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Traits that undergo massive natural selection pressure, with multiple events of positive selection, are hard to find. Social behaviour, in social animals, is crucial for survival, and genetic networks involved in behaviour, such as those of serotonin (5‐HT) and other neurotransmitters, must be the target of natural selection. Here, we used molecular analyses to search for signals of positive selection in the 5‐HT system and found such signals in the M3‐M4 intracellular domain of the 5‐HT3A serotonin receptor subunit (HTR3A) in primates. We detected four amino acid sites with signs of putatively positive selection (398, 403, 432 and 416); the first three showed indications of being selected in New World monkeys (NWM, Platyrrhini), specifically in the Callitrichinae branch. Additionally, we searched for associations of these amino acid variants with social behavioural traits (i.e. sex‐biased dispersal, dominance and social monogamy) using classical and Bayesian methods, and found statistically significant associations for unbiased sex dispersal (398L and 416S), unbiased sex dominance (416S) and social monogamy (416S), as well as significant positive correlation between female dispersal and 403G. Furthermore, we found putatively functional protein motifs determined by three selected sites, of which we highlight a ligand motif to GSK3 in the 416S variant, appearing only in Platyrrhini. 5‐HT, 5‐HT3A receptor and GSK3 are part of a network that participates in neurodevelopment and regulates behaviour, among other functions. We suggest that these genetic variations, together with those found in other neurotransmitter systems, must contribute to adaptive behaviours and consequently to fitness in NWMs.  相似文献   

In nature titi monkeys spend virtually all of their time in trees. Preferences for certain heights above the ground or for trees per se are probably not, however, the immediate causes of this behavior, for animals housed in a large field cage containing many trees spend most of their time on a low-altitude artificial runway system. Further, the animals are not necessarily reluctant to touch the ground. To investigate the importance of perceived substrate structure as a determinant of arboreality, individuals were given opportunities to descend from their home runway and travel to food placed nearby on the ground. The animals travelled along a schematic model of a tree branch rather than across open ground when given a choice of these substrates, but they readily crossed the open ground when it was their only travel option. When the schematic model increased substantially in length and no longer provided a short route to food, it was still the preferred substrate. The results suggest that an abstract representation of a tree branch attracts and guides locomotion in titis, and that responsiveness to substrate characteristics contributes to arboreality in this species.  相似文献   

Geophagy was observed 14 times during an 11-month field study on the ecology and behavior of masked titi monkeys (Callicebus personatus melanochir). Geophagy took place in 12 cases on the surface of a leaf-cutting ant mound (Atta spec.). Analysis of chemical composition and natural features of the soils consumed by the monkeys showed elevated concentrations of several elements. In contrast, a lower concentration of carbohydrates was found in the ant mound sample compared to random non-ant mound soil samples. No difference in the concentration of clay elements, pH-value or percentage of organic matter was found between ant mound samples and randomly collected soil samples. Comparison of used versus not used samples failed to reveal significant clues about function of geophagy. However, chemical and physical properties of soils ingested support previous hypothesis that this behavior may aid in the adsorbtion of plant toxins.  相似文献   

Pair-bonded primates have uniquely enduring relationships and partners engage in a suite of behaviors to maintain these close bonds. In titi monkeys, pair bond formation has been extensively studied, but changes across relationship tenure remain unstudied. We evaluated differences in behavioral indicators of pair bonding in newly formed (~6 months paired, n = 9) compared to well-established pairs (average 3 years paired, n = 8) of titi monkeys (Callicebus cupreus) as well as sex differences within the pairs. We hypothesized that overall males would contribute more to maintenance than females, but that the pattern of maintenance behaviors would differ between newly formed and well-established pairs. Each titi monkey (N = 34) participated in a partner preference test (PPT), where the subject was placed in a middle test cage with grated windows separating the subject from the partner on one side and an opposite-sex stranger on the other side. During this 150-min behavioral test, we quantified four key behaviors: time in proximity to the partner or stranger as well as aggressive displays toward the partner or stranger. Overall, we found different behavioral profiles representing newly formed and well-established pair-bond relationships in titi monkeys and male-biased relationship maintenance. Males spent ∼40% of their time in the PPT maintaining proximity to the female partner, regardless of relationship tenure. Males from well-established bonds spent less time (14%) near the female stranger compared to males from newly formed bonds (21%) at the trend level. In contrast, females from well-established bonds spent less (23%) time near the male partner in the PPT compared to females from newly formed bonds (47%). Aggressive displays were more frequent in newly formed bonds compared to well-established bonds, especially for females. Scan sampling for homecage affiliation showed that newly formed pairs were more likely to be found tail twining than well-established pairs.  相似文献   

