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The aim of the study was to use the comet assay on haemocytes of freshwater mussel, Dreissena polymorpha Pallas, for detection of possible DNA damage after exposure to pentachlorophenol (PCP) and to evaluate the potential application of the comet assay on mussel haemocytes for genotoxicity monitoring of freshwater environment. Zebra mussels were exposed for seven days to different concentrations (10, 80, 100, 150 μg/l) of PCP and in the river Sava downstream from Zagreb municipal wastewater outlet. Significant increase in DNA damage was observed after exposure to PCP at doses of 80 μg/l and higher and after in situ exposure in the river Sava as well. This study confirmed that the comet assay applied on zebra mussel haemocytes may be a useful tool in determining the potential genotoxicity of water pollutants.  相似文献   

Organisms in polluted areas can be exposed to complex mixtures of chemicals; however, exposure to genotoxic contaminants can be particularly devastating. DNA damage can lead to necrosis, apoptosis, or heritable mutations, and therefore has the potential to impact populations as well as individuals. Single cell gel electrophoresis (the comet assay) is a simple and sensitive technique used to examine DNA damage in single cells. The lesion-specific DNA repair enzyme formamidopyrimidine glycoslyase (Fpg) can be used in conjunction with the comet assay to detect 8-oxoguanine and other damaged bases, which are products of oxidative damage. Fpg was used to detect oxidative DNA damage in experiments where isolated oyster (Crassostrea virginica) and clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) hemocytes were exposed to hydrogen peroxide. Standard enzyme buffers used with Fpg and the comet assay produced unacceptably high amounts of DNA damage in the marine bivalve hemocytes used in this study necessitating a modification of existing methods. A sodium chloride based reaction buffer was successfully used. Oxidative DNA damage can be detected in isolated oyster and clam hemocytes using Fpg and the comet assay when the sodium chloride reaction buffer and protocols outlined here are employed. The use of DNA repair enzymes, such as Fpg, in conjunction with the comet assay expands the usefulness and sensitivity of this assay, and provides important insights into the mechanisms of DNA damage.  相似文献   

DNA damage of peripheral lymphocytes in 60 workers occupationally exposed to trivalent chromium [Cr(III)] in a tannery was studied using comet assay. The urinary and blood chromium levels were detected as a biomarker of internal exposure. The 90 subjects were divided into three groups: (i) exposure group I included 30 tannery workers highly exposed to chromium from tanning department; (ii) exposure group II included 30 tannery workers with moderate chromium exposure from finishing department; (iii) control group included 30 individuals without exposure to physical or chemical genotoxic agents. No significant difference was found among the three groups for age and smoking. The results showed that the medians of blood and urinary Cr of two exposure groups were significantly higher than those of control group (P < 0.01). And the medians of blood and urinary Cr of exposure group I were significantly higher than those of exposure group II (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). The medians of mean tail length (MTL) of the three groups were 5.33 (2.90–8.50), 3.43 (2.31–8.29) and 2.04 (0.09–3.83) μm, respectively; The medians of mean tail moment (MTM) of the three groups were 6.28 (2.14–11.81), 3.41 (1.25–11.07) and 0.53 (0.13–3.29), respectively. The MTL and MTM of two exposure groups were significantly higher than those of control group (P < 0.01). The MTL and MTM of exposure group I were significantly higher than those of exposure group II (P < 0.01). The results of the present investigation suggest that occupational exposure to trivalent chromium can lead to a detectable DNA damage of human peripheral lymphocytes. Moreover, DNA damage was associated with chromium levels in blood. DNA damage may serve as a valuable effective biomarker and total chromium in blood may serve as a useful internal exposure biomarker in the population occupationally exposed to trivalent chromium.  相似文献   

