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目的:探究骨密度与老年髋部骨折股骨近端三维有限元模型密度的关系。方法:选取8 例老年髋部骨折,其中4 例股骨颈骨 折,4 例股骨转子间骨折;左侧肢体3 例,右侧肢体5 例。分别测定腰椎骨密度和双侧髋关节CT 资料,运用Mimics软件和abaqus 软件对健侧股骨近端进行重建和计算出该模型的密度。结果:股骨转子间骨折组腰椎骨密度为(-4.05± 0.24) g/cm2,三维有限元模 型密度为[(1.15± 0.02)× 106],均低于股骨颈骨折组的(-3.15± 0.54) g/cm2,[(1.34± 0.06)× 106],两组比较差异均有统计学意义(均 P<0.05)。腰椎的骨密度与三维有限元模型密度成线性正相关(r=0.881,P=0.004)。结论:骨密度与老年髋部骨折股骨近端三维有限 元模型密度成线性正相关的关系,可为进一步用有限元分析法探讨老年髋部骨折部位与骨密度的关系提供理论依据。  相似文献   

目的:研究微波消融(microwave ablation)对结构正常及缺损后骨水泥修复重建的犬骨生物力学性能的影响.方法:取成年犬股骨12对,随机分为完整组和重建组,再随机选取每对股骨的一侧作为对照组,另一侧为实验组,试验由此分为四组:完整对照组,完整微波组,重建对照组,重建微波组.然后将每根股骨制作成两个不同的骨标本,分别长3 cm和6 cm.两种微波组的标本均进行微波灭活,两种重建组的标本均制备成缺损模型并行骨水泥修复重建.然后分别对3、6 cm两种标本行压缩和三点弯曲试验.结果:完整对照组与完整微波组之间,重建对照组与重建微波组之间的最大压缩力、最大压缩位移、最大弯曲力及最大挠度等均无显著性差异.结论:微波消融对结构正常的犬骨的生物力学性能无明显影响,且不会加剧对重建犬骨的力学强度的破坏.  相似文献   

目的:比较上颌窦挤压内提升(OSFE)植骨与不植骨种植修复的临床效果。方法:选择上颌后牙区种植修复的35例患者,其剩余牙槽嵴高度(RBH)为4~8 mm,共植入43颗种植体。A组16例患者为植骨组,20个种植位点,牙槽骨可用骨高度平均(5.87±1.19)mm,植入人工骨粉后植入种植体;B组19例患者为不植骨组,23个种植位点,缺牙区牙槽骨可用骨高度平均(5.67±1.10)mm,上颌窦提升后直接植入种植体。6个月后行二期手术完成修复。采用临床检查、X线检查及视觉模拟评分法(visual analogue scale,VAS)进行效果评价。结果:两组病例的牙槽嵴高度差异比较无统计学意义。在平均约36.7个月的随访期内,A组种植体的存留率为100%(20/20),B组中有1枚种植体因咬合力过大及口腔卫生较差脱落,种植体的存留率为95.6%(22/23),两组病例的存留率比较无统计学差异。两组患者的VAS值比较亦相当。所有种植体骨结合良好,种植体周围软组织无炎症,种植义齿咀嚼功能良好。结论:在严格控制适应症、准确掌握种植技巧的前提下,RBH在4~8 mm之间的病例无需额外植入骨代替材料即可取得理想的修复效果,简化了手术的操作,减少了手术的风险和创伤,节省了手术的时间和费用,易被患者接受。  相似文献   

目的研究LISS-DF治疗股骨远端骨折近端螺钉不同固定方式对应力分布规律的影响,寻找符合生物力学原理的固定方式,为临床应用提供理论依据。方法在ANSYS9.0软件中建立LISS-DF钢板固定股骨远端骨折(AO/OTA33-A3型)的实体模型和有限元模型。在近端螺钉不同单、双皮质固定方式下,通过模拟生理应力做轴向加载实验并进行有限元计算和分析。结果1、3孔单2、4孔双皮质固定时,近端螺钉最大应力值在不同固定方式中最小为24.21975Mpa,位移值为0.131424um与其它固定方式相当且均较小,说明该固定方式可以取得较好的力学效果。结论近端螺钉靠近骨折端处双皮质固定,其余螺钉间隔单双皮质固定时,可以减少应力集中现象,得到更好的把持力,使固定更牢固,从而降低固定失败的风险性。  相似文献   

