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The football helmet is used to help mitigate the occurrence of impact-related traumatic (TBI) and minor traumatic brain injuries (mTBI) in the game of American football. While the current helmet design methodology may be adequate for reducing linear acceleration of the head and minimizing TBI, it however has had less effect in minimizing mTBI. The objectives of this study are (a) to develop and validate a coupled finite element (FE) model of a football helmet and the human body, and (b) to assess responses of different regions of the brain to two different impact conditions – frontal oblique and crown impact conditions. The FE helmet model was validated using experimental results of drop tests. Subsequently, the integrated helmet–human body FE model was used to assess the responses of different regions of the brain to impact loads. Strain-rate, strain, and stress measures in the corpus callosum, midbrain, and brain stem were assessed. Results show that maximum strain-rates of 27 and 19 s?1 are observed in the brain-stem and mid-brain, respectively. This could potentially lead to axonal injuries and neuronal cell death during crown impact conditions. The developed experimental-numerical framework can be used in the study of other helmet-related impact conditions.  相似文献   

目的-建立一种清醒小鼠严重颅脑闭合性撞击伤模型, 模拟交通事故和战伤中的清醒致伤过程, 为相关研究创造新的动物模型基础。方法-将雄性KM小鼠头戴钢盔后清醒固定, 用BIM III型小型多功能动物撞击机击打, 致伤后2 h、8 h、24 h、48 h、72 h、120 h、1 w、2 w进行神经行为学评分、运动功能评分、死亡小鼠脑组织和肺组织水含量、死亡率、病理切片和电镜观察。结果-致伤后 48 h内致伤组运动功能评分、神经行为学评分明显低于对照组 (P<0 05); 致伤后死亡率高, 各组死亡小鼠脑组织水含量无明显差异, 但致伤组肺组织水含量明显高于对照组 (P <0 05); 病理切片和电镜检查显示, 致伤后脑组织细胞肿胀、坏死。结论-基本成功建立了模拟交通事故和战伤的清醒小鼠严重颅脑闭合性撞击伤模型。  相似文献   

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a common cause of death and acquired disability in adults and children. Identifying biomarkers for mild TBI (mTBI) that can predict functional impairments on neuropsychiatric and neurocognitive testing after head trauma is yet to be firmly established. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are known to traffic from the brain to the oral cavity and can be detected in saliva. We hypothesize the genetic profile of salivary EVs in patients who have suffered head trauma will differ from normal healthy controls, thus constituting a unique expression signature for mTBI. We enrolled a total of 54 subjects including for saliva sampling, 23 controls with no history of head traumas, 16 patients enrolled from an outpatient concussion clinic, and 15 patients from the emergency department who had sustained a head trauma within 24 hr. We performed real-time PCR of the salivary EVs of the 54 subjects profiling 96 genes from the TaqMan Human Alzheimer's disease array. Real-time PCR analysis revealed 57 (15 genes, p < 0.05) upregulated genes in emergency department patients and 56 (14 genes, p < 0.05) upregulated genes in concussion clinic patients when compared with controls. Three genes were upregulated in both the emergency department patients and concussion clinic patients: CDC2, CSNK1A1, and CTSD ( p < 0.05). Our results demonstrate that salivary EVs gene expression can serve as a viable source of biomarkers for mTBI. This study shows multiple Alzheimer's disease genes present after an mTBI.  相似文献   

A parametric study was conducted to delineate the efficacy of personal protective equipment (PPE), such as ballistic faceshields and advanced combat helmets, in the case of a blast. The propagations of blast waves and their interactions with an unprotected head, a helmeted one, and a fully protected finite element head model (FEHM) were modeled. The biomechanical parameters of the brain were recorded when the FEHM was exposed to shockwaves from the front, back, top, and bottom. The directional dependent tissue response of the brain and the variable efficiency of PPE with respect to the blast orientation were two major results of this study.  相似文献   

