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Proteins from thermophilic organisms exhibit high thermal stability, but have structures that are very similar to their mesophilic homologues. In order to gain insight into the basis of thermostability, we have analyzed the medium- and long-range contacts in mesophilic and thermophilic proteins of 16 different families. We found that the thermophiles prefer to have contacts between residues with hydrogen-bond-forming capability. Apart from hydrophobic contacts, more contacts are observed between polar and non-polar residues in thermophiles than mesophiles. Residue-wise analysis showed that Tyr has good contacts with several other residues, and Cys has considerably higher long-range contacts in thermophiles compared with mesophiles. Furthermore, the residues occurring in the range of 31-34 residues apart in the sequence contribute significant long-range contacts to the stability of thermophilic proteins.  相似文献   

Multiple replacements at amino acid position 3 of bacteriophage T4 lysozyme have shown that the conformational stability of the protein is directly governed by the hydrophobicity of the residue substituted (Matsumura, M., Becktel, W. J., and Matthews, B. W. (1988) Nature 334, 406-410). Of the 13 mutant lysozymes made by site-directed mutagenesis, two variants, one with valine (I3V) and the other with tyrosine (I3Y), were crystallized and their structures solved. In this report we describe the crystal structures of these variants at 1.7 A resolution. While the structure of the I3V mutant is essentially the same as that of wild-type lysozyme, the I3Y mutant has substantial changes in its structure. The most significant of these are that the side chain of the tyrosine is not accommodated within the interior of the protein and the amino-terminal polypeptide (residues 1-9) moves 0.6-1.1 A relative to the wild-type structure. Using coordinates based on the wild-type and available mutant structures, solvent accessible surface area of residue 3 as well as the adjacent 9 residues in the folded form were calculated. The free energy of stabilization based on the transfer of these residues from a fully extended form to the interior to the folded protein was found to correlate well with the protein stability determined by thermodynamic analysis. The enhanced thermostability of the variant Ile-3----Leu, relative to wild-type lysozyme, can also be rationalized by surface-area calculations based on a model-built structure. Noncrystallization of most lysozyme variants at position 3 appears to be due to disruption of intermolecular contacts in the crystal. The Ile-3----Val variant is closely isomorphous with wild-type and maintains the same crystal contacts. In the Ile-3----Tyr variant, however, a new set of contacts is made in which direct protein-protein hydrogen bonds are replaced by protein-water-protein hydrogen bonds as well as a novel hydrogen bond involving the phenolic hydroxyl of the substituted tyrosine.  相似文献   

Inter-residue pair contacts have been analyzed in detail for the four pairs of protein structures determined both by X-ray analysis (X-ray) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). At contact distances < or = 4.0 angstroms in the four NMR structures the overall number of pair contacts are less by 4-9% and pair contacts are in average shorter by 0.02-0.16 angstroms than those in corresponding X-ray structures. In each of four structure pairs 83-94% of common pair contacts are formed by the same residues in both structures and rest 6-17% ones are longer own pair contacts formed by the different residues in the NMR and X-ray structures. The amount of the longer own contacts is higher in the X-ray structure of the pair. In the each NMR structure there are three types of common pair contacts, which are shorter, longer or equal length in comparison with identical pair contacts in the X-ray structure of the same protein. The methodological different shortened common pair contacts predominate in the known distant dependence of the inter-residue contact densities of the 60-61 pair of the NMR/X-ray structure. Among four pairs analyzed the contact shortening proceeds upon the energy minimization of the crambin NMR structure and upon the resolving by the program X-PLOR with decreased atom van der Waals radius of the NMR structures of ubiquitin, hen lysozyme and monomeric hemoglobin. An extent of the NMR contact shortening decreased as the amount of NMR information upon the calculation of the NMR structures increased. Among 60-61 pairs of NMR/X-ray structures the main difference between alpha-helical and beta-structural proteins on the inter-residue distant dependence of the average contact densities arises from the strong alpha/beta difference in the local backbone geometry.  相似文献   

To determine the energetic and structural consequences of placing a charged group within the core of a protein, two "buried charge" mutants, Met 102----Lys (M102K) and Leu 133----Asp (L133D) were constructed in phage T4 lysozyme. Both proteins fold at neutral pH, although they are substantially less stable than wild type. The activity of M102K is about 35% that of wild type, while that of L133D is about 4%. M102K could be crystallized, and its structure was determined at high resolution. The crystal structure (at pH 6.8) of the mutant is very similar to that of wild type except for the alpha-helix that includes residues 108-113. In wild-type lysozyme, one side of this helix is exposed to solvent and the other contacts Met 102. In the M102K structure this alpha-helix becomes much more mobile, possibly allowing partial access of Lys 102 to solvent. The stability of M102K, determined by monitoring the unfolding of the protein with CD, is pH-dependent, consistent with the charged form of the substituted amino acid being more destabilizing than the uncharged form. The pKa of Lys 102 was estimated to be 6.5 both by differential titration and also by NMR analysis of isotopically labeled protein with 13C incorporated at the C epsilon position of all lysines. As the pH is lowered below pH 6.5, the overall three-dimensional structure of M102K at room temperature appears to be maintained to pH 3 or so, although there is evidence for some structural adjustment possibly allowing solvent accessibility to the protonated form of Lys 102.  相似文献   

