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The aim of the study was to examine doctor's attitude about topics in continuing medical education (CME) using anonymous questionnaire that was given to the members of the Croatian Medical Association in Rijeka. The questions concerned doctor's interest of certain medical fields, influence of CME to their everyday practice, and importance of getting credits for re-licensure as a motive to participate in CME. The highest interest was shown for CME in emergency/intensive medicine and the lowest for transplantation medicine. The doctors in primary care showed statistically significantly higher interest for CME in family medicine, pulmology, rheumatology and rehabilitation medicine than hospital doctors. The influence of CME in everyday practice and the importance of getting credits for re-licensure as a reason to participate in CME, in the most cases, have been graded with medium grade 3. The results indicated the existence of specific needs in CME and stressed the importance of having CME with topics from clinical practice.  相似文献   

What causes non-monotonic tuning of fMRI response to noisy images?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dakin SC  Hess RF  Ledgeway T  Achtman RL 《Current biology : CB》2002,12(14):R476-7; author reply R478

The high iron abundance and the weak ferric iron spectral features of martian surface material are consistent with nanophase (nm-sized) iron oxide minerals as a major source of iron in the bright region soil on Mars. Nanophase iron oxide minerals, such as ferrihydrite and schwertmannite, and nanophase forms of hematite and goethite are formed by both biotic and abiotic processes on Earth. The presence of these minerals on Mars does not indicate biological activity on Mars, but it does raise the possibility. This work includes speculation regarding the possibility of biogenic soils on Mars based on previous observations and analyses. A remote sensing goal of upcoming missions should be to determine if nanophase iron oxide minerals, clay silicates and carbonates are present in the martian surface material. These minerals are important indicators for exobiology and their presence on Mars would invoke a need for further investigation and sample return from these sites.  相似文献   

As shown before, the latency of the housefly's landing response depends on the conditions of the visual stimulus (Borst 1986). Accordingly, the latency can be used to characterize the movement detection system which is triggering the landing response.The stimulus was a sinusoidal periodic pattern of vertical stripes presented bilaterally in the frontolateral eye region of the fly. It started to move, simultaneously on either side, from front to back at a given time. The latency of the response was measured by means of an infrared light-beam that was interrupted whenever the fly lifted its forelegs to assume a preprogrammed landing posture (Fig. 1). The latency was found to vary in a range from 60 ms up to several seconds depending on the pattern's spatial wavelength , contrast frequency cf and contrast C.For sufficiently high pattern contrast the optimum of the reaction (minimum latency) is found at spatial wavelengths of 30–40° and contrast frequencies of 8–17 periods/s (Fig. 3a). This is about 2–10 times more than is anticipated from the optomotor response under similar conditions. Evaluation of the optimum contrast frequency cf OPT at different wavelengths shows that cf OPT is not independent of (Fig. 3b, solid line). The same is true for the contrast dependence of the reaction: reduction of the contrast leads not only to a general decrease in the response amplitudes (prolongation of the latency) (Fig. 4a), but also to a shift of cf OPT towards lower contrast frequencies (Fig. 4b, solid line).In the theory of the correlation-type movement detector (Reichardt 1961) which underlies the optomotor response of flies the dependence of cf OPT on pattern wavelength and/or pattern contrast is not expected under stationary conditions. However, as shown by computer simulation all experimental results can be explained by a homogeneous retinotopic array of correlation movement detectors (Fig. 2) if their response under non-stationary conditions is taken into account. We simply assume that the spatially and temporally integrated output of the movement detectors is evaluated by a threshold device (Fig.5). The correlation-type movement detection in combination with a temporal integrator system predicts the rather complex dependence of the optimum contrast frequency on pattern wavelength and pattern contrast (dashed lines in Fig. 3b and 4b) and provides the missing explanation of the variable latencies of the landing response.Comparing the parameters of the correlation-type movement detector derived in the present study with those of the optomotor response, the landing response seems to use the same type of movement detection system. To account for the high wavelength optimum, however, the input elements of the movement detection system of the landing response might have an increased visual field (e.g. by pooling neighbouring visual elements) and, accordingly, a reduced visual acuity as compared with the input elements of the optomotor system.Abbreviations (°) spatial pattern wavelength - w(°/s) angular velocity of the pattern - cf (Hz) contrast frequency=w/ - cf OPT(Hz) cf leading to the shortest latency - (Hz) angular frequency=2cf - I mean luminance of the pattern - I modulation amplitude of the pattern - C pattern contrast=I/ - (ms) time constant of a filter - (°) angle between the optical axis of neighbouring visual elements - (°) acceptance angle of visual elements  相似文献   

