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Because changes in the mechanical properties of bone are closely related to trabecular bone remodeling, methods that consider the temporal morphological changes induced by adaptive remodeling of trabecular bone are needed to estimate long-term fracture risk and bone quality in osteoporosis. We simulated bone remodeling using simplified and pig trabecular bone models and estimated the morphology of healthy and osteoporotic cases. We then displayed the fracture risk of the remodeled models based on a cumulative histogram from high stress. The histogram showed more elements had higher stresses in the osteoporosis model, indicating that the osteoporosis model had a greater risk.  相似文献   

Anisotropy is one of the most meaningful determinants of biomechanical behaviour. This study employs micro-computed tomography (μCT) and image techniques for analysing the anisotropy of regenerative medicine polymer scaffolds. For this purpose, three three-dimensional anisotropy evaluation image methods were used: ellipsoid of inertia (EI), mean intercept length (MIL) and tensor scale (t-scale). These were applied to three patterns (a sphere, a cube and a right prism) and to two polymer scaffold topologies (cylindrical orthogonal pore mesh and spherical pores). For the patterns, the three methods provided good results. Regarding the scaffolds, EI mistook both topologies (0.0158, [ ? 0.5683; 0.6001]; mean difference and 95% confidence interval), and MIL showed no significant differences (0.3509, [0.0656; 0.6362]). T-scale is the preferable method because it gave the best capability (0.3441, [0.1779; 0.5102]) to differentiate both topologies. This methodology results in the development of non-destructive tools to engineer biomimetic scaffolds, incorporating anisotropy as a fundamental property to be mimicked from the original tissue and permitting its assessment by means of μCT image analysis.  相似文献   

Work on the interspecific and intraspecific variation of trabecular bone in the proximal femur of primates demonstrates important architectural variation between animals with different locomotor behaviors. This variation is thought to be related to the processes of bone adaptation whereby bone structure is optimized to the mechanical environment. Micromechanical finite element models were created for the proximal femur of the leaping Galago senegalensis and the climbing and quadrupedal Loris tardigradus by converting bone voxels from high-resolution X-ray computed tomography scans of the femoral head to eight-noded brick elements. The resulting models had approximately 1.8 million elements each. Loading conditions representing takeoff phase of a leap and more generalized load orientations were applied to the models, and the models were solved using the iterative "row-by-row" matrix-vector multiplication algorithm. The principal strain and Von Mises stress results for the leaping model were similar for both species at each load orientation. Similar hip joint reaction forces in the range of 4.9 x to 12 x body weight were calculated for both species under each loading condition, but the hip reaction values estimated for Loris were higher than predicted based on locomotor behavior. These results suggest that functional adaptation to hip joint loading may not fully explain the differences in femoral head trabecular bone structure in Galago and Loris. The finite element method represents a unique and useful tool for analyzing the functional adaptation of trabecular bone in a diversity of animals and for reconstructing locomotor behavior in extinct taxa.  相似文献   

The elastic properties and mechanical behavior of trabecular bone are largely determined by its three-dimensional (3D) fabric structure. Recent work demonstrating a correlation between the primary mechanical and material axes in trabecular bone specimens suggests that fabric orientation may be used to infer directional components of the material strength and, by extension, the hypothetical loading regime. Here we quantify the principal orientation of trabecular bone in the femoral head and relate these principal fabric directions to loading patterns during various locomotor behaviors. The proximal femora of a diverse sample of prosimians were scanned using a high-resolution X-ray computed tomography scanner with resolution of better than 50 mum. Spherical volumes of interest were defined within the femoral heads and the 3D fabric anisotropy was calculated using the mean intercept length and star volume distribution methods. In addition to differences in bone volume and anisotropy, significant differences were found in the spatial orientation of the principal trabecular axes depending on locomotor behavior. The principal orientations for leapers (Galago, Tarsius, Avahi) are relatively tightly clustered (alpha(95) confidence limit: 8.2; angular variance s: 18.2 degrees ) and oriented in a superoanterior direction, while those of nonleapers are more variable across a range of directions (alpha(95): 16.8; s: 42.0 degrees ). The mean principal directions are significantly different for leaping vs. nonleaping taxa. These results further suggest a relationship between bone microstructure in the hip joint and locomotor behavior and indicate a similarity of loading across leapers despite differences in kinematics and phylogeny.  相似文献   

