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牙缺损伴牙颌畸形的正畸与修复联合治疗效果分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的探讨牙缺损伴牙颌畸形的正畸与修复联合治疗效果。方法对牙缺损伴牙颌畸形患者采用正畸与修复联合治疗。结果 38例牙缺损伴牙颌畸形患者经过正畸与修复联合治疗,其中36例成功,成功率达94.74%。修复后牙排列整齐,咬合关系良好,基牙无松动、移位,患者对疗效满意。2例失败,占5.26%,表现为固定义齿有移位现象,出现不同程度的牙列间隙。结论正畸与修复联合治疗牙缺损伴牙颌畸形患者,克服了单一治疗方法的局限性,从根本上改变患者的面形和咬合关系,修复治疗效果良好。  相似文献   

香蕉果实冻干过程参数优化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对香蕉果实冻干生产工艺中的物料厚度、冻结方法、加热板温度、干燥室真空度等参数进行比较试验,结果表明,各过程参数对香蕉冻干品质量和产量均有显著的影响。香蕉冻干过程中参数较佳的工艺条件建议为物料厚度选取5~7 mm,采用速冻方法冻结,加热板温度设定45℃,干燥室真空度控制于20~30 Pa。  相似文献   

Nematode chitinases play vital roles in various physiological processes, including egg hatching, larva moulting, and reproduction. Small-molecule inhibitors of nematode chitinases have potential applications for controlling nematode pests. On the basis of the crystal structure of CeCht1, a representative chitinase indispensable to the eggshell chitin degradation of the model nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, we have discovered a series of novel inhibitors bearing a (R)-3,4-diphenyl-4,5-dihydropyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrazol-6(2H)-one scaffold by hierarchical virtual screening. The crystal structures of CeCht1 complexed with two of these inhibitors clearly elucidated their interactions with the enzyme active site. Based on the inhibitory mechanism, several analogues with improved inhibitory activities were identified, among which the compound PP28 exhibited the most potent activity with a Ki value of 0.18 μM. This work provides the structural basis for the development of novel nematode chitinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Four fragmentary mandibles from the Stonesfield Slate facies, Taynton Limestone Formation, Middle Bathonian (Middle Jurassic), England, represent two species of Amphitherium A. prevostii A. rixoni sp. nov. Both species had five lower premolariform teeth. The composite formula for the lower dentition of Amphitherium appears to have been I/4, C/1, P/5, M/6–7. The seventh molar is not present in the presumably oldest individual, and its presence is regarded as probably an individual variation.   The mosaic evolution of patterns of differentiation of the postcanine dentition from nonmammalian cynodonts to modern therian mammals is reviewed. It is concluded that Amphitherium probably had reached the grade of modern therians in the division between diphyodont premolars and monophyodont molars. The common ancestor of Amphitherium and zatheres probably had lost the primitive pattern of posterior shift of the postcanine dentition, which appears to have consisted of five premolars and four or possibly five molars. In Amphitherium the number of molars probably was secondarily increased.  相似文献   

The effects of liquid milk and skim milk powder on the bacterial composition of rat dental plaque and dental caries were examined in two separate experiments. First, groups of rats fed a cariogenic diet plus one or other of three types of liquid milk had. after 28 d. similar plaque flora. Those rats receiving reconstituted spray-dried skim milk had a significantly higher incidence of dental caries than those receiving either pasteurized and homogenized milk or ultra-heat treated milk. The differences in caries scores may be related to differences in inorganic phosphate and calcium levels of the milks. Secondly, rats fed a diet containing 65% phosphate-free sucrose plus 32% spray-dried skim milk in powder form had a significantly lower dental caries score than did rats receiving a diet containing 65% sucrose plus 32% autoclaved roller-dried skim milk powder. At the end of this experiment, the plaque flora had changed significantly and the difference in caries incidence was related to the reduction in the percentage of potentially cariogenic bacteria.
These results indicate that the mechanism by which milk reduces dental caries incidence may be (a) by remineralizing incipient carious lesions or (b) by mediating changes in the bacterial composition of dental plaque.  相似文献   

