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This study evaluated the performance of a walking speed estimation system based on using an inertial measurement unit (IMU), a combination of accelerometers and gyroscopes. The walking speed estimation algorithm segments the walking sequence into individual stride cycles (two steps) based on the inverted pendulum-like behaviour of the stance leg during walking and it integrates the angular velocity and linear accelerations of the shank to determine the displacement of each stride. The evaluation was performed in both treadmill and overground walking experiments with various constraints on walking speed, step length and step frequency to provide a relatively comprehensive assessment of the system. Promising results were obtained in providing accurate and consistent walking speed/step length estimation in different walking conditions. An overall percentage root mean squared error (%RMSE) of 4.2 and 4.0% was achieved in treadmill and overground walking experiments, respectively. With an increasing interest in understanding human walking biomechanics, the IMU-based ambulatory system could provide a useful walking speed/step length measurement/control tool for constrained walking studies.  相似文献   

In 1984, Helene (Am. J. Physics 52:656) and Alexander (Am. Scientist 72:348–354) presented equations which purported to explain how lower limb length limited maximum walking speed in humans. The equations were based on a simplified model of human walking in which the center of mass (CoM) “vaults” over the supporting leg. Increasing walking speed by increasing stride frequency or stride length would increase the upward acceleration of the CoM in the first half of stance phase, to the point that it would be greater than the downward pull of gravity, and the individual would become airborne. This constitutes running by most definitions. While these models ignored various mechanical factors, such as knee flexion during midstance, that reduce the vertical movement of the CoM, the general idea is plausible inasmuch as the CoM of the body does oscillate vertically with each step. One hypothesis tested here is whether it is indeed the interaction between the pull of gravity and the individual's own upward acceleration that determines at what speed (or cadence) he changes from walking to running. Another hypothesis considered is that increased lower limb length (L) was selected for in early hominids, because of the locomotor advantages of longer lower limbs. Results indicate, however, that while L was clearly related to maximum possible walking speed, it was not an important factor in determining maximum “comfortable” walking speed. These and other results from the recent literature suggest that increased lower limb length provided no selective advantage in locomotion, and other explanations should be sought. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Current environmental concerns make estimation of microbial biomass apriority for monitoring purposes and to advance scientific understanding. Thispaper considers problems associated with algal cell imaging and measurement forcell biomass estimation in samples from high rate algal ponds. In a complexsystem, the only way of measuring microbial activity is to measure theindividual cells and estimate biovolumes. Accurate biomass determinationsdemanddirect microscopic counting and measurement of the sizes of individualmicrobialcells taken from known volumes of water. The system used for routinemeasurementat the laboratory where the images were generated, based on standard microscopeequipment, is only suitable for treatment of well dispersed specimens.Differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy, on the other hand, offersthe best solution for optical enhancement of cell contrast, and produces animage with well defined edges, yet presents a great challenge to routine cellidentification by digital image analysis, owing to the bas-relief type imageproduced. The paper outlines several image analysis methods developedspecifically for this purpose, and presents illustrative results.  相似文献   

Over ground motion analysis in horses is limited by a small number of strides and restraints of the indoor gait laboratory. Inertial measurement units (IMUs) are transforming the knowledge of human motion and objective clinical assessment through the opportunity to obtain clinically relevant data under various conditions. When using IMUs on the limbs of horses to determine local position estimates, conditions with high dynamic range of both accelerations and rotational velocities prove particularly challenging. Here we apply traditional method agreement and suggest a novel method of functional data analysis to compare motion capture with IMUs placed over the fetlock joint in seven horses. We demonstrate acceptable accuracy and precision at less than or equal to 5% of the range of motion for detection of distal limb mounted cranio-caudal and vertical position. We do not recommend the use of the latero-medial position estimate of the distal metacarpus/metatarsus during walk where the average error is 10% and the maximum error 111% of the range. We also show that functional data analysis and functional limits of agreement are sensitive methods for comparison of cyclical data and could be applied to differentiate changes in gait for individuals across time and conditions.  相似文献   

This work is a first attempt to determine the speciation of Cr in human plasma. With the aid of in vitro and in vivo51Cr-labeled experiments, it was possible to develop the necessary biochemical techniques for the separation of the plasma proteins. Further work will use real samples, taking care to avoid contamination of the various fractions and to preserve the original binding of the Cr to the specific plasma compounds. In a first attempt on the distribution of Cr over the different organelles of liver tissue, work will be restricted to in vivo labeled experiments with rats. The procedure to do the speciation work seems so elaborate that it may be impossible ever to achieve the contemplated speciation of Cr in human liver tissue by subcellular fractionation.  相似文献   

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