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Although sea snakes are important predators in coral reef ecosystems and have undergone substantial population declines in some areas, we have little robust information on life histories of these animals. Based on a 17-yr mark–recapture study of turtle-headed sea snakes (Emydocephalus annulatus) in New Caledonia (> 1200 individuals marked), we can confidently allocate ages to 539 individuals (1–11 yr of age). Using data for those snakes, we describe patterns of growth and reproduction. Using the entire data set, we also estimate annual rates of survival. One to three large offspring (300 mm snout–vent length [SVL]) are born after a prolonged (8-month) gestation. The young snakes grow rapidly until they are about 2 yr old (500 mm SVL), after which growth slows, especially in males. Most females begin reproducing at 3 yr of age, and they produce a litter (typically of two offspring) in about 2 out of every 3 or 4 yr thereafter. Annual survival rates are around 70%, but some individuals live for more than a decade. Overall, the life history of this species involves rapid growth and early maturation, followed by low but sustained reproductive output. Despite their relatively recent evolutionary origin, hydrophiine sea snakes are remarkably diverse in life histories as well as in morphologies and diets. Hence, even closely related taxa may differ substantially in their vulnerability to threatening processes.


Abstract Complex sociality is widespread in lizards, but the difficulties of directly observing social interactions in free‐ranging snakes have precluded such studies for most snake species. However, a type of data already available from mark‐recapture studies (dates of capture and recapture of individually marked animals) can reveal social substructure within snake populations. If individuals associate with each other in social groups, we expect synchrony in the dates of capture and recapture of those animals. A field study of turtle‐headed sea snakes (Emydocephalus annulatus) in New Caledonia reveals exactly this phenomenon. For example, animals that were captured on the same day in one year often were recaptured on the same day the following year. Analysis rejects non‐social interpretations of these data (such as spatial‐temporal confounding in sampling, intrapopulation heterogeneity in cues for activity), suggesting instead that many individual sea snakes belong to ‘social’ groups that consistently move about together. The phenomenon of capture synchrony during mark‐recapture studies can provide new insights into the occurrence and correlates of cryptic social aggregations.  相似文献   

L. Luiselli    M. Capula    R. Shine 《Journal of Zoology》1997,241(2):371-380
A five-year mark-recapture study at Sella Nevea, a montane (1100 m a.s.1.) site in the Carnic Alps, provided information on diets, growth rates, and reproductive output in an Italian population of the wide-ranging grass snake, Natrix natrix. Our snakes resembled a previously-studied population in lowland Sweden in terms of body size at sexual maturation in females (70 cm) and mean adult female body length (82 cm). However, growth rates were lower in our population, and sexual maturation was delayed (6–8 years, versus 4–5 years in Sweden), perhaps because of the cool climate and relatively brief growing period each year. Females produced a single clutch of 4–24 eggs in late July each year. Larger females produced larger clutches, but clutch size relative to maternal size was lower than in Swedish grass snakes. Hatchling sizes and Relative Clutch Masses (RCMs) did not shift with increasing female size. RCMs may provide a useful index of 'costs of reproduction' in this population, because females with high RCMs were very emaciated after oviposition, and hence may experience a greater risk of mortality, as well as a high energy expenditure. Prolonged incubation gave rise to longer, thinner hatchlings, but the low environmental temperatures at the study site may favour early hatching (and hence, result in a shorter fatter hatchling emerging from the egg, with more of its energy stores unused). Compared to sympatric viviparous snakes ( Coronella austriaca and Vipera berus ), the oviparous grass snakes can achieve a much higher reproductive output owing to a larger clutch size and more frequent reproduction (annual, rather than biennial or triennial). The abundant prey resource used by grass snakes (amphibians) may also enable them to recoup energy more rapidly after reproduction; dietary composition shifts ontogenetically in both sexes, with the largest prey (mice and adult toads) taken primarily by large female snakes.  相似文献   