目的:比较颈前路"杂交式"减压融合与颈后路全椎板减压侧块内固定术治疗多节段脊髓型颈椎病的临床特点。方法:选择36例行"杂交式"颈前路治疗及33例行颈后路全椎板减压侧块内固定术治疗的多节段脊髓型颈椎病患者,观察两组患者手术前后一般资料、出血量、手术时间、颈椎生理曲度、JOA评分及并发症的发生情况。结果:两组患者术前的一般资料包括年龄(颈前路组:56.23±7.64岁,颈后路组:55.76±8.18岁)、性别(颈前路组:22男/14女,颈后路组:20男/13女)、颈椎生理曲度D值(颈前路组:7.41±3.14,颈后路组:8.19±2.74)、JOA评分(颈前路组:9.08±1.09分,颈后路组:8.82±1.26分)、病程(颈前路组:17.24±7.36月,颈后路组:15.75±5.78月)和受累节段(颈前路组:3.11±0.26个,颈后路组:3.24±0.39个)比较差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。与颈后路相比,颈前路的术中出血量(颈前路组:221.79±178.02 mL,颈后路组:483.07±434.25 mL)更少,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),手术时间(颈前路组:196.54±51.88 min,颈后路组:175.12±54.93 min)更长,但差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。随着时间的延长,颈前路组患者颈椎生理曲度和JOA评分逐渐增大,而颈后路组患者椎生理曲度减少,JOA评分逐渐增大,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。颈前路组出现植骨未融合、声音嘶哑和脑脊漏液,颈后路组发生轴性疼痛和C5神经根麻痹,但两组患者并发症的发生率比较差异无统计学意义(颈前路组:13.89%,颈后路组:12.12%)(P0.05)。结论:颈前路"杂交式"减压融合与颈后路全椎板减压侧块内固定术在治疗多节段脊髓型颈椎病上各有优点,临床根据患者的情况而采取合适的治疗方式。  相似文献   

变形链球菌 (Streptococcus mutans) 是最主要的龋齿致病菌,其基因 Smu.260 编码一个约 23 ku (200 个氨基酸 ) 的蛋白质. Smu.260的 DNA 片段被克隆到表达载体 pET28a 后在大肠杆菌 BL21(DE3) 菌株中表达得到很好的产量. 产物 Smu.260 蛋白通过 Ni2+亲和柱和分子筛两步法纯化,并发现纯化后的蛋白以两种形式存在,二聚体 (约46 ku) 和四聚体,前者呈亮黄色,后者无色. 采用悬滴气象扩散法得到了二聚体形式的晶体. 晶体的 X 射线衍射分辨率达到 2.3埃,晶体属正交空间群 P212121,晶格参数为a=89.88埃, b=90.91埃, c=105.17埃. 晶胞不对称单元内估计含有一个二聚体,溶剂含量为 53% .  相似文献   

The allometric-constraint hypothesis states that evolutionary divergence of morphological traits is restricted by integrated growth regulation. In this study, we test this hypothesis on a time-calibrated and well-documented palaeontological sequence of dental measurements on the Pleistocene arvicoline rodent species Mimomys savini from the Iberian Peninsula. Based on 507 specimens representing nine populations regularly spaced over 600 000 years, we compare static (within-population) and evolutionary (among-population) allometric slopes between the width and the length of the first lower molar. We find that the static allometric slope remains evolutionary stable and predicts the evolutionary allometry quite well. These results support the hypothesis that the macroevolutionary divergence of molar traits is constrained by static allometric relationships.  相似文献   

Estimation of the location and magnitude of the optimum has long been considered an important problem in response surface methodology. In the industrial context, prior information accumulated by the subject matter specialist bears special significance. In this paper we use the Bayesian approach to estimating the optimum in a single factor quadratic regression model. Following the Bayesian general linear model development by Broemeling the normal/gamma conjugate prior is used. Explicit formulas for the generalized maximum likehood estimates of the characteristic parameters are obtained from the joint posterior distribution.  相似文献   


This paper is concerned with the mechanical strength of fixed osseointegrated dental implants subjected to cyclic external loads, applied mainly in a direction orthogonal to their axis. Such a loading condition, seen as a basic design action for the implant, has been given little attention so far. Experimental results and numerical simulations, performed on two- and three-dimensional Finite Element models, are discussed. The shakedown theory is used to show that a common implant design (threaded fixture-abutment-connection screw) is susceptible of low-cycle fatigue failure under loading conditions well within the working range, even if the same design is able to withstand loading of the same type, but applied monotonically, much in excess of the working values. The shakedown analyses give an indication of several possible failure modalities: the low-cycle fatigue either of the implant or of the connection screw, or the loosening of the connection screw itself. Experimental and numerical results are in good qualitative agreement, and both suggest that the issue of transversal cyclic loading on fixed dental implants should be carefully reconsidered in the design phase.  相似文献   