Here we describe recent breakthroughs in our understanding of microbial life in dry volcanic tephra (“soil”) that covers much of the surface area of the highest elevation volcanoes on Earth. Dry tephra above 6000 m.a.s.l. is perhaps the best Earth analog for the surface of Mars because these “soils” are acidic, extremely oligotrophic, exposed to a thin atmosphere, high UV fluxes, and extreme temperature fluctuations across the freezing point. The simple microbial communities found in these extreme sites have among the lowest alpha diversity of any known earthly ecosystem and contain bacteria and eukaryotes that are uniquely adapted to these extreme conditions. The most abundant eukaryotic organism across the highest elevation sites is a Naganishia species that is metabolically versatile, can withstand high levels of UV radiation and can grow at sub-zero temperatures, and during extreme diurnal freeze–thaw cycles (e.g. ??10 to +?30 °C). The most abundant bacterial phylotype at the highest dry sites sampled (6330 m.a.s.l. on Volcán Llullaillaco) belongs to the enigmatic B12-WMSP1 clade which is related to the Ktedonobacter/Thermosporothrix clade that includes versatile organisms with the largest known bacterial genomes. Close relatives of B12-WMSP1 are also found in fumarolic soils on Volcán Socompa and in oligotrophic, fumarolic caves on Mt. Erebus in Antarctica. In contrast to the extremely low diversity of dry tephra, fumaroles found at over 6000 m.a.s.l. on Volcán Socompa support very diverse microbial communities with alpha diversity levels rivalling those of low elevation temperate soils. Overall, the high-elevation biome of the Atacama region provides perhaps the best “natural experiment” in which to study microbial life in both its most extreme setting (dry tephra) and in one of its least extreme settings (fumarolic soils).  相似文献   

Cellular DNA-repair pathways involve proteins that have roles in other DNA-metabolic processes, as well as those that are dedicated to damage removal. Several proteins, which have diverse functions and are not known to have roles in DNA repair, also associate with damaged DNA. These newly discovered interactions could either facilitate or hinder the recognition of DNA damage, and so they could have important effects on DNA repair and genetic integrity. The outcome for the cell, and ultimately for the organism, might depend on which proteins arrive first at sites of DNA damage.  相似文献   

Aphid taxa are characterized by a number of biological features, such as their feeding behaviour and host selection, which it is generally accepted are affected by keeping them for several generations under standard conditions in a laboratory. Analyses of three strains of the green pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris, 1776), reared in culture for long periods, indicate that other characters are also affected. For example, the response of these aphids to alarm pheromone is dramatically reduced. This raises an interesting question regarding the mechanism by which it occurs and has consequences when aphids from laboratory cultures are used for studies in ecology and applied biology and especially the long‐term effectiveness of crop plants genetically engineered to produce EBF as a means of controlling aphids.  相似文献   

In the absence o f any clear enzymatic activity, attempts to define the role of merozoite surface protein-I have focused mainly on analysis of its structure, on its interaction with the immune system and on binding assays. But how does our knowledge of the structure o f this protein contribute to functional studies? Are there data to suggest a role in the evasion of effective host immune responses? Binding studies have used the intact protein or various fragments and peptides, but do such approaches provide a reliable indicator of function? In this article, Tony Holder and Mike Blackman review these areas.  相似文献   

