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Following the birth of an infant, decreases in testosterone and increases in depressive symptoms have been observed in fathers. Paternal testosterone may reflect fathers' investment in pair-bonding and paternal caregiving and, as such, may be associated with maternal and familial well-being. This study tests associations between paternal testosterone, paternal and maternal postpartum depressive symptoms, and subsequent family functioning.Within 149 couples, fathers provided testosterone samples when infants were approximately nine months old and both parents reported on postpartum depressive symptoms at two, nine, and 15 months postpartum. Fathers with lower aggregate testosterone reported more depressive symptoms at two and nine months postpartum. Mothers whose partners had higher evening testosterone reported more depressive symptoms at nine and 15 months postpartum. Maternal relationship satisfaction mediated this effect, such that mothers with higher testosterone partners reported more relationship dissatisfaction, which in turn predicted more maternal depressive symptoms. Higher paternal testosterone and paternal depressive symptoms at nine months postpartum each independently predicted greater fathering stress at 15 months postpartum. Higher paternal testosterone also predicted more mother-reported intimate partner aggression at 15 months postpartum. In addition to linear relationships between testosterone and depression, curvilinear relationships emerged such that fathers with both low and high testosterone at nine months postpartum reported more subsequent (15-month) depressive symptoms and fathering stress.In conclusion, whereas higher paternal testosterone may protect against paternal depression, it contributed to maternal distress and suboptimal family outcomes in our sample. Interventions that supplement or alter men's testosterone may have unintended consequences for family well-being.  相似文献   

The individual time patterns of salivary testosterone of adult healthy men, self-reported sexual behavior and their co-occurrence with regular weekly or monthly intervals were studied. Twenty-seven volunteer males (mean age 33 +/- 1 years) collected daily morning saliva over a period of 90 days. Evening questionnaires provided daily information on sexual activity. From the saliva, testosterone immunoreactive substances were determined using enzyme immunoassay. To detect events in which increases of testosterone were associated with sexual activity and at the same time controlling for regular internal patterns in men, data were analyzed using Theme software. First results indicated a varying number of complex nonrandom interaction patterns of testosterone with sexual activity, but also with weekly (i.e., Saturdays) and monthly intervals (i.e., 28-day full-moon intervals). The social context of the occurrence of specific pattern combinations was elaborated using parameters from the men's self-reported general life history profiles. Peak hormone levels occurred around weekends in the majority of the males. The 28-day monthly interval coincided with testosterone peaks only in those of the paired men who reported a current wish for children ("prospective fathers"), but not in unpaired men or in those who did not wish to have children with their current partner. Rather than representing a direct regular pattern of the male testosterone per se, the observed patterns suggest that men have the facultative potential to adjust their testosterone responses to their female partner's cycle. In line with the interactions between behavior and androgens observed in vertebrates in general, this study adds an example of the mutual character of hormone-behavior interactions and, thus, for the social context of testosterone patterns in human males.  相似文献   