Estrogen produced by aromatization of gonadal androgen has an important facilitative role in male-typical aggressive behavior that is mediated through its interaction with estrogen receptors (ER) in the brain. Isoflavones found in soybeans and soy-based dietary supplements bind ER and have dose- and tissue-dependent effects on estrogen-mediated responses. Yet, effects of isoflavone-rich diets on social and aggressive behavior have not been studied. We studied the effects of long-term (15 months) consumption of diets rich in soy isoflavones on spontaneous social behavior among adult male cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) (n = 44) living in nine stable social groups. There were three experimental conditions which differed only by the source of dietary protein: casein and lactalbumin (no isoflavones), soy protein isolate containing 0.94 mg isoflavones/g protein, and soy protein isolate containing 1.88 mg isoflavones/g protein. In the monkeys fed the higher amount of isoflavones, frequencies of intense aggressive (67% higher) and submissive (203% higher) behavior were elevated relative to monkeys fed the control diet (P's < 0.05). In addition, the proportion of time spent by these monkeys in physical contact with other monkeys was reduced by 68%, time spent in proximity to other monkeys was reduced 50%, and time spent alone was increased 30% (P's < 0.02). There were no effects of treatment on serum testosterone or estradiol concentrations or the response of plasma testosterone to exogenous gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). The results indicate that long-term consumption of a diet rich in soy isoflavones can have marked influences on patterns of aggressive and social behavior.  相似文献   

A contribution to a special issue on Hormones and Human Competition.A stress perspective is used to illuminate how competitive defeat and victory shape biology and behavior. We report a field study examining how change in cortisol following perceived defeat (vs. victory) in a competition—in this case, a dog agility competition—relates to affiliative behavior. Following competition, we measured cortisol change and the extent to which dog handlers directed affiliative behaviors toward their dogs. We found striking sex differences in affiliation. First, men were more affiliative toward their dogs after victory, whereas women were more affiliative after defeat. Second, the greater a female competitor's increase in cortisol, the more time she spent affiliating with her dog, whereas for men, the pattern was the exact opposite: the greater a male competitor's increase in cortisol, the less time he spent affiliating with his dog. This pattern suggests that, in the wake of competition, men and women's affiliative behavior may serve different functions—shared celebration for men; shared consolation for women. These sex differences show not only that men and women react very differently to victory and defeat, but also that equivalent changes in cortisol across the sexes are associated with strikingly different behavioral consequences for men and women.  相似文献   

Titi monkeys (Callicebus spp., Cebidae) are monogamous neotropical primates that live in family-like groups typically consisting of an adult monogamous pair and one or two young. Knowledge about the reproductive biology of this genus is scanty. This study investigated the reproductive biology of female dusky titi monkeys (Callicebus moloch). An initial analysis characterized reproductive parameters of 32 females from a captive colony maintained for 23 years at the California Regional Primate Research Center (CRPRC). The colony records provided data on reproductive parameters such as interbirth intervals, seasonality, age at first pregnancy, and reproductive rate in captivity. Changes in urinary levels of estrone conjugates (E1C) and pregnanediol-3alpha-glucuronide (PdG) were used to characterize major reproductive events. Urine samples from eleven females were collected during 17 months. The endocrine data were used to examine changes associated with cycling, conception, and the post-partum period as well as to determine the duration of the ovarian cycle and gestation length. The analysis of colony records indicated that females whose infant survived through weaning gave birth at intervals remarkably close to one year, while those who lost their offspring showed a significantly shorter interval. As long as they lived within the family group, mature female offspring did not breed. The analysis of the endocrine profiles indicated that after giving birth to a viable offspring, females undergo a relatively prolonged period of anovulation (approx. 6.5 months), followed by 1-3 non-conceptive cycles (approx. 1 month), after which they conceive and gestate (4.3 months).  相似文献   