创伤性脑损伤(traumatic brain injury,TBI)是极为常见的外伤性疾病,致死率和致残率很高。存活者伴随的空间认知功能障碍,给患者家庭和社会造成了极大的负担。目前,对TBI造成的空间记忆障碍缺乏系统研究。脑损伤后海马组织与记忆有关的分子以及组成神经元骨架的分子如何变化研究甚少。本研究采用Wistar大鼠为研究对象,并随机将其分为假手术(sham)组和创伤性脑损伤(TBI)组。TBI组再按致伤后时间长短分为6 h、12 h、24 h、72 h、15 d五个亚组。TBI组应用PinPointTM颅脑撞击器撞击而致伤,sham组不撞击。采用Morris水迷宫评价实验动物空间记忆能力;干湿重法测定脑含水量,评估脑水肿与海马水通道蛋白4(aquaporin-4,AQP-4)的相关性;海马神经元特异性核蛋白(neuron specific nuclear protein,NeuN)标记和免疫荧光检测评估TBI致大鼠神经元丢失情况;通过Western印迹检测TBI致海马骨架相关蛋白质和记忆相关蛋白质含量变化。本研究证实,与sham组相比,TBI组大鼠潜伏期明显增加[(61.98±12.82) s vs.(28.32±8.52) s,n=5,P<0.01,day 15],探索时间明显缩短[(36.98±0.37) s vs. (73.68±5.09) s,n=5,P<0.01,day15],表明脑创伤损害了动物的空间参考记忆能力和空间工作记忆能力。与sham组相比,TBI组大鼠海马AQP-4在蛋白质水平上的表达和脑含水量持续升高,15 d恢复正常;在12 h[(3.78±0.74),(83.78±0.35)%]和72 h[(3.49±0.85),(82.28±0.63)%]均形成两个波峰,n=5,P均<0.01,表明继发性脑损伤与持续脑水肿和海马AQP-4在蛋白质上的高表达有关。与sham组相比,NeuN标记和免疫荧光检测发现,TBI后24 h 致大鼠海马神经元丢失严重[(198.2±8.002) vs.(297.2±6.866) cells/mm2, n=5,P<0.01],表明TBI动物的海马功能受损。与sham相比,TBI组海马神经元树突标志物微管结合蛋白2(microtubule associated proein 2,MAP2)和突触前终末特异性标记物突触素(synaptophysin,SYN)在蛋白质水平均伤后逐步降低(n=5,P均<0.01),72 h[(0.55±0.05) vs.(1.27±0.08), (0.52±0.14) vs.(1.06±0.16), n=5,P均<0.01]降低最明显;TBI组形成神经元纤维缠结主要成分的过度磷酸化tau(ser404),伤后逐步升高,72 h[(1.25±0.11)vs. (0.33±0.07), n=5,P<0.01]升高最明显。 MAP2、SYN和过度磷酸化的tau(ser404)检测指标的改变,表明脑损伤致神经元受损,神经元生长和损伤修复能力减弱,最终导致神经元骨架破环,TBI损害了动物的海马空间记忆能力。与sham组相比,TBI组大鼠海马环磷酸腺苷反应元件结合蛋白(cAMP response element binding protein,CREB)和磷酸化CREB ser133(phosphorylated CREB Ser133, pCREB Ser133)含量降低明显(n=5,P均<0.05),表明脑损伤动物海马的存储记忆能力减弱;TBI组大鼠海马一般调控阻遏蛋白激酶2(general control nonderepressible 2 kinase,GCN2)蛋白质升高明显(n=5,P均<0.05),表明脑损伤动物海马将新信息转化成长期记忆能力下降。本研究提示,创伤性脑损伤可使大鼠海马神经元骨架破坏,进而导致在学习记忆过程中起重要作用的分子蛋白质下调,抑制记忆储存的蛋白质(GCN2)上调,促使学习记忆功能障碍。  相似文献   