Previous anatomical and physiological studies have implicated the lateral habenula, and especially its medial division (LHbM), as a candidate component of the circadian timing system in rodents. We assayed lateral habenula rhythmicity in rodents using c-FOS immunohistochemistry and found a robust rhythm in immunoreactive cell counts in the LHbM, with higher counts during the dark phase of a light-dark (LD) cycle and during subjective night in constant darkness. We have also observed an obvious asymmetry of c-FOS expression in the LHbM of behaviorally "split" hamsters in constant light, but only during their active phase (when they were running in wheels). Locomotor activity rhythms appear to be regulated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) via multiple output pathways, one of which might be diffusible while the other might be neural, involving the lateral habenula.  相似文献   

A predator-prey metapopulation model with two identical patches and only migration of the predator is investigated. Local predator-prey interaction is described by the so-called Rosenzweig-MacArthur model, while the migration term of the predator is put in a nonlinear form, which is derived by extending the Holling time budget argument to migration. In particular, a dimensionless parameter theta is introduced to quantify the migration tendency of predators while they are handling their prey, which gives rise to a family of models connecting two extremes: predators have no inclination to migrate while handling prey (theta = 0) and standard diffusion (theta = 1). Various aspects of the model, including changes in the number and the stability of equilibria and limit cycles, are investigated. We then focus on the key question: "Does spatial structure lead to a substantial damping of the violent oscillations exhibited by many predator-prey models?". It is known that the answer is "yes" if one adopts standard diffusion (theta = 1). However, we present substantial evidence that the answer is "no" if one takes theta = 0. We conclude that the migration submodel is an important constituent of a spatial predator-prey model and that the issue deserves scrutiny, both experimentally and theoretically.  相似文献   

Speciation has been a major focus of evolutionary biology research in recent years, with many important advances. However, some of the traditional organising principles of the subject area no longer provide a satisfactory framework, such as the classification of speciation mechanisms by geographical context into allopatric, parapatric and sympatry classes. Therefore, we have asked where speciation research should be directed in the coming years. Here, we present a distillation of questions about the mechanisms of speciation, the genetic basis of speciation and the relationship between speciation and diversity. Our list of topics is not exhaustive; rather we aim to promote discussion on research priorities and on the common themes that underlie disparate speciation processes.  相似文献   

Clinical trials have demonstrated the importance of aromatase inhibitor (AI) therapy in the effective treatment of hormone-dependent breast cancers. Yet, as with all prolonged drug therapy, resistance to aromatase inhibitors does develop. To date, the precise mechanism responsible for resistance to aromatase inhibitors is not completely understood. In this paper, several mechanisms of de novo/intrinsic resistance and acquired resistance to AIs are discussed. These mechanisms are hypothesized based on important findings from a number of laboratories.

To better understand this question, our lab has generated, in vitro, breast cancer cell lines that are resistant to aromatase inhibitors. Resistant cell lines were generated over a prolonged period of time using the MCF-7aro (aromatase overexpressed) breast cancer line. These cell lines are resistant to the aromatase inhibitors letrozole, anastrozole and exemestane and the anti-estrogen tamoxifen, for comparison. Two types of resistant cell lines have been generated, those that grow in the presence of testosterone (T) which is needed for cell growth, and resistant lines that are cultured in the presence of inhibitor only (no T). In addition to functional characterization of aromatase and ER in these resistant cell lines, microarray analysis has been employed in order to determine differential gene expression within the aromatase inhibitor resistant cell lines versus tamoxifen, in order to better understand the mechanism responsible for AI resistance on a genome-wide scale. We anticipate that our studies will generate important information on the mechanisms of AI resistance. Such information can be valuable for the development of treatment strategies against AI-resistant breast cancers.  相似文献   

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