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The diffusion of hen egg-white lysozyme has been studied by dynamic light scattering in aqueous solutions of ammonium sulfate as a function of protein concentration to 30 g/liter. Experiments were conducted under the following conditions: pH 4-7 and ionic strength 0.05-5.0 M. Diffusivity data for ionic strengths up to 0.5 M were interpreted in the context of a two-body interaction model for monomers. From this analysis, two potential-of-mean-force parameters, the effective monomer charge, and the Hamaker constant were obtained. At higher ionic strength, the data were analyzed using a model that describes the diffusion coefficient of a polydisperse system of interacting protein aggregates in terms of an isodesmic, indefinite aggregation equilibrium constant. Data analysis incorporated multicomponent virial and hydrodynamic effects. The resulting equilibrium constants indicate that lysozyme does not aggregate significantly as ionic strength increases, even at salt concentrations near the point of salting-out precipitation.  相似文献   

The concentration dependence of the diffusion coefficient of particles suspended in solution depends primarily on the occupied volume fraction and on repulsive and attractive forces. This dependency is expressed by the interaction parameter, which can be assessed experimentally by light scattering measurements and have been determined for the diffusion coefficient of BSA under different salt concentration conditions in the present work. The result shows that the diffusion coefficient of protein grows up with increasing protein concentration, and when the ionic strength turns up gradually the diffusion coefficient decreases with protein concentrations increasing. The concentration dependence of BSA diffusion coefficients is interpreted in the context of a two-body potential of mean force, which includes repulsive hard-sphere and Coulombic interactions and attractive dispersion. With the increase of ionic strength, Debye screening decreases, protein interaction changes from repulsion to attraction, and protein begins to aggregate. By means of the concentration dependence of BSA diffusion coefficients, one can obtain the parameters of protein interactions and can find that protein bears a net effective charge of –9.0 e and has a Hamaker constant of 2.8kBT. This work demonstrates that DLS is an effective technique of studying protein interactions.  相似文献   

Interactions measurement is a valuable tool to predict equilibrium phase separation of a desired protein in the presence of unwanted macromolecules. In this study, cross‐interactions were measured as the osmotic second virial cross‐coefficients (B23) for the three binary protein systems involving lysozyme, ovalbumin, and α‐amylase in salt solutions (sodium chloride and ammonium sulfate). They were correlated with solubility for the binary protein mixtures. The cross‐interaction behavior at different salt concentrations was interpreted by either electrostatic or hydrophobic interaction forces. At low salt concentrations, the protein surface charge dominates cross‐interaction behavior as a function of pH. With added ovalbumin, the lysozyme solubility decreased linearly at low salt concentration in sodium chloride and increased at high salt concentration in ammonium sulfate. The B23 value was found to be proportional to the slope of the lysozyme solubility against ovalbumin concentration and the correlation was explained by preferential interaction theory. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 29:1203–1211, 2013  相似文献   

The second osmotic virial coefficients of seven proteins-ovalbumin, ribonuclease A, bovine serum albumin, alpha-lactalbumin, myoglobin, cytochrome c, and catalase-were measured in salt solutions. Comparison of the interaction trends in terms of the dimensionless second virial coefficient b(2) shows that, at low salt concentrations, protein-protein interactions can be either attractive or repulsive, possibly due to the anisotropy of the protein charge distribution. At high salt concentrations, the behavior depends on the salt: In sodium chloride, protein interactions generally show little salt dependence up to very high salt concentrations, whereas in ammonium sulfate, proteins show a sharp drop in b(2) with increasing salt concentration beyond a particular threshold. The experimental phase behavior of the proteins corroborates these observations in that precipitation always follows the drop in b(2). When the proteins crystallize, they do so at slightly lower salt concentrations than seen for precipitation. The b(2) measurements were extended to other salts for ovalbumin and catalase. The trends follow the Hofmeister series, and the effect of the salt can be interpreted as a water-mediated effect between the protein and salt molecules. The b(2) trends quantify protein-protein interactions and provide some understanding of the corresponding phase behavior. The results explain both why ammonium sulfate is among the best crystallization agents, as well as some of the difficulties that can be encountered in protein crystallization.  相似文献   