Plasma testosterone (T) levels were assayed by a Competitive Protein Binding (CPB) technique in a group of 31 healthy males. In 22 subjects a single blood sample was taken between 8:00 and 9:00 A.M. and the mean T concentration was 6.84 ± 2.11 ng/ml. In the other 9 normal men, blood samples were taken every 4 hours. The existence of temporal variations for testosterone was confirmed by finding the highest mean plasma levels at 4:00 A.M. (9.28 ± 1.17 ng/ml) and lowest mean levels at 8:00 P.M. (2.66 ± 0.52 ng/ml).  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA4) is an important negative regulator of T-cell response and its genetic association with type 1 diabetes (T1D) has recently been demonstrated. The frequent co-association of autoimmune diseases (AID) and the implication from multiple genome scans that the CTLA4 gene region is a general autoimmune region, led us to study the role of CTLA4 in independent cohorts of T1D, coeliac disease (CD) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. We present independent data that confirm the association of CTLA4 in Dutch patients with juvenile onset T1D and show differential association of CTLA4 with CD and RA. The CTLA4 gene polymorphisms were tested for association in 350 T1D, 310 CD, 520 RA patients and 900 controls. In addition, 218 families were tested by the transmission disequilibrium test (TDT). T1D patients showed the highest association with the MH30*G: −1147*C: +49*G: CT60*G: JO37_3*G (haplotype 2) in both a case/control cohort (P=0.002, OR=1.42) and by TDT (P=0.02, OR=1.43). In contrast, this haplotype showed no association in the RA and CD cohorts. However, we observed an increased frequency of the MH30*G: −1147*T: +49*A: CT60*G: JO37_3*A (haplotype 3) in the CD patients diagnosed at a young age (OR=1.6, P=0.026, P c=0.052). Furthermore, when T1D and CD patients were stratified based on the HLA risk, the T1D susceptible CTLA4 haplotype 2 was over-represented in the high HLA-risk T1D and CD groups. In conclusion, we confirmed association between CTLA4 haplotype 2 and T1D in the Dutch population. Association with another CTLA4 haplotype (haplotype 3) was confirmed for CD, but only in those patients who had an early age of expression. No effect was found between RA and CTLA4. The association of the CTLA4 haplotype 2 with the high-risk HLA genotype in T1D and CD, which share DQ2 as the one of high-risk alleles, might provide a clue to understanding the common genetic background of AID.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Complex social behaviour in Hymenoptera has been hypothesized to evolve by co-opting reproductive pathways (the ovarian ground plan hypothesis, OGPH) and gene networks (the reproductive ground plan hypothesis, RGPH). In support of these hypotheses, in eusocial Hymenoptera where there is reproductive division of labour, the yolk precursor protein vitellogenin (Vg) influences the expression of worker social behaviour. We suggest that co-opting genes involved in reproduction may occur more generally than just in the evolution of eusociality; i.e. underlie earlier stages of social evolution such as the evolution of parental care, given that reproduction and parental care rarely overlap. We therefore examined vitellogenin (vg) gene expression associated with parental care in the subsocial beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides. We found a significant reduction in the expression of vg and its receptor, vgr, in head tissue during active parental care, and confirmed that the receptor is expressed in the brains of both sexes. Ours is the first study to show that vgr is expressed in the brain of a non-eusocial insect. Given the association between behaviour and gene expression in both sexes, and the presence of vitellogenin receptors in the brain, we suggest that Vg was co-opted early in the evolution of sociality to have a regulatory function. This extends the association of Vg in parenting to subsocial species and outside of the Hymenoptera, and supports the hypothesis that the OGPH is general and that heterochrony in gene expression is important in the evolution of social behaviour and precedes subsequent evolutionary specialization of social roles.  相似文献   

Women's preferences for masculinity in men's faces, voices and behavioral displays change during the menstrual cycle and are strongest around ovulation. While previous findings suggest that change in progesterone level is an important hormonal mechanism for such variation, it is likely that changes in the levels of other hormones will also contribute to cyclic variation in masculinity preferences. Here we compared women's preferences for masculine faces at two points in the menstrual cycle where women differed in salivary testosterone, but not in salivary progesterone or estrogen. Preferences for masculinity were strongest when women's testosterone levels were relatively high. Our findings complement those from previous studies that show systematic variation in masculinity preferences during the menstrual cycle and suggest that change in testosterone level may play an important role in cyclic shifts in women's preferences for masculine traits.  相似文献   

High facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR) has been associated with a cluster of behavioural traits in men, including aggression and status-striving. This association between face structure and behaviour may be caused by testosterone. Here we investigated the relationship of both baseline and reactive testosterone levels to fWHR. In addition, we investigated the link between testosterone and three well-characterised sexually dimorphic facial metrics. Testosterone was measured in one sample of males (n = 185) before and after a speed-dating event. An additional sample provided only baseline testosterone measures (n = 92). fWHR was positively associated with testosterone reactions to potential mate exposure and marginally associated with baseline testosterone in Sample 1. We found a positive association with baseline testosterone and fWHR in Sample 2. In addition, face-width-to-lower-height ratio was positively associated with testosterone in both samples, suggesting that, in particular, facial width (scaled by two measures of facial height) is associated with testosterone. Importantly, our results also indicate that there is no association between adult testosterone and the sexual dimorphism of face shape. Thus, while our findings question the status of sexual dimorphism as a proxy measure of testosterone, they do provide evidence that testosterone is linked to fWHR and might underlie the relationship between fWHR and behaviour.  相似文献   

