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6-(p-Hydroxyphenylazo)-uracil (HPUra), an inhibitor of semiconservative deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis in Bacillus subtilis, does not prevent (but slightly reduces the rate of) replication of the uracil-containing DNA phage PBS2. Our observations are consistent with the hypothesis that all B. subtilis phages which are resistant to HPUra are able to induce a new DNA polymerase activity.  相似文献   

The Group B Staphylococcus phage P11-M15 is shown to be 51% protein and 49% deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The intact virion has a molecular weight of 66.7 x 10(6) daltons. The purified viral DNA has a molecular weight of 32.7 x 10(6) daltons. The intact virion is shown to be composed of a polyhedral head which is attached at one of its vertices to a flexible tail having helical symmetry. The tail structure is terminated by a complex baseplate which has sixfold symmetry. The virion contains a single molecule of double-stranded DNA which has no apparent single-strand nicks or single-stranded terminal redundancies.  相似文献   

The relationship between 32P suicide stabilization and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) replication during infection of Escherichia coli by bacteriophage T4 was reinvestigated. Replication of the parental phage DNA was detected at early stages of stabilization.  相似文献   

The 6-methylaminopurine (MAP) content of P22 deoxyribonucleic acid has been analyzed as a function of the host specificity it carries. A 40 to 50% reduction in MAP level occurs as a result of growth in host cells defective in the ability to confer LT specificity.  相似文献   

Double-strand scissions produced by decay of (32)P incorporated into T4 deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) were detected in cross-linked DNA and DNA containing (32)P in only one strand of the double helix.  相似文献   

Evidence from several laboratories indicates that strain 15 of Escherichia coli is lysogenic for a defective phage. When lysates from induced cultures were centrifuged in CsCl, three bands were obtained. In order of decreasing density, these bands contained tailless particles, complete phages, and a second band of complete phages, in a ratio of 65.7:28.6:5.7. Reassociation rate measurements were used to establish that the molecular weights of the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) species from the phages in the first two bands are similar. A smaller genome is postulated in the complete phages from the minor band. Hybridization experiments revealed extensive homology between the DNA species from all three phage bands, thus suggesting that the complete and tailless particles are not different at the genetic level. The DNA from each phage band was also shown to hybridize almost completely with DNA from either E. coli 15T(-) or a reportedly cured derivative of 15T(-). In contrast, only about 25% of each phage DNA was able to react with DNA from E. coli strains B and K-12 C-600.  相似文献   

Functional proteins coded by genes 46 and 47 are required for (i) continuation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis in the late period of T4 infection and (ii) production of normal, late replicating DNA which contains strands with a sedimentation coefficient in alkaline sucrose greater than that of mature DNA (73S). Continued DNA synthesis in the late period in the absence of functional genes 46 or 47 can be achieved by inhibiting late protein synthesis either by using bacterio-phage with a second mutation in gene 55 or by adding chloramphenicol to the culture before the decline in the rate of DNA synthesis. However, when functional 46/47 proteins are absent throughout infection, no strands with a sedimentation coefficient greater than 73S (in alkaline sucrose) are produced. This is the case even when DNA synthesis is allowed to continue. DNA arrest is accompanied by conversion of rapidly sedimenting, replicating DNA to slower sedimenting forms. When 46/47 is absent from the beginning of infection, the conversion product has a smaller sedimentation coefficient than mature DNA both in neutral and alkaline sucrose. When DNA arrest occurs midway in infection by heat-inactivating the ts46 enzyme, the conversion product has a sedimentation coefficient (i) the same as mature DNA in both neutral (63S) and alkaline sucrose if capsid assembly is allowed to take place and (ii) close to 63S in neutral sucrose but heterogenous and relatively greater (up to 100S) in alkaline sucrose if capsid assembly is inhibited. The structure of this DNA is unknown.  相似文献   

Amber (am) mutants of the two closely linked sites, B22 and C125, in bacteriophage T4 gene 43 [deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) polymerase] synthesize in the nonpermissive (su(-)) Escherichia coli host gene 43 products which are devoid of DNA polymerase activity, but which retain a 3'-exonuclease activity. Diethylaminoethyl-cellulose chromatographic analysis of DNA polymerase and deoxyribonuclease activities from extracts of su(-) cells infected with single- and double-am mutants of T4 gene 43 showed that the exonuclease activity which is observed with amB22 is not seen with double mutants carrying, in addition to amB22, am mutations which map to the clockwise side of the B22 site on the circular genetic map of T4. Similarly, am mutations which map to the clockwise side of the C125 site abolish the exonuclease activity which is observed with an am mutant (amE4335) of this site. It was concluded that in these double mutants termination signals to the clockwise side of amB22 and amE4335 are encountered before the amB22 and amE4335 signals during translation of the messenger ribonucleic acid from T4 gene 43. Thus, it seems that the T4 DNA polymerase is synthesized in vivo in a direction which corresponds to a counterclockwise reading of gene 43.  相似文献   

