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The lesser mouse lemur, a small Malagasy primate, is exposed to strong seasonal variations in ambient temperature and food availability in its natural habitat. To face these environmental constraints, this nocturnal primate exhibits biological seasonal rhythms that are photoperiodically driven. To determine the role of daylength on thermoregulatory responses to changes in ambient temperature, evaporative water loss (EWL), body temperature (T b) and oxygen consumption, measured as resting metabolic rate (RMR), were measured in response to ambient temperatures ranging from 5 °C to 35 °C, in eight males exposed to either short (10L:14D) or long (14L:10D) daylengths in controlled captive conditions. In both photoperiods, EWL, T b and RMR were significantly modified by ambient temperatures. Exposure to ambient temperatures below 25 °C was associated with a decrease in T b and an increase in RMR, whereas EWL remained constant. Heat exposure caused an increase in T b and heat loss through evaporative pathways. Thermoregulatory responses to changes in ambient temperature significantly differed according to daylength. Daily variations in T b and EWL were characterized by high values during the night. During the diurnal rest, lower values were found and a phase of heterothermia occurred in the early morning followed by a spontaneous rewarming. The amplitude of T b decrease with or without the occurrence of torpor (T b < 33 °C) was dependent on both ambient temperature and photoperiod. This would support the hypothesis of advanced thermoregulatory processes in mouse lemurs in response to selective environmental pressure, the major external cue being photoperiodic variations. Accepted: 4 August 1998  相似文献   

Why do females of many species mate with more than one male? One of the main hypotheses suggests that female promiscuity is an insurance mechanism against the potential detrimental effects of inbreeding. Accordingly, females should preferably mate with less related males in multiple or extrapair mating. Here we analyse paternity, relatedness among mating partners, and relatedness between parents and offspring, in the socially monogamous North American barn swallow (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster). In contrast to the inbreeding avoidance hypothesis, we found that extrapair mating partners were more related than expected by random choice, and tended to be more related than social partners. Furthermore, extrapair mating resulted in genetic parents being more related to their extrapair young than to their withinpair young. We propose a new hypothesis for extrapair mating based on kin selection theory as a possible explanation to these findings.  相似文献   

Intraspecific competition has been shown to favor diet specialization among individuals. However, the question whether the competition takes the form of interference or exploitative in driving diet specialization has never been investigated. We investigated individual diet specialization in the isopod Saduria entomon, in relation to forager and resource biomasses in a system that exhibits predator–prey fluctuations in density. We found that individual diet specialization was only affected by the biomass of their preferred prey (Monoporeia affinis) and not by Saduria biomass; diet specialization was higher when Monoporeia biomass was low compared to when there were high Monoporeia biomass. Population diet breadth increased at low Monoporeia biomass whereas individual diet breadths were marginally affected by Monoporeia biomass. Overall, this led to the increase in diet specialization at low Monoporeia biomass. This study shows that predator–prey dynamics might influence diet specialization in the predator and that resource biomass, not forager biomass might be important for individual diet specialization.  相似文献   

Kinship plays a fundamental role in the origin of social life. It is also predicted to affect numerous details within animal societies, yet recent studies revealed equivocal results. We tested the influence of relatedness for the occurrence of workers in the termite Cryptotermes secundus. Here individuals are developmentally flexible to remain workers or to become dispersing sexuals that found new colonies. Furthermore, colony relatedness naturally increases with inbreeding and decreases when neighboring colonies fuse. Similar to recent studies on social Hymenoptera, our experimental change in relatedness gave equivocal results. Reducing relatedness within colonies did not have an effect, but individuals in inbred colonies were less likely to disperse and more likely to remain workers as predicted by kinship arguments. Several explanations for the interpretation of these equivocal results are provided.  相似文献   

In the symbiotic association that exists between cleaner shrimp Ancylomenes pedersoni (=Periclimenes pedersoni) and host sea anemones, specificity varies among populations, and shrimp are believed to search among different individual hosts for favourable positions from which to attract client fish. Four laboratory-based experiments were conducted to test host selection of A. pedersoni between the following: i) Bartholomea annulata (corkscrew anemone) and Condylactis gigantea (condy anemone), ii) B. annulata, with or without a conspecific resident, iii) a previously known or unknown B. annulata, and iv) a previously known or unknown C. gigantea. Preference (active selection) was distinguished from mere passive association by comparing shrimp acclimation to anemones offered in choice and no-choice (control) situations. The results were analysed using asymmetrical χ2 contingency tables (in each experiment, n = 60) where expected frequencies were obtained with maximum likelihood estimators. Shrimp acclimated more frequently to B. annulata than to C. gigantea, but they acclimated similarly to anemones with or without another resident and to those B. annulata and C. gigantea anemones that were familiar rather than unfamiliar. However, none of the χ2 values were statistically significant (χ2df = 1 = 0.48, 0.19, 0.42, 0.42; overall p > 0.45), suggesting that preference may not be responsible for the association between adult A. pedersoni and its host anemones observed in the field. Differences in the frequency of association may be due to factors other than the active decisions made by shrimp when presented with more than one alternative host.  相似文献   

