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Vegetation History and Archaeobotany - Between the initial colonization of North America and the European settlement period, Indigenous American land use practices shaped North American landscapes...  相似文献   


This paper examines to which extent seasonal and climatic conditions might affect the reliability of the Bourgeois‐Pichat's method. Other scholars have already argued on this issue, but although climate has often been claimed to explain part of the differentials in mortality figures among Italian regions, to date its impact has not actually been recognized and quantitatively evaluated. To test such hypothesis data at the regional level from late 19th‐century Italy have been analyzed.

Our analysis of the biometric components revealed a strong bias in the estimates of the endogenous and exogenous components in the first month of life. Variations in infant mortality among Italian regions correlated with variations in the endogenous levels rather than in the exogenous levels of infant (neonatal) mortality, as it was expected owing to the infective nature of the diseases climate might induce. Specifically, Northern and colder regions featured high figures for both neonatal mortality and the endogenous component, while the opposite scheme applied to the Southern, more temperate regions.

Finally, the reasons for such misleading results were investigated. It emerged that the model's assumption of a constant and invariant proportion of neonatal exogenous deaths to the total amount of exogenous deaths was not matched by the Italian data. This situation caused the excess neonatal exogenous mortality, especially that induced by cold climate in Northern regions, to be wrongly counted in the endogenous component.  相似文献   

What truly happened in the terrestrial ecosystems in response to the famous Messinian salinity crisis is still the matter of extensive discussions. Did mammals record any faunal and/or a climatic or environmental fluctuation is a question that still remains open. Our objective is to investigate mammalian faunas before, during and after the crisis within different terrestrial basins surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. We therefore apply here two methods, the cenogram method and a transfer function based on murine (rodents) species richness to better understand if our proxies can record any qualitative or quantitative climatic or environmental change. The results indicate that mammal faunas do not record any particular shift in climate or environment at the scale of the whole peri-Mediterranean area. The trend is different at the regional scale of terrestrial basins as temperatures increase (Calatayud-Daroca-Teruel Basin) or decrease (Languedoc-Roussillon region) punctually occurs just after the crisis; stable conditions in different areas (e.g. Greece) contradict these trends. Biases in the fossil record or in the methodologies could produce such discrepancies.  相似文献   

The radiocarbon-dated palaeoecological study of Lago Riane (Ligurian Apennines, NW Italy) presented here forms part of a wider investigation into the relationships between Holocene vegetation succession, climate change and human activities in the northern Apennines. The record of vegetation history from Lago Riane indicates that, since the end of the last glaciation, climate change and prehistoric human activities, combined with several local factors, have strongly influenced the pattern and timing of natural vegetation succession. The pollen record indicates an important change in vegetation cover at Lago Riane at ~8500–8200 cal. years b.p., coincident with a well-known period of rapid climate change. At ~6100 cal. years b.p., Fagus woodland colonised Lago Riane during a period of climate change and expansion of Late Neolithic human activities in the upland zone of Liguria. A marked decline in Abies woodland, and the expansion of Fagus woodland, at ~4700 cal. years b.p., coincided with further archaeological evidence for pastoralism in the mountains of Liguria during the Copper Age. At ~3900–3600 cal. years b.p. (Early to Middle Bronze Age transition), a temporary expansion of woodland at Lago Riane has been provisionally attributed to a decline in human pressure on the environment during a period of short-term climate change.  相似文献   

Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau is one of the most sensitive areas to climate change of the earth, owing to its unique topographic features and ecosystem. Soil pollen analysis is an important component of palaeo‐ecological research, while pollen preservation and the relationship between pollen and vegetation can influence the correct interpretation of fossil pollen spectra. In this paper, 36 pollen samples, which come from four meadows and two forest soil pollen profiles, have been analyzed to determine relationships between pollen and vegetation and pollen preservation on the northeastern Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau. The relationship between pollen and vegetation shows that the surface pollen assemblages can represent regional vegetation characteristics moderately, while Betula and Populus pollen is absent in the soil surface for Betula and Populus mixed forest. Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae, Ephedra, Pinus, Hippophae etc. are over‐represented pollen taxa, Leguminosae, Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae, Gramineae etc. are under‐represented pollen taxa. The study of pollen preservation indicates that pollen concentrations decrease with the increase of soil depths, more pollen taxa are present in surface soils than in deep levels, and more than 75% pollen grains will be lost from the surface soils to deep levels. Pollen sorting preservation function should be noticed. Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae can be preserved well and have higher pollen percentages in deeper levels. Cyperaceae and Populus are preserved worse, Populus pollen is absent and Cyperaceae has higher pollen percentages in the surface soil than in the deep levels. The high soil pH values are the most destructive factors for pollen preservation on the northeastern Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau. Pollen concentrations decrease sharply when the soil pH values are over 7.6. Downward leaching of pollen is unimportant in this study.  相似文献   

