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The human spinal segment is an inherently complex structure, a combination of flexible and semi-rigid articulating elements stabilised by seven principal ligaments. An understanding of how mechanical loading is shared among these passive elements of the segment is required to estimate tissue failure stresses. A 3D rigid body model of the complete lumbar spine has been developed to facilitate the prediction of load sharing across the passive elements. In contrast to previous multibody models, this model includes a non-linear, six degrees of freedom intervertebral disc, facet bony articulations and all spinal ligaments. Predictions of segmental kinematics and facet joint forces, in response to pure moment loading (flexion-extension), were compared to published in vitro data. On inclusion of detailed representation of the disc and facets, the multibody model fully captures the non-linear flexibility response of the spinal segment, i.e. coupled motions and a mobile instantaneous centre of rotation. Predicted facet joint forces corresponded well with reported values. For the loading case considered, the model predicted that the ligaments are the main stabilising elements within the physiological motion range; however, the disc resists a greater proportion of the applied load as the spine is fully flexed. In extension, the facets and capsular ligaments provide the principal resistance. Overall patterns of load distribution to the spinal ligaments are in agreement with previous predictions; however, the current model highlights the important role of the intraspinous ligament in flexion and the potentially high risk of failure. Several important refinements to the multibody modelling of the passive elements of the spine have been described, and such an enhanced passive model can be easily integrated into a full musculoskeletal model for the prediction of spinal loading for a variety of daily activities.  相似文献   

Understanding the kinematics of the spine provides paramount knowledge for many aspects of the clinical analysis of back pain. More specifically, visualisation of the instantaneous centre of rotation (ICR) enables clinicians to quantify joint laxity in the segments, avoiding a dependence on more inconclusive measurements based on the range of motion and excessive translations, which vary in every individual. Alternatively, it provides motion preserving designers with an insight into where a physiological ICR of a motion preserving prosthesis can be situated in order to restore proper load distribution across the passive and active elements of the lumbar region. Prior to the use of an unconstrained dynamic musculoskeletal model system, based on multi-body models capable of transient analysis, to estimate segmental loads, the model must be kinematically evaluated for all possible sensitivity due to ligament properties and the initial locus of intervertebral disc (IVD). A previously calibrated osseoligamentous model of lumbar spine was used to evaluate the changes in ICR under variation of the ligament stiffness and initial locus of IVD, when subjected to pure moments from 0 to 15 Nm. The ICR was quantified based on the closed solution of unit quaternion that improves accuracy and prevents coordinate singularities, which is often observed in Euler-based methods and least squares principles. The calculation of the ICR during flexion/extension revealed complexity and intrinsic nonlinearity between flexion and extension. This study revealed that, to accommodate a good agreement between in vitro data and the multi-body model predictions, in flexion more laxity is required than in extension. The results showed that the ICR location is concentrated in the posterior region of the disc, in agreement with previous experimental studies. However, the current multi-body model demonstrates a sensitivity to the initial definition of the ICR, which should be recognised as a limitation of the method. Nevertheless, the current simulations suggest that, due to the constantly evolving path of the ICR across the IVD during flexion–extension, a movable ICR is a necessary condition in multi-body modelling of the spine, in the context of whole body simulation, to accurately capture segmental kinematics and kinetics.  相似文献   

The follower load (FL) combined with moments is commonly used to approximate flexed/extended posture of the lumbar spine in absence of muscles in biomechanical studies. There is a lack of consensus as to what magnitudes simulate better the physiological conditions. Considering the in-vivo measured values of the intradiscal pressure (IDP), intervertebral rotations (IVRs) and the disc loads, sensitivity of these spinal responses to different FL and flexion moment magnitudes was investigated using a 3D nonlinear finite element (FE) model of ligamentous lumbosacral spine. Optimal magnitudes of FL and moment that minimize deviation of the model predictions from in-vivo data were determined. Results revealed that the spinal parameters i.e. the IVRs, disc moment, and the increase in disc force and moment from neutral to flexed posture were more sensitive to moment magnitude than FL magnitude in case of flexion. The disc force and IDP were more sensitive to the FL magnitude than moment magnitude. The optimal ranges of FL and flexion moment magnitudes were 900–1100 N and 9.9–11.2 Nm, respectively. The FL magnitude had reverse effect on the IDP and disc force. Thus, magnitude for FL or flexion that minimizes the deviation of all the spinal parameters together from the in-vivo data can vary. To obtain reasonable compromise between the IDP and disc force, our findings recommend that FL of low magnitude must be combined with flexion moment of high intensity and vice versa.  相似文献   

