that almost any infection profile can be perfectly fitted by an SIR model with variable transmission rate. This clearly shows a serious danger of overfitting such transmission models. We illustrate the algorithm with historic UK measles data and our observations support the common belief that measles transmission was predominantly driven by school contacts.  相似文献   

Since stimulated emission depletion (STED) nanoscopy was invented in 1994, this technique has been widely used in the fields of biomedicine and materials science. According to the imaging principle of STED technology, increasing the power of the depletion laser within a certain threshold can improve the resolution. However, it will cause not only severe photo-damage to the samples and photo-bleaching to the fluorophores but also serious background noise, leading to the degeneration of the quality of STED images. Here we propose a new processing method based on frequency spectrum modulation to improve the quality of STED images, abbreviated as FM-STED. We have demonstrated the performance of FM-STED in improving the signal-to-noise ratio and the resolution using fluorescent beads and biological cells as samples.  相似文献   

Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) is an effective MRT (molecular radiotherapy) treatment, which consists of multiple administrations of a radiopharmaceutical labelled with 177Lu or 90Y. Through sequential functional imaging a patient specific 3D dosimetry can be derived. Multiple scans should be previously co-registered to allow accurate absorbed dose calculations. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of image registration algorithms on 3D absorbed dose calculation.A cohort of patients was extracted from the database of a clinical trial in PRRT. They were administered with a single administration of 177Lu-DOTATOC. All patients underwent 5 SPECT/CT sequential scans at 1 h, 4 h, 24 h, 40 h, 70 h post-injection that were subsequently registered using rigid and deformable algorithms. A similarity index was calculated to compare rigid and deformable registration algorithms. 3D absorbed dose calculation was carried out with the Raydose Monte Carlo code.The similarity analysis demonstrated the superiority of the deformable registrations (p < .001).Average absorbed dose to the kidneys calculated using rigid image registration was consistently lower than the average absorbed dose calculated using the deformable algorithm (90% of cases), with percentage differences in the range [−19; +4]%. Absorbed dose to lesions were also consistently lower (90% of cases) when calculated with rigid image registration with absorbed dose differences in the range [−67.2; 100.7]%. Deformable image registration had a significant role in calculating 3D absorbed dose to organs or lesions with volumes smaller than 100 mL.Image based 3D dosimetry for 177Lu-DOTATOC PRRT is significantly affected by the type of algorithm used to register sequential SPECT/CT scans.  相似文献   

The transmembrane domain of the pro-apoptotic protein BNIP3 self-associates strongly in membranes and in detergents. We have used site-directed mutagenesis to analyze the sequence dependence of BNIP3 transmembrane domain dimerization, from which we infer the physical basis for strong and specific helix-helix interactions in this system. Hydrophobic substitutions identify six residues as critical to dimerization, and the pattern of sensitive residues suggests that the BNIP3 helices interact at a right-handed crossing angle. Based on the dimerization propensities of single point mutants, we propose that: polar residues His173 and Ser172 make inter-monomer hydrogen bonds to one another through their side-chains; Ala176, Gly180, and Gly184 form a tandem GxxxG motif that allows close approach of the helices; and Ile183 makes inter-monomer van der Waals contacts. Since neither the tandem GxxxG motif nor the hydrogen bonding pair is sufficient to drive dimerization, our results demonstrate the importance of sequence context for either hydrogen bonding or GxxxG motif involvement in BNIP3 transmembrane helix-helix interactions. In this study, hydrophobic substitutions away from the six interfacial positions have almost no effect on dimerization, confirming the expectation that hydrophobic replacements affect helix-helix interactions only if they interfere with packing or hydrogen bonding by interfacial residues. However, changes to slightly polar residues are somewhat disruptive even when located away from the interface, and the degree of disruption correlates with the decrease in hydrophobicity. Changing the hydrophobicity of the BNIP3 transmembrane domain alters its helicity and protection of its backbone amides. We suggest that polar substitutions decrease the fraction of dimer by stabilizing an unfolded monomeric state of the transmembrane span, rather than by affecting helix-helix interactions. This result has broad implications for interpreting the sequence dependence of membrane protein stability in detergents.  相似文献   