Integral membrane proteins carry out some of the most important functions of living cells, yet relatively few details are known about their structures. This is due, in large part, to the difficulties associated with preparing membrane protein crystals suitable for X-ray diffraction analysis. Mechanistic studies of membrane protein crystallization may provide insights that will aid in determining future membrane protein structures. Accordingly, the solution behavior of the bacterial outer membrane protein OmpF porin was studied by static light scattering under conditions favorable for crystal growth. The second osmotic virial coefficient (B22) was found to be a predictor of the crystallization behavior of porin, as has previously been found for soluble proteins. Both tetragonal and trigonal porin crystals were found to form only within a narrow window of B22 values located at approximately -0.5 to -2 X 10(-4) mol mL g(-2), which is similar to the "crystallization slot" observed for soluble proteins. The B22 behavior of protein-free detergent micelles proved very similar to that of porin-detergent complexes, suggesting that the detergent's contribution dominates the behavior of protein-detergent complexes under crystallizing conditions. This observation implies that, for any given detergent, it may be possible to construct membrane protein crystallization screens of general utility by manipulating the solution properties so as to drive detergent B22 values into the crystallization slot. Such screens would limit the screening effort to the detergent systems most likely to yield crystals, thereby minimizing protein requirements and improving productivity.  相似文献   

We studied the non-native aggregation of recombinant human granulocyte stimulating factor (rhGCSF) in solution conditions where native rhGCSF is both conformationally stable compared to its unfolded state and at concentrations well below its solubility limit. Aggregation of rhGCSF first involves the perturbation of its native structure to form a structurally expanded transition state, followed by assembly process to form an irreversible aggregate. The energy barriers of the two steps are reflected in the experimentally measured values of free energy of unfolding (DeltaG(unf)) and osmotic second virial coefficient (B(22)), respectively. Under solution conditions where rhGCSF conformational stability dominates (i.e., large DeltaG(unf) and negative B(22)), the first step is rate-limiting, and increasing DeltaG(unf) (e.g., by the addition of sucrose) decreases aggregation. In solutions where colloidal stability is high (i.e., large and positive B(22) values) the second step is rate-limiting, and solution conditions (e.g., low pH and low ionic strength) that increase repulsive interactions between protein molecules are effective at reducing aggregation. rhGCSF aggregation is thus controlled by both conformational stability and colloidal stability, and depending on the solution conditions, either could be rate-limiting.  相似文献   

Quantitative measurements of intravascular microscopic dynamics, such as absolute blood flow velocity, shear stress and the diffusion coefficient of red blood cells (RBCs), are fundamental in understanding the blood flow behavior within the microcirculation, and for understanding why diffuse correlation spectroscopy (DCS) measurements of blood flow are dominantly sensitive to the diffusive motion of RBCs. Dynamic light scattering‐optical coherence tomography (DLS‐OCT) takes the advantages of using DLS to measure particle flow and diffusion within an OCT resolution‐constrained three‐dimensional volume, enabling the simultaneous measurements of absolute RBC velocity and diffusion coefficient with high spatial resolution. In this work, we applied DLS‐OCT to measure both RBC velocity and the shear‐induced diffusion coefficient within penetrating venules of the somatosensory cortex of anesthetized mice. Blood flow laminar profile measurements indicate a blunted laminar flow profile and the degree of blunting decreases with increasing vessel diameter. The measured shear‐induced diffusion coefficient was proportional to the flow shear rate with a magnitude of ~0.1 to 0.5 × 10?6 mm2. These results provide important experimental support for the recent theoretical explanation for why DCS is dominantly sensitive to RBC diffusive motion.   相似文献   

