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The mechanical properties of human brain tissue are the subject of interest because of their use in understanding brain trauma and in developing therapeutic treatments and procedures. To represent the behavior of the tissue, we have developed hyperelastic mechanical models whose parameters are fitted in accordance with experimental test results. However, most studies available in the literature have fitted parameters with data of a single type of loading, such as tension, compression, or shear. Recently, Jin et al. (Journal of Biomechanics 46:2795−2801, 2013) reported data from ex vivo tests of human brain tissue under tension, compression, and shear loading using four strain rates and four different brain regions. However, they do not report parameters of energy functions that can be readily used in finite element simulations. To represent the tissue behavior for the quasi-static loading conditions, we aimed to determine the best fit of the hyperelastic parameters of the hyperfoam, Ogden, and polynomial strain energy functions available in ABAQUS for the low strain rate data, while simultaneously considering all three loading modes. We used an optimization process conducted in MATLAB, calling iteratively three finite element models developed in ABAQUS that represent the three loadings. Results showed a relatively good fit to experimental data in all loading modes using two terms in the energy functions. Values for the shear modulus obtained in this analysis (897−1653 Pa) are in the range of those presented in other studies. These energy-function parameters can be used in brain tissue simulations using finite element models.  相似文献   

Clavicle injuries were frequently observed in automotive side and frontal crashes. Finite element (FE) models have been developed to understand the injury mechanism, although no clavicle loading response corridors yet exist in the literature to ensure the model response biofidelity. Moreover, the typically developed structural level (e.g., force–deflection) response corridors were shown to be insufficient for verifying the injury prediction capacity of FE model, which usually is based on strain related injury criteria. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop both the structural (force vs deflection) and material level (strain vs force) clavicle response corridors for validating FE models for injury risk modeling. 20 Clavicles were loaded to failure under loading conditions representative of side and frontal crashes respectively, half of which in axial compression, and the other half in three point bending. Both structural and material response corridors were developed for each loading condition. FE model that can accurately predict structural response and strain level provides a more useful tool in injury risk modeling and prediction. The corridor development method in this study could also be extended to develop corridors for other components of the human body.  相似文献   

Simulating the muscular system has many applications in biomechanics, biomedicine and the study of movement in general. We are interested in studying the genesis of a very common pathology: human inguinal hernia. We study the effects that some biomechanical parameters have on the dynamic simulation of the region, and their involvement in the genesis of inguinal hernias. We use the finite element method (FEM) and current models for the muscular contraction to determine the deformed fascia transversalis for the estimation of the maximum strain. We analysed the effect of muscular tissue density, Young's modulus, Poisson's coefficient and calcium concentration in the genesis of human inguinal hernia. The results are the estimated maximum strain in our simulations, has a close correlation with experimental data and the accepted commonly models by the medical community. Our model is the first study of the effect of various biological parameters with repercussions on the genesis of the inguinal hernias.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to improve the constitutive model of the human mandible and dentition system by taking into account the non-linear material properties of the structural boney matrix that forms the human jaw bone or mandible. Due to the specific structure of the jaw bone the time dependence of the mechanical properties also forms an important stage of the quantification process. The lack of specific experimental data of this type of material prevents the implementation of these properties into finite element simulations which results in poor quality modelling. Here an attempt was made to determine elastic and viscoelastic mechanical characteristics of the compact bone tissue forming the mandible. The elastic properties of compact bone were determined experimentally from 3 point bending tests and the viscoelastic properties were evaluated from creep tests in compression. A particular human jaw from this complex study was used to reconstruct a geometric model for further numerical experiments.  相似文献   

It is very important to determine the amount of mechanical damage to biomass pellets during handling, transportation, and storage. However, it is difficult to determine the amount of damage to biomass pellets caused by existing external forces. However, a useful method is the finite element methods, which can be used in different engineering fields to simulate the posture of the material under defined boundary conditions. In this research, a drop test simulation of biomass pellet samples was performed by using the finite element method. An experimental study (compressive test) was carried out to measure some mechanical properties of the sample and use the obtained data in the finite element method simulation. The stress–strain curve of different biomass pellets was determined. Yield strength, Poisson’s ratio, ultimate strength and modulus of elasticity, and stress were identified. In the end, the maximum equivalent stress, highest contact force (generated normal force from target surface at impact), and shape of deformation of samples at impact were obtained from simulation results. The drop scenario was created with 25 steps after the impact site, and the FEM simulation was solved. The maximum stress value was 9.486 MPa, and the maximum generated force was 485.31 N. at step 8 of the FEM simulation. When the stress magnitudes were assessed, simulation outputs indicated that simulation stress values are inconsistent with experimental data.  相似文献   