A new methodological approach employing mechanical work (MW) determination and relative portion of its elemental analysis was applied to investigate the biomechanical causes of golf-related lumbar spine injuries. Kinematic and kinetic parameters at the lumbar and lower limb joints were measured during downswing in 18 golfers. The MW at the lumbar joint (LJ) was smaller than at the right hip but larger than the MWs at other joints. The contribution of joint angular velocity (JAV) to MW was much greater than that of net muscle moment (NMM) at the LJ, whereas the contribution of NMM to MW was greater rather than or similar to that of JAV at other joints. Thus, the contribution of JAV to MW is likely more critical in terms of the probability of golf-related injury than that of NMM. The MW-based golf-related injury index (MWGII), proposed as the ratio of the contribution of JAV to MW to that of NMM, at the LJ (1.55) was significantly greater than those at other joints ( < 1.05). This generally corresponds to the most frequent occurrence of golf-related injuries around the lumbar spine. Therefore, both MW and MWGII should be considered when investigating the biomechanical causes of lumbar spine injuries.  相似文献   

A number of geometrically-detailed passive finite element (FE) models of the lumbar spine have been developed and validated under in vitro loading conditions. These models are devoid of muscles and thus cannot be directly used to simulate in vivo loading conditions acting on the lumbar joint structures or spinal implants. Gravity loads and muscle forces estimated by a trunk musculoskeletal (MS) model under twelve static activities were applied to a passive FE model of the L4-L5 segment to estimate load sharing among the joint structures (disc, ligaments, and facets) under simulated in vivo loading conditions. An equivalent follower (FL), that generates IDP equal to that generated by muscle forces, was computed in each task. Results indicated that under in vivo loading conditions, the passive FE model predicted intradiscal pressures (IDPs) that closely matched those measured under the simulated tasks (R2 = 0.98 and root-mean-squared-error, RMSE = 0.18 MPa). The calculated equivalent FL compared well with the resultant force of all muscle forces and gravity loads acting on the L4-L5 segment (R2 = 0.99 and RMSE = 58 N). Therefore, as an alternative approach to represent in vivo loading conditions in passive FE model studies, this FL can be estimated by available in-house or commercial MS models. In clinical applications and design of implants, commonly considered in vitro loading conditions on the passive FE models do not adequately represent the in vivo loading conditions under muscle exertions. Therefore, more realistic in vivo loading conditions should instead be used.  相似文献   

Finite element analysis has proven to be a viable method for assessing many structure-function relationships in the human lumbar spine. Several validated models of the spine have been published, but they typically rely on commercial packages and are difficult to share between labs. The goal of this study is to present the development of the first open-access models of the human lumbar spine in FEBio. This modeling framework currently targets three deficient areas in the field of lumbar spine modeling: 1) open-access models, 2) accessibility for multiple meshing schemes, and 3) options to include advanced hyperelastic and biphasic constitutive models.  相似文献   