Microarchitectural finite element models have become a key tool in the analysis of trabecular bone. Robust, accurate, and validated constitutive models would enhance confidence in predictive applications of these models and in their usefulness as accurate assays of tissue properties. Human trabecular bone specimens from the femoral neck (n = 3), greater trochanter (n = 6), and lumbar vertebra (n = 1) of eight different donors were scanned by μ-CT and converted to voxel-based finite element models. Unconfined uniaxial compression and shear loading were simulated for each of three different constitutive models: a principal strain-based model, Drucker–Lode, and Drucker–Prager. The latter was applied with both infinitesimal and finite kinematics. Apparent yield strains exhibited minimal dependence on the constitutive model, differing by at most 16.1%, with the kinematic formulation being influential in compression loading. At the tissue level, the quantities and locations of yielded tissue were insensitive to the constitutive model, with the exception of the Drucker–Lode model, suggesting that correlation of microdamage with computational models does not improve the ability to discriminate between constitutive laws. Taken together, it is unlikely that a tissue constitutive model can be fully validated from apparent-level experiments alone, as the calculations are too insensitive to identify differences in the outcomes. Rather, any asymmetric criterion with a valid yield surface will likely be suitable for most trabecular bone models.  相似文献   

In this study, two micro finite element models of trabecular bone–cement interface developed from high resolution computed tomography (CT) images were loaded under compression and validated using the in situ experimental data. The models were then used under tension and shear to examine the load transfer between the bone and cement and the micro damage development at the bone–cement interface. In addition, one models was further modified to investigate the effect of cement penetration on the bone–cement interfacial behaviour. The simulated results show that the load transfer at the bone–cement interface occurred mainly in the bone cement partially interdigitated region, while the fully interdigitated region seemed to contribute little to the mechanical response. Consequently, cement penetration beyond a certain value would seem to be ineffective in improving the mechanical strength of trabecular bone–cement interface. Under tension and shear loading conditions, more cement failures were found in denser bones, while the cement damage is generally low under compression.  相似文献   

The paper presents the structure optimizing system based on surface remodelling. The grounds for algorithm formulation are given by the bone remodelling phenomenon leading to optimization of trabecular network in the bone. The assumptions, algorithms and limitations of the own mesh generator Cosmoprojector are described. Unlike other approaches, the system is able to mimic real bone evolution including tissue consolidation and separation. The article presents a closed system consisting of finite element mesh generation, decision criteria for structure adaptation and finite element analysis in parallel environment. It also provides some computation results obtained by using specially designed software.  相似文献   

Smoothly varying muscle fibre orientations in the heart are critical to its electrical and mechanical function. From detailed histological studies and diffusion tensor imaging, we now know that fibre orientations in humans vary gradually from approximately ? 70° in the outer wall to +80° in the inner wall. However, the creation of fibre orientation maps for computational analyses remains one of the most challenging problems in cardiac electrophysiology and cardiac mechanics. Here, we show that Poisson interpolation generates smoothly varying vector fields that satisfy a set of user-defined constraints in arbitrary domains. Specifically, we enforce the Poisson interpolation in the weak sense using a standard linear finite element algorithm for scalar-valued second-order boundary value problems and introduce the feature to be interpolated as a global unknown. User-defined constraints are then simply enforced in the strong sense as Dirichlet boundary conditions. We demonstrate that the proposed concept is capable of generating smoothly varying fibre orientations, quickly, efficiently and robustly, both in a generic bi-ventricular model and in a patient-specific human heart. Sensitivity analyses demonstrate that the underlying algorithm is conceptually able to handle both arbitrarily and uniformly distributed user-defined constraints; however, the quality of the interpolation is best for uniformly distributed constraints. We anticipate our algorithm to be immediately transformative to experimental and clinical settings, in which it will allow us to quickly and reliably create smooth interpolations of arbitrary fields from data-sets, which are sparse but uniformly distributed.  相似文献   