The comet assay is one of the most versatile and popular tools for evaluating DNA damage. Its sensitivity to low dose radiation has been tested in vitro, but there are limited data showing its application and sensitivity in chronic exposure situations. The influence of the internal contamination caused by the Chernobyl accident on the level of DNA damage was evaluated by the comet assay on lymphocytes of 56 Ukrainian children. The study was performed during 2003 on children with demonstrable 137Cs internal contamination caused by food consumption. The children were selected for the study immediately after a 137Cs whole body counter measurement of internal contamination. The minimal detectable amount of 137Cs was 75 Bq. The control group included 29 children without detectable internal contamination, while in the exposed group 27 children with measured activity between 80 and 4037 Bq and committed effective dose between 54 and 3155 μSv were included. Blood samples were taken by a finger prick. The alkaline version of the comet assay was used, in combination with silver stained comets and arbitrary units (AU), for comet measurement. Factors such as disease, medical treatment, surface contamination of children's living location, etc., were considered in the study. Non-significant differences (p > 0.05) in DNA damage in control (9.0 ± 5.7 AU) versus exposed (8.5 ± 4.8 AU) groups were found. These results suggest that low doses of 137Cs internal contamination are not able to produce detectable DNA damage under the conditions used for the comet assay in this study. Further studies considering effects of high exposure should be performed on chronically exposed people using this assay.  相似文献   

The comet assay for DNA damage and repair   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The comet assay (single-cell gel electrophoresis) is a simple method for measuring deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) strand breaks in eukaryotic cells. Cells embedded in agarose on a microscope slide are lysed with detergent and high salt to form nucleoids containing supercoiled loops of DNA linked to the nuclear matrix. Electrophoresis at high pH results in structures resembling comets, observed by fluorescence microscopy; the intensity of the comet tail relative to the head reflects the number of DNA breaks. The likely basis for this is that loops containing a break lose their supercoiling and become free to extend toward the anode. The assay has applications in testing novel chemicals for genotoxicity, monitoring environmental contamination with genotoxins, human biomonitoring and molecular epidemiology, and fundamental research in DNA damage and repair. The sensitivity and specificity of the assay are greatly enhanced if the nucleoids are incubated with bacterial repair endonucleases that recognize specific kinds of damage in the DNA and convert lesions to DNA breaks, increasing the amount of DNA in the comet tail. DNA repair can be monitored by incubating cells after treatment with damaging agent and measuring the damage remaining at intervals. Alternatively, the repair activity in a cell extract can be measured by incubating it with nucleoids containing specific damage.  相似文献   

The estimation of genetic instability by direct extent of DNA damage and repair is an important aspect of studies on mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, aging and evolution. Different methods have been introduced from time to time in an effort to meet this need. Single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) assay is a new, simple and sensitive method of evaluating DNA damage and repair at individual cell level. This assay can be performed on extremely small number of cells and results can be obtained within a relatively short time. The SCGE assay has the potential to play an important role not only in the understanding of some of the fundamental aspects of human biology but also can be helpful in many practical ways. For reprint requests.  相似文献   

Four newly synthesized salts of ethoxyquin (EQ: 1,2-dihydro-6-ethoxy-2,2,4-trimethylquinoline), an antioxidant used in animal feeds, were evaluated with the use of the comet assay performed on human lymphocytes: ethoxyquin ascorbate, ethoxyquin hexanoate, ethoxyquin salicylate and ethoxyquin salt of Trolox C (6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchromane-2-carboxylic acid). In the study the abilities of these compounds to cause DNA fragmentation and to protect against H2O2-induced DNA damage were analysed. The obtained results were compared with those noted earlier for EQ. After EQ salts treatments (1-25 microM) the genotoxic effects were observed, but the genotoxic potentials of the compounds studied were lower than that of EQ. On the other hand, EQ salts, similarly to EQ, effectively protected the cells from oxidative effect of H2O2. EQ hexanoate was the most effective and its antioxidant activity was even slightly higher than that of EQ. We suggest that it is worth further detailed studies to estimate its usefulness as a preservative.  相似文献   



Single cell gel electrophoresis, or the comet assay, was devised as a sensitive method for detecting DNA strand breaks, at the level of individual cells. A simple modification, incorporating a digestion of DNA with a lesion-specific endonuclease, makes it possible to measure oxidised bases.

