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Many birds exhibit considerable phenotypic flexibility in metabolism to maintain thermoregulation or to conserve energy. This flexibility usually includes seasonal variation in metabolic rate. Seasonal changes in physiology and behavior of birds are considered to be a part of their adaptive strategy for survival and reproductive success. House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) are small passerines from Europe that have been successfully introduced to many parts of the world, and thus may be expected to exhibit high phenotypic flexibility in metabolic rate. Mass specific Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) and Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) were significantly higher in winter compared with summer, although there was no significant difference between body mass in summer and winter. A similar, narrow thermal neutral zone (25–28 °C) was observed in both seasons. Winter elevation of metabolic rate in House Sparrows was presumably related to metabolic or morphological adjustments to meet the extra energy demands of cold winters. Overall, House Sparrows showed seasonal metabolic acclimatization similar to other temperate wintering passerines. The improved cold tolerance was associated with a significant increase in VO2 in winter relative to summer. In addition, some summer birds died at 5 °C, whereas winter birds did not, further showing seasonal variation in cold tolerance. The increase in BMR of 120% in winter, compared to summer, is by far the highest recorded seasonal change so far in birds.  相似文献   

The present study attempts to elucidate possible microevolutionary adaptations of life-history traits of high-latitude populations of the holarctic, littoral oribatid mite Ameronothrus lineatus by comparing arctic and temperate populations. Additionally, the paper provides an overview of the limited research on general ecology and population biology of arctic populations. In the Arctic the larviparous A. lineatus has a 5-year life cycle (larva-to-larva), and adults survive a further 2–3 years. High survival to maturity is consistent with a low lifetime reproductive output of ca. 20 larvae. The life history can be regarded as an extreme version of the typical oribatid life history. However, several life-history features suggest specific adaptations of arctic populations. In particular, the pre-moult resting stage is synchronized with the warmest part of the arctic summer, which shortens this vulnerable part of development. High reproductive investment by females at relatively low temperatures may represent a physiological adaptation to the cool arctic summer. Finally, prolonged cold exposure positively affects reproduction and survival the following summer, suggesting adaptation of the species to the highly seasonal arctic environment. On the other hand, the ability of all life-cycle stages to overwinter, and a flexible life history with the species being able to take advantage of favourable climatic conditions to accelerate development and larviposition, seem to be ancestral features. Thus, the success of A. lineatus in arctic habitats is probably attributable to a combination of derived and ancestral life-history traits. Studies of conspecific temperate populations are required to elucidate further local adaptations of arctic populations.  相似文献   

The temperate‐zone butterfly Pararge aegeria can use three developmental pathways corresponding to different seasonal cohorts: (1) development with a pupal winter diapause resulting in early spring adults; (2) development with a larval winter diapause resulting in late‐spring adults and (3) direct development resulting in summer or second generation adults. In order to test adaptive predictions, we compared variation in flight‐ and thermoregulation‐related morphology among adult males and females from the three pathways using both field data (i.e. wild‐caught butterflies) and experimental breeding data (i.e. reared under different photoperiod regimes). Morphological patterns among the pathways were largely similar in the field and rearing data. Seasonal patterns differed between the sexes for most traits, including (relative) size measures and wing colour. Our results suggest sex‐related, adaptive seasonal plasticity for morphological traits related to flight behaviour in a multivoltine insect.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts the evolution of trait combinations that enhance fitness, and the occurrence of trade-offs depends in part on the magnitude of variation in growth rate or acquisition. Using recombinant inbred lines, we examined the genetic architecture of age and size at reproduction across abiotic conditions encountered by cultivars and naturalized populations of Brassica rapa. We found that genotypes are plastic to seasonal setting, such that reproduction was accelerated under conditions encountered by summer annual populations and genetic variances for age at reproduction varied across simulated seasonal settings. Using an acquisition-allocation model, we predicted the likelihood of trade-offs. Consistent with predicted relationships, we observed a trade-off where early maturity is associated with small size at maturity under simulated summer and fall annual conditions but not under winter annual conditions. The trade-off in the summer annual setting was observed despite significant genotypic variation in growth rate, which is often expected to decouple age and size at reproduction because rapidly growing genotypes could mature early and attain a larger size relative to slowly growing genotypes that mature later. The absence of a trade-off in the winter setting is presumably attributable to the absence of genotypic differences in age at reproduction. We observed QTL for age at reproduction that jointly regulated size at reproduction in both the summer and fall annual settings, but these QTL were environment-specific (i.e. different QTL contributed to the trade-off in the fall vs. summer annual settings). Thus, at least some of the genetic mechanisms underlying observed trade-offs differed across environments.  相似文献   