A method is presented to find orthotropic elastic symmetries and constants directly from the elastic coefficients in the overall stiffness matrix of trabecular bone test specimens. Contrary to earlier developed techniques, this method does not require pure orthotropic behavior or additional fabric measurements. The method uses high-resolution computer reconstructions of trabecular bone specimens as input for large-scale FE-analyses to determine all the 21 elastic coefficients in the overall stiffness matrix of the specimen, using a direct mechanics approach. An optimization procedure is then used to find the coordinate transformation that yields the best orthotropic representation of this matrix. The method is illustrated here relative to two trabecular bone specimens. The techniques developed here can be used to obtain a complete characterization of the mechanical properties of trabecular architecture. With the development of in vivo reconstruction techniques, even in vivo measurements will be possible.  相似文献   

Until recently, detailed analyses of the architecture of nonhuman primate cancellous bone have not been possible due to a combination of methodological constraints, including poor resolution imaging or destructive protocols. The development of micro-computed tomography (microCT) and morphometric methods associated with this imaging modality offers anthropologists a new means to study the comparative architecture of cancellous bone. Specifically, microCT will allow anthropologists to investigate the relationship between locomotor behavior and trabecular structure. We conducted a preliminary study on the trabecular patterns in the proximal humerus and femur of Hylobates lar, Ateles paniscus, Macaca mulatta, and Papio anubis to investigate the quantitative differences in their trabecular architecture and evaluate the potential of microCT in anthropological inquiry. MicroCT allows the researcher to evaluate variables beyond simple two-dimensional orientations and radiographic densities. For example, this methodology facilitates the study of trabecular thickness and bone volume fraction using three-dimensional data. Results suggest that density-related parameters do not reliably differentiate suspensory-climbing species from quadrupedal species. However, preliminary results indicate that measurements of the degree of anisotropy, a measure of trabecular orientation uniformity, do distinguish suspensory-climbing taxa from more quadrupedal species. The microCT method is an advance over conventional radiography and medical CT because it can accurately resolve micron-sized struts that make up cancellous bone, and from these images a wide array of parameters that have been demonstrated to be related to cancellous bone mechanical properties can be measured. Methodological problems pertinent to any comparative microCT study of primate trabecular architecture are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate if finite element (FE) analyses of human trabecular bone architecture based on 168 μm images can provide relevant information about the bone mechanical characteristics. Three human trabecular bone samples, one taken from the femoral head, one from the iliac crest, and one from the lumbar spine, were imaged with micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) using a 28 μm resolution. After reconstruction the resolution was coarsened to 168 μm. First, all reconstructions were thresholded and directly converted to FE-models built of hexahedral elements. For the coarser resolutions of two samples, this resulted in a loss of trabecular connections and a subsequent loss of stiffness. To reduce this effect, a tetrahedral element meshing based on the marching cubes algorithm, as well as a modified hexahedron meshing, which thresholds the image such that load carrying bone mass is preserved, were employed. For each sample elastic moduli and tissue Von Mises stresses of the three different 168 μm models were compared to those from the hexahedron 28 μm model. For one sample the hexahedron meshing at 168 μm produced excellent results. For the other two samples the results obtained from the hexahedral models at 168 μm resolution were poor. Considerably better results were attained for these samples when using the mass-compensated or tetrahedron meshing techniques. We conclude that the accuracy of the FE-models at 168 μm strongly depends on the bone morphology, in particular its trabecular thickness. A substantial loss of trabecular connections during the hexahedron meshing process indicates that poor FE results will be obtained. In this case the tetrahedron or mass-compensated hexahedron meshing techniques can reduce the loss of connections and produce better results than the plain hexahedron meshing techniques.  相似文献   