FTIR and cryomicroscopy have been used to study mouse embryonic fibroblast cells (3T3) during freezing in the absence and presence of DMSO and glycerol. The results show that cell volume changes as observed by cryomicroscopy typically end at temperatures above ?15°C, whereas membrane phase changes may continue until temperatures as low as ?30°C. This implies that cellular dehydration precedes dehydration of the bound water surrounding the phospholipid head groups. Both DMSO and glycerol increase the membrane hydraulic permeability at subzero temperature and reduce the activation energy for water transport. Cryoprotective agents facilitate dehydration to continue at low subzero temperatures thereby decreasing the incidence of intracellular ice formation. The increased subzero membrane hydraulic permeability likely plays an important role in the cryoprotective action of DMSO and glycerol. In the presence of DMSO water permeability was found to be greater compared to that in the presence of glycerol. Two temperature regimes were identified in an Arrhenius plot of the membrane hydraulic permeability. The activation energy for water transport at temperature ranging from 0 to ?10°C was found to be greater than that below ?10°C. The non-linear Arrhenius behavior of Lp has been implemented in the water transport model to simulate cell volume changes during freezing. At a cooling rate of 1°C min-1, ~5% of the initial osmotically active water volume is trapped inside the cells at ?30°C.  相似文献   

We constructed a three‐dimensional whole‐body musculoskeletal model of the Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata) based on computed tomography and dissection of a cadaver. The skeleton was modeled as a chain of 20 bone segments connected by joints. Joint centers and rotational axes were estimated by joint morphology based on joint surface approximation using a quadric function. The path of each muscle was defined by a line segment connecting origin to insertion through an intermediary point if necessary. Mass and fascicle length of each were systematically recorded to calculate physiological cross‐sectional area to estimate the capacity of each muscle to generate force. Using this anatomically accurate model, muscle moment arms and force vectors generated by individual limb muscles at the foot and hand were calculated to computationally predict muscle functions. Furthermore, three‐dimensional whole‐body musculoskeletal kinematics of the Japanese macaque was reconstructed from ordinary video sequences based on this model and a model‐based matching technique. The results showed that the proposed model can successfully reconstruct and visualize anatomically reasonable, natural musculoskeletal motion of the Japanese macaque during quadrupedal/bipedal locomotion, demonstrating the validity and efficacy of the constructed musculoskeletal model. The present biologically relevant model may serve as a useful tool for comprehensive understanding of the design principles of the musculoskeletal system and the control mechanisms for locomotion in the Japanese macaque and other primates. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



The main objective of the study was to analyze the structure of data contained in the archives exported from a tomotherapy treatment planning system. An additional aim was to create an application equipped with a user-friendly interface to enable automatic reading of files and data analysis, also using external algorithms. Analyses had to include image registration, dose deformation and summation.

Materials and methods

Files from the archive exported from the tomotherapy treatment planning system (TPS) were analyzed. Two programs were used to analyze the information contained in the archive files: XML Viewer by MindFusion Limited and HxD hex editor by Maël Hora. To create an application enabling loading and analyzing the data, Matlab by MathWorks, version R2009b, was used.


Archive exported from the TPS is a directory with several files. It contains three types of data: .xml, .img and .sin. Tools available in Matlab offer great opportunities for analysis and transformation of loaded information. Proposed application automates the loading of necessary information and simplifies data handling. Furthermore, the application is equipped with a graphical user interface (GUI). The main application window contains buttons for opening the archives and analyzing the loaded data.


The analysis of data contained in the archive exported from the tomotherapy treatment planning system allowed to determine the way and place of saving information of our interest, such as tomography images, structure sets and dose distributions. This enabled us to develop and optimize methods of loading and analyzing this information.  相似文献   

The electrophoretic movement of blood cells has been examined with a video image correlator using the signal from a 625 line monochrome television camera attached to the optical arrangement. The diffraction pattern of a cell produces a characteristic signal which can be detected and registered in any television scan line to form the data of the first image frame. Under the influence of an electric field, cells moved across the television field of view and after a short interval appeared on different scan lines. The detection and registering process was repeated, and a cross-correlation function between the first and second image frame was computed. This function was stored in an output buffer which was continuously updated as fresh functions were integrated with the existing contents. The mean electrophoretic mobility of a suspension of particles can be calculated from the peak position of the integrated correlation function. Using a triangle deconvolution procedure, the relative contributions of subpopulations lymphocytes prepared from peripheral blood samples were examined.  相似文献   

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