In terrestrial snakes, many cases of intraspecific shifts in dietary habits as a function of predator sex and body size are driven by gape limitation and hence are most common in species that feed on relatively large prey and exhibit a wide body-size range. Our data on sea snakes reveal an alternative mechanism for intraspecific niche partitioning, based on sex-specific seasonal anorexia induced by reproductive activities. Turtle-headed sea snakes (Emydocephalus annulatus) on coral reefs in the New Caledonian Lagoon feed entirely on the eggs of demersal-spawning fishes. DNA sequence data (cytochrome b gene) on eggs that we palpated from stomachs of 37 snakes showed that despite this ontogenetic stage specialization, the prey comes from a taxonomically diverse array of species including damselfish (41 % of samples, at least 5 species), blennies (41 %, 4 species) and gobies (19 %, 5 species). The composition of snake diets shifted seasonally (with damselfish dominating in winter but not summer), presumably reflecting seasonality of fish reproduction. That seasonal shift affects male and female snakes differently, because reproduction is incompatible with foraging. Adult female sea snakes ceased feeding when they became heavily distended with developing embryos in late summer, and males ceased feeding while they were mate searching in winter. The sex divergence in foraging habits may be amplified by sexual size dimorphism; females grow larger than males, and larger snakes (of both sexes) feed more on damselfish (which often lay their eggs in exposed sites) than on blennies and gobies (whose eggs are hidden within narrow crevices). Specific features of reproductive biology of coral reef fish (seasonality and nest type) have generated intraspecific niche partitioning in these sea snakes, by mechanisms different from those that apply to terrestrial snakes.  相似文献   

Clithon retropictus is a prosobranch snail species that reproduces in freshwater but spends its veliger period in the sea. The age distribution of this snail was investigated at three sites along Takase River in Japan by counting annual growth lines on their shells. Also, copulation performance was examined using sheaths of spermatophores stored in the bursa copulatrix of females. A mark–recapture census demonstrated that the number of growth lines was a good indicator of the age of a snail. The maximum number of growth lines was 20, suggesting that this species is one of the most long-lived freshwater gastropods. All the populations were female biased; the growth rate was higher and the life span was longer in females. Because spermatophore sheaths received by a female remained in her bursa copulatrix without being digested or discharged, the number of spermatophores implies her lifetime number of copulations. The number ranged from 0 to 91 and increased with age. Comparisons of population demonstrated that the average age was older, and the lifetime copulation number was significantly lower, at the upper stream site. These findings suggest that upstream migration had occurred only when the snails were very young and that copulation had been suppressed at the upstream site. The observed shorter longevity in males and the female-biased sex ratio are thought to be a result of the high cost paid by the male in multiple copulation. Received: February 1, 2001 / Accepted: April 12, 2001  相似文献   

Estimates of demographic rates for animal populations and individuals have many applications for ecological and conservation research. In many animals, survival is size‐dependent, but estimating the form of the size–survival relationship presents challenges. For elusive species with low recapture rates, individuals’ size will be unknown at many points in time. Integrating growth and capture–mark–recapture models in a Bayesian framework empowers researchers to impute missing size data, with uncertainty, and include size as a covariate of survival, capture probability, and presence on‐site. If there is no theoretical expectation for the shape of the size–survival relationship, spline functions can allow for fitting flexible, data‐driven estimates. We use long‐term capture–mark–recapture data from the endangered San Francisco gartersnake (Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia) to fit an integrated growth–survival model. Growth models showed that females reach longer asymptotic lengths than males and that the magnitude of sexual size dimorphism differed among populations. The capture probability and availability of San Francisco gartersnakes for capture increased with snout–vent length. The survival rate of female snakes exhibits a nonlinear relationship with snout–vent length (SVL), with survival flat between 300 mm and 550 mm SVL before decreasing for females between 550 mm and 700 mm SVL. For male snakes, survival decreased for adult males >550 mm SVL. The survival rates of the smallest and largest San Francisco gartersnakes were highly uncertain because recapture rates were very low for these sizes. By integrating growth and survival models and using penalized splines, we found support for size‐dependent survival in San Francisco gartersnakes. Our results have applications for devising management activities for this endangered subspecies, and our methods could be applied broadly to the study of size‐dependent demography among animals.  相似文献   