Soon after infection parental deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) enters a structure sedimenting fast to the bottom of a sucrose gradient. The addition of chloramphenicol (CM) prevents formation of this structure, whereas treatment with Pronase releases DNA which sediments thereafter with the speed characteristic of phenol-extracted replicative DNA. It is assumed therefore that the structure responsible for fast sedimentation of replicative DNA is a newly synthesized protein. Those fast-sedimenting complexes contain preferentially the replicative form of parental DNA; this was proven by density labeling experiments. Progeny DNA labeled with (3)H-thymidine added after infection can also be detected preferentially in this fast-sedimenting moiety. The association of the DNA with the complexing protein is of a colinear or quasi-colinear type. This was proven by introducing double-strand scissions into DNA embedded in the replicative complex; double-strand scissions do not liberate DNA from the fast-sedimenting complex. Despite the apparent intimate relation between protein and DNA, DNA residing in complexes is fully sensitive to the action of nucleases. Shortly prior to the appearance of the fast-sedimenting complex, parental DNA displays still another characteristic: at about 3 min after infection, it sediments faster than reference, but sizeably slower than the complex which appears at roughly 4 to 5 min after infection. The transition between these two fast-sedimenting types of moieties is not continuous. This fast-sedimenting intermediate, which appears at 3 min after infection, cannot be inhibited by the addition of CM either at the moment or prior to infection. Fast-sedimenting intermediate can be destroyed by sodium dodecyl sulfate, Pronase, or phenol extraction. The progeny DNA labeled with (3)H-thymidine between 3 and 3.5 min after infection can be recovered in fast-sedimenting intermediate. The contribution of newly synthesized progeny DNA is so small that it cannot be detected as a shift of the parental density in a density labeling experiment. Small fragments of progeny DNA recovered in fast-sedimenting intermediate are not covalentlv attached to parental molecules and represent both strands of T4 DNA.  相似文献   

Shortly after infection of Escherichia coli B with T4 phage, the phage deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) can be isolated as a fast-sedimenting, proteinaceous complex. Formation of the complex is inhibited by the addition of chloramphenicol between 3 and 4 min after infection, suggesting that phage-coded proteins are necessary to form the complex and may contribute to its structure. To determine whether the phage DNA is associated with a random collection of proteins after infection or whether the complex contained a specific set of proteins, total protein from phage-infected cell lysates was compared to complex protein isolated from similar lysates by gel acrylamide electrophoresis. The proteins obtained from complexes exhibited a distinctly different pattern of separation, indicating that the complex contained a specific set of those proteins newly synthesized after infection. The proteins of the complex appear to be associated directly with the DNA rather than with some other component which could impart the characteristic of fast sedimentation to the complex. Fast-sedimenting complexes were isolated from a (3)H-leucine-labeled cell lysate. Part of this material was treated with pancreatic deoxyribonuclease. Deoxyribonuclease-treated and untreated complexes were resedimented in sucrose gradients. Virtually all the untreated complex remained fast-sedimenting, whereas most of the (3)H-leucine label of the deoxyribonuclease-treated material was located toward the top of the gradient. These data suggest a direct association of DNA and protein in the complex.  相似文献   

Under proper conditions, one infective center was obtained for 3 x 10(8) molecules of P22 phage deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) when lysozyme-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid spheroplasts of Escherichia coli were transfected in the presence of 25 mug of protamine sulfate per ml. A 3- to 50-fold B-specific and K-specific E. coli restriction of the incoming P22 DNA was observed. When P22 DNA-infected E. coli spheroplasts were plated with infertile r(LT) (+)m(LT) (+)Salmonella typhimurium indicator, an additional 70-fold restriction was observed. In the presence of protamine sulfate, penicillin spheroplasts of S. typhimurium SB1330 could be transfected b P22 DNA with efficiencies sometimes approaching those obtained with the E. coli spheroplasts; thus, facilitation of transfection by protamine sulfate is not limited to E. coli or to lysozyme-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid spheroplasts. The application of these results to studies of transfection among other genuses and to studies of in vitro host-controlled restriction and modification for the two loci in S. typhimurium and the one locus in E. coli is discussed.  相似文献   

