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The relationship between nutritional requirements and the availability or quality of food is a prime parameter in determining the geographical expansion of invasive insects. At the sub-Antarctic Kerguelen Islands, the invasive ground beetle Merizodus soledadinus becomes the main invertebrate predator when it colonizes new habitats, leading to the local extinction of native fly species. Such changes in the structure of prey communities may alter the energy management (storage and expenditure) of this predator. In this species, we monitored survival and body mass during food deprivation, in addition to evaluating the effects of two distinct diets (maggots versus enchytraeids) on the consumption and restoration of body reserves (sugars and triglycerides). We found that adults can starve for more than 60 days, and feed every 3.76 days on average when food is available. We recorded higher predation rates on maggots, associated with steeper body mass variations, compared to enchytraeids. Sugars and triglycerides were significantly consumed during food deprivation and restored after refeeding, but varied similarly among individuals supplied on the distinct diets. Other parameters may determine the food preferences observed, such as salt content in prey tissues, because M. soledadinus mainly feeds in hypersaline foreshore habitats, and may limit the consumption of osmotic conformers.  相似文献   

Beauveria bassiana conidia were bioassayed for pathogenicity against adult chinch bugs, Blissus leucopterus leucopterus, at varying percent relative humidities (RH). The conidia were found to be invasive and pathogenic at all humidities tested. Normal fungal replication and conidiogenesis, however, occurred only on the hosts incubated at the 75% or higher RH levels.  相似文献   

This study analyses three decades of the peculiar bloom-formation history of the potentially toxic invasive planktonic dinoflagellates Prorocentrum minimum (Pavillard) Schiller in the SW Baltic Sea. We tested a research hypothesis that the unexpectedly long delay (nearly two decades) in population development of P. minimum prior to its first bloom was caused by competition with one or several closely related native dinoflagellate species due to ecological niche partitioning which hampered the spread and bloom-forming potential of the invader. We applied the ecological niche concept to a large, long-term phytoplankton database and analysed the invasion history and population dynamics of P. minimum in the SW Baltic Sea coastal waters using the data on phytoplankton composition, abundance and biomass. The ecological niche dimensions of P. minimum and its congener P. balticum were identified as the optimum environmental conditions for the species during the bloom events based on water temperature, salinity, pH, concentration of nutrients (PO43−; total phosphorus, TP; total nitrogen, TN; SiO44−), TN/TP-ratio and habitat type. The data on spatial distribution and ecological niche dimensions of P. minimum have contributed to the development of the “protistan species maximum concept”. High microplankton diversity at critical salinities in the Baltic Sea may be considered as a possible reason for the significant niche overlap and strong competitive interactions among congeners leading to prolonged delay in population growth of P. minimum preceding its first bloom in the highly variable brackishwater environment.  相似文献   

Aim Pine trees (genus Pinus) represent an ancient lineage, naturally occurring almost exclusively in the Northern Hemisphere, but introduced and widely naturalized in both hemispheres. As large trees of interest to forestry, they attract much attention and their distribution is well documented in both indigenous and naturalized ranges. This creates an opportunity to analyse the relationship between indigenous and naturalized range sizes in the context of different levels of human usage, biological traits and the characteristics of the environments of origin. Location Global. Methods We combined and expanded pre‐existing data sets for pine species distributions and pine species traits, and used a variety of regression techniques (including generalized additive models and zero‐inflated Poisson models) to assess which variables explained naturalized and indigenous range sizes. Results Indigenous and naturalized range sizes are positively correlated but there are many notable exceptions. Some species have large indigenous ranges but small or no naturalized ranges, whereas others have small indigenous ranges, but have naturalized in many regions. Indigenous range is correlated to factors such as seed size (?), age at first reproduction (?), and latitude (+, supporting Rapoport's rule), but also to the extent of coverage of species in the forestry literature (+). Naturalized range size is strongly influenced by the extent of coverage of species in the forestry literature (+), a proxy for propagule pressure. Naturalization was also influenced by average elevation in the indigenous range (?) and age at first reproduction (?). Main conclusions The macroecological and evolutionary pressures facing plant groups are not directly transferable between indigenous and naturalized ranges. In particular, there are strong biases in species naturalization and expansion in invasive ranges that are unrelated to factors determining indigenous range size. At least for Pinus, a new set of macroecological patterns are emerging which are profoundly influenced by humans.  相似文献   