Božena Šerá 《Biologia》2008,63(6):1085-1088
Road nets are man-made constructions in the open landscape with a specific vegetation accompaniment in a verge or band along the road or in a divider strip. A determination of six basic vegetation types of bands along roads is possible in Central Europe (tree lines, planting area, forest stand, early successful growth, bushes band, grassy-herbal associations). In the Czech Republic, grassy-herbal communities growing on road verges are mainly formed by perennials, hemicryptophyts, and species with tendency towards pollination by insects and to anemochory and exozoochory. 40% woody and 25% herbaceous species which are non-native for Central Europe form a part of them. Three halophyte species are growing in closed lines along asphalt: Puccinellia distans, Digitaria sanguinalis and Spergularia rubra. Roads and highways should be made and used with respect to the ecological potential of roadside vegetation. However, the road net functioned as a corridor for invasive (planting or spreading) plant species.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have demonstrated alternative regimes in shallow lake ecosystems around the world, with one state dominated by submerged macrophytes and the other by phytoplankton. However, the stability of each regime, and thresholds at which lakes shift to the alternative regime, are poorly known. We used a cross-sectional analysis of 72 shallow lakes located in prairie and parkland areas of Minnesota, USA, during 2005 and 2006 to assess the occurrence of alternative regimes and shifts between them. Cluster analysis revealed two distinct groups of lakes characterized not only by different macrophyte abundance and chlorophyll a levels but also by different total phosphorus–chlorophyll a relationships. Thirty-nine lakes were macrophyte- and 23 lakes phytoplankton-dominated in both years, whereas 10 sites shifted sharply between those regimes. We failed to detect a universal shifting threshold in terms of chlorophyll a or total phosphorus. However, 95% of the lakes with chlorophyll a concentrations less than 22 μg l−1 were in a clear-water regime, whereas 95% of the lakes with chlorophyll a higher than 31 μg l−1 were in a turbid regime. Total phosphorus less than 62 μg l−1 was an accurate predictor of lakes in a stable clear-water regime, whereas a large change in biomass of planktivores and benthivores between years was the only variable weakly related to regime shifts. Our results support the theoretical prediction that regime thresholds vary among lakes. We recommend that lake managers focus on improving resilience of clear regimes in shallow lakes by reducing nutrient loading, rather than attempting to identify and manage complex triggers of regime shifts. Author contributions KDZ, MAH, BRH, and MLK all contributed to the design of the study, performed the research, analyzed data, and helped write the article.  相似文献   

Tropical lowland forests are characterized by humid climate conditions with interannual variations in amount of precipitation, length of dry season, and relative humidity. The African tree species, Terminalia superba Engl. & Diels has a large distribution area and potentially incorporates these variations in its tree rings. Tree ring analysis was performed on 60 plantation trees (increment cores) and 41 natural trees (stem disks) from Ivory Coast and the Congolese Mayombe Forest. Natural forests and old plantations (50–55 years) showed similar growth patterns. Regional chronologies were developed for the two sample regions and showed a long-distance relationship for the period 1959–2008. Growth in the Mayombe was associated with early rainy season precipitation, but no relation was found between tree growth and precipitation in Ivory Coast. Congolese trees possibly show a higher climate-sensitivity than Ivorian trees, because precipitation in the Mayombe is more limiting, and Congolese T. superba trees are found closer to the margins of their distribution. Likewise, tree growth in the Mayombe was also influenced by the SSTs of the Gulf of Guinea and the South Atlantic Ocean during the early rainy season. However, tree growth was influenced by ENSO in both regions. In the Mayombe, La Niña years were associated with stronger tree growth whereas in Ivory Coast, El Niño years corresponded with stronger tree growth. The presented relation between ENSO, precipitation and tree growth is original for equatorial African forests, suggesting an influence of global climate variability on tree growth.  相似文献   

Life zones and their changes in distribution in north-east China were studied based on climate–vegetation relationships. The warmth index (WI) and aridity index (the ratio of evaporation [evaporation rate, ER] to precipitation) were used to represent the site condition. The typical site condition of each vegetation type was determined as the classification criterion. The boundaries of the four potential vegetation zones were estimated based on the combinations of WI and ER in relation to vegetation (i.e. cold-temperate conifer forest zone, temperate broad-leaved conifer mixed forest zone, warm-temperate deciduous forest zone, and temperate steppe zone). The distribution changes in vegetation zone caused by human activities were estimated by comparing the potential vegetation with the actual one. The percentage cover of forest has shrunk from about 70% to the present 27%. About 23% of the study area was replaced by agricultural vegetation and industrial use. Nearly half of the region could have been covered by broad-leaved conifer mixed forest which was shrunk to a small area, less than 5% of the region. The broad-leaved deciduous forest zone in the southern part could have occupied about 7% of the area, and had almost no virgin stand.  相似文献   

