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We designed two procedures to visualize simultaneously clusters of ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA) and the nucleolus in plant cells. The procedures combine fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to visualize the rDNA clusters and silver staining to observe the nucleolus. When FISH is followed by silver staining, many minute FISH signals are localized in the nucleolus, and several large FISH signals are seen on the nucleolar periphery. When FISH was applied to the specimens with silver nitrate staining, large FISH signals were visualized in the nucleoplasm associated with the nucleolar periphery, but no signals were seen in the nucleoli. Thus, the two combinations of FISH and silver staining provided different details regarding the arrangement of rDNA clusters in the nucleolus of plant cells.  相似文献   

We designed two procedures to visualize simultaneously clusters of ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA) and the nucleolus in plant cells. The procedures combine fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to visualize the rDNA clusters and silver staining to observe the nucleolus. When FISH is followed by silver staining, many minute FISH signals are localized in the nucleolus, and several large FISH signals are seen on the nucleolar periphery. When FISH was applied to the specimens with silver nitrate staining, large FISH signals were visualized in the nucleoplasm associated with the nucleolar periphery, but no signals were seen in the nucleoli. Thus, the two combinations of FISH and silver staining provided different details regarding the arrangement of rDNA clusters in the nucleolus of plant cells.  相似文献   

Using in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry during interphase and mitosis, we have compared the distribution of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) to that of the nucleolar proteins fibrillarin and RNA polymerase I. During interphase, nucleolar proteins were localized at sites throughout the nucleolus while the bulk of rDNA was localized in a single restricted nucleolar area. During metaphase and anaphase, all six NORs were detected by in situ hybridization, Ag-staining, or by the immunolocalization of RNA polymerase I. During telophase, rDNA and RNA polymerase I were found in a distinct subset of the prenucleolar bodies (PNBs) which obviously must contain the nucleolar organizers. Other numerous PNBs are smaller in size and do not contain detectable amounts of rDNA or RNA polymerase I. Therefore, reconstruction of the nucleolus originates in telophase-specific domains which contain both rDNA and RNA polymerase I.  相似文献   

We examined changes in the localization of cytoplasmic rRNA during pollen development inNicotiana tabacum SR-1. The rRNA was visualized byin situ hybridization, and the signal intensity of rRNA in microspore, vegetative and generative cell was quantified by microphotometry. The amount of rRNA per microspore or pollen section increased about 5 times from microspore to mature pollen grain and kept increasing even in the late stage of pollen development after PMI. The increase of rRNA occur in both vegetative and generative cells. The results suggest that synthesis of rRNA occur even after PM I in both vegetative and generative cells.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among Chrysanthemum and its related genera (Anthemideae, Asteraceae) is poorly understood. In the present study, these relationships were investigated using 45S and 5S ribosomal DNA (rDNA)-targeted fluorescent in situ hybridization. The results showed that there were two 45S rDNA signals present in Crossostephium chinense, four 45S rDNA signals in Cercidiphyllum japonicum, Artemisia sieversiana, Artemisia annua and Artemisia absinthium, six 45S rDNA signals in Chrysanthemum boreale and Pyrethrum parthenium, eight 45S rDNA signals in Chrysanthemum nankingense, Chrysanthemum dichrum, Chrysanthemum lavandulifolium and Tanacetum vulgare, and ten 45S rDNA signals in Ajania przewalskii. For the 5S rDNA locus, two 5S rDNA signals were present in C. nankingense, C. dichrum, C. lavandulifolium, C. boreale, C. japonicum, C. chinense and P. parthenium, four in A. sieversiana, A. annua, A. absinthium and A. przewalskii, and six 5S in T. vulgare. In addition, karyotypes of the 12 species were investigated. From this study, we inferred that Chrysanthemum was closely related to Ajania, and that Chrysanthemum species originating from China and Japan may have evolved differently. These findings add a new level to the understanding of the phylogenetic relationships of Chrysanthemum and related genera.  相似文献   

The development of co-cultures of clostridial strains which combine different physiological traits represents a promising strategy to achieve the environmentally friendly production of biofuels and chemicals. For the optimization of such co-cultures it is essential to monitor their composition and stability throughout fermentation. FISH is a quick and sensitive method for the specific labeling and quantification of cells within microbial communities. This technique is neither limited by the anaerobic fermenter environment nor by the need of prior genetic modification of strains. In this study, two specific 23S rRNA oligonucleotide probes, ClosKluy and ClosCarb, were designed for the monitoring of C. kluyveri and C. carboxidivorans, respectively. After the optimization of hybridization conditions for both probes, which was achieved at 30% (v/v) formamide, a high specificity was observed with epifluorescence microscopy using cells from different pure reference strains. The discriminating properties of the ClosKluy and ClosCarb probes was verified with samples from heterotrophic co-cultures in anaerobic flasks as well as autotrophic stirred-tank bioreactor co-cultures of C. kluyveri and C. carboxidivorans. Besides being suited to monitor defined co-cultures of these two species, the new specific FISH oligonucleotide probes for C. kluyveri and C. carboxidivorans additionally have potential to be applied in environmental studies.  相似文献   

rRNA was labelled with RNase-gold complexes applied to ultrathin Lowicryl sections of excised Cucurbita pepo L. (zucchini) cotyledons grown in darkness. Benzylaminopurine-caused stimulation of cotyledon growth decreases the density of ribosomes in palisade cells despite stimulating rRNA synthesis. Abscisic acid inhibits RNA synthesis and transport, but does not visibly affect the number of pre-existing ribosomes in retarded growth cells. The amount of rRNA in the cells of 24 h treated cotyledons is rather consequence of the growth rate than its leading factor.  相似文献   