Starvation resistance is closely associated with fitness in natural populations of many organisms. It often co-varies with longevity and is a relevant target for understanding the evolution of aging. We selected for increased starvation resistance in the seasonally polyphenic butterfly Bicyclus anynana in a warm, wet-seasonal environment over 17 generations. We measured the response to selection for two selected lines compared to that of an unselected stock. Results show an increase in survival under adult starvation of 50%-100%. In addition, selection lines showed an increase in life span under normal adult feeding of 30%-50%. Female reproduction was changed toward laying fewer but larger eggs. The results indicate a sex-specific response to selection: females reallocated resources toward a more durable body, whereas males appeared to increase starvation resistance through changed metabolic rate. The phenotype produced by artificial selection resembles the form that occurs in the cool, dry-season environment, which suggests that selection has targeted the regulatory mechanisms for survival that are also involved in the suite of traits (including starvation resistance) central to the adaptive plastic response of this butterfly to seasonal conditions. In general, these results imply that the regulation of life span involves mechanisms of phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2003,24(4):187-193
In food-limited populations, the presence of extra food resources can influence the way individuals allocate energy to growth and reproduction. We experimentally increased food available to cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus) near the northern limit of their range over a 2-year period and tested the hypothesis that seasonal growth rates would be enhanced by supplemental food during winter and spring when natural food levels are low. We also examined whether additional food resources were allocated to somatic growth or reproductive effort by pregnant and lactating females. The effect of supplemental food on growth varied with mass and season, but did not influence the growth rates of most cotton rats during spring and winter. In winter, small animals on supplemented grids had higher growth rates than small animals on control grids, but females in spring had lower growth rates under supplemented conditions. Growth rates of supplemented cotton rats were enhanced in summer. Northern cotton rat populations may use season-specific foraging strategies, maximizing energy intake during the reproductive season and minimizing time spent foraging in winter. Adult females invest extra resources in reproduction rather than in somatic growth. Pregnant females receiving supplemental food had higher growth rates than control females, and dependent pups (≤ 1 month of age) born to supplemented mothers had higher growth rates than those born to control mothers. Increased body size seems to confer an advantage during the reproductive season, but has no concomitant advantage to overwinter survival.  相似文献   

Histological study of the frontal organ in the frog, Rana esculenta, was performed during spring, summer, autumn and winter. In semithin sections stained with toluidine blue, cells containing a vacuole were clearly detected during spring, and considerably increased during summer. Such cellular elements were absent in the frontal organ during autumn and winter. This morphological evidence of seasonal variation was supported by extracellular recording in the frontal organ in different seasons. Spontaneous firing rate was found to increase from the spring to the summer, and to decrease from the autumn to the winter. Altogether, these data indicate that the frontal organ may represent an autonomic component of the pineal complex with a secretory function producing neurohormonal messages involved in the annual mechanism of the reproduction.  相似文献   

The comma butterfly, Polygonia c-album, exhibits seasonal polyphenism with a darkish winter morph and a lighter summer one. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the winter morph represents the ancestral condition. We suggest two hypotheses for the evolution of the summer morph and the maintenance of seasonal polyphenism in the comma: (1) that the summer morph is better protected against predation on summer roost sites, whereas the winter morph is better protected on hibernation sites, and (2) that the summer morph is energetically less expensive and results from deallocation of resources from soma (e.g. dark wing pigmentation) to reproduction. We tested the antipredation hypothesis in experiments using great tits, Parus major, as predators on winter and summer morph commas presented simultaneously on tree trunks or on nettles. However, this hypothesis was not supported as the winter morph was better protected than the summer morph on both backgrounds. Predation when both morphs were present was lower on nettles, and summer morphs placed in exposed positions on tree trunks outdoors disappeared sooner than winter morphs placed on the same background. In addition, in a final experiment, 18 summer morphs released in their natural habitat in the evening exclusively chose leaves for roost sites, whereas 12 of 19 winter morphs chose a tree trunk, branch or twig. We conclude that evolution of the summer morph is consistent with the life history hypothesis and that its choice of summer roost sites is associated with a low predation pressure.  相似文献   