China has experienced unprecedented economic development in recent years and is now facing severe challenges caused by the over-consumption of resources and by ecological and environmental degradation. To assess the influence of resource exploitation and ecological trade, we have developed an index of excessive resource consumption based on the concepts of ecological deficit and ecological over-shoot, and we have used the ecological trade deficit to assess the pressure created by the export and import of resources and products. Our analysis indicated that China's consumption footprint surpassed its biocapacity in 1983, leading to an ecological deficit, and the production footprint surpassed its biocapacity in 1986, leading to an ecological over-shoot, as the over-consumption of natural resources grew. By 2010, 3.6 times the current area of bioproductive land was needed to provide sufficient resources to meet the consumption. China has been encouraging the development of exporting enterprises by implementing a series of financial and tax incentives, which have stimulated the economy in the short-term but have gradually increased the ecological trade deficit since 2000.  相似文献   

Adequate values of environmental parameters are crucial for the long-term preservation of the fossils in a palaeontological collection. In particular, incorrect or fluctuating temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH) can affect glued or repaired materials, induce the proliferation of mould, provoke mechanical breakage, recrystallization or mineral decay. From April 2015 to March 2017, six hygrothermometers were incorporated in selected microenvironments of the Palaeontological Collection at the Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República at Montevideo, Uruguay. The main aim of this study was to test the buffering effect of different enclosures compared to the ambient environmental parameters (AMB). The selected storage units were a mobile rack of shelves (C1), a cardboard box inside C1 (C2), a lidded plastic polypropylene box inside C1 (C3), a drawer in a non sealed cabinet (P), and a drawer inside a tightly sealing cabinet (G1). Maximum and minimum values of T and RH were manually gathered on a weekly basis. Linear graphs and statistical analysis (i.e. mean values, standard deviation and Kruskall-Wallis non-parametric variance analysis) were used to compare the measurements obtained. Regarding both T and RH, the more extreme values and fluctuation of these parameters were achieved in the ambient. With respect to T, all enclosures protected from Tmax variations as lower Tmax were recorded inside enclosures. With respect to RH, only C3 and G1 showed significantly lower values of RHmax than ambient values. Additionally, C3 and G1 showed an almost constant amplitude between maximum and minimum values which indicates that specimens were less exposed to fluctuations in RH. The results herein obtained show that to minimize the impact of environmental instability, it is safer for specimens to substitute cardboard by plastic containers, and closed storage units are better than open ones. In addition, sealed containers and cabinets protect the specimens from other agents of deterioration such as dust and pests.  相似文献   

Aim  We argue that 'propagule pressure', a key term in invasion biology, has been attributed at least three distinct definitions (with usage of a related term causing additional confusion). All of the definitions refer to fundamental concepts within the invasion process, with the result that the distinct importance of these different concepts has been at best diluted, and at worst lost.
Location  Global.
Methods  We reviewed pertinent literature on propagule pressure to resolve confusion about different uses of the term 'propagule pressure' and we introduced a new term for one variant, colonization pressure. We conducted a computer simulation whereby the introduction of species is represented as a simple sampling process to elucidate the relationship between propagule and colonization pressure.
Results  We defined colonization pressure as the number of species introduced or released to a single location, some of which will go on to establish a self-sustaining population and some of which will not. We subsequently argued that colonization pressure should serve as a null hypothesis for understanding temporal or spatial differences in exotic species richness, as the more species that are introduced, the more we should expect to establish. Finally, using a simple simulation, we showed that propagule pressure is related to colonization pressure, but in a non-linear manner.
Main conclusion  We suggest that the nature of the relationship between propagule pressure and colonization pressure, as well as the efficacy of various proxy measures of each, require more detailed exploration if invasion ecology is to continue to develop into a more predictive science.  相似文献   

The potential distribution of alien species in a novel habitat often is difficult to predict because factors limiting species distributions may be unique to the new locale. Eragrostis lehmanniana is a perennial grass purposely introduced from South Africa to Arizona, USA in the 1930s; by the 1980s, it had doubled its extent. Based on environmental characteristics associated with its introduced and native range, researchers believed that E. lehmanniana had reached the limits of its distribution by the early 1990s. We collected data on E. lehmanniana locations from various land management agencies throughout Arizona and western New Mexico and found new records that indicate that E. lehmanniana has continued to spread. Also, we employed two modelling techniques to determine the current potential distribution and to re-investigate several environmental variables related to distribution. Precipitation and temperature regimes similar to those indicated by past research were the most important variables influencing model output. The potential distribution of E. lehmanniana mapped by both models was 71,843 km2 and covers a large portion of southeastern and central Arizona. Logistic regression (LR) predicted a potential distribution of E. lehmanniana more similar to this species current distribution than GARP based on average temperature, precipitation, and grassland species composition and recorded occurrences. Results of a cross-validation assessment and extrinsic testing showed that the LR model performed as well or better than GARP based on sensitivity, specificity, and kappa indices.  相似文献   