Common reed die-back is a widely investigated phenomenon in Central Europe, not frequently recorded in S-European areas and almost unknown in the Mediterranean Basin. Symptoms of reed decline recently observed in the Italian Peninsula provided the starting point for a detailed investigation on a reed population in one of the largest freshwater ecosystems in Central Italy. The analyses were conducted over two vegetative seasons in 19 plots at seven locations. A set of 13 morphologic and phenologic reed traits were screened, monitored and statistically analysed. The data indicated the presence of the reed die-back syndrome in a wet Mediterranean ecosystem and enabled us to highlight a set of usable traits to detect the condition of decline. Among them, the stem height and diameter, the number of nodes, the relative growth rate and the lateral root diameter resulted the most significant factors highlighting the declining condition. Some environmental characteristics of the reed stands were also taken into account. The period of submersion and the presence of standing litter emerged as important features of the stands, strictly related to the degree of decline in the population. The results draw attention to the risk, in southern Europe too, of the loss of an ecosystem which plays an important role in biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Current methods for estimating past climatic patterns from pollen data require that the vegetation be in dynamic equilibrium with the climate. Because climate varies continuously on all time scales, judgement about equilibrium conditions must be made separately for each frequency band (i.e. time scale) of climatic change. For equilibrium conditions to exist between vegetation and climatic changes at a particular time scale, the climatic response time of the vegetation must be small compared to the time scale of climatic variation to which it is responding. The time required for vegetation to respond completely to climatic forcing at a time scale of 104 yr is still unknown, but records of the vegetational response to climatic events of 500-to 1000-yr duration provide evidence for relatively short response times. Independent estimates for the possible patterns and timing of late-Quaternary climate changes suggest that much of the vegetational evidence previously interpreted as resulting from disequilibrium conditions can instead be interpreted as resulting from the individualistic response of plant taxa to the different regional patterns of temperature and precipitation change. The differences among taxa in their response to climate can lead a) to rates and direction of plant-population movements that differ among taxa and b) to fossil assemblages that differ from any modern assemblage. An example of late-Holocene vegetational change in southern Quebec illustrates how separate changes in summer and winter climates may explain the simultaneous expansion of spruce (Picea) populations southward and beech (Fagus) populations northward.  相似文献   

The phenology of the vegetation covering north Asia (mainly Siberia) and its spatial characterstics were investigated using remotely sensed normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data. The analysis used the weekly averaged NDVI over 5 years (1987-1991) using the second-generation weekly global vegetation index dataset (0.144 degrees x 0.144 degrees spatial resolution). In the seasonal NDVI cycle, three phenological events were defined for each pixel: green-up week (NDVI exceeds 0.2), maximum week, and senescence week (NDVI drops below 0.2). Generally there was a west-early/east-late gradient in the three events in north Asia. In the zonal transect between 45 degrees and 50 degrees N, the timing of green-up, maximum, and senescence near 60 degrees E (Kazakh) was about 3.4, 8.7, and 13.4 weeks earlier than near 110 degrees E (Mongolia) respectively. It has been suggested that vegetation near Kazakh only flourishes during a short period when water from snow melt is available from late spring to early summer. In Mongolia, abundant water is available for the vegetation, even in midsummer, because of precipitation. In the 50-60 degrees N zonal transect, the green-up and maximum near 40 degrees E were about 3.8 and 3.9 weeks earlier than near 115 degrees E, respectively. As for the week of senescence, there was no clear west-east trend. This west-to-east phenological gradient was related to the weekly cumulative temperature (over 0 degrees C). Weeks in which the cumalative temperature exceeded 40 degrees C and 140 degrees C had a similar west-east distribution to green-up and maximum NDVI.  相似文献   

