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Complexity generated by iteration of hierarchical modules in bryozoa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Growth in colonial organisms by iteration of modules inherently provides for an increase in available morpho-ecospace relative to their solitary relatives. Therefore, the interpretation of the functional or evolutionary significance of complexity within groups that exhibit modular growth may need to be considered under criteria modified from those used to interpret complexity in solitary organisms. Primary modules, corresponding to individuals, are the fundamental building blocks of a colonial organism. Groups of primary modules commonly form a second-order modular unit, such as a branch, which may then be iterated to form a more complex colony. Aspects of overall colony form, along with their implications for ecology and evolution, are reflected in second-order modular (structural) units to a far greater degree than by primary modular units (zooids). A colony generated by modular growth can be classified by identifying its second-order modular (structural) unit and then by characterizing the nature and relationships of these iterated units within the colony. This approach to classifying modular growth habits provides a standardized terminology and allows for direct comparison of a suite of functionally analogous character states among taxa with specific parameters of their ecology.  相似文献   

A new hypothesis for the evolution of Bilateria is presented. It is based on a reinterpretation of the morphological characters shared by protostomes and deuterostomes, which, when taken together with developmental processes shared by the two lineages, lead to the inescapable conclusion that the last common ancestor of Bilateria was complex. It possessed a head, a segmented trunk, and a tail. The segmented trunk was further divided into two sections. A dorsal brain innervated one or more sensory cells, which included photoreceptors. "Appendages" or outgrowths were present. The bilaterian ancestor also possessed serially repeated "segments" that were expressed ontogenetically as blocks of mesoderm or somites with adjoining fields of ectoderm or neuroectoderm. It displayed serially repeated gonads (gonocoels), each with a gonoduct and gonopore to the exterior, and serially repeated "coeloms" with connections to both the gut and the exterior (gill slits and pores). Podocytes, some of which were serially repeated in the trunk, formed sites of ultrafiltration. In addition, the bilaterian ancestor had unsegmented coeloms and a contractile blood vessel or "heart" formed by coelomic myoepithelial cells. These cells and their underlying basement membrane confine the hemocoelic fluid, or blood, in the connective tissue compartment. A possible scenario to account for this particular suite of characters is one in which a colony of organisms with a cnidarian grade of organization became individuated into a new entity with a bilaterian grade of organization. The transformation postulated encompassed three major transitions in the evolution of animals. These transitions included the origins of Metazoa, Eumetazoa, and Bilateria and involved the successive development of poriferan, cnidarian, and bilaterian grades of organization. Two models are presented for the sponge-to-cnidarian transition. In both models the loss of a flow-through pattern of water circulation in poriferans and the establishment of a single opening and epithelia sensu stricto in cnidarians are considered crucial events. In the model offered for the cnidarian-to-bilaterian transition, the last common ancestor of Eumetazoa is considered to have had a colonial, cnidarian-grade of organization. The ancestral cnidarian body plan would have been similar to that exhibited by pennatulacean anthozoans. It is postulated that a colonial organization could have provided a preadaptive framework for the evolution of the complex and modularized body plan of the triploblastic ancestor of Bilateria. Thus, one can explore the possibility that problematica such as ctenophores, the Ediacaran biota, archaeocyaths, and Yunnanozoon reflect the fact that complexity originated early and involved the evolution of a macroscopic compartmented ancestor. Bilaterian complexity can be understood in terms of Beklemishev "cycles" of duplication and colony individuation. Two such cycles appear to have transpired in the early evolution of Metazoa. The first gave rise to a multicellular organism with a sponge grade of organization and the second to the modularized ancestor of Bilateria. The latter episode may have been favored by the ecological conditions in the late Proterozoic. Whatever its cause, the individuation of a cnidarian-grade colony furnishes a possible explanation for the rapid diversification of bilaterians in the late Vendian and Cambrian. The creation of a complex yet versatile prototype, which could be rapidly modified by selection into a profusion of body plans, is postulated to have affected the timing, mode, and extent of the "Cambrian explosion." During the radiations, selective loss or simplification may have been as creative a force as innovation. Finally, colony individuation may have been a unique historical event that imprinted the development of bilaterians as the zootype and phylotypic stage. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)  相似文献   

