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The formation of distinctive basic FGF-heparan sulfate complexes is essential for the binding of bFGF to its cognate receptor. In previous experiments, cell-surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans extracted from human lung fibroblasts could not be shown to promote high affinity binding of bFGF when added to heparan sulfate-deficient cells that express FGF receptor-1 (FGFR1) (Aviezer, D., D. Hecht, M. Safran, M. Eisinger, G. David, and A. Yayon. 1994. Cell 79:1005-1013). In alternative tests to establish whether cell-surface proteoglycans can support the formation of the required complexes, K562 cells were first transfected with the IIIc splice variant of FGFR1 and then transfected with constructs coding for either syndecan-1, syndecan-2, syndecan-4 or glypican, or with an antisense syndecan-4 construct. Cells cotransfected with receptor and proteoglycan showed a two- to three- fold increase in neutral salt-resistant specific 125I-bFGF binding in comparison to cells transfected with only receptor or cells cotransfected with receptor and anti-syndecan-4. Exogenous heparin enhanced the specific binding and affinity cross-linking of 125I-bFGF to FGFR1 in receptor transfectants that were not cotransfected with proteoglycan, but had no effect on this binding and decreased the yield of bFGFR cross-links in cells that were cotransfected with proteoglycan. Receptor-transfectant cells showed a decrease in glycophorin A expression when exposed to bFGF. This suppression was dose-dependent and obtained at significantly lower concentrations of bFGF in proteoglycan-cotransfected cells. Finally, complementary cell- free binding assays indicated that the affinity of 125I-bFGF for an immobilized FGFR1 ectodomain was increased threefold when the syndecan- 4 ectodomain was coimmobilized with receptor. Equimolar amounts of soluble syndecan-4 ectodomain, in contrast, had no effect on this binding. We conclude that, at least in K562 cells, syndecans and glypican can support bFGF-FGFR1 interactions and signaling, and that cell-surface association may augment their effectiveness.  相似文献   

We have confirmed the hypothesis that a mitotoxin resulting from the conjugation of basic fibroblast growth factor and saporin exerts its cytotoxic effect through specific interaction with the basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor. Accordingly, the mitotoxin stimulates tyrosine phosphorylation of the 90 kD substrate that characterizes the initial cellular response to basic FGF. Cross-linking experiments show that radio-labeled basic fibroblast growth factor-saporin (FGF-SAP) binds to the receptor. Suramin, an inhibitor of growth factor receptor binding, inhibits the cytotoxicity of basic FGF-SAP. In a study of 4 different cell types, there is a decrease in the ED50 of the mitotoxin as the receptor number per cell increases. We have verified the cytotoxicity of the mitotoxin in 3 different assay systems. As expected, it is effective in the inhibition of protein synthesis and DNA synthesis, as well as of cell count. Binding of basic FGF-SAP which will result in cytotoxicity occurs very rapidly; 5 minutes of incubation of 10 nM basic FGF-SAP with cells results in 80% inhibition of cell count. The in vitro data indicate that the basic FGF-SAP is a receptor specific and potent suicide antagonist of basic FGF. Its potential as an anti-FGF for therapeutic and research uses in vivo is discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the different potentials of a secreted and a nonsecreted member of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family to induce autocrine growth stimulation in human adrenal cortex carcinoma cells (SW-13). These epithelial cells express basic FGF (bFGF) cell surface receptors, and picomolar concentrations of bFGF suffice to induce anchorage-independent growth. The requirement for exogenously added bFGF contrasts with the intracellular storage of biologically active bFGF in SW-13 cells greater than 10,000-fold in excess of the concentration needed to stimulate anchorage independent growth. To study whether the expression of a secreted FGF would alter the growth phenotype of these cells, we transfected them with an expression vector coding for the Kaposi-fgf (K-fgf) oncogene. In contrast to controls, K-fgf-transfected cells secrete significant amounts of biologically active K-fgf protein into the growth media, show up to 50-fold increased colony formation in soft agar, and grow into rapidly progressing, highly vascularized tumors in athymic nude mice. A reversible inhibition of the autocrine growth stimulation in vitro is brought about by the polyanionic compound suramin. We conclude that FGF has to be released from SW-13 cells to function fully as a growth stimulator in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Treatment of Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts with basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) lead to a rapid reduction in epidermal growth factor (EGF) binding and a slower inhibition of EGF receptor autophosphorylation. The reduction in binding was due to a complete loss of the highest affinity EGF binding sites and a reduction in the lower affinity binding sites. Neither the inhibition of EGF binding nor the inhibition of EGF receptor autophosphorylation required protein kinase C. Treatment of cells with bFGF stimulated the phosphorylation of the EGF receptor, which persisted for several hours. The inhibition of EGF receptor autophosphorylation by bFGF was reduced in the presence of cycloheximide. However, cycloheximide had no effect on the reduction of EGF binding by bFGF. In contrast to these results with Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts, treatment of PC12 cells with bFGF lead to a reduction in EGF binding but no inhibition of EGF receptor autophosphorylation. Thus inhibited of EGF receptor autophosphorylation and inhibition of EGF binding can be uncoupled. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