Kwaambwa HM  Rennie AR 《Biopolymers》2012,97(4):209-218
Protein extracted from Moringa oleifera (MO) seeds has been advocated as a cheap and environmental friendly alternative to ionic flocculants for water purification. However, the nature and mechanism of its interaction with particles in water, as well as with dissolved surface-active molecules, are not well understood. In this article, we report studies of the protein and its interaction with four surfactants using dynamic light scattering (DLS), zeta-potential and turbidity measurements. Zeta-potential measurements identified points of charge reversal and the turbidity and DLS measurements were used to characterize the microstructure and size of protein-surfactant complexes. From the points of charge reversal, it was estimated that 7 anions are required to neutralize the positive charges of each protein molecule at pH 7. For protein mixtures with sodium dodecyl sulfate and dodecyl di-acid sodium salt, the peak in turbidity corresponds to concentrations with a large change in zeta-potential. No turbidity was observed for protein mixtures with either the nonionic surfactant Triton X-100 or the zwitterionic surfactant N-dodecyl-N,N-dimethyl-3-ammonio-1-propanesulfonate. Changes of pH in the range 4-10 have little effect on the zeta-potential, turbidity, and the hydrodynamic radius reflecting the high isoelectric point of the protein. Addition of small amounts of salt has little effect on the size of protein in solution. These results are discussed in the context of the use of the MO protein in water treatment.  相似文献   

We used static and dynamic light scattering for comparing the mass (MW) and hydrodynamic radius (R(h)) of several hemoglobin systems, namely human hemoglobin, bovine hemoglobin, human hemoglobin cross-linked with a sebacyl residue, and bovine hemoglobin cross-linked with an adipoyl residue. We measured the MW and R(h) of these systems in 0.1M phosphate buffer at pH 7.0 in the absence and in the presence of either betaine or glycerol up to 1.7 molal concentrations. The 90 degrees scattering was measured with a photon counting machine equipped with a diode laser at 783 nm. The Rayleigh ratio [R(theta)] of the instrument was estimated using R(theta) = 7.19E-6 cm(-1) for toluene at 783 nm. The refractive index increment of hemoglobin solutions was measured using a laser beam at 750 nm. We estimated a value dn/dc = 0.210 cm3/g in the absence and dn/dc = 0.170 in the presence of 1.7 molal osmolites. For all systems both in liganded and unliganded form, the static light scattering data showed a 16% mass increase with increasing concentration of osmolites. The hydrodynamic radii of all investigated systems in the presence and absence of osmolites were close to 3.17 nm. Assuming a partial specific volume nu = 0.739 for hemoglobin, and using spherical geometry, the estimated average hydration volume of hemoglobin was 32.6 L/mole in the absence of osmolites. It decreased to 23.5 L/mole in the presence of 1.7 molal osmolites. Assuming that the density of water in the hydration volume is D = 1.0 g/cm3, the hydration of Hb was 0.51 gH2O/gHb, with a surface density of 0.20 molH2O/A2. The hydration decreased to 0.33 gH2O/gHb and 0.14 molH2O/A2 in the presence of 1.7 molal osmolites. The decreased hydration was compensated by the increased mass (i.e., decreased surface area per unit volume) so that the thickness of the water shell around these proteins remained close to a single layer of water molecules. These findings indicate that the combination of static and dynamic light scattering offer unique means for investigating the relevance of water activity on the structure and function of biological macromolecules. In the case of hemoglobin, the data suggest that the decreased oxygen affinity in the presence of osmolites reported by Colombo et al. (M. F. Colombo, D. C. Rau, and V. A. Parsegian Science, 1992, Vol. 256, pp. 655-659), as due to ligand linked water binding on hemoglobin surface, is part of a complex phenomenon involving the hydration shell of hemoglobin and the formation of low affinity supertetrameric molecules.  相似文献   

This is a review of applications of the McMillan-Mayer-Hill virial theory and the ionic double-layer theory to dilute colloidal solutions, in particular, solutions of DNA. Interactions of highly charged colloidal rods are developed in terms of the second virial coefficients between two rods, and between one rod and one small co-ion. The relevant cluster integrals are evaluated with interaction potentials based on the Poisson-Boltzmann equation. The treatment is extended to the intrachain repulsion responsible for the statistical swelling of coiled DNA (excluded volume effect). The theory is compared with three sets of experimental data: The salt distribution in Donnan membrane equilibria of DNA-salt solutions, sedimentation equilibria of short DNA fragments at different ionic strengths, and the intrinsic viscosity of T7 DNA in NaCl solutions. In all cases the theory agrees well with the experiments. The agreement is not convincing for the sedimentation equilibrium at low ionic strength, because here the experimental DNA concentration is too high for the truncated dilute solution expansion of the DNA-salt repulsion.  相似文献   

