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Vertebrate sex ratios are notorious for their lack of fit to theoretical models, both with respect to the direction and the magnitude of the sex ratio adjustment. The reasons for this are likely to be linked to simplifying assumptions regarding vertebrate life histories. More specifically, if the sex ratio adjustment itself influences offspring fitness, due to sex-specific interactions among offspring, this could affect optimal sex ratios. A review of the literature suggests that sex-specific sibling interactions in vertebrates result from three major causes: (i) sex asymmetries in competitive ability, for example due to sexual dimorphism, (ii) sex-specific cooperation or helping, and (iii) sex asymmetries in non-competitive interactions, for example steroid leakage between fetuses. Incorporating sex-specific sibling interactions into a sex ratio model shows that they will affect maternal sex ratio strategies and, under some conditions, can repress other selection pressures for sex ratio adjustment. Furthermore, sex-specific interactions could also explain patterns of within-brood sex ratio (e.g. in relation to laying order). Failure to take sex-specific sibling interactions into account could partly explain the lack of sex ratio adjustment in accordance with theoretical expectations in vertebrates, and differences among taxa in sex-specific sibling interactions generate predictions for comparative and experimental studies.  相似文献   

Neuroendocrinology of maternal behavior in the rabbit   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Rabbit maternal behavior consists of building an underground nest of straw and body hair during late pregnancy and displaying, with circadian periodicity, a single 3-min nursing bout/day across lactation. Estrogen, androgen, progesterone, and prolactin regulate specific aspects of nest-building and promote the onset of maternal responsiveness. However, the maintenance of this behavior relies on stimuli from the litter: by preventing mother/young contact at parturition or during early lactation maternal responsiveness is altered or abolished. The brain areas controlling the expression of nest-building and nursing were investigated by implanting estradiol, locating the distribution of estrogen and prolactin receptors, quantifying the expression of immediate-early genes, and lesioning structures of the olfactory system. These studies revealed that: (a) estrogen receptor-alpha, alpha, present in the preoptic region, may mediate the stimulation of nest-building by estradiol; (b) prolactin binding sites, located mainly in periventricular structures, are more abundant in late pregnancy and early lactation; (c) the number of FOS-immunoreactive neurons increases in the lateral septum, but not in the mediobasal hypothalamus, following nursing; (d) the accessory olfactory bulb tonically inhibits the expression of maternal behavior because its removal promotes maternal responsiveness in virgins, which are otherwise unresponsive to daily pup exposure. In summary, rabbits rely on the same hormonal and extrahormonal factors that stimulate maternal behavior in other mammals, yet the way in which such factors promote elaborate nest-building and the unfailing display of circadian nursing is unique to rabbits and warrants future investigation.  相似文献   

In Wistar's rats, the postnatal influence of maternal behaviour on the motor and emotional state and the anxiety level of the posterity born from the intact rat-mothers-ambidexter but reared by the intact mothers-ambidexter with the motor deficit, were investigated. From the first day of life, the rat-mothers with the removed part of the sense-motor cortex (right or left) nursed and reared the litter. It was discovered that the reduction of motor activity and increase of negative emotional responses occurred in experimental litter at the age of 1 month as compared with the control group (intact litter reared by the ersatz healthy rat-mothers). In the test of elevated cruciform maze, a high level of anxiety was discovered. The experimental posterity showed an emotional tension as the dominant state. Left-side lesion of the sense-motor cortex of the ersatz mother resulted in a rougher disorder in the emotional state and movement than after right-side lesion.  相似文献   

Maternal adversity is associated with long-lasting consequences on cognitive development, behavior and physiological responses in rat offspring. Few studies have examined whether repeated maternal stress produces repeated activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in mothers and whether it modifies maternal behavior. Here, we tested a novel model of perinatal stress using repeated exposure to "purely" psychological stressors throughout the gestation and lactation periods in rats. We first tested the diurnal influences of repeated 1-h strobe light exposure on maternal corticosterone secretion. Despite the hyporesponsiveness to stress documented in late pregnant and lactating mothers, we observed an enhanced response to strobe light in the afternoon compared to the morning in stressed mothers during lactation. Next, dams were exposed to 24-h forced foraging followed by 10-h wet bedding during the diurnal peak of corticosterone secretion. Although no corticosterone responses to forced foraging and wet bedding were observed, the combination of both stressors had a significant effect on maternal behavior. Mother-pup interactions were significantly altered during the first 8 days of lactation. Taken together, these findings suggest that lactating mothers maintain responsiveness to specific and repeated psychological stressors, in particular at the time of the diurnal peak in corticosterone secretion. Depending on the stressor applied, either neuroendocrine activation or changes in maternal behavior might be important determinants of the long-term consequences in the offspring. The combination of forced foraging, wet bedding and strobe light might represent a novel model of mild maternal adversity using "purely" psychological stressors.  相似文献   