A hip replacement with a cemented or cementless femoral stem produces an effect on the bone called adaptive remodelling, attributable to mechanical and biological factors. The objective of all of cementless prostheses designs has been to achieve a perfect transfer of loads in order to avoid stress-shielding, which produces an osteopenia. In order to quantify this, the long term and mass-produced study with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) is necessary. Finite element (FE) simulation makes possible the explanation of the biomechanical changes which are produced in the femur after stem implantation. The good correlation obtained between the results of the FE simulation and the densitometric study allow, on one hand, to explain from the point of view of biomechanical performance the changes observed in bone density in the long-term, where it is clear that these are due to a different transfer of load in the implanted model compared to the healthy femur; on the other hand, it validates the simulation model, in a way that it can be used in different conditions and at different time periods, to carry out a sufficiently precise prediction of the evolution of the bone density from the biomechanical behaviour in the interaction between the prosthesis and femur.  相似文献   

目的:探讨逆行交锁髓内钉联合单侧骨皮质钢板固定治疗股骨髁上骨不连的临床疗效。方法:对25例股骨髁上骨不连,均采用逆行交锁髓内钉联合单侧骨皮质钢板固定加自体髂骨植骨治疗。结果:25例获12~24个月随访,平均12个月。4~8个月内均获骨性愈合。结论:应用逆行交锁髓内钉联合单侧骨皮质钢板固定后骨折端可获得坚强内固定,手术操作简便、安全,可早期进行膝关节和股四头肌功能锻炼,是一种治疗股骨髁上骨不连的有效方法。  相似文献   

Cephalothin is 7-(thiophene-2-acetamido) cephalosporanic acid; it was prepared by N-acylation of the nucleus of cephalosporin C, 7-aminocephalosporanic acid. Cephalothin had a broad spectrum of antibiotic activity that was essentially unaffected by human serum or inoculum level, the activity of penicillinase, or pH variation of the growth medium. In vitro development of resistance by staphylococci could not be demonstrated, but the gram-negative organisms did develop a stepwise type of resistance to the antibiotic. Staphylococci made resistant in vitro to 5-methyl-3-phenyl-4-isoxazole penicillin were also resistant to cephalothin and to 6-(2,6-dimethoxybenzamido) penicillin; however, the mechanism of resistance to each antibiotic may have differed. Some complications involved in the laboratory evaluation methods currently in use in the field of antibiotics are examined.  相似文献   

目的:研究基质细胞衍生因子-1(SDF-1)/CXCR4轴在骨髓间充质干细胞迁徙到受损胰腺中的作用。方法:密度梯度离心、贴壁培养骨髓间充质干细胞,建立STZ诱导糖尿病模型并制备正常和受损胰腺组织提取液,利用Transwell小室体外迁移体系观察不同浓度SDF-1和不同组织提取液对骨髓间充质干细胞的趋化作用,及SDF-1/CXCR4特异抑制剂AMD3100对骨髓间充质干细胞迁移的影响。结果:成功培养了骨髓间充质干细胞并建立了糖尿病大鼠模型。SDF-l对骨髓间充质干细胞有剂量依赖性的趋化作用,造模1周的胰腺组织提取液对骨髓间充质干细胞有明显的趋化作用,而这种作用可部分被SDF-1受体CXCR4的抑制剂AMD3100抑制。结论:受损胰腺组织提取液对骨髓间充质干细胞有明显的趋化作用,SDF-1/CXCR4轴可能在组织提取液趋化骨髓间充质干细胞迁移中起主要的作用。  相似文献   