We conducted a mark‐recapture study of California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) using pups branded on San Miguel Island, California, from 1987 to 2014, and annual resightings from 1990 to 2015. We used the Burnham model (Burnham 1993), an extension of the Cormack‐Jolly‐Seber mark‐recapture model, which includes recoveries of dead animals, to analyze age, sex, and annual patterns in survival. Generally, females had higher survival than males. For female pups, the average annual survival was 0.600 and for male pups it was 0.574. Yearling survival was 0.758 and 0.757 for females and males, respectively. Peak annual survival was at age 5 and was 0.952 for females and 0.931 for males. Pups with larger mass at branding had higher survival as pups and yearlings, but the effect was relative within each cohort because of large between‐cohort variability in survival. Annual variability in sea surface temperature (SST) affected survival. For each 1°C increase in SST, the odds of survival decreased by nearly 50% for pups and yearlings; negative SST anomalies yielded higher survival. Annual variation in male survival was partly explained by leptospirosis outbreaks. Our study provides a unique view of one demographic parameter that contributed to the successful recovery of the California sea lion population.  相似文献   

The recapture rate of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) after river ascent was examined by the trapping and tagging of ascending spawners in the lower reaches of the Simojoki River, which flows into the northern Baltic Sea. In 1997 and 1998, altogether 825 Carlin‐tagged salmon were released to continue their upstream migration. Of these, 800 could be sexed and categorized as reared (91%) or wild (9%) salmon. In 1997, most of the ascending salmon were multi‐sea‐winter (MSW) fish, whereas in 1998 almost all were one‐sea‐winter (1SW) male grilse due to the late trapping season. About 10% of all tagged fish were recaptured, two‐thirds of which were caught in the river before their descent to the sea. There was no difference in the recapture rate between salmon of wild (8.5%) or reared (9.5%) origin, or between females (11.6%) and males (9.3%). Generalized linear models for data from 1997 showed that the recapture rate increased with length and age of females, but that the opposite was true for males. River fishing did not seem to remove proportionally more early ascending salmon than fish that ascended later.  相似文献   

A review of several long-term studies has recently suggested that snakes might be declining in large parts of the world. Additional data from other long-term studies are therefore urgently needed in order to assess the generalities of such suggested declines. Based on a 20-year study, we analyzed demographic data on adult dice snakes (Natrix tessellata) studied in central Italy between 1985 and 2004. Both male and female dice snakes were relatively long-lived, with no significant differences in longevity between the sexes. Individual males and females were observed over a maximum of 10 and 14 years, respectively. However, the among-year recapture rates between the year the snakes were initially captured and the subsequent year (i.e., year 1 to year 2) was significantly lower (45%) than the among-year recapture rates during subsequent years (74%; i.e., year 2 to year 3), suggesting that a large proportion of the snakes at first capture were in fact not resident within our study area, and hence many snakes were migrating in and out of our 2-km stream study site, with no inter-sexual difference in dispersal rates. Sex ratio was virtually equal if we consider the study period as a whole. Significant annual fluctuations were, however, observed through the study. In 1985–1990, 1993–1995, 1998 and 1999 the sex ratio was male-biased, whereas in 2000–2004 female-biased. In terms of both survival and recapture probabilities, model selection showed that Akaike’s information criterion favored the model incorporating body size, with the model incorporating year having an intermediate likelihood, and the model with sex included being the most disfavored. Total population number estimates suggest an average 86 adult individuals along the 2 km of stream with only minor annual variations. However, a significant decrease in the number of males occurred during the last 6 years of our study. Thus, further monitoring of this population is warranted in light of the decline of snake populations reported recently.  相似文献   