Water soluble polysaccharides from soybean (SSPS) have a pectin-like structure and are used as stabilisers in acidified beverages. Physicochemical properties such as structure, molecular weight and shape or conformation are primary factors controlling their functional properties. Two soybean polysaccharides, a native SSPS and a modified SSPS treated with beta-(1-->4)-D-galactosidase (GPase/SSPS) were studied by dynamic and static light scattering (DLS, SLS) and size exclusion chromatography (SEC). Consecutive filtrations using a range of membrane pore size removed a small fraction of macromolecular aggregates from dilute polysaccharide solutions with relatively little effect on the major component molecules as monitored by DLS and SEC measurements. Access to aggregate-free dilute solutions of SSPS and GPase/SSPS allowed the direct measurement of molecular characteristics. SLS results showed that SSPS had a weight average molecular weight of (645+/-11)x 10(3)g/mol and a radius of gyration, Rg, of (23.5+/-2.8)nm. By comparing R(g) with the hydrodynamic radius, Rh (21.1+/-0.5 nm) obtained from DLS, the structural parameter rho (Rg/Rh) was found to be 1.1, suggesting that SSPS has an overall globular shape due to a highly branched structure. The modified SSPS had a significantly lower molecular weight (287+/-18)x 10(3)g/mol but a similar radius of gyration (23.2+/-1.7 nm). The structure parameter rho of GPase/SSPS was higher (rho=1.3) because of a smaller hydrodynamic radius (17.7+/-1.8 nm). This suggests that GPase/SSPS has a much less branched structure yet still differs significantly from a linear random coil conformation (rho=1.7-2.0). The results derived from SLS and DLS are in agreement with the conclusions obtained from a chemical analysis where the reduction of molecular weight of GPase/SSPS was caused by the cleavage of galactan side chains.  相似文献   

Chemical denaturant sensitivity of the dimeric main protease from severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus to guanidinium chloride was examined in terms of fluorescence spectroscopy, circular dichroism, analytical ultracentrifuge, and enzyme activity change. The dimeric enzyme dissociated at guanidinium chloride concentration of <0.4 M, at which the enzymatic activity loss showed close correlation with the subunit dissociation. Further increase in guanidinium chloride induced a reversible biphasic unfolding of the enzyme. The unfolding of the C-terminal domain-truncated enzyme, on the other hand, followed a monophasic unfolding curve. Different mutants of the full-length protease (W31 and W207/W218), with tryptophanyl residue(s) mutated to phenylalanine at the C-terminal or N-terminal domain, respectively, were constructed. Unfolding curves of these mutants were monophasic but corresponded to the first and second phases of the protease, respectively. The unfolding intermediate of the protease thus represented a folded C-terminal domain but an unfolded N-terminal domain, which is enzymatically inactive due to loss of regulatory properties. The various enzyme forms were characterized in terms of hydrophobicity and size-and-shape distributions. We provide direct evidence for the functional role of C-terminal domain in stabilization of the catalytic N-terminal domain of SARS coronavirus main protease.  相似文献   

Sickle cell disease is caused by a mutant form of hemoglobin, hemoglobin S, that polymerizes under hypoxic conditions. The extent and mechanism of polymerization are thus the subject of many studies of the pathophysiology of the disease and potential treatment strategies. To facilitate such studies, a model system using high concentration phosphate buffer (1.5 M-1.8 M) has been developed. To properly interpret results from studies using this model it is important to understand the similarities and differences in hemoglobin S polymerization in the model compared to polymerization under physiological conditions. In this article, we show that hemoglobin S and normal adult hemoglobin, hemoglobin A, aggregate in high concentration phosphate buffer even when the concentration of hemoglobin is below the solubility defined for polymerization. This phenomenon was not observed using 0.05 M phosphate buffer or in another model system we studied that uses dextran to enhance polymerization. We have used static light scattering, dynamic light scattering, and differential interference contrast microscopy to confirm aggregation of deoxygenated and oxygenated hemoglobins below their solubility and have shown that this aggregation is not observable using turbidity measurements, a common technique for assessing polymerization. We have also shown that the aggregation increases with increasing temperature in the range of 15 degrees -37 degrees C and that it increases as the concentration of phosphate increases. These studies contribute to the working knowledge of how to properly apply studies of hemoglobin S polymerization that are conducted using the high phosphate model.  相似文献   

