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Prediction of soft tissue aesthetics is important for achieving an optimal outcome in orthodontic treatment planning. Previously, applicable procedures were mainly restricted to 2-D profile prediction. In this study, a generic 3-D finite element (FE) model of the craniofacial soft and hard tissue was constructed, and individualisation of the generic model based on cone beam CT data and mathematical transformation was investigated. The result indicated that patient-specific 3-D facial FE model including different layers of soft tissue could be obtained through mathematical model transformation. Average deviation between the transformed model and the real reconstructed one was 0.47 ± 0.77 mm and 0.75 ± 0.84 mm in soft and hard tissue, respectively. With boundary condition defined according to treatment plan, such FE model could be used to predict the result of orthodontic treatment on facial soft tissue.  相似文献   

Detailed finite element modelling of needle insertions into soft tissue phantoms encounters difficulties of large deformations, high friction, contact loading and material failure. This paper demonstrates the use of cohesive elements in high-resolution finite element models to overcome some of the issues associated with these factors. Experiments are presented enabling extraction of the strain energy release rate during crack formation. Using data from these experiments, cohesive elements are calibrated and then implemented in models for validation of the needle insertion process. Successful modelling enables direct comparison of finite element and experimental force–displacement plots and energy distributions. Regions of crack creation, relaxation, cutting and full penetration are identified. By closing the loop between experiments and detailed finite element modelling, a methodology is established which will enable design modifications of a soft tissue probe that steers through complex mechanical interactions with the surrounding material.  相似文献   

Soft tissue modelling has gained a great deal of importance, for a large part due to its application in surgical training simulators for minimally invasive surgery (MIS). This article provides a structured overview of different continuum-mechanical models that have been developed over the years. It aims at facilitating model choice for specific soft tissue modelling applications. According to the complexity of the model, different features of soft biological tissue will be incorporated, i.e. nonlinearity, viscoelasticity, anisotropy, heterogeneity and finally, tissue damage during deformation. A brief summary of experimental methods for material characterisation and an introduction to methods for geometric modelling are also provided.

The overview is non-exhaustive, focusing on the most important general models and models with specific biological applications. A trade-off in complexity must be made for enabling real-time simulation, but still maintaining realistic representation of the organ deformation. Depending on the organ and tissue types, different models with emphasis on certain features will prove to be more appropriate, meaning the optimal model choice is organ and tissue-dependent.  相似文献   

Simplified material models are commonly used in computational simulation of biological soft tissue as an approximation of the complicated material response and to minimize computational resources. However, the simulation of complex loadings, such as long-duration tissue swelling, necessitates complex models that are not easy to formulate. This paper strives to offer the updated Lagrangian formulation comprehensive procedure of various non-linear material models for the application of finite element analysis of biological soft tissues including a definition of the Cauchy stress and the spatial tangential stiffness. The relationships between water content, osmotic pressure, ionic concentration and the pore pressure stress of the tissue are discussed with the merits of these models and their applications.  相似文献   

Unbalanced contact force on the tibial component has been considered a factor leading to loosening of the implant and increased wear of the bearing surface in total knee arthroplasty. Because it has been reported that good alignment cannot guarantee successful clinical outcomes, the soft tissue balance should be checked together with the alignment. Finite element models of patients' lower extremities were developed to analyse the medial and lateral contact force distribution on the tibial insert. The distributions for four out of five patients were not balanced equally, even though the alignment angles were within a clinically acceptable range. Moreover, the distribution was improved by changing soft tissue release and ligament tightening for the specific case. Integration of the biomechanical modelling, image matching and finite element analysis techniques with the patient-specific properties and various dynamic loading would suggest a clinically relevant pre-operative planning for soft tissue balancing.  相似文献   

For more than a century, electrophysiologists, cardiologists and engineers have studied the electrical activity of the human heart to better understand rhythm disorders and possible treatment options. Although the depolarisation sequence of the heart is relatively well characterised, the repolarisation sequence remains a subject of great controversy. Here, we study regional and temporal variations in both depolarisation and repolarisation using a finite element approach. We discretise the governing equations in time using an unconditionally stable implicit Euler backward scheme and in space using a consistently linearised Newton–Raphson-based finite element solver. Through systematic parameter-sensitivity studies, we establish a direct relation between a normal positive T-wave and the non-uniform distribution of the controlling parameter, which we have termed refractoriness. To establish a healthy baseline model, we calibrate the refractoriness using clinically measured action potential durations at different locations in the human heart. We demonstrate the potential of our model by comparing the computationally predicted and clinically measured depolarisation and repolarisation profiles across the left ventricle. The proposed framework allows us to explore how local action potential durations on the microscopic scale translate into global repolarisation sequences on the macroscopic scale. We anticipate that our calibrated human heart model can be widely used to explore cardiac excitation in health and disease. For example, our model can serve to identify optimal pacing sites in patients with heart failure and to localise optimal ablation sites in patients with cardiac fibrillation.  相似文献   