Abstract Animals resident on small islands provide excellent opportunities to carry out detailed mark–recapture studies. Populations are closed and ecosystems are often simpler than those of mainland sites. These factors enable the study of cryptic species that have otherwise been neglected. Snakes are notable for their secretive nature and, as a result, few natural populations have been accurately described through long‐term mark–recapture monitoring. A population of tiger snakes (Notechis scutatus) was studied on Carnac Island, a small limestone island (16 ha) off the coast of Western Australia. Population estimates show that snake density is very high, with more than 20 adult snakes per ha. This equates to a biomass of more than 100 kg of a top predator concentrated in a very small area. Such a high predator density can be explained because adult snakes feed mainly on chicks of nesting birds that breed in large colonies on Carnac but forage elsewhere. Substantial annual growth rates in body size in most individuals suggest that food availability is high on Carnac. Growth rates decreased more sharply in adult females than in males, whereas annual changes in body mass were similar in both sexes, probably because of the high energetic costs of reproduction experienced by females. Surprisingly, the sex ratio was highly biased, with males largely outnumbering females.  相似文献   

In the Fiji Islands, female yellow‐lipped sea kraits (Laticauda colubrina) grow much larger than males, and have longer and wider heads than do conspecific males of the same body length. This morphological divergence is accompanied by (and may be adaptive to) a marked sex divergence in dietary habits. Adult female sea kraits feed primarily on large conger eels, and take only a single prey item per foraging bout. In contrast, adult males feed upon smaller moray eels, and frequently take multiple prey items. Prey size increases with snake body size in both males and females, but the sexes follow different trajectories in this respect. Female sea kraits consume larger eels relative to predator head size and body length than do males. Thus, the larger relative head size of female sea kraits is interpreted as an adaptation to consuming larger prey items. Our results are similar to those of previous studies on American water snakes (natricines) and Australian file snakes (acrochordids), indicating that similar patterns of sex divergence in dietary habits and feeding structures have evolved convergently in at least three separate lineages of aquatic snakes.  相似文献   

Sex-based differences in dispersal distances can affect critical population parameters such as inbreeding rates and the spatial scale of local adaptation. Males tend to disperse further than females in mammals, whereas the reverse is true for birds; too few reptiles have been studied to reveal generalities for that group. Although reptiles are most diverse and abundant in the tropics, few tropical reptiles have been studied in this respect. We combine data from a long-term (10-year) mark–recapture study with genetic information (based on nine microsatellite markers) on slatey-grey snakes ( Stegonotus cucullatus , Colubridae) in the Australian wet-dry tropics. Males attain larger body sizes than females, and both genetic and mark–recapture data show that males also disperse further than females. Recapture records show that hatchling males dispersed away from their release points whereas hatchling females did not, and adult males moved further than adult females. In the genetic analysis, males contributed less to overall F ST and relatedness than did females ( F STm = 0.0025, F STf = 0.0275, P  < 0.001; r m = 0.0053; r f = 0.0550; P  < 0.001). Spatial autocorrelation analyses within the largest population revealed a similar pattern, with spatial structuring stronger for females than males. Overall, our genetic analyses not only supported the mark–recapture data, but also extended our insights by revealing occasional long-distance dispersal not detected by the mark–recapture study.  相似文献   

Snakes exhibit a diverse array of body shapes despite their characteristically simplified morphology. The most extreme shape changes along the precloacal axis are seen in fully aquatic sea snakes (Hydrophiinae): “microcephalic” sea snakes have tiny heads and dramatically reduced forebody girths that can be less than a third of the hindbody girth. This morphology has evolved repeatedly in sea snakes that specialize in hunting eels in burrows, but its developmental basis has not previously been examined. Here, we infer the developmental mechanisms underlying body shape changes in sea snakes by examining evolutionary patterns of changes in vertebral number and postnatal ontogenetic growth. Our results show that microcephalic species develop their characteristic shape via changes in both the embryonic and postnatal stages. Ontogenetic changes cause the hindbodies of microcephalic species to reach greater sizes relative to their forebodies in adulthood, suggesting heterochronic shifts that may be linked to homeotic effects (axial regionalization). However, microcephalic species also have greater numbers of vertebrae, especially in their forebodies, indicating that somitogenetic effects also contribute to evolutionary changes in body shape. Our findings highlight sea snakes as an excellent system for studying the development of segment number and regional identity in the snake precloacal axial skeleton.  相似文献   