In this paper, I review and discuss recent studies of pregnant, parturient and lactating rat mothers and neonates exposed to hypo- and hypergravity. These studies are revealing new insights into how deviations form Earth-normal gravity may affect fundamental reproductive and ontogenetic processes in mammals. By way of background, I will first briefly summarize the spaceflights that have carried mammalian mothers and their offspring into space.  相似文献   

The mammalian X and Y chromosomes are very different in size and gene content. The Y chromosome is much smaller than the X and consists largely of highly repeated non-coding DNA, containing few active genes. The 65-Mb human Y is homologous to the X over two small pseudoautosomal regions which together contain 13 active genes. The heterochromatic distal half of the human Yq is entirely composed of highly repeated non-coding DNA, and even the euchromatic portion of the differential region is largely composed of non-coding repeated sequences, amongst which about 30 active genes are located. The basic marsupial Y chromosome (about 10 Mb) is much smaller than that of humans or other eutherian mammals. It appears to include no PAR, since it does not undergo homologous pairing, synaptonemal complex formation or recombination with the X. We show here that the tiny dunnart Y chromosome does not share cytogenetically detectable sequences with any other chromosome, suggesting that it contains many fewer repetitive DNA sequences than the human or mouse Y chromosomes. However, it shares several genes with the human and/or mouse Y chromosome, including the sex determining gene SRY and the candidate spermatogenesis gene RBMY, implying that the marsupial and eutherian Y are monophyletic. This minimal mammalian Y chromosome might provide a good model Y in which to hunt for new mammalian Y specific genes.  相似文献   

Cui Y  Casella G  Wu R 《Genetics》2004,167(2):1017-1026
The expression of most developmental or behavioral traits involves complex interactions between quantitative trait loci (QTL) from the maternal and offspring genomes. The maternal-offspring interactions play a pivotal role in shaping the direction and rate of evolution in terms of their substantial contribution to quantitative genetic (co)variation. To study the genetics and evolution of maternal-offspring interactions, a unifying statistical framework that embraces both the direct and indirect genetic effects of maternal and offspring QTL on any complex trait is developed. This model is derived for a simple backcross design within the maximum-likelihood context, implemented with the EM algorithm. Results from extensive simulations suggest that this model can provide reasonable estimation of additive and dominant effects of the QTL at different generations and their interaction effects derived from the maternal and offspring genomes. Although our model is framed to characterize the actions and interactions of maternal and offspring QTL affecting offspring traits, the idea can be readily extended to decipher the genetic machinery of maternal traits, such as maternal care. Our model provides a powerful means for studying the evolutionary significance of indirect genetic effects in any sexually reproductive organisms.  相似文献   

For certain pathogens capable of infecting a broad range of organisms, there exist universal virulence factors, necessary for full pathogenicity regardless of the host. This has been most clearly demonstrated by Ausubel and colleagues for the human opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. As a consequence, one can use non-mammalian model systems, including the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans, to assay for such virulence factors. A significant number of pathogens of C. elegans, that provoke a range of diseases, are now known, including the opportunistic human pathogen Serratia marcescens. After explaining the practical advantages associated with the use of C. elegans, and briefly reviewing previous studies, the results of a screen for S. marcescens virulence factors will be presented.  相似文献   

The influence of maternal experience on the formation of early behavioral responses and species-specific defensive behavior (dark preference response) was investigated in Wistar rat offspring. Maternal behavior of primiparous rats was found to differ from that of the same females parturiated for the second time. The behavior of maternally experienced females is distinguished by creating more comfort in the nest and taking more care of their offspring. A study of the behavioral dynamics in the primiparous females’ offspring revealed a disappearance of correlative links between eye opening times and the appearance of first behavioral responses, which is a negative factor for the formation of adaptive behavior in ontogenesis. Disturbed development of the speciesspecific defensive behavior (dark preference response) was found in the offspring of naïve females. The obtained results indicate a positive influence of the maternal experience on the formation of functions in offspring.  相似文献   