Previous studies have compared the effects of different interbody fusion approaches on biomechanical responses of the lumbar spine to static loadings. However, very few have dealt with the whole body vibration (WBV) condition that is typically present in vehicles. This study was designed to determine the biomechanical differences among anterior, posterior and transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF, PLIF and TLIF) under vertical WBV. A previously developed and validated finite element (FE) model of the intact L1–sacrum human lumbar spine was modified to simulate ALIF, PLIF and TLIF with bilateral pedicle screw fixation at L4–L5. Comparative studies on dynamic responses to the axial cyclic loading in these developed models were conducted. The results showed that at the fused L4–L5 level, dynamic responses of the von-Mises stress in L4 inferior and L5 superior endplates for the ALIF, PLIF and TLIF models were increased compared with the intact model. The endplate stresses in the TLIF model were lower than in the ALIF and PLIF models, but the TLIF generated greater stresses in the screws and rods compared with the ALIF and PLIF. At other levels, a decrease in dynamic responses of the disc bulge, annulus stress and intradiscal pressure was observed in all the fusion models compared with the intact one, but there was no obvious difference in these dynamic responses among the ALIF, PLIF and TLIF models. These findings might be useful in understanding vibration characteristics of the whole lumbar spine after different types of fusion surgery.  相似文献   

Understanding spinal kinematics is essential for distinguishing between pathological conditions of spine disorders, which ultimately lead to low back pain. It is of high importance to understand how changes in mechanical properties affect the response of the lumbar spine, specifically in an effort to differentiate those associated with disc degeneration from ligamentous changes, allowing for more precise treatment strategies. To do this, the goals of this study were twofold: (1) develop and validate a finite element (FE) model of the lumbar spine and (2) systematically alter the properties of the intervertebral disc and ligaments to define respective roles in functional mechanics. A three-dimensional non-linear FE model of the lumbar spine (L3-sacrum) was developed and validated for pure moment bending. Disc degeneration and sequential ligament failure were modelled. Intersegmental range of motion (ROM) and bending stiffness were measured. The prediction of the FE model to moment loading in all three planes of bending showed very good agreement, where global and intersegmental ROM and bending stiffness of the model fell within one standard deviation of the in vitro results. Degeneration decreased ROM for all directions. Stiffness increased for all directions except axial rotation, where it initially increased then decreased for moderate and severe degeneration, respectively. Incremental ligament failure produced increased ROM and decreased stiffness. This effect was much more pronounced for all directions except lateral bending, which is minimally impacted by ligaments. These results indicate that lateral bending may be more apt to detect the subtle changes associated with degeneration, without being masked by associated changes of surrounding stabilizing structures.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to generate a finite element model of the human lumbar spine (L1–L5), verify mesh convergence for each tissue constituent and perform an extensive validation using both kinematic/kinetic and stress/strain data. Mesh refinement was accomplished via convergence of strain energy density (SED) predictions for each spinal tissue. The converged model was validated based on range of motion, intradiscal pressure, facet force transmission, anterolateral cortical bone strain and anterior longitudinal ligament deformation predictions. Changes in mesh resolution had the biggest impact on SED predictions under axial rotation loading. Nonlinearity of the moment-rotation curves was accurately simulated and the model predictions on the aforementioned parameters were in good agreement with experimental data. The validated and converged model will be utilised to study the effects of degeneration on the lumbar spine biomechanics, as well as to investigate the mechanical underpinning of the contemporary treatment strategies.  相似文献   

Intervertebral disc degeneration involves changes in the spinal anatomical structures. The mechanical relevance of the following changes was investigated: disc height, endplate sclerosis, disc water content, permeability and depressurisation. A poroelastic nonlinear finite element model of the L4–L5 human spine segments was employed. Loads represented a daily cycle (500 N compression combined with flexion–extension motion for 16 h followed by 200 N compression for 8 h). In non-degenerative conditions, the model predicted a diurnal axial displacement of 1.32 mm and a peak intradiscal pressure of 0.47 MPa. Axial displacement, facet force and range of motion in flexion–extension are decreased by decreasing disc height. By decreasing the initial water content, axial displacement, facet force and fluid loss were all reduced. Endplate sclerosis did not have a significant influence on the calculated results. Depressurisation determined an increase of the disc effective stress, possibly inducing failure. Degenerative instability was not calculated in any simulations.  相似文献   