The history of life shows a clear trend in hierarchical organization, revealed by the successive emergence of organisms with ever greater numbers of levels of nestedness and greater development, or ‘individuation’, of the highest level. Various arguments have been offered which suggest that the trend is the result of a directional bias, or tendency, meaning that hierarchical increases are more probable than decreases among lineages, perhaps because hierarchical increases are favoured, on average, by natural selection. Further, what little evidence exists seems to point to a bias: some major increases are known – including the origin of the eukaryotic cell from prokaryotic cells and of animals, fungi and land plants from solitary eukaryotic cells – but no major decreases (except in parasitic and commensal organisms), at least at the cellular and multicellular levels. The fact of a trend, combined with the arguments and evidence, might make a bias seem beyond doubt, but here I argue that its existence is an open empirical question. Further, I show how testing is possible.  相似文献   

人类探索认识寒武纪大爆发的过程先后经历了神创论、渐变论和爆发式演化思想的影响, 形成了越来越接近真理的重要科学认识。寒武纪大爆发本质上是动物门类的大爆发, 同时伴随着属种多样性的增长、体型增大、生物矿化以及海洋生态系统的重大变革。寒武纪大爆发是多因素制衡的自然历史过程, 任何单因素的内、外因驱动假说都不足以解释寒武纪大爆发的复杂过程。分子遗传基础和宜居环境分别是寒武纪大爆发的内在和外在必要条件, 但不是必要充分条件。因此, 寒武纪大爆发, 与其他所有生命演化事件一样, 必须通过生态作用实现。寒武纪大爆发是在氧气和其他资源不太受限、环境多变、生态荒芜的外在条件下, 基因发育调控系统预先高配的内在条件下, 发生的动物门类大爆发。在埃迪卡拉纪晚期, 多细胞的文德生物与动物采取了不同的体型发育策略和演化途径, 共享海底两千万年后, 文德生物灭绝。此后, 动物在寒武纪最初的两千万年间快速分异演化, 产生了大量演化结局各不相同的动物门类, 生态适应策略同步分化, 形成了以动物为主导的海洋生态系统, 踏上显生宙的演化征程。目前对寒武纪大爆发的探索和研究存在着偏向性或局限性, 主要关注动物门类演化和生存环境氧化还原条件, 没有将海洋生态系统作为统一整体开展全面系统的研究工作。未来探索有必要在全球范围内开展广泛全面的研究工作, 揭示寒武纪大爆发时期海洋生态系统的时空演变。  相似文献   

Sánchez  Juan Armando 《Hydrobiologia》2004,530(1-3):283-290
Multi-branched arborescent networks are common patterns for many sessile marine modular organisms but no clear understanding of their development is yet available. This paper reviews new findings in the theoretical and comparative biology of branching modular organisms (e.g. Octocorallia Cnidaria) and new hypotheses on the evolution of form are discussed. A particular characteristic of branching Caribbean gorgonian octocorals is a morphologic integration at two levels of colonial organization based on whether the traits are at the module or colony level. This revealed an emergent level of integration and modularity produced by the branching process itself and not entirely by the module replication. In essence, not just a few changes at the module level could generate changes in colony architecture, suggesting uncoupled developmental patterning for the polyp and branch level traits. Therefore, the evolution of colony form in octocorals seems to be related to the changes affecting the process of branching. Branching in these organisms is sub-apical, coming from mother branches, and the highly self-organized form is the product of a dynamic process maintaining a constant ratio between mother and daughter branches. Colony growth preserves shape but is a logistic growth-like event due to branch interference and/or allometry. The qualitative branching patterns in octocorals (e.g. sea feathers, fans, sausages, and candelabra) occurred multiple times when compared with recent molecular phylogenies, suggesting independence of common ancestry to achieve these forms. A number of species with different colony forms, particularly alternate species (e.g. sea candelabrum), shared the same value for an important branching parameter (the ratio of mother to total branches). According to the way gorgonians branch and achieve form, it is hypothesized that the diversity of alternate species sharing the same narrow variance in that critical parameter for growth might be the product of canalization (or a developmental constraint), where uniform change in growth rates and maximum colony size might explain colony differences among species. If the parameter preserving shape in the colonies is fixed but colonies differ in their growth rates and maximum sizes, heterochrony could be responsible for the evolution among some gorgonian corals with alternate branching.  相似文献   