In primate teeth, the dentino-enamel junction (DEJ) exhibits a scalloped appearance, the functional importance of which has been the subject of various suggestions and speculations. Simplified finite-element (FE) models of DEJ microanatomy were created, both in 2D and 3D, and their biomechanical behavior was tested and compared. Consistently, the models with the scalloped DEJ, although having higher maximum tensile stresses than the straight DEJ models, showed discontinuous concentrations of stress. In straight DEJ models, tensile stresses act at the DEJ over continuous areas in a direction, which would push the two tissues apart, thus leading to delamination of the DEJ. Perhaps even more important, in the scallop model, the net-compression towards the DEJ was consistently higher than net-tension away from it. As a consequence, dentine and enamel would be pushed towards each other during loading (i.e., during mastication). These findings suggest that the scalloped nature of the DEJ confers a biomechanical advantage to the integrity of the tooth during mastication. Furthermore, there exists a correlation between pronounced prism decussation and scallop magnitude, suggesting that scallops may have been selected for in response to high bite forces. However, given the equivocal relationship between scallops and presumed bite force across mammalian taxa, we propose that scallops could in fact be exaptations.  相似文献   

We consider a non-standard design for a fixed dental implant, incorporating a soft layer which simulates the presence of the periodontal ligament (PDL). Instead of being aimed at causing an a priori defined stress/strain field within the surrounding bone, upon loading, such a design simply tries to better reproduce the natural tooth–PDL configuration. To do this, the mechanical properties of the internal layer match those of the PDL, determined experimentally to be strongly nonlinear. Three-dimensional finite element analyses show that the presence of such a layer produces (i) a prosthesis mobility very similar to that of a healthy tooth, for several loading conditions, and (ii) a stress/strain distribution substantially different from that arising, upon loading, around a conventional implant. The lack of knowledge of the real mechanical fields existing, under loading, in the bone around a healthy tooth makes it very difficult to state that the stress distribution produced by the modified implant is “better” than that produced by the standard one. Nevertheless, the comparison of the results obtained here, with those of previous refined analyses of the tooth–PDL–bone system, indicates that the modified implant tends to produce a stress distribution in the bone, upon loading, closer to “natural” than that given by the standard one, within the limits imposed by the presence of threads coupling the implant with the bone.  相似文献   

Two parallel in vitro selections (denoted Selection A and Selection B) were conducted under different selection-pressure regimes, yielding a diverse community of RNA-cleaving deoxyribozymes. In Selection A, the reaction time was reduced four times (from 5 h to 5 s) over the course of 24 generations, while in Selection B the reaction time was maintained at 5 h for 30 rounds of selective amplification. Sequence alignment was conducted on more than 800 clones assembled from 18 generations that span both selections. Many prominent catalytic sequence classes, including some that extend across both selections, were identified and used to construct fitness landscapes depicting their rise and fall over time. The landscapes from both selections exhibit similar global trends despite differences in population dynamics. Some deoxyribozymes were predominant in the early rounds of selection but gave way to other species that dominated in the middle rounds. Ultimately, these middle classes disappeared from the landscape in favor of new and presumably more fit deoxyribozyme sequence classes. The shape of these landscapes alludes to the presence of many latent deoxyribozymes in the initial library, which can only be accessed by changes in the selection pressure and/or by adaptive mutations. Basic computer simulations provide theoretical corroboration of the experimentally observed pattern of staggered sequence-class transitions across the fitness landscapes. These simulations model the influence of one or more contributing factors, including catalytic rate, folding efficiency, PCR amplification efficiency, and random mutagenesis. This is the first study which thoroughly documents the topography of a deoxyribozyme fitness landscape over many generations of in vitro selection.  相似文献   

A 21-year-old otherwise healthy male sustained a nondisplaced, intertrochanteric fracture of the left femur after being “rear-ended” by a motor vehicle while riding his bicycle. His fracture was managed with protected weight-bearing and progressive mobilization. No traction was utilized. The patient had an excellent clinical outcome at two-year follow-up, reporting modified Harris Hip Score 85, Hip Outcome Score-Activities of Daily Living 88, Hip Outcome Score-Sport Specific 89, and International Hip Outcome Tool-33 of 77.ConclusionNonsurgical treatment, consisting of restricted weight-bearing, for non-displaced intertrochanteric femur fracture in young, healthy patients can provide a successful result.Level of Evidence: V  相似文献   