Group‐living requires a compromise between safety and direct/indirect costs for individuals. The larger is the group, the greater is the collective vigilance, leading to a greater net food intake per forager because of the time saved individually from scanning behaviour. In turn, individual alertness usually decreases with increasing group size (“group‐size effect”). Information on the occurrence of group‐size effect is still unclear. Previous studies have shown that it may fail to occur or even reverse, for example when costs of interference between conspecifics are high. In turn, assessing whether the group‐size effect would occur in weakly or seasonally gregarious species may help to understand its drivers. We evaluated the occurrence and the extent of group‐size effect in a seasonally nongregarious herbivore, the roe deer Capreolus capreolus. We examined the roles of sex/age class and season as drivers of vigilance behaviour. In roe deer, the group‐size effect did not depend on sex/age class: time spent foraging increased with increasing group size; in turn, vigilance increased with decreasing group size, in all sex/age classes. Females with fawns were the most vigilant sex/age class, thus revealing the cost of offspring protection. Accordingly, the higher spring vigilance levels of does could be related to reproductive costs (e.g., defence of newborn fawns). Conversely, the greater summer vigilance of bucks could result from patrolling/defence of territories. Both adult males and females also showed the higher vigilance in winter, likely because of an increase in the perception of predation risk and/or, possibly, hormones linked to an increase in intolerance of conspecifics, in males. However, the group‐size effect occurred in all the seasons, for adult males and females. Our findings suggest that foraging benefits provided by the group‐size effect may have overcome costs of group‐living, even in a weakly gregarious forager.  相似文献   

Canada geese ( Branta canadensis ) are unusual because individuals use either of two different brood-rearing behaviors: cooperative broods (two or more merged broods attended by more than three parents) or two-parent families. We tested whether cooperative broods form in response to habitat or climatic conditions by examining variation in cooperative brood frequencies among Canada geese nesting in Connecticut from 1982 to 1996. Percent of goslings raised in cooperative broods ranged from 0 to 100% at a given site in different years, but the pattern of annual variation was different at each site. The sites were in close proximity to each other and had similar climates; thus, the differences in annual variation among sites was not likely to be a response to climatic conditions. Cooperative brood frequencies also varied among sites in each individual year, but sites with the most gang brooding in one year often had the least the next. Such would not be expected if gang brooding occurred in response to non-ephemeral habitat characteristics. Sites where gang brooding occurred and where it did not have similar food resources and predation risks. These findings failed to support the hypotheses that gang broods form in response to food competition or predation. Sites where gang broods occurred had more parent geese and more goslings than sites where they did not occur. Furthermore, the proportion of goslings raised in gang broods was correlated with the number of goslings and parents at the site. Our results support the hypothesis that gang broods form from the inadvertent mixing of goslings. This single factor, however, was not sufficient to account for all of the observed variation in gang brooding frequencies.  相似文献   

Due to selection to maximise the benefits accrued, conflicts of interest exist between mutualists. An extreme conflict occurs between gynodioecious fig trees and their pollinating wasps. Female wasps, which are required for pollination, cannot reproduce in female figs and should be selected to avoid them. We investigate fig choice in Liporrhopalum tentacularis , pollinator of Ficus montana . We show that entry rates are independent of fig sex and diameter, with wasps instead entering the first fig encountered (although significant between-tree differences in entry rates to figs were observed). This suggests that wasps are unable to discriminate between the sexes because of selection for inter-sexual fig mimicry. In conjuction with data on other species pairs, these findings imply that that the resolution of the conflict is ultimately under the tree's control, with the level of mimicry evolving in response to both the propensity of wasps to discriminate and the costs of them doing so.  相似文献   