R R Lobb 《Biochemistry》1988,27(7):2572-2578
Incubation of bovine brain derived acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF) with bovine or human thrombin, 0.5 NIH unit/mL, for 24 h at 37 degrees C results in cleavage of the mitogen, generating a 14-kilodalton fragment which has significantly reduced affinity for immobilized heparin as compared to aFGF, and is at least 50-fold less potent at stimulating mitogenesis. In addition, an 18 amino acid peptide, aFGF(123-140), is generated, identifying one of the thrombin cleavage sites as the Arg-122/Thr-123 bond. The peptide, aFGF(123-140), is neither mitogenic itself nor an inhibitor of the mitogenic activity of aFGF. The cleavage of aFGF by thrombin is inhibited by heparin (50 micrograms/mL) and is completely blocked by the irreversible thrombin inhibitors D-Phe-Pro-Arg chloromethyl ketone and hirudin. Incubation of aFGF with 50 units/mL thrombin at 37 degrees C results in rapid cleavage of the mitogen into several fragments. In contrast, incubation of bovine brain derived basic fibroblast growth factor with 1 unit/mL thrombin for 24 h, or 50 units/mL thrombin for 6 h, does not result in significant cleavage of mitogen. The results show that the C-terminal region of aFGF is of functional importance in both mitogenesis and heparin binding. Most importantly, a novel role for anionic heparin-binding growth factors and their fragments is indicated in physiologic and pathologic situations associated with thrombin generation.  相似文献   

FGF-2 exerts its pleiotropic effects on cell growth and differentiation by interacting with specific cell surface receptors. In addition, exogenously added FGF-2 is translocated from outside the cell to the nucleus during G1-S transition. In this study, we show that a single point mutation in FGF-2 (substitution of residue serine 117 by alanine) is sufficient to drastically reduce its mitogenic activity without affecting its differentiation properties. The FGF-2(S117A) mutant binds to and activates tyrosine kinase receptors and induces MAPK and p70S6K activation as strongly as the wild-type FGF-2. We demonstrate that this mutant enters NIH3T3 cells, is translocated to the nucleus, and is phosphorylated similar to the wild-type growth factor. This suggests that FGF-2 mitogenic activity may require, in addition to signaling through cell surface receptors and nuclear translocation, activation of nuclear targets. We have previously shown that, in vitro, FGF-2 directly stimulates the activity of the casein kinase 2 (CK2), a ubiquitous serine/threonine kinase involved in the control of cell proliferation. We report that, in vivo, FGF-2(WT) transiently interacts with CK2 and stimulates its activity in the nucleus during G1-S transition in NIH3T3 cells. In contrast, the FGF-2(S117A) mutant fails to interact with CK2. Thus, our results show that FGF-2 mitogenic and differentiation activities can be dissociated by a single point mutation and that CK2 may be a new nuclear effector involved in FGF-2 mitogenic activity.-Bailly, K., Soulet, F., Leroy, D., Amalric, F., Bouche, G. Uncoupling of cell proliferation and differentiation activities of basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2).  相似文献   

Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (GPI-PLC) is an integral membrane protein in the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei. Enzyme activity appears to be suppressed in T. brucei, although the polypeptide is readily detectable. The basis for the apparent quiescence of GPI-PLC is not known. Protein oligomerization was investigated as a possible mechanism for post-translational regulation of GPI-PLC activity. An equilibrium between monomers, dimers, and tetramers of purified GPI-PLC was detected by molecular sieving and shown to be perturbed with specific detergents. Homotetramers dominated in Nonidet P-40, and dimers and monomers of GPI-PLC were the major species in 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate. The detergents were exploited as tools to study the effect of oligomerization on enzyme activity. Tetrameric GPI-PLC was 3. 6-20-fold more active than the monomeric enzyme. Tetramer existence was confirmed by chemical cross-linking. In vivo cross-linking revealed the oligomeric state of GPI-PLC during latency and after enzyme activation. During quiescence, monomers were the predominant species in T. brucei. Assembly of tetrameric GPI-PLC occurred when parasites were subjected to conditions known to activate the enzyme. In Leishmania where heterologous expression of GPI-PLC causes a GPI deficiency, the enzyme existed as a tetramer. Hence, oligomerization of GPI-PLC is associated with high enzyme activity both in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) was modified by biotinylation via amino group substitution, using biotin-N-hydroxysuccinimide ester at molar reaction ratios of 20, 200, and 2000 per bFGF molecule (respectively named bio-bFGF.20, bio-bFGF.200, and bio-bFGF.2000). The biotinylated bFGF derivatives, bio-bFGF.20 and bio-bFGF.200, conserved the same affinity for heparin as native bFGF, in contrast to bio-FGF.2000 which lost this property. Bio-bFGF.20 and bio-bFGF.200 were as effective as native bFGF in their capacity to compete with 125I-bFGF for binding to bFGF receptor on bovine brain membranes. The biological activity of these bFGF derivatives was tested on CCL39 cells; bio-bFGF.20 and bio-bFGF.200 were as able as native bFGF to promote growth of CCL39.  相似文献   