Nowadays, there is a growing consensus on the impact of mechanical loading on bone biology. A bone chamber provides a mechanically isolated in vivo environment in which the influence of different parameters on the tissue response around loaded implants can be investigated. This also provides data to assess the feasibility of different mechanobiological models that mathematically describe the mechanoregulation of tissue differentiation. Before comparing numerical results to animal experimental results, it is necessary to investigate the influence of the different model parameters on the outcome of the simulations. A 2D finite element model of the tissue inside the bone chamber was created. The differentiation models developed by Prendergast, et al. [“Biophysical stimuli on cells during tissue differentiation at implant interfaces”, Journal of Biomechanics, 30(6), (1997), 539–548], Huiskes et al. [“A biomechanical regulatory model for periprosthetic fibrous-tissue differentiation”, Journal of Material Science: Materials in Medicine, 8 (1997) 785–788] and by Claes and Heigele [“Magnitudes of local stress and strain along bony surfaces predict the course and type of fracture healing”, Journal of Biomechanics, 32(3), (1999) 255–266] were implemented and integrated in the finite element code. The fluid component in the first model has an important effect on the predicted differentiation patterns. It has a direct effect on the predicted degree of maturation of bone and a substantial indirect effect on the simulated deformations and hence the predicted phenotypes of the tissue in the chamber. Finally, the presence of fluid also causes time-dependent behavior.

Both models lead to qualitative and quantitative differences in predicted differentiation patterns. Because of the different nature of the tissue phenotypes used to describe the differentiation processes, it is however hard to compare both models in terms of their validity.  相似文献   

We present a novel computational model for maladaptive cardiac growth in which kinematic changes of the cardiac chambers are attributed to alterations in cytoskeletal architecture and in cellular morphology. We adopt the concept of finite volume growth characterized through the multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient into an elastic part and a growth part. The functional form of its growth tensor is correlated to sarcomerogenesis, the creation and deposition of new sarcomere units. In response to chronic volume-overload, an increased diastolic wall strain leads to the addition of sarcomeres in series, resulting in a relative increase in cardiomyocyte length, associated with eccentric hypertrophy and ventricular dilation. In response to chronic pressure-overload, an increased systolic wall stress leads to the addition of sacromeres in parallel, resulting in a relative increase in myocyte cross sectional area, associated with concentric hypertrophy and ventricular wall thickening. The continuum equations for both forms of maladaptive growth are discretized in space using a nonlinear finite element approach, and discretized in time using the implicit Euler backward scheme. We explore a generic bi-ventricular heart model in response to volume- and pressure-overload to demonstrate how local changes in cellular morphology translate into global alterations in cardiac form and function.  相似文献   

目的:应用有限元方法建立三种不同的治疗第5 掌骨颈骨折的钢板螺钉内固定模型,比较三种模型的生物力学稳定性,为 第5 掌骨颈骨折的临床早期功能康复提供参考。方法:选取一名健康青年志愿者,将CT 扫描数据导入三维有限元软件建立第5 掌骨颈骨折模型,并选取三种钢板螺钉内固定方法进行骨折固定。对三种模型施加外力荷载并进行生物力学有限元分析,对比骨 折断端的最大位移和钢板螺钉的应力分布情况。结果:方法一、二、三的第5 掌骨骨折端的最大位移分别为0.189775 mm、 0.181428 mm、0.224299 mm,以方法二的骨折端位移最小;内固定材料的最大应力分别为1.20 KPa、1.00 KPa、1.39 KPa,以方法二 的钢板螺钉应力最小。结论:采用近端三颗螺钉远端两颗螺钉的直型钢板内固定方法治疗第五掌骨颈骨折的生物力学稳定性更 好,术后早期功能锻炼的安全性更高,是治疗第5 掌骨颈骨折的理想内固定方法。  相似文献   