Purification of bacteriophage T4 lysozyme   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  

Hen egg white lysozyme and T4 bacteriophage lysozyme have the same catalytic function, but have non-homologous amino acid sequences. Notwithstanding the differences in their primary structures, the two lysozymes have similarities in their overall backbone conformations, in their modes of binding substrates and probably in their mechanisms of action.By different criteria, the similarity between the folding of the two enzymes can be shown to be statistically significant. Also the transformation which optimizes the agreement between the backbones of the two molecules is shown to accurately align their active site clefts, so that saccharide units bound in the A, B, C and D subsites of hen egg white lysozyme coincide within 1 to 2 Å with analogous saccharides bound to phage lysozyme. Furthermore, a number of the specific interactions between enzyme and substrate which were observed for hen egg white lysozyme, and thought to be important for catalysis, are found to occur in a structurally analogous way in the phage enzyme. Fifty-four atoms from the respective active sites which appear to be equivalent, including saccharides bound in the B and C sites, superimpose with a root-mean-square discrepancy of 1.35 Å.These structural and functional similarities suggest that the two lysozymes have arisen by divergent evolution from a common precursor. This is the first case in which two proteins of completely different amino acid sequence have been shown, with high probability, to have evolved by divergent rather than convergent evolution.  相似文献   

Formation of oil-water emulsions during bacterial growth on hydrocarbons is often attributed to biosurfactants. Here we report the ability of certain intact bacterial cells to stabilize oil-in-water and water-in-oil emulsions without changing the interfacial tension, by inhibition of droplet coalescence as observed in emulsion stabilization by solid particles like silica.  相似文献   

This article reviews methods based on direct observation of proton NMR in macromolecules containing 13C or 15N labels. The resonances and Overhauser effects of protons attached to the labels can be edited or filtered from the remaining overlapping resonances. This leads to simplification of the spectra when labels are incorporated selectively. In 2D and related methods the label's chemical shift provides a second dimension which is useful for spectral differentiation and identification. The methods are useful for larger proteins and we describe our progress on studies of T4 lysozyme, mass 18.7 kD, in which we have already identified a large number of resonances.  相似文献   

The transition state for folding of chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 (CI2) is investigated by correlating Phi-values with inter-residue contacts. In agreement with former work, the strongest consolidation of secondary structure is found in the alpha-helix. There are correlations for tertiary structure interactions between the residues Leu49, Ile57 and the helix which have been suggested to represent the main components of the nucleation site of CI2 folding. However, correlations for tertiary structure interactions of comparable magnitude are also found in the helix-strand2-strand1-motif and between strand3and strand4. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.  相似文献   

Automated protein redesign, as implemented in the program ORBIT, was used to redesign the core of phage T4 lysozyme. A total of 26 buried or partially buried sites in the C-terminal domain were allowed to vary both their sequence and side-chain conformation while the backbone and non-selected side-chains remained fixed. A variant with seven substitutions ("Core-7") was identified as having the most favorable energy. The redesign experiment was repeated with a penalty for the presence of methionine residues. In this case the redesigned protein ("Core-10") had ten amino acid changes. The two designed proteins, as well as the constituent single mutants, and several single-site revertants were over-expressed in Escherichia coli, purified, and subjected to crystallographic and thermal analyses. The thermodynamic and structural data show that some repacking was achieved although neither redesigned protein was more stable than the wild-type protein. The use of the methionine penalty was shown to be effective. Several of the side-chain rotamers in the predicted structure of Core-10 differ from those observed. Rather than changing to new rotamers predicted by the design process, side-chains tend to maintain conformations similar to those seen in the native molecule. In contrast, parts of the backbone change by up to 2.8A relative to both the designed structure and wild-type.Water molecules that are present within the lysozyme molecule were removed during the design process. In the redesigned protein the resultant cavities were, to some degree, re-occupied by side-chain atoms. In the observed structure, however, water molecules were still bound at or near their original sites. This suggests that it may be preferable to leave such water molecules in place during the design procedure. The results emphasize the specificity of the packing that occurs within the core of a typical protein. While point substitutions within the core are tolerated they almost always result in a loss of stability. Likewise, combinations of substitutions may also be tolerated but usually destabilize the protein. Experience with T4 lysozyme suggests that a general core repacking methodology with retention or enhancement of stability may be difficult to achieve without provision for shifts in the backbone.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of bacteriophage T4 lysozyme function to amino acid substitutions at defined positions in and around the longitudinal, hydrophobic strips of 9 alpha-helices was assessed after systematic replacement of each residue in the protein with a series of 13 amino acids. The hydrophobic strips were defined by identifying the longitudinal sectors in the helices with the highest mean residue hydrophobicities. Sensitivity to mutation (the percentage of replacements leading to loss of function) was calculated for each residue in the following positions: whole protein, helices, hydrophobic strips, other positions within the helices, and various positions within the hydrophobic strips as well as their extensions beyond the helices. Substitutions at positions in the hydrophobic strips led more frequently to loss of function than substitutions in the protein as a whole. One subset, the COOH-terminal hydrophobic strip residues, is apparently critical; substitutions of these residues (but not of their NH2-terminal counterparts) led at least as frequently to loss of function as substitutions of solvent-inaccessible residues, and nearly as frequently as substitutions of the most highly conserved residues.  相似文献   