Scope of review

With the inclusion of formamidopyrimidine DNA glycosylase to recognise oxidised purines, or Nth (endonuclease III) to detect oxidised pyrimidines, the comet assay has been used extensively in human biomonitoring to monitor oxidative stress, usually in peripheral blood mononuclear cells.

Major conclusions

There is evidence to suggest that the enzymic approach is more accurate than chromatographic methods, when applied to low background levels of base oxidation. However, there are potential problems of over-estimation (because the enzymes are not completely specific) or under-estimation (failure to detect lesions that are close together). Attempts have been made to improve the inter-laboratory reproducibility of the comet assay.

General significance

In addition to measuring DNA damage, the assay can be used to monitor the cellular or in vitro repair of strand breaks or oxidised bases. It also has applications in assessing the antioxidant status of cells. In its various forms, the comet assay is now an invaluable tool in human biomonitoring and genotoxicity testing. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Current methods to study reactive oxygen species - pros and cons and biophysics of membrane proteins. Guest Editor: Christine Winterbourn.  相似文献   

DNA damage was assessed in smoker lymphocytes by subjecting them to the single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) assay. In addition to the appearance of comet tails, smoker cells exhibited enlarged nuclei when analysed by the comet assay. On comparing basal DNA damage among smokers and a non-smoking control group, smoker lymphocytes showed higher basal DNA damage (smokers, 36.25±8.45 μm; non-smokers, 21.6±2.06 μm). A significant difference in DNA migration lengths was observed between the two groups at 10 min after UV exposure (smokers, 65.5±20.34 μm; non-smokers, 79.2±11.59 μm), but no significant differences were seen at 30 min after UV exposure (smokers, 21.13±10.73 μm; non-smokers, (27.2±4.13 μm). The study thus implies that cigarette smoking perhaps interferes with the incision steps of the nucleotide excision repair (NER) process. There appeared be no correlation between the frequency of smoking and DNA damage or the capacity of the cells to repair UV-induced DNA damage that suggests inherited host factors may be responsible for the inter-individual differences in DNA repair capacities. The study also suggests monitoring NER following UV insult using the SCGE assay is a sensitive and simple method to assess DNA damage and integrity of DNA repair in human cells exposed to chemical mutagens.  相似文献   



This study aims at evaluating the chromosomal abnormalities and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage in cases with primary amenorrhea by karyotyping and comet assay.


A total of 30 cases of primary amenorrhea were recruited. Secondary sexual characters were assessed by Tanner staging. Chromosomal analysis was performed by conventional phytohemagglutinin stimulated lymphocyte cell culture technique. Alkaline version of comet assay was used to evaluate DNA damage.


The chromosomal pattern of 20 subjects (66.7%) was found to be normal (46,XX). Two subjects had 46,XY pattern and eight subjects had Turner syndrome (45,X or 45,X/46,XX). The comet parameters were found to be increased among subjects with 45,X monosomy, when compared to the rest of the study group and also in subjects with Tanner stage 1 when compared to stage 2.


Comet assay revealed increased DNA damage in cases with 45,X monosomy, compared with subjects with 46,XX and 46,XY karyotype, which correlated with clinical features.  相似文献   