Finite element (FE) modelling has been proposed as a tool for estimating fracture risk and patient-specific FE models are commonly based on computed tomography (CT). Here, we present a novel method to automatically create personalised 3D models from standard 2D hip radiographs. A set of geometrical parameters of the femur were determined from seven ap hip radiographs and compared to the 3D femoral shape obtained from CT as training material; the error in reconstructing the 3D model from the 2D radiographs was assessed. Using the geometry parameters as the input, the 3D shape of another 21 femora was built and meshed, separating a cortical and trabecular compartment. The material properties were derived from the homogeneity index assessed by texture analysis of the radiographs, with focus on the principal tensile and compressive trabecular systems. The ability of these FE models to predict failure load as determined by experimental biomechanical testing was evaluated and compared to the predictive ability of DXA. The average reconstruction error of the 3D models was 1.77 mm (±1.17 mm), with the error being smallest in the femoral head and neck, and greatest in the trochanter. The correlation of the FE predicted failure load with the experimental failure load was r2=64% for the reconstruction FE model, which was significantly better (p<0.05) than that for DXA (r2=24%). This novel method for automatically constructing a patient-specific 3D finite element model from standard 2D radiographs shows encouraging results in estimating patient-specific failure loads.  相似文献   

McDONALD  M. S. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(2):363-366
A simple and improved method is proposed for the determinationof microgram quantities of nitrogen in plant material. The procedure,which incorporates a Kjeldahl digestion and a nesslerizationstep, affords an accurate and reproducible method for the simultaneousanalysis of large numbers of plant samples containing smallamounts (5–100 µg) of nitrogen. The apparatus usedfor digestion is simply constructed and reduces the digestiontime to 30 min. The digestion mixture used eliminates the needfor a catalyst and is such that the variables inherent in thenesslerization step can be controlled.  相似文献   

杉木种子涩籽地理分布的空间插值法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用距离反比插值法进行杉木种子涩籽率的空间插值,并提出一种改进的距离反比插值法(MID),其包含了距离反比法(ID)和距离平方反比法(IDS)。根据福建省25个杉木种子产地的涩籽率观察值,建立了杉木种子涩籽率的改进距离反比插值模型。改进距离反比插值法经交叉验证,其平均误差及平均误差平方的平方根均较距离反比法和距离平方反比法更小,具有较高的精度,平均精度达88.91%,可应用于杉木种子涩籽的空间内插。这不仅为杉木种子涩籽的空间插值提供了一种新方法,而且为地理信息系统(Geographic information system,GIS)辅助的杉木种子涩籽区域分布与流行趋势研究提供了理论依据,为福建省杉木种子园的合理布局与优化奠定基础。  相似文献   

This article deals with the numerical analysis to ascertain the presence of a tumor and to estimate its size and location in a tissue. Heat transfer in the tissue is modeled using the Pennes bioheat transfer equation, and is solved using the finite volume method. Consideration is given to 1-D brain and breast tissues. Temperature distributions in the tissues are specific to the tumor grades, its locations and sizes, and these are different than that of a normal tissue. With temperature distribution known a priori, estimations of the position and the size of a tumor are done using the inverse analysis. The proposed approach gives a correct estimation of the presence of a tumor and its location and size.  相似文献   

When a force is applied to an object, the resulting pattern of strain is a function of both the object's geometry and its elastic properties. Thus, knowledge of elastic properties in craniofacial cortical bone is indispensable for exploring the biomechanics and adaptation of primate skulls. However, elastic properties, such as density and stiffness, cannot be measured in all species, particularly extinct species known only from fossils. In order for advanced engineering techniques such as finite element analysis (FEA) to be applied to questions of primate and hominid craniofacial functional morphology, it is important to understand interspecific patterns of variation in elastic properties. We hypothesized that closely related species would have similar patterns of bone elastic properties, and that similarities with extant species should allow reasonable predictions of elastic properties in the skeletons of extinct primate species. In this study, we tested this hypothesis by measuring elastic properties in five areas of the external cortex of the baboon craniofacial skeleton using an ultrasonic technique, and by comparing the results to existing data from macaque and human crania. Results showed that cortical density, thickness, elastic and shear moduli, and anisotropy varied among areas in the baboon cranium. Similar variation had previously been found in rhesus and human crania, suggesting area-specific elastic patterns in the skulls of each species. Comparison among species showed differences, suggesting species-specific patterns. These patterns were more similar between macaques and baboons for density, maximum elastic and shear stiffness, and anisotropy than between either of these and humans. This finding demonstrates that patterns of cortical elastic properties are generally similar in closely related primate species with similar craniofacial morphology. Thus, reasonable estimates of cortical bone elastic properties should be possible for extinct species through the study of phylogenetically related and functionally similar modern forms. For example, reasonable elastic property estimates of cortical bone from fossil hominid skulls should be possible once adequate information about such properties in extant great apes is added to our current data from humans, macaques, and baboons. Such data should eventually allow FEA of craniofacial function in fossil hominids.  相似文献   