Systematic mutation of bacteriophage T4 lysozyme   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Amber mutations were introduced into every codon (except the initiating AUG) of the bacteriophage T4 lysozyme gene. The amber alleles were introduced into a bacteriophage P22 hybrid, called P22 e416, in which the normal P22 lysozyme gene is replaced by its T4 homologue, and which consequently depends upon T4 lysozyme for its ability to form a plaque. The resulting amber mutants were tested for plaque formation on amber suppressor strains of Salmonella typhimurium. Experiments with other hybrid phages engineered to produce different amounts of wild-type T4 lysozyme have shown that, to score as deleterious, a mutation must reduce lysozyme activity to less than 3% of that produced by wild-type P22 e416. Plating the collection of amber mutants covering 163 of the 164 codons of T4 lysozyme, on 13 suppressor strains that each insert a different amino acid substitutions at every position in the protein (except the first). Of the resulting 2015 single amino acid substitutions in T4 lysozyme, 328 were found to be sufficiently deleterious to inhibit plaque formation. More than half (55%) of the positions in the protein tolerated all substitutions examined. Among (N-terminal) amber fragments, only those of 161 or more residues are active. The effects of many of the deleterious substitutions are interpretable in light of the known structure of T4 lysozyme. Residues in the molecule that are refractory to replacements generally have solvent-inaccessible side-chains; the catalytic Glu11 and Asp20 residues are notable exceptions. Especially sensitive sites include residues involved in buried salt bridges near the catalytic site (Asp10, Arg145 and Arg148) and a few others that may have critical structural roles (Gly30, Trp138 and Tyr161).  相似文献   

Site-directed spin labeling provides a means for exploring structure and dynamics in proteins. To interpret the complex EPR spectra that often arise, it is necessary to characterize the rotamers of the spin-labeled side chain and the interactions they make with the local environment in proteins of known structure. For this purpose, crystal structures have been determined for T4 lysozyme bearing a nitroxide side chain (R1) at the solvent-exposed helical sites 41 and 44 in the B helix. These sites are of particular interest in that the corresponding EPR spectra reveal two dynamic states of R1, one of which is relatively immobilized suggesting interactions of the nitroxide with the environment. The crystal structures together with the effect of mutagenesis of nearest neighbors on the motion of R1 suggest intrahelical interactions of 41R1 with the i + 4 residue and of 44R1 with the i + 1 residue. Such interactions appear to be specific to particular rotamers of the R1 side chain.  相似文献   

T4 polynucleotide kinase rapidly loses activity during its reaction on duplex DNA termini. Addition of high concentrations of nonspecific polymers reverses or prevents this inactivation. In contrast, additions of related materials of lower molecular weight are relatively ineffective in stabilizing the kinase. Such a pattern suggests that the stabilizing effects of polymers on kinase activity are due to macromolecular crowding. An effect of crowding on the known tendency of the kinase to undergo oligomerization reactions is consistent with our observations.  相似文献   