We observed a case of infant adoption in an unprovisioned group of wild black-fronted titi monkeys (Callicebus nigrifrons). During our long-term field study we noticed that an infant had moved from one of our study groups (“Desbotado”) to another (“Rio”). Observations of the adoptive group confirm that it was being cared for by the adult male, and initially the group’s adult female was nursing the infant alongside her biological infant. Interestingly, the native and adoptive groups have frequent inter-group interactions, but at no point have we observed the native group trying to retrieve its infant. As of April 2007 the infant has been living in its adoptive group for 19 months. These data document the first case of adoption in this genus; they suggest that infant recognition is poorly developed in this species and that under certain circumstances wild groups of C. nigrifrons can successfully rear twins. In our study population reproductive females give birth to one infant every year; the only case when this has not happened is with the group that adopted the infant, suggesting that adoption may generate a reproductive cost.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of agonist and inverse agonist action at the serotonin 5-HT1A receptor have been studied using the modulation of guanosine 5'-O-(3-[35S]thiotriphosphate) ([35S]GTPgammaS) binding in membranes of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing the receptor (CHO-5-HTA1A cells). A range of agonists increased [35S]GTPgammaS binding with different potencies and to different maximal extents, whereas two compounds, methiothepin and spiperone, inhibited both agonist-stimulated and basal [5S]GTPgammaS binding, thus exhibiting inverse agonism. Potencies of agonists to stimulate [35S]GTPgammaS binding in membranes from CHO-5-HT1A cells were reduced by adding increasing concentrations of GDP to assays, whereas changes in sodium ion concentration did not affect agonist potency. The maximal effect of the agonists was increased by increasing sodium ion concentrations. The affinities of agonists in ligand binding assays were unaffected by changes in sodium ion concentration. Increasing GDP in the assays of the inverse agonists increased potency for spiperone to inhibit [35S]GTPgammaS binding and had no effect for methiothepin, in agreement with the sensitivity of these compounds to guanine nucleotides in ligand binding assays. Potencies for these inverse agonists were unaffected by changes in sodium ion concentration. These data were simulated using the extended ternary complex model. These simulations showed that the data obtained with agonists were consistent with these compounds achieving agonism by stabilising the ternary complex. For inverse agonists, the simulations showed that the mechanism for spiperone may be to stabilise forms of the receptor uncoupled from G proteins. Methiothepin, however, probably does not alter the equilibrium distribution of different receptor species; rather, this inverse agonist may stabilise an inactive form of the receptor that can still couple to G protein.  相似文献   

Social relationships are essential for maintaining human mental health, yet little is known about the brain mechanisms involved in the development and maintenance of social bonds. Animal models are powerful tools for investigating the neurobiological mechanisms regulating the cognitive processes leading to the development of social relationships and for potentially extending our understanding of the human condition. In this review, we discuss the roles of the neuropeptides oxytocin and vasopressin in the regulation of social bonding as well as related social behaviors which culminate in the formation of social relationships in animal models. The formation of social bonds is a hierarchical process involving social motivation and approach, the processing of social stimuli and formation of social memories, and the social attachment itself. Oxytocin and vasopressin have been implicated in each of these processes. Specifically, these peptides facilitate social affiliation and parental nurturing behavior, are essential for social recognition in rodents, and are involved in the formation of selective mother-infant bonds in sheep and pair bonds in monogamous voles. The convergence of evidence from these animal studies makes oxytocin and vasopressin attractive candidates for the neural modulation of human social relationships as well as potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of psychiatric disorders associated with disruptions in social behavior, including autism.  相似文献   

张通  王希  张启信  李进华 《兽类学报》2022,42(4):370-378
友好和冲突行为决定了群居动物的社会结构及其表现形式,表现为个体间近距差异。但目前尚不清楚藏酋猴个体间亲近关系的差异性是否会影响冲突和攻击的强度。本研究于2020年9月至2021年5月对栖息于安徽黄山的藏酋猴鱼鳞坑YA1群进行跟踪观察,采用目标动物取样法采集行为数据,全事件记录法用于攻击行为数据的补充,分析个体间近距、理毛和攻击行为矩阵的关系,并采用GLMM模型探讨攻击行为的影响因素。结果显示:藏酋猴个体间近距指数越大,理毛时间越长;个体间近距指数矩阵与攻击总次数、轻度攻击和重度攻击次数矩阵均呈显著正相关;个体间亲近关系越紧密,攻击次数和强度越大,但相较雄性间和异性间,雌性间攻击次数和强度最小。这些结果表明,个体间近距持续时间会增加理毛和攻击行为的可能性,雌性个体间社会关系更稳定,但并未发现藏酋猴根据个体间亲近关系调整攻击强度。本研究为进一步了解多雌多雄的藏酋猴群体的社会关系和社会结构提供了数据支持。  相似文献   