The Universal Method (UM) described here will allow the detection of any bacterial rDNA leading to the identification of that bacterium. The method should allow prompt and accurate identification of bacteria. The principle of the method is simple; when a pure PCR product of the 16S gene is obtained, sequenced, and aligned against bacterial DNA data base, then the bacterium can be identified. Confirmation of identity may follow. In this work, several general 16S primers were designed, mixed and applied successfully against 101 different bacterial isolates. One mixture, the Golden mixture7 (G7) detected all tested isolates (67/67). Other golden mixtures; G11, G10, G12, and G5 were useful as well. The overall sensitivity of the UM was 100% since all 101 isolates were detected yielding intended PCR amplicons. A selected PCR band from each of 40 isolates was sequenced and the bacterium identified to species or genus level using BLAST. The results of the UM were consistent with bacterial identities as validated with other identification methods; cultural, API 20E, API 20NE, or genera and species specific PCR primers. Bacteria identified in the study, covered 34 species distributed among 24 genera. The UM should allow the identification of species, genus, novel species or genera, variations within species, and detection of bacterial DNA in otherwise sterile samples such as blood, cerebrospinal fluid, manufactured products, medical supplies, cosmetics, and other samples. Applicability of the method to identifying members of bacterial communities is discussed. The approach itself can be applied to other taxa such as protists and nematodes.  相似文献   

The actin filament, which is the most abundant component of the cytoskeleton, plays important roles in fundamental cellular activities such as shape determination, cell motility, and mechanosensing. In each activity, the actin filament dynamically changes its structure by polymerization, depolymerization, and severing. These phenomena occur on the scales ranging from the dynamics of actin molecules to filament structural changes with its deformation due to the various forces, for example, by the membrane and solvent. To better understand the actin filament dynamics, it is important to focus on these scales and develop its mathematical model. Thus, the objectives of this study were to model and simulate actin filament polymerization, depolymerization, and severing based on the Brownian dynamics method. In the model, the actin monomers and the solvent were considered as globular particles and a continuum, respectively. The motion of the actin molecules was assumed to follow the Langevin equation. The polymerization, which increases the filament length, was determined by the distance between the center of the actin particle at the barbed end and actin particles in the solvent. The depolymerization, which decreases the filament length, was modeled such that the number of dissociation particles from the filament end per unit time was constant. In addition, the filament severing, in which one filament divides into two, was modeled to occur at an equal rate along the filament. Then, we simulated the actin filament dynamics using the developed model, and analyzed the filament elongation rate, its turnover, and the effects of filament severing on the polymerization and depolymerization. Results indicated that the model reproduced the linear dependence of the filament elongation on time, filament turnover process by polymerization and depolymerization, and acceleration of the polymerization and depolymerization by severing, which qualitatively agreed with those observed in experiments.  相似文献   


Although cell reshaping is fundamental to the mechanics of epithelia, technical barriers have prevented the methods of mechanics from being used to investigate it. These barriers have recently been overcome by the cell-based finite element formulation of Chen and Brodland. Here, parameters to describe the fabric of an epithelium in terms of cell shape and orientation and cell edge density are defined. Then, rectangular "patches" of model epithelia having various initial fabric parameters are generated and are either allowed to anneal or are subjected to one of several patterns of in-plane deformation. The simulations show that cell reshaping lags the deformation history, that it is allayed by cell rearrangement and that it causes the epithelium as a whole to exhibit viscoelastic mechanical properties. Equations to describe changes in cell shape due to annealing and in-plane deformation are presented.  相似文献   

The main objective of this work is the evaluation, by means of the finite element method (FEM) of the mechanical stability and long-term microstructural modifications in bone induced to three different kinds of fractures of the distal femur by three types of implants: the Condyle Plate, the less invasive stabilization system plate (LISS) and the distal femur nail (DFN). The displacement and the stress distributions both in bone and implants and the internal bone remodelling process after fracture and fixation are obtained and analysed by computational simulation. The main conclusions of this work are that distal femoral fractures can be treated correctly with the Condyle Plate, the LISS plate and the DFN. The stresses both in LISS and DFN implant are high especially around the screws. When respect to remodelling, the LISS produces an important resorption in the fractured region, while the other two implants do not strongly modify bone tissue microstructure.  相似文献   

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