Bucher D  Grant BJ  McCammon JA 《Biochemistry》2011,50(48):10530-10539
A full characterization of the thermodynamic forces underlying ligand-associated conformational changes in proteins is essential for understanding and manipulating diverse biological processes, including transport, signaling, and enzymatic activity. Recent experiments on the maltose binding protein (MBP) have provided valuable data about the different conformational states implicated in the ligand recognition process; however, a complete picture of the accessible pathways and the associated changes in free energy remains elusive. Here we describe results from advanced accelerated molecular dynamics (aMD) simulations, coupled with adaptively biased force (ABF) and thermodynamic integration (TI) free energy methods. The combination of approaches allows us to track the ligand recognition process on the microsecond time scale and provides a detailed characterization of the protein's dynamic and the relative energy of stable states. We find that an induced-fit (IF) mechanism is most likely and that a mechanism involving both a conformational selection (CS) step and an IF step is also possible. The complete recognition process is best viewed as a "Pac Man" type action where the ligand is initially localized to one domain and naturally occurring hinge-bending vibrations in the protein are able to assist the recognition process by increasing the chances of a favorable encounter with side chains on the other domain, leading to a population shift. This interpretation is consistent with experiments and provides new insight into the complex recognition mechanism. The methods employed here are able to describe IF and CS effects and provide formally rigorous means of computing free energy changes. As such, they are superior to conventional MD and flexible docking alone and hold great promise for future development and applications to drug discovery.  相似文献   



Comprehensive explanations of behavioral adaptations rarely invoke all levels famously admonished by Niko Tinbergen. The role of developmental processes and plasticity, in particular, has often been neglected. In this paper, we combine ecological, physiological and developmental perspectives in developing a hypothesis to account for the evolution of ‘the lemur syndrome’, a combination of reduced sexual dimorphism, even adult sex ratios, female dominance and mild genital masculinization characterizing group-living species in two families of Malagasy primates.


We review the different components of the lemur syndrome and compare it with similar adaptations reported for other mammals. We find support for the assertion that the lemur syndrome represents a unique set of integrated behavioral, demographic and morphological traits. We combine existing hypotheses about underlying adaptive function and proximate causation by adding a potential developmental mechanism linking maternal stress and filial masculinization, and outline an evolutionary scenario for its canalization.


We propose a new hypothesis linking ecological, physiological, developmental and evolutionary processes to adumbrate a comprehensive explanation for the evolution of the lemur syndrome, whose assumptions and predictions can guide diverse future research on lemurs. This hypothesis should also encourage students of other behavioral phenomena to consider the potential role of developmental plasticity in evolutionary innovation.

Division of labor is a strategy that maximizes the foraging and reproductive success of eusocial insects. Although some arachnids exhibit colony structure and social organization similar to that of hymenopterans, temporal polyethism has only been demonstrated in few species. The social organization of cooperative pseudoscorpions Paratemnoides nidificator is similar to that of social spiders, but it involves a clear division of labor. Work allocation was experimentally investigated in colonies composed of only one developmental stage (young or adults) or by one sex (males or females), through laboratory manipulation. During 44 h of observation, more than 14 000 behavioral repetitions were quantified, distributed in 95 different types of behavioral acts, and grouped in 10 behavioral categories. The results showed that reproductive colonies of P. nidificator are maintained by gender‐ and age‐based activities. Males and non‐reproductive females performed the external cleaning of the colony and prey capture. Reproductive females take care of the juveniles and build reproductive silk chambers. Nymphs build most of the molt chambers and perform internal cleaning. In the absence of nymphs, male colonies survived 1–2 mo, while female colonies survived 3–4 mo. In nymph colonies, work is readjusted so that all maintenance tasks are executed. This is the first study clearly demonstrating division of tasks in arachnids. It suggests that specialization is an adaptative and evolutionarily old trait in this species. Unlike cooperative spiders, P. nidificator possesses physiological (e.g. reproduction, ecdysis, lifespan) and behavioral (e.g. behavioral synchrony or self‐organization) characteristics that allow task specialization.  相似文献   

Ropalidia marginata is a primitively eusocial wasp widely distributed in peninsular India. Although solitary females found a small proportion of nests, the vast majority of new nests are founded by small groups of females. In such multiple foundress nests, a single dominant female functions as the queen and lays eggs, while the rest function as sterile workers and care for the queen''s brood. Previous attempts to understand the evolution of social behaviour and altruism in this species have employed inclusive fitness theory (kin selection) as a guiding framework. Although inclusive fitness theory is quite successful in explaining the high propensity of the wasps to found nests in groups, several features of their social organization suggest that forces other than kin selection may also have played a significant role in the evolution of this species. These features include lowering of genetic relatedness owing to polyandry and serial polygyny, nest foundation by unrelated individuals, acceptance of young non-nest-mates, a combination of well-developed nest-mate recognition and lack of intra-colony kin recognition, a combination of meek and docile queens and a decentralized self-organized work force, long reproductive queues with cryptic heir designates and conflict-free queen succession, all resulting in extreme intra-colony cooperation and inter-colony conflict.  相似文献   