Crespi EJ  Lessig H 《Oecologia》2004,138(2):306-311
In the terrestrial salamander (Plethodon cinereus), previous work has shown that mothers body size is positively correlated to offspring size at the time of hatching even after controlling for the effects of egg size. This study was designed to determine whether maternal body size affects offspring size via pre-oviposition factors (e.g., yolk quality, jelly coat composition, or maternal genes) or post-oviposition factors (e.g., parental care behaviors, parental modification of environment). Gravid females were captured and induced to lay eggs in experimental chambers in which the environment was standardized. Fifteen clutches were exchanged, or cross-fostered, between female pairs differing in body size. Ten females whose eggs were taken away and then returned served as controls for the crossing treatment. Foster mothers did not significantly differ from control mothers in the time spent with eggs, body position, or number of egg movements during brooding. Average egg mass measured midway through development was not significantly correlated to the body size of either the genetic or foster mother, but was correlated to pre-oviposition oocyte size. At hatching, offspring body length was positively correlated to egg size and the foster mothers body size. This correlation suggests that in P. cinereus post-oviposition maternal effects have a greater impact on offspring size than other maternal factors incorporated into the egg prior to oviposition. While our study showed that larger mothers moved their eggs less often and tended to spend more time in contact with their eggs, further work needs to be done to identify the specific mechanisms through which larger mothers influence the body size of their offspring. This is the first experimental demonstration of post-oviposition maternal effects for any amphibian with parental care.  相似文献   

In its role as an effector capable of killing large multicellular parasites, the eosinophil must be especially adapted for dealing with noningestible surfaces. A model system of Sepharose beads coated with serum protein or concanavalin A (Con A) has been used to study interactions between guinea pig peritoneal exudate eosinophils and noningestible particles. A small percentage of eosinophils were adherent to serum treated Sepharose; however, many cells were adherent to Con A-Sepharose. Adherence to Con A-Sepharose was decreased by pretreatment with 1 mM alpha-methylmannoside (alpha-MM). As compared to resting eosinophils, incubation of eosinophils with serum-treated Sepharose led to activation of oxidative metabolism as indicated by an eight-fold increase in superoxide anion production and an approximately threefold increase in quantitative leukocyte iodination. Eosinophils which were adherent to Con A beads could not be activated by either phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) or preopsonized zymosan. However, if adherence was reduced by preincubation with alpha-MM, PMA was able to activate the eosinophils. Neither soluble Con A nor Sepharose beads interfered with the assay of superoxide anion. These studies demonstrate the utility of Sepharose beads for studying interactions between eosinophils and noningestible particles.  相似文献   

Hamilton WA 《Biofouling》2003,19(1):65-76
The general term biomineralisation refers to biologically induced mineralisation in which an organism modifies its local microenvironment creating conditions such that there is chemical precipitation of mineral phases extracellularly. Most usually this results from an oxidation or reduction carried out by some microbial species, with the formation of a recognised biomineralised product. These reactions play a major role in microbial physiology and ecology, and are of central importance to such engineering consequences as microbial mining and microbially influenced corrosion. This paper will examine metal microbe interactions, both in naturally occurring microbial ecosystems and in two particular cases of biocorrosion, with the objective of putting forward a unifying hypothesis relevant to the understanding of each of these apparently disparate processes.  相似文献   

The fern gametophyte is a good model system for studying cell biological, physiological, and photobiological aspects of the fundamental processes of plant development and physiological phenomena, because of its autotrophic characteristics and its simple structure. The cells, moreover, are not surrounded by tissue, so observation and manipulation of the cells are very easy. Here I summarize a part of my knowledge of fern systems, which I have studied for nearly 40 years. Masamitsu Wada is the recipient of the BSJ Research Award for 2004.  相似文献   

Despa F  Berry RS 《Biophysical journal》2008,95(9):4241-4245
Recent molecular-dynamics simulations have demonstrated that the use of an empirical hydrophobic potential displaying two minima, i.e., one for hydrophobes in close contact and one for hydrophobes separated by a hydration layer, leads to a marked improvement in protein structure prediction. This potential is supported by experimental data and simulations, but its physical origin and mathematical formulation have not been derived as yet. Here we show that water-mediated attraction (the “wetting regime”) between two hydrophobic molecules originates in the interaction between the dipoles induced at the surface of the hydrophobes by the surrounding structured water. As an example, we derive the effective hydrophobic potential that describes the interaction between two methane molecules, a classical model of a double-well energy function. We found an excellent agreement with published results from all-atom, explicit solvent molecular-dynamics simulations of this interaction. The approach presented here provides the theoretical basis for implementing an adequate representation of the wetting regime of the hydrophobic interactions in force fields used for structure prediction. The results are useful for modeling both protein folding and binding.  相似文献   