PBSH, a defective phage of Bacillus subtilis strain 168, is described. Conditions are given for optimal induction of the prophage with mitomycin C. After a latent period of 90 min, cells were lysed and phage-like particles were released with a burst size of approximately 100 to 400 phage per bacterium. Since no known host supports phage replication after infection, burst size was determined by electron microscope count. Purification procedures and criteria for purity are described. The molecular weight of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) extracted from PBSH was estimated by length measurement and sedimentation. No circular DNA molecules were found by either technique. PBSH DNA molecules are linear, double-stranded, and of homogeneous molecular weight, about 12 x 10(6) daltons. There is no evidence for single-strand breaks. The majority of PBSH DNA molecules show a sedimentation behavior dependent on ionic strength. It is inferred that most of the DNA molecules are less hydrodynamically rigid than native DNA having a similar average base composition and molecular weight. Possible reasons for the sedimentation behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

A mutant which produces a small-headed ("petite") variant of bacteriophage T4 is described. The mutation (E920g) maps in a new gene (66) between genes 23 and 24. Petite phage particles composed up to 70% of the phage yield. The petite phage was nonviable upon single infection but produced progeny when two or more infected a cell. Its genome was shortened by a random deletion of about 30%, and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) extracted from the particles was 0.68 the length of normal T4 DNA. The reduction in DNA length was accompanied by a proportional reduction in head volume. Double mutants between E920g and head-defective mutants in gene 21 produced unusually high frequencies of spherical capsidlike structures (tau-particles).  相似文献   

We examined the gross nuclear morphology of Escherichia coli 15T grown in different media with doubling times ranging from 22 to 270 min. In slowly growing cells, deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis was measured by autoradiography and shown to occur with greatest probability during the first two-thirds of the division cycle. In such cells, segregation occurred later, at the end of the division cycle rather than at the end of deoxyribonucleic acid replication. Nuclear regions in L-broth cells (22-min doubling time) cannot correspond to separate chromosomes but probably represent regions of replication activity. Segregation of template nucleotide strands was measured after a shift-up from proline M9 or glucose M9 media into L broth. A model is presented to account for the pattern of segregation observed.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli K-12 strains infected with phage T4 which is defective in gene 30 [deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) ligase] and in the rII gene (product unknown), near normal levels of DNA and viable phage were produced. Growth of such T4 ligase-rII double mutants was less efficient in E. coli B strains which show the "rapidlysis" phenotype of rII mutations. In pulse-chase experiments coupled with temperature shifts and with inhibition of DNA synthesis, it was observed that DNA synthesized by gene 30-defective phage is more susceptible to breakdown in vivo when the phage is carrying a wild-type rII gene. Breakdown was delayed or inhibited by continued DNA synthesis. Mutations of the rII gene decreased but did not completely abolish the breakdown. T4 ligase-rII double mutants had normal sensitivity to ultraviolet irradiation.  相似文献   

The time course of replication of simian virus 40 deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was investigated in growing monolayer cultures of subcloned CV1 cells. At multiplicities of infection of 30 to 60 plaque-forming units (PFU)/cell, first progeny DNA molecules (component 1) were detected by 10 hr after infection. During the following 10 to 12 hr, accumulation of virus DNA proceeded at ever increasing rates, albeit in a non-exponential fashion. The rate of synthesis then remained constant, until approximately the 40th hour postinfection, when DNA replication stopped. Under these conditions, the duration of the virus growth cycle was approximately 50 hr. The time needed for the synthesis of one DNA molecule was found to be approximately 15 min. At multiplicities of infection of 1 or less than 1 PFU/cell, the onset of the linear phase of DNA accumulation was delayed, but the final rate of DNA synthesis was the same, independent of the input multiplicity. This was taken as a proof that templates for the synthesis of viral DNA multiply in the cell during the early phase of replication. However, the probability for every replicated DNA molecule to become in turn replicative decreased constantly during that phase. This could be accounted for by assuming a limited number of replication sites in the infected cell.  相似文献   

R64-11(+) donor cells that are thermosensitive for vegetative DNA replication will synthesize DNA at the restrictive temperature when recipient minicells are present. This is conjugal DNA replication because it is R64-11 DNA that is being synthesized and there is no DNA synthesis if minicells that cannot be recipients of R64-11 DNA are used. The plasmid DNA present in the donor cells before mating is transferred to recipient minicells within the first 20 min of mating, but additional copies of plasmid DNA synthesized during the mating continue to be transferred for at least 90 min. However, the transfer of R64-11 DNA to minicells is not continuous because the plasmid DNA in minicells is the size of one R64-11 molecule or smaller, and there are delays between the rounds of plasmid transfer. DNA is synthesized in minicells during conjugation, but this DNA has a molecular weight much smaller than that of R64-11. Thus, recipient minicells are defective and are not able to complete the synthesis of a DNA strand complementary to the single-stranded R64-11 DNA received from the donor cell.  相似文献   

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