创伤性脑损伤(traumatic brain injury,TBI)是极为常见的外伤性疾病,致死率和致残率很高。存活者伴随的空间认知功能障碍,给患者家庭和社会造成了极大的负担。目前,对TBI造成的空间记忆障碍缺乏系统研究。脑损伤后海马组织与记忆有关的分子以及组成神经元骨架的分子如何变化研究甚少。本研究采用Wistar大鼠为研究对象,并随机将其分为假手术(sham)组和创伤性脑损伤(TBI)组。TBI组再按致伤后时间长短分为6 h、12 h、24 h、72 h、15 d五个亚组。TBI组应用PinPointTM颅脑撞击器撞击而致伤,sham组不撞击。采用Morris水迷宫评价实验动物空间记忆能力;干湿重法测定脑含水量,评估脑水肿与海马水通道蛋白4(aquaporin-4,AQP-4)的相关性;海马神经元特异性核蛋白(neuron specific nuclear protein,NeuN)标记和免疫荧光检测评估TBI致大鼠神经元丢失情况;通过Western印迹检测TBI致海马骨架相关蛋白质和记忆相关蛋白质含量变化。本研究证实,与sham组相比,TBI组大鼠潜伏期明显增加[(61.98±12.82) s vs.(28.32±8.52) s,n=5,P<0.01,day 15],探索时间明显缩短[(36.98±0.37) s vs. (73.68±5.09) s,n=5,P<0.01,day15],表明脑创伤损害了动物的空间参考记忆能力和空间工作记忆能力。与sham组相比,TBI组大鼠海马AQP-4在蛋白质水平上的表达和脑含水量持续升高,15 d恢复正常;在12 h[(3.78±0.74),(83.78±0.35)%]和72 h[(3.49±0.85),(82.28±0.63)%]均形成两个波峰,n=5,P均<0.01,表明继发性脑损伤与持续脑水肿和海马AQP-4在蛋白质上的高表达有关。与sham组相比,NeuN标记和免疫荧光检测发现,TBI后24 h 致大鼠海马神经元丢失严重[(198.2±8.002) vs.(297.2±6.866) cells/mm2, n=5,P<0.01],表明TBI动物的海马功能受损。与sham相比,TBI组海马神经元树突标志物微管结合蛋白2(microtubule associated proein 2,MAP2)和突触前终末特异性标记物突触素(synaptophysin,SYN)在蛋白质水平均伤后逐步降低(n=5,P均<0.01),72 h[(0.55±0.05) vs.(1.27±0.08), (0.52±0.14) vs.(1.06±0.16), n=5,P均<0.01]降低最明显;TBI组形成神经元纤维缠结主要成分的过度磷酸化tau(ser404),伤后逐步升高,72 h[(1.25±0.11)vs. (0.33±0.07), n=5,P<0.01]升高最明显。 MAP2、SYN和过度磷酸化的tau(ser404)检测指标的改变,表明脑损伤致神经元受损,神经元生长和损伤修复能力减弱,最终导致神经元骨架破环,TBI损害了动物的海马空间记忆能力。与sham组相比,TBI组大鼠海马环磷酸腺苷反应元件结合蛋白(cAMP response element binding protein,CREB)和磷酸化CREB ser133(phosphorylated CREB Ser133, pCREB Ser133)含量降低明显(n=5,P均<0.05),表明脑损伤动物海马的存储记忆能力减弱;TBI组大鼠海马一般调控阻遏蛋白激酶2(general control nonderepressible 2 kinase,GCN2)蛋白质升高明显(n=5,P均<0.05),表明脑损伤动物海马将新信息转化成长期记忆能力下降。本研究提示,创伤性脑损伤可使大鼠海马神经元骨架破坏,进而导致在学习记忆过程中起重要作用的分子蛋白质下调,抑制记忆储存的蛋白质(GCN2)上调,促使学习记忆功能障碍。  相似文献   


Background and purpose

Based on the fact that traumatic brain injury is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction we aimed at localization of mitochondrial defect and attempted to correct it by thiamine.