The three disulfide bonds of the gene-3-protein of the phage fd are essential for the conformational stability of this protein, and it unfolds when they are removed by reduction or mutation. Previously, we used an iterative in vitro selection strategy to generate a stable and functional form of the gene-3-protein without these disulfides. It yielded optimal replacements for the disulfide bonds as well as several stabilizing second-site mutations. The best selected variant showed a higher thermal stability compared with the disulfide-bonded wild-type protein. Here, we investigated the molecular basis of this strong stabilization by solving the crystal structure of this variant and by analyzing the contributions to the conformational stability of the selected mutations individually. They could mostly be explained by improved side-chain packing. The R29W substitution alone increased the midpoint of the thermal unfolding transition by 14 deg and the conformational stability by about 25 kJ mol− 1. This key mutation (i) removed a charged side chain that forms a buried salt bridge in the disulfide-containing wild-type protein, (ii) optimized the local packing with the residues that replace the C46-C53 disulfide and (iii) improved the domain interactions. Apparently, certain residues in proteins indeed play key roles for stability.  相似文献   

Membrane-less organelles are cellular structures which arise through the phenomenon of phase separation. This process enables compartmentalization of specific sets of macromolecules (e.g., proteins, nucleic acids), thereby regulating cellular processes by increasing local concentration, and modulating the structure and dynamics of their constituents. Understanding the connection between structure, material properties and function of membrane-less organelles requires inter-disciplinary approaches, which address length and timescales that span several orders of magnitude (e.g., Ångstroms to micrometer, picoseconds to hours). In this review, we discuss the wide variety of methods that have been applied to characterize the morphology, rheology, structure and dynamics of membrane-less organelles and their components, in vitro and in live cells.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis requires a balance between efficient light harvesting and protection against photodamage. The cyanobacterial photoprotection system uniquely relies on the functioning of the photoactive orange carotenoid protein (OCP) that under intense illumination provides fluorescence quenching of the light-harvesting antenna complexes, phycobilisomes. The recently identified fluorescence recovery protein (FRP) binds to the photoactivated OCP and accelerates its relaxation into the basal form, completing the regulatory circle. The molecular mechanism of FRP functioning is largely controversial. Moreover, since the available knowledge has mainly been gained from studying Synechocystis proteins, the cross-species conservation of the FRP mechanism remains unexplored. Besides phylogenetic analysis, we performed a detailed structural-functional analysis of two selected low-homology FRPs by comparing them with Synechocystis FRP (SynFRP). While adopting similar dimeric conformations in solution and preserving binding preferences of SynFRP towards various OCP variants, the low-homology FRPs demonstrated distinct binding stoichiometries and differentially accentuated features of this functional interaction. By providing clues to understand the FRP mechanism universally, our results also establish foundations for upcoming structural investigations necessary to elucidate the FRP-dependent regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

Heparin Binding Hemagglutinin A (HBHA) is hitherto the sole virulence factor associated with tuberculosis dissemination from the lungs, the site of primary infection, to epithelial cells. We have previously reported the solution structure of HBHA, a dimeric and elongated molecule. Since oligomerisation of HBHA is associated with its ability to induce bacterial agglutination, we investigated this process using experimental and modelling techniques. We here identified a short segment of HBHA whose presence is mandatory for the stability of folded conformation, whose denaturation is a reversible two-state process. Our data suggest that agglutination-driven cell-cell interactions do not occur via association of HBHA monomers, nor via association of HBHA dimers and open the scenario to a possible trans-dimerisation process.