Pacific herring show an abrupt genetic discontinuity in the central North Pacific that represents secondary contact between refuge populations previously isolated during Pleistocene glaciations. Paradoxically, high levels of gene flow produce genetic homogeneity among ocean-type populations within each group. Here, we surveyed variability in mtDNA control-region sequences (463 bp) and nine microsatellite loci in Pacific herring from sites across the North Pacific to further explore the nature of the genetic discontinuity around the Alaska Peninsula. Consistent with previous studies, little divergence (ΦST  = 0.011) was detected between ocean-type populations of Pacific herring in the North West Pacific, except for a population in the Yellow Sea (ΦST  = 0.065). A moderate reduction in genetic diversity for both mtDNA and microsatellites in the Yellow Sea likely reflects founder effects during the last colonization of this sea. Reciprocal monophyly between divergent mtDNA lineages (ΦST  = 0.391) across the Alaska Peninsula defines the discontinuity across the North Pacific. However, microsatellites did not show a strong break, as eastern Bering Sea (EBS) herring were more closely related to NE Pacific than to NW Pacific herring. This discordance between mtDNA and microsatellites may be due to microsatellite allelic convergence or to sex-biased dispersal across the secondary contact zone. The sharp discontinuity between Pacific herring populations may be maintained by high-density blocking, competitive exclusion or hybrid inferiority.  相似文献   

The mid‐Holocene has had profound demographic impacts on wildlife on the African continent, although there is little known about the impacts on species from Central Africa. Understanding the impacts of climate change on codistributed species can enhance our understanding of ecosystem dynamics and for formulating restoration objectives. We took a multigenome comparative approach to examine the phylogeographic structure of two poorly known Central African crocodile species—Mecistops sp. aff. cataphractus and Osteolaemus tetraspis. In addition, we conducted coalescent‐based demographic reconstructions to test the hypothesis that population decline was driven by climate change since the Last Glacial Maximum, vs. more recent anthropogenic pressures. Using a hierarchical Bayesian model to reconstruct demographic history, we show that both species had dramatic declines (>97%) in effective population size in the 'period following the Last Glacial Maximum 1,500–18,000 YBP. Identification of genetic structuring showed both species have similar regional structure corresponding to major geological features (i.e., hydrologic basin) and that small observed differences between them are best explained by the differences in their ecology and the likely impact that climate change had on their habitat needs. Our results support our hypothesis that climatic effects, presumably on forest and wetland habitat, had a congruent negative impact on both species.  相似文献   

Interdisciplinary studies of the sediments of Lago dell’Accesa started in 2001. We present here results from the palynological study. The pollen diagram provides a record of vegetation and climatic change spanning over 15,000 years. The oldest pollen spectra show a late-glacial steppe vegetation typical of central and southern Italy during this period. The Late-glacial Interstadial, interrupted by two cooling events, is dominated by open deciduous oak forests. The Younger Dryas is represented by 150 cm of sediment and shows the presence of steppic vegetation. The Holocene vegetation is characterised by alternating dominance of deciduous oaks and Quercus ilex. The three zones characterised by Q. ilex are accompanied by peat layers marking lake-level lowering at ca. 8600–7900, 4600–4300 and 3700–2800 cal b.p. Between approximately 9000 and 6000 cal b.p. extensive Abies-forests existed on the Colline Metallifere located 15–20 km to the north and northeast of the lake. Local fir populations may also have existed by the lake. Human impact starts at approximately 8000 cal b.p. during the Neolithic period, and increases at ca. 4300 cal b.p. Castanea and Juglans pollen is recorded from ca. 2800 cal b.p. The impact of the Etruscan settlement near the lakeshore is shown in the increasing values of arable crops, species of secondary forest canopy (Ericaceae, Pinus, Pistacia, Myrtus) and anthropogenic indicators (Chenopodiaceae, Plantago lanceolata, Rumex etc).  相似文献   

The present study evaluates the relative importance of environmental factors in affecting the species composition and abundance of the plant communities on ultramafic soils in Tuscany, Italy. We used rigorous sampling techniques to test hypotheses generated from exploratory studies performed previously. Vegetation–environmental relationships were analyzed using 50 plots, each 1 m2, randomly located throughout a 22-ha area in the Upper Tiber Valley. We confirm that the exchangeable fraction of nickel in the soil is almost never high enough to affect the vegetation. However, physical factors (e.g. substrate setting and elevation) are important in controlling the distribution of plant species. Tree cover (almost exclusively due to the introduced plantation pines) also had a significant affect on the vegetation composition and on soil features such as the C/N ratio. Other important factors significantly related to the gradients in vegetation composition (e.g. rockiness and total soil nitrogen) are interpreted as factors related to the vegetation composition through a positive feedback mechanism.  相似文献   