1. Two proposed hypotheses about energy allocation were tested to explain the patterns of seasonal reproduction found in temperate mammals. The two hypotheses predict either that total demand for energy is greater during reproduction than during winter (when thermoregulatory costs are high) (Increased Demand Hypothesis) or that total costs during winter are greater than or equal to total costs during reproduction (Reallocation Hypothesis).
2. Data were compiled from the literature on summer (non-reproducing) and winter metabolic rates of temperate mammals, and were used on litter sizes and a published equation to predict metabolic rates during lactation.
3. All three measures of metabolic rate scaled to body mass with slopes significantly less than one. Metabolic rates during winter averaged ≈ 2 times greater than those of non-reproducing mammals during summer. On average, predicted metabolic rates during lactation were not significantly greater than during winter, but for some individual species they clearly were.
4. It is suggested that neither the Reallocation nor the Increased Demand Hypothesis can fully explain seasonal reproductive patterns in temperate mammals.  相似文献   

Thermoregulatory responses are known to differ seasonally in endotherms and this is often dependent on the environment and region they are resident. Holarctic animals are exposed to severe winters and substantial seasonal variation in ambient temperature. In contrast, those in the Afrotropics have less severe winters, but greater variation in temperature, rainfall and net primary production. These environmental factors place different selection pressures on physiological responses in endotherms. In this study, metabolic rate (VO2) and body temperature (Tb) were measured in captive bred Rock Kestrels (Falco rupicolus) from the Afrotropics after a period of summer and winter acclimatisation. Resting metabolic rate was significantly lower after the winter acclimatisation period than after the summer acclimatisation period, and there was a shift in the thermoneutral zone from 20–33 °C in summer to 15–30 °C in winter. However, no significant difference in basal metabolic rate between summer and winter was found. The results show that Rock Kestrels reduce energy expenditure at low ambient temperatures in winter as expected in an Afrotropical species.  相似文献   

Many seasonal thermoregulation studies have been conducted on Holarctic birds that live in predictable, highly seasonal climates with severe winters. However, relatively few studies have been conducted on their southern hemisphere Afrotropical counterparts that encounter less predictable climates with milder winters. These latter birds are expected to conserve energy in winter by downregulating their metabolic rates. Therefore in this study, metabolic rate was measured during summer and winter in Knysna Turaco, Tauraco corythaix (Musophagiformes, Musophagidae) (c. 310 g), a non-passerine, in order to test whether there is energy conservation in winter. No overall significant differences in resting metabolic rates over a range of ambient temperatures were observed between winter and summer. However, whole-organism basal metabolic rates were 18.5% higher (p=0.005) in winter than in summer (210.83±15.97 vs. 186.70±10.52 O2 h−1). Knysna Turacos had broad thermoneutral zones ranging from 20 to 28 °C in winter and 10 to 30 °C in summer. These results suggest that Knysna Turacos show seasonal thermoregulatory responses that represent cold defense rather than energy conservation, which is contrary to what was expected.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The effects of resource levels, thermal microclimate, and seasonal oviposition patterns on fecundity and survivorship in the pitcher-plant mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii (Coq.), were examined at a northern Wisconsin bog over the course of 2 years. Wyeomyia smithii are bivoltine at this locality, thereby enabling the study of summer and overwintering generations separately.
2. Nutrient resources of W. smithii were not limiting and there was no indication of density-dependent survivorship or fecundity.
3. Oviposition rates were highest in young, large pitchers and individual mosquitoes appeared to allocate only a few eggs to any one leaf.
4. Winter was the harsh season, and the principal manifestation of seasonal harshness was reduced survivorship.
5. Overwintering W. smithii that had been oviposited later in the summer had a higher odds of survival than those oviposited earlier in the summer.
6. It was concluded that dispersal of eggs among many pitchers serves to spread the risk of encountering lethal winter temperatures among spatially unpredictable patches.  相似文献   

Plasticity is a crucial component of the life cycle of invertebrates that live as active adults throughout wet and dry seasons in the tropics. Such plasticity is seen in the numerous species of Bicyclus butterflies in Africa which exhibit seasonal polyphenism with sequential generations of adults with one or other of two alternative phenotypes. These differ not only in wing pattern but in many other traits. This divergence across a broad complex of traits is associated with survival and reproduction either in a wet season that is favourable in terms of resources, or mainly in a dry season that is more stressful. This phenomenon has led us to examine the bases of the developmental plasticity in a model species, B. anynana, and also the evolution of key adult life history traits, including starvation resistance and longevity. We now understand something about the processes that generate variation in the phenotype, and also about the ecological context of responses to environmental stress. The responses clearly involve a mix of developmental plasticity as cued by different environments in pre-adult development, and the acclimation of life history traits in adults to their prevailing environment.  相似文献   