Conserved domains are recognized as the building blocks of eukaryotic proteins. Domains showing a tendency to occur in diverse combinations (??promiscuous?? domains) are involved in versatile architectures in proteins with different functions. Current models, based on global-level analyses of domain combinations in multiple genomes, have suggested that the propensity of some domains to associate with other domains in high-level architectures increases with organismal complexity. Alternative models using domain-based phylogenetic trees propose that domains have become promiscuous independently in different lineages through convergent evolution and are, thus, random with no functional or structural preferences. Here we test whether complex protein architectures have occurred by accretion from simpler systems and whether the appearance of multidomain combinations parallels organismal complexity. As a model, we analyze the modular evolution of the PWWP domain and ask whether its appearance in combinations with other domains into multidomain architectures is linked with the occurrence of more complex life-forms. Whether high-level combinations of domains are conserved and transmitted as stable units (cassettes) through evolution is examined in the genomes of plant or metazoan species selected for their established position in the evolution of the respective lineages.


Using the domain-tree approach, we analyze the evolutionary origins and distribution patterns of the promiscuous PWWP domain to understand the principles of its modular evolution and its existence in combination with other domains in higher-level protein architectures. We found that as a single module the PWWP domain occurs only in proteins with a limited, mainly, species-specific distribution. Earlier, it was suggested that domain promiscuity is a fast-changing (volatile) feature shaped by natural selection and that only a few domains retain their promiscuity status throughout evolution. In contrast, our data show that most of the multidomain PWWP combinations in extant multicellular organisms (humans or land plants) are present in their unicellular ancestral relatives suggesting they have been transmitted through evolution as conserved linear arrangements (??cassettes??). Among the most interesting biologically relevant results is the finding that the genes of the two plant Trithorax family subgroups (ATX1/2 and ATX3/4/5) have different phylogenetic origins. The two subgroups occur together in the earliest land plants Physcomitrella patens and Selaginella moellendorffii.


Gain/loss of a single PWWP domain is observed throughout evolution reflecting dynamic lineage- or species-specific events. In contrast, higher-level protein architectures involving the PWWP domain have survived as stable arrangements driven by evolutionary descent. The association of PWWP domains with the DNA methyltransferases in O. tauri and in the metazoan lineage seems to have occurred independently consistent with convergent evolution. Our results do not support models wherein more complex protein architectures involving the PWWP domain occur with the appearance of more evolutionarily advanced life forms.  相似文献   

Ethology is rooted in the idea that behavior is composed of discrete units and sub-units that can be compared among taxa in a phylogenetic framework. This means that behavior, like morphology and genes, is inherently modular. Yet, the concept of modularity is not well integrated into how we envision the behavioral components of phenotype. Understanding ethological modularity, and its implications for animal phenotype organization and evolution, requires that we construct interpretive schemes that permit us to examine it. In this study, I describe the structure and composition of a complex part of the behavioral phenotype of Parotia lawesii Ramsay, 1885--a bird of paradise (Aves: Paradisaeidae) from the forests of eastern New Guinea. I use archived voucher video clips, photographic ethograms, and phenotype ontology diagrams to describe the modular units comprising courtship at various levels of integration. Results show P. lawesii to have 15 courtship and mating behaviors (11 males, 4 females) hierarchically arranged within a complex seven-level structure. At the finest level examined, male displays are comprised of 49 modular sub-units (elements) differentially employed to form more complex modular units (phases and versions) at higher-levels of integration. With its emphasis on hierarchical modularity, this study provides an important conceptual framework for understanding courtship-related phenotypic complexity and provides a solid basis for comparative study of the genus Parotia.  相似文献   

The evolution of budding in metazoans is not well understood on a mechanistic level, but is an important developmental process. We examine the evolution of coloniality in ascidians, contrasting the life histories of solitary and colonial forms with a focus on the cellular and developmental basis of the evolution of budding. Tunicates are an excellent group to study colonial transitions, as all solitary larvae develop with determinant and invariant cleavage patterns, but colonial species show robust developmental flexibility during larval development. We propose that acquiring new stem cell lineages in the larvae may be a preadaptation necessary for the evolution of budding. Brooding in colonial ascidians allows increased egg size, which in turn allows greater flexibility in the specification of cells and cell numbers in late embryonic and pre-metamorphic larval stages. We review hypotheses for changes in stem cell lineages in colonial species, describe what the current data suggest about the evolution of budding, and discuss where we believe further studies will be most fruitful.  相似文献   