Red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) courtand mate in early spring around large communal overwinteringdens in central Manitoba. Emerging females are immediately coveredby dozens or hundreds of vigorously-courting males, potentiallyimposing significant costs to the female. By manipulating numbersof courting males (both directly and by applying anticourtshippheromones), we quantified the degree to which female dispersalfrom the den is hindered by courtship. Courted females dispersedonly about half as fast as did solitary females. Blood lactatelevels were higher in mating than in courting or noncourtingsnakes of both sexes; the high levels of lactate in mating femalessupport the idea that courtship is physiologically stressfulto these animals, perhaps via constraints to female respiration.In arena trials, females that were exercised to exhaustion beforecourtship mated with smaller males than did control females.The spatial distribution of snakes around the den exhibits substantialheterogeneity, with densities often varying markedly betweenadjacent areas. Arena trials mimicking this heterogeneity showedthat unmated females avoided parts of the enclosure containingscent cues from males. Our data support the hypothesis thatcourtship in T. s. parietalis confers significant costs to females,and that female behaviors have evolved to reduce those costs.  相似文献   

Females of many species behave in ways that make it difficult for males to locate, court, and inseminate them. Two hypotheses have been advanced to explain such behavior: either a female thereby minimizes costs of harassment (sexual conflict model) or by playing "hard to get" she discourages inferior suitors (indirect mate choice model). Our studies of garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) at a communal den in Manitoba support an interpretation of sexual conflict rather than indirect mate choice. Female snakes dispersed rapidly from the den through areas with relatively few males rather than waiting for additional courtship. Many females dispersed without mating. Experimental (pheromonal) manipulation of the intensity of courtship accelerated rates of female dispersal rather than delaying dispersal, as would be predicted if females wait to obtain matings. The behaviors of females escaping from courting groups were maximally effective in losing their suitors regardless of the number of courting males or whether or not the female was capable of mating (recently mated females cannot mate again because of a mating plug). In total, our data are most consistent with the hypothesis that female garter snakes at communal dens evade males to escape harassment rather than to enhance mate quality.  相似文献   

Lee HJ  Lee JH  Park D 《Zoological science》2011,28(8):593-599
To determine the habitat usage and movement patterns of the viviparous aquatic snake Oocatochus rufodorsatus (formerly Elaphe rufodorsata), we radio-tracked 21 snakes on agricultural lands during two active seasons in 2007 and 2008. Male and female snakes stayed close to aquatic habitats such as paddy fields and agricultural ponds during both breeding and non-breeding periods, except when the snakes moved to dry terrestrial areas to hibernate in late fall. The use of different structural features in the habitat, such as ground, tree, underground, and water, varied depending on the air and water temperatures, female's reproductive conditions, and the time of day. Male and female snakes moved about 17 m daily and postpartum females moved farther than antepartum females. The home ranges of males and females were 0.45 ha and 0.47 ha, respectively, and the year-round home range of this species was approximately 1.54 ha (95% fixed kernel). Thus, to conserve a population of O. rufodorsatus in our study area, areas including both aquatic and terrestrial habitats within a radius of 150 m from a core pond habitat must be preserved.  相似文献   

Monarch butterflies, which breed throughout the year in southeastern Queensland, Australia, were studied in four dense milkweed patches during the winter months (June-August) 1983. The percentage of marked females recaptured was measured in each of four 15-day sampling periods. In patches where males were experimentally removed, female recapture rate decreased compared with patches which had the same density reduction but no change in sex ratio. There was a significant correlation between female recapture rate and the proportion of males in samples, but female recapture rate was not correlated with population density, the number of males, the number of females or the proportion of young butterflies in the samples. We propose that females assessed patch quality by the sex ratios, and left a patch sooner if encounter rate with males was low. Since males provide a nutrient ‘reward’ during copulation, they may be a limited resource for females during winter. An alternative interpretation, that females left a patch sooner when female density was higher, was not supported as strongly by the data.  相似文献   