Experimental approach

Interventional controlled experimental animal study was used. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to lateral fluid percussion traumatic brain injury. Thiamine was administered 1?h prior to trauma; cortex was extracted for analysis 4?h and 3?d after trauma.

Key results

Increased expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNF-R1) by 4?h was accompanied by a decrease in mitochondrial respiration with glutamate but neither with pyruvate nor succinate. Assays of TCA cycle flux-limiting 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (OGDHC) and functionally linked enzymes (glutamate dehydrogenase, glutamine synthetase, pyruvate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase and malic enzyme) indicated that only OGDHC activity was decreased. Application of the OGDHC coenzyme precursor thiamine rescued the activity of OGDHC and restored mitochondrial respiration. These effects were not mediated by changes in the expression of the OGDHC sub-units (E1k and E3), suggesting post-translational mechanism of thiamine effects. By the third day after TBI, thiamine treatment also decreased expression of TNF-R1. Specific markers of unfolded protein response did not change in response to thiamine.

Conclusion and implications

Our data point to OGDHC as a major site of damage in mitochondria upon traumatic brain injury, which is associated with neuroinflammation and can be corrected by thiamine. Further studies are required to evaluate the pathological impact of these findings in clinical settings.  相似文献   

There is an increase in the numbers of neural precursors in the SVZ (subventricular zone) after moderate ischaemic injuries, but the extent of stem cell expansion and the resultant cell regeneration is modest. Therefore our studies have focused on understanding the signals that regulate these processes towards achieving a more robust amplification of the stem/progenitor cell pool. The goal of the present study was to evaluate the role of the EGFR [EGF (epidermal growth factor) receptor] in the regenerative response of the neonatal SVZ to hypoxic/ischaemic injury. We show that injury recruits quiescent cells in the SVZ to proliferate, that they divide more rapidly and that there is increased EGFR expression on both putative stem cells and progenitors. With the amplification of the precursors in the SVZ after injury there is enhanced sensitivity to EGF, but not to FGF (fibroblast growth factor)-2. EGF-dependent SVZ precursor expansion, as measured using the neurosphere assay, is lost when the EGFR is pharmacologically inhibited, and forced expression of a constitutively active EGFR is sufficient to recapitulate the exaggerated proliferation of the neural stem/progenitors that is induced by hypoxic/ischaemic brain injury. Cumulatively, our results reveal that increased EGFR signalling precedes that increase in the abundance of the putative neural stem cells and our studies implicate the EGFR as a key regulator of the expansion of SVZ precursors in response to brain injury. Thus modulating EGFR signalling represents a potential target for therapies to enhance brain repair from endogenous neural precursors following hypoxic/ischaemic and other brain injuries.  相似文献   

In traumatic brain injury (TBI), the primary, irreversible damage associated with the moment of impact consists of cells dying from necrosis. This contributes to fuelling a chronic central nervous system (CNS) inflammation with increased formation of proinflammatory cytokines, enzymes and reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS promote oxidative stress, which leads to neurodegeneration and ultimately results in programmed cell death (secondary injury). Since this delayed, secondary tissue loss occurs days to months following the primary injury it provides a therapeutic window where potential neuroprotective treatment could alleviate ongoing neurodegeneration, cell death and neurological impairment following TBI. Various neuroprotective drug candidates have been described, tested and proven effective in pre-clinical studies, including glutamate receptor antagonists, calcium-channel blockers, and caspase inhibitors. However, most of the scientific efforts have failed in translating the experimental results into clinical trials. Despite intensive research, effective neuroprotective therapies are lacking in the clinic, and TBI continues to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality.This paper provides an overview of the TBI pathophysiology leading to cell death and neurological impairment. We also discuss endogenously expressed neuroprotectants and drug candidates, which at this stage may still hold the potential for treating brain injured patients.  相似文献   

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