In yeast, rRNA genes can be detected with the FISH technique using rRNA gene probes. This technique yields reliable, reproducible and precise results, but is time-consuming. Here, the primed in situ DNA synthesis (PRINS) procedure has been optimized for rapid detection of yeast rRNA genes. PRINS, which is as sensitive as PCR and allows cytological localization of analyzed sequences, can be adapted for various screening tests requiring fast labeling of rRNA genes.  相似文献   

Abstract Comparative sequence analysis of the 16S rDNA of 14 alkaliphilic or alkalitolerant, Gram-positive, aerobic, endo-spore forming bacterial strains was performed. Bacillus alcalophilus DSM 485T and Bacillus cohnii DSM 6307T were included to represent the two validly described alkaliphiles assigned to the genus Bacillus . The majority of isolates (8 strains) clustered with B. alcalophilus DSM 485T forming a distinct phylogenetic group (rRNA group 6) within the radiation of the genus Bacillus and related taxa. Bacillus cohnii DSM 6307T and two of the isolates, DSM 8719 and DSM 8723, grouped with B. fastidiosus and B. megaterium and are allocated to rRNA group 1. The remaining two strains DSM 8720 and DSM 8721 show an equidistant relationship to both groups.  相似文献   

18-26S rDNA在4种重楼属植物中的定位   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探讨rDNA在重楼属Paris L.中的分布规律,利用荧光原位杂交(FISH)对4种重楼属植物 的18-26S rDNA进行了定位。所有植物均为二倍体,基因组由A、B、C、D和 E5条染色体构成。(1)滇重楼P.polyphylla var.yunnanensis:2n=10=6m+4t,C和D染色体的 短臂上各有1个18-26S rDNA位点;(2)长柱重楼P.forrestii:2n=10=6m+4t,B染色体的长臂 、C和D染色体的短臂上各有1个位点;(3)五指莲P.axialis:2n=10=6m(2sat)+4t(2sat) +1-2B,C和D染色体的短臂上各有1个位点;在有1个B染色体的细胞中,B染色体没有信号点, 而有2个B染色体的细胞中,只有1个B染色体上有信号点,表明B染色体上有基因存在且其分裂 不均等;(4)大理重楼P.daliensis:2n=10=4m+2sm+2st+2t,C染色体的短臂上有1个位点。1 8-26S rDNA位点不仅出现在染色体的次缢痕上,也出现在非次缢痕位点。另外,4个种中C染 色体短臂末端均有18-26S rDNA。  相似文献   

To investigate phylogenetic relationships in Nicotiana, the intergenic spacer sequences of 5S rDNA were analyzed in species with 2n=18, 20 or 24, and amphidiploid species with 2n=48. The chromosomal localization of the 5S rDNA was determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). In species with 2n=24 and their descendants, a major 5S rDNA-specific PCR fragment of 400–650 bp was obtained. The amphidiploid species contained similar length of 5S rDNA units derived from putative diploid progenitors. Among the five clones from each representative PCR fragment, some nucleotide exchanges and length heterogeneity were observed. The latter was due to variation in the spacer region, such as differences in the length of poly A and/or poly T tracts as well as insertions/deletions. Interspecific comparisons of each 5S rDNA sequence demonstrated that the spacer sequence could be divided into three regions. Excluding gaps from the aligned spacer sequences of 5S rDNA, phylogenetic trees were constructed. Each phylogenetic tree showed an almost identical topology even if different algorithms were applied. The chromosomal locations of the 5S rDNA in each species correlated with the phylogenetic topology. The phylogenetic trees were generally in agreement with the current classification. Received: 15 January 2001 / Accepted: 15 February 2001  相似文献   

Summary— The effect of various combinations of three fixative compositions (glutaraldehyde buffered in veronal acetate, cacodylate, and piperazine-N, N'-bis[2-ethanesulfonic acid]—PIPES], two fixative storage times (fresh vs 6 weeks), and two fixation durations (3 h vs 9 days) on nucleolar fine structure and nucleolar volume in three root cell-types of oat seedlings (Avena sativa L, cv Seger) were evaluated. All fixatives show overall good preservation of fine structure. Nucleolar components are distinct and well delineated in cells fixed in solutions buffered with either cacodylate or veronal acetate; the components are more condensed when preserved in fixative buffered with PIPES. Nucleolar volume is greatest in cells fixed in the cacodylate fixative, and smallest in those preserved in the PIPES fixative. Among the treatments tested, the PIPES fixative evidently best maintains nucleolar volume. Distracting particulate deposits are abundant on nuclei and nucleoli in cells preserved in the veronal-acetate fixative. Contrary to common assumptions, aging of buffered fixative at room temperature for 6 weeks seems to affect neither the general quality of cellular preservation nor the pH of the fixatives, although nucleolar volume is reduced by such treatment. Long-period fixation (9 days) results in destruction of membrane integrity (mitochondria, plastids, ER), and shrinkage of organelles from the cytoplasm. Nucleolar volume is reduced with prolonged fixation.  相似文献   

During meiotic prophase I the nucleolus of the mouse oocyte assumes a reticulate structure of ‘nucleolonema’ type. This change coincides with the appearance of several secondary fibrillar centres. The number of these centres at diplotene (97–113), largely exceeds that of nucleolar organizers (4c DNA = 20 NORs). The quantitatative analysis of autoradiographs after hybridization in situ with -3H-uridine labelled rRNA, enabled us to demonstrate that the multiplication of the fibrillar centres in mouse oocyte nucleolus during meiotic prophase I is not the result of an amplification of the rDNA. The number of silver grains in pachytene and diplotene nuclei was twice that counted for somatic cell and oogonium nuclei (2c DNA).  相似文献   

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