The evolution of social groupings in insects, especially wasps, is compared to that of social amoebae (cellular slime moulds). They both show a gamut of colony sizes, from solitary forms to complex colonies with a division of labour. The various ideas as to how there might have been an evolution of complexity within insect societies, such as the role of genetic relatedness, the role of mutualism, the origin of sterility, the manipulation and exploitation of some individuals by others within a colony, are discussed, and then applied to social amoebae. The result is both interesting and instructive: despite some differences, there are many striking parallels, which suggests that there are some common denominators in the formation and evolution of a social existence among organisms.  相似文献   

The Plumularioidea (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Leptothecata) are the most species rich superfamily of the class Hydrozoa. They display a complex and diversified colonial organisation and their life cycle comprises either a reduced free-living, pelagic generation (medusoid), alternating with the benthic colonial form or in most species, no pelagic generation. In order to understand the evolution of colonial and life cycle characters among Plumularioidea, we have reconstructed their phylogeny. Partial mitochondrial 16S rRNA sequences and 64 morphological characters were analysed separately and in combination. The morphological data included not only characters of the individual polyps and medusae, but also characters describing the organisation of colonies, for which we propose general principles applying to character coding in modular organisms. The phylogenetic analyses supported the monophyly of Plumularioidea and of the four plumularioid families (Aglaopheniidae, Halopterididae, Kirchenpaueriidae and Plumulariidae). Most genera were paraphyletic or polyphyletic. This study highlights multiple morphological simplifications of the colonial organisation during the evolution of Plumularioidea and the convergence of the defensive polyps — the dactylozooids — of Plumularioidea with those of others Leptothecata ( Hydrodendron ) or Anthoathecata ( Hydractinia ). Concerning the evolution of the life cycle, the phylogeny supports a provocative scenario, where the medusa was lost in an ancestor of the Plumularioidea, and then re-acquired four times independently within this group, in the form of simple medusoids.  相似文献   

The common opinion has been that evolution results in the continuing development of more complex forms of life, generally understood as more complex organisms. The arguments supporting that opinion have recently come under scrutiny and been found wanting. Nevertheless, the appearance of increasing complexity remains. So, is there some sense in which evolution does grow complexity? Artificial life simulations have consistently failed to reproduce even the appearance of increasing complexity, which poses a challenge. Simulations, as much as scientific theories, are obligated at least to save the appearances! We suggest a relation between these two problems, understanding biological complexity growth and the failure to model even its appearances. We present a different understanding of that complexity which evolution grows, one that genuinely runs counter to entropy and has thus far eluded proper analysis in information-theoretic terms. This complexity is reflected best in the increase in niches within the biosystem as a whole. Past and current artificial life simulations lack the resources with which to grow niches and so to reproduce evolution??s complexity. We propose a more suitable simulation design integrating environments and organisms, allowing old niches to change and new ones to emerge.  相似文献   

《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2015,118(2):89-101
Organizers are specific tissue regions of developing organisms that provide accuracy and robustness to the body plan formation. Hydrozoan cnidarians (both solitary and colonial) require organizer regions for maintaining the regular body patterning during continuous tissue dynamics during asexual reproduction and growth. While the hypostomal organizer of the solitary Hydra has been studied relatively well, our knowledge of organizers in colonial hydrozoans remains fragmentary and incomplete. As colonial hydrozoans demonstrate an amazing diversity of morphological and life history traits, it is of special interest to investigate the organizers specific for particular ontogenetic stages and particular types of colonies. In the present study we aimed to assess the inductive capacities of several candidate organizer regions in hydroids with different colony organization. We carried out grafting experiments on colonial hydrozoans belonging to Leptothecata and Anthoathecata. We confirmed that the hypostome tip is an organizer in the colonial Anthoathecata as it is in the solitary polyp Hydra. We also found that the posterior tip of the larva is an organizer in hydroids regardless of the peculiarities of their metamorphosis mode and colony structure. We show for the first time that the shoot growing tip, which can be considered a key evolutionary novelty of Leptothecata, is an organizer region. Taken together, our data demonstrate that organizers function throughout the larval and polypoid stages in colonial hydroids.  相似文献   