The comet assay was performed to elucidate the linearity of calibration curves and detection limits for DNA damage in multiple organs of whole body X-irradiated mice, and rates of reduction in DNA damage by DNA repair during the irradiation period were estimated in the respective organs by comparing the rates of increase in DNA damage at different absorbed dose rates of X-rays. Of the assay parameters, tail length and the percentage DNA in the tail showed a higher sensitivity to DNA damage in most organs than Olive tail moment. Data at the higher absorbed dose rates (2.22 or 1.44 Gy/min) showed good correlations between absorbed doses and these two parameters, with correlation coefficients of more than 0.7 in many organs. However, this assay had difficulty detecting DNA damage at the lower absorption dose rate (0.72 Gy/min). The estimated rates of increase in DNA damage and those of DNA repair during the irradiation period in the respective organs suggested differences in the radiosensitivity of nuclear DNA and DNA repair capacity among organs. Our results indicated that absorbed dose rates of 1.0–1.3 Gy/min or greater were needed to induce detectable DNA damages by the comet assay in many organs.  相似文献   

Melphalan is an alkylating substance used as a therapeutic agent; its mutagenicity is related to its ability to produce monoadducts and to form DNA cross-links. The alkaline comet assay is a useful test for the detection of DNA lesions. However, cross-links are not easily detected under standard conditions. Recently, modifications to the test have been introduced to measure cross-links by evaluating the reduction in induced DNA migration.

In this work, the standard comet assay and an assay modified by prolonging the electrophoresis time have been applied to evaluate DNA lesions induced by single, 4 or 26 weekly oral administrations of melphalan to p53+/− knockout and to isotype parental mice. Cells were analysed from the liver, bone marrow, peripheral blood and the distal intestine. Moreover, a further protocol in which the presence of cross-links was inferred by the reduction in X-ray-induced DNA migration was applied to bone marrow cells and the sensitivity of the different methods was compared.

The majority of groups examined by the standard protocol showed no difference compared to controls, while the modified protocol (prolonged electrophoresis time) could detect a retarded DNA migration in cells from all the organs analysed with the exception of bone marrow cells.

Only the protocol based on X-ray in vitro irradiation showed the presence of melphalan-induced cross-links in bone marrow cells exposed to 2 mg/kg for 4 weeks, demonstrating that this was the most sensitive approach for detecting this type of lesion.

DNA lesions were evident in all the organs analysed. However, results suggest that the kinetics of cross-link repair could be different in bone marrow cells compared to other organs tested. After comparison between genotype-matched treated and control groups, a significant effect was shown more frequently in p53+/− than in wild type groups.  相似文献   

There is an increasing demand for phenotyping assays in the field of human functional genetics. DNA repair activity is representative of this functional approach, being seen as a valuable biomarker related to cancer risk. Repair activity is evaluated by incubating a cell extract with a DNA substrate containing lesions specific for the DNA repair pathway of interest. Enzymic incision at the lesion sites can be measured by means of the comet assay (single cell gel electrophoresis). The assay is particularly applicable for evaluation of base and nucleotide excision repair pathways (BER and NER). Substrate DNA containing oxidised purines gives a measure of BER, while UV-induced photolesions are the substrate for NER. While applications of comet-based DNA repair assays continue to increase, there are no commonly accepted standard protocols, which complicates inter-laboratory comparisons of results.  相似文献   