Wolff's "law" of the functional adaptation of bone is rooted in the trajectory hypothesis of cancellous bone architecture. Wolff often used the human proximal femur as an example of a trajectorial structure (i.e. arched trabecular patterns appear to be aligned along tension/compression stress trajectories). We examined two tenets of the trajectory hypothesis; namely, that the trabecular tracts from the tension- and compression-loaded sides of a bending environment will: (1) follow 'lines' (trajectories) of tension/compression stress that resemble an arch with its apex on a neutral axis, and (2) form orthogonal (90 degrees ) intersections. These predictions were analysed in proximal femora of chimpanzees and modern humans, and in calcanei of sheep and deer. Compared to complex loading of the human femoral neck, the chimpanzee femoral neck reputedly receives relatively simpler loading (i.e. temporally/spatially more consistent bending), and the artiodactyl calcaneus is even more simply loaded in bending. In order to directly consider Wolff's observations, measurements were also made on two-dimensional, cantilevered beams and curved beams, each with intersecting compression/tension stress trajectories. Results in the calcanei showed: (1) the same nonlinear equation best described the dorsal ("compression") and plantar ("tension") trabecular tracts, (2) these tracts could be exactly superimposed on the corresponding compression/tension stress trajectories of the cantilevered beams, and (3) trabecular tracts typically formed orthogonal intersections. In contrast, trabecular tracts in human and chimpanzee femoral necks were non-orthogonal (mean approximately 70 degrees ), with shapes differing from trabecular tracts in calcanei and stress trajectories in the beams. Although often being described by the same equations, the trajectories in the curved beams had lower r(2) values than calcaneal tracts. These results suggest that the trabecular patterns in the calcanei and stress trajectories in short beams are consistent with basic tenets of the trajectory hypothesis while those in human and chimpanzee femoral necks are not. Compared to calcanei, the more complexly loaded human and chimpanzee femoral necks probably receive more prevalent/predominant shear, which is best accommodated by non-orthogonal, asymmetric trabecular tracts. The asymmetrical trabecular patterns in the proximal femora may also reflect the different developmental 'fields' (trochanteric vs. neck/head) that formed these regions, of which there is no parallel in the calcanei.  相似文献   

Discrepancies in finite-element model predictions of bone strength may be attributed to the simplified modeling of bone as an isotropic structure due to the resolution limitations of clinical-level Computed Tomography (CT) data. The aim of this study is to calculate the preferential orientations of bone (the principal directions) and the extent to which bone is deposited more in one direction compared to another (degree of anisotropy). Using 100 femoral trabecular samples, the principal directions and degree of anisotropy were calculated with a Gradient Structure Tensor (GST) and a Sobel Structure Tensor (SST) using clinical-level CT. The results were compared against those calculated with the gold standard Mean-Intercept-Length (MIL) fabric tensor using micro-CT. There was no significant difference between the GST and SST in the calculation of the main principal direction (median error=28°), and the error was inversely correlated to the degree of transverse isotropy (r=−0.34, p<0.01). The degree of anisotropy measured using the structure tensors was weakly correlated with the MIL-based measurements (r=0.2, p<0.001). Combining the principal directions with the degree of anisotropy resulted in a significant increase in the correlation of the tensor distributions (r=0.79, p<0.001). Both structure tensors were robust against simulated noise, kernel sizes, and bone volume fraction. We recommend the use of the GST because of its computational efficiency and ease of implementation. This methodology has the promise to predict the structural anisotropy of bone in areas with a high degree of anisotropy, and may improve the in vivo characterization of bone.  相似文献   

IntroductionPreviously, a finite element (FE) model of the proximal tibia was developed and validated against experimentally measured local subchondral stiffness. This model indicated modest predictions of stiffness (R2 = 0.77, normalized root mean squared error (RMSE%) = 16.6%). Trabecular bone though was modeled with isotropic material properties despite its orthotropic anisotropy. The objective of this study was to identify the anisotropic FE modeling approach which best predicted (with largest explained variance and least amount of error) local subchondral bone stiffness at the proximal tibia.MethodsLocal stiffness was measured at the subchondral surface of 13 medial/lateral tibial compartments using in situ macro indentation testing. An FE model of each specimen was generated assuming uniform anisotropy with 14 different combinations of cortical- and tibial-specific density-modulus relationships taken from the literature. Two FE models of each specimen were also generated which accounted for the spatial variation of trabecular bone anisotropy directly from clinical CT images using grey-level structure tensor and Cowin’s fabric-elasticity equations. Stiffness was calculated using FE and compared to measured stiffness in terms of R2 and RMSE%.ResultsThe uniform anisotropic FE model explained 53–74% of the measured stiffness variance, with RMSE% ranging from 12.4 to 245.3%. The models which accounted for spatial variation of trabecular bone anisotropy predicted 76–79% of the variance in stiffness with RMSE% being 11.2–11.5%.ConclusionsOf the 16 evaluated finite element models in this study, the combination of Synder and Schneider (for cortical bone) and Cowin’s fabric-elasticity equations (for trabecular bone) best predicted local subchondral bone stiffness.  相似文献   