Essigella californica is a pine aphid native to western North America. In Australia, E. californica is considered an invasive pest that has the potential to cause severe economic loss to the Australian forestry industry. Two CLIMEX models were developed to predict the Australian and global distribution of E. californica under current climate conditions based upon the aphid's known North American distribution. The first model (model I) was fitted using the reasonably contiguous set of location records in North America that constituted the known range of E. californica, and excluded consideration of a single (reliable) location record of the aphid in southern Florida. The second model (model II) was fitted using all known records in North America. Model I indicated that the aphid would be climatically restricted to the temperate, Mediterranean and subtropical climatic regions of Australia. In northern Australia it would be limited by hot, wet conditions, while in more central areas of Australia it is limited by hot, dry conditions. Model II is more consistent with the current Australian distribution of E. californica. The contrast in geographical range and climatic conditions encompassed between the two models appears to represent the difference between the realized niche (model I) and fundamental niche (model II) of E. californica. The difference may represent the strength of biotic factors such as host limitation, competition and parasitism in limiting geographical spread in the native range. This paper provides a risk map for E. californica colonization in Australia and globally. E. californica is likely to remain a feature of the Australian pine plantations, and any feasibility studies into establishing coniferous plantations in lower rainfall areas should consider the likely impact of E. californica.  相似文献   

1. Analysis of the stable isotope signatures of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) of foods and consumers has led to some preliminary understanding of the relative importance of autochthonous and allochthonous resources in tropical streams. However, robust generalizations about the dynamics of food webs in these habitats, and their response to shading gradients or season, are still lacking. In addition, the feasibility of employing a baseline δ15N value for estimating trophic positions (TPs) of consumers in small tropical streams has yet to be explored. 2. We analysed data on stable isotope signatures of food sources and aquatic consumers obtained from 14 studies carried out in small streams in monsoonal Hong Kong (22°30′N, 114°10′E) between 1996 and 2006. Emphasis was placed on determining the relative importance of leaf litter and autochthonous foods in supporting consumer biomass, and the extent to which trophic base and TP vary among streams and seasons. 3. Although allochthonous leaf litter was generally 13C‐ and 15N‐depleted relative to autochthonous foods, there were marked isotopic shifts of food sources and consumers in response to season (dry versus wet) and stream shading. Consumer taxa were generally more 13C‐ and 15N‐enriched in the unshaded streams, but seasonal effects were more variable. Despite these changes, there was consistent evidence that stream food webs were based on periphytic algae and/or cyanobacteria with leaf litter serving as a minor food. 4. Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera), Tipulidae (Diptera), Elmidae (Coleoptera) and shrimps (Atyidae) were used as a baseline for calculating the TPs of other consumer taxa. The maximum TPs in shaded streams remained fairly constant between seasons (dry = 3.93; wet = 3.97), while those in unshaded streams were higher and showed seasonal fluctuations (dry = 5.13; wet = 4.39). 5. Although variations in consumer isotope signatures in response to season and shading gradients did not confound our interpretation of the stream food base, changes in consumer δ15N did affect the calculation of consumer TPs. Misleading estimates of consumer TPs are likely if samples are collected from a narrow range of streams and/or during one season. Overestimation of the TPs of specialist herbivores (e.g. fish grazers) is also possible when autochthonous resources are substantially more 15N‐enriched than allochthonous foods.  相似文献   

We investigated the environmental conditions that induce a flight response in the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneumHerbst (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), including resource quality, temperature, relative humidity, and light. Over 72‐h trial periods, we observed the proportion of individuals emigrating by flight to range from 0.0 in extreme heat or cold to 0.82 with starvation. Resource quality, presence of a light source, and temperature all directly influenced the initiation of the flight response. We did not detect any effect of relative humidity or sudden change in temperature on the incidence of flight. We discuss our findings in the context of Tribolium ecology and evolution.  相似文献   

Abstract In a saturated atmosphere, the cocpon of the leek moth can absorb up to two-thirds of its weight in water. It is shown that this phenomenon enables the pupae to lose less water in the course of their development, particularly during pupal moulting. Although quantitatively minor, this protection is qualitatively important: it has no effect on mortality or the duration of pupal development, but does affect vitellogenesis and fertility in females. It thus clearly has an adaptive role towards the environment.  相似文献   

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