Many heel pathologies including plantar heel pain may result from micro tears/trauma in the subcutaneous tissues, in which internal tissue deformation/stresses within the heel pad play an important role. Previously, many finite element models have been proposed to evaluate stresses inside the heel pad, but the majority of these models only focus on static loading boundary conditions. This study explored a dynamics modelling approach to the heel pad subjected to realistic impact loads during running. In this model, the inertial property and action of the body are described by a lumped parameter model, while the heel/shoe interactions are modelled using a viscoelastic heel pad model with contact properties. The impact force pattern, dynamic heel pad deformation and stress states predicted by the model were compared with published experimental data. Further parametrical studies revealed the model responses, in terms of internal stresses in the skin and fatty tissue, change nonlinearly when body dynamics changes. A reduction in foot's touchdown velocity resulted in a less severe impact landing and stress relief inside the heel pad, for example peak von-Mises stress in fatty tissue, was reduced by 11.3%. Applications of the model may be extendable to perform iterative analyses to further understand the complex relationships between body dynamics and stress distributions in the soft tissue of heel pad during running. This may open new opportunities to study the mechanical aetiology of plantar heel pain in runners.  相似文献   

Pelvic prolapse affects one woman in three of all ages combined and is quite common for more than 60% of patients over 60 years of age. The treatment of this pathological problem is one of the biggest challenges to the gynaecologist today. The rate of surgical intervention failure is quite significant. The recurrence of prolapse could be related to inadequate surgical technique or the pathology or/and biomechanical deficiency of the soft tissues. The modelling and simulation of the behaviour of the pelvic cavity could be a major tool for specific evaluation of pelvic status. A first stage of this model is being developed and reported. The computer-aided design model of the organs of the pelvic floor is created using magnetic resonance image data and the ligament boundary conditions are defined. A multi-organ geometric model is thus created and studied.  相似文献   

Background. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) promote wound healing, including after radiotherapy (RT) and surgery. The use of MSCs in regenerative medicine in the context of malignancy, such as to enhance wound healing post-RT/surgery in patients with soft tissue sarcomas (STSs), requires safety validation. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of human MSCs on STS growth in vitro and local recurrence and metastasis in vivo. Methods. Human primary STS and HT-1080 fibrosarcoma lines were transduced to express luciferase/eGFP (enhanced green fluorescent protein). Sarcoma cells were co-cultured or co-injected with bone marrow–derived MSCs for growth studies. Xenograft tumor models were established with STS lines in NOD/SCID/γcnull mice. To emulate a clinical scenario, subcutaneous tumors were treated with RT/surgery prior to MSC injection into the tumor bed. Local and distant tumor recurrence was studied using histology and bioluminescence imaging. Results. MSCs did not promote STS proliferation upon co-culture in vitro, which was consistent among MSCs from different donors. Co-injection of MSCs with sarcoma cells in mice exhibited no significant tumor-stimulating effect, compared with control mice injected with sarcoma cells alone. MSC administration after RT/surgery had no effect on local recurrence or metastasis of STS. Discussion. These studies are important for the establishment of a safety profile for MSC administration in patients with STS. Our data suggest that MSCs are safe in STS management after standard of care RT/surgery, which can be further investigated in early-phase clinical trials to also determine the efficacy of MSCs in reducing morbidity and to mitigate wound complications in these patients.  相似文献   

Quantifying the contribution of passive mechanical deformation in the human pharynx to upper airway collapse is fundamental to understanding the competing biomechanical processes that maintain airway patency. This study uses finite element analysis to examine deformation in the passive human pharynx using an intricate 3D anatomical model based on computed tomography scan images. Linear elastic properties are assigned to bone, cartilage, ligament, tendon, and membrane structures based on a survey of values reported in the literature. Velopharyngeal and oropharyngeal cross-sectional area versus airway pressure slopes are determined as functions of Young's moduli of muscle and adipose tissue. In vivo pharyngeal mechanics for small deformations near atmospheric pressure are matched by altering Young's moduli of muscle and adipose tissue. The results indicate that Young's moduli ranging from 0.33 to 14 kPa for muscle and adipose tissue matched the in vivo range of area versus pressure slopes. The developed anatomical model and determined Young's moduli range are expected to be useful as a starting point for more complex simulations of human upper airway collapse and obstructive sleep apnea therapy.  相似文献   

In this article, we describe the latest developments of the minimally invasive hepatic surgery simulator prototype developed at INRIA. A key problem with such a simulator is the physical modelling of soft tissues. We propose a new deformable model based on non-linear elasticity and the finite element method. This model is valid for large displacements, which means in particular that it is invariant with respect to rotations. This property improves the realism of the deformations and solves the problems related to the shortcomings of linear elasticity, which is only valid for small displacements. We also address the problem of volume variations by adding to our model incompressibility constraints. Finally, we demonstrate the relevance of this approach for the real-time simulation of laparoscopic surgical gestures on the liver.  相似文献   

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