When matings are frequent and received sperm are digested, hermaphrodites should trade sperm when mating. We investigated sperm trading in the flatworm Schmidtea (Dugesia) polychroa and manipulated mating interests to investigate its possible causes. In 106 mating pairs consisting of nonisolated individuals, no sperm donation in either direction (35%) and reciprocal exchange (38%) were more common than expected by chance, whereas unilateral transfer (27%) was less frequent, confirming sperm trading. The amount of sperm donated depended on the availability of self-sperm, not on the amount received. Animals with more allosperm from previous matings had more self-sperm and consequently donated more. This suggests that sperm digestion boosts sperm production. In a second experiment, 'mixed-interest' pairs consisting of a nonisolated (N) and an isolated individual (I), NxI, were compared with IxI and NxN pairs. Whereas IxI pairs were eager and NxN reluctant to mate, NxI pairs showed an intermediate likelihood of mating. Whereas NxN pairs traded sperm, the other two groups did not. The change in behaviour in N individuals in the NxI treatment suggests precopulatory assessment and mating in relation to phenotypic mate quality. Isolated individuals are attractive, presumably because they donate large sperm clumps unconditionally and contain fewer allosperm, implying reduced sperm competition. The reduced reluctance in N individuals to mate with, and to inseminate, previously isolated partners suggests that female quality is an important factor in male sperm donation decisions. Hence, S. polychroa may be choosier than previously assumed. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

A time- and date-matched set of saliva samples (N = 229) from nine couples first expecting, and then caring for, their first child were used to test whether hormone changes in the father could be predicted by the hormonal status of the mother. Testosterone, cortisol, and estradiol were quantified from saliva. Neither testosterone nor estradiol concentration was correlated within couples before or after the birth, although there was a positive correlation for cortisol concentration in the mother and father before the birth. As the hormone that might be influenced by chemical signals, that already played a similar role in men and women, and that had been empirically linked to paternal behavior, cortisol concentration was also compared with sex steroid concentrations. The mother's cortisol concentration was positively correlated to the father's testosterone concentration, and the mother's testosterone concentration was positively correlated with the father's cortisol concentration. However, both effects were similar in magnitude to the cortisol to cortisol correlation, and all could parsimoniously be explained by similar responses to a shared environment. Thus, this analysis rejects parallels in peripheral hormone concentrations of estradiol, testosterone, and cortisol in mothers and fathers. However, the available data were not able to test or reject hypotheses about local neuroendocrine homology, nor to control for masking effects of other hormonal demands on men and women, nor to determine the relative importance of shared environment versus mother-father signaling.  相似文献   

Paternal care is associated with a reduced likelihood of engaging in competitive or mating behavior and an increased likelihood of providing protection when necessary. Over recent years, there has been increasing evidence to assume that the steroid testosterone (T) in men might reflect the degree of mating effort. In line with this, decreased T levels were shown in fathers compared to non-fathers and it was suggested that paternal care, and most behavior positively associated with T, might be incompatible with each other. Independently, the personality trait sensation seeking (SS) has been related to mating behavior and also to elevated T in men. Aiming to integrate these different lines of research in a longitudinal approach, we explored the impact of SS on T levels in the context of the transition to fatherhood. Thirty-seven fathers and 38 men without children but in committed, romantic relationships (controls) were recruited. At two time points (for fathers: four weeks prior to (t1) and eight weeks after birth (t2)), all subjects repeatedly collected saliva samples for T measurement, filled in a protocol of activities during the course of these days and completed an online questionnaire. In line with our hypotheses, the results show significantly lower aggregated (AUC-T) T levels in fathers compared with non-fathers. Furthermore, moderation analyses revealed a significant interaction between group and SS at t2, with the lowest T levels in low SS fathers. These data suggest that adaptation processes of the transition to fatherhood are influenced by individual differences in personality traits.  相似文献   