Renewed interest in the developmental basis of organismal complexity, and the emergence of new molecular tools, is improving our ability to study the evolution of metazoan body plans. The most substantial changes in body-plan organization occurred early in metazoan evolution; new model systems for studying basal metazoans are now being developed, and total-genome-sequencing initiatives are underway for at least three of the four most important taxa. The elucidation of how the gene networks that are involved in axial organization, germ-layer formation and cell differentiation are used differently during development is generating a more detailed understanding of the events that have led to the current diversity of multicellular life.  相似文献   

It was found that pseudocyclical similarities are common in modular organisms due to the peculiarities of their morphogenesis and ontogenesis and the system specifics of the modular organization. An analysis of the structural evolution in the different groups of modular living beings according to the concept of pseudocycles is topical, as it will contribute to the further development of evolutionary morphology and theoretical biology.  相似文献   

Bees provide an excellent model with which to study the neuronal and molecular modifications associated with the evolution of sociality because relatively closely related species differ profoundly in social behaviour, from solitary to highly social. The recent development of powerful genomic tools and resources has set the stage for studying the social behaviour of bees in molecular terms. We review 'ground plan' and 'genetic toolkit' models which hypothesize that discrete pathways or sets of genes that regulate fundamental behavioural and physiological processes in solitary species have been co-opted to regulate complex social behaviours in social species. We further develop these models and propose that these conserved pathways and genes may be incorporated into 'social pathways', which consist of relatively independent modules involved in social signal detection, integration and processing within the nervous and endocrine systems, and subsequent behavioural outputs. Modifications within modules or in their connections result in the evolution of novel behavioural patterns. We describe how the evolution of pheromonal regulation of social pathways may lead to the expression of behaviour under new social contexts, and review plasticity in circadian rhythms as an example for a social pathway with a modular structure.  相似文献   

The earliest record of animals (Metazoa) consists of trace and body fossils restricted to the last 35 Myr of the Precambrian. It has been proposed that animals arose much earlier and underwent significant evolution as a cryptic fauna; however, the need for any unrecorded prelude of significant duration has been disputed. In this context, we consider recent published research on the nature and chronology of the earliest fossil record of metazoans and on the molecular‐based analysis that yielded older dates for the appearance of major animal groups. We review recent work on the climatic, geochemical, and ecological events that preceded animal fossils and consider their portent for metazoan evolution. We also discuss inferences about the physiology and gene content of the last common ancestor of animals and their closest unicellular relatives. We propose that the recorded Precambrian evolution of animals includes three intervals of advancement that begin with sponge‐grade organisms, and that any preceding cryptic fauna would be no more complex than sponges. The molecular data do not require that more complex animals appeared well before the recognized fossil record; nor, however, do they rule the possibility out, particularly if the interval of simpler metazoan ancestors lasted no more than about 100 or 200 Myr. The geological record of abrupt changes in climate, biogeochemistry, and phytoplankton diversity can be taken to be the result of changes in the carbon cycle triggered by the appearance and diversification of metazoans in an organic carbon‐rich ocean, but as yet no compelling evidence exists for this interpretation. By the end of this cryptic period, animals would already have possessed sophisticated systems of cell–cell signalling, adhesion, apoptosis, and segregated germ cells, possibly with a rudimentary body plan based on anterior–posterior organization. The controls on the timing and tempo of the earliest steps in metazoan evolution are unknown, but it seems likely that oxygen was a key factor in later diversification and increase in body size. We consider several recent scenarios describing how oxygen increased near the end of the Precambrian and propose that grazing and filter‐feeding animals depleted a marine reservoir of suspended organic matter, releasing a microbial ‘clamp’ on atmospheric oxygen.  相似文献   

Evo-devo and the evolution of social behavior   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The integration of evolutionary biology with developmental genetics into the hybrid field of 'evo-devo' resulted in major advances in understanding multicellular development and morphological evolution. Here we show how insights from evo-devo can be applied to study the evolution of social behavior. We develop this idea by reviewing studies that suggest that molecular pathways controlling feeding behavior and reproduction in solitary insects are part of a 'genetic toolkit' underlying the evolution of a particularly complex form of social behavior, division of labor among workers in honeybee colonies. The evo-devo approach, coupled with advances in genomics for non-model genetic organisms, including the recent sequencing of the honeybee genome, promises to advance our understanding of the evolution of social behavior.  相似文献   

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