Structured summary

MINT-7709940, MINT-7709948: HBHA (uniprotkb:A5TZK3) and HBHA (uniprotkb:A5TZK3) bind (MI:0407) by circular dichroism (MI:0016)MINT-7709966: HBHA (uniprotkb:A5TZK3) and HBHA (uniprotkb:A5TZK3) bind (MI:0407) by biophysical (MI:0013)MINT-7709955: HBHA (uniprotkb:A5TZK3) and HBHA (uniprotkb:A5TZK3) bind (MI:0407) by dynamic light scattering (MI:0038)  相似文献   

SlyD (sensitive to lysis D; product of the slyD gene) is a prolyl isomerase [peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase (PPIase)] of the FK506 binding protein (FKBP) type with chaperone properties. X-ray structures derived from three different crystal forms reveal that SlyD from Thermus thermophilus consists of two domains representing two functional units. PPIase activity is located in a typical FKBP domain, whereas chaperone function is associated with the autonomously folded insert-in-flap (IF) domain. The two isolated domains are stable and functional in solution, but the presence of the IF domain increases the PPIase catalytic efficiency of the FKBP domain by 2 orders of magnitude, suggesting that the two domains act synergistically to assist the folding of polypeptide chains. The substrate binding surface of SlyD from T. thermophilus was mapped by NMR chemical shift perturbations to hydrophobic residues of the IF domain, which exhibits significantly reduced thermodynamic stability according to NMR hydrogen/deuterium exchange and fluorescence equilibrium transition experiments. Based on structural homologies, we hypothesize that this is due to the absence of a stabilizing β-strand, suggesting in turn a mechanism for chaperone activity by ‘donor-strand complementation.’ Furthermore, we identified a conserved metal (Ni2+) binding site at the C-terminal SlyD-specific helical appendix of the FKBP domain, which may play a role in metalloprotein assembly.  相似文献   

The equilibrium unfolding at neutral pH of the third PDZ domain of PSD95, as followed by DSC, is characterized by the presence of an equilibrium intermediate with clear signs of oligomerization. DLS and SEC measurements indicate that at 60-70°C small oligomers populate, showing a typical β-sheet far-UV CD spectrum. These intermediate species lead to the formation of rodlike particulates of ∼12 nm, which remain in solution after 2 weeks incubation and grow until they adopt annular/spherical shapes of ∼50 nm and protofibrils, which are subsequently fully transformed into fibrils. The fibrils can also disaggregate after the addition of 1:1 buffer dilution followed by cooling to room temperature, thus returning to the initial monomeric state. Growth kinetics, as shown by ThT and ANS fluorescence, show that the organization of the different supramacromolecular structures comes from a common nucleation unit, the small oligomers, which organize themselves before reaching the incubation temperature of 60°C. Our experiments point toward the existence of a well-defined reversible, stepwise, and downhill organization of the processes involved in the association-dissociation of the intermediate. We estimate the enthalpy change accompanying the association-dissociation equilibria to be 130 kJ × mol−1. Furthermore, the coalescence under essentially reversible conditions of different kinds of supramacromolecular assemblies renders this protein system highly interesting for biophysical studies aimed at our further understanding of amyloid pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Previous work used hydrogen exchange (HX) experiments in kinetic and equilibrium modes to study the reversible unfolding and refolding of cytochrome c (Cyt c) under native conditions. Accumulated results now show that Cyt c is composed of five individually cooperative folding units, called foldons, which unfold and refold as concerted units in a stepwise pathway sequence. The first three steps of the folding pathway are linear and sequential. The ordering of the last two steps has been unclear because the fast HX of the amino acid residues in these foldons has made measurement difficult. New HX experiments done under slower exchange conditions show that the final two foldons do not unfold and refold in an obligatory sequence. They unfold separately and neither unfolding obligately contains the other, as indicated by their similar unfolding surface exposure and the specific effects of destabilizing and stabilizing mutations, pH change, and oxidation state. These results taken together support a sequential stabilization mechanism in which folding occurs in the native context with prior native-like structure serving to template the stepwise formation of subsequent native-like foldon units. Where the native structure of Cyt c requires sequential folding, in the first three steps, this is found. Where structural determination is ambiguous, in the final two steps, alternative parallel folding is found.  相似文献   

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