Seizure risk has consistently been found to be higher in offspring of mothers than of fathers with epilepsy. This pattern cannot be explained by any simple genetic model. The present study examined the possibility that the pattern arises from differences between affected mothers and fathers in the characteristics of their epilepsy that influence offspring seizure risk. The study population comprised 687 offspring of parents with epilepsy from the Rochester-Olmsted County Record Linkage Project. Cumulative incidences of unprovoked seizures to age 25 were 8.7% and 2.4% in offspring of affected mothers and fathers, respectively. Cox proportional hazards analysis was used to calculate rate ratios (RRs) for unprovoked seizures in offspring. In the univariate analysis, risk of unprovoked seizures was higher if the affected parent was the mother (RR = 2.8, 95% confidence interval [ci] 1.1-7.2) or if the parent's onset was before age 20 (RR = 2.5, 95% ci 1.1-5.9), but there was no effect on offspring risk of either parent's etiology (idiopathic vs. remote symptomatic) or parent's seizure type (generalized vs. partial). These findings were not substantially changed in the multivariate analysis. Thus, differences between affected mothers and fathers in these characteristics did not account for the higher risk in offspring of affected mothers. Anticonvulsant use during pregnancy was not associated with increased offspring seizure risk.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Host ecological factors and external environmental factors are known to influence the structure of gut microbial communities, but few studies have examined the impacts of environmental changes on microbiotas in free‐ranging animals. Rapid land‐use change has the potential to shift gut microbial communities in wildlife through exposure to novel bacteria and/or by changing the availability or quality of local food resources. The consequences of such changes to host health and fitness remain unknown and may have important implications for pathogen spillover between humans and wildlife. To better understand the consequences of land‐use change on wildlife microbiotas, we analyzed long‐term dietary trends, gut microbiota composition, and innate immune function in common vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus) in two nearby sites in Belize that vary in landscape structure. We found that vampire bats living in a small forest fragment had more homogenous diets indicative of feeding on livestock and shifts in microbiota heterogeneity, but not overall composition, compared to those living in an intact forest reserve. We also found that irrespective of sampling site, vampire bats which consumed relatively more livestock showed shifts in some core bacteria compared with vampire bats which consumed relatively less livestock. The relative abundance of some core microbiota members was associated with innate immune function, suggesting that future research should consider the role of the host microbiota in immune defense and its relationship to zoonotic infection dynamics. We suggest that subsequent homogenization of diet and habitat loss through livestock rearing in the Neotropics may lead to disruption to the microbiota that could have downstream impacts on host immunity and cross‐species pathogen transmission.  相似文献   

A common mitochondrial (mt)DNA variant that is maternally inherited, the 16189 variant, is associated with type 2 diabetes and thinness at birth. To elucidate the association of the variant with thinness, we studied the 16189 variant in a well-characterized Australian cohort (n = 161) who were followed up from birth to age 20 yr. PCR analysis and mtDNA haplotyping was carried out on DNA from 161 offspring from consecutive, normal, singleton pregnancies followed from birth to age 20 yr. The 16189 mtDNA variant was present in 14 of the 161 20 yr olds (8.7%). Both the mothers with the 16189 variant and their 20-yr-old offspring were thinner than those without. Median (interquartile range) BMI was 21.9 kg/m(2) (20.4 to 22.9) in mothers with the variant compared with 23.5 (21.4 to 26.6) in those without (P = 0.013) and 22.2 (21.1 to 23.8) in 20 yr olds with the variant compared with 22.7 (20.8 to 25.6) in those without (P = 0.019). The 16189 variant was also associated with a high placental weight and high placental-to-birth weight ratio (P = 0.051 and P = 0.0024, respectively). Insulin sensitivity was normal in 20 yr olds with the 16189 variant. This contrasts with 20 yr olds who did not have the variant but who had been thin or small at birth and who had normal BMI and normal placental-to-birth weight ratio, but were insulin resistant. This study suggests that the 16189 mtDNA variant is associated with maternally inherited thinness in young adults. This may be mediated by effects on mtDNA replication and, thence, placental function. Further research is required to confirm these hypotheses.  相似文献   