As social animals, many primates use acoustic communication to maintain relationships. Vocal individuality has been documented in a diverse range of primate species and call types, many of which have presumably different functions. Auditory recognition of one's neighbors may confer a selective advantage if identifying conspecifics decreases the need to participate in costly territorial behaviors. Alternatively, vocal individuality may be nonadaptive and the result of a unique combination of genetics and environment. Pair-bonded primates, in particular, often participate in coordinated vocal duets that can be heard over long distances by neighboring conspecifics. In contrast to adult calls, infant vocalizations are short-range and used for intragroup communication. Here, we provide two separate but complementary analyses of vocal individuality in distinct call types of coppery titi monkeys (Plecturocebus cupreus) to test whether individuality occurs in call types from animals of different age classes with presumably different functions. We analyzed 600 trill vocalizations from 30 infants and 169 pulse-chirp duet vocalizations from 30 adult titi monkeys. We predicted that duet contributions would exhibit a higher degree of individuality than infant trills, given their assumed function for long-distance, intergroup communication. We estimated 7 features from infant trills and 16 features from spectrograms of adult pulse-chirps, then used discriminant function analysis with leave-one-out cross-validation to classify individuals. We correctly classified infants with 48% accuracy and adults with 83% accuracy. To further investigate variance in call features, we used a multivariate variance components model to estimate variance partitioning in features across two levels: within- and between-individuals. Between-individual variance was the most important source of variance for all features in adults, and three of four features in infants. We show that pulse-chirps of adult titi monkey duets are individually distinct, and infant trills are less individually distinct, which may be due to the different functions of the vocalizations.  相似文献   

The current study evaluates the hypothesis, derived from previous investigations, that alterations in dietary fat and cholesterol influence the social behavior of monkeys. Subjects were 62 adult male, cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) assigned originally to an investigation of atherosclerosis regression. This study thus involves a secondary analysis of data derived from an investigation conducted for another purpose. Animals were housed for 14 months' in social groups of five individuals each and initially fed a diet very high in saturated fat and cholesterol to induce coronary artery atherosclerosis. Monkeys were then exposed for 28 months to one of three conditions; (1) a moderately high-fat, high-cholesterol diet and an unstable social environment (in which monkeys were switched among groups monthly); (2) a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet and an unstable social environment; and (3) a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet and a stable social environment. A comparison of animals living in unstable groups revealed that those consuming the low-fat diet exhibited more overt aggression (P < 0.001) and overt submission (P < 0.01) than did monkeys eating the high-fat diet. A second comparison involved only those animals living in stable social units. These monkeys, while consuming the low-fat diet, engaged in more aggression and submission (Ps < 0.05), spent less time in passive body contact or within touching distance (Ps < 0.001), and spent more time alone (P < 0.001) than they had initially while consuming a very high-fat diet. The current investigation is the first on this topic to include measures of social behavior in animals both before and after a reduction in dietary fat. The findings that such a reduction is associated with increased agonism and decreased affiliation may help explain the epidemiologic association in human beings between low or reduced plasma cholesterol concentrations and a high incidence of violence-related mortality. More generally, the data are consistent with the hypothesis that there is a negative feedback adaptation providing for appropriate changes in behavior in response to periodic dietary privation. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Examinations of 23 forms ofCallicebus were made to elucidate their phylogenetic relationships based on cranial measurements. Multivariate statistical methods of distance analysis utilizing Q-mode correlation coefficients and principal component analysis were employed. As a result, the following five distinct groups were recognized morphometrically among the 23 species and subspecies: theDonacophilus, Cupreus, Moloch, Personatus, andTorquatus groups. Moreover, the phenetic characters of cranial size, karyotype, pelage coloration, and geographic range were consistent with the results of this group classification. It could be safely concluded therefore that these groups represented phylogenetically independent groups, in view of the fact that the rate of character differentiation was not appreciably different among closely related groups. Of the five groups, thePersonatus andTorquatus groups were respectively considered to maintain a higher peculiarity of character differentiation within theCallicebus phylogeny, since these two groups individually displayed the higher magnitudes of differentiation in both their craniometric shape and some phenetic features. Conversely, the other three groups were considered to be closer to each other in theCallicebus phylogeny.  相似文献   

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