The balance between energetic acquisition and expenditure depends on the amount of energy allocated to biological functions such as thermoregulation, growth, reproduction and behavior. Ambient temperature has a profound effect on this balance, with species inhabiting colder climates often needing to invest more energy in thermoregulation to maintain body temperature. This leads to local behavioral and physiological adaptations that increase energetic efficiency. In this study, we investigated the role of activity, behavior and thermogenic capacity in the ability of the greater white-toothed shrew, Crocidura russula, to cope with seasonal changes. Individuals were captured in the Sintra-Cascais Natural Park, a Mediterranean region, and separated into three experimental groups: a control group, acclimated to a 12L:12D photoperiod and temperature of 18–20 °C; a winter group, acclimatized to natural winter fluctuations of light and temperature; and a summer group, acclimatized to natural summer fluctuations of light and temperature. No differences were found in resting metabolic rate and nonshivering thermogenesis between the three groups. However, winter shrews significantly reduced their activity, particularly at night, compared to the control and summer groups. Differences in torpor use were also found between groups, with winter shrews entering torpor more frequently and during shorter periods of time than summer and control shrews. Our results indicate C. russula from Sintra relies on the flexibility of energy saving mechanisms, namely daily activity level and torpor use, to cope with seasonal changes in a Mediterranean climate, rather than mechanisms involving body heat production.  相似文献   

Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) of eastern North America are well known for their long-range migration to overwintering roosts in south-central Mexico. An essential feature of this migration involves the exceptional longevity of the migrant adults; individuals persist from August/September to March while their summer counterparts are likely to live less than two months as adults. Migrant adults persist during a state of reproductive diapause in which both male and female reproductive development is arrested as a consequence of suppressed synthesis of juvenile hormone. Here, we describe survival in monarch butterflies as a function of the migrant syndrome. We show that migrant adults are longer lived than summer adults when each are maintained under standard laboratory conditions, that the longevity of migrant adults is curtailed by treatment with juvenile hormone and that the longevity of summer adults is increased by 100% when juvenile hormone synthesis is prevented by surgical removal of its source, the corpora allatum. Thus, monarch butterfly persistence through a long winter season is ensured in part by reduced ageing that is under endocrine regulation, as well as by the unique environmental properties of their winter roost sites. Phenotypic plasticity for ageing is an integral component of the monarch butterflies' migration-diapause syndrome.  相似文献   

Terrestrial organisms of the Arctic are faced with strong climatic fluctuations. Predictable seasonality with cold/long winters and short/cool summers are combined with unpredictable between and within year variation. This indicates that various selection pressures act on the reproductive strategies of the populations. The arctic collembolan Hypogastrura tullbergi reproduces in a short period following snow melt. Hatching occurs in late summer, the animals grow to adult size within their second summer and reproduce for the first time in the beginning of their third summer. We performed several experiments to determine the reproductive investment and proximate mechanism that regulate timing and duration of reproduction. We found that H. tullbergi entered a reproductive diapause when reared at constant temperature, a diapause that was terminated by a cold exposure (winter). Surprisingly, cold exposure of small juveniles may also prevent development of a reproductive diapause in adults. Thus, the life-cycle normally spanning 2 yr can potentially be reduced to one year if the overwintering juveniles reach maturity before the end of the reproductive period in the field. After termination of the diapause, the animals reproduced up to 3 times during a period of 6 weeks at 15°C. This reproductive period was considerably longer (measured in degree days) than the one observed in the field. Our results suggested that temperature quiescence, i.e. the inability to reproduce under a certain temperature threshold, may adjust the termination of the reproductive period with current temperature before a new diapause occurs in late summer. The cost of reproduction was low and suggests that it can be adaptive to spread reproduction over more than one year. The results are discussed in relation to the arctic climate and strategies favoured by unpredictable and predictable (seasonal) variations in the environment. The present study forms part of a larger investigation on population dynamics and life history strategies of H. tullbergi from the Arctic.  相似文献   