Aurora A is critical for mitosis and is overexpressed in several neoplasms. Its overexpression transforms cultured cells, and both its overexpression and knockdown cause genomic instability. In transgenic mice, Aurora A haploinsufficiency, not overexpression, leads to increased malignant tumor formation. Aurora A thus appears to have both tumor-promoting and tumor-suppressor functions. Here, we report that Aurora A protein, measured by quantitative protein gel blotting, is differentially expressed in major glioma types in lineage-specific patterns. Aurora A protein levels in WHO grade II oligodendrogliomas (n = 16) and grade III anaplastic oligodendrogliomas (n = 16) are generally low, similar to control epilepsy cerebral tissue (n = 11). In contrast, pilocytic astrocytomas (n = 6) and ependymomas (n = 12) express high Aurora A levels. Among grade II to grade III astrocytomas (n = 7, n = 14, respectively) and grade IV glioblastomas (n = 31), Aurora A protein increases with increasing tumor grade. We also found that Aurora A expression is induced by hypoxia in cultured glioblastoma cells and is overexpressed in hypoxic regions of glioblastoma tumors. Retrospective Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed that both lower Aurora A protein measured by quantitative protein gel blot (n = 31) and Aurora A mRNA levels measured by real-time quantitative RT-PCR (n = 58) are significantly associated with poorer patient survival in glioblastoma. Furthermore, we report that the selective Aurora A inhibitor MLN8237 is potently cytotoxic to glioblastoma cells, and that MLN8237 cytotoxicty is potentiated by ionizing radiation. MLN8237 also appeared to induce senescence and differentiation of glioblastoma cells. Thus, in addition to being significantly associated with survival in glioblastoma, Aurora A is a potential new drug target for the treatment of glioblastoma and possibly other glial neoplasms.  相似文献   



Human beta-defensins are key components of human innate immunity to a variety of pathogens, including Staphylococcus aureus. The aim of the present study was to investigate a potential association between gene variations in DEFB1 and DEFB103/DEFB4 and the development of S. aureus bacteremia (SAB) employing a case-control design.


Cases were unique patients with documented SAB, identified with the National S. aureus Bacteremia Register, a comprehensive dataset of all episodes of community associated-SABs (CA-SAB) occurring in children (≤20 yrs) in Denmark from 1990 to 2006. Controls were age-matched healthy individuals with no history of SAB. DNA obtained from cases and controls using the Danish Newborn Screening Biobank were genotyped for functional polymorphisms of DEFB1 by Sanger sequencing and copy number variation of the DEFB103 and DEFB4 genes using Pyrosequencing-based Paralogue Ratio Test (P-PRT).


193 ethnic Danish SAB cases with 382 age-matched controls were used for this study. S. aureus isolates represented a variety of bacterial (i.e., different spa types) types similar to SAB isolates in general. DEFB1 minor allele frequencies of rs11362 (cases vs. controls 0.47/0.44), rs1800972 (0.21/0.24), and rs1799946 (0.32/0.33) were not significantly different in cases compared with controls. Also, DEFB4/DEFB103 gene copy numbers (means 4.83/4.92) were not significantly different in cases compared with controls.


Using a large, unique cohort of pediatric CA-SAB, we found no significant association between DEFB1 genetic variation or DEFB4/DEFB103 gene copy number and susceptibility for SAB.  相似文献   

Plasma lipidome is now increasingly recognized as a potentially important marker of chronic diseases, but the exact extent of its contribution to the interindividual phenotypic variability in family studies is unknown. Here, we used the rich data from the ongoing San Antonio Family Heart Study (SAFHS) and developed a novel statistical approach to quantify the independent and additive value of the plasma lipidome in explaining metabolic syndrome (MS) variability in Mexican American families recruited in the SAFHS. Our analytical approach included two preprocessing steps: principal components analysis of the high-resolution plasma lipidomics data and construction of a subject-subject lipidomic similarity matrix. We then used the Sequential Oligogenic Linkage Analysis Routines software to model the complex family relationships, lipidomic similarities, and other important covariates in a variance components framework. Our results suggested that even after accounting for the shared genetic influences, indicators of lipemic status (total serum cholesterol, TGs, and HDL cholesterol), and obesity, the plasma lipidome independently explained 22% of variability in the homeostatic model of assessment-insulin resistance trait and 16% to 22% variability in glucose, insulin, and waist circumference. Our results demonstrate that plasma lipidomic studies can additively contribute to an understanding of the interindividual variability in MS.  相似文献   

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