Pedicle screw-based dynamic constructs either benefit from a dynamic (flexible) interconnecting rod or a dynamic (hinged) screw. Both types of systems have been reported in the literature. However, reports where the dynamic system is composed of two dynamic components, i.e. a dynamic (hinged) screw and a dynamic rod, are sparse. In this study, the biomechanical characteristics of a novel pedicle screw-based dynamic stabilisation system were investigated and compared with equivalent rigid and semi-rigid systems using in vitro testing and finite element modelling analysis. All stabilisation systems restored stability after decompression. A significant decrease in the range of motion was observed for the rigid system in all loadings. In the semi-rigid construct the range of motion was significantly less than the intact in extension, lateral bending and axial rotation loadings. There were no significant differences in motion between the intact spine and the spine treated with the dynamic system (P>0.05). The peak stress in screws was decreased when the stabilisation construct was equipped with dynamic rod and/or dynamic screws.  相似文献   

In a finite element (FE) analysis of the lumbar spine, different preload application methods that are used in biomechanical studies may yield diverging results. To investigate how the biomechanical behaviour of a spinal implant is affected by the method of applying the preload, hybrid-controlled FE analysis was used to evaluate the biomechanical behaviour of the lumbar spine under different preload application methods. The FE models of anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) and artificial disc replacement (ADR) were tested under three different loading conditions: a 150 N pressure preload (PP) and 150 and 400 N follower loads (FLs). This study analysed the resulting range of motion (ROM), facet contact force (FCF), inlay contact pressure (ICP) and stress distribution of adjacent discs. The FE results indicated that the ROM of both surgical constructs was related to the preload application method and magnitude; differences in the ROM were within 7% for the ALIF model and 32% for the ADR model. Following the application of the FL and after increasing the FL magnitude, the FCF of the ADR model gradually increased, reaching 45% at the implanted level in torsion. The maximum ICP gradually decreased by 34.1% in torsion and 28.4% in lateral bending. This study concluded that the preload magnitude and application method affect the biomechanical behaviour of the lumbar spine. For the ADR, remarkable alteration was observed while increasing the FL magnitude, particularly in the ROM, FCF and ICP. However, for the ALIF, PP and FL methods had no remarkable alteration in terms of ROM and adjacent disc stress.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to implement a follower load (FL) device within a robotic (universal force-moment sensor) testing system and utilize the system to explore the effect of FL on multi-segment cervical spine moment-rotation parameters and intradiscal pressure (IDP) at C45 and C56. Twelve fresh-frozen human cervical specimens (C3-C7) were biomechanically tested in a robotic testing system to a pure moment target of 2.0 Nm for flexion and extension (FE) with no compression and with 100 N of FL. Application of FL was accomplished by loading the specimens with bilateral cables passing through cable guides inserted into the vertebral bodies and attached to load controlled linear actuators. FL significantly increased neutral zone (NZ) stiffness and NZ width but resulted in no change in the range of motion (ROM) or elastic zone stiffness. C45 and C56 IDP measured in the neutral position were significantly increased with application of FL. The change in IDP with increasing flexion rotation was not significantly affected by the application of FL, whereas the change in IDP with increasing extension rotation was significantly reduced by the application of FL. Application of FL did not appear to affect the specimen’s quantity of motion (ROM) but did affect the quality (the shape of the curve). Regarding IDP, the effects of adding FL compression approximates the effect of the patient going from supine to a seated position (FL compression increased the IDP in the neutral position). The change in IDP with increasing flexion rotation was not affected by the application of FL, but the change in IDP with increasing extension rotation was, however, significantly reduced by the application of FL.  相似文献   

Musculo-skeletal modeling can greatly help in understanding normal and pathological functioning of the spine. For such models to produce reliable muscle and joint force estimations, an adequate set of musculo-skeletal data is necessary. In this study, we present a complete and coherent dataset for the lumbar spine, based on medical images and dissection measurements from one embalmed human cadaver. We divided muscles into muscle-tendon elements, digitized their attachments at the bones and measured morphological parameters. In total, we measured 11 muscles from one body side, using 96 elements. For every muscle element, we measured three-dimensional coordinates of its attachments, fiber length, tendon length, sarcomere length, optimal fiber length, pennation angle, mass, and physiological cross-sectional area together with the geometry of the lumbar spine. Results were consistent with other anatomical studies and included new data for the serratus posterior inferior muscle. The dataset presented in this paper enables a complete and coherent musculo-skeletal model for the lumbar spine and will improve the current state-of-the art in predicting spinal loading.  相似文献   