目的:评估和分析经骨折椎体椎弓根螺钉短节段固定治疗胸腰段单椎体粉碎性骨折的临床疗效。方法:选取胸腰段单椎体粉碎性骨折30例患者,分为两组,甲组20例,采用经骨折椎体椎弓根螺钉短节段固定治疗,均行骨折椎体及骨折椎体上下相邻椎体的椎弓根螺钉+双侧连接杆固定;乙组10例,只行骨折椎体的上下相邻椎体的椎弓根螺钉+连接杆固定术。术后随访。测定两组患者手术前后的椎体后凸畸形角和骨折椎体前方高度,评估其临床疗效。结果:术前平均后凸畸形角纠正:甲组15°,乙组11°,P0.05。术后骨折椎体前方的平均高度(和正常椎体前方高度比):甲组89%,乙组81%,P0.05;术后3个月随访:平均后凸畸形角纠正丢失,甲组2°,乙组6°,P0.05;骨折椎体前方的平均高度(和正常椎体前方高度比):甲组87%,乙组73%,P0.05。结论:经骨折椎体椎弓根螺钉短节段固定治疗胸腰段单椎体粉碎性骨折能提供更好的生物力学稳定性,更有利于骨折的复位和后凸畸形的纠正。  相似文献   

The Structural Biology of the Developing Dental Enamel Matrix   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The biomineralization of the dental enamel matrix with a carbonated hydroxyapatite mineral generates one of the most remarkable examples of a vertebrate mineralized tissue. Recent advances in the molecular biology of ameloblast gene products have now revealed the primary structures of the principal proteins involved in this extracellular mineralizing system, amelogenins, tuftelins, ameloblastins, enamelins, and proteinases, but details of their secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures, their interactions with other matrix and or cell surface proteins, and their functional role in dental enamel matrix mineralization are still largely unknown. This paper reviews our current knowledge of these molecules, the probable molecular structure of the enamel matrix, and the functional role of these extracellular matrix proteins. Recent studies on the major structural role played by the amelogenin proteins are discussed, and some new data on synthetic amelogenin matrices are reviewed.  相似文献   

早期龋齿导致牙齿内部脱矿,使得该区域折射率发生变化,从而导致其后向散射系数增加。利用一种新型的光学相干层析(OCT)系统可以进行口腔龋齿疾病的诊断。该全光纤系统快速准确地获得了人体正常离体牙和具有龋变的离体牙的OCT图像。对比它们的后向散射系数,首次发现具有龋变的离体牙齿的后向散射系数是正常离体牙齿组织的数倍。采用此方法可以对龋齿及早期龋齿进行诊断,对于龋齿早期诊断研究具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

黄腹角雉的骨骼系统   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
分别对黄腹角雉成体和雏鸟的骨骼进行观察、描述和测量。就骨骼系统的形态特征与适应性问题进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

When monoclinic lysozyme crystals are fully cross-linked with glutaraldehyde, and then the protein molecules are denatured while in the crystalline state, a single crystal-gel is formed which is a jelly-like crystal of a denatured protein molecule. It is highly disordered, but has crystalline optical and morphological properties and can be renatured to a cross-linked crystal resembling the original crystal as determined from the X-ray diffraction pattern. Experiments with the following denaturants are described: guanidinium chloride, bromoethanol, urea, and lithium chloride.  相似文献   

Preliminary Microbiological Studies on the Preservation of Palm Wine   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Palm wine is essentially a heavy suspension of yeasts and bacteria in fermenting palm sap. The water extract of a local preservative, from the bark of Sacoglottis gabonensis , failed to inhibit several yeasts and bacteria from palm wine. Sodium metabisulphite, diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) and sorbic acid inhibited to varying extents micro-organisms in palm wine. Sorbic acid was thought to be the most suitable preservative tested since DEPC left a residual pungent smell and sodium metabisulphite was not suitable because it is unacceptable to man above 0.35 mg/kg of body weight (Mossel, 1971). Pasteurization at 70° for 30 min was more effective than any of the chemical methods in reducing the microbial load of the wine. It is suggested that pasteurization at 70° for 30 min combined with subsequent treatment with sorbic acid may prove useful as a means of preserving palm wine.  相似文献   


Dental restoration adhering to the cavity exhibits fundamentally different load transfer mechanisms from non-adhering restorations. It is therefore questionable that traditional cavity designs are optimal from a purely mechanical point of view when working with composite materials. Drawing from general engineering experience, it can be hypothesised that smooth, well rounded designs with bevelled margins are superior. A finite element model is used in the present investigation to determine the stress field in four different cavity designs as it develops during the curing of the restoration. The results show that a significant reduction of the stress along the adhesive interface between the tooth and the restoration can be achieved through the use of a rounded cavity shape. They also show that the adoption of bevelled margins leads to a reduction of the stress concentration at this location. These results are confirmed by a set of experimental results published in the literature. It is concluded that adhering restorations will perform better from a mechanical point of view if an appropriate cavity shape is selected.  相似文献   

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