Studies in vitro have revealed a great deal about growth cone behaviors, especially responses to guidance molecules, both positive and negative, and the signaling systems mediating these responses. Little, however, is known about these events as they take place in vivo. With new imaging methods, growth cone behaviors can be chronicled in the complex settings of intact or semi-intact systems. With the retinal projection through the optic chiasm as a model, we examined the hypothesis previously drawn from static material that growth cone form is position-specific: growth cone form in fact reflects specific behaviors, including rate and tempo of extension, that are more or less prominent in different locales in which growth cones are situated. Other studies show that growth cones interact with cells along the pathway, both specialized nonneuronal cells and other neurons, some expressing known guidance molecules. The present challenge is to bridge dynamic imaging with electron microscopy and molecular localization, in order to link growth cone behaviors with cell and molecular interactions in the natural setting in which growth cones extend.  相似文献   

The fish heart as a model system for the study of myoglobin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A model is presented for myoglobin study based upon naturally occurring differences in myocardial myoglobin content in fish. The sea raven (Hemitripterus americanus) and the ocean pout (Macrozoarces americanus) have heart myoglobin contents of approx. 65 and 5 nmol/g wet wt, respectively. The maximal activities of enzymes associated with energy metabolism are similar in the two hearts. Isolated perfused hearts performed with similar efficiencies based upon similar rates of work, oxygen consumption and lactate production. Under normoxic perfusion conditions both hearts met 98% of the ATP demand by oxidative mechanisms. Myoglobin-rich sea raven hearts performed significantly better than myoglobin-poor ocean pout hearts under conditions of hypoxia and glycolytic blockage. The performance of sea raven hearts was impaired during hypoxia by decreasing the content of functional myoglobin with hydroxylamine. No effect upon performance was observed with the ocean pout heart. The data provide the first evidence that myoglobin plays a role in the maintenance of contractility in heart under hypoxic conditions.  相似文献   

Various physicochemical properties play important roles in the membrane activities of amphipathic antimicrobial peptides. To examine the effects of the polar angle, two model peptides, thetap100 and thetap180, with polar angles of 100 degrees and 180 degrees, respectively, were designed, and their interactions with membranes were investigated in detail. These peptides have almost identical physicochemical properties except for polar angle. Like naturally occurring peptides, these peptides selectively bind to acidic membranes, assuming amphipathic alpha-helices, and formed peptide-lipid supramolecular complex pores accompanied by lipid flip-flop and peptide translocation. Despite its somewhat lower membrane affinity, thetap100 exhibited higher membrane permeabilization activity, a greater flip-flop rate, as well as more antimicrobial activity due to a higher pore formation rate compared with thetap180. Consistent with these results, the peptide translocation rate of thetap100 was higher. Furthermore, the number of peptides constituting thetap100 pores was less than that of thetap180, and thetap100 pores involved more lipid molecules, as reflected by its cation selectivity. The polar angle was found to be an important parameter determining peptide-lipid interactions.  相似文献   

Hormones are molecules involved in virtually every step of plant development and studies in this field have been shaping plant physiology for more than a century. The model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, long used as a tool to study plant hormones, lacks significant important developmental traits, such as fleshy climacteric fruit, compound leaf and multicellular trichomes, suggesting the necessity for alternative plant models. An attractive option often used is tomato, a species also of major economic importance, being ideal to bring together basic and applied plant sciences. The tomato Micro-Tom (MT) cultivar makes it possible to combine the direct benefits of studying a crop species with the fast life cycle and small size required for a suitable biological model. However, few obscure questions are constantly addressed to MT, creating a process herein called “MT mystification”. In this work we present evidence clarifying these questions and show the potential of MT, aiming to demystify it. To corroborate our ideas we showed that, by making use of MT, our laboratory demonstrated straightforwardly new hormonal functions and also characterized a novel antagonistic hormonal interaction between jasmonates and brassinosteroids in the formation of anti-herbivory traits in tomato.Key words: Solanum lycopersicum, Arabidopsis thaliana, hormones, plant model, jasmonates, brassinosteroids  相似文献   

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