In this paper, we provide an overview of the distribution and invasive status of non‐native species in the Italian flora across its administrative regions, biogeographic regions and main land use types, and a synthesis of current knowledge on the threats they pose within the country. The information on non‐native plant species collected during the project “A survey of the non‐native Italian flora” was used to compile comprehensive regional and national databases. The number of non‐native species within a given administrative region increases in proportion to its size, resident population density and latitude, reaching the highest values in the intensively cultivated, heavily industrialized and urbanized Po Plain in northern Italy. The number of casual species is positively correlated with the number of yearly visitors in each region and negatively correlated with the proportion of mountainous terrain within the region. If compared with the Continental and Mediterranean biogeographic regions, the Alpine region yields the lowest number of non‐native species and lowest proportion of casual species. The number and density of introduced species is highest in artificial land use types, particularly in urban areas. A negative impact is reported to be exerted by 203 species, most of which are agricultural weeds.  相似文献   

Like many other serious acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events, acute myocardial infarction (AMI) shows seasonal variation, being most frequent in the winter. We sought to investigate whether age, gender, and hypertension influence this pattern. We studied 4014 (2259 male and 1755 female) consecutive patients with AMI presenting to St. Anna Hospital of Ferrara, Italy between January 1998 and December 2004. Some 1131 (28.2%) of the AMI occurred in persons <65 yrs of age, and 2883 (71.8%) in those ≥65 yrs of age. AMI was over‐represented in males (82% in the <65 yr group vs. 56.6% in the ≥65 yr group (χ2=13.99; p<0.001). Hypertension had been previously documented in 964 (24%) of the cases. There were 691 (17.2%) fatal case outcomes; fatal outcomes were significantly higher among the 3054 normotensive (n=614 or 20.1%) than the 964 hypertensive cases (n=77 or 8%; χ2=74.94, p<0.001). AMIs were most frequent in the winter (n=1076 or 26.8% of all the events) and least in the summer (n=924 or 23.0% of all the events; χ2=12.36, p=0.007). The greatest number of AMIs occurred in December (n=379 or 9.44%), and the lowest number in September (n=293 or 7.3%; χ2=11.1, p=0.001). Inferential chronobiological (Cosinor) analysis identified a significant annual pattern in AMI in those ≥65 yrs of age, with a peak between December and February—January for the total sample (p<0.005), January for the sample of males (p=0.014), February for fatal infarctions (p=0.017), and December for non‐fatal infarctions (p=0.006). No such temporal variations were detected in any of these categories in those <65 yrs of age. The annual pattern in AMI was also verified by Cosinor analysis in the following hypertensive subgroups: hypertensive males (n=552: January, p=0.014), non‐fatal infarctions in hypertensive patients (n=887: January, p=0.018), and elderly normotensives (n=1556: November, p=0.007).  相似文献   

Yellowstone National Park has been an important location for paleoecologic studies that focus on the use of charcoal data to reconstruct past fire activity and on the role of climate variations in shaping past vegetation and fire regimes. One hypothesis, which has been explored in other parts of the western U.S., is the idea that present-day summer-dry and summer-wet precipitation regimes were intensified during the early Holocene as a result of greater-than-present summer insolation and its effect on atmospheric circulation patterns. In Yellowstone, this hypothesis was previously examined at two sites, one in summer-wet and one in summer-dry precipitation regions. The records showed variation in both fire and vegetation history that supported the hypothesis. We present a fire and vegetation history from Blacktail Pond, located in Pseudotsuga parkland in the transitional region. The Blacktail Pond data indicate the following ecological history: prior to 12,000 cal yr BP, the site supported tundra vegetation and fire episodes were infrequent. Between 12,000 and 11,000 cal yr BP, PiceaPinus parkland was established and fire activity increased; these changes are consistent with increasing temperature, as a result of rising summer insolation. From 11,000 to 7600 cal yr BP, the presence of a closed forest of Pinus and some Picea is attributed to high levels of winter moisture, but high fire activity indicates that summers were drier than at present. After 7600 cal yr BP, the presence of forest and steppe vegetation in combination with high fire activity suggest that middle-Holocene conditions were warm and dry. The decrease in Picea and Betula in the last 4000 cal yr indicates continued drying in the late Holocene, although fire-episode frequency was relatively high until 2000 cal yr BP. The pollen data at Blacktail Pond and other low-elevation sites in the northern Rocky Mountains suggest a widespread vegetation response in summer-wet regions to effectively wetter conditions in the early Holocene and decreased moisture in the middle and late Holocene. In contrast, the more-variable fire history among the three sites implies either that (1) summer moisture stress and fire conditions are related to year-round moisture balance and not well predicted by the hypothesis, (2) the transitional area between summer-wet and summer-dry precipitation regimes experienced complicated shifts in effective moisture through time, and/or (3) fire-episode data have a limited source area that makes it difficult to separate local influences from regional climate changes in understanding long-term variations in fire-episode frequency.  相似文献   

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