Rearing environment can have an impact on adult behavior, but it is less clear how rearing environment influences adult behavior plasticity. Here we explore the effect of rearing temperature on adult mating behavior plasticity in the butterfly Bicyclus anynana, a species that has evolved two seasonal forms in response to seasonal changes in temperature. These seasonal forms differ in both morphology and behavior. Females are the choosy sex in cohorts reared at warm temperatures (WS butterflies), and males are the choosy sex in cohorts reared at cooler temperatures (DS butterflies). Rearing temperature also influences mating benefits and costs. In DS butterflies, mated females live longer than virgin females, and mated males live shorter than virgin males. No such benefits or costs to mating are present in WS butterflies. Given that choosiness and mating costs are rearing temperature dependent in B. anynana, we hypothesized that temperature may also impact male and female incentives to remate in the event that benefits and costs of second matings are similar to those of first matings. We first examined whether lifespan was affected by number of matings. We found that two matings did not significantly increase lifespan for either WS or DS butterflies relative to single matings. However, both sexes of WS but not DS butterflies experienced decreased longevity when mated to a non-virgin relative to a virgin. We next observed pairs of WS and DS butterflies and documented changes in mating behavior in response to changes in the mating status of their partner. WS but not DS butterflies changed their mating behavior in response to the mating status of their partner. These results suggest that rearing temperature influences adult mating behavior plasticity in B. anynana. This developmentally controlled behavioral plasticity may be adaptive, as lifespan depends on the partner’s mating status in one seasonal form, but not in the other.  相似文献   

The combined effect of external environment and energy allocation strategy of the organism on longevity can be exceptional. In a cold oligotrophic fishless habitat, individual Daphnia can live for over a year, several times the usual Daphnia lifespan. This extreme lifespan is in part a consequence of the overwintering strategy which includes storing resources and delaying reproduction until another spring. Yet, contrasting strategies may be applied by Daphnia, resulting in over twofold differences in lifespan within a single habitat. We identify physiological mechanisms mediating such differences in longevity in closely related Daphnia of two lineages coexisting within a high altitude lake, testing the predictions that long-lived animals stay in colder waters and have lower metabolic rates, irrespective of temperature. Vertical distribution of the animals was assessed during three summer stratification seasons, and metabolic activity was measured as oxygen consumption and RNA:DNA ratio. The results not only support our predictions but also reveal that habitat choice is dependent on reproductive status rather than genotype. The young individuals of the overwintering lineage may delay reproduction in part by staying in colder waters than the reproducing adults, which together with low intrinsic metabolic rates may underlie the longevity of Daphnia of this lineage.  相似文献   

肥满度被广泛用于动物生长状况与环境、生存、繁殖等方面的研究。为揭示横断山脉森林环境中中华姬鼠(Apodemus draco)和社鼠(Niviventer confucianus)肥满度的变化规律及影响原因,我们于2008年4~11月对四川省蜂桶寨国家级自然保护区内中华姬鼠和社鼠肥满度在各年龄组及不同季节中的变化进行了研究。结果显示,中华姬鼠肥满度在各年龄组间的差异显著,其变化趋势为老年组>成年组>亚成年组>幼年组;亚成年组及老年组肥满度在各季节间无显著差异,而在成年组则差异明显,以春季中最高。社鼠肥满度在各年龄组间无显著性差异;亚成年组肥满度在各季节间差异显著,在夏秋季中最低,同时成年组及老年组肥满度在季节间无显著差异。中华姬鼠和社鼠亚成年组、成年组及老年组肥满度与海拔无显著的线性关系。分析认为,中华姬鼠老年组个体可能在应对外界环境方面要强于幼年个体而具有最高的肥满度,成年个体肥满度的季节变化可能受食物资源季节差异和繁殖能量需求的影响;社鼠成年及老年个体能通过相应的季节性调节维持肥满度的稳定,而亚成年个体在调节方面较弱,故其肥满度在夏秋季最低。  相似文献   

Birds exposed to seasonal environments are faced with the problem of maintaining thermogenic homoeostasis. Previous studies have established that birds native to the Holarctic increase their Resting Metabolic Rate at different ambient temperatures (RMRTa) and Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) in winter as an adaptation to cold temperature since winters are more severe, while their non-Holarctic counterparts generally decrease their winter BMR as an energy saving mechanism during unproductive and dry winter months. In this study, we examined seasonal thermoregulation in the burrowing parrot (Cyanoliseus patagonus), a colonial psittacine native to the Patagonian region of Argentina, a region with an unpredictable environment. We found significantly higher mass specific RMRTa and BMR in summer than in winter. Both summer and winter BMR of the species fell within the predicted 95% confident interval for a parrot of its size. Body mass was significantly higher in winter than in summer. The burrowing parrot had broad thermo-neutral zones in winter and summer. The circadian rhythm of core body temperature (Tb) of burrowing parrots was not affected by season, showing that this species regulated its Tb irrespective of season. These results suggest that the burrowing parrots' seasonal thermoregulatory responses represent that of energy conservation which is important in an unpredictable environment.  相似文献   

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