Whether males can inseminate uncooperative females is a central determinant of mating system evolution that profoundly affects the interpretation of phenomena such as multiple mating by females, mate choice, reproductive seasonality, and courtship tactics. Forcible insemination is usually inferred from direct physical battles between the sexes and has been dismissed on intuitive grounds for many kinds of animals. For example, snakes have elongate flexible bodies (making it difficult for a male to restrain a female physically), males are typically smaller than females, and copulation requires female cloacal gaping to enable intromission. Male garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) do not display any overt aggression during courtship and simply lie over the female and exhibit rhythmic pulsating caudocephalic waves of muscular contraction; previous studies have interpreted this behavior as a mechanism for eliciting female receptivity. In contrast, we show that male garter snakes forcibly inseminate females. They do so by taking advantage of specific features of snake physiology, respiratory anatomy, and antipredator behavior. The snake lung extends along most of the body, with the large posterior section (the saccular lung) lacking any respiratory exchange surface. Rhythmic caudocephalic waves by courting male garter snakes push anoxic air from the saccular lung forward and across the respiratory surfaces such that females cannot obtain oxygen. Their stress response involves cloacal gaping, which functions in other contexts to repel predators by extruding feces and musk but in this situation permits male intromission. Thus, superficially benign courtship behaviors may involve cryptic coercion even in species for which intuition dismisses any possibility of forcible insemination.  相似文献   

The age, growth and reproduction of Leuciscus pyrenaicus (Günther, 1868), an endemic cyprinid from the Iberian Peninsula, was studied from November 1987 to September 1989 in a small seasonal tributary of the Guadalquivir river basin. Maximum fork lengths observed were a 160 mm male with six scale annuli and a 171 mm female aged 7 +. Maximum ages observed were 7 + in males and 8 + in females. There were no significant differences in the annual growth increments between sexes. Seasonal growth period started in March and continued for 5 to 6 months. Mean lengths of 1 + specimens onwards diminished during summer and/or autumn. Males and females matured in their third and fourth year of life respectively. The overall sex ratio (272 males: 310 females) differed significantly from equality. Spawning began in May and ended in July. L. pyrenaicus is a multiple spawner that releases a minimum of two batches of eggs per female each year. Eggs in each batch were similar in both size (egg diameter) and number released. The relationship between fecundity (Fee) and fork length (mm) was represented by the formula: Fec=1.96 10−3 L2.50.  相似文献   

Abstract  Dispersal of immature male and female Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae), was assessed over a period of 1 week from a single release point on three separate occasions using an array of Lynfield traps baited with cue-lure and odouriferous yellow or black sticky spheres baited with food lure (protein autolysate). Lynfield traps recaptured males; yellow or black spheres recaptured both sexes in approximately equal proportions, although at a much lower rate. As a percentage of the recapture rate for males by Lynfield traps, the mean recapture rate for yellow spheres ranged from 1.0% to 7.5% for males and 0.7% to 4.0% for females, whereas the recapture rates for black spheres ranged from 0.4% to 3.6% and 0.6% to 1.8%, respectively. The rate of recapture of sterile male flies was greater than that of unsterilised flies; this may have been due to a faster maturation rate in sterile males or because a greater proportion of them remained within the trap array rather than dispersing. There was no significant trend in recapture rate with distance from the release point to the edge of the array (88 m), except in the case of females on sticky traps where no trend was detected between 19 and 88 m. These results lend support to assumptions made about the distribution of males and females with respect to the minimum breeding density of fruit fly propagules invading a fly-free zone, and the method chosen to distribute sterile B. tryoni for the sterile insect technique.  相似文献   

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