Unbalanced contact force on the tibial component has been considered a factor leading to loosening of the implant and increased wear of the bearing surface in total knee arthroplasty. Because it has been reported that good alignment cannot guarantee successful clinical outcomes, the soft tissue balance should be checked together with the alignment. Finite element models of patients' lower extremities were developed to analyse the medial and lateral contact force distribution on the tibial insert. The distributions for four out of five patients were not balanced equally, even though the alignment angles were within a clinically acceptable range. Moreover, the distribution was improved by changing soft tissue release and ligament tightening for the specific case. Integration of the biomechanical modelling, image matching and finite element analysis techniques with the patient-specific properties and various dynamic loading would suggest a clinically relevant pre-operative planning for soft tissue balancing.  相似文献   

Bone is a hierarchical material exhibiting different fracture mechanisms at each length scale. At the submicroscale, the bone is composed of mineralized collagen fibrils (MCF). At this scale, the fracture processes in cortical bone have not been extensively studied in the literature. In this study, the influence of MCF size and orientation on the fracture behavior of bone under both transverse and longitudinal loading was investigated using novel 3D models of MCF networks with explicit representation of extra-fibrillar matrix. The simulation results showed that separation between MCFs was the main cause of damage and failure under transverse loading whereas under longitudinal loading, the main damage and failure mechanism was MCF rupture. When the MCF network was loaded in the transverse direction the mechanical properties increased as the orientation of fibrils deviated farther from the main fibril orientation whereas the opposite trend was observed under longitudinal loading. The fracture energy was much larger in longitudinal than transverse loading. MCF diameter variation did not affect the mechanical properties under longitudinal loading but led to higher mechanical properties with increasing MCF diameter under transverse loading. The new modeling framework established in this study generate unique information on the effect of MCF network spatial arrangement on the fracture behavior of bone at the submicroscale which is not currently possible to measure via experiments. This unique information may improve the understanding of how structural alterations at the submicroscale due to disease, age-related changes, and treatments affect the fracture processes at larger length scales.  相似文献   

An assessment of the mechanical properties of trabecular bone is important in determining the fracture risk of human bones. Many uncertainty factors contribute to the dispersion of the estimated mechanical properties of trabecular bone. This study was undertaken in order to propose a computational scheme that will be able to predict the effective apparent elastic moduli of trabecular bone considering the uncertainties that are primarily caused by image-based modelling and trabecular stiffness orientation. The effect of image-based modelling which focused on the connectivity was also investigated. A stochastic multi-scale method using a first-order perturbation-based and asymptotic homogenisation theory was applied to formulate the stochastically apparent elastic properties of trabecular bone. The effective apparent elastic modulus was predicted with the introduction of a coefficient factor to represent the variation of bone characteristics due to inter-individual differences. The mean value of the predicted effective apparent Young's modulus in principal axis was found at approximately 460 MPa for respective 15.24% of bone volume fraction, and this is in good agreement with other experimental results. The proposed method may provide a reference for the reliable evaluation of the prediction of the apparent elastic properties of trabecular bone.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the evaluation of clavicle fixation devices, by means of computational models. The aim was to develop a method for comparison of stress distribution in various fixation devices, to determine whether the use of multibody musculoskeletal input in such model is applicable and to report the approach. The focus was on realistic loading and the motivation for the work is that the treatment can be enhanced by a better understanding of the loading of the clavicle and fixation device. The method can be used to confirm the strength of customised plates, for optimisation of new plates and to complement experimental studies. A finite element (FE) mesh of the clavicle geometry was created from computed tomography data and imported into the FE solver where the model was subjected to muscle forces and other boundary conditions from a multibody musculoskeletal model performing a typical activity of daily life. A reconstruction plate and screws were also imported into the model. The combination models returned stresses and displacements of plausible magnitudes in all included parts and the result, upon further development and validation, may serve as a design guideline for improved clavicle fixation.  相似文献   

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