Covalent modification with lipid can target cytosolic proteins to biological membranes. With intrinsic membrane proteins, the role of acylation can be elusive. Herein, we describe covalent lipid modification of an integral membrane glycosylphosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (GPI-PLC) from the kinetoplastid Trypanosoma brucei. Myristic acid was detected on cysteine residue(s) (i.e. thiomyristoylation). Thiomyristoylation occurred both co- and post-translationally. Acylated GPI-PLC was active against variant surface glycoprotein (VSG). The half-life of fatty acid on GPI-PLC was 45 min, signifying the dynamic nature of the modification. Deacylation in vitro decreased activity of GPI-PLC 18-30-fold. Thioacylation, from kinetic analysis, activated GPI-PLC by accelerating the conversion of a GPI-PLC.VSG complex to product. Reversible thioacylation is a novel mechanism for regulating the activity of a phospholipase C.  相似文献   

Previously, we found that suppressing phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C could induce neuronal differentiation of rat mesenchymal stem cells in the absence of serum and fibroblast growth factor. It is well known that basic fibroblast growth factor plays an important role in mesenchymal stem cell neuronal differentiation. In this study, our purpose was to understand the cooperation of phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C and basic fibroblast growth factor in controlling mesenchymal stem cell neuronal differentiation. Our results showed that suppressing phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C in the presence of basic fibroblast growth factor could induce cell neuronal differentiation and the viability of the differentiated cells was obviously increased. Furthermore, we found that the resting membrane potential of the differentiated cells gradually decreased, but the mitochondrial membrane potential rose with increasing treatment time and these characteristics were similar to cultured neurons from mouse embryo forebrains. To determine the possible mechanism by which this combination controls cell neuronal differentiation, we measured changes in the mitochondrial membrane potential and in the levels of reactive oxygen species. The results showed that both the mitochondrial membrane potential and reactive oxygen species levels decreased when basic fibroblast growth factor was added. The data suggested that lower phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C activity was required for mesenchymal stem cell neuronal differentiation and basic fibroblast growth factor was necessary for maintaining the neuronal differentiation state. Moreover, basic fibroblast growth factor could contribute to rescuing the differentiated cells from death through decreasing overly high mitochondrial membrane potentials and reactive oxygen species levels.  相似文献   

T Kajio  K Kawahara  K Kato 《FEBS letters》1992,306(2-3):243-246
Dextran sulfate protected bFGF from heat and acid inactivation and from proteolytic degradation. The protective effect was stronger than that of heparin which is known as a stabilizer of bFGF. Dextran sulfate and bFGF formed a high molecular weight complex via ionic interaction when mixed together in aqueous solution. The complex was dissociated when the ionic strength was increased and the protective effect was completely abolished. Successive digestion of bFGF with Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease and pepsin followed by affinity chromatography on an immobilized dextran sulfate column and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography yielded three positively charged fragment peptides, Tyr24-Phe30, Tyr106-Trp114 and Tyr124-Leu138. These results suggest that dextran sulfate stabilizes bFGF by binding close to the putative heparin binding sites of the bFGF molecule.  相似文献   

Vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) studies are reported for two unrelated recombinant growth factor proteins: epidermal growth factor and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). NMR, electronic CD, and bFGF X-ray studies indicate that these two proteins are primarily composed of beta-sheet and loop secondary structure elements with no detectable alpha-helices. Two reports on solution conformation of these proteins using FTIR absorption spectroscopy with subsequent resolution enhancement confirmed the presence of a large fraction of a beta-sheet conformation but in addition indicated the presence of large absorption bands in the 1650-1656 cm-1 region, which are typically assigned to alpha-helices. The VCD spectra of both proteins have band shapes that strongly resemble those of other high beta-sheet fraction proteins, such as the trypsin family of proteins. Quantitative analysis of the VCD spectra also indicates that these proteins are predominantly in beta-sheet and extended ("other") conformations with very little alpha-helix fraction. These results agree with the CD interpretation and affirm that the FTIR peaks in the region 1650-1656 cm-1 can be assigned to loops. This study provides an example of the limitations of using FTIR frequencies alone for examination of protein secondary structure.  相似文献   