Different effects of estrogen on synaptic plasticity have [corrected] been reported. Here, we summarise effects of low, gonad-derived serum estrogen concentrations, of intermediate concentrations, provided by hippocampal cells, and of pharmacological doses of estrogen on synapses and spines and on the expression of synaptic proteins. No effects of low concentrations were found. To study the effects of hippocampus-derived estradiol, we inhibited hippocampal estrogen synthesis by treatment of hippocampal cell cultures with letrozole, an aromatase inhibitor. Alternatively, we used siRNA against Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR). Spines, synapses, and synaptic proteins were significantly down regulated in response to letrozole and in siRNA-StAR transfected cells. Application of high pharmacological doses of estradiol promoted only synaptophysin expression, a presynaptic protein, but did not increase the number of boutons. Our results point to an essential role of endogenous hippocampal estrogen in hippocampal synaptic plasticity rather than to a direct influence of estrogens derived from peripheral sources, such as the gonads.  相似文献   

Phytophagous insects may choose host plants based on conditions that enhance offspring performance. However, some insect species may also select plants based on attributes that enhance their own performance regardless of the consequences for offspring survival. An approach evaluating both hypotheses could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the host plant selection by phytophagous insects. In this study, we described the life stages of a Neotropical stink bug, Edessa contermina, co-occurring on Byrsonima verbascifolia plants in a conservation area of the Brazilian Savannah. We also empirically evaluated how food supply, shelter availability and competitors’ density on the host plants affected the densities of nymphs, adults and mating pairs. We identified and described five life stages of E. contermina. The amount of plant resources did not explain the nymph, adult and mating pairs’ density. However, adults and mating pairs chose plants with a low density of nymphs, probably because egg laying on the host plants with a high density of competitors may negatively affect offspring performance.  相似文献   

The postpharyngeal gland (PPG) was thought to be restricted to ants where it serves a crucial function in the generation of the colony odour. Recently, head glands that closely resemble the PPG of ants were discovered in females of a solitary digger wasp, the European beewolf. The function of this gland necessarily differs from ants: beewolf females apply the secretion of their PPG onto the bodies of paralysed honeybees that serve as larval provisions in order to delay fungus growth. Since ants and digger wasps are not closely related, the occurrence of this gland in these two taxa might either be due to convergent evolution or it is a homologous organ inherited from a common ancestor. Here we test the hypothesis that the PPGs of both taxa are homologous by comparing characteristics of chemical composition and physiology of the PPG of beewolves and ants. Based on reported characteristics of the PPG content of ants, we tested three predictions that were all met. First, the PPG of beewolves contained mainly long-chain hydrocarbons and very few compounds with functional groups. Second, the composition of hydrocarbons in the beewolf PPG was similar to that of the hemolymph. Taking the structure of the gland epithelium and the huge requirements of beewolf females for gland secretion into account this result suggests that the content of the PPG is also sequestered from the hemolymph in beewolves. Third, the chemical composition of the PPG and the cuticle was similar in beewolves since cuticular hydrocarbons derive either from the hemolymph or the PPG. Taking the considerable morphological similarities into account, our results support the hypothesis of a homologous origin of the PPG in beewolves and ants.  相似文献   

Langley  J.M.  Shiel  R.J.  Nielsen  D.L.  Green  J.D. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,(1):203-211
Rotifer emergence from dry billabong sediments was studied from 3 sites on the River Murray floodplain, near Wodonga, northern Victoria, Australia. The sites had different flood histories, ranging from annual to approximately 25-year flooding intervals. Half of each sediment type was sterilized by -radiation to contrast the contribution of recruitment from the egg bank with recruitment from passive dispersal. A series of mesocosms was employed to assess differences between treatments, i.e. sediment sterilization and flood history. Analysis by Canonical Correspondence Analysis and Similarity Percentages suggested that some species were passively dispersed. Of the 54 species colonizing after 35 days, four were undescribed, one was a new record to Australia, three species had previously been recorded only from Tasmania and five more were new to the study area. Overall, 22% of species were previously unrecorded from the study area. This suggests that habitat poor mesocosms, may be more successful in locating passively dispersed taxa than examination of natural temporary waters.  相似文献   

In many bird species, males may show brightly coloured traits and variance in male mating success may be explained by female preference and/or competition between males favouring the most coloured males. Male beak coloration has been suggested to play an important role in the pairing pattern of European blackbirds. Here, we investigate female preference and male-male interactions in relation to male beak coloration in this species. We used a field experiment to measure female and male responses toward stuffed decoys showing either of two beak coloration representing the extremes of the natural variation from yellow to orange. Decoys were situated on the centre of plots and behaviours of males and females approaching the decoy were recorded. The total number of males and females approaching the decoy did not differ between the two model treatments. Similarly, there was no difference in the mean time that males and females spent near the decoy. The number of males displaying aggressive postures did not differ between treatments and no female adopted a sexual posture. We discuss the relevance of our results and potential limitations associated with the experimental procedure.  相似文献   

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