To further examine the structural and thermodynamic basis of hydrophobic stabilization in proteins, all of the bulky non-polar residues that are buried or largely buried within the core of T4 lysozyme were substituted with alanine. In 25 cases, including eight reported previously, it was possible to determine the crystal structures of the variants. The structures of four variants with double substitutions were also determined. In the majority of cases the "large-to-small" substitutions lead to internal cavities. In other cases declivities or channels open to the surface were formed. In some cases the structural changes were minimal (mainchain shifts < or = 0.3 A); in other cases mainchain atoms moved up to 2 A. In the case of Ile 29 --> Ala the structure collapsed to such a degree that the volume of the putative cavity was zero. Crystallographic analysis suggests that the occupancy of the engineered cavities by solvent is usually low. The mutants Val 149 --> Ala (V149A) and Met 6 --> Ala (M6A), however, are exceptions and have, respectively, one and two well-ordered water molecules within the cavity. The Val 149 --> Ala substitution allows the solvent molecule to hydrogen bond to polar atoms that are occluded in the wild-type molecule. Similarly, the replacement of Met 6 with alanine allows the two solvent molecules to hydrogen bond to each other and to polar atoms on the protein. Except for Val 149 --> Ala the loss of stability of all the cavity mutants can be rationalized as a combination of two terms. The first is a constant for a given class of substitution (e.g., -2.1 kcal/mol for all Leu --> Ala substitutions) and can be considered as the difference between the free energy of transfer of leucine and alanine from solvent to the core of the protein. The second term can be considered as the energy cost of forming the cavity and is consistent with a numerical value of 22 cal mol(-1) A(-3). Physically, this term is due to the loss of van der Waal''s interactions between the bulky sidechain that is removed and the atoms that form the wall of the cavity. The overall results are consistent with the prior rationalization of Leu --> Ala mutants in T4 lysozyme by Eriksson et al. (Eriksson et al., 1992, Science 255:178-183).  相似文献   

An overview is presented of some of the major insights that have come from studies of the structure, stability, and folding of T4 phage lysozyme. A major purpose of this review is to provide the reader with a complete tabulation of all of the variants that have been characterized, including melting temperatures, crystallographic data, Protein Data Bank access codes, and references to the original literature. The greatest increase in melting temperature (Tm) for any point mutant is 5.1°C for the mutant Ser 117 → Val. This is achieved in part not only by hydrophobic stabilization but also by eliminating an unusually short hydrogen bond of 2.48 Å that apparently has an unfavorable van der Waals contact. Increases in Tm of more than 3–4°C for point mutants are rare, whereas several different types of destabilizing substitutions decrease Tm by 20°C or thereabouts. The energetic cost of cavity creation and its relation to the hydrophobic effect, derived from early studies of “large‐to‐small” mutants in the core of T4 lysozyme, has recently been strongly supported by related studies of the intrinsic membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin. The L99A cavity in the C‐terminal domain of the protein, which readily binds benzene and many other ligands, has been the subject of extensive study. Crystallographic evidence, together with recent NMR analysis, suggest that these ligands are admitted by a conformational change involving Helix F and its neighbors. A total of 43 nonisomorphous crystal forms of different monomeric lysozyme mutants were obtained plus three more for synthetically‐engineered dimers. Among the 43 space groups, P212121 and P21 were observed most frequently, consistent with the prediction of Wukovitz and Yeates.  相似文献   

The tail lysozyme complex of bacteriophage T4   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The tail baseplate of bacteriophage T4 contains a structurally essential, three-domain protein encoded by gene 5 in which the middle domain possesses lysozyme activity. The gene 5 product (gp5) undergoes post-translational cleavage, allowing the resultant N-terminal domain (gp5*) to assemble into the baseplate as a trimer. The lysozyme activity of the undissociated cleaved gp5 is inhibited until infection has been initiated, when the C-terminal portion of the molecule is detached and the rest of the molecule dissociates into monomers. The 3D structure of the undissociated cleaved gp5, complexed with gp27 (another component of the baseplate), shows that it is a cell-puncturing device that functions to penetrate the outer cell membrane and to locally dissolve the periplasmic cell wall.  相似文献   

Methods developed originally to analyze domain motions from simulation [Proteins 27:425–437, 1997] are adapted and extended for the analysis of X-ray conformers and for proteins with more than two domains. The method can be applied as an automatic procedure to any case where more than one conformation is available. The basis of the methodology is that domains can be recognized from the difference in the parameters governing their quasi-rigid body motion, and in particular their rotation vectors. A clustering algorithm is used to determine clusters of rotation vectors corresponding to main-chain segments that form possible dynamic domains. Domains are accepted for further analysis on the basis of a ratio of interdomain to intradomain fluctuation, and Chasles' theorem is used to determine interdomain screw axes. Finally residues involved in the interdomain motion are identified. The methodology is tested on citrate synthase and the M6I mutant of T4 lysozyme. In both cases new aspects to their conformational change are revealed, as are individual residues intimately involved in their dynamics. For citrate synthase the beta sheet is identified to be part of the hinging mechanism. In the case of T4 lysozyme, one of the four transitions in the pathway from the closed to the open conformation, furnished four dynamic domains rather than the expected two. This result indicates that the number of dynamic domains a protein possesses may not be a constant of the motion. Proteins 30:144–154, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Outer-membrane proteins induced by T4 bacteriophage   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

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