A parsimony optimization of the presence of high-frequency flapping flight onto a phylogeny of 29 species of birds shows that this is a derived character state that has been acquired at least four independent times: by the last common ancestor of Alcidae, that of Podicipedidae, that of Anatidae, and that of Rallidae. Cineradiographic analysis has shown that the furculae of birds underwent extraordinary deformations during the wingbeat cycle. Cyclical deformations are known to produce microfractures in the bone tissue, which may be a stimulus for Haversian remodelling, a mechanism of resorption and reconstruction of bone tissue that may repair bone microdamage. In the present study, we performed a comparative analysis in a phylogenetic context to test the effect of the frequency of cyclical deformations and body mass on the rate of Haversian remodelling in the furculae of birds. A variation partitioning analysis showed that the type of flight (high-frequency flapping flight vs. other kinds of flight of lower wing beat frequency) and body mass explained a significant portion of Haversian bone density (the outcome of Haversian remodelling) and that the phylogeny also explained a significant part of this variation. This phylogenetic signal on Haversian bone density variation may be the outcome of phylogenetic signal on the proximate causes producing Haversian remodelling.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 729–738.  相似文献   

Melanin is the major factor that determines skin color and protects from ultraviolet radiation. In present study we evaluated the anti‐melanogenesis effect of acetazolamide (ACZ) using four different approaches: enzyme kinetic, in vitro, in vivo and in silico. ACZ demonstrated significant inhibitory activity (IC50 7.895 ± 0.24 μm ) against tyrosinase as compared to the standard drug kojic acid (IC50 16.84 ± 0.64 μm ) and kinetic analyses showed that ACZ is a non‐competitive inhibitor without cytotoxic effect. In in vitro experiments, A375 human melanoma cells were treated with 20 or 40 μm of ACZ with or without 50 μm of l ‐DOPA. Western blot results showed that ACZ significantly (< 0.05) decreased the expression level of tyrosinase at 40 μm . Zebrafish embryos were treated with 10, 20 or 40 μm of ACZ and of positive control kojic acid. At 72 h of treatment with ACZ and kojic acid, ACZ significantly (< 0.001) decreased the embryos pigmentation to 40.8% of untreated embryos at the dose of 40 μm of ACZ while kojic acid decreased only 25.0% of pigmentation at the same dose of kojic acid. In silico docking were performed against tyrosinase using PyRx tool. Docking studies suggested that His244, Asn260 and His85 are the major interacting residues in the binding site of the protein. In conclusion, our results suggest that ACZ is a good candidate for the inhibition of melanin and it could be used as a lead for developing the drugs for hyperpigmentary disorders and skin whitening.  相似文献   

The biochemical properties of neurofilaments isolated from control and iminodipropionitrile-treated rats were compared with regard to autophosphorylation capacity, hydrolysis of ATP, and the formation of a viscous gel between filaments. Both preparations exhibited a similar polypeptide composition, and no covalent cross-linking between neurofilament subunits was induced by iminodipropionitrile in vivo. An ATPase activity, systematically present in all preparations, was unaffected by the administration of iminodipropionitrile to the rats. Conversely, the autophosphorylation of neurofilament subunits in vitro was significantly higher in preparations from iminodipropionitrile-treated rats than from control animals, with a marked increase of the phosphorylation of a high molecular weight neurofilament-associated protein. Iminodipropionitrile provoked a higher gelation capacity of neurofilaments as measured in vitro, with a lower critical concentration for the preparation from treated animals. A similar increased interaction was obtained with millimolar concentrations of iminodipropionitrile added to bovine neurofilaments in vitro, involving likely neurofilament-associated molecules, because the effect of the drug was lost after their extraction by 0.8 M KCl. These results support the hypothesis that iminodipropionitrile interferes with the neurofilament networks through a preferential interaction with the neurofilament-associated proteins, resulting in a change in their properties and consequently in an increased capacity of interaction between the polymers.  相似文献   