A modified version of the comet assay was employed to investigate the effect in vitro of dietary antioxidants in the subcellular environment. Human lymphocytes were isolated, embedded in agarose gel, lysed in high ionic strength solution with Triton X-100, and then incubated for 30 min with antioxidants at different concentrations. Gels were washed, and the comet assay performed on cells stressed by 5 min incubation with 45 microM hydrogen peroxide and on unstressed cells in parallel. Results showed that alpha-tocopherol was protective against oxidant stress, whereas caffeic acid did not protect, and at high concentration (100 microM) caused increased DNA damage. Results for quercetin suggested a direct damaging effect, but this did not reach statistical significance. However, at low concentration (3.1 microM), quercetin appeared protective. Thus some dietary antioxidants that have been shown previously to have a protective effect in the 'standard', whole-cell, comet assay cause DNA damage in this lysed-cell version. The cell membrane may have an important role in limiting cellular access of these 'double-edged' antioxidants. Furthermore, the absolute concentration and the presence of complementary or synergistic intracellular antioxidants may delineate the type of action of a putative antioxidant. We suggest that, used in conjunction with the standard comet assay, this lysed-cell version is useful for assessing the effect of the cell membrane and intracellular systems on susceptibility of DNA to oxidative damage, and will help determine the mechanism of protection or damage by phytochemicals.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to use the Comet assay to assess genetic damage in the direct-developing frog Eleutherodactylus johnstonei. A DNA diffusion assay was used to evaluate the effectiveness of alkaline, enzymatic and alkaline/enzymatic treatments for lysing E. johnstonei blood cells and to determine the amount of DNA strand breakage associated with apoptosis and necrosis. Cell sensitivity to the mutagens bleomycin (BLM) and 4-nitro-quinoline-1-oxide (4NQO) was also assessed using the Comet assay, as was the assay reproducibility. Alkaline treatment did not lyse the cytoplasmic and nuclear membranes of E. johnstonei blood cells, whereas enzymatic digestion with proteinase K (40 μg/mL) yielded naked nuclei. The contribution of apoptosis and necrosis (assessed by the DNA diffusion assay) to DNA damage was estimated to range from 0% to 8%. BLM and 4NQO induced DNA damage in E. johnstonei blood cells at different concentrations and exposure times. Dose-effect curves with both mutagens were highly reproducible and showed consistently low coefficients of variation (CV ≤ 10%). The results are discussed with regard to the potential use of the modified Comet assay for assessing the exposure of E. johnstonei to herbicides in ecotoxicological studies.  相似文献   

Genistein-8-C-glucoside (G8CG) belongs to natural isoflavones phytoestrogens, which are a subclass of flavonoids, a large group of polyphenolic compounds widely distributed in plants, with possible anticarcinogenic effects in various in vitro systems and in vivo animal models. We used glycosylated genistein (genistein-8-C-glucoside) from flowers of lupine (Lupinus luteus L.) to study its cytotoxic and genotoxic effects on mouse embryonic fibroblast (line NIH 3T3). The MTT assay to assess cytotoxicity and comet assay for the detection of DNA damage were used. The cells were exposed to various concentrations of genistein-8-C-glucoside (2.5-110 μM) and hydrogen peroxide (5-90 μM). The effect of G8CG alone or in combination with H2O2 was determined. G8CG at concentrations >20 μM significantly reduced cell viability and induced DNA damage. In contrast, lower concentrations of (2.5-10 μM) G8CG showed antioxidant properties against H2O2-induced DNA damage with no associated toxicity.  相似文献   

New chemicals are being added each year to the existing burden of toxic substances in the environment. This has led to increased pollution of ecosystems as well as deterioration of the air, water, and soil quality. Excessive agricultural and industrial activities adversely affect biodiversity, threatening the survival of species in a particular habitat as well as posing disease risks to humans. Some of the chemicals, e.g., pesticides and heavy metals, may be genotoxic to the sentinel species and/or to non-target species, causing deleterious effects in somatic or germ cells. Test systems which help in hazard prediction and risk assessment are important to assess the genotoxic potential of chemicals before their release into the environment or commercial use as well as DNA damage in flora and fauna affected by contaminated/polluted habitats. The Comet assay has been widely accepted as a simple, sensitive, and rapid tool for assessing DNA damage and repair in individual eukaryotic as well as some prokaryotic cells, and has increasingly found application in diverse fields ranging from genetic toxicology to human epidemiology. This review is an attempt to comprehensively encase the use of Comet assay in different models from bacteria to man, employing diverse cell types to assess the DNA-damaging potential of chemicals and/or environmental conditions. Sentinel species are the first to be affected by adverse changes in their environment. Determination of DNA damage using the Comet assay in these indicator organisms would thus provide information about the genotoxic potential of their habitat at an early stage. This would allow for intervention strategies to be implemented for prevention or reduction of deleterious health effects in the sentinel species as well as in humans. IITR Communication No. 2656  相似文献   