This study describes a versatile computational method to determine the hydrophobicity of small peptides at the atomic level. Free energies of transfer for individual atoms in peptide structures were derived, utilising two specifically defined parameters: (i) the water-excluding distance to define the dynamic interface between a peptide solute and its surrounding solvent and (ii) the corresponding hydrophobicity index as a relative measure for water occlusion/repulsion. The method was tested on a range of small peptide models (Ac-X-NH2, G-X-G, Ac-WL-X-LL and Ac-GG-X-GG-NH2) and several derivatives of these structures, whereby X was any of the 20 most common amino acids that naturally occur in polypeptides or proteins. The advantage of this new method lies in its versatility, ease to implement and capability to provide information on the hydrophobicity characteristics at the atomic level. The approach also encapsulates the impact of factors that influence these properties, but which have hitherto been difficult to accurately quantify, e.g. steric hindrance or proximity effects due to nearby polarised atoms. The method is not conditional on the knowledge of hydrophobicity parameters from the literature and does not require a sophisticated computer software/hardware to enable the atomic solvent-accessible surface areas or other hydrophobicity parameters to be de novo obtained.  相似文献   


The kinematics of a spinal motion segment is determined by the material properties of the soft-tissue and the morphology. The material properties can vary within subjects and between vertebral levels, leading to a wide possible range of motion of a spinal segment independently on its morphology. The goal of this numerical study was to identify the most influential material parameters concerning the kinematics of a spinal motion segment and their plausible ranges. Then, a method was tested to deduce the material properties automatically, based on a given ROM and morphology. A fully parametric finite element model of the morphology and material properties of a lumbar spinal motion segment was developed. The impact of uncertainty of twelve spinal material parameters, as well as the size of the gap between the articular surfaces of the facet joints was examined. The simulation results were compared to our own in vitro data. The flexibility of a lumbar segment was especially influenced by the properties of the anterior annulus region, the facet gap size and the interspinous ligament. The high degree of uncertainty in the material properties and facet gap size published in the literature can lead to a wide scatter in the motion of a spinal segment, with a range of 6°-17° in the intact condition in flexion/extension, from 5°-22° in lateral bending and from 3°-14° in axial rotation. Statistical analysis of the variability might help to estimate the sensitivity and total uncertainty propagated through biomechanical simulations, affecting the reliability of the predictions.  相似文献   

Obtaining tibio-femoral (TF) contact forces, ligament deformations and loads during daily life motor tasks would be useful to better understand the aetiopathogenesis of knee joint diseases or the effects of ligament reconstruction and knee arthroplasty. However, methods to obtain this information are either too simplified or too computationally demanding to be used for clinical application. A multibody dynamic model of the lower limb reproducing knee joint contact surfaces and ligaments was developed on the basis of magnetic resonance imaging. Several clinically relevant conditions were simulated, including resistance to hyperextension, varus–valgus stability, anterior–posterior drawer, loaded squat movement. Quadriceps force, ligament deformations and loads, and TF contact forces were computed. During anterior drawer test the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) was maximally loaded when the knee was extended (392 N) while the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) was much more stressed during posterior drawer when the knee was flexed (319 N). The simulated loaded squat revealed that the anterior fibres of ACL become inactive after 60° of flexion in conjunction with PCL anterior bundle activation, while most components of the collateral ligaments exhibit limited length changes. Maximum quadriceps and TF forces achieved 3.2 and 4.2 body weight, respectively. The possibility to easily manage model parameters and the low computational cost of each simulation represent key points of the present project. The obtained results are consistent with in vivo measurements, suggesting that the model can be used to simulate complex and clinically relevant exercises.  相似文献   

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