Endocannabinoids are lipid signaling molecules that act via G-coupled receptors, CB1 and CB2. The endocannabinoid system is capable of activation of distinct signaling pathways on demand in response to pathogenic events or stimuli, hereby enhancing cell survival and promoting tissue repair. However, the role of endocannabinoids in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) and their interaction with hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) niches is not known. HSPCs are maintained in the quiescent state in bone marrow (BM) niches by intrinsic and extrinsic signaling. We report that HSPCs express the CB1 receptors and that BM stromal cells secrete endocannabinoids, anandamide (AEA) (35 pg/107 cells), and 2-AG (75.2 ng/107 cells). In response to the endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS), elevated levels of AEA (75.6 pg/107 cells) and 2-AG (98.8 ng/107 cells) were secreted from BM stromal cells, resulting in migration and trafficking of HSPCs from the BM niches to the peripheral blood. Furthermore, administration of exogenous cannabinoid CB1 agonists in vivo induced chemotaxis, migration, and mobilization of human and murine HSPCs. Cannabinoid receptor knock-out mice Cnr1−/− showed a decrease in side population (SP) cells, whereas fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH)−/− mice, which have elevated levels of AEA, yielded increased colony formation as compared with WT mice. In addition, G-CSF-induced mobilization in vivo was modulated by endocannabinoids and was inhibited by specific cannabinoid antagonists as well as impaired in cannabinoid receptor knock-out mice Cnr1−/−, as compared with WT mice. Thus, we propose a novel function of the endocannabinoid system, as a regulator of HSPC interactions with their BM niches, where endocannabinoids are expressed in HSC niches and under stress conditions, endocannabinoid expression levels are enhanced to induce HSPC migration for proper hematopoiesis.  相似文献   

Gliclazide is a second generation of hypoglycemic sulfonylurea and acts selectively on pancreatic β cell to control diabetes mellitus. The objective of this study was to produce a controlled release system of gliclazide using chitosan beads. Chitosan beads were produced by dispersion technique using tripolyphosphate (TPP) as gelating agent. The effects of process variables including chitosan molecular weight, concentration of chitosan and TPP, pH of TPP, and cross-linking time after addition of chitosan were evaluated by Taguchi design on the rate of drug release, mean release time (MRT), release efficiency (RE8%), and particle size of the beads. The blood glucose lowering effect of the beads was studied in normal and streptozotocin-diabetic rats. The optimized formulation CL2T5P2t10 with about 31% drug loading, 2.4 h MRT, and 69.16% RE8% decreased blood glucose level in normal rats for 24 h compared to pure powder of gliclazide that lasted for just 10 h.  相似文献   

Abstract: We determined if changes in intraneuronal Cl? occur early after ischemia in the hippocampal slice. Slices from juvenile rats (14–19 days old) were loaded with the cell-permeant form of 6-methoxy-N-ethylquinolinium chloride (MEQ), a Cl?-sensitive fluorescent dye. Real-time changes in intracellular chloride concentration ([Cl?]i) were measured with UV laser scanning confocal microscopy in multiple neurons within each slice. In vitro ischemia (26–28°C, 10 min) was confirmed by the loss of synaptic transmission (evoked field excitatory postsynaptic potentials) from pyramidal cells in area CA1. After ischemia and reoxygenation (10 min), MEQ fluorescence decreased significantly in CA1 pyramidal cells and interneurons. The decreased fluorescence corresponded to an ischemia-induced increase in [Cl?]i of ~10 mM. Pretreatment with the GABAA-gated Cl? channel antagonist picrotoxin (100 µM) blocked the ischemia-induced change in [Cl?]i. Analysis of the superfusates indicated that ischemia also caused a transient amino acid (GABA, glutamate, and aspartate) release that was maximal at ~10 min, returning to baseline shortly thereafter. Recovery from ischemia was confirmed by the return of synaptic transmission in area CA1, the return toward baseline of the ischemia-induced decrease in MEQ fluorescence, and exclusion of propidium iodide from MEQ fluorescent cells. Furthermore, pyramidal cells did not undergo cell swelling during this early phase of reoxygenation, as indicated by the volume-sensitive dye calcein. Thus, mild ischemia induces the accumulation of [Cl?]i secondary to GABAA receptor activation, in the absence of cellular swelling or death. In contrast, depolarization of the slice with K+ (50 mM) decreased MEQ fluorescence significantly but caused cell swelling. Picrotoxin did not prevent the K+-induced increase in [Cl?]i. It is possible that an increased [Cl?]i, following either an ischemic event or an episode of depolarization, would reduce the Cl? driving force and thereby limit synaptic transmission by GABA. To support this hypothesis, ischemia caused a reduction in the ability of the GABA agonist muscimol to increase [Cl?]i after 20-min reoxygenation.  相似文献   

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