Single-cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay) is one of the most common methods used to measure oxidatively damaged DNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), as a biomarker of oxidative stress in vivo. However, storage, extraction, and assay workup of blood samples are associated with a risk of artifactual formation of damage. Previous reports using this approach to study DNA damage in PBMC have, for the most part, required the isolation of PBMC before immediate analysis or freezing in cryopreservative. This is very time-consuming and a significant drain on human resources. Here, we report the successful storage of whole blood in ~ 250 μl volumes, at − 80 °C, without cryopreservative, for up to 1 month without artifactual formation of DNA damage. Furthermore, this blood is amenable for direct use in both the alkaline and the enzyme-modified comet assay, without the need for prior isolation of PBMC. In contrast, storage of larger volumes (e.g., 5 ml) of whole blood leads to an increase in damage with longer term storage even at − 80 °C, unless a cryopreservative is present. Our “small volume” approach may be suitable for archived blood samples, facilitating analysis of biobanks when prior isolation of PBMC has not been performed.  相似文献   

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is the most common inherited disease, which causes neonatal hemolytic anemia and jaundice. Recent studies of our group showed that the Mediterranean variant of this enzyme (Gd-Md) is the predominant G6PD in Iranian male infants suffering from jaundice; this variant is classified as severe G6PD deficiency. Considering the importance of G6PD reaction and its products NADPH and glutathione (GSH) against oxidative stress, we hypothesized the failure of detoxification of H(2)O(2) in G6PD-deficient white blood cells that could probably induce primary DNA damage. For the evaluation of DNA damage, we analyzed mononuclear leukocytes of 36 males suffering from the Gd-Md deficiency using alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) or comet assay. The level of DNA damage was compared with the level of basal DNA damage in control group represented by healthy male infant donors (of the same age group). Visual scoring was used for the evaluation of DNA damages. The results showed that the mean level of the DNA strand breakage in mononuclear leukocytes of 36 male G6PD-deficient (Gd-Md) infants was significantly higher (P < 0.001) than those observed in the normal lymphocytes. In conclusion, this investigation indicates that the mononuclear leukocytes of the Gd-Md samples may be exposed to DNA damage due to oxidative stress. This is the first report using comet assay for evaluation of DNA damage in severe G6PD deficiency samples.  相似文献   

Cattle hypocuprosis is a well-known endemic disease in several parts of the world. In a previous paper, the clastogenic effect of copper deficiency in cattle has been described although the occurrence of DNA damage was not directly tested. For this reason, the relation between DNA damage assessed by the Comet assay and Cu plasma concentration was studied in Aberdeen Angus cattle.Blood samples were obtained in heparinized Vacutainer® tubes from 28 female Aberdeen Angus cows during pregnancy or immediately after to give birth. Each sample was divided into two aliquots for Comet assay and Cu plasma determination, respectively. From the 28 cattle sampled, 17 were normocupremic and 11 were hypocupremic.Results obtained showed that whereas the average plasma Cu level in normocupremic cattle was 67.6 μg/dl, in hypocupremic cattle it was 32.1 μg/dl. The increase of DNA damage was mostly evidenced by the decrease of comet degree 1 cells and an increase of comet degree 2 cells. Correlation analysis comparing plasma Cu levels and degree 1 cells showed a correlation coefficient 0.72 (P<0.01). The comparison between plasma Cu levels and comet degree 2 cells was −0.65 (P<0.01). The comparison between plasma Cu levels and the comet length-head diameter medians determined in 23 out of 28 animals showed a correlation coefficient of −0.54 (P<0.01).The induction of DNA damage was clearly supported by the fact that the decrease of plasma Cu levels was correlated with the increase of comet length-head diameter. These findings could be considered as a contribution to the hypothesis that DNA and chromosome damage are a consequence of the higher oxidative stress suffered by hypocupremic animals.  相似文献   

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