It is suggested that vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) play an important role in tumor-induced angiogenesis. The purpose of this study was to estimate the correlation between VEGF and bFGF levels and tumor pathological status according to pTNM classification in patients with squamous cell oesophageal cancer. A group of 25 healthy controls and 32 consecutive patients with oesophageal cancer were included in this study. Serum VEGF and bFGF levels were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Quantikine R&D Systems). Serum VEGF and bFGF levels were significantly elevated in the patient groups (VEGF: 146.0 pg/ml, 79.0-386.3 pg/ml vs. 38.0 pg/ml, 6.5-135.1 pg/ml, p<0.005, and bFGF: 5.2 pg/ml, 1.2-10.6 pg/ml vs. 2.06 pg/ml, 0.07-4.0 pg/ml, p<0.02 Fisher test). The highest correlation between serum VEGF and bFGF levels were found in patients with advanced cancers, especially with: T4, N1, and M1 factors. The VEGF and bFGF levels were significantly higher in patients with pT4 (p<0.01). Patients with N1 lymph node invasion, compared with N0 factor, have higher levels of angiogenetic factors (p<0.04). Also in patients with advanced cancers with liver metastases the serum levels VEGF and bFGF were significantly higher (M1 vs. M0, VEGF p<0.001 and bFGF p<0.05). Consecutive monitoring of VEGF and bFGF serum levels may be a useful prognostic marker for patients with squamous cell oesophageal cancer.  相似文献   

The role of cell density in modulating basic fibroblast growth factor binding and activity was investigated. A primary corneal stromal fibroblast cell culture system was used, since these cells do not constitutively express heparan sulfate proteoglycans in vivo except after injury. A 3-5-fold reduction in bFGF binding per cell was observed as cell density increased from 1000 to 35,000 cells/cm2. The cell density-dependent change in bFGF binding was not the result of altered FGFR expression as determined by equilibrium binding experiments and by immunoblot analysis. However, bFGF-cell surface receptor binding affinities were measured to be 10-20-fold higher at low cell densities than at intermediate and high cell density. bFGF-induced cell proliferation was also cell density-dependent, with maximal stimulation of proliferation 190-280% greater at intermediate densities (15,000 cells/cm2) than at other cell densities. This effect was specific to bFGF as serum, epidermal growth factor, and transforming growth factor-beta did not exhibit the same density-dependent profile. Further, heparan sulfate proteoglycans and, specifically, syndecan-4 were implicated as the modulator of bFGF binding and activity. Pretreatment of cell cultures with heparinase resulted in reduced bFGF binding to the cells and abrogated bFGF induced proliferation. These data suggest a mechanism by which cell density regulates heparan sulfate proteoglycan expression and modulates the cellular response to bFGF. Modulation of heparan sulfate proteoglycan expression might be an important aspect of the regulation of stromal cell migration and proliferation during wound healing.  相似文献   

It is now well-recognized that the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade facilitates signaling from an activated tyrosine kinase receptor to the nucleus. In fact, an increasing number of extracellular effectors have been reported to activate the MAP kinase cascade, with a significant number of cellular responses attributed to this activation. We set out to explore how two extracellular effectors, basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which have both been reported to activate MAP kinase, generate quite distinct cellular responses in C2C12 myoblasts. We demonstrate here that bFGF, which is both a potent mitogen and inhibitor of myogenic differentiation, is a strong MAP kinase agonist. By contrast, IGF-1, which is equally mitogenic for C2C12 cells but ultimately enhances the differentiated phenotype, is a weak activator of the MAP kinase cascade. We further demonstrate that IGF-1 is a potent activator of both insulin receptor substrate IRS-1 tyrosyl phosphorylation and association of IRS-1 with activated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase). Finally, use of the specific MAP kinase kinase inhibitor, PD098059, and wortmannin, a PI 3-kinase inhibitor, suggests the existence of an IGF-1-induced, MAP kinase-independent signaling event which contributes to the mitogenic response of this factor, whereas bFGF-induced mitogenesis appears to strongly correlate with activation of the MAP kinase cascade.  相似文献   

The serum level and urinary output of basic and acidic fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) were measured by sandwich enzyme immunoassay (EIA) in patients with renal cell carcinoma. In over fifty percent (16/31) of renal cell carcinoma patients, basic FGF was elevated (greater than 30 pg/ml) in their sera. There is relatively good correlation between serum levels of basic FGF and tumor stage or grade, while urinary daily output of basic FGF did not correlate with increased malignancy. The present results indicate that serum basic FGF level of patients with renal cell carcinoma is a useful diagnostic and prognostic marker for renal cell carcinoma. On the other hand, acidic FGF was not detectable in all sera and urine.  相似文献   

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